Transcripts For CNN Fareed Zakaria GPS 20240702

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and bring on the good stuff. liver health journey today is gps, the global public square. welcome i'm fareed zakaria coming to you live from new york today on the program the fallout continues from thursday nights, tough debate for the president he is the worst in history by far. >> i'll get insights on next moves for biden. >> and the democratic party i'll get the global reaction from the financial times is edouard louis then israeli prime minister netanyahu said last week that the intense phase of the war will soon in but key questions remain. what comes after what about science? signs of a new war with hezbollah in the north i'll ask israel's former prime minister ehud olmert and i've talked a rabbi, sharon browse about american jews sentiments towards israel, and a growing generational divide later in the show. i bring you my take a case for optimism despite all the worries people have these days. but first to the fallout from thursday's presidential debate it was a moment for president biden, the calm concerns about his age and to present former president donald from a dangerous and divisive figure instead, the nation saw a sitting president with a week with a weak voice, often stumbling through answers sometimes incoherent. so rather than revived biden's reelection campaign, his performance has prompted panic among many democrats. and calls for him to drop out of the race. i want to bring in today's panel david from is a staff writer at the atlantic, who was a speech writer for president george w bush and edouard would loose works for the financial times, where he is a columnist and us national editor gentlemen, thank you for joining me if i want to ask ed, let me start with you it feels to me that the defense so far being presented by barak obama, that biden had a bad night sort of misses the point, the problem was that people were already worried as to whether or not he was competent to do the job by i wrote a piece that i think three months ago pointing out that in 2020, biden led trump by nine points on the question of the who is more competent to govern trump now leads by 16 points. so it's all this was going into the debate. there are 25 point gap between people who they thought was more competent. in a cnn poll right after the debate, 57% of viewers said they had no confidence and biden's ability to lead compared to trump who was at 44. so the problem feels to me like putting the president out again in scripted staged events with teleprompter is not going to solve the problem of what people saw on that debate night i don't think it's going to solve the problem at all. >> i mean, remember that biden on thursday night, was biden after several days of prep and rehearsing with aides at camp david, that was the result of really intensive preparation and it was obviously embarrassingly bad performance he is going to have another debate if he's, if he remains a nominee, doesn't stand down in september which most probably will not be radically different to what we saw on thursday night. but by then it would be too late. by then, there will be no opportunity and no wind do to replace him to have an open convention the convention would have been gone. and if you look at the numbers since there's day, night, it's still a bit early to get the really baked response from the electorate. but if you look at the cbs news poll that came out this morning when at those who thought biden had the cognitive ability to be president for a another four years went down from 35% to 27%, 27% an almost half of democratic voters don't think he's fit to be president for another term these are numbers that suggest he's going to lose in november. and there is time to do something about it. so the circling of the wagons, i understand. probably president obama spoke to people around biden realized biden is not going to stand down. and therefore, he's making the best of a bad job. we know what people are saying in public is very different to what they think in private. and i say that with confidence because that's been the parallel universe. i've been living in, in washington. everybody says one thing in private. and then follows the scripted in public. and i think now that's just impossible to hold after thursday night ed, let me press you on that issue, which is, do you know much about what is going on right now in the biden inner circle, there are reports that there is a kind of family meeting taking place is that real? >> is it consequential? >> what i believe they're all there most of the family, the children, the grandchildren, his sister's brother, they're all there it camp david with him today and this is the key circle. >> this is the inner cabinet. this is the moment for family intervention. if that is what is going to happen, i think from watching the first lady and listening to her understandable desire to stoke up her husband's sort of bruised confidence after thursday night, judging by her four more years, you're the only person for the job that family intervention probably isn't going to happen. and i think bombers post on x reflected that too because i can't believe that wasn't the product of conversations. so i'm worried that this is going to get more and more intense and it's going to take weeks for biden to realize what is staring him in the face. and that will waste precious time in which candidates can put their names forward. he can release his delegates for an open convention that will choose a new ticket david, from telling me what you think the path forward is. before we i know you have you have concerns about trump and the way he performed, but first tell me, what do you think happens that might put pressure on biden. one of the things i wonder is there are going to be democrats that's who are running for governor for senate four all kinds of of positions who are going to worry that they're are going to be affected by biden being at the top of the ticket because it will it is leaving the democrats dissolution. they might not turn out. is that kind of pressure more likely to play some role here? >> well, first i have a little ptsd here because fuel remember this. but in 2004, george w bush got clobbered in the first of two debates, which on carried, he was hazy it is performance so bad that a democratic cut made a video where they took images from his 1994 debate when he ran for governor texas contrasted it with 2004 and suggests that george w bush was in the grip of early onset dementia. he was 58-years-old at the time. the president, the presidential brain is over promote cognitive demands, and presidents get a little shorting president's got a little arrogant about their abilities, and that is why for serving presidents, reagan, obama tend to do very badly in their first. now it's not to make any excuse for what happened. biden. there clearly is an issue there, but it also needs needs context. i am extremely skeptical that the democratic party ribbon as it is along racial, sexual ideological class, regional leinz can come together at a convention and have a rational discussion and produce the best possible what you are much like the tap bloodbath were a century this will be exactly 100 years from the famous there's democratic convention of 1924, where they took more than 100 ballots to pick a candidate because they could not sort their differences between the pro prohibition, pro ku klux klan and the anti prohibition andy, who klux klan, northern delegates. it toward themselves apart and coolidge won in a landslide, might 20 for that may seem like ancient history. now that it's a self-destructive party, it is a party. there's a coalition of many different elements. it's not republican coalition, smaller, but cohesive, and it falls lot democratic coalition is big, but it's very diffuse. this cool four-bedroom acidic and the idea that airing all those grievances on national television, or four days, that doesn't seem to me a wise way forward stay with me. >> we will come back talk more about all these issues. the paths forward for the democrats with 127 days until the election celebrate go forth in america thursday, july 4, they 70s dirt on scene at granger. we know dealing with the unexpected as part of your job description and you made a promise to keep the line running to power through the downpour to be the one who always gets it done. and our promise is to help you do it with professional grade supplies for every industry. plus same-day pickup and next day delivery on most orders, because you can't predict the future. but with the right partner, you can be prepared for him, call click, or just stopped by granger for the ones who get it done? >> as a gynecologist, i'm embarrassed to say this. we use deodorant on our armpits and we kinda make women feel bad about body odor that they get on other parts of our body. that's why i created lumi whole body deodorant for pits, privates and beyond. it's clinically 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speech writer for president george w bush david you raised the issue of bushes weak performance and reagan's weak performance and obama's weak performance. the first debate. but isn't this different in that what people are worried about here is that this confirms something they all suspected. the president biden is indeed very frail, and that when placed in a situation 90 minutes without a teleprompter he he was at various points and coherent and that is not a bad night. that is pretentious about a bad four years going forward well, it is it is a different thing. he is older, of course but it also is a reminder of how we like to focus on the wrong question. i'm looking biden last slide had debated this week, had debated nikki haley. you would say just what you said and you said, you know, it's an warning of a bad four years. so even if i don't love nikki haley policies maiden, he could do the job a little bit better and that offsets what we have here is a battle between the fireball gay and the arsonists. we are in this jam because the republican party is rallying around. somebody tried to overthrow an election. thus the constitution who's proven fraudster, who has got half 1 billion with the claims against them for civil fraud and is a convicted criminal in new york state court with many more criminal trials to come and one party has rallied to this person and there is a sense that the democrats have to now be responsible people grown-up, if id this up. but we are having this discussion not only secondarily because of biden's frailties we're having it primarily because of prompts, criminality. that's why biden's frailties are a problem for the country and not just for his part and i want to ask you about the debate with regard to the kind of things david was talking about? because it even struck me that bite donald trump standards. it was really extraordinary how much he lied cnn has tabulated, i think 30 lives, but those are sort of the major allies. and what was striking to me, was he was completely unconstrained in even pretending to adolphus gap to the truth. there was in the old days, i think they used to be kind of a kernel somewhere in there that was true and was wildly exaggerated. here. he said that he actually negotiated insulin prices down for seniors when in fact it entirely of product decisions and legislation passed by biden there were so many cases in which it was just an out and out ally is it does feel like it makes you wonder whether this format is one that one should exceed two in the first place, i realized biden exceeded get to it, but it does raise that question it does raise that question. >> and you are absolutely right and others have made that observation are bang on that. this was unhinged orwellian, unending stream of lies from trump, even by, even by his standards but the frustration was, i understand jake tapper and dana bash his decision not to fact check in real time because otherwise, it would just be one long fact check. but that was biden's job. so this to me does bring us back to we have the biggest layer. we have what mitch mcconnell calls a despicable human being up there on stage and the president, president biden, is unable to fact check him effectively on almost anything that is an enormous missed opportunity. you imagine what pete buttigieg would be doing in that situation. you imagine, i think what kamala harris could be doing in that situation or gretchen whitmer, or any number? of potential other democratic nominees could be sweating down most of those leinz, the january 6 one, the one about immigrants, illegal immigrants poisoning lifeblood. the one about trump having the best economy. i mean, any choose that almost any sentence he added so i think there is frustration i have to go back though to the fact that this should have been found out months ago. the should have been a real primary here. there would have been debates if there had been a real primary with real challenges to biden and we would have discovered biden's limitations so to speak, in those debates. and there would have been more time to address this. and i'd just the final point, everything david says is correct about the risks of an open convention and a messy convention. and i wouldn't for a moment dispute david's grasp of that. i agree with them i just think these are two very bad choices. we've got here for the democratic party. and the question is, is, which is worse i think biden continuing in this vein, not one bad night. i think this would be most nights is the worst choice, but i appreciate i fully respect what david just said about the risks of chicago 68 or 1924 democratic convention. those are real david is it your contention that the nature of the democratic party is one where two lead to leave this to a kind of last minute process would create a throw open all those fissures because i do think i mean, you're right that there 24 and 68 are bad examples, but i mean, after all that was how presidential nominees were picked all the time until 1968. and there are many cases in which it went well you know, the party that nominated franklin roosevelt four times so is it, is it you just don't think it's possible to imagine the the party rallying behind somebody. it's too, it's too little time. why do you think it has to be? it has to spiral downward? the way didn't 68 or 24 when harry truman was, when saarland, when henry wallace was moved out of the vice presidential slot in 1944 at the democratic convention. >> harry truman it was moved on. and all that followed the berlin airlift, marshall aid structures of peace and pre cray that decision was really made by somewhere between six and eight people were able for the lock themselves in a room and keep all kinds of consideration. that's not what will happen. this would turn into because the people want to over a pass by joe biden also want to pass by kamala harris they want to have a completely open debate. put aside the first black woman vice president that is going to be a nightmare it's right about the process they didn't have to agree to this debate in the first place. i argue back in april but the debate was a mistake, not because of any lack of confidence and joe biden, but because of the nature of go putting the president on the stage for a joint media appearance with a convicted criminal. it's not something that makes sense and there are a lot of ways democrats could write that could have thought this contest you're, a lot is still a lot of ways. but what they're proposing now is internal bloodbath ed, forget about what you would like to see happen how likely do you think it is at this point that biden is replaced and to what extent are the fears of a bloodbath going to deter democrats? i don't think it's fair of bloodbath that is deterring democrats. i think it's fair that biden will just be to stop and to change his mind and that therefore, you've got to make the best of a bad job and go with that because only biden can do beside there's no committee of elders who can tap him on the shoulder and it looks like jill biden is not gonna be that that person if she were that person i think what shield to say is look, joe you could go within the space of 15 minutes from being a national embarrassment to be very frank right now, to being george washington of the 21st century, to being somebody who, for the greater good of the nation and to protect their own legacy, walked away and said, seven weeks is along a long enough time. to showcase what we're standing four, we say democracy is on the ballot, while here is democracy in action. we are going to choose amongst, it'll be noisy, it'll be vicious it'll be personal, but at the end it will produce a nominee and a running mate. and by labor de, the party will be united behind younger more energetic, articulate people who can read back and crushed trump as he deserved to, deserves to be crushed. i would say that would be a good argument and that's why i marginally come out against what david is very, very intelligently arguing. i just think it's the less bad here of the two choices and of course, the entire british election will take place in seven weeks. so it is at least theoretically possible for democracies to do this fascinating to talk about the view david from every loose pleasure. thank you thank you. >> next up, i was in aspen colorado this week talking to a series of fascinating people who are gathered at the aspen institute. there are you, some of those interviews over the course of the next few weeks, but coming up next, former israeli prime minister ehud olmert, on whether the united states congress should we rescind benjamin netanyahu's invitation to address a joint meeting at the capitol next month. that's up next the final episode of violent earth, there are deadly my lins unleash massive blockchain, hurricane impacts are worsening, is it too late to undo? >> decades of climate 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peace in the middle east? >> the first step would be leadership on both sides of the conflict that were dedicated to and capable of achieving peace. my next guest is a former israeli prime minister, who was the last leader to get close to a two-state solution. and probably the last to meaningfully engage with the palestinian authority and who welcome back to the program there was an article in the new york times by a series of very prominent israelis saying that the congress of the united states should this invite prime minister netanyahu from speaking to it, because this is not the time or place for him to do so. what do you think of that when a group of some of the most prominent israelis, the greatest fighters in the history of the state of israel former prime minister barak was also chief of staff, the head of the israeli intelligence and to me a pareto former israeli head of mossad, a guys that dedicated their lives to the security and the well-being of the state of israel if they think that this inviting netanyahu know is in the interest of the state of israel has to be taken very seriously and i have to say that i subscribed wisdom i think that they did the right thing. the only possible outcome of netanyahu's speech, in a joint session of congress will be to strengthen his political status in the state of israel against what we all think is the real interest of the state of israel, which is now to stop the war for to pull out from gaza, of course, to bring back all the israeli hostages and to be prepared to embark on a piece comprehensive peace process with the palestinians. that anyhow is not inclined to do any of these. therefore, any strengthening of netanyahu he's in complete contradiction to the real interest or the middle east and the state of israel. and therefore, i entirely agree with guys that are as loyal to the national interest and security of the state of israel. is anyone? you say that bibi natalie, i will use this address to congress to strengthen his domestic position at all only purpose, what is his domestic situation? how fragile is this coalition? if can you is in decline? he in all of the last years polls in israel, he is losing almost half of his political power and he's coalition is deteriorating than the opposition is gaining force. what about the signs on both sides, but particularly on israel side? that the idf may be the nathanael government may be expanding the war in the north with hezbollah. do you think that that's a good idea i think it's a better idea look, either will be a comprehensive war in the north it's likely that lebanon will disappear. >> there will be a mass destruction. we have the power to do it. however, it the same time if hizballah will use all the powers and they use all the powers in the event of a comprehensive war is what will suffer. great pain greater than we ever suffered in the history of our consultations with our country's. in other words, there is not an interest for israel and the resulting interests with hizballah to engage in a comprehensive war. we can reach an agreement it requires wisdom. patients perseverance and restraint both sides don't possess much of it presently. so it's a problem who would you like to see as the next leader of israel, the best person possible, the highland lawyers name yet what we want, i'll tell you something that i truly believe in all my life the time comes for a person to be in a little sit position the one thing which is expected perhaps more than anything, as ability to take a decision that may be incomplete contradiction to everything. there he was standing for and fighting for and defending for all his life. if this is the right thing at the right time for his nation i look for someone in israel in the potential leadership position. they will have the courage to come up forward and to say, yes, i know it may not be completely popular at this time. but what we need is a political solution. we need to make peace with the palestinians. we can fight forever. we can occupy forever. but this will lead us nowhere, but we need to do is peace. now. and i'm prepared to fight for it. and to accomplish it. and i need the support of the people. i believe that with this kind of courage and leadership and vision there is a chance to gain a majority who will do it. let's wait and see always a pleasure to talk to you. >> thank you very much, right next on gps, what is an american rabbi to tell her flock as israel wages war in gaza? >> and anti-semitism rages in the united states. i'll talk to one of this country's most influential rabbis when we come back your assignment with audie cornish listen wherever you get your podcasts life diabetes there's no slowing down each de is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose lucerne to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carb steady glue, sirna, bring on the day once upon a time. >> there was an infinity meticulously 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palestinian state and things like that and i'm wondering at the moment like this, do you worry about saying that kind of thing at a time when there is a rise in anti-semitism, a sharp rise in anti-semitism. how do you think about that? you worry that you're feeding the fires of something that you really don't want to be feeding well, our values are safeguard. all we have is our core values and my central to my theology and my worldview is the idea that every human being is created in god's own image and deserves to live in dignity with justice and with freedom and in peace and that doesn't change when things heat up in the outside world. and so i think that part of what were called to do in difficult moments like this is really get back in touch with what those core values are. we may have to speak are messages in more tender voices in times of real conflict because people are so broken heart for did and full of anguish that it's i think it's harder for people to hear certain messages in this time, but the message itself does not fundamentally change told me what you think of this shocking rise of anti-semitism. it's terrifying. it's real there's a lot of gaslighting going on right now. that's sort of suggests that jews are making up, that there's antisemitism on the rise, but it's very clear and it's really pervasive. and it's increasingly violent. and i think that that's part of a growing national trend toward political violence that i'm deeply concerned about is someone who cares a lot about democracy. but it's also happening not just here in the united states, but globally, we see that it's happening. i mean, look, what's happening with the elections in france increasingly around the world now we're hearing from jewish communities that say, we don't feel safe here anymore. we don't feel that out. and our neighbors and surrounding communities necessarily take our concerns seriously. and that's terrifying for jews, but it's also very dangerous for any minority community. we know that we're antisemitism goes all forms of racism and bigotry and hatred follow. it's also terrifying for democracy. it's very dangerous for democracy for see, what do you say to somebody who will say to you, for you to be saying all these things critical of the netanyahu government in favor of a palestinian state at a moment of rising antisemitism is a huge mistake, i think can you, how can you how can you make those two things? thanks compatible. >> it's exactly the opposite the state of israel was established in 1948 to be a refuge for jews who who had just suffered a genocide in europe, jews who were survivors of violence from around the world, including the middle east and north with africa over the next several years would make their way into this country as a refuge and safe haven a place for jewish values to be made manifest in the public square for hebrew literature to thrive for community that for 2000 years had lived in exile to actually have a home where we could be safe and sovereign again, that vision is a very powerful and profound vision. is a national liberation vision that in no way precludes the national aspirations of the palestinian people. their need for dignity, their need for justice. these two visions are not incompatible and it's precisely because of my love and connection for my jewish family, including some in the state of israel that i really and identify with the yearning for home, with the anguish that many palestinians express with the sense that no one in the world cares about our fate. and it's up to us to take our destiny into our own hands i really understand that, and i think the idea of this false binary, you're either pro israel or pro-palestine is doing so much damage to our national discourse and global discourse. do you see in your, in your congregation and in your new world this generational divide that the polling seems to pick up, that younger jews are much less supportive. >> i mean, i think the way it better by not puts it is there is now a tension between the liberalism and they zionism. they're often choosing their liberalism i don't love that formulation but i absolutely see this and i think there's a very smart analysis that as your client offered to help us understand what's happening generationally, where my parents generation's saw israel as the david in a sea of very powerful surrounding nations really struggling to survive because there was no other home for the for the jews who came from dp camps in europe and who fled the pogroms in the middle east. and they saw 1940 the aid 1912 and 1973. >> that's right. and then there's my generation whose formative time in which i grew to understand israel was really in the 90s. that was the first time i spent time there. the oslo years in which israel was now a powerful nation but a nations striving for peace and then there's my children's generation and they're going up in a time in which israel is a powerful nation that is not, does not appear to be striving for peace, but instead has successive administrations that are actually entrenching in the settlement enterprise, which is antithetical to any future peace plan essentially trying to make a two-state solution impossible. i think that's why not universally, but that's why a lot of young jews look at the situation and say, how can i attach to a narrative of power that doesn't make space for the dignity of others. i think what we actually have to do is bring a really deeply rooted understanding of who we are and who we're called to be rabaa, pleasure to have you thank you so much for having me next on gps. my take on the case for optimism. yes even now, when we come back tomorrow. >> i am moving to china. this is my new home. >> i think i have a license in iceland leaving. everything behind. i can't lose her new couples are going the other way tomorrow at eight on to have heart failure with unresolved symptoms it may be time to see the bigger picture heart 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like, is there anything to be hopeful about these days after thursday night's depressing debate, people are feeling more despair than ever. so i want to explain to you why despite all the dangerous, i remain an optimist in europe. many are fearful that a trump victory in november could lead them into a new and dangerous world. they believe that america could turn its back on europe, unraveling the continent's security architecture do whatever as one european statesman said to me, we in the west have lived in a stable, peaceful, open world. and we take it for granted. but we now face all these challenges, external and internal. and it can all come apart it can the external challenges alone are immense. we are witnessing russia, china, iran, and now north korea form and axis in opposition both to western power and western values and yet, the return of great power competition is having an interesting effect western values and practices are often treated as ideals to be criticized by all for their shortcomings and hypocrisies but increasingly they have to be judged against the alternatives if you don't like a world dominated by western power and ideas, would you prefer russian or chinese ones? in a new poll commission by ipsos and king's college london to coincide with my delivering this year's fulbright distinguished lecturer at oxford. the shifting global mood is evident. surveying nearly 24,000 people and 31 countries the study found that people were thinking more seriously and critically of the growing power and influence of the autocratic powers. they saw russia, china, and iran as three of the four countries, mostly using their influence for bad at this represented a souring of views on all three countries since the last time the survey was conducted in 2019, the number of people polled who see russia is using its influence for bad has jumped by 22 percentage points china by ten, and iran by five points over the last five years the other country on that list of for israel, a sad state of affairs which should come as a wake-up call to israelis this survey is broadly consistent with another global one done by pew in 2023, when people and 24 countries were asked whether they viewed china or america morpheus roughly a median of 59% of those polled had a positive view of the u.s. compared with just 28% for china the rise of china and the return of russia have unsettled international affairs but they have also reminded the world of the choice between two sets of values. western liberal ones, an autocratic in liberal ones. you can see the different starkly in the two contests at play in europe and asia over ukraine and taiwan right now in each case, the west is trying to allow people in ukraine and taiwan to choose freely as to how they want to live russia and china by contrast, are acting to snuff out that freedom that is a telling difference. and people around the world can see it in the ipsos. kcl poll. people in most countries viewed america's influence on the world stage. more favorably than they did in 2019? with one notable exception in the united states itself, the loss of confidence among americans in the country's own vitality strength and virtue is profoundly worrying if you look at the facts, the u.s. has more powerful on many measures there has been for years and years but that is not how many americans feel. in my book talks so many were troubled by the deep polarization and divisions within the country many wonder whether it is even possible that come out of this to arrive at some compromise, some settlement that moves the country forward even here, i remain hopeful we're going through whirlwind of change in america. these problems are constantly ed and highlighted we wash our dirty laundry in full public view the talk of our failings convulsive, our political system we will have to work through these problems but surely that is better than repressing them coercing people to conform and presenting or north korea style facade of unity to the world the service i mentioned suggests that people around the world can tell what is real and what is fake when confronted with a choice most prefer the west and its values. warts and all if you're looking for a summer read, by the way, you can order my new book slash free. you can also go there for a link to my washington post column this week thanks to all of you for big part of my program this week, i will see you next week an unprecedented debate as only cnn could do it with a record audience around the world. our country is being destroyed we are the most admired country in the world. >> the most complete coverage through election day and beyond, follows cnn, life, diabetes has no slowing down each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why in choose glue lucerne to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carbs steady glue, sirna, bring on the day cities industry-leading global payments solutions help their 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