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bringing my friends and family along for the ride from south dakota, wyoming and we ship antonella faso joining are crazy caravan. things are really he, not every step of the way this has gotta be a culinary adventure. are you guys all american road trip friday at nine on food network cnn news good morning. you were alive in the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington, were following two major stories unfolding this hour at any moment, the supreme court will begin releasing a new round of critical decisions this term is filled with blockbuster rulings, including donald trump's claim of presidential immunity from criminal prosecution. and on those day before cnn's history four presidential debate, we have new reporting about the preparations going on right now inside the campaign's sources are telling cnn that donald trump's team wants him disciplined and focused on so-called kitchen table issues. we're also learning president biden will target trump directly. are sources say president will attack the former president's character and reminding voters of the chaos and volatility of trump's first term. let's begin with supreme court and the rulings that will be coming out at any moment. cnn chief legal analyst and former federal prosecutor laure coates, is here. laura, i mean we've been waiting for this big decision on immunity for donald trump based on some of the claims that he's been making, tell us about the importance of this case. and i guess give us some context as to why we're waiting so long. >> well, as supreme court justice neil gorsuch alluded to, this would be a decision for the ages be stepping back 10,000 foot view is should a president enjoy absolute immunity? can they just do whatever they want and not face any consequences? this is really the narrow question that the supreme court is going to be grappling with. you are right to think about why are we waiting so long? in fact, remember jack smith wanted this initially decided before even went to the dc court of appeals where we heard that infamous analogy about and hypothetical about whether you could order seal team six to commit a crime to assess, knit your political opponent and rival to which of course they were incredulous about the doubling down on that very point. but this is a monumental case that will decide for america really about the balance of power and about checks and balances. because if you have an unchecked executive and the he executive branch, what is the point of having these checks and balances? so it's really critical decision. we don't yet know what it's going to come of this, but i would be surprised if they were to say that he president had a blanket immunity. i'd also be surprised, however, if they were to articulate a list of different ways in which you could describe what official acts are. that's going to be the crux of this issue. what's an official act essentially an if you're doing something officially as the president, i'd say it should you actually enjoy that immunity, but they're not going to enumerate a list that would be wholesale. what you could do in the future. >> yeah, i mean, not a lot of folks are expecting this supreme court to just give president blanket immunity a blank check to do whatever they want. but this is a conservative super supermajority and i suppose you know, all bets are off terms of making predictions on what they might do. but there's also this other ruling that we're waiting on that pertains the january 6 and whether the defendants will face certain charges obstruction of congress and official acts of congress. that is also very important. >> what about your right? it'd be a fool's errand to try to truly predict what but they will do. and burke case, although we do think about different ideological blocks in these issues the second matter involves whether or not the prosecutors in the case interpreted a particular statutes so broadly to be able to draw an obstruction charge against january 6 insurrection or rider is going to the capital that de now, if the supreme cream court finds that it would be obstructive according to this narrow statute on these grounds, and they could ultimately throw out obstruction-related charges, rocket more than hundreds of people who have had this very charge against them. and guess what, donald trump has two obstruction charges against him. now, jack smith, it said that look, even if you haven't more narrow interpretation of a stack which constitutes what it means to obstruct a proceeding. it could still probably meet the standard for donald trump, whether that's true will be a different category, but we're waiting to hear these two things very important. they are essentially not true companion cases jam, where they are decided together, but they certainly are in the same universe for our purposes, yeah and jamie going gal elie honig are both with me as well. and jamie, i mean here we are. gosh, where we're almost a july and we haven't gotten to decision on this immunity issue. and, you know, it just goes to show you laura was talking about the other january 6 case. january 6 happened what almost four years ago, the attack on the capitol, we're still grappling playing with these legal issues that really go to the heart of this top tier of folks who are around donald trump. and the fact that we haven't really seen any of them pay any kind of a price or what took place on january 6. and what the supreme court might decide here is going to have a huge impact on whether we're going to actually see justice. 44 those folks at the top, your point about timing is really what's key about this decision former congresswoman liz cheney, in fact, a couple of weeks ago, wrote an op-ed asking the court to please move quickly on this expeditiously because once we see this decision it will have a big impact on whether special counsel jack smith can go ahead with the trial before the election and what is that mean? we'll americans get to here testimony from trump's inner circle, from his former chief of staff, mark meadows, from his former vice president mike pence from white house, counsel's simple one. fill been hirschman, who are all there, not only in the weeks leading up to january 6, but they were there on january 6 yeah. they know what trump did and did not do when the violence was going. and it is really critical from what we understand of the grand jury testimony and other evidence for voters to be able to hear that evidence before they vote in november? >> yeah, ellie, i want to get your take on that, too, but we should know to our viewers, we did get one a decision from the supreme court, very important one in la can comment on that one as well. the supreme court said the white house and federal agencies, such as the fbi, may continue to urge social media platforms to take down content. the government use as misinformation. this is viewed as a victory for the biden administration. technical, if not an important one? yes. so what do you think? let me talk about this case. yes. just came down the first one on today. so you may remember about a year or so ago, a group of republican state attorneys general and a group of internet users, social media users, sued the biden administration. they said, you are violating the first amendment when you were during covid primarily during covid, but other issues too, when you were reaching out to social media company saying you need to take this post down need to moderate this post. the question was, does that violate the first amendment, the supreme court has now found by a six to three ruling, not your usual, it's actually a cross ideological majority are saying that the people who sued do not have standing meeting state ags and people who may use twitter or facebook, you don't have enough of an injury from this to even bring the lawsuit. so they didn't even reach the first amendment question. the first amendment merits the supreme court just said six to three you're out of luck. this lawsuits, no good go back to the drawing board. is that kind of taking a pass on deciding the more key constitutional issues? it's a procedural off-ramp, but it matters. i mean, standing arizona record. you can't just bring a lawsuit because something bothers you or offends you. you have to be able to show some tangible injury and just to remind our viewers, we saw the mifepristone, the abortion medication decision last week. i think it was was also based on a lack of standing. so supreme court likes to take these off-ramps if they're there, especially when they get into messi issues, but for now, there's no first amendment violation in what the biden administration did. >> and jamie, i mean, this is also interesting as it pertains to the upcoming election campaign. we're in the middle of right now, that decision means that the department of homeland security may computer flag post to social media companies such as facebook and acts that it believes maybe the work of foreign disinformation agents seeking to disrupt this year's presidential race. >> so two things. one, i think a lot of parents are not so unhappy with this with this ruling, but these are the kinds of things it will be interesting to see an r debate tomorrow night, whether trump or biden bring this up, but no question. issues like this are going to have play out during the campaign at the ballot box another decision we're waiting for is the idaho abortion case, a reproductive rights case? i don't know that we're going to get that one today, but these are all things things that have more significance during the campaign. yeah. laura coates, i mean, the idaho abortion decision, when that comes down, could have massive implications across the country. >> it could this is a case where the court is trying to grapple with the idea that there are certain states that have abortion bans. but in those particular states are you still able as a medical provider to provide an emergency abortion? this is gonna be the crux of the issue. and whether trying to balance this, there's a whole lot of political implications of this very notion you're talking about state regulations compared to the overturning of roe v. wade and the dobbs decision were at the two-year anniversary since just monday, you have a presidential beit that is undoubtedly going to talk what reproductive rights more broadly. and this idea of what this tension would be between the medical community is an obligations and what the statute is requiring you to do highlights a big tension of the supreme court. do they want to be waiting into otherwise normally political matters? this is becoming increasingly so it's not just a matter of right? at this point in time, they're being viewed through the lens of politics. but this would be a very consequential decision in mind you, this is now the second case they'd be deciding since overturning roe v wade in this very term, the first one was involving the first drug in a two-drug regimen mifepristone for a medication, abortions are widely used drug for that purpose. and so this tells you a lot what about the decisions that they have made in the past that was not fulsome and comprehensive to anticipate and resolve these very matters. yeah, the dobbs decision i mean, huge repercussions across the country in ways that maybe even the supreme court justices did not imagine. >> jamie gain gl and elie honig. i mean, we're seeing that now. yeah. and what's really at stake with the abortion issue? i mean, we're talking about emergency room care. at what level do doctors have to provide that care? the federal regulations say if the mother's life is in danger or if it's necessary to stabilize the mother's health condition, idaho and other states say only if the mother's life is in danger, there's a huge i mean, it's literally a life or death difference there life or death. but think about some complications that are separated. there could be a complication where a mother could not get a family could not have another child. people come there are so many other medical serious medical complications that this cuts off because it's only if the mother's life is in danger. it was such an important point to raise on the politics. the bait will undoubtedly raise as point the conversation around reproductive rights and the conversation around abortion access has shifted away from the stereotypical notions of who people want to create a narrative of who seeking abortions. and then the idea of those who what are still wanting to have children and are desperate to do so, but are unable in this particular pregnancy that is shifted the politics of this in a way that i think was probably not anticipated politically by number of people. we remember hearing on our own airway is when you had different congressman saying, well, hold on his, the republican party going to be known as an thai ivf as anti family planning, as anti different aspects of it. so be sure to look for these conversations coming up about reproductive rights more broadly. yeah. i mean, it's raised all these issues and now you're seeing it play out in the states. i mean, people were worried about whether ivf is going to continue to be a legal option for families who want to have kids and evan perez is standing by as well. i want to go to you and get your reaction to what we're learning so far today well, jim, i think look the social media case, the case that the justice is just ruled on 63 on a pretty technical way. >> i think has really, really large implications for this election year. one of the things that happened happened over the last couple of years, certainly with republicans claiming that there was censorship and claiming that it was all because of the government. you saw some reluctance on the part of the fbi and some of the national security agencies of the united states trying to interact with social media companies to point out where they saw examples of foreign entities, foreign governments trying to influence the u.s. electorate with this >> does have essentially by throwing this lawsuit back and essentially saying that this was these state attorneys general from missouri, louisiana had no standing to bring this lawsuit. i think what it does is it's certainly allows the fbi to continue its work, which is very important part. of protecting this country, protecting voters from some of the activities of foreign intelligence services that are going to be very active over the next few months. so i think what you're going to hear over the next few days and certainly you heard it this morning from some of the surrogates of the former president. they're claiming that there's this huge era of, of, of censorship that going over the country, which is just not true but what this ruling does today is it certainly freeze up and allows the fbi to do its work that where they spot interference from foreign entities and foreign countries, they can call the social media companies pointed out to them. and those social media companies can make a decision of business decision that they can make on whether to remove certain posts on their on their platforms, jump right in for the younger viewers who were a little young back in 2016 i mean, by bipartisan senate intelligence committee report that came out on the 2016 election concluded that the russians were trying to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. they were trying to tell you have to have this kind of situation where, you know, the united states government and other interested parties obviously can go to the social media platforms and say, hey, you've got a lot of, you know, russian disinformation garbage out there. you might want to take that down. it could hurt the country jim, let me just say real quick. >> um, you know, one of the things that has happened over the last couple of years is sort of a redefinition of what censorship is i mean, if you look at the law, and obviously censorship comes from the government, right? and one of the things that you see in this ruling gears, that we're talking about social media companies essentially being responsible for managing their platforms. it's a business decision that it's their platforms and when the fbi says, hey, we think this might be rushing this information that doesn't in its government censorship and i think what, what, what i think this ruling helps is for us to sort of folk refocus on that aspect of how we protect the country and protect voters from that interference amperes great reporting as always, i want to go to paul are reading paula, get your reactions, everything that we're learning this morning, this is a significant decision and it could have had huge implications on social media platforms. >> i mean, which obviously play a big part and everybody's lives now, including the lives of our kids who were very impressionable yeah, absolutely. and as you and everyone is talking about the impact on the election, but what's a little surprising is there a lot of other outstanding questions here before the high court that could also impact the election. and we still don't have answers. here's a little bit of a surprise today. we only got two opinions. the justices, i guess they're just like us, maybe procrastinating a little bit because they still have ten outstanding opinions to release. and right now, we know that they will really sound likely tomorrow. and then on friday, the could do ten into days, but it appears likely that they may have to go in to the next week. those all little surprising. they had a similar but different case related to social media and specifically states that the passed laws to restrict social media companies ability to restrict a conservative viewpoints or to in their words, sensor though it's a similar first amendment question about the relationship between governments and social media companies that was widely expected to maybe come at the same time as this other case to answer the broader questions about the amendment. obviously this one was kicked out on standing the justices did not get into the first amendment question here. so that raises the possibility that maybe they will with the other case. but again, a surprising only two cases today and still a lot of these big questions outstanding big questions outstanding, including this huge immunity decision, which you have to wonder paula, whether or not the supreme court justices are taking a look at how this big debate is happening tomorrow night on cnn. >> and obviously friday would be the fallout from that debate as well, and maybe deciding they don't want to inject that kind of a decision into that environment, into that kind of political climate. where does already pretty charged up at this point. but paula reid laura, ellie, and jamie. thanks very much. appreciate all of your reporting and insights. evan perez, as well. thank you. kevin, coming up georgia on their minds, biden trump, sharpening messages some 36 hours from cnn's presidential debate in atlanta will covering it from all angles that's nice debate in america as biden and trump meet. >> and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access an exclusive pre and post a beat analysis, follow cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america tomorrow its 7:00 p.m. whether you're a professional driver or just a fan, vehicle breakdowns are costly. >> it started tukey started making some really weird noises. the last thing i remember is just the engine cut out your check engine light comes on tomorrow. >> the repair could easily cost thousands is a transmission. >> it's an exhaust leak, broken axles, but with endurance, you could never pay out of pocket for a costly repair. again, they covered a $14,000 engine replacement. >> i had a seat sensor that went out $1,400. endurance paid it. you've got a brand new transmission and we never seen 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call today. this friday, the west was hope to create a better life there was a promise and america, for pure tough enough main enough. >> it can be doors horizon, an american saga only in theaters friday, we did are and less than 36 hours, joe biden and donald trump will face off for the first time in nearly four years tomorrow right here on cnn, two presidents will pitch to visions for our nation's future. two messages about who we are as a country bn two views on america's role on the world stage, the showdown. nothing less than historic. it's the earliest presidential debate that we know of in american history. it's the closest the candidates would be to one another onstage. and it's the first time in decades that a network will host the showdown, not the presidential debate commission. and there won't be a live audience soon, as covering this historic moment from all angles, jeff zeleny is live at our studios in atlanta, arlette saenz is falling. president biden at the white house. kristen holmes. is it west palm beach for us with the trump campaign? jeff, let me start with you. you're down there. are tech would campus kicking the tires and everything? how's it looking down there? and what are you hearing about? what we're going to see tomorrow night good morning, jim. >> the stakes could not be higher, really for either candidate not only are we just four-and-a-half months away from election day? we're also in battleground georgia. this of course was one of the most narrowest margins four years ago, joe biden defeated donald trump by some 11,000 votes. so that is the backdrop here. and the issue who's are so different from four years ago, if you think back to those debates, the last time that joe biden and donald trump encountered one another onstage, we're in the middle of the pandemic. this was all about trump's record. now, of course, biden's record is front and center as well. so both men will be explaining and defending their records as well as trying to draw sharp contrast with one another. so much has changed in the world as well. of course, the invasion ukraine, the war in the middle east, immigration still such a hot topic but jim is, as you've been covering, this supreme court this morning, i'm also struck by that. i'm told that president biden is it's also likely to make the supreme court part of his argument on the debate stage tomorrow evening, particularly if there are some rulings tomorrow regarding the former president jim anyway, you slice it. this is history stream making, but layer upon, layer upon layer of complexity here. and it's defining for both of these candidates who are trying to shake up a very daybell presidential race yeah, jeff, i talk to us about the rules. >> the rules are going to be a little different this time around give us some thoughts on that. >> there'll be no audience, so it will just be the two candidates in studio on stage with the two moderators. so that is also extraordinary. there are no aids, there are no advisers. the minute these two presidents walk into the studio, they are all alone and that is very unusual for presidents, as you know, they're very much a surrounded by the trappings of office. so how this will work, the moderators, a jake tapper and dana bash will ask a candidate a question. they can talk for two minutes. the other candidate will respond for a minute. and then the first candidate can respond for a minute as well. interestingly, there's no audience, as we said, also, the microphones will be directed at the candidate who is speaking. it will not be on for the candidate who is not now a big question here is we all remember the first debate from four years ago when there was so much interrupting going back-and-forth. it was it's hard to focus on the issues at hand will there be any of that? will it be heard off mic or not? you can bet that has been part of the debate practice that the president biden has been doing at camp david and donald trump has been doing as well at mar-a-lago, a different type of debate prep, but certainly this will look different it will have an old-time feel if you will. of course, the first televised presidential debate back to the 19th 60 campaign, just two candidates and studio. that's what tomorrow night's debate will look like this. well, jim, but so many more pressing issues in these times alright jeff zeleny, thank you so much right now, new reporting on how how the candidates are preparing for this historic showdown. donald trump is ditching the traditional debate prep and studies opted for rallies and informal conversations with advisers. he sees debating as a quote, attitude more than anything else and says his strategy is based on what he calls common sense president biden for his part is meticulously refining his message with intensive mock debates with top advisers at camp david. and cnn's arlette saenz, kristen holmes, they have the details for us on all of that or let what hearing? >> well jeb, it's another day at camp david, so another day of debate preparations for president biden, the president has been using a podium as he's running through various scenarios of how this debate could unfold against donald trump tomorrow in atlanta. now sources have told us that one thing president biden will not be doing in this debate is rolling out any new i'll policy or personnel announcements that's a strategy that he had used back in 2020. it's not something he will do this time around. instead, advisers say he will really focus on trying to drive home that contrast with former president donald trump, the campaign has teed up issues like abortion rights, democracy, and the economy. but advisers tell us there also the pair for the possibility that foreign policy could come up at this debates. that is an area where the campaign really believes that there is a stark contrast and biden's vision for the world and trump's vision for the world. it's an opportunity potentially provided to try to paint trump as dangerous and unfit for office. i campaign official, speaking of that contrast said quote, president biden stands up to dictators and defense freedom. trump is a loser who is too dangerous and reckless to ever be anywhere close to the oval office. again, they added donald trump consistently praised his authoritarian leaders and dictators, pledges to sell out our allies and undermines our democracy. so all of this offering, a bit of a preview of the messaging biden could try to deliver on that debate stage. as he set to face off against trump for the first time since 2020 oral i thank you. >> and kristen holmes, what are you hearing on your end? >> well, as you said, jim, this is very untraditional when it comes to donald trump and his debate preparations. obviously, he's not doing any mock debates. he doesn't have anyone filling in for president joe biden. but what makes us debate so fascinating? does the fact that donald trump was at one point president of the united states. so you heard are left, they're talking about how biden's advisers want him to contrast his administration and his achievement since to that of donald trump's will, donald trump's advisers are saying the same thing now, obviously, they are pointing to different issues. one being the same one, the economy, but particularly inflation. the other thing they will donald trump to focus on is crime as well as immigration. they have seen those poll numbers and they believe that donald trump does better than joe biden on those three issues. now they of course, are preparing him trump for several questions on abortion, on democracy, on his role in january 6, as well as foreign policy. but they're also talking about ways for donald trump to pivot back to those three core issues. now, donald trump himself has been going on doing interviews saying that is part of his debate prep. here's one clip from an interview last night talking about his preparation i think i've been preparing for it for my whole life. if you want another tooth and i'm not sure you can lock yourself into a room for two weeks or one week or two days and really learn what you have to know. >> now obviously they're trump referring to president joe biden being at camp david. but one thing to note is that we had spoken to senior advisers who said that part of the reason they began tempering expectations after months of saying that biden wasn't competent, that he couldn't string a sentence together, starting saying things like biden was a formidable opponent was because because of that intensive debate prep, that biden was doing. now we're talking to senior advisers who say they think that he could show up on thursday. now, of course, the big question is going to be what version of donald trump shows up on thursday? and i don't think there's anyone this is going to be there, but they say that he understands the gravity of the moment and they are hoping he stays on message all right. >> and our light, the biden campaign apparently is out with a new ad going after trump in his role in the january 6, the insurrection. what can you tell us? >> yeah, jen, president biden has really made protecting democracy a cornerstone of his 2020 for reelection bid. and that is something that campaign is really trying to lean into in the hours heading into this debate this morning, the campaign released a new ad blasting former president trump for his neglect of duty during the january 6 insurrection features a michigan sheriff who says trump did nothing to side with law enforcement on that day. take a listen we should have been stopped. >> that's neglected duty as a sheriff. it's awful to watch police officers getting a task that's not supporting this badge and this uniform. i have no desire to work with somebody who device that's not what america is, but i worked with anybody who unites that's why i'm with president joe biden the campaign is also rolling out a key republican endorsements. >> de as former congressman adam kinzinger, who has been a vocal critic of trump's actions on january 6 endorsed biden's campaign. it all comes as are not just trying to highlight these democracy issues, but they are also trying to make efforts to appeal to anti-trump republicans, people who might've been turned off by the president was time in office by his actions relating to january 6. and so these are all messages the campaign is hoping to carry into tomorrow's debate and beyond its november and kristen, one last thing of pro-trump dark money group apparently is out with a new ad yeah, this is in georgia. >> they are targeting voters. they're unsurprisingly, jim, this is a group that has spent 14 million in two key states with georgia and pennsylvania. these are battleground states and both campaigns have said they are critical in the pathway the white house, this focuses, this ad focuses on inflation as you have, as i've noted, donald trump's team things that one of the most important issues that trump can continue to hammer home as well as his allies is this issue of the economy and inflation this is just the beginning of what you are likely to see over the next several months. but obviously today, targeting georgia since that's where the debate will be on thursday. >> all right. are like kristen, i know you've been very busy the next 24 hours. thanks very much we're less than 36 hours from cnn's historic presidential debate in atlanta. don't miss president biden foreign presence then trump on cnn and max tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern. we'll be right back july 4 cnn in concert with performance by keith urban ashanti, bb wrexham, the killers and many more 4 america in july 4, that seven eastern on cnn. >> once retired, marcus decided, i will never again work for another man or woman. >> i abandoned my corporate phone plan and i'll get a new plan with consumers cellular for behalf the cost. >> let's go over. when freedom calls, we're here to answer. tina used 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presidential debate tomorrow 99 live on cnn and streaming on max today. we're getting new video, disturbing video of american journalist evan gershkovich on his first day of his trial and russia, you can see them in court right here being he held in a glass cell for the closed hearing. that's the latest video on the right right there. you can see in the year since the wall street journal reporter has been in custody, his appearance has changed. his head is now shaved he also looks maybe a little thinner then before the journal and the u.s. government strongly denied the charges and have condemned this hearing. cnn's that gold is covering the story for us at gershkovich has a family just released a do statement. obviously, looking at that video, it's very disturbing what he's going through. what is the family saying? >> jim, 455 days. that's how long evan has been detained in russia. pretrial detention. he has trial is now finally starting. that's more than 15 months that he has been detained in russia and he is the first journalist to be put on trial for espionage in russia since the cold war. so that is a it rather depressing statistic, depressing record that he is breaking their this trial that is going to be held. it is being held in secret behind closed doors. no evidence has been unveiled. russian state revealed no evidence today to support its claim of espionage. no, none of evans family, his friends, or even, you us embassy staff will be allowed in the courtroom during this trial. of course, there will be no cameras. the video that we're seeing right now is when journalists were allowed in just for a few minutes before this hearing took place today. now, he does look different. his head has been shaved. that is typical of russian prisoners, like evan right now and he does look different because how can you not look different after more than 400? hundred and 55 days in a russian prison. now the russians have baselessly claimed that evan was working for the cia and getting information for them on a military facility. of course, his family, the wall street journal, the u.s. government have all vehemently denied this. they've been calling this a sham trial. the wall street journal said, even call it a trial is unfair they call it a travesty to justices. family has released a statement saying we're deeply disappointed that we will have he will have to endure further attempts to discredit him and to paint a picture that is unrecognizable to anyone who knows him. evan is a journalist and journalism is not a crime, jim, as you and i know so well, of course, journalism is not a crime all this trial is expected to take a few months. we will hopefully see him again when the trial resumes in early august yeah. >> i mean to see an american journalist with his head shaved in a glass box like that. it's just absolutely it's disgusting hadas gold. thank you very much. really appreciate it. coming up, a big loss for a key progressive democrat. and tuesday's primary race. that's not violent with we have freiburg sunday at nine on cnn. >> and the furniture business thing fast, ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who keep up. we needed a project manager yesterday, we posted a job on ziprecruiter and had our guy on-site and five days, he was qualified and everyone zip recruiter finds the best candidates for all all our jobs. they helped us build our dream team and he did it fast does that too fast for you four out of five employers who post on ziprecruiter data quality candidate within the first day, try for free at slash higher, we had to take our old gas heating. >> that was a huge project. i was so overwhelmed. so i started contacting people off of anjie to work with people that knew what they were doing. it was a game changer. >> get started today at andy here's some information about replacing windows and doors that just may surprise you. >> i'm brian gary. i'm here with brian price from renewal by anderson hey, 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primary race to westchester county executive george latimer. the race was the most expensive house primary to date and was dominated by the israel-hamas war and its impact on voters. cnn, senior national correspondent and ago marquez joins us now. miguel this loss wasn't a total surprise outside money. did make a difference in this race, but it was a big, big win for george latimer huge win for george latimer. he is very, very well known in westchester county the district itself is fairly moderate, so there were a lot of factors at play here, but aipac and it's super pac put in 15 million of the $25 million in this race. look at is the tv market in new york city. so it's a very expensive market, but still it was extremely expensive. the number of ads the mailers indoors, what was interesting about those ads where though it didn't talk about gaza and israel and bowman's take on all well, that they were about who could work better with joe biden's not something you hear in a lot of races during their concession and their victory speeches last night. here's what the candidate said. >> and god help us god help us build a better world where everyone understands. when we say free palestine, it is not anti-semitic. tonight we turn to page and we say that we believe in inclusion of everybody in our representation and it really came down to this who could strike a more moderate sort of tone i'll four jamaal bowman, it wasn't just that he was saying free palestine. a lot of new yorkers, a lot of jewish new yorkers would agree that they don't like what's happening in gaza. they don't like netanyahu's conduct of the war, but that he, he called for a ceasefire. so early he called it 75 years of occupation. he called it a genocide regularly. he called it. he said that he denied that the rapes and the beheadings happened early on and denied some of the worst parts of what hamas did all of that set him on a course that was just for outside where the district is right now and he opened the door to where where we are today. jim in our other members of the squad the so-called squad in the sites of aipac mega? yeah, it's look at progressives are enraged at the amount of apec, of money that went into this race. and cori bush in st. louis, that is the next one they believe that aipac is going to target and they are now raising money trying to protect her her her candidacy is well it's going to be a much tougher district. i think for apac and for the israeli lobby to make headway in, but that's one of they are watching jim. very interesting, aren't miguel mark martinez? thank you very much coming up fallout after deadly protests in kenya, we showed you this yesterday, an update just just ahead. the present so they're making a major decision after all of this. that's not the most anticipated moment of this election. the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate tomorrow night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max bill's are crazy she's no idea. she sitting on a goldmine she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can sell all were part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy even a term policy find out if you're sitting on a goldmine called coventry direct today at 8046180800 or visit coventry university of maryland global campus is a school for real life, one that values as successes you've already achieved, earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience, and get the support you need from your first stay to graduation de and beyond. >> what will your next success p i'm richard car and i love my house, my house is lightweight my host will not kink and my hose is anti leak it ate those old hoses. >> this is my host. the new pocket host cupp bullet now infused with real copper. so your water is always clean and lead free. just turn on the water and watch your hose grow and 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breached the parliament, as you might remember from our coverage yesterday, a kenyan police reform group says at least 23 people were killed in police shootings as protest swept the country. a markedly higher number than this six people. ruto now claims died also this morning, wikileaks founder julian assange now back home in australia as a free man here he is getting off the plane just hours after agreeing to a plea deal with the u.s. justice department assange has pleaded guilty to a single espionage related charge for publishing leaked, classified military documents. today, us judge sentenced him to the equivalent amount that he had already served. listened to what he has wife said about his return julian wanted me to sincerely thank everyone. he wanted to be but you have to understand what he's been through he needs time he needs to reiterate this is a process. >> back here in the u.s. president barak biden is now pardoning veterans who were convicted of violating the military's ban on consensual gay sex. one us official says the proclamation will effect almost 2000 veterans and military law was in effect for more than 60 years from 1951 until 2013, when congress rewrote it, the pardon will allow anyone convicted under that provision to apply for a certificate that will help them receive withheld benefits coming up. the countdown is on to cnn's historic presidential debate. the new cnn reporting on how the candidates are spending. the final 36 hours of where they face off. that's next debate. night in america tomorrow. at 7:00 p.m. i. just scheduled an appointment online and the inspection was a breeze. they explained everything lee filter technology, protect your gutters for good. now, my home is protected calling 33 leaf filter or visit lee with the price of just about everything inflating these days, you may wonder why meant is deflating the price of minton limited from $30 a month to just $15 a month. well, it's easy. we know a great price on a great 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set to be nothing less than historic marking the earliest presidential debate in american history and the first time in decades at a network will host the debate with no live audience departure from they use presidential debate commission debates soon as covering this historic moment from all angles, jeff zeleny is live at or studios in atlanta arlette saenz is following president biden at the white house and kristen holmes isn't whether as palm beach with the trump campaign and jeff, let me go to you first. let's talk about this debate.

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Candidacy , Lobby , Make Headway In , Apac , Protests , Update , Kenya , Aren T Miguel , Mark Martinez , Stakes Couldn T Be Higher , Goldmine She Doesn T , Max Bill , 00000 , Goldmine , Cash , Coventry , Coventry Direct , Visit Coventry Direct Com , 8046180800 , Real Life , Experience , Global Campus , School , Support , Undergraduate Credits , Values , Successes , Stay , Graduation De And Beyond , University Of Maryland , 90 , Whose , Host , Success P , Richard Car , Copper , Hoses , Cupp Bullet , Hose Grow , Players , Inside , Rubber Band , Shrinking , Latex , Tube , Bone Dry , Times , Jacket , Technology , Forest Fire Hoses , Polymer Filament , Redesign Connector Protector , Hose Build , Oversized , Grip Fittings Easy On , Stop , Gloves , Spigot , Copper Bullet Today , Pocket Hose , Spray Nozzle , Thumb Drive , Thumb , Patents , 29 , Stores , Patterns , Setting , Order , Limit , Shipping Manager , So Don T Wait Order , Copper Bullet Hose Com , Visit Copper Bullet Holes Com , 1800 , 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