who is undoubtedly receiving all the information as well and wondering if there's justice on behalf of their son and loved one as well? >> peter alcuin, what eight case. thank you so much thanks for having me. >> thanks thank you all for watching anderson cooper 360 is next tonight on, 360 with cnn press. >> first initial debate just two nights her now we have breaking news and the biden campaign aimed to paint donald trump as po, two injurious and reckless, unquote to be president that and what the former president acknowledges he did too much of the last time they debated also tonight polls closing shortly in new york congress spending jamal bow bowman's attempt to keep his seat in a contest, hitting the democratic party left and center over israel and gaza. and from gaza tonight, cnn's jeremy diamond with an up-close look at the pier, which american forces built to bring in humanitarian supplies. but it's been plagued with troubles good evening. >> thanks for joining us. it is crunch time time times two ahead of thursday's cnn presidential debate, we begin tonight with new reporting for the second night running of a tougher tack, the biden campaign appears to be preparing their candidate to follow when the two men meet. also new word and how differently they're practicing or not for the big night and a hint from the former president that he wants to dial back one aspect, at least of his demeanor from 2020 reporting on that and more tonight from cnn's mj lee at the white house, kristen holmes at the trump campaign, and cnn political director david chelyan at the debates site in atlanta, mj lee he starts us off. so what have you learned about this contrast? the biden team is hoping to make against the former president. >> will anderson, even though domestic policies are really top of mind hi in for the biden team, i am told by a source, the foreign policy has come up in these debate prep sessions at camp david, led by the president's national security adviser, jake sullivan, and the president of course, is prepared during for the possibility of foreign policy coming up on thursday night. and as one campaign official put it to me, they said that when it comes to foreign policy, the contrast at the president is going to try to draw on thursday night really could not be more stark. they said, president biden stands up to dictators and defense freedom. trump is a loser who is too dangerous and run reckless to ever be anywhere close to the oval office again one famous line from donald trump that is source had said is likely to come up thursday night, is it's recent claim that he would be a dictator on day one, but i do think it's worth noting a challenge for the biden team potentially as they're preparing for these foreign policy issues, is that some of donald trump's up positions on foreign policy issues? these are really murky and ambiguous on gaza, the actually hadn't said much publicly on ukraine. he has said that he would have resolved the conflict in one day, but he's never elaborated on how exactly he would have done that. and certainly the other side of that coin is the president is going to try to make an affirmative case for his leadership on the world stage as well. >> and i know you've learned more about the level of detail the biden team is incorporating into the preparations for the debate yeah. >> i mean, this is really the stage where they are trying to find tune every single detail and make sure that the president can be as prepared as you can b and i'm told by a senior adviser that that includes knowing exactly what he is going to see once he is behind that podium, that he watched the president of video that gaffer had taken during a walk-through of the cnn studio in atlanta, so that he could get a sense of exactly what he'll see once he is standing behind the podium. now, you'll recall that the biden team at did win that coin flip. and what they chose was the right podium position. that means that he is going to be on the right side of the state of the tv screen for the audience that is watching president trump is going to be on the left side. and you might say, you know, these are really superficial details, but perhaps not because i think for any team and particularly clearly for the biden team no detail is too too small, and i do think we're getting a sense of how seriously they are taking all of the debate preparations and they've been doing, i mean, there's a true, they've been doing mock debates and if so, how are they structuring the practice? just debate? >> yeah, we reported that the mock debates started in earnest yesterday. we know that the president has been using a podium as a prop, and that there are different advisors that are standing in for donald trump, for colleagues, jake tapper and dana bash, though no word yet on exactly who is playing those roles. but this is really anderson about right? replicating the experience of the president will have on thursday night as much as that is even possible. and that includes a force just going over all of the substantive issues that could come up going over the different ways in which donald trump might behave. and it also includes just a test for his stamina. he's going to be standing there for 90 plus minutes and they want him to be as focused and ash sharp as possible. and folks that we have talked to who have been involved in the past have said, the person that is playing donald trump in these mock debates, they have a balancing act. they want to give him bad experience that they want to make sure that there isn't too much the athletes involved because that could end up being really distracting mj lee, thanks very much. >> want to go to cnn's kristen holmes, not far from mar-a-lago. how is the former president preparing for this debate? and what topics are his allies advising him to focus on? do we know? >> interested? it's been far less consistent, and traditional than what we've seen from president joe biden. a lot of that because team is trying to fit what donald trump does, doesn't really like this. sit down on and focus instead, it has been shorter conversations, policies, sessions n as donald trump often does calls with allies, advisors seeking their advice. now when it comes to what exactly they want him to focus on, they want him to focus on three things in particular, the economy specially inflation. they wanted to focus on immigration as well as crime. these are things that they have seen the data on. they believe that voters think that donald trump is better on the these issues. then president joe biden, they also are trying to talk to him about how to pivot away from questions on democracy or abortion? yes, they are coming up with answers, but how to get back to those three topics? that they believe are key that will help present a former president trump, quote, unquote, win that debate on thursday. now, donald trump himself actually got rather cannon ended in an interview with the washington examiner talking about his debate prep two things of note here. one is what he said about how it's difficult. he said it's very hard to prepare for the debate. you've got to know this stuff from years of doing it. and i know all the leaders and i know what i know. oh, i think debating is an attitude more than anything else, but not just attitude. donald trump clearly also reflecting on his previous attitude, particularly in those 2020 debates with joe biden, he specifically mentioned how he interrupted joe biden too many times. times during that debate, clearly going back through those debates and trying to hone his strategy heading into thursday. again, his team believes he can do well if he stays on message, particularly focused on those three issues, anderson and how to perform pros. and those random talk about the debate format der, they think it will help or hurt him? what's been really interesting to see kind of an evolution among his closest allies and advisers who won. they are publicly bashing the format which they of course agreed to, but they have said that it doesn't better donald trump that having an audience doesn't work for him. having muted mics. but it's really been a shift behind closed doors and in private conversations, i've had with these allies and advisers kaiser's one, they originally said that they thought the lack of an audience would hurt donald trump, that they thought he couldn't be energized without it that he really builds and feeds off of that audience. now, there has been a shift in this menu enthalpy that, that might actually be good, that we've seen donald trump go on these rants when he's in a big rally with a lot of his supporters, where he's off topic and completely the focus perhaps, and this is the hope again of his allies and advisers that without an audience, he can actually stay on message. the other part of this is those muted mics. you heard donald trump himself saying that he interrupted joe biden too many times and that first debate in 2020, this really takes that element out of it. he's not going to have the capability as you continue to go after biden while biden in is speaking and some of his close as closest advisers actually believe that that could help them. but obviously anderson, we are in uncharted territory here, particularly because it is former president donald trump and who knows how these elements are going to play out until thursday when they're on that stage. >> yeah. kristen holmes, thanks so much. want to go to atlanta or cnn political director david challenge, it has more on the format as kristen holmes just mentioned, the set of rules, the two sides agreed to, and how different this debate night we'll look because of it. so talk, to us about the rules well, anderson, one of the biggest changes i think the view we're at almost is no audience will be a part of this debate. there'll be the two candidates and the two moderators in the room. there kristen, you heard mentioned that the microphones will be turned on for the designated speaker at the time they are designated to speak in the debate his opponents microphone will be turned off at that time timing lights are visible to the candidates throughout the debate. so they'll know when their time is running out and the two candidate podiums are eight feet apart from each other. obviously, that's a lot closer than these two candidates were to each other on the debates. stage compared to four years ago when we were in the height of covid. >> what are the rules regarding how each kennedy supposed to respond to questions that the debate is set up and these are cnn's format that both campaigns agreed to in order to participate in the debate was that there would be a big macro topic and candidate today, we'll get a question on that topic. they will have to minutes to answer that question. then there will be one-minute response from candidate b. if you will, and another one-minute response from candidate a. and then it flips the other way, staying within the broad topic area, but a different slice of a question related to that topic, candidate b will get two minutes at that starter question, candidate gets a minute to respond. candidate b gets two minute to respond. of course, jake and dana at moderator discretion can ask a one-minute followup, anderson, i would note also though these candidates, once they hit the debate stage, there is no staff know aids. they can't communicate with their team until after the debate has concluded. so the viewer will be seeing on at-home the sitting president and the former president unprecedented debate and they will not during the course of the debate, be consulting with any aids. >> all right. david giant, thanks so much. johnny showers biden biographer evan asna's republican strategist, got jennings and former trump white house communications director alyssa farah griffin evan, you've reported and spent a lot of time with frozen biden over the years. how does he prepare mentally emotionally? 4 big moments like this? >> he does a lot of preparation. he can write down to the last minute. he'll be marking up a speech in this case, of course, there's no speech really this is not about stuffing your head full of facts and figures. this part of the process is about poise, getting enough command and comfort with what's about to happen that when you get up on stage, you are comfortable lasing those facts into your comments and let's face it also preparing for whatever it is donald trump's going to try to do to get under your skin and we know for a fact as mj mentioned earlier, that they have got to helping him try to visualize the space that's very important. even all the way back in 1960, richard nixon didn't really have a good sense the room and a debate. he spent too much time looking at the clock. people thought he didn't look enough into the camera and it hurt him. so that's kind of thing they're thinking about. alyssa based on mj lee is reporting, what do you think of the way president biden seems to be preparing for this versus the former president. >> well, he's certainly leaning into hunkering down. i'm actually surprised by the level of specificity in detail we're getting from whitehouse sources of law. he's preparing and the kind of topics he's focusing on. i assume that's meant to telegraph that he sees this as highly important. but i also think it raises the stakes and expectations of how he's going to perform, what he's going to run into as this biden loves to defend his record, he feels like he's not gotten enough credit for it. but what happens is you're looking backward. he also needs to be able to defend his record, but look forward and present a forward-looking vision and all the while being up there against somebody who is known to try to throw him off of his balance is going to try to throw in jobs when it says time to speak. and i think it's always a little bit harder for the incumbent and these debates, yeah, i mean, it's got legendarily, incumbent and precedents have a really hard time on first debates. they haven't been confronted the way they do on a campaign. they, they were used to people's sort of kowtow into them if you're joe biden, you can't believe you've got 38% approval rating. you can't believe these polls that say that people remember the trump presidency more finally, you just need to explain it to them. why you just listen to me, talk about how smart i am. you will also know when i think about these two, i think about them being like musicians and biden is going to be like a technical, he's reading off the sheet of music and trump is sort of like the guy with the cow bell exploring the studio one technical, one vibe driven in this thing are people really listening for specific policy or are they looking to see, are you plausible? do you seem like you could be plausible for four years, this is hurting biden because people think he's too old to serve another four years. i think this is i mean, i haven't this one. >> i think it's just gonna be so fascinating. i can moderated the second debate in 2016, the hilar clinton invade, write out the access hollywood tape, and that was where trump is sort of wandering around on the stage and the tension was so extraordinary. this is that tension times, i don't know what i'm going to scott's point of sort of, you know, biden is about policy and trump is about riffing and this weird political jazz but it's also in the end the thing that americans are really looking for is somebody who is in command, in command of the moment and commanded themselves. somebody who's able to convey a sense that they understand the gravity of the job. you know, a lot of this in the end comes down to who can convey the sense that they will be more normal president bruce read, one of the senior policy advisors who are spending a lot time with biden and debate prep said to me earlier this year, look, america is a normal country and americans are normal people. what he means by that is fundamentally there is a level of exhaustion out there. we all see it when we talked to voters, when we talk to our friends and family, people want to have politics take up less space in their minds. and part of the goal is the person who can get up on that stage and say to you, look, i've got this and it's not clear and a lot of people's minds that donald trump has the capacity for self-control. or let's face it, the joe biden can convey the kind of vigor that he needs to on that. >> i'm going to listen to the advantage biden had the last time was he was not the incumbent and trump was and there was a lot of animosity and a lot of angst and he was more of a blend. biden was more of a blank slate. he's now in the position where he's not a blank slate and trump is our memories where shorter than i are very short. i painfully rewatch the first debate and you very much see that donald trump is more on his heels. he's defending the covid response. joe biden's able to work in jobs that him yes. the onus is more on the incumbent, but let's think for a second, how much has happened since trump left office roe v. wade comes down january 6 happens. you have 88 felony indictments. you've got the criminal felony charges. you have both candidates investigated for mishandling classified documents. there's actually a wealth of things for donald trump to have to defend as well. >> so what i'm curious to see us, how much or his advisors able to break through to him to say, don't get caught up re-litigating january 6 or talking about the stolen election and go back to the economy, to the border issues that he's actually strong. he's got the chances him re-litigating the 20 his thoughts than the election. i mean, it seems almost inevitable. >> the smart answer is look everybody here has different opinion than me. you know what my opinion is. i know what yours is what we need to talk about is inflation immigration. if he did that every time it was brought up that would be a huge win. i mean, there's a lot of things for him to do here. i hope he actually speaks to the moment we're having on antisemitism as a i'm in this country, remember joe biden launched his campaign. he said, because of charlottesville we've got this issue in los angeles this week. we have these anti-semitic events all over the country. i know it's not one of the top issues everybody is talking about, but to me it is fundamental to how biden got into this race and why he said he was running. and i think trump could cause some havoc on that stage. age if he used it at the debate, he did sit down to dinner with neo-nazis. i mean, so he has weaknesses on that front as well. does he not? >> oh, he's certainly does. and that is a conversation that by the way, should be had and i suspect our moderators will be prepared to fact check if anyone white washes either their records. but i think scott's write that he can and call into question. well, you're supposed to kind of bring about healing. you're supposed to get us past this moment, but that's where biden the onus is so much on him to remind people of the worst things donald trump has done and said, the other thing is, does the former president just attack biden on the former president has been saying awful things on the campaign trail. about, oh, he's on drugs, he's not not all there. >> does he just do that directly to him 4 the bulk of this debate throughout this debate, i mean, when i heard that david chelyan was saying that there's eight feet between them i mean, one of my thoughts was, does he honor that eight-foot distance? >> i mean, does he i think that this podium arrangement will confine him to his side of the ring. frankly, it'll be pretty weird if he begins wandering over there. but i have no doubt he's going to bring up this notion, this kind of idea that they're pumping up biden with something to make them perform. look, the fact is, i don't expect biden to shy away from this if he's going to if he's going to be attacked on a personal basis, one of the words you begin to hear from the campaign and i've heard it from joe biden himself talking about donald trump is the word loser. i would not be surprised here. joe biden use that word on stage to see what the reaction is from his opponent of an osmo, scott jennings, those far griffin, we will be watching it's going to be an extraordinary night, primary night tonight polls closing shortly in new york where there's democratic squad member is fighting to keep his seat and erase that's dividing the democratic party also tonight, the classified documents case special counsel jack smith's answer to the former president's claim that key evidence should be excluded because of how it was obtained. >> at the jeep. make this the summer event. you can take a vacation from payments on the most capable wrangler ever are most affordable suv jeep compass. the only open-air pickup 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congressional primary ever and a fight over the party's position on the israel hamas hamas post-conflict polls close the top of the hour seen in miguel marquez is outside bowman headquarters for us tonight. so what are the mood they're like time very quiet so far, but typically on election night it is we saw about 45 minutes to go before the polls close here. but look, i think bowman does face an uphill battle. all the voters that we have spoken to, the real anger is not so much on his views about israel, because even a lot of american jews are upset by what's happening in gaza. but it it was his take, it was the way that he called it 75 years of occupation, a genocide. and that he sort of apologize, but didn't. and i think that has taken a toll four years ago, he came to power in this same district writing the wave of anger over the racial justice movements and george floyd and everything it was happening in our country at that time. now that tide seems to have turned against him, there's a lot of money in this race, $25 million, about 15 million of aipac is spending through it's super pac the airwaves here have been saturated with commercials that are anti bowman the mailers have gone out, people are just talking about ten or 12 of them arriving in their mailbox every day. >> so it has been a lot of money shoved into a very small race, anderson. and what have you been hearing from voters and what's turnout been line yeah. >> and i should say that the bowman's campaign and others are very, very upset the way this outside money has come into here. but the voters we've seen campaigns where a lot of money is spent and still it doesn't break through voters here are very, very upset. the ones that are most upset are the moderates, jewish voters, but 7% of the district is jewish, but a lot of voters are upset with the way that he's gone after israel. we were at mount vernon mount vernon today the city hall. that should be a very big bowman district and a precinct from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and we left to come over here. how many voters do you think voted in that pre-seen? 19. >> that should numbers should be a lot bigger and that should be very worrying for jamaal bowman tonight anderson, miguel marquez. thank you so much perfection. epstein on political commentator van jones. so if bowman loses, what does that say? >> well, i mean, it would suggest that at least in that district the tone of how you deal with the israel palestine conflict is important. look, a lot of people are concerned about what's happening in gaza. a lot of people don't like those images, but it's how you deal with it. and i think aipac has decided that want to make an example of them. so money matters, but i think also you got to represent your own district and you have a very big jewish district that felt apparently that this was not the way they want the issue handle. >> what does this say about the sort of the dispute between the establishments and wing the left wing of the party. well, listen, not just in this race but but, but part of it is this issue, does split the democratic party because there are two values that people who are democrats hold. and they're incompetent each other. one is, you do want to defend israel, especially from islamic terror and that kind of stuff, you know, hamas being a terrorist organization. you don't want terrorists killing people, especially killing children festivals. so that's the value. but the other value is human rights for palestinians, you don't want unarmed civilians being killed in large numbers until you have a party. this is not just an easy thing. you have a party that's being split down the middle in terms of the seams of what our values are. and so what you needed situation like that is so leadership. i think biden has been trying to show that leadership, even though people on both sides are very, very upset about the site, that they're on with the money that's been spent on this race. this is i believe well, let's and that's the challenge because aipac has to be careful here because on the one hand, they want to make an example out of somebody. but at the same time, you can win the battle and lose the war long term. if you start mass manufacturing martyrs. i was trying to stand up for a cause i believed in and i got gunned down by aipac then you might win that battle, but long term, the brand of aipac maybe this is a bullying organization. this is the vicious organization and then that becomes something for a bathroom long term. and also just going picking off individual congresspeople doesn't necessarily move public opinion in the right direction on israel so the long-term public opinion war could be harmed if there are too many of these kind of heavy-handed attacks. interesting, van jones, thanks very much. we'll see what happens coming up a third day of hearings in the mar-a-lago documents case ramped up short time ago. what the judge had to say about arguments by the trump team 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unfair and now they lift just a piece of the gag order. not all of it. the gag order has to be lifted in its entirety also today, judge aileen cannon concluded three days of oral arguments in the classified documents case, and she didn't make any rulings from the band. she appeared skeptical though, of arguments by the trump defense team that the 2022 mar-a-lago search warrant was overly broad? but the former president's attorneys on to suppress boxes of evidence seized by the fbi because they said that investigators should have been more specific about where in the 50 plus room property they intended to search judge cannon stood by the original warrants saying, quote, i have a hard time seeing what more needed to be included. joining me now, former trump attorney and cnn legal commentator tim parlatore, former federal judge, nancy gertner, and former federal prosecutor and best-selling author geoffrey tube and tim, you once represented the foreign president in the mar-a-lago case. you look through the boxes with those classified documents. do you think the search warrant? violated the foreign presence rights? and i'm wondering what to make of the special counsel's accusation that the former president kept boxes and what he called a haphazard manner well i think that to take your last point there, the fact that the boxes were stack the way that they are. that's the way every single administration has done it, going back, many, many, many, many administrations. >> the difference here is that when he left office because of the chaotic nature of the transition narrow for whatever reason, chose not to get a facility to move the boxes to as they had done for every other administration. >> so he uses the first one where it went to his house so the fact that, the boxes are kept like that honestly, that's more of an indictment of the white house document handling procedures, then the trump administration itself, because every single administration is head classified documents, mix them with him, with unclassified documents, with personal effects, things like that. so that one's not really something that's going to move the ball however, on the flip side of it this warrant is not something that i ever thought it was overbroad in the where to search because warrants are supposed to say, you know, what, to look for, where to look forward. they're supposed to have some probable cause as to that. but somewhere in the building for pieces of paper that makes sense to me, the part of the warrant that i always thought was a little bit overbroad was allowing them to seize other documents, things that were presidential records that were not criminal in and of themselves. but since none of those documents or charged, it's not really something you can suppress anyway, so it's irrelevant to the hearing. >> jeff, what do you think the trump team's strategy? okay. here, i think it's working great. i mean, this case is on a slow boat to know where this judge keeps kicking these cans down the road. these are issues that could have been resolved. much simpler. there is absolutely no reason to have hold it held this three-day hearing at all. but trump's lawyers understandably doing their job, are encouraging the judge to just delay and delay and delay. and that's what she's doing i think it's a very poor advertisement for the federal judiciary and the fact that she has not set a trial date and not resolve these motions but trump's lawyers have got to be very happy about how it's going. judge gardner, i mean, do you agree with jeff? i and by the end of today's hearing, judge cannon seem frustrated with both the prosecuted prosecution and defense. certainly, i'm sure the prosecution is very frustrated with her. how would you have handled all these things about a year ago? >> i would have handled these things that but but, you know, that issue that everyone keeps on raising is is this a product of her a inexperienced be competence or see bias? and i i heard on this program another judge. good friend of mine who said but it was her inexperience. but if you are inexperienced, the first thing you do is you actually defaulted precedent. so yesterday's hearing about the motion to dismiss on the grounds that you know, that the special counsel was was wrongly appointed the precedent was overwhelming. and what a typically an inexperienced judge would do would say would follow that one of the first things that you learn in baby judge school and yes, that's what it's called if case management. and that is set a trial date and she has not a set a trial date. and what is hanging fire out there, what has not been resolved. for example, there's a motion to dismiss on the grounds of presidential immunity. well, these acts took place after he was president so there are issues out there which he has not resolved, which should have been easily resolved. and yesterday's hearing felt like an addition for judge cannon to seek higher office, inviting essentially, the right legal scholars to challenge the special counsel when those challenges have failed over and over again for years and years and years. so i agree with jeff, although i have a much more complicated explanation than he did. >> but i just think the point nancy making is making a bad case management is exactly the problem here. >> and that's gotta be especially frustrating to jack smith's team because case management is not usually something that you can appeal it's not an incorrect legal ruling. it's simply not knowing how to be a judge or intentionally not decided biden cases when they should so the problem for jack smith is that he's kind of trapped with her. he can't appeal incorrect rulings he's stuck as she delays and delays and delays. and that's something that he just really can't do anything about tim, evan corcoran, actually, sorry, tim evan corcoran, another former attorney is a key witness for prosecutors. what i'm wondering what you make of trump's argument that prosecutors shouldn't be allowed to use evidence from him because he has i mean, according prosecutor, some damaging evidence about the things that form president said there are parts of what he has to say that i think do fall under the crime-fraud exception, specifically, the parts where he's saying when and where he's going to search because to the extent that prosecutors can use that to show that this informs when and where walt went to go move boxes but i think that the scope of judge house order in dc was way too expansive as to what she rolled was within the crime-fraud exception you got to remember i was there at that hearing. >> it was behind closed doors and the way it worked, the government filed the motion. we weren't allowed to read it, but we had to respond to it. we went into the court court ras jim trusty gave an argument when it turned over to the special counsel, make their argument. >> they said two things, one of which is ally and then they said, before we continue, would like the defense leave the room. >> so we had to go sit in the hallway for 45 minutes to an hour, come back, and then the judge looked at jim trusty and said mr. trustee, would you like to respond? >> so i think that it is something that certainly right to go through again. and i think a lot of what evan corcoran has actually quoted in the indictment, it is classic attorney-client privilege information. >> when you have a client has never had a criminal grand jury subpoena and they asked you what do i have to do? do i have to respond to it? what happens if we don't respond to it? and in this case, who's very specific of saying i saw what david kendall did for hillary clinton where they deleted 20,000 emails. nothing happened to them. are we allowed to do the same thing? those are the kind of questions that you want clients to ask you. if you say no, we can't do that and the client says, okay, there's nothing wrong judge gertner in new york, judge merchan lifted portions of the gag order in the criminal case restricting with the president can say about witnesses in the trial just two days before for the scene debate just on that, do you agree with the judge's decision i think that's right. i think i think that when the gag order has to be has to dovetail with the underlying case. and before the trial, he was concerned about witnesses who were about to testify. and certainly about the jury. now that there has been a verdict and in-between verdict and sentencing, he is concerned about attacks on prosecutors no longer attacks on witnesses. and so it made sense to narrow it. and after sentencing, it's the justification for a gag order disappears entirely. so i think it makes sense and shows that he's titrating this to the underlying case and that's what he should do. >> judge gardner, geoff tube, and tim parlatore. thanks so much appreciate it coming up next, how wikileaks founder julian assange found himself a free man after years are pursued by 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assange, bells from british jail now hours from completing a plea deal with the us department of justice, accused of playing a role in one of the biggest security breaches in us history assange was essentially on the run from the day his wikileaks first published us secrets in 2010 initially about the war in iraq, including this video of a us apache gunship killing heirarchy civilians. and to journalists his next release, thousands of secret documents about the afghan war then a massive data dump of sensitive global u.s. diplomatic communications tens of thousands of secrets in the wind, lives of spies, potentially compromised wikileaks. i love wikileaks perhaps most consequentially, while on the lam in london in 2016 publishing leaked emails from the democratic national committee and hillary clinton's campaign manager during her presidential election she campaigned against donald trump for 14 years assange was a fugitive, first fleeing sweden following a 2010 arrest warrant, link to rape allegations, which he denied landing in the uk sun facing extradition back to sweden. >> eventually jumped comparing uk bailyn 2012, taking asylum in the ecuadorian embassy in london, and courageous ultimately wearing out his welcome expelled seven years later, promptly arrested, taken to the uk's maximum security belmarsh prison facing and fighting extradition to the united states. >> it's wednesday, the 19th of june. >> his wife wife, who is also as lawyer and mother of his two children, who was outside is uk jail just a few days ago. now, waiting for him in australia, it will be the first time that i that i get to see him as a fully free man. all this is, it's so alien to the way we've, we've it's been until now for the past 14 years. >> his freedom. it seems in britain part due to diplomacy, regardless of the views that people have about mr. assange's activities, the case has dragged on for too long. there's nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration. and we want him brought home to australia in recent weeks australia's prime minister increasingly advocating for assange's return, the white house denying it had any involvement in the plea agreement ironically assange's get out of jail deal. a better kept secret than his historic leaks he was on the plane heading towards home hours before the news broke but we're just beginning to get a few more details of what assange was thinking during that whole process of the release of all that information, the judge asked them what crime he thought he'd committed. it had already said that he was guilty of a crime and the judgments drilling down assange said that it was his job as a journalist essentially to encourage sources to provide information and push that information to the public. he said he felt that the first amendment was contradicting the espionage act or the excepted that would be difficult to prove in court. but that seems to be where his landing his argument for what he did and why he did it, anderson all right. >> nic robertson. thank you. we have more details now on this deal, assange for each i'm joined by cnn senior justice correspondent amperes. so what more of you learned? >> what anderson this is a deal that has been in the making, obviously 4 for for more than a decade. there have been discussions between assange's lawyers and the justice department over the years, and always, they never seem to go anywhere, but in the last three years, you see the australian government as nick just pointed out. getting more involved and last october, for instance, anthony albanese, the prime minister of australia, brought it up directly with president biden. you've seen certainly in the last couple of years, every time australian officials met with us officials, they brought it up. i'm told that back in april, anderson there was a letter that was written promise training australian officials to attorney general merrick garland suggesting an outline of a possible deal, something that looks a lot like what they ended up arriving at. and then of course, there was in may where the justice department had one last effort to try to get the high court in london to get him extradited to the united states. that failed and that i believe at least from talking to sources anderson was really the impetus to try to make this deal happen in the last couple of weeks was the felony charges sticking point for us officials? >> absolutely one of the things that we've heard repeatedly from assange's side was that he didn't want to he didn't want to plead guilty to a felony. he wanted to he would agree to plead guilty to a misdemeanor and certainly inside the justice department, enter the fbi. they were opposed to anything that did not look like a felony. there was also some officials who believe that he should come back to the states and actually served at least some present time in the united states. keep in mind there's also the fact that he served essentially five years in british prison trying to fight that extradition and that's about the time that you would get for this crime if you were to be found guilty. so in the end, that's the reason why you see this deal worked out the way it did. and of course, one of the last things that assange insisted on anderson was that he wanted to make sure that he did not come to court in the continental united states. that's why they chose that cord inside pan. >> i've impressed. thanks so much coming up next and up-close look at that $230 million pier built by the us military along the gaza coast. that's finally operational, but has been plagued by problems why choose a sleep numbers smart bad? can it keep me warm when i'm cold wait. >> no, i'm always hot. >> sleep number doesn't match. >> can i make hi side softer? >> i make my side firmer. >> number. does that can help us sleep better and better sleep number? >> is that 94% of smart sleepers report better sleep. chapra, lowest price of the season with no interest 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online and the inspection was a brief explained everything leaf filters technology, protect your gutters for good now, my home is protected calling 33 leaf filter or visit lee did i read this did i get my keys memory and thinking issues keep piling up. >> it may be due to a bu the cn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max tonight. a dire warning on the humanitarian crisis in gaza, according to a new report from a un back room, nearly half a million people in gaza face starvation and there's a risk of famine while food shipments increased in the north, not enough is getting to those in need. the us military launched a temporary pier along the coast and mid mid may, it's now back in place after being taken a commission because of rough seas for the first time, cnn's jeremy diamond got an up close look at the pier we do that. >> you'll see with a lot of different bridging systems here from shipped to peer aid trucks are rolling into gaza interlocking still platforms rule or with each passing wave but after weeks of mishaps, the us military's $230 million pier off the coast of gaza is finally operational. >> but this aid is an actual billy feeding anyone in gaza, at least not yet. we're currently a aboard the us military floating pier off the gaza coastline yesterday, the military says they were able to get about 800 pallets of aid off of this pier and into gaza. but the problem now is the world food program, which is supposed to be picking up that aid. they say security conditions just aren't there for them to be able to pick up that aid and distributed to the people of gaza these are some of the now more than 6,000 pallets of humanitarian aid. the us military says, are sitting in an open-air warehouse across from the pier world food programme paused its operations at the pier you're more than two weeks ago citing safety concerns across gaza, humanitarian aid groups say israeli military operations and arise in law all listening and looting are bringing their eight operations to a crawl and it couldn't come at a worse time. >> as experts say, people in gaza are once again at high risk of famine the us military invited cnn to the pier for the first time to show how it is ramping up the flow of aid to gaza and how it is getting this beleaguered project back on track after rough weather damaged and took the peer out of service for weeks. the sea is a difficult task, mistress unpredictable. each wave is different than the last so dealing with that is a challenge, but we've adapted to that and i think we're in a better position now than we were initially about 40 truckloads are now arriving at the pier each day. >> feel well short of the military's initial estimates of 90 to 150. a complex effort, eight officials say would have been best spent pressuring israel to get more aid in by land. >> is this was never meant to be a long-term solution to the problem. this was meant to be one more way until we could find ways to open those gates up to get that pressure two open the gates, access to the us pier also provided a rare vantage of the destruction to gaza's coast. >> it really is remarkable to see the gaza coastline up close like this after nearly nine months of war, all we can see along the shoreline, our buildings that are either completely flattened, completely destroyed, or those that are simply shells of themselves. it is also the daily backdrop for us soldiers sgt. >> ebrahim bury, the practicing muslim who started working on the pier operation in march during the holy muslim month of ramadan, knowing that they're going through his harsh conditions and still fast, it still holding on to their face and good a little bit that they can that's what it was. another motive. motivation right there and look anderson, people like sergeant barry have done their part. they've gotten the aid off of these ships onto the pier and then onto the gaza coast. now the question is, what are leaders in the united states and israel in gaza going to do to improve the conditions on the ground for the distribution of this age. so that groups like the world food programme can go to this pier and pick up the aid and start distributing it to those in need. and tonight, united nations is saying that it is raisnc

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,Transition ,Reason ,House ,Indictment ,Document ,Facility ,Procedures ,Itself ,Effects ,Unclassified ,Warrant ,Warrants ,Flip Side ,Ball ,Pieces ,In ,Building ,Somewhere ,Paper ,Hearing ,None ,Jeff ,Boat ,Cans ,Lawyers ,Road ,Hold ,Trial ,Delay ,Advertisement ,Judiciary ,Prosecution ,Emotions ,Everyone ,Raising ,Product ,Precedent ,Friend ,Competence ,Program ,Bias ,Inexperience ,Motion ,Grounds ,Case Management ,Baby Judge ,School ,Fire ,Set A Trial Date ,Place ,Immunity ,Special Counsel ,Challenges ,Addition ,Scholars ,Problem ,Explanation ,Point Nancy Making Is A Bad ,Ruling ,Gotta ,Delays ,Cases ,Argument ,Witness ,Tim Evan Corcoran ,Parts ,Crime Fraud Exception ,Move Boxes ,Scope ,Extent ,House Order In Dc ,Walt ,Government ,We Weren T ,Doors ,Court Ras Jim Trusty ,Hallway ,Mr ,Trustee ,Attorney Client Privilege Information ,Hillary Clinton ,Client ,Saying ,Subpoena ,Criminal Grand Jury ,David Kendall ,Emails ,Clients ,Gertner ,20000 ,Scene Debate ,Decision ,Sentencing ,Verdict ,Jury ,Justification ,Julian Assange ,Parent Freedom Wikileaks ,Oman ,Feeling ,Smile ,Geoff Tube ,Gardner ,Psoriasis ,Moderate ,Chance ,Findings ,Prac ,Pill ,The One And Only ,Background ,Leader ,Don T ,Finding ,Better ,Subject ,Think Pill ,Muscle Problems ,Kidney Problems ,Stick ,Liver ,Inhibitor ,Tb ,Labs ,Cancers ,Lymphoma ,Triglycerides ,Tiktok ,Find ,Risks ,Plaque Psoriasis ,Hiding ,Name ,Jak Inhibitors ,Mileage ,Car Von Go To Carvajal ,Gift ,Birthday Gift ,Preview ,Don T Panic With Etsy ,Zoe ,Etsy Luminaires ,Don T Panic ,Fluoride ,Toothpaste ,Teeth ,Dentist ,Gums ,Luminoso ,Home Defense ,Food ,Miracles ,Creatures ,Max ,The Cockroach Will ,Indoor Insect Barrier One Application ,Ortho ,Bugs ,365 ,City Client ,Expertise ,Growth ,Serie A ,Parents ,Progress ,Pets ,It Cli Chain Moving ,Grandchildren ,Family Lifestyle ,Needs ,Portfolio ,Goals ,Retirement ,Fischer Investments ,Fee ,Interests ,Management Tastes ,Products ,Bill ,Fisher Investments ,Deal ,Department Of Justice ,Australia S ,Conspiracy Charge ,California Coast ,Count ,Founder ,Plea ,Classified ,Court Appearance ,Nic Robertson ,Pacific Ocean ,Plea Deal ,Bells ,Accused ,British ,Secrets ,On The Run ,History Assange ,First ,Security Breaches ,War In Iraq ,Role ,2010 ,Release ,Thousands ,Journalists ,Killing Heirarchy Civilians ,Afghan ,Apache Gunship ,Communications Tens Of Thousands ,Wind ,Data Dump ,Spies ,Campaign Manager ,Consequentially ,Publishing ,Lam ,Arrest Warrant ,Fugitive ,Sweden ,14 ,Extradition ,Landing ,Courageous ,Ecuadorian Embassy In London ,Allegations ,Asylum ,Sun ,Bailyn ,2012 ,Maximum Security Belmarsh Prison Facing ,Seven ,Wife ,Lawyer ,Jail ,19th Of June ,Wednesday The 19th Of June ,Time ,Diplomacy ,Activities ,Prime Minister ,Incarceration ,Return ,Jail Deal ,Plane Heading ,Ironically Assange ,Plea Agreement ,Involvement ,Leaks ,Judgments ,Journalist ,Sources ,Amendment ,Public ,Espionage Act ,Correspondent Amperes ,Making ,Senior ,Discussions ,Anywhere ,Officials ,Instance ,Anthony Albanese ,Letter ,Merrick Garland ,Outline ,Promise Training Australian ,Effort ,High Court ,Sources Anderson ,May ,Impetus ,Felony ,Misdemeanor ,States ,Prison ,On Anderson ,Sleep ,Military ,Problems ,Gaza Coast ,Cord ,Pan ,230 Million ,30 Million ,Number ,Cold Wait ,Sleep Number Doesn T Match ,Sleep Number ,Sleepers ,Interest ,Price ,Season ,Beds ,Chapra ,2027 ,94 ,It Pilates ,Harlem ,Chase Inke ,My Own ,999 ,Business Cash Heart ,Sink ,Inke ,Business Essentials ,Celebrations ,Sure ,Grand Opening ,Cell Provider ,Bands ,Info ,Data Points ,Credit Check ,Millions ,Monitors ,Memory Losses ,Privilege ,Greg ,Bloomington ,Illinois ,Lashes ,Qualities ,Try ,Memory Itself ,Upwork ,Prescription ,Everywhere ,Project Management ,Stores ,Recruiter ,Cost ,Pr ,Lee Filter Com ,Leaf Filter ,Everything Leaf Filters Technology ,Inspection ,Brief ,Appointment ,33 ,Bu The Cn ,Back Room ,Report ,Warning ,Crisis ,Fun ,A Million ,Coast ,Famine ,Need ,Commission ,Starvation ,Food Shipments ,North ,Rough Seas For The First Time ,Mid May ,Aid ,Trucks ,Bridging Systems ,Jeremy Diamond ,Gaza Interlocking ,Passing Wave ,Mishaps ,Pallets ,Billy Feeding Anyone ,Military Floating Pier ,Gaza Coastline Yesterday ,800 ,Security Conditions ,World Food Program ,6000 ,Operations ,Safety Concerns ,Air Warehouse ,Groups ,Military Operations ,Listening ,Law ,Looting ,Experts ,Flow ,Last ,Task ,Peer ,Project ,Sea ,Weather ,Service ,Mistress Unpredictable ,Truckloads ,Estimates ,40 ,150 ,Land ,Solution ,Access ,Destruction ,Vantage ,Open The Gates ,Practicing Muslim ,Shells ,Backdrop ,Buildings ,Shoreline ,Soldiers ,Sgt ,Ebrahim Bury ,Conditions ,Motivation ,Motive ,Pier Operation ,Face ,Muslim ,Look Anderson ,Sergeant ,Distribution ,Raisnc ,

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