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about nine times what it brought in in sales last year by comparison, trump media is trading at more than 1,400 times it sells last year and jim, look, this is not a trivial matter, right? >> it means trump's stake is worth around 4 billion. in this company. and there's a lot of real people who do own stock here and they would get hurt if gravity sets all right, we'll be watching that madigan. thanks very much. >> they should you relied on cnn newsroom. >> i'm jim acosta in washington, right? now. trump's defense team is launching yet another attack on the special counsel in that case, jack smith and his office. it's the former president's latest bid to have the classified documents case tossed out. right now, judge aileen cannon is holding a confidential hearing. we're told with both sides ahead of today's public hearing at follows monday's back-to-back hearings were tensions flared between the judge and the prosecution at one point, cannon saying, quote, i don't appreciate your tone. meantime a late-night filing from smith's office contain never before seen evidence photos from mar-a-lago. you can see it right there showing boxes with their contents spilled out onto the floor. smith's office is expected to use this as they defend their handling of evidence. today's cnn's evan perez is outside the court, this morning. he joins me now. evan, tell us more about this new filing and these photos. what work can you tell us? >> well, jim, this is an attempt by the special counsel to push back on the former president's legal team. what they're arguing that because some of the documents in those boxes that were taken from mar-a-lago back in august of 2022. the order in which those documents were found had changed age as a result of the investigation that this affects are hurts his ability to mount a defense. and so what you're seeing there in some of these new photographs, you'll see once that were taken by walt nauta, it looks like something out of the show, harder's right where you see these boxes sitting in a closet they're in a room with them spilling out of the boxes. there's also boxes that show classified documents intermingled with a news clippings. and another one, a document or a letter written from the white house on whitehouse stationary 2 families from the sandy hook. and so what the special counsel is saying is that look, there was no bad faith, there was nothing lost in the as part of this investigation. and what they're saying is is that the court should see trump's newly invented explanations for how these documents were found, as his latest unfounded accusations against law enforcement. in other words, long horsemen did not do this to try to fix this case against the former president. again, we have an ongoing hearing that is still that is going behind closed doors. we expect the sum of this jam, some of these pictures and some of these documents from the latest filing to be part of the hearing, we will see later this afternoon. >> very interesting art evan pres, keep us posted. thanks so much for more on this. let's go to cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney joey jackson. he joins us now joey, what do you make of all this? >> i quite a mess. i think jim, good morning to you. i think the overarching issue is number one, the manner in which the judge has been handling the case. in number 2, whether or not she's going down rabbit holes and entertaining arguments and whether that's a basis for delay and whether or not the fixes in as it relates to donald trump something that's a fair question federal judges, jim have a very robust amount of authority. we respect that authority. you practiced before federal judges, but generally speaking, i don't have any issue or qualms with the confidence of the judge at all. she's come from tremendous law schools. she's had tremendous experiences. i think my issue is the process in terms of what but i do in my daily practice is that you go before judges and they move cases along. and if you have a meritorious argument, they'll hear it. if their argument that are well-settled in law, they will not. but what they will do is they will move the calendar because there's a lot to get to. and if you have something that you have to say, put it in a motion will have a hearing and decided. but there's delay delay delay is somewhat it just doesn't happen. and so to the extent that it is happening, it is concerning yeah. >> i mean, it has not been a good time for the prosecution for special counsel jack smith's office. the judge judge cannon has appeared skeptical of a gag order for trump in this case, and then she took issue with the tongue own of one of the prosecutors saying, i don't appreciate your tone joey jackson i can't imagine that's a good thing no, it's not a good thing, but listen, what happens gym in court, tempers, flare, and certainly when you're trying to get across an argument that you believed to be significant, that you believe to impact be impactful. >> the judge? which may, for example, take umbrage with how you express something and it happens right perfection eludes us all the real issue on the merits of the gag order is why not? i mean, the reality is is that yes, jim, listen, we live in a free speech country and a free speech country. i'll tell you that judges do not like to stop, prevent people from saying any the thing and they certainly don't like to restrict content of what people say. however, having said that, you know, i know that there are limitations to speech, you can't yell fire in a theater. you can't defame someone. what am i speaking about? right? i'm speaking about the notion of limiting speech when it impair something we've seen gag orders before. why because of the issue to a fear and intimidation, hush money in new york, the election interference case before judge chutkan in dc, whenever it leads to fear intimidation, it's a problem whenever could lead to potential violence is a problem. >> so if you're saying things about his estimation, yes. you want to limit the amount that in which you can restrict someone, but i think you have to protect tech public safety. and on the merits, i'm concerned about her just lack of entertaining them and joy. >> one quick final thing. i mean, these photos that jack smith's office put out, are they trying to put pressure on the judge by putting these photos out? what do you make? what did you think? >> i mean, look, that's the issue of were talking about classified documents, were talking about alleged secrets of the government. we're talking about things that can get someone killed. is this the manner in which those should be treated and quite frankly, jem, that's not really a judicial question. that's a jury question when you get before jury, there are some things judges decide. they decide matters of law as it relates to whether you should have classified documents, whether they work classified documents, were they treated with the proper decorum and respect, did you intentionally possess them? there are some issues that have better presented before jury, and i think the issue here is all we ever going to get there. yes. you want to have hearings? yet? we want everybody bodies point of view to be expressed, but we have to move matters along at the end of the day. and when you're not, i think the public fairly ask, hey, what are we doing here? are you delaying are you really entertaining issues that need to be entertained, but judicial purposes or yeah. >> i mean, i was just looking at that photo. we were just looking at a few moments ago and not to do a csi on it, but it looks like somebody's dry cleaning is next to these boxes of documents that have been spilled out with newspapers and everything looks like a real dog's breakfast in there, but ra joey jackson, thanks very much. really appreciate it. i don't know what your closet looks like. are mind doesn't look that bad. >> a little match better than that but and it's not classified documents. i show you. >> all right. all right. we'll take your word for it. our jerry, thanks a lot. i knew this morning just days ahead of cnn's historic presidential debate. several top democrats are warning president bind to focus on donald trump and not on his own first-term records sources say the reason for that is simple. the president's policy achievements in their view or not resonating with the american people. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre's projecting confidence ahead of the cnn showdown. but this morning appear to suggest that the president may not entirely followed that advice when there is an opportunity for this president to speak to millions of americans, he shows up and he meets the moment. >> so obviously the president is going to look forward to thursday doing just that laying out what he normally does, what he's done the last three-and-a-half we have here is how he's going to continue to build on the economy let's discuss with cnn senior political commentator, van jones and former rnc communications director doug high van let me start with you first. >> what do you think about this stuff that we're hearing that other outside advisers saying the president should focus on trump than as accomplishments during his first term. what do you think? >> well, i just think that he's got to balance this thing on the one hand, he has a lot to be proud of. and i think he's frustrated, doesn't get credit you do have inflation coming down. employment is up stock market is strong. so when you have those kinds of things on your, your, your, your report card, you once they look looked dad, i got i got some a's here. and so that pride is going to show he's going to want to do that at the same time. he's downplaying his real strength is the empathy people don't feel good because prices are too high when it comes to groceries, when it comes to rent, when it comes to cars. and so sometimes that pride of what he's accomplished, steps on his empathy of what is yet to be done until we've got a balance that and if you get the balance wrong, it's gonna be, it's gonna sound tone deaf, which is a death knell for someone whose main credit it is his empathy yeah. >> doug, let's play a little bit of what the white house press secretary was saying this morning support that this president did with from the american rescue plan to the bipartisan infrastructure infrastructure legislation, to the inflation reduction act. >> all of these historic pieces of legislation has helped this country get back on its feet. so, yes, you know, eggs and milk and they were grocery things that were up. it has gone down, it has gone down since 2022 doug, your thoughts will look, he's going to talk about some of his legislative accomplishments. but if they're if they bank on that, that's going to convince people that their lives are suddenly better. that's a really bad strategy. he has to convince those voters who every week of their lives, they, they go and get coffee at a mcdonald's or dunkin donuts or biscuit bill. and the prices are higher that my they're upset about that. he has to demonstrate that he gets it. and the has a plan to fix it talking about i did this and this and this and you should be grateful that'll be tone deaf from biden. i think that to vans point, he has to show empathy here in an empathy is that you understand the problem and you have a way of achieving it and using that to then go after for donald trump with whatever biden feels would be a loss for voters if trump wins, he has to do both. >> yeah. and van the president is going after trump, but in a to add on the economy, let's look at that donald trump loves to attack joe biden joe biden because he's focused on revenge and he has no plans to help the middle-class. he it's just give more tax cuts. 2, the wealthy. >> joe biden is working every day to make your life more affordable. >> donald trump is only out for himself. joe biden is fighting for your family yeah. >> i mean, van to your point in that ad, they were going after trump ben it looked like his hair a little bit two and so on. but they're also showing biden sitting down with voters at the table and more of that, i guess is what they're thinking they need to do behind the scenes. >> absolutely. and part of the thing is, we're living in the united states of amnesia. people really just don't remember how awful and terrible the trump days were. i mean, there's a reason that he got voted out and so now this is weird kind of nostalgia for the trump dates, which if you look back at any other headlines are any what was going on? nobody was happy during that period of time. it was a complete upset all the time. so what biden i think it's trying to do that message tropos for himself resonates. people, get that, that that seems to be true. and biden is fighting for you. that's where he's got to prove the point. the thing about it is those of us who spend a lot time with the news, we know inflation reduction act is a lot of money to try to help build stuff. what it sounds like gobbledy gou. so you can't just get up there and say, look, i pass this abc and xyz and this 123 and think people are gonna be moved by that. people don't know what you're talking about. and so you've got on the one hand, punch hard on trump. remind people that he has a agent, but you gotta get more specific. we just heard the price of eggs. can you talk normal american? and resonate and connect? that's where that's what that ad is about. that's what he's got to be about on thursday night. >> yeah. i mean, doug, people have been frustrated with prices at the grocery store. there's no question about it trump apparently is not doing the same kind of preparation that joe biden is. joe biden better camp, david, i'm spin out on the campaign trail holding rallies, doing interviews with a friendly hosts and so on. do you like that approach? >> does. >> it make you worry a little bit for donald trump and his folks? well, there's a lot of text me makes me worried, but what's most interesting is not what donald trump is doing, but where he's doing it when it does these rallies that we've seen in recent weeks he's been in richmond, virginia. he's been in philadelphia, pennsylvania. he has been in the brock's and those are democratic strongholds. and what he's doing is he's going to joe biden's areas. he's trying to peel away voters here and there. now, if you're going to go after african american voters in a trying attract hispanic voters. you also have to invest resources, spend on hispanic and african american media and television and so forth. but he's going to places where republicans typically don't. i'll be interested to see if after this it's debate. joe biden regardless of the debate performance, does he go to rural areas where democrats really need to stem? they're bleeding yeah and of course, the elephant in the room, i mean, we don't even know what the supreme court's going to do tomorrow. so this old debate, i mean would i be talking about stuff other than what we're talking about right now, van and dcg guys, thanks very much. really appreciate it. >> thank you were just two days away from the first presidential debate of the year hosted by cnn domus joe biden and then donald trump going head-to-head. >> this thursday june 27, right here on si units at 9:00 eastern. >> still ahead. we're following breaking news of protesters storming the parliament and kenya, i take a look at some of those video. it's pretty the wild what we're seeing so far this morning, a live report from nairobi as next the most anticipated moment this is election and the stakes couldn't be higher, the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate thursday get now live on cnn and streaming on max nexium 24 hour prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as preps it, get all day and all night heartburn as it prevention with just one bill a day choose hazard prevention. choose nexium everywhere. >> but the season the seat level now and they get a, you love your bike. we do to that's why we're america's number. what motorcycle insurer the do you have to wedge it and everything? 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she would you were both caught up in the middle of it? this that's right. >> we were speaking to alma obama. they have system of former president barak obama. she came out on the streets to support the young people who are out protesting. and she was tear gas to a live on cnn and she was struggling to breed like i was because she said, i'm only here to support these young people who are raising their voice about the high cost of living. and this is not the way the government should be dealing with. it sees usually it's a free of politics. she does not usually discuss politics. i'm not sure if you have the sun, but i'd like to play that for you i'm here because look at what's happening young kenyans demo said you for the right they're demonstrating with flags and banners. >> i can't even see anymore yeah. gosh. we that was alma obama and her daughter out on the streets supporting young people and getting tear gas. >> police have not told cnn why they have had this overly militarized response to largely peaceful protesters. we did see police using live rounds outside parliament and cnn. so at these two bodies lying on the street as a result of that, gene wow, yeah. >> and larry tell us about that. why why we're protesters there outside of the parliament. and why did we see that exchange of violence there? i mean, it looks like it was very heavy-handed on the response from the police the organizers of these courses have declared seven days of rage. and today they called it not at total set down. >> their ambition was to occupy parliament and police's stated objective was to make sure that they don't do that, but they did breach the wall of parliament and get in and sits in the speaker's chair and take out the maze. but as part of trying to block these young protesters from getting that far to the parliament. we saw officers used live rounds. again and again again and again. and these horses were armed with banners and with flags of the notch of kenya and they were singing the national anthem throughout that time. and so that heavy-handed response we haven't had an official reaction from the government of kenya, from the police about why that is. what do you have that there is the supreme court of canada that's the buffer between the parliament of kenya and these protesters that these officers to make sure they don't make it back to parliament. but there's also sitting on nairobi, another building which has governor narrow as those on fire, the fire brigade trucks here trying to take out that fire wow and we heard from and any kenyan leaders we just had a state dinner here in washington and i'm just curious that have the leaders of kenya you said anything about what's going on? >> why did yeah jim, we haven't heard anything from president william kim router from his government even as this goes on, it's impossible to ignore because the scale of these protests and the devastation we have seen has an unprecedented, they i've clearly escalated when you sit this the shell of a car in the middle of the city, three different firetrucks not to put out a fire is no longer a small container disruption or eruption of the young people. many of these young people organized on tiktok, on instagram, on twitter. they came out to fight for their country country, and they said that the generation of action president william ruto is going to have to deal with this because it's not a good luck for him locally and funding not a good look for him internationally, gym that's right. >> yeah. the present router was just at the white house with president biden for a state dinner and then just shortly after that visit, we're seeing this unfold in kenya. larry madowo, excellent reporting as always, keep us posted on any developments on your end i really appreciate it. thanks so much. still to come the trial for jailed wall street reporter, evan gershkovich gets underway tomorrow. why my next guest says the american more likely part of a prisoner swap than a legitimate trial. we'll talk about that next assignments are going off and playing the 20 here i'm thinking nine grids and die and i thought that was it violin earth with leah have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn my de ensures uncomfortable. dracula, let's wait back against discomfort with new poly group our max hold and convert. it has superior hold plus keeps his comfy all day with its pressure absorbing layer. >> diane photo if you're now guitar would ask for going to get lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now going like and join the call one while watching the game who's willing? 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then detained folks will say essentially, just like hostages in russia. i mean, this makes it we're showing some of their photos on screen right now. i mean, this makes it enormously complex okay. to yes. and the russians basically have only negotiated one-on-one prisoner swaps so it is unclear whether they could get a second person in this type of swap but i think it's going to be unlikely. and paul whelan, he's been in custody since 2018. he spoke to cnn just a few days ago. here's what he said. >> the us needs to go out and do something i'll fill up guantanamo bay with russian officials arrests, russian spies do something that makes the kremlin sit up and take notice and say, okay, yeah, right now it's time that we're gonna get evan and paul back and then we want back what you've got a bowers and we'll call it a day what do you think of that? well, i understand why he wants to call it a day. >> yeah. but i don't think that there is realistic negotiations for paul whelan right now. >> and i don't think that he would be part of the prison so to swap with evan gershkovich so i think unfortunately, unless we have some other people who we can serve up as a potential swap. i fear that paul whelan will be remaining in jail and he's right. he's been in jail for years now and we have not been able to even really negotiate any sort of prisoner swap for him. >> and there was an americans detained just the other day. russian seem to be stockpiling these americans. and i mean, you just have to wonder, like what what does this say about russia right now? >> says that russia is an outlier country and outlaw country. and it will be taking hostages until it gets his way. it was very interesting that putin propose the glaciations after the negotiations in switzerland knowing, talk to him. no one, everyone ignores tim and his basically his program is just unviable well, william pomeranz, thank you very much for raising the issue of evan gershkovich. >> we're going to keep on it and hope that he comes out real soon, as well as those other americans have been waiting far too long. >> yes. >> the russians have just been, as you said, taking hostages and they're just seeing when they can use them for their own advantage. >> all right. william, thank you very much, really appreciate it. still ahead. one of the i guess, names and olympics history, michael phelps heading to capitol hill today, it will tell you why after the break the most anticipated this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming un-backed. >> hi my lane. i live in vancouver, washington, and i write mystery novels. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn't sharp and that doesn't work when you're reading a mystery and i knew i needed to do something, so i started taking prev jen. >> i realized that i was much more clear much sharper. i was remembering the d-day tails that i was supposed to privilege and keeps my brain working right. provision at stores everywhere without a prescription every day, dirt and grime settles deep within your tiles, grout lines, stanley steamer is powerful custom-made equipment removes the dirt you see in the dirt, you don't your tylee grout isn't clean phil, it's stanley steamer clique why choose asleep numbers smart bad. >> i need help whether snoring sleep number does that thank you shop our lowest price of the season with no interest until 2027. >> number smart beds 29, 99. learn more. it's the cities industry-leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. >> and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need together, city in the world food program and powerful families across the globe time depress rewind with neutral gina rapid rigueur repair. >> it has derm proven retinol expertly formulated to targets and cell turnover and fight not one but five signs of aging, physical results in just one week, neutral, gina data he's a legend and his legendary moves it might be passed down to you. get ancestry dna and see which traits were inherited where they came from. and who you share that with? 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close captioning brought to you by guilt. visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices knew every day, hurry. they'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% shop today american hopes and heartbreak, playing out at the us track and field olympic trials. a thing move won the gold medal in the 800 meter race at the tokyo olympics for her dream of repeating at the paris games were shattered last night. >> what she tripped and fell during a race and high school sophomore quincy wilson, finish six and the 400 beater finals so failing to qualify the 16-year-old sensation had previously broken the under 18 world record at the trials, both wilson and mu could make team usa on relay teams will follow that. and later today, two olympic grades will testify up on capitol hill, gold medalist michael phelps and allison schmidt will push for a strict anti-doping been measures just weeks ahead of the paris olympics, they're primetime testimony follows a bombshell new york times report that 23 chinese swimmers tested positive for a banned substance before the tokyo games. about were allowed to compete. joining me now to talk about this is united sports analysts and usa today, columnist christine brennan christina, i'd love to say i'm surprised. i'm shocked. >> it's like gambling going on at casablanca i mean, what do you think about this issue? i know you've been covering this doping in sports extensively, but you have to olympic greats testifying on this that's right. jam. this is reached critical mass as we are what, less than five weeks away before the swimming competition in paris. and that's why michael phelps, nelson schmidt, and travis tygart, the drug police, the man who caught lance armstrong. he's in charge of the us anti-doping agency they're gonna be talking to congress and the issue is that chinese doping and the fact that the world anti-doping agency there, the worldwide drug police gym, that they did not let anyone know that 23 chinese swimmers had tested positive in 20217 months before the tokyo olympics, those homers went to the tokyo olympics. three of them, three gold medals in that group. and 11 of those 23 shim 11 of the 23 will be competing in paris and the reason why we care in addition to just being generally outraged about this is that the united states, all of us taxpayers are the biggest wonders of the world app anti-doping agency, the group. they kept this secret that's fascinating. so they're obviously not doing their jobs and not informing the public of this. let's read a portion of michael phelps is xpected testimony. >> the swimmer next to you, what they're up to and the anti-doping agency that is responsible for all this falling down on the job all right. christine brennan, as always, thanks so much. really appreciate it. good to see it. >> thank you. >> all right. the sun is shining brighter in south order this morning because last night the florida panthers won the stanley cup. the teams first ever nhl title, they beat the edmonton euler's two-to-one and game seven. samurai in arts scored the winning goal there it is right there, the panthers one, the first three games only to see the euler's make hey an incredible come comeback to tie the series that was incredible that they did that only the 1940 to toronto maple leafs have come back from a 3d o deficit to window stanley cup. the euler's connor mic david was named mvp for the post-season it wasn't incredible stanley cup finals and we'll be right back voted buttons my every little kid. >> it's like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there's room for everyone. >> yeah puke rainbows. >> why an alternative to pills? 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memory and thinking issues, keep piling up. it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit more than normal when they saw dust settles and the engine roars, the thing you care about is the job well-done but when you get your tools from harbor freight, something about the job feels different your wallet, whatever you do, do it for less at harbor freight a widely filter. it's well-designed efficient. >> i appreciate that leaf filters technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. >> what more could you ask for action presidential debate cnn's primetime debate on thursday. >> the volatile issue of immigration is sure to come up. cnn's david cole has the story of one native american community on the arizona border and their concerns about rising crime and migrant hardship here you're going to start to see a lot of debris, a lot of trash. >> yeah. what is this? just a migrants? the migrants because there they just leave all did i say close? i see trash the. thenar awesome nations sacred land is bearing the brunt of migration your heart feels for the migrants and so forth like that. >> but then other part says, look at the destruction that they're causing us. look at the trash that they're leaving what that drug about 30 miles west of tucson, arizona, the reservation essentially straddles the us southern border, which is marked by a simple cattle fence this is a semi go gate traditional crossing. the tribes. chairman berlin jose, it says a border wall here would ruin their traditional land this is where the creator had put us. you don't see a boundary and we don't see a boundary but migrants do. and so do cartels, which used that on awesomes land as profitable crossing ground. >> there are some area right up here where they just turn around geoff, a monotone, just go across there. >> we see that for ourselves. oh, look, crossing right here. you can see this right there. >> you try to add she can't get. done well, let it on this they may call there are three kids, norma says she was told to walk towards a makeshift camp even in the scorching desert heat. she believes where she's headed will be better than what she's left behind she works for a political party directly in mexico and she says, her political party lost. >> she said the surge in violence and danger is so much so that she and her horse see her kids have decided to cross into the us the tribe allowed border patrol to set up a structure for the folks who do come over until their process everyone we meet here mostly families from the same country aco, even the chairman intrigued with how they ended up in such a remote part of the border where exactly i asked him that's the thing i said. do you know where we are? she she didn't even know get done this demo, so she has no idea where where we are right now. i chairman jose believes cartels are behind it is mrsa doesn't play by the rules it's in part where the tribe coordinates with customs and border protection, allowing them to set up substations on thun thumb land along with several towers armed with far-reaching high high-definition cameras. >> so they're searching from the air as well as the grounds here. >> border patrol often deploying to stop threats or to rescue stranded migrants members of the tribe have noticed in an increase in violence and crime, green with lean motivating some that under their catholic faith prayers for safety and security echoed more than 1,000 miles south of tribal territory in the outskirts of mexico city levs by lubecki its it's here. we again meet norma days after we watched her and her kids cross the border get really emotional for her the virgin of guadalupe, and she carries this card with her and her constant prayer to the virgin was to protect her kids more than 48 hours after crossing into the us border patrol's and norma and her kids back to mexico just days after the biden administration took executive action on the border, allowing for a swift deportation of most migrants after a daily camp is reached. >> it is done. in miami and it wasn't until they were physically at the border that she realized they were going to be sent back to mexico. >> the leave the sixth day journey cost norma more than $8,000 and ended where it started back in the name neighborhood where she still feels the threats of political oppression let's get she's actually feels okay going out right now because we're here and what together, but it was by herself like normally, she would only go out on saturday and middle of the day. you see you but i can she says that her recommendation for others who may want to try to cross the way that she did is don't try it while norma has no plans to cross again back on been off and land sometimes i'll come up here by myself just going to meet. >> a solid to chairman jose fears without congress coming together across party leinz, migrants and drugs will continue to cross his sacred land land. >> it has a major impact on us. we're not here to lay blame on who's who's responsible for this because i think we all and i'll do whatever it is. you protect the slant yeah that's all i got my blood sweat and here i got nothing more. david cole for cnn on thon, often nation thank you for joining me in the cnn newsroom. >> anjum acosta inside politics with mondaire rogers doors after short-lived the most anticipated subpoenaed moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one stage two, very different visions versions for america's future that cnn, president until debate thursday net it now live on cnn and streaming on max have heart failure with unresolved symptoms it may be time to see the bigger picture. >> heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr cn are rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you call your cardiologist and ask about attr cnn with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. my school was no longer mine. >> my active psoriatic arthritis, joint symptoms held me back don't let symptoms define you emerge as you withdrawn via most people saw 90% clear skin at four months. >> and the majority stayed clearer. i'd five years from phi is proven to significantly reduce joint pains and welling. it's just six doses a year after to starter doses, cbd is allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them until you dr, if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine, are planning to emerge as you emerged, trim fired ask your doctor about trump via okay. everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition. for strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein time depress rewind with neutrogena rapid regal repair, it has durham proven retinol expertly formulated to target stem cell turnover and fight not one but five signs of aging, physical results in just one week, neutrogena, why choose asleep numbers? 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Bed ,Choice ,Implants ,Struggle ,Number Com The De ,1989 ,Doctors ,Network ,100000 ,Body ,Consultation ,Harlem ,Studio ,Kei ,It Pilates ,Inke ,London Breed ,Saving Thousands ,Sections ,Emergency ,Pandemic ,Anyone Else ,San Francisco ,5 ,London ,Mayor ,Track ,Housing Projects ,Western Addition ,Small Business ,Police Officers ,Homes ,Homebuyers ,Downtown ,City Fees ,Hiring Hundreds ,City Vibrant ,82000 ,Drug Dealers ,Love ,They 70s Dirt On Cnn ,Disclosures ,America Thursday ,Cardia Com ,Sfethics Org ,July 4th ,Thursday July 4th ,2024 ,2024 Financial ,4 ,79 ,Cl ,

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