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with the justice department for his role. and one of the biggest breaches ever a classified government material, and breaking news cnn in the middle of a feud violent protests, demonstrators storm the parliament's shots we have the latest i'm john berman with sarah side. you're and kate baldwin in this is cnn news central avenue right now, crunch time to debate time i'm the big cnn debate is thursday. >> first-time joe biden and donald trump will face off in the 2024 election cycle this morning. two days out appears to mean the perfect time for a whole lot of advice and advising from advisors. and even former opponents like hillary clinton. the only person who has debated both men she writes in a new piece for the near there are times. this, it is a waste of time to try to refute mr. trump's arguments like a normal debate. it's nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even our he starts with nonsense and then digressive into blather yet expectations for trump are so low that if he doesn't literally light himself on fire on thursday evening, some will say he was down right presidential also doling out advice today outside advisers to the biden campaign. they say the recipe for success this time is to not focus on your vision for america. mr. biden is focused more on trump's let's start with our let signs this our arlette. what are you learning about president biden and the preparations he's undergoing right now, okay. >> president biden's debate preparations wet late into the evening as he and his team are trying to use every last possible minute to prepare for this debate against donald trump on thursday now, biden's advisers have signaled that they really see three key areas where biden can draw stark contrast with trump on the debate stage that includes abortion democracy and the economy. and cnn has new reporting that outside democratic advisers have urged the president and his team to really focus less on trying to take a victory lap around president biden's accomplishments and said, focus on attacking trump over his economic vision. these sources have said that they have argued that the campaign should really try to tie trump to corporations and also highlight the inflationary nature of his economic plan. it comes at a time when voters continued you to hold deep reservations about president biden's handling of the economy, even as there have been some economic bright spots such as 15 million jobs created and the economy avoiding sinking into to a recession polling has shown that voters is to have tended to trust trump more on economic issues, then biden. and so that is one of the key challenges for biden heading into this debate. the biden campaign today is really trying to lean into drawing that economic contrast with trump. they've released a new television ad which will run in battleground states, arguing that trump is only looking out for himself and not looking out for the american middle class let's take a listen donald trump loves to attack joe biden. you by joe biden because he's focused on revenge and he has no plans to help the middle-class. >> he just give more tax this cuts to the wealthy here's the difference donald trump is only out for himself joe biden is fighting for your family now the campaign is also once again criticizing trump's recent criminal convictions. >> a spokesperson, michael tyler is saying, quote, the american people deserve better than a white color crook who is only in it for himself. that's why they fire donald trump in 2020. and it's why joe biden will beat him again in november. so the campaign this morning previewing a bit of what their arguments could be beyond that debate stage as biden prepares to face off against trump for the first time since 2020 on thursday. >> all right. arlette, thank you so much, kristen holmes is live outside mar-a-lago for us right now, kristen, what are you hearing about what trump is and is not doing to prepare for this debate okay. >> trump arrived here in mar-a-lago at his resort last night up to refund reason we're in louisiana, he's going to be holed up here for the next two-and-a-half days meeting with advisors, talking to allies in some ways, there is some similarity to what biden is doing. he is talking to his allies and senior advisers about policy. but what you should be talking about on the debate stage, donald trump is somebody who crowdsources for advice, but they are not calling this any sort of preparation region. it certainly isn't the kind of drills that you're seeing or hearing about from the biden campaign and what they are doing at camp david, there's no one filling in for joe biden. there was no one filling in for jake or dana who will be moderating that debate on thursday. instead, it is what they are calling quote, unquote discussions around what trump's to talk about, of course, is advisers are hoping that he's going to talk about the economy immigration, things that he pulls higher than president joe biden on. however, there's obviously concern the donald trump is going to at some point go off the rails. now we did hear from trump and an inner review yesterday talking about how those interviews are part of his preparation. take alyssa yeah. >> are you preparing? i'm preparing by taking questions from you and others if you think about it, but i'm preparing by dealing with you you're tougher than all of them. >> not sure that he's tougher than all of them given that many of the interviews that donald trump is doing currently, our friendly, they also said that him taking questions from audience members that just different events was part of the preparation. again, friendly audiences, but this is the way donald trump is doing it. they are hoping again, he can stay on message when he gets on that stage on thursday kristen, thank you so much. john all right. >> with this now, cnn political commentator, former biden white house communications director kate bedingfield, and cnn political commentator and republican strategist. sure. michael singleton. thank you both for being here. >> so team been getting a lot of advice, solicited and probably unsolicited here biden, advisers were reporting saying, don't talk about yourself, talk about him there's a little less i can tell you as somebody who has been at the center of debate prep, there's always outside advice, but i do think there's some wisdom in recognizing that what biden is trying to do here, what he should be trying to do on thursday is make this a choice. he doesn't want to come out of the debate on thursday night, having it had been a referendum on him, that is just he wants he should want the frame to be the contrast between donald trump, what he stands for himself and joe biden who he's fighting for, you, the middle-class. and so he does have to draw a contrast to do that. he has to i think he has to be on the attack he has to take the he has to drive the conversation to the things that he wants to be focusing on, including the places where trump is most politically vulnerable. abortion, democracy. january 6. so i think no question. joe biden has to be or as if on thursday, what do you do then? and i'll get i promise i'm coming what i did time if the question is, what about the inflation, mr. president? what about the fact that prices are 20% higher now than they were when you took office. how do you deflect that? it's i understand what families are going through. >> its i know that when you go to the grocery store and prices are higher, that's tough on your family and that's tough when you're dealing with a fan emily budget. here are all the things i've done to bring prices down. here's what i'm going to do in the next four years. here's how donald trump's agenda is going to make things more expensive for you. every answer has to come back around to this is why donald trump is not a good alternative and not a viable choice. it doesn't mean joe by john, talk about his love, my dear friend cade here. but the problem is joe biden, the president is saying that he's not saying i recognize you're struggles. he actually, he's not campaigning k that i get that price the ad where he says, but as an on the stone saying to the american people that i understand that prices in the grocery stores are high, but i understand that many of you are struggling to buy your first home. >> a very young person you're graduated from college, john, and move into a city like new york or we'd like washington dc, you're going to be paying 34000 bucks a month in rent. i understand that is difficult for you to begin their future that i've promised four years ago, i would make palatable for a greater large percentage of the american people. the president can't run on that record. so what is he going to do? i suspect go after the former president my advice would donald trump would be every single time the president brings up something of the past, i would say, but the economy, but immigration, but foreign conflicts remind the american people that they are not satisfied with the current reality and they want a new direction. >> so each end we talking about the other guy, it's absolutely that's what it seems like to me. >> yes i'm not sure. >> i 100% by the spin that we're getting from the trump team that he's not preparing for the debates. he's just asking policy questions and doing interviews here. i think that's them wanting to say, oh, we're not really trying that hard. what do you think? >> i think it would be incredibly naive to not focus on this debate. this debate is gonna be incredibly important. we've seen with the margins are we were talking earlier cade, about 20:20. you're talking about what 34 states around 40,000 vote difference. if you're donald trump and you're considering the reality that you lost states like georgia arizona, wisconsin, 10,000 in georgia, 11,000, arizona, 22,000, and wisconsin, if i'm your advisor, i'm saying dude, i get that you might be this macho guy and i got it all. i don't need to prepare. but if we want to win this thing in november, you've got to get your butt in the room with advisers and figure out the best way to that you can present your so well to the american people because this could be a groundbreaking moment that could determine whether you win or lose. one thing unique to this debate is they are both presidents. >> one current and former and one of the problems that president's current and former have in debates is that during preparation, it's hard to tell him to do better, right? it's hard to tell them when you're practicing. gosh, let's try that one again because i think we can get a better answer there, kate, you've been into a room with him doing this kind of thing? who can and how do you tell president biden that he needs to do better? >> i will tell you people actually do, people do because biden wants to do well, he wants to have a good performance. he wants to have a genuine back-and-forth. there's a lot of time in debate prep with joe biden spent going through answers with him, getting his feedback on how he wants to address things and saying you know, sir, i think that wouldn't work and i would consider this way. now, he may say absolutely not. you're wrong. and sometimes these right. but sometimes he'll say, you know what, that is, a better way to go about it. so for him, debate prep really is a genuine back-and-forth and he does here hey, back, i will say though it is typically historically hard for presidents in their first debate out of the gate because not necessarily because they don't get direct feedback, but just because they've been running the country, right? i mean, they haven't been focused on debating and the specifics of debating which despite what donald trump may say is actually different than doing interview and especially than doing an interview with a friendly podcaster, will say, there are other debate schedule here, but i think there's also a good chance. this is one chance, one opportunity is if i were trump, i would focus on tone, demeanor really matters. he needs to shock the heck out of all of us. so that those independent voters in the middle, we're looking for some level of stability from him because they wait a minute here. i may give him this guy second look. i'd knock it out of the park is i'm not going to do a second debate right the rescue of too high for him. i think either guy is capable of saying, i'm not doing a second debate to whoever wins this debate has no incentive to go back a second time, right? >> yeah, i agree agree with that. i would which raises the stakes even more fans at their zeroed out. it is a very high-stakes moment for both of them. this will be a significant inflection point in this campaign. one way or the other capable of coming out calm and measure he, john, he doesn't have a choice. >> capabilities here as one thing set aside, but again, i think if you're the former president, you're looking all the legal issues that he's facing to me, my my thought process is if you don't win this thing all of those trials are eventually going to come. >> you have to showcase a different version of yourself that people just aren't used to. >> you don't have a choice. this is a survivability thing for him that doesn't sound like something for the american people that sounds like something for him politics, sometimes there's about self-preservation, john, this is why trump's campaign message is not resonating with moderate suburban swing voters who want to know what the presence gonna do for them, not present aide and campaign is going to keep him out of jail. wait a minute, your kid prison is it in binds a message, is resonating with the american people. all right, prison writings message 38% is, it's wednesday. know, what to say they today's tuesday so it's a little bit so we have time to continue this discussion. >> thanks whatever patient here there is a big debate coming up. >> eight historic presidential debate right here on cnn thursday night, 9:00 p.m. jake tapper, dana bash, moderate do not miss it okay. >> we're also standing by for core to start back up in florida today. a third de of hearings and trump's classified documents case, the new images special counsel, just release and why the judge seems unlikely to be putting a gag order in place for this case against the former president. >> and there is also new video of china bringing back and dirt from the far side of the moon. this is, it, this isn't historic first. >> so what this means. now, for the the space program the most anticipated moment of this lecture and the stakes couldn't be higher the president and the former president one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine life on cnn and streaming on max it's payback time all these years you've worked hard. you've fixed it you looked after it. maybe it's time 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this is still happening now, we've also learned lawmakers had to escape through an underground channels. cnn's larry madowo is there. you were standing there last hour and you saw a body on the ground. you are hearing live rounds go off. what are you? you seeing now sarah, we have seen at least two bodies pulled away from outside kenya's parliament after police used live rounds to dry and pushed protest as that had reached the fence of the national assembly and made it inside parliament, inside the floor of the house. >> sudden the speaker's chair and made the way with the maze of the kenyan national assembly. what we see here is a standoff between the protesters and the police. there's an ambulance being rushed inside the crowd here that is probably an indication that someone but it could be heard. they are at a safe distance by police, keep pushing them back, and they keep advancing forward. their ambition today was trend occupied parliament. they declared seven days of rage in response to the high cost of living. they say especially in new proposals contained in the finance beer that's extremely unpopular it's a critical moment for president william ruto, just weeks after his triumphant big state visit to the us. and now these streets the scenes on the streets of nairobi, it looks almost like a war zone except many of these protests have been peaceful throughout the day. that keeps saying again and again and again, the weird peaceful stop shooting at us, stop killing us. but we've seen police use a very heavy-handed response to it. a lot of tear gas, lot of water cannon, and that's is scene over here for instance, there's a lot of these trucks all over the city that trying to make sure that these protesters did not make it a parliament. but its almost pointless because they have in fact made it to parliament, made it all the way which the floor of the house and there's still a lot of cops standing by here trying to protect parliament. but on the ground, use the blood. there's lots of letter he says rather vandalism. and part of it from the violence that we have seen here in front of kenya's national assembly, which is back there behind me with one part of the wall completely broken down. a police truck that wasn't fire earlier, and a reinforcement there. you see more police coming in just as we're speaking showing that maybe the government is trying to meet keep a handle on this. but so far it's appears to have gotten out of hand, especially with the violence and police having to use live round strand push back protesters. sarah leary, we did see someone who appear to be lying on the ground in your last shot and a building on fire. >> do you know where that is and what happened to the person who's sitting there on the ground? they injured we did see it is two people who were dead and i wanted to a view, is he what i'm about to say? >> it could be disturbing. we saw at least one on the young man who had been shocked right before our eyes, his his brains shattered on the ground outside kenya's parliament. we saw at least one other body that the line outside parliament covered in the kenyan national flag. so we know at least two people have been confirmed dead because we saw them here. we're not sure if there are any other casualties but that is an extraordinary seen here. these protesters back there, they're singing the national anthem. they are not carrying any weapons. they are not harming anyone. they've been thinking the nasser hello anthem again and again and again and their whole point is, please listen to us. we are not harming anybody. another chanting router must go. router must go rafat to doesn't william ruto very, these are extraordinary pictures. >> thank you for bringing us that. we really appreciate it. we won't be checking in with you and stay safe with you and your crew. john. all right. what is scene there? so could the united states be one step closer to requiring women to register for the draft. we've got new details as congress ways that decision fate, life in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beit analysis follows cnn every countless moment followed debate night in america, thursday at 7:00 p.m. 20 seconds a week to lose 20% of your weight in a year with diet and exercise. that's the power of glp-1s three through row connect with the providers today at slash 21 the effects of viagra, but faster meet row sparks they contain sildenafil and to dalla fill with sparks, dissolve under the tongue, dissolvable, work faster the mode screen pills see sparks are right for you at row dot coast last sparks. >> what the biggest companies the liver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity by solution from t-mobile for business t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supplies, stores nationwide with reliable bites we miss this internet and 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do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. mattresses made affordable this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the rules assaults, follow the facts follow cnn this morning after spending years in a london prison and after really 14 year legal saga, wikileaks founder julian assange is set to be a free man. >> assange's now struck a plea deal with the us government that will allow him to avoid any possible prison time in the united states as part of the deal, assange will plead guilty to a single felony count of illegally obtaining and disclosing national security material, which includes one of the largest leaks of confidential military information in american history. joining me right now as a democratic senator from rhode island, jack reed, he's the chairman of the senate armed services committee. it's good to see you, senator. thank you for coming in. >> julian assange, a free man, likely to avoid any prison time in the united states, it's a far cry from the charges that have been brought against him. >> what's your reaction to this final twist? >> well, my reaction is that he clearly stated who's guilty, that all of the obfuscation, all of the deviation over many, many years and hiding and embassies. >> that's over. he's come forward and said, yes, i am guilty. i violated the law. >> the issue of custard, i think is less important than his on conditional declaration of his guilt yeah. >> i mean, because this involved one of the largest leaks of confidential us military information in history he celebrated by some for his work, hated by others as endangering americans and those who worked with americans in these conflicts. what do you think of the man in his work after all of this? he's he's defends himself and says he should be afforded first amendment free speech privileges that other journalists should be afforded. others say he's done, he's gone way too far and in too much damage. what do you think? >> he violated? laws are not. again, i think his unqualified plea of guilty should settle this matter when he faced real trial. there were no adequate defenses that he could find or who simply admitted. yes, i'm guilty he undermines the security of the i'd say he did it systematically. you did it for his own gratification, self-promotion, et cetera and that guilty pleas speaks volumes. >> the israeli defense minister is in washington right now and throughout the week meeting with the defense secretary lloyd austin today. and this comes as benjamin netanyahu still seems to be trying right now to contain the fallout from his comments this weekend where it appeared that he was walking back his support for the ceasefire deal. that's bad. act by the united states. what are you hearing about this in this moment? >> it seems to be unclear where the ceasefire negotiations are or can be given this ambiguity and what netanyahu has been saying the last two days, do you trust his commitment? >> to the hostage and ceasefire proposal that the president president biden, put out there well, netanyahu has been politicizing this issue in many more for his own. >> i think advantage politically within israel i think the critical issue here is that the military, the idf, the israeli defense forces have raised serious questions about his leadership principally, what's the end game? where are we going to go? we cannot continue to simply come back individuals in gaza and i think he's failed to deliver that on. i think the military is being more and more insistent that they have an unsafe that there's some authority there other than hamas to govern the area. and that they can get on with further protections in the state of israel? so i think if you talk to the real soldiers, they would say they were chart a much different costs and i think they've been wants to but setter to a ceasefire without giving up their ultimate goal of deteriorating and degrading immensely hamas. so it could never be a threat against israel syndrome. >> one thing on your plate right now is the national defense authorization act. i mean, this is for all who don't follow it. this is a massive bill that sets pentagon policy guiding funding for the year ahead. included this time in various versions is proposal that would make registering for the draft automatic. and also a move in the senate to expand it to women for the first time. >> what's going to happen with this well, i think it is an entirely sensible idea. it was recommended by a national bipartisan commission on national service. and we took that recommendation and it was in 2016 and 2017, publicly supported by all or uniform chiefs of staff because it makes sense 17% of the military today is composed of women, there are in every aspect of service combat, arms technical services et cetera and word a situation where all we're trying to do is registered. there's no draft in place today it would take congress to act, to pass legislation, to create a draft and in that legislation, they could make distinctions, clarifications whatever congress thought. but without this registration requirement we are missing on a vast pool of talent i mean, it's interesting. we're talking about israel. they're armed forces have been gender neutral for decades and decades and decades and the war most effective fighting forces in the country. and then world i should say so what we're talking about now is simply if we get into a crisis, if we need the two stock grafting that we want to be able to graph the most qualified individuals in the country tree and two separated by an arcane sense of gender is to my mind, not in support of our national security. >> let's see where it goes. it's come up before it's never it's always been scrapped before. the ndaa has gone forward and never become law it's all on your plate now, senator. chairman. thank you so much for your time thank you, okay. >> bye now, thank you. jump. >> this morning nyu and never before seen evidence from the special counsel in donald trump's classified documents case we are standing by as court is set to get underway short the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate thursday night it now life on cnn and streaming on max shipping trucks advanced camera technology lets you see over under through down and any other direction you may need up to eight available cameras in the team views so you can focus on the view that really matters don't miss it vague. >> chevy scott chevrolet together, let's drive what's considered normal for your cat is interesting. but if your cat isn't there, corky self lately, they may have pain from a common condition called osteoarthritis. now there. so when cia zelenskyy is a once monthly 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it's easy to win re-send and get two months free when you buy any iphone, like iphone 15 pro with titanium, i'm jessica schneider at the federal courthouse in washington. >> and this is cnn this morning, we are standing by for court to start back up in florida hearings in the classified documents case against donald trump. this morning the special counsel is defending how investigators handled the documents found at mar-a-lago releasing never before seen photos of how the documents were found. this is an effort to push back on trump's latest just attempt to get the case tossed, seen as m. perez is outside the courthouse with the latest this morning. good morning to you, evan hey, good morning. >> john noch. >> part of what the former president is arguing in court today is that because the order of which these documents was changed after the fbi seize them back in october in august of 2020 that this is harming his ability to put on a defense that is the argument the lawyers are making. >> it's kind of a stretch. if you look at the pictures that the prosecutors filed in court last night, for instance, look at these pictures from walt nauta. these are pictures of the boxes and the way these boxes were being kept according to prosecutors, it looks like something out of the show harder's not exactly a pristine filing system that donald trump was keeping back in mar-a-lago. you also see some photos here showing being a thank you letter that the former president had written to some sandy hook families and also pictures of some of the knick-knacks and news it's clippings that he kept alongside some of the nation's most closely guarded secrets in these cardboard box brought boxes what prosecutors say in response to the former president's position is that trump's newly invented explanations or nothing more than another attempt to, to make unfounded accusations against law enforcement. that's what we're expecting to hear them say in court later today. now, this is obviously the third de of a three-day hearing. and this is the latest attempt, as you pointed out, john, to try to dismiss this case for various reasons. >> good to have you there, evan, please keep us posted on the events. appreciate it all right. >> further talk about this. joining me now for more. elie honig, cnn senior legal analyst and former assistant us attorney for the southern district of new york. okay. so you just heard what evan said. this idea that judges asking the judge to throw out the results of the mar-a-lago search warrant. first of all, it would kill the case, right? that would just take away all the evidence. yes. >> do you think he has any chance of winning on this one and absolute minimum of a chance. >> this is a real long shot look, anyone who is subject to a search warrant brings a motion like this. they argue the government, the fbi didn't have probable cause or mishandled the documents and trump sort of arguing various different complaints here. he's saying, well, the fbi misled the judge when they got the search warrant. they didn't need to do the search warrant. they didn't execute it properly as evan just said, they didn't keep the documents in their proper numerical order. none of that is going to be up by the facts. none of that is enough to get this search warrant thrown out. i think the judge will probably probably reject this particular motion. all right. so you have trump's attorney, one of them advocating at monday's hearing for the judge to insist on more congressional oversight of the special counsel and saying, hey, you should also rule this as unlawful because of how the special counsel is funding. the judge is clearly entertaining this argument, asking the prosecution about this, wouldn't be unusual though, for her to rule in trump's favor on this one. >> here's how unusual it would be, sarah. it's never happened before other people have made similar arguments to try to disqualify other special counsels same argue it was made to try to disqualify robert muller, the same argument was made to try to disqualify the special counsel in the hunter biden case, david weiss. what donald trump's team is arguing is two things. first of all, the funding for the special counsel is not coming through doj. therefore, that's some sort of structural flaw. and second of all, if somebody is going to be given the powers of the federal prosecutor as the special counsel is, he has to be presidentially appointed and senate confirmed, which the special counsel here has not, which jack smith has not been no special counsel has ever been disqualified on this basis. if the judge and you're right. the judge did is entertaining this argument. she's hearing extensive arguments about it. if she actually does make that ruling, the jack smith's disqualified jack smith will appeal. and i think we'll get a reverse. >> i wouldn't ask you about this hostility that has been shown by the judge to prosecutors. >> yeah. and then prosecutors at least yesterday seem to have returned that hostility in court yesterday, during their arguments. i think it was over the gag order for donald trump. what is the signal for you? her some of her language around the gag order. it happens sometimes things get a little messy in court and look, prosecutors are frustrated with this judge. and as a prosecutor, that's part of the job that's part of life. you don't get rulings that you like all the time. there's some judges that are infuriating to prosecutors i might have had a couple in my day. you think they don't rule fairly, you think they don't rule quickly enough and clearly some of that bubbled over the prosecutor, david harbach, who i used to work with, acknowledged that at times he had stepped over the line and the judge reprimanded him so it's theatrical. but, you know, courts can be rough and tumble places it happens, we move on, we're all pros okay. trump's also going to sort of contest testimony from his attorney about him. yeah how could prosecutor sort of use this testimony from the attorney against a client? >> does he have any chance that this will be ruled to pipe in his face? i do think there's a chance, judge cannon gives trump's some relief on this. so if you look at the indictment, a big part of the obstruction transaction, the end of the indictment has to do with testimony from evan corcoran was trump's lawyer at the time. now, ordinarily what a client, an attorney discusses privilege, but doj went to a judge and a different judge, her and hold that privilege does not apply because the discussion related to a crime corcoran was not participating in the crime, but trump was discussing crime i'm sort of through corcoran. that's really rare to pierce that privilege. and some of the things in the indictment i think may actually infringed on the privilege for example, there's a point in the indictment where trump where trump's sort of signals to evan corcoran clock, right? can you remember that to me? crosses the line, but there's other parts were trump's asking evan greene questions while do we have to comply with the subpoena? what if we did in that to me is the kind of question that yeah, it goes to trump's state of mind, but a lot of criminal defendants ask their lawyers that, right? that to me. may infringe on the privilege. so wouldn't shock me if judge cannon says some of those pieces of evidence are not useful boldness case. >> that's really interesting. elie honig she can pick and choose what it is that the jury will eventually see. of course. exactly. thank you so much. i correct to say. okay. >> we're falling breaking news out of kenya's still this morning, our reporters seeing dead bodies in the street cnn crews on the ground as the chaos unfolds outside and inside the country's parliament. and there's new footage this morning from the far side of the moon and new details on this historic lunar mission the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming 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before i get inside, i just want to show you over here. police have been pushing back the protesters further and further away from kenya's parliament after the breached the floor of the house, they got inside side of the speaker's chair and pulled out the maze from that building. now they're going to push back away the anger here is over the high cost of living these protests are part of what is called seven days of rage against over taxation in the country, the government of president william ruto has recommended new tax proposals in what is known as the finance bill. and these protesters, many of them young people organizing on tiktok, this gen z revolutions. so they're calling it has been very vocal in trying to force the government to do something and to reduce the cost of living. this is the scene inside where the government of nairobi of the city of nairobi, the capital sets. and this is the scene in here. >> you see a writing on the wall here. i was here, reject finance bill. that's been the message of these people for the past few weeks. but this momentum has built over the past few days. as the government of prison, ruto's essentially said that they would be listening the consents of these young people and trying to engage them, but they don't feel that the government has been paying enough attention to them. and it's all come to a head in these protests. and today we saw an extraordinary seen with alma obama. the half sister of former president barak obama, joining these young people. he and the protests and she was teargassed while live on cnn. and she said all the young people are saying, is listened to us, john and the government does not seem to be paying attention larry, i know you also saw people hurt. >> maybe maybe more than hurt on the streets. >> describe some of what you saw what, did see, at least two bodies are lying outside kenya's parliament in one, most heartbreaking scene. >> it was a young man who had been shot by a live rounds right in front of our eyes. his brains shattered on the floor outside kenya's parliament. we saw at least one of the young man, but also been killed after we saw police used live rounds outside kenya's parliament to trend beat back protesters who made their way to the wall and eventually inside kenya's parliament. cnn has reached out to the police to understand exactly what happened here and to get an updated number of casualties, we have not heard back from the kinepolis yet, but this is the scene leading to kenya's parliament still see a huge security presence just around this national assembly area. i would say we have probably 300, 400 police officers. what a cannon trucks. we've had police choppers flying overhead, a huge heavily militarized response to has been largely peaceful protests against the high cost of living in kenya mr images or obese city hall on fire with you walking right in and the parliament sees there for a moment as well. larry, please stay safe, keep us posted as this continues to develop throughout the morning it is an historic mission to the moon and china's space program says it is now successfully wrapped. the chinese lunar mission, bringing back to earth the first ever samples of dust and rock from the far side of the moon, a major milestone for china's space program and a major moment for all space exploration. >> china's now hoping land astronauts on the moon by the year 2030 cnn's steven jiang has much more on the steven that new footage of the mission is now in what are you learning? >> that's right. so this marks under milestones you mentioned in this ambitious program, they have, but also generating a lot of excitement amount of scientists around the world because these lunar soil were collected from the moon sprawling south pole, eight can basin datsun impact crater formed some 4 billion years ago on a site of moon that's never visible to earth. that's important because on earth, a lot of the evolution, evolutionary evidence has been destroyed by the movements of our plate tectonics. but on the moon's far side experts told us it's more like a frozen record of what it was like in the early today's our solar system. so now these precious samples will be studied by chinese researchers first before the government here allows access to them by international scientists and everybody will be looking very carefully >> we have made in these sample return missions will help them get closer to putting, to put their chinese astronauts on the moon, because these missions are not only scientific missions, but also opportunities for them to perfect their command and control aspects of their space program. as you know, kate nasa is also planning to put americans back on a moon around 2026. so the church chinese latest success could potentially give them a leg up in this increasingly heated space race, kate? >> yeah absolutely hated space race was still an amazing accomplishment of those chinese space. >> china's space program today, it's good to see you, stephen. thank you so much. >> and that does it for us. thank you for joining us. this is c cnn new central, see in a newsroom with jim acosta, lab techs in america, as biden and trump meat. >> and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat analysis follow cnn for every countless moment, follow debate night in america, thursday at 7:00 p.m. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be like number one chef, dad cooking up a free hot breakfast for the entire family and a comfort hotel. >> mom made this i added the garnish stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you booked direct high, it's christina again, i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friend at jacuzzi bathroom model that you don't want to miss, you already know jacuzzi has been making water-filled great for more than 65 years. >> and now they're bringing you this special tv offer. we're waving all 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