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much fun, thanks to our panel. thank you. i've for joining us this morning. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now so what is going on behind closed doors? >> just days before the historic cnn debate, we've got new details on the preparations and 19 people killed, dozen injured in southern russia after gunman targeted synagogues and churches a massive investigation underway right now with some russian officials or blaming international terrorists. also, climate protesters tackled to the ground after running onto the fairway during the final round of the pga safe travelers championship. what the players are saying about this disruption, cadence out today, i'm serious, side row john berman, this is seeing a new central welcome to the first one. >> workday of the most important week of the presidential campaign. it is certainly the most historic, the earliest general election debate in history, right here on cnn every minute between now when thursday night is essential to these candidates and everything they do and say between now and then tells a story this morning, the biden campaign is releasing a new ad lasting trump for the supreme court decision to overturn roe versus wade. this is the second anniversary of that decision. donald trump as both mocking president biden for his debate preparation, but also noticeably shifting on how he is setting expectations. >> we're joined now by cnn's arlette saenz and alina train or let, let's start with you and the white house, the biden campaign. >> what are they doing this morning? >> well, john president biden remains hunkered down at camp david, where he is preparing for his debate against trump on thursday. but the biden campaign today is engaged in an all-out push to warn that abortion rights remain under attack. vice president kamala harris we'll speak at two events in maryland and arizona to highlight the two-year anniversary of the supreme court overturning roe versus wade. and this morning the campaign is also releasing a stark new ad attacking trump over his position on abortion. the ad features a luis because he, anna woman named caitlin joshua, who says she was turned away from two emergency rooms when she experienced a miscarriage at 11 weeks in part due to louisiana's abortion ban joshua in this ad directly blamed her experience on donald trump. take a listen to pain that i was feeling was excruciating. i was turned away from to emergency rooms. that was a direct result of donald trump overturning roe v. wade. he's now a convicted felon, trump things you should not be held accountable for his own criminal actions but he will let women and doctors be punished now, this notably, it's also the second time that the biden campaign has used trump's criminal convictions in its campaign advertisements to try to argue that he is unfit for office. >> now the white house and the campaign are also bracing for the supreme court to possibly make a major decision this week, we're relating to emergency access to abortion. but this all comes as biden's advisors continue to believe abortion rights remains a potent political issue heading into november's election. and biden's debate against trump on thursday, democrats saw success in the midterms in large part due to the issue of reproductive rights after the dobbs ruling came down two years ago. and that is something biden's team is hoping to replicate in this november's election. now president is spending time with his advisors at camp david to run through potentially mock debates and preparation for his showdown with donald trump in this issue of abortion rights is one that the biden campaign is eager to raise in the day just ahead of the debate. and on that debate stage, as they believe it presents a real stark contrast with trump and what he has said on abortion including his appointment of conservative job us, this on the supreme court that led to the overturning of roe versus wade well, that's science at the white house or let thanks very much. let's go now to related train. this is an issue that donald trump has been talking about, although less so, what's his strategy when it comes to reproductive rights and abortion? >> well, at this anniversary, j is not something that i know. the trump camp was looking forward to. this is not an issue that donald trump wants to be talking about however, of course, he is being forced to address it now he was in washington, dc this weekend on saturday at a christian conservative conference. it's called the faith and freedom coalition he did bring up the issue and he did what he always does, which is tried to walk that fine line between taking credit for the overturning of roe versus wade while also trying to stay politically safe on the issue. take a listen to what he said. >> my first four years, we totally transformed the federal bench thanks to these justices. we have also achieved what the pro-life movement fought to get for 49 years. and we've gotten abortion out of the federal government and i believe in exceptions for the life of the mother rape and incest. some people do. i think most people do actually, but some people don't. you have to go with your heart, but you have to also remember you have to get elected that last line there. you have to go with your heart, but you have to remember to also get elected. that is exactly how donald trump uses issue and look his comments at that conference are very common for what we've seen with donald trump when he's in front of a group or he knows that they care very much about the abortion issue. a lot of evangelicals helped him get into the office in the first place in 2016, he tries to tout what he did more so however, i know that in the lead up to the debate this week, they have been discussing donald trump and his campaign as well as senators, vice presidential contenders, policy experts. they've all been meeting with donald trump behind the scenes for what his team has dubbing policy discussions, abortion has been a key focus because they know that this is an issue that republicans are more vulnerable on something that you saw donald trump address there on saturday. now, as for the debate in itself, i will tell you that unlike what are let just laid out about the biden camp and potential mock debates. that is something that donald trump is not engaging in. instead, we really saw this week, i'm keep up very aggressive campaign schedule. his team argues that donald trump's version of preparation is speaking at these rallies, doing media interviews, taking questions. however, again, we do know that of course donald trump is preparing as much as they are trying to downplay the amount of preparation he needs. he is huddling behind the scenes with keeping people talking about these exact same issues that they think he's going to have to sharpen his rhetoric on. the other thing, i think that's very important to keep in mind as we look ahead to thursday is the expectations game donald trump and his team for months now have tried to paint joe biden as this weak and feeble candidate. someone who they argued would not even be able to stand out up on stage for the 90 minutes allotted for this debate. however, we've really seen them change that language in recent days are trying to raise the expectations for biden knowing that they don't want to set a low bar for him on thursday. and so we're seeing a lot of that play out, particularly this week. i think we're gonna see a lot of donald trump's advisers and surrogates really really trying to change those expectations. we saw a lot of them on sunday as well, trying to argue that biden is a worthy debater, something donald trump himself has said. so we're going to see a lot of that messaging this week as we look forward to thursday, when we certainly heard from doug berman, bermon, sorry, burgum. you're not running who you talked to who talked a lot? about that on the sunday shows. and he is of course a vp contender, alayna treene. thank you so much for all your reported thank you. >> all right. today, the suspect in a mass shooting at a grocery store is expected in court. we have new details and the accused shooter and the potential motive protests outside a synagogue turn ugly as police struggle to keep pro israeli and pro-palestinian demonstrators separated and look at just look at that we will have a second biden second breakdown of what might be the most important video if not in our lifetime, certainly in the last few days debate night in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beit analysis. follow cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america, thursday the its 7:00 p.m. if you're about to replace your roof stock, there's a solution about 80% less expensive, nine out of ten roofs can be saved by roof max, guaranteed to extend the life of your current rule by five to 15 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every window my mornings in the sun with porto's to new world and fine dining with a view your window, treatments via is inspiring, is your home. and the remarkable routine of your daily life three-day blinds our ipo is coming up. how do we make sure we're ready to meet all the regulatory requirements we need to ask markham, wonder where thing like a pro pain-free wers absorbing for the american west was hoped it was a dream to make a better life people aspire to be great. horizon, an american saga, read it or authorities in russia's dagestan region had declared three days of mourning following attack sunday on churches and synagogues, at least 15 police officers and for civilians, including being a priest, were killed in a coordinated series of attacks in the cities of durban and makhachkala. the total number of victims remains unclear. and so far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. russian state media says that counterterror operations following the incident has been completed and several suspect facts have now been charged under a terrorism act. cnn's clear, sebastian is live for us in london with more on the story. clear. do the 30s know exactly what happened yet? >> well, the details is still unfolding, but what they are confident and zara is that this was a set of coordinated attacks. what we see is that they happened ready simultaneously in these two cities match color, which is the regional capital. and this predominantly muslim region that gets done. and then that event which is more than 100 kilometers, 80 miles away down the caspian sea coast. there's also, of course, the pattern that we see with these houses of worship being targeted churches and synagogues in both cities, we know that it unfolded or at least report suggests that it started to unfold in the early evening, a summit evening. in this region, they used according to initial reports, automatic weapons to fire on synagogues and churches at one church in much kola. we heard that some 19 people were sort of holed up in there as a shootout happened outside and relate to brought to safety and a priest was also killed at an orthodox priest in debt are bent according to wonderful official worrisome details by having his throat slit. so all of this they are still sort of piecing together, but clearly russia's investigative committee views this as terrorism is being investigated under the terrorism act. and i think the key point at this stage is that we have no claim of responsibility from any specific group. but what we do have a various suggestions from russian officials that it could have originated outside of russia, law enforcement sources saying to state media, tass that this was adherence to foreign terrorist organizations. one, russian mp even suggesting that the special services of ukraine and nato could be behind it. i think we should take that with a pinch of salt at this stage i'm looking at this picture they are disturbing. >> putin is really prided himself on keeping russia secure while at the same time perpetrating his war in ukraine, are the questions now being asked in russia? >> what i think the main questions are is that how could this happen again, this is just three months off to the worst terrorist attack, the deadliest terror attack that russia had seen in two decades, the attack at the crocus city hall in moscow, that concert hall, when more than 140 people were killed, you'll remember that isis kaye the brunch of these let me state, in afghanistan, claimed responsibility for that attack, but that did not stop president putin laying the blame at the door of ukraine and the west as well. i think the other question and the important piece of context here is that dagestan is a very turbulent region in russia's south at borders, chechnya, we've seen flare-ups of violence over the he is in decades including terrorist attacks, terror attacks, even originating in dagestan. you remember that the boston bombers in 2013, they had lived in dagestan and we've seen ethnic tensions flare recently found by the war in gaza in october. a mob stormed the main airport and my hajj gallo and flight from tel aviv landed those in pretty tense and terrifying scenes that for several hours. so the fact that synagogues were among the places targeted is raising questions in a region that also has an ancient jewish population in all of this is you say, of course, the very last thing that britain needs as he tries to mobilize the whole of russia to prosecute the war in ukraine all right claire sebastian. >> thank you so much. live there for us from london heard ahead. stuck in space, two astronauts on board the international space station been there far longer than expected. what boeing is now telling them about just how long they'll be there before they can return to earth plus hundreds of iowans need to be rescued after dangerous flooding hits that state oh, that's ahead your vehicle takes a beating from the environment. >> keep 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about the job feels different. >> your wallet, whenevergoal as 700 credits for me at this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the risk salts, follow the facts follow. >> cnn this morning we are standing by for back-to-back hearings and donald trump's classified documents case very shortly, you federal judge aileen cannon will hear a new motion to dismiss the case. trump's lawyers are arguing that special counsel jack ms office was illegally funded. smith will then make his case for trump to get a new gag order see it as kayla poll answers outside the federal court in florida today, kayla, what are you expecting? >> well, john, it is going to be another long day in court before judge aileen cannon arguments from both donald trump's lawyers and his co-defendants, lawyers, as well as arguments from the prosecutor side. we haven't seen that many hearings in this case where it's the prosecutor's coming to judge cannon asking for something, but that is what is going to be happening in the afternoon today. but john, first this morning, it's part two of the donald trump test of the special counsel's authority. so what trump and his co-defendants have been trying to convince the judge of is that the special counsel is illegal and doesn't have the authority to prosecuted him because it's not in the constitution the way it's operating. now, the justice department has pushed back and said they've been using special counsel's four years. this is absolutely something that even other judges across the country have signed off on. but on friday it was a full de of hearings about the appointment of special counsel jack smith and the oversight site that the attorney general has of that office today, it's about the money is the money that's funding the office appropriate under the appropriations clause of the constitution is congress allowing their money that they're assigning to the justice department to go to something like this, the sort of argument that has read really kicked up a lot in politics two on capitol hill, they have been people questioning this as well. so now it's going to be the judge's attempt to look at that. and then john, in the afternoon, we do get back to that prosecutors request where they want to put a gag order limit donald trump's speech about law enforcement because he has spoken in, in misleading ways about how the fbi searched his house at mar-a-lago, saying he was falsely in danger at that time. he wasn't even in florida when it happened. prosecutors want to put a stop to that through the judge. have her change his conditions of release so that they are protecting the integrity of this trial and those fbi agents that could become witnesses as well, john. >> of course, every day that there is a new hearing, there is a new delay dragging this out even longer. katelyn poland's thanks so much for being there all right. here's a quote. it's not the worst idea i've ever had those words from donald trump after he suggested that migrants should form a sort of fight club and we are getting new deal about what happened inside a grocery store when a gunman opened fire, the courage of one victim who was killed while trying to save another the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president's one stage model curated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max i want a lot of businesses. >> so my and my network need to keep up. thank you. verizon business now, our businesses get fast reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. >> so whatever's next we're cooking with fire switch to the partner, businesses rely on. when the saw dust settles and the engine roars, the thing you care about is the job well-done but when you get your tools from harbor freight, something 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cnn happening today. the suspected gunman who police say, randomly opened fire at an arkansas grocery store friday, will make his first court appearance. the 44-year-old suspect is accused of killing four people and wounding several others, four counts of capital murder are expected in this case. this is, we are learning new heartbreaking details from the victim's face amylase, about the loved ones they lost. cnn's carlos suarez following the latest developments for us. what can you share with us this morning well, sarah, as you can imagine, it has been an incredibly difficult few days for the families of the victims that died in the shooting, as well as those that were injured of a youngest victim killed during friday's mass shooting was just 23-years-old. >> she was identified as kali wounds, according to a gofundme that was set up by the family and some friends, a callee was a new mother and she leaves behind a ten month old daughter. now, according to her family, she loved her child and everyone saw her in their words being a quote phenomenal mom. the second person that was killed was 62-year-old, shirley k. taylor and her daughter, angela said that she was the hardest working woman she knew and that she was a great person. 50-year-old, roy sturgis, he also died in the shooting, were told that he leaves behind a daughter and two sisters and 81-year-old, ellen shrum was the oldest victim, according to her family, allen worked for a time as a cashier for a few months at the store where this shooting happened she leaves behind her husband and three children and several grandchildren and great grandson children. now, over the weekend, as all of these families grieved, we learn more about the shooting, including the actions that kali took all in an effort to try to save the lives of others during the incident we observed the very best in the very worst of humanity as an example instead of fleeing from the obvious danger kelly williams began using her, training as a nurse to render aid to a gunshot victim. and unfortunately, became a victim herself as result of her selfless actions the actions of, the suspect for the most cowardly, pathetic actions imaginable. is he was literally preying on defenseless state times. the majority of which were female two police officers were also hurt in the shooting. both of them are expected to be okay as for the gunman, is sarah, as you noted, the 44-year-old was taken into custody and he is expected in court later today to face a number of charges including capital murder. >> all right. carlos suarez. thank you so much for your reporting this morning, jon. are happening now a flood emergency in iowa has forced hundreds of people from their homes this morning, 22 counties are under a federal disaster request as rivers reach all time record highs some areas saw a month's worth of rain in just three days and the threats not over, let's get right to meteorologist least rafah with very latest what are you seeing john? >> we still have flood warnings in effect, not because it's still raining, but because we're still so waterlogged the rivers or aggravated from mankato down over towards sioux falls and south dakota, northwest iowa. we have flood warnings running down the missouri river from sioux city down to omaha. because look at these rain totals and just three days we have this swath of ten to 15 inches of rain in parts of south dakota in northwest iowa, a big swat there of some four to six inch totals or more. i mean, we're talking 17 inch totals and parts of south coda a foot of rain in davis, south dakota, a foot also in rock rapids, iowa, were talking about well, more than a month's worth of rain. that's why we still have about 50 rivers that are still at major and moderate flood stage. again, as i mentioned, which is still so waterlogged and aggravated john and i know that heat a little better for us here in the northeast, but that's not the case ever arisen yeah. >> you get a little bit of a break because of the front that you had come through yesterday, but that heat dome basically just kinda nudged itself back to the west. so we still have heat advisories for that heat index up to 110 degrees from the dakotas because all the way down to the gulf coast, i mean, we're talking about more than 1,000 miles of area covered here of these heat alerts, look at some of these temperatures today, 90 degrees in oklahoma city, dallas as well, could be nearing triple-digits in kansas city, sweltering and the heat and atlanta 98 degrees. there's that little bit of a break that you get from that front from yesterday from the mid-atlantic up until into the northeast, 80 degrees in new york. but as we go through the next couple of days, we'll still have this heat dome when more than 77% of americans that's more than 245 million people will have that temperature and 90 degrees or hotter, we could be looking at more than 200 records falling bold daytime highs and overnight lows. because in some places you don't drop below 80 degrees at night. so really just getting no relief. here's a look at temperatures for the next three days up near triple digits in atlanta, about ten degrees above the average. again, this is not normal. oklahoma city as well, up near triple-digits, 89 degrees is your average virtue is nearing that century mark in memphis as well. after you guys get a little bit of a break in new york and dc, notice the temperatures do come back up, its low and middle 90s by wednesday. so some of that heat does come back. that means that that heat risk will, could be exceptional for some places, especially across the southern plains where we're looking at heat index values up to one on ten. so you really want to watch out for the signs and symptoms of heat sickness, check on kids, elderly and pets. john? >> yeah. not good. not comfortable, not healthy, at least rafah. thank you very much for that. it's there all right. this matter there's growing concern among democrats that president biden is struggling to maintain a key demographic for his path to reelection. jewish voters. >> as israel's war against hamas continues in gaza. and amid a sharp rise in antisemitism, several jewish leaders have privately complained to our cnn reporter that they have not seen enough direct engagement from the biden camp since the hamas terror attack on israel on october 7. and as the president tries to shore up there support the trump's campaign is working overtime to try to capitalize on potential opening their cnn's isaac deavere has that latest reporting isaac, what is the biden administration doing to try to deal with these concerns from jewish voters? >> well, look, this is happening on the government level, on the political level. but as you said, there are a lot of feelings, a lot of concerns about where the policy is on israel and the situation there, but also about this rise in anti-semitic incidents even last night or yesterday during the day and los angeles with a protest outside of a synagogue there and a feeling like there is a concerning level of antisemitism among the progressive left that is turning some people away from their commitment into joe biden and part of this growing trouble that he seems to have an knitting together the coalition that he's going to need four november. of course, we are looking in a situation where in a number of battleground states, pennsylvania michigan, wisconsin, arizona, georgia, the number of jewish voters is larger than the margin of victory. so it's just as i said, another part of this coalition that joe biden needs to keep together and is hoping to with the work that he's doing over the course of next couple of months yeah. >> reading your piece, you use the word politically homeless. that's what the quote was from some of these jewish rotors. i'm curious how vice president, the vice president's has been doug emhoff is playing into this to try and help with these concerns. >> yeah. the wild vice president, kamala harris, says, husband is jewish himself, and he has taken a leading role in this both yesterday and government kind of work at the groundbreaking for the new tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh, where that shooting happened in 2018. and stepping up that way, but also politically, i was just two weeks ago at an event in new york at rescind daughters, the famous smoked fish emporium for a jewish theme fundraiser, and emhoff talking about his real sense of purpose and burden in a way of leading the, the jewish response to what's going on here, talking about donald trump is a known anti-semite firing back at him in a direction it's play a more direct way than you've seen many of other people do it. and that's going along with other leading democrats, people like josh shapiro also an observant jew himself and the governor obviously, of a key state to telling me that there is a tradition that he puts donald trump in that goes from pharaoh to hitler, to kim jong un now obviously fair on hitler very specifically chosen names there of dictators. he's told me who have been very bad from an artery. it's and of course, in his mind would be very bad for american jews if, if donald trump were to get a second term isaac to veer. thank you for all of your reporting on this is very interesting article that you've written. all right, today marks two years since it's a frame court overturned roe versus wade, ending the federal right to an abortion. >> this will no doubt be one, if not the biggest issue for voters coming in november, vice president harris, this morning is making that message clear to voters and the fact that after the dobbs decision came down, that laws have been proposed and pass that as hadley has said, makes no exceptions even for rape or incest think about what this extremist are saying to a survivor of a crime of violence to their body. a survivor of a crime that is a violation of their body. and to say to that survivor and you have no right or authority to make a decision about what happens to your body next that's the moral all right, joining me now, republican strategists bryan robertson and cnn political commentator and democratic strategists. maria cardona. thank you both for showing up early this morning. morning for us. you just heard kamala harris talking there about abortion, the effects of the overturning of roe versus wade today does mark that two year since that was overturned in the dobbs decision. i want to go to what donald trump has said on the issue of abortion. and have you all react to it? listen to this so my first four years, we totally transformed the federal bench thanks to these justices, we have also achieved what the pro-life movement fought to get for 49 years. >> and we've gotten abortion out of the federal government and i believe an exceptions for the life of the mother rape and incest some people do. i think most people do actually, but some people don't. you have to go with your heart, but you have to also remember you have to get elected the keywords that you have to go for your heart, but you also have to get elected first to you, brian, what are republicans going to do because this is a question that is undoubtedly going to come up during the debate. two counter this momentum from democrats on this particular issue well, this, for now, as trump has pointed out, is no longer a federal issue. this is something that's being decided at the state level and just don't agree it's already baked in. we have had state-level elections here in this country since some of these laws have taken place whether even in the swings stakes like arizona and georgia, wisconsin, these are places where sort of been vetted a little bit and voters have made their decisions on the local level. i don't know there's gonna make a huge difference in the federal election. if you were in a blue state, you are perfectly happy with the abortion laws in your state. they're very liberal, doesn't get, get attention and how liberal some of those laws have become. since this went into effect. >> but i don't think on the federal level this is going to be top of mind is crime and the economy and democrats are talking about something that's not top of mind is to strategic blunder maria, do you buy that? >> this is not top of mind for voters. >> yeah, good luck with that. that is exactly what republicans thought in 2022. and look what happened. this is, i think going to be even more of an issue in terms of mobilization and energy on the democratic side. but here's a problem let republicans are facing. it's not just democrats, it's not just progressives. i have talked to many republican women who have said to me, maria, i'm gonna vote for the democrat. i'm not even going to tell my husband, i'm not going to tell my family, but i do not want to live in a country where i need to raise my daughter in a way where she's going to have less rights than i do. and so this is an issue that is very personal, not just for women, but for their families as well. and this is where donald trump is going to be in trouble, as well as republicans because this is what they do not understand they cannot take this issue and split it by saying, oh, blue states this, red states this when one and three women live in states that have these draconian extremist laws that literally put their lives in danger. they have to, in order to look for reproductive care, they have to travel four states over. they have to spend money. so the women that are most effected by this r women from poor communities, black women, latino women native american women. and so again, this is something that republican since a really going to have to contend with because again, they can't say, oh, well, this is good for these states. this is good for those states because so many women are living in these states where there literally putting their lives in danger. and so when donald trump says, oh, this we fix this now, this has gone to the states he says he's an exception for the life of the mother, but then he is supporting these states that have these draconian laws. and so that's what democrats are going to be focused on. >> maria branded bring up the two things that are top of poles when americans are asked, it's inflation, what they're paying for things and immigration, what does biden have to do on the debate stage to try and convince people that he is the better candidate for those two things, which people are truly complaining about. >> well, you're right those are the number one issues and that those are things that i should be focusing on, but they're gonna be out there talking about abortion, which is much further down the list of voters concerned. >> that's why i think it's a strategic blunder. if abortion is your top issue, we know what you are, whether you're a democrat or republican, if that is your number one thing your boat has already settled, you're not really up for grabs. but people talking about immigration, they're talking about crime, they're talking about the cost of living and voters trust donald trump more than they trust president biden on this. biden so much wants to go out there and brag about the macroeconomic data. but that is not what people are feeling healing when they go to the grocery store, when they tried to buy a home with high interest rates. he's got a really balanced the desire to brag on his record with the way that people are feeling. he can't tell people that they're wrong about the economy. it doesn't work read that question was for you, but brian jumped in but brian making his points. do you agree with that that he that he really has to has to show some empathy to the people who are saying, look, these prices are killing us. >> i actually do agree with that. and he has been doing that. he doesn't go out there and say that people are wrong for how they're feeling about the economy, what he is saying and what he'll do on thursday and he'll do throughout the election cycle is say, look, here's what we have done. we have brought back the economy from the brink of destruction due to donald trump. and here's what we are doing. to continue to make sure that everyone feels the benefits of this economy he'll talk about the jobs that he has created. record number of jobs. he'll talk about additional jobs that need to be created for those who still want and need a job, he'll talk about what he's done to keep costs down. he'll talk about what donald trump wants to do that economists have said, will jack up inflation will cost families. moore will take away family's health care will hit families in their pocket books. so he is absolutely ready and willing and excited about making that contrast in terms of where the economic plans lie on immigration. sara, i think it's the same thing. president biden can talk about how republicans have only wanted to weaponize this issue when they were faced with an opportunity to actually fix a huge part of this in terms of border security they turn their back on their own bill that says to the american people that this is a candidate and a party that has no interest whatsoever and actually solving the issue. and then it's democrats, the ones who know how to solve the issue with the common sense balanced approach of strong border security and expanded legal pathways, which is what the president has done through his recent executive actions. >> certainly tried to thread that needle maria cardona. thank you so much, as well as brian robinson and i'm sure you'll be watching the debate along with all the rest of us strong. thanks, sarah right. >> i can't believe this didn't come up in the political panel there because there is a major taylor swift news this morning. these surprise royal selfies, but that's not all we had this surprise dancing being guest on the london stage, cnn's max foster is with us now with the results of your cnn investigation, max, what have you learned about all this? >> and i was just coming from me, john, as you'd expect on taylor swift, but i'm going to start with this picture because this is the royal couple mixing a guy called william. he's a local guy for his kids along everyone is talking about taylor swift. this i had suddenly friends that went to this one of that gigs i saw it on friday. william went to see them on friday and that's not the picture. it's the one with kelsey. there you are and the big highlight really was the kelsey i'm speaking to all my experts on this issue, john. and the fact that it taylor has never posted a picture of kelsey before. so this is seen as a bit of a coming out for them. and then he appears on stage as part of the act. and he wasn't announced. it all sort of bubbled up on social media when they realized who he was. but he actually put on some of her makeup and carried her off as you can see there. i mean, fever really has hit london in the only way that could hit london i'll take you to the fore of buckingham palace they all that was when tailless, a first concert was on friday and you can't get a better welcome on that. everyone's very excited about it, and it's it's completely sold out. of course, people desperate to get tickets that is remarkable and i'm looking at it. >> the travis kelce video here, at least he was dressed up. i mean, at least he respected the formal nature of your culture max, i'm glad that he was wearing a top hat yeah he does, he does blend in and i'm also glad that you have a lot of friends, just full stop. i mean, you said you're a lot of friends who are the taylor swift concert. so it's nice it is nice to know you're well on. i'm going to change the step back here very quickly, max. i do understand there is news about princess and an injury. what have you learned there? >> yeah. so the king's sister is in hospital with concussion but were told what she's well and she is expected to recover by the end of the week. she's got a state called gatt come is in the west of england she is very keen horse woman. she was in the olympics. she rides a lot but apparently she was walking along the edge of the park and we've had we're not being given all the detail, but i've read these statements to you over the years. have my john and they're all a bit cryptic but as we understand it, what happened was she was walking along there were horses in the facility and her role highnesses a medical team say that her head injuries are consistent with the potential impact from a horse's head? >> or legs. so while she wasn't riding, she does seem to have had some sort of incident with a horse and she's in hospital recovering. the king has been informed, but they're not too concerned about her. they expected to be out by the end of the week. >> all right. thanks for the update on that max. appreciate it, sarah. >> all right we've got more on the entertainment beat. >> their songs are known around the world and they couldn't be selling for a champion size amount of money after head queen's iconic here's a catalog but includes classics like bohemian rhapsody. >> another one bites the dust. we will rock you and of course we had the champions. you just heard that they're reportedly in process of being acquired by sony music for over 1 $1 billion. yep, 1 billion. this deal would set the record. the biggest single artist catalog sale in history, more than doubling the 500 million the boss bruce springsteen, sold his four back in 2001, queen and sony have not responded to cnn's requests for comment. all right. just ahead, said see protest. are raging between pro-israeli and pro-palestinian demonstrators in los angeles with police. have you see they're struggling to keep both sides? the apart will tell you that story coming up and beloved hawaiian lifeguard known around the world for his surfing, killed in a shark attack. those details cnn business update is brought to you by pods trusted with more than 6 million moves whether 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and white powdery substance on the grass several of the protesters were wearing shirts that read no golf on a dead planet play was delayed a little over five minutes as world number one, scottie scheffler and tom kim waited to put out it was definitely a bit weird. i saw one person out of the corner my eye and then i saw about five police officers sprint around and from my point of view, they got it taken care of pretty dang fast and so we're very grateful for that. i don't it seemed to go by really quickly to us, but when something like that happens, you don't really know what's happening. so it can rattle you a little bit just because there's people running around the green and there's police officers run around the green and you don't know if they're peaceful, you don't know what they're doing. you have no idea what's going on. and so it can be a bit stressful, not scheffler would go on to win the tournament with a par on the first playoff whole, he's now the first player since tiger woods, since 2009 to record six or more victories in a single well season. and the first since arnold palmer in 1962 to win that many before july, back to you. >> all right, coy wire. thank you very much sorry. richardson has qualified for her first olympic games after winning 100 meter final olympic trials richardson, one with the fastest time of 100 in the world at this year, back in 2021, riches and was expected to be one of the stars of the tokyo olympic games. >> but she wants isn't allowed to compete after accepting a one-month banned for testing positive for thc a veteran lifeguards surfing legend and actor and a y is dei following a shark attack hello, first responders, how to use a jet ski to bring tomorrow perry to shore where he was pronounced dead. the 49-year-old was also an actor appearing in blue crush pirates of the caribbean, four and charlie's angels two. >> visuals told cnn he was a lifeguard, loved by all miles personality with infectious and as much people loved him, he loved everyone else for our condolences, go out to house family, into the entire life. >> erdogan honolulu was mayor says perry will never be forgotten now says it will be at least a week before the boeing starliner capsule returns to earth. the starliner launched on june 5, for its mission to the international space station. the entire trip was only expected to last a week, but a series of issues has delayed the capsules returned. cnn's tom foreman is joining us now, boeing getting a grilling for its aircraft here on earth. and now this issue, what are some of the things that are stopping this capsim from being able to take those astronauts and bring them home two key things, helium leaks and problems with the thrusters. >> the two may be related we don't really know the problem is they develop these helium leaks as they got up into the air. they're one of the thrusters went out, some others were then shut down. now, only one out of 24, i believe is believed to be not working. all of this is tied to the ability to undock and safely deorbit, to get back to ground here safely. so if this were considered a test drive there halfway through the test drive and now they're kind of parked several issues here that are really important. remember, when a spacecraft like this it's docked to the iss, that spacecraft is serving a very important role. it is innocence, an emergency exit for anybody who's on the spacecraft from the iss. in this case, the emergency exit itself is not going anywhere. it's simply docked there. now, they say it's out an abundance of caution. the two astronauts who went up on it. so the spacecraft handled wonderf

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,Climate Change ,Schreiber Sunday ,Arkansas ,Others ,Capital Murder ,Counts ,Loved Ones ,Amylase ,Face ,44 ,Developments ,Carlos Suarez ,Moore ,Friends ,Gofundme ,Callee ,Kali Wounds ,23 ,Person ,Daughter ,Child ,Mom ,Shirley K Taylor ,62 ,Woman ,Roy Sturgis ,Sisters ,81 ,50 ,Husband ,Store ,Cashier ,Allen ,Ellen Shrum ,Weekend ,Grandson ,Grandchildren ,Effort ,Families Grieved ,Kelly Williams ,Training ,Nurse ,Humanity ,Example ,Gunshot Victim ,Aid ,On Defenseless State Times ,Cowardly ,Both ,Custody ,Majority ,Charges ,Reporting ,Morning ,Flood Emergency ,Iowa ,Jon ,Rivers ,Rain ,Worth ,Counties ,Homes ,Highs ,Request ,Threats ,Areas ,Disaster ,22 ,Northwest Iowa ,Flood Warnings ,Effect ,South Dakota ,Sioux Falls ,Missouri River ,Mankato ,Parts ,Look ,Totals ,More ,Swat ,Swath ,Down To Omaha ,Rain Totals ,Six ,South Coda A Foot Of Rain In Davis ,Flood Stage ,Rock Rapids ,17 ,Bit ,Heat ,Northeast ,Heat Index ,Dakotas ,Heat Advisories ,Heat Dome ,Gulf Coast ,110 ,Break ,Triple Digits ,Well ,Oklahoma City ,Area ,Heat Alerts ,98 Degrees ,Kansas City ,Atlanta ,Dallas ,Sweltering ,1000 ,98 ,Cup ,Americans ,Temperature ,New York ,77 ,245 Million ,Temperatures ,Daytime Highs ,Lows ,Relief ,200 ,Digits ,Average ,Virtue ,Memphis ,89 ,Places ,Heat Risk Will ,Back Up ,Southern Plains ,Kids ,Concern ,Matter ,Symptoms ,Heat Sickness ,Least Rafah ,Leaders ,Antisemitism ,Jewish ,Rise ,Demographic ,Reporter ,Path ,Reelection ,Israel ,Hamas ,Engagement ,October 7 ,Concerns ,Level ,Policy ,Feelings ,Isaac ,Isaac Deavere ,Administration ,Situation ,Los Angeles ,Incidents ,Protest Outside ,Commitment ,Progressive ,Left ,Coalition ,Trouble ,Battleground States ,Knitting ,Michigan ,Georgia ,Wisconsin ,Pennsylvania ,Work ,Victory ,Margin ,Some ,The Wild Vice President ,Word ,Rotors ,Help ,Doug Emhoff ,Role ,Kind ,Tree ,Groundbreaking ,Pittsburgh ,2018 ,Emhoff ,Daughters ,Sense ,Fish ,Purpose ,Theme Fundraiser ,Burden ,Famous ,Play ,Many ,Response ,Anti Semite Firing ,Direction ,Josh Shapiro ,Jew ,Governor ,Tradition ,Pharaoh ,Hitler ,Kim Jong Un ,Isaac To Veer ,Names ,Dictators ,Artery ,American Jews If ,Article ,November ,No Doubt ,Laws ,Message ,Dobbs Decision ,Hadley ,Crime ,Extremist ,Survivor ,Violation ,Moral ,Commentator ,Strategists ,Maria Cardona ,Bryan Robertson ,Mark ,React ,Keywords ,Brian Robinson ,Counter ,Momentum ,Elections ,Decisions ,Stakes ,Swings ,Blue State ,Abortion Laws ,Attention ,Doesn T Get ,Economy ,Maria ,Luck ,2022 ,Problem ,Terms ,Mobilization ,Energy ,Needle Maria Cardona ,Gonna ,Vote ,Family ,Progressives ,States ,Blue States ,Saying ,Red ,Care ,Order ,Lives ,Communities ,Latino Women Native American ,Say ,Exception ,Immigration ,Inflation ,Poles ,List ,Blunder ,Boat ,Top ,Grabs ,Data ,Wants ,Record ,It Doesn T ,Desire ,Interest Rates ,Prices ,Points ,Empathy ,Destruction Due ,Election Cycle ,Brink ,He Doesn T Go Out There ,Jobs ,Record Number ,Benefits ,Economists ,Health Care ,Costs ,Plans ,Sara ,Pocket Books ,Border Security ,Bill ,Back ,Opportunity ,Party ,Interest ,Common Sense ,Executive Actions ,Approach ,Thread ,Pathways ,Rest ,News ,Surprise Dancing ,London Stage ,Max Foster ,Strong ,Sarah Right ,Taylor Swift ,Surprise Royal Selfies ,Couple ,Guy Called William ,Guy ,Gigs ,Experts ,Highlight ,It Taylor ,Makeup ,Bubbled Up On Social Media ,The Act ,Fever ,Fore ,Hit London ,Buckingham Palace ,Travis Kelce ,Tailless ,Tickets ,Top Hat ,Nature ,Culture ,Blend ,Sister ,King ,Concussion ,Concert ,Princess ,Injury ,Hospital ,Step ,Olympics ,Edge ,The End ,Gatt Come ,England ,Facility ,Statements ,John ,Detail ,Horses ,Horse ,Hospital Recovering ,Head ,Impact ,Head Injuries ,Legs ,Wasn T Riding ,Around The World ,Selling ,Update ,Songs ,Champion Size Amount ,Entertainment Beat ,Queen ,Champions ,Catalog ,Process ,Sony Music ,Classics ,Bohemian Rhapsody ,Another One Bites The Dust ,We Will Rock You ,1 Billion ,6 Billion ,1 ,Bruce Springsteen ,Artist ,Catalog Sale ,2001 ,500 Million ,Protest ,Comment ,Requests ,Lifeguard ,Cnn Business Update ,Pods ,Shark Attack ,Surfing ,Let ,Town ,6 Million ,Container ,Move ,Vision Genes ,Pods Com ,Moving ,Stocks ,Industrial Greg ,Cabin ,Colleague ,Technology ,Debris ,Lee Filter ,12 ,Problems ,Employees ,Calm ,Payroll ,Neither ,Pay ,Edo ,Pepto ,Chair Region ,Belts ,Liquid ,Cat ,Food ,Make ,Cat Food ,Chewy ,Round Brush Head ,Dentist ,Tooth ,Teeth ,Oral B ,Steaks ,Off Sidewise ,Brush ,Plaque ,Favorites ,Chicken Breast Sides ,Fries ,Burgers ,Perfection ,Desserts ,Tender Filet Mignon ,Omaha Steak Com ,America S Original Butcher Visit ,Car Gurus ,Live Tv ,Thoughts ,Gurus ,Expert ,Design ,Showroom ,Convenience ,Budget ,Style ,Treatment ,Specialty Care ,Harbor Freight Rising ,Reach ,Nursing ,Therapies ,Support ,Health Services ,Alex Harb ,Pardon Washington ,Travelers Championship ,Scene ,Mischief ,Trespassing ,18th Green ,Pga Tour ,Core Wire ,Cromwell ,18 ,Shirts ,Substance ,Protesters ,Golf ,Planet ,Green ,Grass ,Connecticut ,Red And White ,Hole Of Regulation ,World ,Eye ,Scottie Scheffler ,My Point Of View ,Tom Kim ,Scheffler ,Victories ,Playoff ,Player ,Tournament ,Par ,Tiger Woods ,2009 ,Olympic Trials Richardson ,Back To You ,Right ,July ,Olympic Games ,Coy Wire ,Arnold Palmer ,1962 ,Isn T ,Stars ,Testing Positive ,Thc ,Riches ,Tokyo Olympic Games ,Veteran Lifeguards Surfing Legend And Actor Ay ,2021 ,First Responders ,Shark Attack Hello ,Factor ,Jet Ski ,Blue Crush ,Personality ,Charlie S Angels Two ,Pirates Of The Caribbean ,Condolences ,Mayor ,Erdogan Honolulu ,Capsules ,Boeing Starliner ,Trip ,Mission ,June 5 ,Capsim ,Aircraft ,Grilling ,Helium Leaks ,Tom Foreman ,Thrusters ,Helium ,Hair ,Test Drive ,24 ,Spacecraft ,Emergency Exit ,Innocence ,Kiss ,Anybody ,Caution ,Abundance ,Wonderf ,

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