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the source. >> tonight's sounding the alarm, both jack smith and alvin bragg pleading with judges to limit what donald trump can say citing concerns over threats that are putting lives in danger. the supreme court upholding a gun control law for the first time since the justices expanded gun rights two years ago, there was it's also a notable absence as we await blockbuster rulings and what donald trump said about immigration, a head snapping veins that has not the left, but some on the far right, unhappy tonight, i'm pamela brown and for kaitlan collins and this is the source tonight, not one but two processes the kudos sounding alarms about the danger abdominal trump's words, warnings at the local and state levels that if trump is free to say what he wants, people's lives will be at risk. >> it's a claim that's actually been well-documented up and down. the judicial system in the words of a dcf appeals court, a quote, predictable torrent of threats of retribution and violence erupts when trump goes after anyone connected to a case against him or take the judge and his civil fraud case, who was quote inundated with hundreds of her rasing and threatening phone calls, voicemails, emails, letters, and packages, even the judge and has federal election subversion case found, quote, such statements pose a significant and immediate risk a risk that's no longer theoretical, there was a texas woman that's now facing charges for telling that very judge quote, you are in our sites. we want to kill you now as for alvin bragg's office, they brought receipts to back up their claims 61 that is actually the number of threats against bragg himself, his office bombarded by nearly 500 threads overall, justin's april left to compile those threats is the nypd police officers trump disk ghraieb like this it was a beautiful thing to watch new york's finest. >> they did a great job. new york's finest but that respect trump claims to have for law enforcement, as you heard, there, it's undermined by the facts according to special counsel jack smith who pointed out in a new filing tonight, trump had previously said the fbi wanted to kill him and the result of such rhetoric was an attempted attack on an fbi office by a trump supporter and as recently as last week, one threat from a trump supporter was quote, if trump does not win the election, fbi agents will be hunted down and slaughtered in their own homes. >> while trump himself argues, he should be able to post about anything lies about federal officers. his reason and i'm quoting here, the first presidential debate approaches at the end of this month that would be the one right here on cnn next week. >> jeff clearly sees lashing out as a political win for him. >> he's been raising money off of it as we know this week, he amplified his former white house strategist. and now fellow convicted criminal, steve bannon's vowel to quote get former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe, who was now an analyst for cnn. as bannon faces having to report to prison and just a few days from now here's what he's been warning let me tell the people that have done that. the president trump, whether you're in the federal government or while you're down in the state of georgia, or you're in arizona, or you here in michigan we are going to go and we're going to get every single receipt into the fullest extension of the law you are going to be investigated, prosecuted, and incarcerated. ladies and gentlemen, it's very simple victory or death well, our sources tonight, our former federal prosecutor can woo cnn legal analysts, carrie cordero, and political scientists barbara walter author of house of a worst start, and how to stop them. all right. thank you all for being here. let's dive right into it. carry. i want to start with you prosecutors present manhattan that say, hey, they're fine with trump, been able to attack witnesses like michael cohen, stormy daniel's. i was just reading through jack smith's filing tonight. he's making it very clear. look, drunk, can go after me and he wanted top official, the justice department that biden administration not these law enforcement officials, right tell us why these distinctions are so important. >> well, so i think from the perspective of a jack smith who is the special counsel, but who also is operating within the justice just department under the attorney general, they have a responsibility to protect their prosecutors, to protect their law enforcement personnel in this case, the fbi agents who are under threat from statements at the former president is making with respect to the mar-a-lago case. in particular. and so it's more broad than that. there's been obviously as you die get minutes, so many different cases that the former president has said things publicly and then that is affecting the prosecutors, the law enforcement officers. and these are real three breath i mean, in jack smith's filing, he lays out an actual attack that was made, attempted to be made hio against federal law unfold horseman officers. and so this is a real threat environment i suspect as a former justice department attorney, that the number of threats are probably even more than what is being revealed publicly. and so what these law enforcement it's been leaders are seeing behind the scenes is even more serious, even more worrisome to them as individuals with responsibility to protect their there folks we've seen it online. >> what can happen that kind of rhetoric i'm going to bring in barbara for this because cnn's donie o'sullivan had this reporting right after the verdict in this case about how these online attempts by supporters of publicly identify the jurors and trump case. it started immediately after the verdict. how real is this threat against people? full who didn't ask to be part of this case, or even people who could be mistaken for being attached to the case, but aren't we now have real data showing that violent rhetoric leads to violent acts. >> and we know also that there has been a real surge in violent threats in actual violence and domestic terror. and it all stems from trump's loss in 2020. if you follow the words that are being said and the threats that are being made, you will often see the repercussions of that so the question is what do you do, right there, there's obviously the gag orders that are in place, but should law enforcement can be more public and or aggressive in dealing with these people accused of making these threats and how do you balance that with the first amendment? >> i think they do need to be more outspoken limit to how aggressive they can be. i mean, when a case rises to the top and they can make an arrest i'm confident they're taking the right level of action. would that be? there's more to be done in terms of speaking out publicly. i think the attorney general, other prosecutors and maybe smith and he's allowed to do that, can speak out and say this kind of rhetoric is it's very dangerous as affects the system. and affects people. i get why the prosecutors, the lead prosecutors say it's okay to talk about me, but not my staff. but there's a danger to allowing them to be talked about, to be disparaged as well, because it trickles down to the rest of the public. and the rest of the staff. and i think public let's statements would be appropriate to warn off people making statements like this. that doesn't mean you're being unfair or persecuting people if it's a crime, it's a crime. but i think this is a grave public threat that needs to be addressed. by them. i think that'll be a good thing to do. >> can i get really specific thing that i think could be done about it? so there's a gag orders that are being tried to be implemented in the court situation. there's for the public statements that can be made. there's one specific line of threats that's happening. an actual attacks, which is this incidence of swatting, which is when a threat is called antral, particularly occasion law enforcement then has to respond. the laws on swatting are really weak. so right now those types of cases are handled at the local level. there's no fat thorough law on it at all. and what that means is that these cases are actually not really being brought to justice because there's jurisdictional problems at the statement local level, they have trouble investigating these cases and actually being bringing the perpetrators to justice and actually prosecuting them. so there really is like one specific thing that i think could it'd be done about it, but it would require legislative action well, and going back to trump and his rhetoric and all of this, he knows how fast as statements go, right? i mean, he knows as soon as these he says something, your post something it's going to get out there, it's going to spread like wildfire and april he posted quote, when i put out a statement, it is spread all over the place fast and furious. everybody seems to get ever i have to say and quickly for those who don't follow every post on social media. barbara truth, social, i should say. what's the impact of trump's social media rampages that target certain people well, it trump's doing it for a very specific reason. he wants to stay at a jail. he wants to get in the white house. and this is classic mob style bullying tactics. he's trying to intimidate jurors, intimidate judges, intimidate anybody who might have an influence on what the repercussions of this past trial are going to be. >> and he wants to play towards his base his biggest supporters and convinced them that if he loses in november, that this will be the second consecutive election that he will have loss he's priming them, timing them to be angry to feel like a grave injustice has been done to him. >> and for some of them, he's priming them to come out and fight to prevent him from losing yet again when you say he's priming them to come out and fight, what do you mean specifically what what what exactly so i think we'll see something similar to what we saw after the november 2020 election when he started talking about, we need to take our country back come on january very 46. >> it's going to be it's going to be wild and he's kind of doing the same thing. he sort of setting the doubt that there's no way he can possibly win. there's no way he could possibly lose. so that if she does lose, people will go feel that the election is illegitimate, that there was fraud that, that his supporters need to fight back to correct what what they will truly believe was wasn't injustice. >> and we know so many of them actually believe every word trump says, right? >> carrying we have seen the steady climb and numbers of the serious threats against federal judges for example how has the reality change the legal system since trump took office? and how do you see that reality playing out if trump wins? again in november? >> well, i think the current environment in the legal system is this environment of increased threats to court personnel, the prosecutors, to judges, to everybody involved often that system, it has, obviously it's a practical matter required increased security for all of these different types of personnel. so when you talk about the judiciary, that's federal marshals service that has to increase their their protection and if he continues to win, then we're going back to one of the club's. did you played earlier which was of steve bannon saying that there also will be the legal system potentially in a future trump administration brought against individuals. so sort of using prosecutorial power for four political purposes as payback. that's even a separate threat from the physical safety threats that we're encountering now, i tend to think that one of the reasons the former president has continued to be able to make these types of statements is because he was not charged with incitement as it related to january 6, the special counsel had to make decisions about what the charge and he chose conspiracy to defraud the united states related charges. and then he chose obstruction charges which we're waiting for that one greene court case. we've talked a lot about immunity. be able waiting for the obstruction case to come down to see if those cases hold on the obstruction piece that the former president's been charged with wasn't charged with incitement and as a result, he has been able to continue to walk right up this line tip toe over it. but not actually be held accountable. so double for statements that are potentially encouraging people to take other, unlike what barbara was saying, what do you think can do agree? >> i agree. and that could be remedied something could be done about that, which is to hold him accountable through these types of gag orders are ones that even more stringent. and i think the red the red herring here is really the first amendment, because no one is saying violate trump or anyone else's first amendment rights are simply saying they've got to be restrictions to protect people if a court later determines there's the first men violations. so be it but there's too much pre self-censorship going on, being too worried about the first amendment. well, we first amendment, it's not all encompassing the protections that come from it. true threats are an exception, to the first amendment protections. >> they are. and of course, it is complicated by the fact that he is a current candidate. yeah. and i think that that does clearly way on all of the judges who are looking at these gag order as it should, right? as it should. i mean, this is historic. all right. carrie cordero, shan wu, barbara walter. >> thank you so much. >> coming up on this friday night, we have some new reporting scene on the shadow campaigns trying to influence donald trump search for a running mate, including a dinner party straw poll. the night of this felony conviction today. the supreme court handed down its most significant gang control ruling in two years. so what does this mean for gun rights in america? we're going to discuss thursday. night my from midland on the most anticipated moment of this election. biden your honor, on america is that we are a nation of possibility. trump. we had the best economy, we had the best border, we had the best of everything, but now we got to do it all over again. >> we're going to do do it even better. >> two very different visions for america. one unprecedented night moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, to cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on backs you have an excellent warren g warranty blurring. >> she got to go. >> you must have american home shield. >> that, you know, i can tell you our appliances in homes systems are protected, covered repairs and replacements are taken care of. warrant she never lies off cookie dough american homes yield, don't worry, be warranty every time i needed a new phone, i had to switch 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because it actively shields the enamel to defend against eros less pain learn more. it's still violent earth with me up schreiber sunday at nine on cnn well it turns out donald trump and his 2016 rival hillary clinton do agree on something after raul and it is setting off a maga meltdown tonight what i want to do and what i will do is you graduate from a college. >> i think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country. and that includes junior colleges too. >> that actually echo to hillary clinton campaign promise. the trump campaign quickly tried to clarify his position, saying that there would be an aggressive vetting process to exclude all communists radical islamize hamas porter's america haters, and public charges. >> but that's not quieting the criticism from the far right including from fierce trump allies like steve bannon. >> today, he suggested giving foreign well as graduates eight different sort of cart the exit visa should be clipped to the to the to the diploma, the exit visa yes. let's take them in a selective basis, train them up let them roof for college football and get all that. you look at the college football stands to diversity. it's fabulous, but then it's time to go back home and make your country great again my political sources on this tonight, cnn senior political commentator and former senior adviser to president obama, david axelrod. >> and republican strategist doug hi, doug, let's start with you from the republican perspective. quite a shift in policy and rhetoric to say the least, from trump. what is his political calculation if there is one here? >> yeah, pamela, it is. and let me first apologize that i'm not wearing a carolina blue tie for you. >> you should be. yeah. i was sorry. i was at patsy's italian restaurant and mid sound, new york where cell makes the best class facilities in the world and run right over here for you. >> but look, this is for donald trump and actually the policy that he expounds in this case is one i agree with. >> and it's very interesting to watch how trump world and maga world reacts to win donald trump says something that's sort of off-script. what we see is a real mix here. steve bannon says one thing that this is terrible. you shouldn't do this a lot of the trump apical acolytes we'll do that mike lee said that this was a terrible idea a few weeks ago, he deleted that tweet earlier today. so what it tells you is there's a split in trump world, but donald trump is not a set of policy, policy prescriptions. donald trump is an attitude and what it means is everybody is going to fall in line eventually that's a fair point. we've seen that in the past, right past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. but david, we would remind viewers how trump has talked about migrants. and just this last year there are poisoning the blood of our country that's what they've done. they poison mental institutions and prison all over the world. and we know they come from prisons. we know they come from mental institutions and same as alums. we know they're terrorists so how do you square the two well, look i don't know whether this was a well-thought through policy shift on the part of donald trump or was it him sitting on a podcast with four silicon valley investors and wanting to play to the audience, which this often happens in politics. trump is not an ideolog when it comes down to it obviously, the immigration position has been key to his politics from the beginning. >> but i really think he he he says and does what he thinks will be advantageous to him. and in that moment, he thought it would be advantageous to tell that particular audience, which is very desperate for the high level talent that they can glean. that they support this. i agree with doug. i think it's a good policy. i think there what kinds of immigration policies that we should implement that would help benefit this country. but i just don't know that he thought it through and i'm sure that alarm bells went off at the campaign headquarters when they when they heard that he had taken this position and they sort of broke glass and tried to qualify it because they knew what the reaction would be. i'll be interested to see whether he mentions this again anytime soon. >> and by the way, david highlight something that campaign people and communication staff and congressional offices does deal with on a daily basis, the difficulty between a negative interview and a friendly interview quite often the friendly interview comes up, somebody who is ideologically aligned with you, somebody who's maybe a personal friend to the candidate, or do the communications director and says, it's gonna be all softballs when all the softballs come that's actually when you get into dangerous territory because you start agreeing with the host over and over again, and you end like a frog and hotter water in a place you don't want to be in hostile interviews can actually be the easier ones for a candidate to do that sort of counterintuitive but it's something campaign people deal with all the time. >> that's really interesting so it's tam itself, so it's it's also, why candidate cater to the audience and they say things that get them in trouble. >> there's a history going to repeat this or not, it seems to me he touched the real he got the shock and we'll see what happens. well, we know the shock didn't always keep them away from touching the real again doug, let's get to this new cnn reporting that really takes us inside trump's vp search and these shadow campaigns trying to influence his decision. >> so we're learning his oldest son, donald trump junior, has made his affinity for senator jd vance, well-known, were for murdoch because pushing for governor doug burgum and sean hannity has gone to bat for senator marco rubio, arguing that the son of cuban immigrants could help trump with latino voters. >> however, the trump campaign is insisting he alone will make the call. how do you see this playing out that last part is the most important part everything we know about donald trump is that he's a decider whether you liked this decision are not and that he decides things when he wants to. >> so we've seen a lot of speculation. i remember a dinner. pamela and david that i was at in february where somebody who has worked in republican politics for a long time, somebody i really respect said to me it's absolutely going to be ben carson. this was in february. nothing was going to be certain in february. nothing is certain in june, we need to take the reporting in that we see accurate, though it may be with a grain of salt the size of the empire state building, because donald trump is going to make up his mind today. he'll change his mind tomorrow. he'll change it a third time. fourth time, fifth time, and what it's going to come down to is what is donald trump thank at that moment when he finally makes the decision, does he decide i need to boost my support with african american males? okay. well, then maybe it's tim scott, maybe it's maybe it's ben carson, probably not. maybe it's a byron donalds does he say i got a problem with women in suburban areas, then maybe it's a sarah, how could be sanders then maybe it's an elise stefanik, but it's a wildcard until donald decide let's all right. >> get back to that fund dinner if the year to lead to come on the show and next, we better way your tar heel die. david axelrod kentucky wildcats style. take that to you. david axelrod? >> great. seeing you as well. >> we'll still has great to see you. >> the supreme court is about to rule on that presidential immunity. we're going to speak to a law professor who says the court could make the president a king and set the stage for a quote, two oval office crime spree this is a secret, war, secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn weight knew i can design a personalized weight loss plan for me. >> well 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conservatives join the liberal justices in an 8-to-1 opinion with justice clarence thomas as the loan the center. now on its face, this issue might seem like a no-brainer, but there was a lot of uncertainty over how the court would rule since it fastly expanded gun rights in 20 20 22, and this battle is far from over. let's discuss this with avanade clayton, lead reporter on the guardian's guns and lies in america project, and a cnn contributor, nicest see you so what do you make of the way the court ruled on this issue, especially after they're rolling two years ago yeah. >> i mean there was a lot of confidence coming out of people who work with domestic abuse survivors, people who advocate for dvr rows, which were at the winner of this domestic violence restraining orders, as well as people who tried to expand protection orders. so people who are deemed to be a danger to themselves or others can have their guns confiscated temporarily based on oral arguments, it sounded like the justices were not completely sold on the idea that because there's no exact historical twin to this current law, then it's unconstitutional. i think we heard a lot of the justices say historical silence does not mean it's unconstitutional. so while i am surprised that there was only one to sin, i expected one or two more. the fact that overall the law was upheld is not a surprise to me we can't emphasize enough, obviously, how much of a relief this is for domestic abuse survivors, right? >> i mean, one woman who survived been shot by her ex-husband, spoke to cnn about this relief that she felt after the ruling. let's take a listen to that my case you know, the gun was the weapon of choice he he he didn't try to stab me. >> he didn't try to run me over with a car. and you know, he he went for a gun and that's that's the easiest and most deadly way to erase your partner from this world one notable issue is this law would apply to known abusers with a criminal history so what about people accused of domestic violence? >> islands who are in the process of fighting those charges in court yeah. >> i think that's where a lot of advocates are saying there's room to grow, like you mentioned, this ruling is quite narrow. it's specific to intimate partners and people who have a child with their abuser. so there are a lot of people who fall through the cracks and there's still a lot of advocacy going on statewide. we know that president biden has made money available for different kinds of restraining orders and protection orders to become available for people who don't necessarily neatly fit into the category that that was protected today. >> all right. avanade clayton. thank you so much. and i want to bring in chem today's ruling on gun control was just one of several blockbuster supreme court decisions we've been waiting for. let's discuss with kim wally professor at the university of the baltimore school of law, also the author of the forthcoming book, pardon power. how the pardon system works, and why. >> the biggest case undoubtedly the supreme court has yet to weigh in on is trump's immunity claim there has been a lot of debate. >> i know here at cnn every day we're like, okay, is it going to come today's are going to come today. what do you think is going on? how do you think it's going to play out? >> i think the court's going to manual fracture a test four criminal immunity, and i say that because in this moment there is no such thing as criminal immunity for presence. and this is a conservative court that reached out to tate take this issue. i think they're going to establish a multi-factor test that we'll separate public functions from private functions and parse is a president action being privately or publicly and for certain public functions, say, even if what he does would be a crime, that crime cannot be prosecuted one-step person is it private citizen, which would be immunity. >> and you wrote this article and politico, i think it was political right about pardon power and how you think actually the government made a mistake and seating how powerful the president's pardon power can be, right? >> right. so the pardon power, of course, the president has the ability to pardon federal crimes. and a lot of people think it's unlimited and it's this crown of crowns for a king almost in the united states. >> and so justice alito, i think it was said, well, what if we don't create criminal immunity? >> a president will come in and just have everyone in the oval officers, people commit crimes. and then the last day in office, part in all those crimes then pardon himself, which would basically create a crime spree in the oval office. so we need to manufacturer or some kind of immunity in advance. and i think honestly the government seemed to concede it's really mythology around the pardon power that it's not checked checked are balanced by other parts of the constitution. and as i make the case in the book, there's actually case law. i think it goes against that presumption and it's really a dangerous one it's it's interesting to ponder for sure. >> i have to ask a lot of court waters and just the general public have noticed that just this alito samuel alito, who has been of course cotton, this storm of controversy of late has been absent for the last two days. no explanation from the court what's going on here. why is it there? more transparencies around surrounding this? >> well, hard to know we have lots of things going around these days in terms of why people can't make it to work. >> i think the bigger issue with transparency, of course, is the fact that the court is not being transparent about some of these conflicts of interests. it's not allowing itself to be accountable to anyone for the transgressions, frankly, by justice alito and justice thomas complex of interest and flying of stop the steal flag, things like that. that's really the more urgent question and the government, through the congress, i really think needs to put some guardrails around the court and i actually have a new piece coming out next week in politico that argues that congress could take some legislative step that are common sense. so americans can feel more comfortable and have more buy-in to this powerful body that's really redesigning and rewriting the constitution before our eyes. >> yeah. >> in my view as someone who used to cover this some crim court. if you're not transparent even on little things that can extend to the big thanks to, and it just feeds into this overall nir furtive, right? of a lack of transparency, lack of trust. i want to bring him before we let you go that the what's going on with the manhattan prosecutors because we're keeping this i our eyes on an effort by them to extend trump's gag order in his criminal hush money case, noting growing threats against the da's office. what do you make of the growing animus against officials and our justice system? federal judges prosecutors, and so on. >> yeah, it's really interesting because we just had a sitting president's son go through a criminal prosecution and conviction and we didn't have all of this issue with attacking the court attacking the jury. that's how it's supposed to work. it's only one side and it comes straight down from the presumptive republican nominee donald trump, who he has called alvin bragg, the manhattan de, and animal right? and so that kind of talk is not protected by the constitution. something that could, could incite people to violence helen's and harassment and so the court, these judges have to balance that idea of protecting people who are involved in the judicial system. we want people to serve serve as jurors. we want people to participate in elections. we want people to work for judges in the courtroom, for example. and if they're worried that they're going to be threatened and some of these threats are serious the whole system can break down. so i think the prosecution, is saying these are ongoing, notwithstanding the fact that the conviction now is in the rear-view your mirror, but the sentencing is in july, so we'll have to see if it extends beyond sentencing. >> we'll be keeping that at for sure. kim, wally, thanks so much. nice to see you. >> well, the extreme heat and the northeast shows no sine of letting up this week and is temperatures across the globe are leading to hundreds of deaths. bill nye v is right. >> he is here after a quick break to explain what's going on they are unpredictable. >> sleeping giants every volcano has its own personality, or we don't for standard, they are windows into part of our planet lives will be lost. >> violent earth, would we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn? >> how do, you get your deep soil? you've gotta use the right toothpaste. >> you're see not all toothpastes white in the same craft. >> 3d white removes 100% more stains for a noticeably wider smile, new personal best, press. >> i didn't 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the us and saudi arabia more than 1,000 people are feared dead and this year's hajj or annual ogre mitch. muslims making the journey to the holy city of mecca are enduring 125 degree temperatures. >> the hottest on record there. my source tonight is one of the world's top scientists. >> you know him bill nye, the science guy. i mean, the perfect source for this conversation. right? i think we're all wondering, look, i mean, it gets hot in the summer depending on where you live, but it's so early in the summer. can you explain how climate change is feeling this extreme heat here and around the world? >> yes. >> we're putting all this carbon dioxide, methane in the atmosphere. it traps heat so you've heard this many times. i presume visible light comes through the atmosphere, hits the earth's surface, is reradiated at a slightly longer wavelength read heat, and it's these molecules hold it in so we have to stop pumping all this carbon dioxide, methane hemisphere, easy to say, it's a huge job but we have a problem where about half the people don't accept it's happening don't accept the cause and effect and this is troublesome. so people say to me, bill nye science guy what can i do about climate change vote take the environment into account when you vote? >> i think a lot of people wonder though like, okay, what, what can my daily habits actually do? i mean, a lot of understand i'm sympathetic to this idea and i'm of a certain age, we grew up with every litter bit hurts the premise was if everybody picked up his or her litter, then there wouldn't be any litter but with many organizations producing paper, paper, food products, stuff, it just ends up, litter ends up everywhere. so this is for example so individual actions not going to do it. pam? >> no. is it just an utility to renew work everybody who who plays a sport goes into the game, planning to win. >> that's your optimistic at the beginning of the game. even maybe especially if you're the underdog so do not come running to me about we can't do this. wham and we have doom, doomed. now let's get to work people. this is, as we like to say, this is the united states, this is what we do. we do big things. let's go, how did we get to work though for all the viewers saying at home, we were like concerned about this. okay. what can i do? >> so get involved, pull make sure i know you said vote, but you're involved this year. so i mean, of course, everything every one of us does affects everybody in the world because we all share the air. >> i'm not joking you. so, yes, indeed we can get a tiny fraction of the great mission accomplished by cutting back cutting back on combine your errands, carpool, don't leave the water running when you're shaving or showering, whatever that yes, these are all important things but we need big investments, big ideas to address this problem. and there are a great many ideas and there are a great many innovators working on this problem, but they need support from the great evil word regulations regular yes, we need all the regulations. we need and know a more. but just getting rid of regulations for the second getting relations out the wall zoo and the united states. but then you have china that, okay, that's an excellent point. i equate that to hand-wringing all right. >> so china's a big economy and it's influencing what we purchase here in the united states to be sure india's growing economy. >> but the us has to lead so united states is so influential, united states culture is what we export often by accident so if the united states were in the lead, i claim we would be getting are done. >> but this i claim that's an excuse whining. >> whining, complaining about what happening in china or india. it's important, but most of the solar panels in the world are made in the same place that's burning all the coal china. so you guys, we can do this. let's get to work, but it's all work together. >> it's just time, days like today here in washington where we all were brutally hot, hotter this weekend so the expression we use all the time, what's it going to take? how often have we heard what's it going to take everybody? we have a heat dome, we have people dying from heat so you know what makes you and me go and your traditional internal combustion engine is the difference in temperature between the burning fuel inside the engine and the outside world? you and i are a different form of a heat engine. we have enzymes that break down our food are much lower temperature than burning but there's a point where we cannot cool off we cannot wear the, if the outside world up a car engine where the temperature of the inside of the car engine, it wouldn't work. this is the mythic the you can't get away from it. i'm sorry, everybody. second law of thermodynamics. wow, so anyway, we can do this let's get to work. thank you for having nine. great to see you. thank you so much coming up. we've got some morning was breaking news actually problems with a boeing-built spacecraft now forced him to astronauts to extend their stay on the international space station indefinitely. a former astronaut joins me to discuss what happens next and the news coming out tonight about this thursday night my from midland the most anticipated moment of this election, biden doctor, on america because that's where we are a nation of possibilities. trump. >> we had the best economy, we had the best border, we had the best of everything. and now we get to do it all over again. we're gonna do it even better. two very different visions for america. >> one unprecedented night moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine five and cnn and streaming on max. >> if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bars sega because their places you'd like but to be for secular can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital 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nasa does not have a new return date. they are boeing-built starliner spacecraft suffered thruster failure, attaining of leaks in route to the international space station. so now engineers, they are scrambling to understand more about what went wrong tonight. nasa did add that the starliner can be used if there is an emergency on the iss so joining us now is leland melvin, a former nasa astronaut, also the author of chasing space and astronauts story have grit, grace, and second chances. leland are helium leaks and malfunctioning thrusters, are they common issues for a spacecraft to have what's going on here? >> hi pam, thanks for, thanks for bringing me on email. we have had these problems before it was stuck thrusters and helium leaks, and that's how you the helium actually allows you to gimbal your rcs reaction control system jets so you can kinda gimbal and steer the vehicle around when you're in space. >> so this has happened before for now, this is a test vehicle. so this is their things have always happened in the test vehicle in both sunny and butch or test pilots so they're they're they're used to this kind of thing. but we gotta get it fixed. we got to figure it out. i get more data. and the reason we're delaying even longer is because we have these two, these three evas are coming up and we want to support the evas. i think setting in bucha both been working with the iss crew to help make the evas go a little bit sooner. there. so there's other things i can do on a station while we're getting the data to analyze why these things are leaking and why they're getting stuck so spacecrafts, spacecraft issues, they have marred boeing starliner program practically every step of the way do you have any concerns that the spacecraft shouldn't have launched in the first place now, i think that the analysis was done the space ship gets a space safely and we had these leaks. we have these things in any vehicle. we have these problems on my shuttle mission. my first shuttle mission we were on the robot to go to the pad and we have these eco sensor problems. these are like fuel gauges for the big tanks and so the fight will say you have to have three or four to launch. really had two or four and we declined as a crew to not launch into delayed three months, about $1 worth of rain. we reworking the shuttle. but we got it fixed and it worked and so it's having com leinz during launch in figuring out what's wrong with the vehicle because it is again, a test vehicle. every time we launch a shuttle, it was new software on there. so it was always changing over 135 flights. we had a new federal so it's part of the part of the mission that we do as astronauts, ma'am. >> yeah and it highlights the hair has been farage. it takes me that's not really quickly. it's so perilous coming back in earth's atmosphere and wondering if you think that could also be behind the delay because of just how challenging it can be, right well. >> it said that if it's an emergency, they can come home. so there's obviously enough helium even if there are leaks to probably do the reaction control jets. and so they get i. think if they say that, then they would not put them in the vehicle, come on an emergency. so we have to figure out lower data what's happening all right, we shall follow this. >> in the meantime, we wish them the best up there. thanks so much, leland and before we go, a reminder that the finale of the cnn original series secrets and spies, a nuclear game errors this sunday, here's a preview the summit in geneva is a first step on the path to the end of the cold war the us and the soviet union both agree to reduce their nuclear stockpiles and diminish the threat that has paralyze them for decades if there was anything that gorbachev era really produced was the opportunity for people to develop relationships with each other at the end of the de we're going to look back at this period and say, we took a lot of risks and we were lucky as a matter of fact, most people today hey, who had anything to do with that part of the world would say, it's just a miracle. >> we got through the cold war without some terrible incident taking place so, don't miss the finale of secrets and spies and nuclear game this sunday at 10:00 p.m. eastern am pacific right ear on cnn. >> thanks for joining us. cnn news night with abby phillip, start parts right now. have a great weekend the mag world may lay

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