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right here on cnn, our own jake tapper and dana bash will all right. you can watch it live next thursday at 9:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn and streaming on max. the news continues on cnn with wolf blitzer in the situation room happening now extreme weather, a heat wave is intensifying in the mostly densely populated areas of the united states, more than there are 100 million people are under heat advisories right now, we're watching all of this also happening now the preps and the posturing, there are underway right down our huge, huge debate coming up next week also tonight, we're watching very significant legal developments unfolding, right now. >> the judge in the trump class despite documents, case just wrapped up a hearing on whether special counsel jack smith was legally appointed after pushing trump's lawyer defend an argument she called ominous plus, the united states supreme court upholds a federal gun law aimed at protecting victims of domestic violence. we're breaking all this down. it's a significant new ruling and how it tested the conservative majority on the supreme court. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i will pulitzer a you're in the situation room we begin with the pre-game warm up before the high-stakes presidential so the bait here on cnn, just six days from now president joe biden is getting deeply personal in rehearsal mode behind closed doors while former president donald trump has publicly trying to raise expectations for his opponent, are correspondents are here with boron, both candidates and their strategies that are unfolding. first, let's go to cnn's kayla tausche is just covering the biden camp, campaign for us. so how is biden campaigning right? preparing for his debate, bullies at camp david right now, huddling with his advisors. it's de, one of what's expected to be as much as six days of preparation with aids, reserving the possibility that it travels right to atlanta from camp david depending on how much practice he still needs to do. now they're workshopping policy items, zingers, punches, counter punches, trying to refine exactly what his argument will be all with the goal of trying to highlight some of the wildest trump isms of recent years if they believe and the biden campaign's theory of the case that voters have just been disengaged for. now. they also believed that having the mics muted is a productive way for president biden to be able to make that case without being interrupted as he was in the first debate of the 2020 cycle. now, there is expected to trump's standard and when they evolve into the formal mock debate portion of the prep, which is going to be in a couple of days. sources tell me that that's expected to be bombed. bauer, the personal attorney to the president who also served in that role in 2020, and he has a book out where he describes some of that 2020 prep and here's how he described the character study of sorts earlier today do you do trump at pressure? >> do you sound like donalds rob, are you talking about normal whenever whenever whenever you do this, you want to strike a balance between trying to approximate the experience but it's not an opportunity for theatrical that's a distraction. so you want to find some balance between recreating the experience and not attempting to, if you will, audition for saturday so it's more of a character study where the content reflects what trump would say he doesn't try to look the part of trump when he does that, but it's safe to say wolf, the stakes were high for the debate before, but they're especially high now that we've got those new fundraising numbers that show for two straight months trump the outraised biden. >> certainly he's going to be making that appeal to not only is his longtime donors, but also a new class and voters as well. >> yeah, lots of steck right now, kayla, stay with us. i want to turn to cnn's alayna treene. she's covering the trump campaign for us or what are you hearing about trump's take on what's going on and how he's preparing well, there's a few things. >> one, he's not doing what president joe biden is doing and what kayla just laid out. >> he will not be engaging in mock debates even though he has done that in past years. but one thing i found really interesting in my conversations with trump's team and we heard trump talk about this a little bit yesterday. is that they're really trying to raise the exponent patients for joe biden. so we know over the past several months, donald trump as well as all of his senior advisers, have really been trying to paint. biden adds this old and feeble man, someone who cannot stand up for the 90 minutes that is allotted in this debate that he's trouble with his mental and physical activity. >> now, they're trying trying to raise the bar. they recognize that maybe that's setting the expectations too low for joe biden. take a listen to what trump said on the all-in podcast yesterday people ryan pretty badly and i assume he's gonna be somebody that will be a worthy debater i would say, i think i don't want to underestimate him i don't want to underestimate him. i think he's a worthy debater that is a far cry from what we have heard donald trump's say repeatedly on the campaign trail for the last several months, but luck. i mean what they're trying to do here again, is raised the expectations. and really, i think from my conversations with trump's campaign behind the scenes, they are trying to figure out, okay. we recognize that joe biden is going into this intense prep what can we do to sharpen our own rhetoric, our own messaging? now we know that donald trump has met with a series of vice president it's an actual contenders senators policy experts, people from his previous administration like caelian, kellyanne conway, stephen miller, rick renelle to sharpen some of those attack lines. i'm also told that he's been really working to rein in some of his aggression and kind of what kayla talked about with him talking over joe biden repeatedly in that 2020 debate. they don't want him to do this time. of course, there will be the microphone's cut off, so that'll handle some of that problem for him. >> see how that all unfolds, kayla. thank you very much. alaina. thanks to you as well. let's bring in our political experts, right now, and i'll start with david chelyan. david, what does trump? i'm trying to what is trump trying to do to raise expectations for biden just ahead of the debate what does that tell you? >> it tells me that trump and his team did not like the way the expectations game went around. the president biden, state of the union address and that they're trying to learn from that as alaina said and i think we should caution here all this expectations setting that both sides tend to do in advance of debates it all goes out the window once the two men take the stage and the american people are able to see for themselves what their debate performances are. wolf, but there is no doubt that this narrative of trying to paint joe biden as this feeble old man wandering in fields and all the like, would lower expectations that all joe biden would need to be able to do sort of complete a sentence and it's deemed a victory for him. and i think the trump team and the former president himself are keenly aware of that after his more energetic state of the union speech. and they're trying trying to avoid falling into that trap this time i see a cup is with us as well as he despite what he's saying now to trump make a major mistake lowering expectations for biden for so long well, yeah, they've been running the tape of every biden gaffe and end exacerbating, exaggerating biden gaps. >> they're trying to tell their base that biden's completely out of it and competent that could backfire when as david says biden luck looks okay during the debate then, then it looks like sleight of hand and sort of optical illusions and tricks that the trump campaign is trying to play on voters. and actually joe biden looks just fine. we don't know how the debate is going to go, but trump's expectation setting tends to go from very, very high to very, very low. >> he doesn't have a sort of moderating voice. >> so it'll be interesting to see how his voters and how all voters react to the two on stage on thursday, it's certainly will be meghan hayes is with us as well, megan, how important is it for? as it biden to have a really, really strong debate performance i think we've got a technical problem. meghan, let me ask david that question. how important is it for the president to have a very strong debate performance? david wolfe, i think for both candidates it is important for them to have strong debate performance as you know, this has been a remarkably stable race. these two a men are in this historic moment, having never had something like it's in american history before, a sitting president debating a former president and this is a high-stakes moment, perhaps not as high stakes as it would be if we were talking about this debate in october. but i think one of the reasons certainly that the biden campaign appeared desiring an earlier debate was perhaps to in case it doesn't go so well to have some time to recover. but given the fact of the concerns around joe biden's performance, his age, that voters have expressed, and that he's asking for a renewal of his contract for four years. there is no doubt that just like we were talking before the state of the union, this is going to be a big moment for joe biden to demonstrate to the american people that he's ready for that contract renewal for four years or let me try to reconnect with mega and if you can hear me okay. megan, which can campaign, do you think has more at stake right now in the cnn? upcoming debate? >> i think both men have a lot at stake here. i think they both need to show up strong. the optics are more important than a substance and a lot of ways here, they both need to come across strong. they both need to talk about the issues that are important to the american people. i think that both camps have a lot to gain for their momentum. i also think that nothing is really moving the needle one way or the other. and this is an opportunity for one camp or the other. have that happen? so i do think that both both parties have a lot here to gain and to lose, frankly, and specifically, i see what kind of impact do you think debating without a live audience in the room will have on trump? well i think? we've seen the kind of impact that having a live audience can have on a beta debate. it gives an audience at home the perception that, donald trump or someone else might be doing really well when in fact you know that? that candidate might be telling some myths, truths, or, or messing up. so i think i think removing that factor is important for viewers at home to just get a very clear one-to-one interaction. >> with both of these candidates. >> and these candidates have to remember they are speaking to viewers at home, not the room, but at home. and specifically in a state like georgia, they are speaking to swing state voters. they both have their fans, their supporters who aren't going anywhere. what they need to do is grow their base. they need independence undeclared moderates all in these swing states, that's the kind of thing they should both be thinking about as they head into this debate, not solidifying their base, but reaching those independent voters. and we know there will be a huge audience, tens and tens of millions of people will be watching this the upcoming debate. >> david, i understand we have some new fund raising numbers from the campaign's and i want to put them up on the screen for us take a look at this trump with a massive hall taking in 141 million. while the president biden is behind with $85 million. biden had been enjoying, as you well know, david a major fundraising advantage. how is this, these new numbers likely to impact the race? >> yeah, this is the second month in a row now that trump in the rnc has outraised biden the dnc. >> this is not about those outside super pac to yet there latest filings come a little bit later this summer wolf, but i will note here it is it significant development, obviously that trump has completely nearly entirely washed away the fundraising advantage that you noted that biden had. the question is, what is he going to do with that? because biden has been on the air for months pressing that fundraising advantage with advertising dollars and as megan was saying, the needle hasn't really moved here, this has been a stable race. >> i think watching how joe donald trump now spends this money that he has. >> both of these candidates will be well-funded in the fall. how trump now spend this money now that he has raised it? and what he puts on the air since he has not been largely on the error, nearly at all at the same levels of biden will be a key thing to watch. and the other thing to remember here is what fueled all of that fundraising was his felony conviction. i know that sounds nuts, but the president was convicted 34 times of felonies in a manhattan trial and that's super charged. his fundraising and david, just to be precise, a lot of that money is going to go for legal fees for trump, right? yes. as well as some of the money from his aligned super packs where super wealthy people write a very big check and we have seen time and again that, that's super pac money has been utilized for india his lecture in the stakes couldn't be president president live on cnn. >> and streaming the go daddy arrow helps you get your business online in minutes with the power bi, with the perfect name great little and a beautiful website to start with a domain, a few clicks and your business make now to feature at slash arrow. sure, i'm a paid actor and this isn't a real company, but there's no way to fake upwork can help your 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special counsel, jack smith, and whether it's constitutional for him as a prosecutor at the justice department to bring a case against donald trump or anyone? on really trump's team and his co-defendants, they're challenging the legality of the special counsel's office on a couple of different fronts that they're trying to argue to judge cannon that he wasn't a pointed lawfully he was brought in from outside the government, the attorney general didn't do it, right? they're gonna be arguing a little bit more on monday about the funding underneath that office underpinning it allowing that office to continue to do its work if it was appropriated correctly by congress. and then the third thing, the part that donald trump's team really dragged the arguments it's toward today in the courthouse in fort pierce, florida before judge cannon they were arguing about how it actually might work between attorney general merrick aitlin, i want you to stay with us as what a brigands cnn legal analysts jennifer rodgers and elie honig. >> jennifer, what are the chances you believe that this challenge from trump's team to jack smith's appointment could actually succeed i think it's unlikely. >> ultimately succeeds. will if we don't have anything that's exactly on all fours here, but in the past, this has been challenged before the appointment of special counsels has been challenged before. those challenges have all failed. so while factually, they're not exactly the same just to give you one example actually came from inside government, not from outside government. so they're not exactly the same, but they have failed in the past. i do think the government has the better of this argument, but you never know what a judge and especially judge cannon will do elie honig got what would likely happen likely happened to this criminal case against trump. >> if judge cannon ruled against the special counsel, jack smith. >> well, what's the first thing that would happen is jack smith would appeal and i believe successfully i agree with jennifer. i think there are prior cases that are similar to this where defendant dance tried to get robert muller remove where a defendant tried to get the special counsel on the hunter biden case removed. so i think if judge cannon rules against jack smith hill appeal and he will probably be able to get her reversed in that scenario. now, if this somehow comes to pass, that, it's upheld. the jack smith was improperly appointed, then i think the indictment gets disk smith's because the argument that donald trump is making here is that jack smith has been given essentially the same powers as a us attorney to indict and try federal cases. but us attorneys have to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the senate, neither of which applies to jack smith. that said, what prior courts have said is the power that jack smith has given is legally given to him through the attorney general. there's a lot of discretion there. so i think ultimately jack smith will remain in place. so let me get back to katelyn polantz doing excellent reporting on all of this. >> today's hearing. kaitlan, as you know, is just the start of a flurry of legal arguments in this case. we're expecting more key hearings next week. tell us about that. >> yeah. there are several more days is ahead with judge aileen cannon in that courtroom monday and tuesday more arguments on monday, the prosecutors do want to have the judge of tried to convince the judge to put limitations on donald trump's speech, so-called gag order, because they believe that he's speaking so much about law enforcement and spending misleading formation about them in a way that could harm them, either as witnesses if they were agents that took part in the search of mar-a-lago or just generally be very harmful to the fbi, the justice department that trump rhetoric continues. they're asking to change his release conditions, so something even more than his happened in other cases. but that's the centerpiece of what the arguments will be on monday afternoon. there's other arguments going to be they're going to be happening on tuesday where trump's team continues to try and convince cannon to dismiss this case. they haven't been successful with that yet. they're going to keep trying. >> but i theme of all of these today and then again next week is we're going to keep hearing trump's team wolf try to get more hearings. >> can they convince cannon to allow them to call witnesses like people from the justice department and perhaps gin up some sort of sideshow that may be very similar to what happened in the georgia case where fani willis was put under oath and had to testify. maybe that won't be a sideshow for judge cannon, but it very well could take this this case in a totally different direction than it's already going ellie, as you know at least as of right now, there isn't a gag order against trump and place in this classified documents case. >> what are the arguments both sides are making about that? >> so we'll have jack smith's team is arguing that donald trump has made statements that are inflammatory, potentially dangerous towards the fbi agents law enforcement agents, and that refers to donald trump's really false and outrageous statements. a few weeks ago that there was some attempt to assassinate are some plot to assassinate him when the search warrant was executed at mar-a-lago, jack smith, who said that type of rhetoric needs to be prevented by the court to protect the process here, what donald trump's team has said, and their brief is essential chile, first of all, there's no specific proof. they claim that any of the fbi agents have been threatened or endangered. and second of all, they argue that the gag order itself would be too broad and infringe on donald trump's first amendment rights. i'll judge cannon as any judge does, has very broad discretion to decide whether to impose a gag order. and if so, how broad to make it. but i do think it's worth noting thing that judges in virtually every other one of donald trump's criminal and civil cases have put in some type of gag order at a minimum designed to protect the process in as narrow but sort of significant way as possible. >> that's interesting. jennifer, on this point out, common are these sorts of gag orders? and could the gag order against trump in the new york criminal case impact whether we see another one down in florida well, it's interesting of eleni. >> we're speaking about this earlier. they're very, very uncommon in normal cases. we've never had on any of our cases and le consulted with some colleagues who said the same, but in donald trump cases, they obviously are very common because your normal criminal defendant listens to his lawyers, listens to the judge about the rules and doesn't threaten people so i would say in the normal case you don't see these a lot at all, but we've seen them a lot with donald trump. >> a lot of it depends on what he says, what he continues to do as to whether there will be one. here are not in manhattan. we have alvin bragg coming out and saying these threats continue. you need to continue the gag order in place, even when the tarp place over. but this trial is a little but different. donald trump doesn't dislike the judge here. he likes the judge. he wants delay. she's giving him to lie. so i think we'll have to watch and see what he says as this case moves forward to see whether one is justified or not to all of you. >> thank you very, very much. good discussion up next news from the united states supreme court with conservative and liberal justices agreeing in a major case. i'm gonna gun rights as we await and key ruling around donald trump trump, as well as well violent earth, which we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn, new project this means new project managers. >> you need to hire. i need did indeed you do when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality 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on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. campaign smart as a judge of by got it. >> got a boss, daughter you've got this supermarket stake out his back with all the fluids with so much competition at stay, have a little bit about your car it's a good before it's well emotion. i'm gonna cry supermarket stick out tuesday night at nine on food network a major win today for gun safety groups and domestic violence victims. the united states supreme court upheld a federal law that bars domestic abusers from owning guns. that decision was nearly unanimous eight to one decision with justice clarence thomas as the lone dissenter. cnn justice correspond to jessica shatters here would be in the situation room how amora give us a little bit more of the significant ruling how significant is it? >> the chief justice wrote this ruling and he really stressed wolf that the right to own a gun is not unlimited and perhaps trying to add some clarity to the bruen ruling that this court issued two years ago. that is really caused much confusion at the lower courts and the chief justice said, you don't need to find an identical law that existed at the nation's founding in order to uphold a gun law. and he put this in the opinion he said, our tradition of firearm regulation allows the government to disarm individuals who present a credible threat to the physical safety of others. and that's exactly what this federal law did, but will i'll note this decision doesn't exactly close the door on all future gun challenges. in fact, there are many gun challenges out there, including one that asks whether it's unconstitutional to forbid drug users from owning or possessing a gun. that's the case. the supreme court could take up could directly factor into hunter biden's conviction. but of course this isn't the last word from the supreme court. we're still expecting several more opinions, obviously in the next in the next week, there are about 12 opinions or remaining some very key ones, including the big one concerning donald trump, whether former president's have immunity from criminal prosecution. then there's also the question of whether hundreds of january 6 rioters were properly charged under an obstruction law. there's the case out of idaho, whether a near-total abortion ban in idaho it's really preempted by federal law. and then there's the question of the power of federal agencies. this could really rock the way that federal agency is run. if the supreme court finds a certain way, and then there's also questions about the rights of social media platforms to restrict content on their sites. >> so the supreme court has a lot of big cases still left to decide. >> they typically finish up by the end of june. so the big question is, will we see about all doesn't opinions decided by the end of next week, sometimes they spill over to the first week in july can happen as well. let's see if that happen. let's discuss letter. thank you very, very much. i want to bring in steve vladeck right now is a cnn legal analyst and professor over at the university of texas school of law steve, thanks for joining us. so as you just heard, a lot of outstanding decisions from the supreme court, we're waiting for all of that in the next several days why do you think is taking so long specifically? for this supreme court to decide on trump's immunity claim you know what i think it's a combination of a couple of factors remember this was the last case the court heard argument in just on april 20. >> actually pretty normal, at least in other high-profile cases. for the cases argued at the end of that last session to be the light comes the court decides in late june or early july, but won't buy also think it's a sign that the justices are probably pretty divided. if not as to the bottom line. and at least as to the reasoning and this seems to be auger in some kind of split decision from the supreme court on for president trump's immunity. perhaps next wednesday, the next time we expect wrong from the court, perhaps not until early the following week. >> i don't think it's quite fair to say the court is holding onto this case deliberately sometimes the cases where the justices are most divided are the ones that take them along as to decide it's part of why when john that's a good notes, all of the cases that are still outstanding. >> well, so many of them are high profile cases what we're probably going to get pretty badly divided rulings from these justices. yeah. i think you're right. the first presidential debate as you and everyone now knows, is what less than a week away next thursday is this something you think, steve, the justices factor into into their timeline so i think it's probably not driving exactly when the immunity decision is going to come out, but it's hard to imagine that if your chief justice john roberts you're going to actually ignore the possibility that you'd be dropping this decision on the morning of the very first presidential debate. >> we don't know yet wolfe, what other days the supreme court is going to hand down decisions besides next wednesday? i couldn't tell you what day the immunity decision is coming down, but i have to think thursday is the least likely candidate. it's just it's not the kind of thing that the court would do lightly, even as we say, the court tries to stay out of politics, stay out of politics in this case probably leads not hanako down massive divisive rulings the morning of the debate, i suspect you're right. steve vladeck, as usual. thank you very much. just ahead, the israeli prime minister benjamin, a tiny pores were fuel on a major dispute with the united states. that's left the biden administration in their words it's baffled and frustrated this election season. >> stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts, follow cnn one second she can't walk 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coventry direct redefining insurance. >> those haploid is in corpus christi, texas and this is cnn tonight, a very public clash between the united states and israel is clearly intensifying prime minister benjamin, a tiny house still insisting the biden administration is withholding weapons from israel, despite repeated denials by us officials cnn's paula hancocks says, i report from jerusalem in inconceivable. israel's prime minister doubling down on a feud with his country's most important ally repeating his accusation that the biden administration is withholding weapons it's from israel. netanyahu told punchbowl news there have been months of significant problems and that barely a trickle of us military aid is coming through in an interview published friday, the simmering controversy has sparked us frustrations. >> we generally do not know what he's talking about. >> it was vexing in disappointing because as as as much as it was incorrect us officials say the only weapons paused a heavy bonds that president joe biden does not want used in a densely populated area, like a rafah their is one shipment of high-payload munitions that we have put on under review, and that remains under review. >> that's not a bottleneck. that's a policy review is the idf insists its ongoing operation in rafah is limited. >> the city's met strongly disagrees telling cnn on the ground, they are destroying the city of rafah completely. adding anyone who sets foot in rafah is killed instantly. >> the final stronghold in. rafah is being taken apart systematically, slowly with intelligence footage and satellite imagery of the rafah crossing between gaza and egypt shows the passenger terminal has been heavily burned and damaged. israeli military took control of the crossing early last month since then, it has been closed to aid coming in and critical patients going out the us says it has started bringing humanitarian a1 through. it's floating pier. again, although it is not yet been distributed, the pier was dismantled for the second time last week due to high seas and bad weather the un has given israel's security steps that must be met before it can resume distribution of the aid from the pier humanitarian groups point to increase lawlessness expression in gaza, making some distribution simply too dangerous paula hancocks is joining us now live from jerusalem. >> paula, israel's operations continue across the gaza strip, were told what's the latest you could tell us, update our viewers will if there has been a mass casualty event in southern gaza, this coming to us from the red cross, the palestine red crescent, saying that more than two who dozen palestinians have been killed in the al-mawasi area. >> now, this is an area that's supposed to be a humanitarian zone. it's where tens of thousands of displaced people have moved two, once israel started their operation in rafah and where many people are living in tents. now we heard from the red cross that it was a a heavy projectile that landed very close to their headquarters. the idf at this point says there's no indication it carried out the strike, but they are looking into the incident. >> will paula hancocks in jerusalem for us. thank you very much coming up. >> a blistering heatwave is intensifying right here in the united states, how climate change is fueling this extreme weather. >> we have details that's next this is a secret war secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn, want the effects of viagra, but faster meet row sparks. >> they contain sildenafil and dalla fill with sparks, dissolve under the tongue. dissolvable, work faster. the mode screen hills cia sparks are right for you at row dot coast last sparks billy the kid, to try to take over the town. >> what it needs is clean it up. >> they've appointed a new sheriff pat garrett, mean something to you. >> sure. does know, use the really the billy, is your job to haunt them down. >> the law doesn't take this ain't, a game for me once 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100 million people are under heat advisories right now, seen as chief climate correspondent, bill weir's joining us. >> bill, how does climate change fuel the extreme weather? we're seeing now across so much of the united states will often the simplest terms humanity has unlocked a carbon godzilla into the sky. we can't see it, but it weighs over 1 1,000,000,000,000.5 puns last year it got 40 billion metric tons bigger as a result of fossil fuel pollution. a bigger that thing gets, the hotter we get down here. it's changing everything. it's changing laws. california yesterday became the third state after minnesota, oregon, to mandate a cooling. greg's for indoor workers while states like texas and florida have actively blocked mandatory water breaks for outdoor workers. but this summer will could be the hottest since the birth of christ. that was the record set last year. this is on track to be even hotter if not only here in the united states, it's globally as well internationally, bill, just how deadly is this extreme heat for muslim worshippers right now at the annual haj pilgrimage and saudi arabia what will one of the pillars of the islamic faith is to make this trip to mecca the holiest site there that happens in the beginning of summer and typically there are deaths from heat stroke, but this year it seems to be off the charts the fatality numbers have been warning some of these images are very disturbing we've gotten some of actual folks who perished on the road to mecca there as other pilgrims pass by, we know stretchers the fallen had been taken from these holy sites, right now, it could be near 500, that is expected to be much higher once all different countries from indonesia pakistan to egypt reports how many of the folks fell there in this intense heat on monday. they said in all-time record in mecca of overall hundred and 25 degrees fahrenheit, wolfenden, human body at a certain point, it shuts down it's a global problem right now. bill, we are. thank you very much. also tonight, a look at why a 50-year-old hollywood movies still resonates today. the 1974 classic chinatown invoked real life may him over water rights in los angeles and as cms, stephanie elm reports the fight over water is far more realistic than it is fictional have we ever met forbidden love deceit murder, released 50 years ago, chinatown, the 1974 film noir classic also features an ageless california protagonist water. it's astonishing and the way it's centralizes water as a character in the growth of los angeles. the films fictional murder mystery is tethered to las, very real quest to bring more of the so-called liquid gold to the ever-expanding metropolis. >> there's an old saying, whiskey it's for drinking and water is for fighting over water in china town. >> jack nicholson's private eye uncovers a conspiracy. >> they're blowing these farmers out of their land and then picking it up for peanuts. you have any idea what this land would be worth? with a steady water supply, the way the movie works is that it's all a kind of mysterious, dastardly ploy that the public doesn't know about. in that they're kind of wrong actually in real life, los angeles did quietly by a water rights 300 miles to the north. but it was no secret. >> los angeles before people really were paying attention up there, had amassed enough water rights to say, we're taking that river with us while you're river, it's come a delay. >> while trying to tell a set in the 1930s, california's water war started much earlier than that. >> and even now, water capers can so happen. some worthy perhaps of their own screenplay the location, california's central valley prior to 2000, the scene opens at night. >> a local water official and others allegedly begin siphoning water from an irrigation canal. this is an absolutely eye-popping store great about one of the most audacious water heists in california history. >> this true story is detailed in a 2022 federal indictment against former pre-noachian water district general manager, dennis valeski accusing him of conspiring to steal more than 25 million in water over a 20-year period? >> what is alleged in the indictment is they started just taking water out of the canal without a meter without anybody knowing. >> but plot twist. some consider philosophy a modern-day robin hood. >> they were farmers and they desperately needed water and he got them water in may. philosophy struck a deal and pleaded guilty to conspiring to still water valued somewhere between one-and-a-half and 3.5 million dollars. he awaits sentencing in september. his attorney had no comment part of what makes china town timeless as it's threat of truth, that fear of california without the enough water is climate change is making the hot days hotter and the drier periods, even drier, the deeper story about water, what people will do to get it how to depraved they will be. >> that is a takeaway for the ages and remember, california feeds the world with all that is grown in the central valley and into the the 50s, into unincorporated los angeles county. >> the thing is though, because they knew they needed to get water here in la los angeles, went ahead and just annex san fernando valley to make it part of los angeles, the city in order all in order just to get water here, los angeles would not have grown to the behemoth that is, according to build up overall, there are history professor, if it had not been for the fact that we got more water here to los angeles. >> well, that's nearly reports definitely ylim in los angeles. thank you. you very much coming up. we're getting new information right now about donald trump's vice presidential search and who's trying to pull the strings behind the scenes debate in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive three imposed a beat analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america, thursday 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you've already achieved, earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience, and get the support you need from your first step. >> hey, to graduation de and beyond. >> what will your next success p cnn the world's news happening now, the judge in the trump classified documents case is weighing the former president because it is bid to effectively get rid of the special counsel who is prosecuting him following a day-long hearing today. and a lot of questions also tonight take you inside the shadow campaigns that are influencing donald trump's vice presidential search. who has trump's here as the hunt for a running mate, intensive? fries, and a judge in new mexico is weighing whether to throw out the criminal case involving the actor alec baldwin will bring you the latest developments on the hearing underway, right now. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer you're in the situation room this hour, a lot of questions about when and how judge aileen cannon will rule after a day-long hearing on one of the many attempts by donald trump to delay his trial in the classified documents case in florida. let's go right to see an injustice senior justice correspondent evan perez. he's covering the hearing before i us in fort pierce, florida, just north of palm beach, evan, you were inside the court today. how to judge cannon handle today's important hearing well if this was a very unusual hearing in the first place, and judge cannon had some very sharp questions for the government, for the prosecution. >> she questioned the prosecutor

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Irrigation Canal , 2022 , General Manager , Water District , Canal , Dennis Valeski , 25 Million , Philosophy , Deal , Anybody , Meter , Plot Twist , May , Robin Hood , Somewhere , Sentencing , Comment , Truth , 3 5 Million , 3 5 Million Dollars , Takeaway , Fear , Periods , Wages , Los Angeles County , It Part , History Professor , Behemoth , San Fernando Valley , Information , Presidential Search , Ylim , Strings , Scenes , Meet , Access , Three , Everywhere , Beat Analysis , Motor Cycle Insurer , Bike , Number One , Debate Night In America , 7 , 11 , Line , Motorcycle , Blank , Size , Brushstrokes , Gas Tanker Problem , Shipping Manager , Match , One Jamie , Diabetes , Risk , Power Of Three , Ozempic , Cdi , A1c , Risk Adults , Events , Stroke , Death , Adults , Heart Attack , Weight , Heart Disease , Laura , Seven , Reuse Needles , Don T , Family , Help , Pens , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Don T Take Ozempic , Epic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 14 , Gallbladder Problems , Side 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Correspondent Evan Perez , Let S Go , Palm Beach ,

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