Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240621

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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. comb download the free app. now this is cnn the world's news all, right it's friday, june 21st, right now on cnn this morning, less than a week to go before the cnn presidential debate. >> and the one rule that team biden, he's gives the president and edge a huge fundraising haul for trump in may, 50 million of it coming from 1 billionaire business tropical storm alberto downgraded overnight after causing devastating flooding in texas and mexico and a first in america, new york's governor signing a new law to regulate social media algorithms that target kids i'd 6:00 a.m. here in washington and he's alive. look at the white house. >> good morning, everyone. >> i'm on a rod you in for casey. hi, it's great to be with you at this time next week, we'll all be talking about who won the big cnn presidential debate six days and counting until president biden and former president trump face off at cnn headquarters in atlanta. next week's events will look and feel very different from the last debate between these two men. and after winning a coin flip, team, biden choses preferred podium position on the right. that means trump gets the final word at the end of the debate. team. biden is also pleased that mike's will be muted when a candidate is not supposed to be speaking now, the present hunkering down with close aides at camp david preparing by debating against a trompe stand-in and he appears confident for weeks, trump has been ridiculing biden questioning his mental acuity, and even suggesting the present will be using drugs to make it through the debate. but as the big day draws near, trump is now lowering experts predations for biden i watched him with paul ryan and he destroyed paul ryan. >> so i'm not underestimating him. i'm not underestimating him. i assume he's going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. >> all right, let's bring in jeff mason, white house correspondent for reuters, for michael singleton, former deputy chief of staff and hide in the trump administration. and meghan hayes, former special assistant to president biden. good morning to you all morning. thanks for thanks for joining me this morning. >> so okay. >> i thought this guy couldn't stand two sentences together. hello, he's a worthy debate or what i wanted that actually should have been in the position from the former president and other republicans like weeks ago, a month ago is a joe biden is going to come in and gum into this debate, ready to go strong decades, right and if you didn't perform, whether it's like, oh, wow, he didn't meet expectations. >> i'm not certain if at this point, like days before the debate of this is really going to matter. but he should have had this tome before. maybe we'll stick with this coming for the next debate. >> what do you it is obviously an expectations game going into it, how does the biden team feel about everything that trump has been saying about that he may be needed drugs to prop himself up or that he can't string two sentences together, but now he's a worthy debate or how did they feel about this spin that's happening? >> also, criminal mastermind is controlling all the court. so i mean, i just the trump campaign is 30 expectations for joe biden. he doesn't have to do a lot to lower the expectations on our side and i do think trump is going to come out that's wrong. i think they're all going to be well-prepared and everyone's going to come out and strong and it's going to be a good debate. hopefully i think it'll be interesting with the muted mics to see how when they keep going, how that plays, when you can't hear them continue and how they get stumped themselves doing that. but i do think it's helpful to the trump campaign and sort of setting expectations are low for him. i just remind the viewers about what the 2020 debate look like the last time question, the question, just the rational left. >> would you mason, who is on you? i'm not here to call out his lies. everybody knows he's a liar. >> de no, joe, i ran because of you. i ran because of barak obama because you did a poor job. >> he racist you just the worst, whereas america has ever had, we can't lock ourselves up in a basement like joe does. it's hard to get any word in with this clown i mean, does the biden team thing that we look in a lot of ways that was a good moment for biden because people viewed it as now trump ducking over biden. and he didn't look particularly good in that moment. but now trump de, can't do that. so how does that play with the biden team? >> well, i think it changes the dynamic entirely and it certainly means that president biden will need to be on and they'll have to have some leinz and they'll have to look sharp and do all the things that make an impression on voters that he wants to come out and vote for him. i think as far as expectations are concerned to your guys is point earlier the state of the union address is actually kind of a good example to look at from the last several months, republicans ahead of time, we're painting the president as somebody who couldn't get words out and couldn't speak and was too old and doddering to be able to run the country. and then he came out swinging and really got a boost from that afterwards. so the trump team has that same risk by suggesting that president biden is not gonna be able to speak ahead of time and you kinda see that with a backpack. >> then of course a difference in his day, the union as we all know, is that there's a teleprompter. are these prob and now he's gonna answer questions off the cuff. i put the question to mitch landrieu yesterday. he is a top biden adviser about what, how the president will deal with some of the controversies involving donald trump, including the the fact that he has been convicted on 34 felonies to the president is going to ask donald trump questions. he's going to want to know why he appointed three justices that eviscerating roe versus wade. he's going to ask donald trump why he threatened democracy. this company, country he's going to talk to him about why he continues to seek revenge and retribution and try to give his friends, his billionaire friends and other tax break and why he hurt the country so badly when he was president so how does trump respond to that? we look, why do i think refuting your opponent on every single issue as less effective in terms of a debate strategy, then really highlighting your opponent's weaknesses i debated in college, it's probably debate team. >> you'd sort of learn this in the early stages of college debate if i were trump, every time president brings up one of those issues, whether it's january 6 or past election, are some of the trials i would pivot and talk about the economy. i would pivot and talk about immigration. i would pivot every single time or remind the american people while joe biden is focused on me, i'm focused on you. and if you can do it fed effectively that i think he'll be well received and then biden pivots back and says january 6 well, and also, do you think that donald trump is going to be disciplined enough to be able to pivot back to issues and now i didn't vaccinate 2020 election. i think it's very, very possible because the president, former president is preparing right now, he's, he's acutely aware of how critically important this first debate is. now know we good you have a lot of skepticism about donald trump's ability to be a disciplined person. but he understands that this thing will be one on the margins and content considered everything that he's facing with these potential other trials next year, if he doesn't win, i think he's going to try to go in his best behavior, but so much of the biden campaign strategy so far has been trying to get under donald trump's skin just to kinda needle him and the ligand, assuming that's probably going to be how biden approaches next week as well. >> i'm sure. i mean, that usually has an effect that is advantageous to president biden, but he also has an answer. >> if the former president does show discipline and starts talking about the economy, the biden team has, has message to talk about the economy. >> i'm sure that you'll hear that from the present, but it hasn't resonated as much as his criticism of former president trump. so i think that's the focus yeah. alright. well, this is going to be a very, very lively event. i'm sure you will all tune in next week and up next for us. those are republican senate candidate gotten endorsement from dallas trump, but he wants to return it, plots a $2,000,000 smash and grab heist. one of the five things you have to see this morning and smerconish is here with his unique take on the upcoming cnn debate the most anticipated moment of this election, and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn presidential debate thursday night at nine live on cnn and streaming on max this is what, this is what we call a question. >> student body math proficiency. when we say it's good, fair, satisfactory, like a percentage if you had to get okay. >> understood great. >> student-teacher ratio we. >> bring. you the real in-depth school info. >> what were you thinking? i don't know. i don't know these days, everyone staring at screens am watching their spending. >> 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trump endorsement can make or break. >> most republican candidates. but for maryland senate candidate larry hogan, well, that was not so welcome. >> there was? obviously not something that we were seeking and didn't want and didn't have any interest in it. it's not something we're going to be promoting that's for sure. and a state that donald trump lost by 33 points it doesn't really carry a lot of voters over to our cause. so i don't think we're going to have any interest in accepting it. >> now, trump's endorsement came after hogan was chastised by the right for comments he made about the former president's hush money trial. hogan urged americans to respect the verdict before it was rendered, but here's what republican national committee co-chair lara trump had to say about that does the republican national committee support larry hogan for senate? well, i i i'll tell you one thing. i don't support what he just said there. i think it's ridiculous. he doesn't deserve the respect of anyone in the republican party at this point. and quite frankly, anybody in america all right, by panels back. okay. so he says that we have no interest in accepting this. larry hogan, we've no interest in accepting it is something that doesn't really is not something that we're going to be promoting, but i can assure you that democrats will be promoting that. >> of course going to very maga, republican party and make sure that the about wayne's i mean, it's just seems pretty obvious to me and they want to tie him in with mitch mcconnell, donald trump ways and that just shrink their candidate. yeah. i mean, what's interesting about trump in this cycle is that in the past he would be someone who has criticized the bus. >> i guess he's still does that this time it's been a little different. i mean, larry hogan has been critical of trump endorsing him, mike rogers and michigan, a pretty establishment republican. he was enlightened, endorsed trump. trump endorsed him as well. what is i mean, a lot of people in the party included some folks who are advising a former president have really tried to give hey, i'm in a different direction in terms of the types of candidates. the former president endorses. we saw what just two years ago, former president endorsed a slew of candidates. most of them did not when we did not take back control of the fricking senate because we're doing a lot about bland. >> it is a labial brain-based they did so i think it was smart for hogan to say, look, we don't want the endorsement endorsements out there. >> though. there are some trump voters in maryland, hopefully they come out and vote for the former governor. but i do think it's important considering the bend of the state to sort of be in a neutral republican. and the folks of maryland know larry hogan has, he's been a governor twice. so i think that's going to be to his benefit. yeah. but luck, even though paul's these, there's one from march saying that he was they had a high favorable dani reading that was really before. a lot of the onslaught of ads. this is certainly, we'll see how it looks. >> this is different. this is not running for governor in a blue state. this is a federal election. control of the senate is on the line and democrats are more than happy to nationalize it because of how the blue tilt in maryland and that's why way hogan said no fan through much, but no thank you. >> but i do think that dynamic is interesting in terms of messaging. i mean, i think it comes back to your point earlier about the debates from michael that precedent former president trump is a little bit more disciplined than some of these things. and that, that is showing there. but his party isn't necessary surely, or at least his apparatus isn't yet to see lara trump saying this guy deserves no respect from republicans are americans at all. that's not on message in terms of trying to get a senate to go republican. and there are some republicans who are just not happy on the right that trump is backing is what they would say. >> square tomorrow. and the like we know at the maga folks, it's interesting when people say this, i did a focus group about a month ago and a whole different topic and i asked some of the republican voters in that focus group how they felt potentially about more moderate lena styles and republicans winning federal offices. >> and they all came back with a very similar conclusion. if it means regaining control, we're okay. with that. so i think some of the leadership are completely opposed to what the actual base wants. and that is to have electoral victory. >> and that's what causes, causes the tension that's what caused some of the losses. that's called the fighting capitol hill about tension between the bob good money exactly. >> the brings it all that. so going on that district erasing virginia. all right. >> i had a man holding furniture from a new york city skyscraper, one of the five things you have to see this morning 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suspects stealing nearly $2 million worth of jewelry and less than three minutes five of them captured in a police chase that followed thunderstorms in new mexico, causing flooding and mudslides. >> one of the burn scars left by recent wildfires president biden issuing a disaster declaration, parts of the state freeing up emergency funds but in clashes between police and protesters breaking out in kenya as the government folks votes on a controversial finance bill police have been seen using tear gas and water cannons on protesters were killed a florida man charged with reckless endangerment dangerous, and criminal mischief after illegally entering a building in york in throwing chairs, benches, and tables from the 24 terrorists or this deep below. no one was injured. >> a police say the suspect of apparently visibly consulate general of haiti inside the building to complain about housing and then snapped tropical storm alberto tripling normal rainfall totals for in cities across texas and louisiana the significant coastal flooding along the golf up to three feet in some areas. >> and oppressive heat hits the midwest and east today with washington, dc, philadelphia in newark set to break records and the southwest bracing for more flooding. meteorologist derek van dam tracking all that derek any relief in sight? >> no. and i'm wondering if you're ready for 100 degree heat where you are in dc. >> that's going yeah. >> exactly. so you're not alone because much of the mid-atlantic is in the drips of this heat wave that is building. it's gotten some relief across northern new england but really over the next seven days as we're talking, over 80% of the us population experiencing temperatures above 90 degrees fahrenheit, you factor in the humidity levels that feels oppressive outside. that's why we have these heat alerts across saw the mid-atlantic and it doesn't stop there. many portions across the west into california also experiencing extreme heat. so 50 right? record highs through the course of the weekend, you can see this is what i was talking about in a dc as well as philadelphia triple-digit heat by tomorrow lasting through the early parts of the weekend, lots of heat and humidity across the southeast as well. that's the big story of starting to sound like a broken record we're also focusing on heavy rain across northern portions of the country, particularly across minnesota and into new mexico as well. the remnants of alberto bringing excessive amount of rain to an area that's been very, very drought. of course, you've had the wildfire conditions there, so it doesn't take much to inundate that area. so flash flooding a concern. there's a current radar very active across the four corners region with additional rainfall anticipated through the next several days this is june. >> what is august sluglike. >> all right. yeah thank you so much. all right. next donald trump's latest attempts to derail his classified documents case, plus a y air travel 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documents at mar-a-lago federal well, judge, aileen cannon will hear arguments and in florida on request by trump to declare jack smith's appointment as special counsel in the case as invalid. trump is not expected to attend. now, ken is decision to hear the request comes amid growing accusations that she is slow walking the case in order to help the man who appointed her, donald trump, the new york times also reports two federal judges in florida urged judge aileen cannon to hand off the classified documents case, but cannon want to keep the case and brushed off those requests according to the report. now, at the time cannon was assigned the high-profile criminal case. she had already faced some public backlash and appeals court had rebuke handling of a trump lawsuit challenging the fbi's 2022 mar-a-lago search, joining me to discuss all this retired new york state supreme court judge, diane qizan, judge, take you so much for joining me this morning. can you talk about this request by the trump team to invalidate jack smith's appointment? in here and the decision by judge cannon to allow this hearing to take place. how unusual is it for a judge to entertain such a request? >> good morning. >> well, it's quite unusual and somewhat surprising the issue of the appropriate or the legality of appointing a special counsel seems to have been put to rest a long time ago. >> there was a special so counsel appointed during the watergate investigation, which is what, 50 years ago now and actually the concept of a special counsel goes back to president garfield in the, in the 1880s so the idea that she is entertaining something that has been put to rest while ago is certainly puzzling. >> there have been some criticism that this is part of a pattern with harb and granting a lot of trump class essentially slow-walking it. we've been hearing a lot about that. do you think there's reason to question her neutrality in this case? >> well, i'm loath to call her biased. i don't know the woman at all. i but let's just look at it from a legal aspect. okay the first thing you always do as a judge is you make sure you have a trial date set she, doesn't even have a trial date. that invites nothing happening, if you will whether she's doing this because she's an experienced, whether she's doing this because she's not confident in her decisions, whether she's purposely slow walking it who knows? the result, however, is absolutely nothing is happening here and it's objecting her to a lot of very valid criticism i mean, your experience, obviously there's been no real cases like this in american history of a former president being prosecuted. >> but nevertheless, it's such a case like this, how long would it take for the time that someone has been indicted to go to a trial. and is this taking longer than what would be expected under such a timeframe? >> i think the short answer is yes it in the federal court system, there is a magistrate system, if you will, where federal judges can give some of their motion practice to the magistrates she could have done that. ages ago some of these moke free trial motions, much faster than she already has. she could've set a trial date holding the lawyers feet to the fire to move this along, and she could stop having prolonged hearings on matters the seem to have been solved years ago do you think that this comes as there was a report in the times of course, that the two judges had urged her to step aside from this case, should she have recused herself in your opinion? well, there's a couple of issues going on here. it's my understanding that she works in a satellite court a away from the main core of the southern district of florida it's very important as and then she may be working there as the emily judge, it's very important as a judge to be able to talk to your colleagues particularly about complex cases. that's the first problem. i don't think she has any colleagues there to talk to number two, she's very new and inexperienced in a case like this and unprecedented dented case of first impression. >> it really needs experienced hands. >> i don't it's my understanding that one of the judges who spoke with her was the supervising judge. i don't know the protocol there, but it seems to me that if the supervising judge felt she was not experienced enough to handle this case, perhaps it should have simply been reassigned. although i don't know if that's the way things work in that particular report. >> all right. well, retired judge diane key, so we're grateful for your time and expertise. thank you so much. and now, turning back to the 2024 race and the two billionaires both boosting, both biden and trump biden boyd, this month by 20 million donation from former new york city mayor, michael bloomberg and trump held by an even bigger 50 $50,000,000 infusion to one of his super packs from billionaire heir timothy mellon. now, federal filings really released late last night indicate that in all trumped in all trump did dwarf biden in fundraising last month after his criminal convictions and least a gop donation frenzy now may also marks the second time, the second month in a row where trump outraised biden facing that sizable cash advantage, that biden held earlier in the cycle, my panels back. so should biden be concerned about the fact that trump is surging in fundraising and his now it's the other way around. we've been talking for a month that biden was dwarfing trump. now, it's the other way round. it should the biden tibi concerned? no. i don't think we should be concerned this election is going to take extraordinary amount of money. it's unprecedented amounts of money. i think what this does is gives trump and advantage to be putting boots on the ground and have an organizing game. but i do think that they also have a lot of money. i think betas announce yesterday, they hired there are 1,000 staffer, which a lot of people on the ground and the state. so i do think that they are working towards their organizing. they've been putting together a ground get him for a year now since he announced so i mean, i think the biden campaign is moving moving the ball forward in terms of boots on the ground. but this is going to be a lot of money regardless. so i do think it's not really a lot of money, but i mean, you talked to the biden campaign, you cover the white house. do you what do you care about? how the buying team sees? this, where the race is right now, whether it's fundraising, are those bold numbers? >> well, you get a lot of impression from the biden campaign that they're confident whether or not that confidence is well placed, are not is perhaps a separate issue, but i think they are confident. i think that the money shift is not to their advantage. that doesn't mean present biden doesn't have a lot of money. he absolutely does. but for at least a few months in this race, he could talk about in the campaign, could talk about the fact that they were far out raising former president donald trump. and that's just not the case anymore. >> it just if you look at the numbers just to break it down more raised in may trump 75 million biden, 38 million cash on hand, hundred and 17 million for biden. >> sorry for trump. just 992. not just let's still 92 million, but it's still an advantage trump over biden main april trump outraised biden for a second month in a row, but make it brings up a valid points for my gold. the ground game that is obviously what turned, what yeah, what determines elections? the biden team has met, invested a ton of money on the ground trump does not have that same operation. are you concerned as a republican that's a good question mine who i actually was worried about this couple of months back and i raise it several times on air like, hey, we need to catch up here. considering our closest is going to be you look at the margins and at least six or seven of the battleground states the fact that they do have that 1,000 person advantage. man on the ground will be crucial in terms of voter contact, but ultimately voted penetration. and by that i mean figuring out where those voters are and constantly hitting them to make sure that they vote early in the mixture that they turn out on election day. so at this point on our side, we are going to be playing catch up a little bit, but i do expect the campaign to begin to hire really, really swiftly and to also begin to place very expensive ads and some of them it's crucial states. >> oh, shouldn't listen to a business leader are talking about the concern about speaking out against donald trump i literally talked to business leaders who are, who are fearful about speaking out against this because they're fearful of retaliation are you concerned that trump to retaliate against you? of course, i'm concerned of course, i'm concerned about retaliation and business leaders speaking out against donald trump. lot of them are still contributing to him, but maybe concern about maybe his own style, personal politics, and the light, the both with president trump just spoke with a bunch of business leaders at the business roundtable. that chief assaf, the white house to the same just within the last week according to my source at the white house the white house message there came we went over very well that business leaders actually like a lot of what's happening if the biden white house, but they also so like tax cuts and they like a lot of what president trump did. the issue of fear, i think it's quite interesting that he's saying that out loud. be curious to see if anybody else does it as well. >> yeah. we will be some people say a lot of things privately. they did not publicly, but some problem interest de all right, next, a new one of a kind law in new york targeting social media algorithms that target our kids plus is friday. that means my nicholas my connoisseurs here the, crown will just use victory at any cost i, did not think they 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tableau switching to tableau has really been a money saver without a monthly subscription is amazing. >> quarter today at tableau i have 45 minutes past the hour. >> here's your morning roundup. >> an altitude warning on a southwest flight fight 40, 69 flying just 525 feet above yukon, oklahoma, early wednesday morning at forced air traffic control to intercede a boeing 737800, then climbed briefly he had successfully landed in oklahoma city. >> the faa is in contact with southwest about the incident a federal appeals court denying steve bannon's requested postponed to july 1, prison said it's likely he will now take his case to the supreme court. fanon was found guilty of contempt nearly two years ago for non-compliant with the house january 6, i didn't subpoena amazon reducing its use of plastic packaging after pressure from environmentalist, the company says it is cutting out 95% of those papillae plastic pillows and replacing them with recycled paper. and the last day of school canceled today in boston, the superintendent, their blames the heat and the big parade later this morning for the be champion boston celtics. >> if you're a boss and good to love the celtics, abscess might be the best de, for you all right, turning now to this get cnn actually flipped a coin and the winner gets to pick if they wanted the left or right podium biden won the coin toss and elected to be on the right side of the screen. that's great for all the voters were like, i don't like what you stand for, but i like where you're standing biden chose to be on the right, although chances are held i'll just wander until he hits something screwed into the ground the devil is in the details would next week see it on presidential debate, the two candidates determining the final logistics with a coin toss. >> president biden one and opted for a podium position on the right side of the stage, the president appearing confident as for donald trump, well, he'll get the last word into the debate, delivering the final closing argument here to talk about all those intricacies and who they may benefit is michael smerconish. she is the host. have seen ends and smerconish and a cnn i'll, cnn political commentator, michael great to see you. thanks for being here. there's morning. so give me this summer carnage take of how you see this debate playing out? >> manu, it's great to be with you. i think that fox news and donald trump's campaign has been at cross purposes all week long, every time they show those videos on a loop with the intention of portraying president biden as being infirmed. all they're doing is lowering that bar. and i think these debates are all about expectations that bar r is now been set so low for president biden, that he'll probably be easily able to exceed it much like you did in that state of the union address yeah. >> i mean, it's funny. you say that because we actually had played a comment from trump earlier where he said that biden is a worthy debater. he was actually said that he's now changing his tune and actually wanted to listen to what he had to say. this is what trump's had to say i watched him with paul ryan and he destroyed paul ryan. >> so i'm not underestimating him. i'm not underestimating him. i assume he's going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. >> so now, worthy debater manu, that was a two for, for trump because, you know what he thinks of riot, right? so yeah, exactly. shot he got a shot at ryan end. >> he also had the opportunity to try and elevate joe biden, but i think it's baked in. i think it's too late. they've been running that g7 video where the parachute is land the la fundraiser, and also the juneteenth celebration constantly in a bid theoretically to say we haven't edited this tape, but every time they show it, i mean, i hear from radio callers who questioned whether president biden is going to be able to put sentences together because they're so used to seeing that reflection just now immigration, obviously we expect to be focus has been what donald trump's calling card has been since he came into the political spoken scene, he has taken, of course, are very, very hard line stance on immigration. but last night, he softened a bit on the issue of green cards. listen what i want to do and what i will do is you graduate from college. i think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country. and that includes junior colleges to i know of stories where people graduated from a top college or from our college and they desperately wanted i just stay here that a plan for a company, a concept, and they can't, they go back to india, they go back to china. they do the same basic company of those places and they become multi-billion airs employing thousands and thousands of people. and it could have been done here now this is a much different methods that what we've been hearing from trump for years. >> i don't think you're going to hear that next thursday night. i think instead, what you'll hear from him is that president biden just offered amnesty to half 1 million individuals who are in this country. i'm talking about the change relative to marriage that he's proposed. each side i'd has a great issue to drive the base for republicans. it's porous borders and for democrats, abortion rights are undefeated since dobbs overturned roe versus wade. and then of course on top of all of it, you've got the economy yeah. and i wasn't what do you think about how biden should handle the fact that don't up is a convicted felon 34 felony counts and whether or not this should be a central part of how he approaches trump next week. >> so i, it's not that i see parity between donald trump and hunter biden because one un's running for president and the other is presidential offspring. having said that, i think president biden is probably going to be low to use that felon word because, you know what trump's response is going to be. i'm also aware you're aware of this reporting that suggests that president biden than mcdonald's still think that they ought to be talking all about january 6 and the threat to democracy. but that just hasn't stuck manu, that, that has not played well. i really think it's gotta be more about the economy and what biden can do for people rather than a real litigation of the events of january 6. so we also know that donald trump is preparing for these generates six questions that could inevitably come up or the attacks from biden over everything that happened that day. and donald trump's role in all of it. so what do you expect from trump on that question? does he walk back the fact that he is increasingly been embracing have things that have happened on january 6 and has said that he's a pardon all the people who have been imprisoned for their involvement in that riot how would trump deal with that dig in, give for the red-meat to the base or walk some of that back right. so it's sure has worked with the base. and how do we know that? because donald trump, despite one conviction, three outstanding indictments is the republican nominee and was able to get there and essentially a cake walk and look at the recent financial numbers that have just been produced that show that he's he's exceeded joe biden in fundraising in the last few months. that conviction has played great for him with the base, but there's that risk, of course, that independence and suburbanites that he really needs to reach aren't going to look at it the same way that the very red state voters well, yeah. >> all right. so much to process in the week ahead, it's gonna be a huge, huge, nine months i go smart. ghana's appreciate your insight. >> thank you absolutely. >> thank you, sir. >> don't forget to tune in tomorrow morning, 9:00 a.m. just my katas right here on cnn now, big changes are coming for new york's youngest social media users, governor kathy hochul, assigning two bills into law just yesterday, clamping down on digital platforms, algorithms and the use of teens data the move makes new york the first state to pass a law regulating social media algorithms a bit nationwide allegations that absolutely instagram and tiktok have hooked younger users with addictive features. now hochul calling on leaders in washington has to step up into the same conversely exact. let's get it out there. congress can and should act they could have a national standard. we can protect our kids. we can tell the companies that you are not allowed to do this. you don't have a right to do this. that parents should have say, over their children's lives and their health, not you i mean, interesting development here do you think this is something the white house jumps on? i'm not sure that they would jump on it right now. i mean, there are a couple of social media issues that are tricky ones for the white house, tiktok is probably the biggest one that comes to mind. they campaign is using tiktok while the white house is considering banning it. but i do think they care about kids and they care about whether or not, again, it's are being harmed by social media just not sure that they're going to jump on on something that's that critical right now, the companies, what do you think about all this? >> i mean, i don't have children seven to begin with, law attorney or but i also think that parents brands need to take some accountability here. kids are monitoring what their parents are doing, and then they are mimicking that behavior. we should all put our phone sounds. so yes, we should call on social media companies and the algorithms and i applaud new york for doing that. but also we need to be parents can also dictate what their kids are seeing and how much they're using their phones to. so i think we all need to be a little bit more responsible on our phone use. >> so this would the new york times op-ed it's called the least we can do. so telling teenagers something is bad for them may work for some kids, but for others it is practically in an open invitation to abuse to add muscle to a mere label, we need to prohibit its sale. two people under 18 in enforce the law on sellers we into strongly regulate social media as europe has begun to do and bennett for kids under 16 bands. so as republican, someone who does not like federal overreach, does that federal overreach, you know, i would typically say yes, under the ordinary set of a set of circumstances, i think this is different though i was reading an article talking about this law in new york i wonder the articles reference an interview with a counselor at i think a local high school. >> and when they were removing the phones from the students, the students were having to go to the counselor because they were having withdrawals as if they were going through an addiction phase that is incredibly problematic. >> i do think we need to look at this as if we would look at alcohol or smoking cigarettes the debilitating mental impacts is going to have long term could be something we come to regret. so at a minimum, we should at least have the conversation mano, about how are we properly assist our kids with the technology that's easily at their disposal. >> yeah. no question about that. so while that is happening in new york, there's also an interesting political story that has lots of interesting political stories. one of them also you're congressional district involving a progressive income and democrat jamaal bowman. he's got a primary coming up next week and he's basing it pretty intense primary in large part because of his views on israel, his stride in criticism of the israeli government has some of his things that he did in the past, such as pulling off fire alarm in the united states capitol in the likey is very vulnerable right now. but the issue of israel is one that has come up in this primary, which is threatening his seed. and this is what the group, the pro israel group, apac released in a series of ads over the last several weeks jamaal bowman keeps attacking president biden jamaal bowman has his own agenda and he's hurting new york will you make your voice heard? >> well, you confront jamal bowman's lies and conspiracy theories or will you sit by silently in a lot of ways? >> is this fight is really just emblematic of the divide within the democratic party over israel right now. >> absolutely. i mean, the one of the things that moment is saying is that the apac gives his, giving all sorts of money to his opponent and that that's, that's one reason why he's doing so poorly, but his comments about israel, not to mention some of his the previous sort of flirting with conspiracy theories. that stuff comes back to haunt you eventually and it certainly is him right now and listen, just listen to the debate and bowman's side of things when he and his opponent, george ladder marijuana back-and-forth spending more money in this race to get me out than they have ever spent in their history, meaning aipac, more money than i was like a dog with one issue. >> why? >> because i'm fighting against the genocide in gaza and because i'm speaking up for black and brown people here do you think that president biden me? it's not involved in this primary, but does he wants a progressive like jamaal bowman in the house, democratic caucus? >> or does he want a more middle of the road democrat? >> i mean, you can argue it both ways. you have someone on the left, maybe riles up the base again, generally, a lot of interests, but then someone who could be a thorn in the side at times as well. >> i think if the president wins for reelection, i think the present would like to take back control of the house. and so whatever we need to do to do that, it's what he's going to want regardless of the candidate he wants a democrat and the seat. but i do think that this is why you represent a district and this is not what your district wants for you than they are going to figure out a way to get you out with a primary opponent. so i mean, this is how elections work can this is why we have them. >> what do you think? >> i do not like the way jamaal bowman tried to racialized is talking about because he's talking about issues impacting black and brown people no, sir. it's about your anti-semitic comments about israel. he hasn't said a single thing about the students in on many college campuses in new york that a face horde of discriminatory attacks verbally, some even physically assaulted. so in my opinion, just as i would call out a conservative who dances eracism, what to call someone is a democrat who dances with anti-semitism. he should not be in the united states congress meantime benjamin netanyahu is coming, to talk to a joint meeting of congress and just a matter of a couple of weeks here and i'm wondering, it's interesting how the white house's handling this how is the white house ambling his upcoming address to congress, kamala harris will be sitting right behind him when he speaks to congress. yeah. i mean, that relationship between president biden and the prime minister of israel is very tricky. they haven't been wanting to say whether or not the two men would sit down and talk they have obviously the presence position on israel hasn't changed. these very supportive of israel's attack and fight against hamas in gaza. but he's probably not dying to sit down with bb. >> do you think that he shed the president should come out and say some i don't know what? >> i don't know what the presence position is about whether he's fine, weather coming and speaking should he come out and be joined the criticism on the left i mean, it's not the presence invitation to extend der to make comments on. i think that the president, like geoff, a

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, 1880 , Reason , Class , Neutrality , Harb , Pattern , Woman , Aspect , Trial , Experienced , Happening , Trial Date Set She , Decisions , Result , Cases , Timeframe , System , Magistrate System , Magistrates , Motion Practice , Wages , Hearings , Fire , Trial Motions , Times , Understanding , Satellite Court , Southern District , Colleagues , Emily Judge , Number , Problem , Inexperienced , Protocol , Race , Diane Key , Billionaires , 2024 , Donation , Timothy Mellon , Michael Bloomberg , Packs , Biden Boyd , 20 Million , 50000000 , 0000000 , Convictions , Last Night , Donation Frenzy , Filings , Fundraising , Cash , Row , Where , Trump Outraised Biden , Ground , Amounts , Biden Tibi , Boots , Betas , Organizing Game , Organizing , Staffer , 1000 , Buying Team , Biden Campaign , Numbers , Confidence , Doesn T Mean Present Biden , Advantage , Money Shift , Hand , 38 Million , 75 Million , 17 Million , Ground Game , Outraised Biden For A Second Month , Gold , 92 Million , 992 , Elections , Question Mine , Operation , Ton , Invested , Voter Contact , Closest , Battleground , Penetration , Air Like , Election Day , Mixture , Playing Catch Up A Little Bit , Business Leader , States , Shouldn T , Business Leaders , Leaders , Retaliation , Politics , Style , Bunch , Both , Business Roundtable , Chief Assaf , Tax Cuts , Source , Next , Connoisseurs , Kids Plus , Crown , House , It S Time , Dragon , Dog Food , Food , Portion , Vets , Kibble , Door , Moore Dog , Farmers Dog Made , Needs , John , Woods Every Car Ride , Opportunity , Core Memory , Chance , Joy , Requirements , Ipo , Wonder , Recipes , Markham Accountants , Shingles , Virus , Delhi , 99 , Boring , Pharmacist , Doctor , Smart , Last , 190 Bucks , 190 , Don T , Speed Plans , Prepaid Card , Miss , 49 99 , 9 99 , 800 , Tv , It Count , Start , Trust , Watch , Tableau , Dot Com , Morning Roundup , Money Saver , Subscription , Southwest Flight , Tableau Tv Com , 45 , Air Traffic Control , Boeing , Oklahoma , 737800 , 69 , 525 , Faa , Case , Incident A Federal Appeals Court , Contact , Contempt , Supreme Court , Prison , Oklahoma City , Fanon , Steve Bannon , July 1 , Use , Amazon , Pressure , Plastic Packaging , Pillows , Environmentalist , School , Paper , Champion , Superintendent , Their , Boss , Boston Celtics , The Big Parade , Boston , Coin Toss , Winner , Coin , Dude , Abscess , Chances , Devil , Screen , Logistics , Details , Host , Closing Argument , Intricacies , To Be With You , Michael Great To See You , Summer Carnage , Cnn Political Commentator , Worthy Debater Manu , Fox News , Doing , Bar , Intention , Loop , Videos , Infirmed , Set , Comment , Riot , Shot , Radio Callers , Video , Haven T , Land , Parachute , La Fundraiser , Bid , Tape , G7 , Juneteenth Celebration , Calling Card , Focus , Reflection , Stance , Cards , Scene , Stories , Junior Colleges , Green Card , Diploma , Thousands , Places , Airs , India , China , Methods , Amnesty , Base , Individuals , Abortion Rights , Marriage , 1 Million , Wall , Don T Up , Felony Counts , Top , Dobbs , Mother , Hunter Biden , Offspring , Running , Parity , Fun , Reporting , Mcdonald S , Response , Felon Word , Gotta , Threat , Litigation , Hasn T Stuck Manu , Attacks , Role , Pardon , Involvement , Conviction , Indictments , Red Meat , Dig In , Cake Walk , Nominee , Show , Red State , Suburbanites , Independence , Aren T , Ghana , Sir , Changes , Insight , Social Media Users , Katas , 9 , Algorithms , Bills , Teens , Allegations , Data , Move , Platforms , First State , Instagram , Kathy Hochul , Tiktok , United States Congress , Users , Features , Exact , Kids , Companies , Children , Standard , Say , Health , Social Media , Development , Social Media Companies , Accountability , Phone , I Don T Have Children Seven , Law Attorney , Brands , Phones , Phone Use , Op Ed It , Need , Teenagers , Invitation , Others , Sale , Muscle , Label , Sellers , 18 , Overreach , Bands , Europe , 16 , Counselor , Students , Interview , Article , High School , Articles , Circumstances , Addiction Phase , Term , Impacts , Alcohol , Withdrawals , Cigarettes , Smoking , Minimum , Disposal , Conversation Mano , Biden Jamaal Bowman , District , Primary , Income , Israel , Criticism , Stride , Likey , Views , Fire Alarm , United States Capitol , Pro Israel Group , Series , Seed , Agenda , Conspiracy Theories , Fight , Divide , Jamal Bowman , Voice , Saying , Sort , Sorts , Flirting , Marijuana , George Ladder , Meaning Aipac , Genocide , In The House , Progressive , Caucus , In Gaza , Biden Me , Middle Of The Road , Interests , Thorn , Reelection , Wins , Seat , College Campuses , Racialized , He Hasn T , Conservative , Anti Semitism , Horde , Eracism , Meeting , Matter , Benjamin Netanyahu , Relationship , Prime Minister , Kamala Harris , Presence Position , Down With Bb , Attack , Hamas , Presence , Der , Fine , Speaking , A , Geoff ,

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