Transcripts For CNNW Laura 20240619

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the blood alcohol content is much greater and pass point 0.08, it can be very significant, mercedes, colin, thank you so much for joining us tonight and thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right there good, evening, i'm, jim acosta, infowars coates on this tuesday night, we begin with breaking news and that's so-called maga civil war in virginia's fifth congressional district. >> congressman bob good. tonight, the head of the ultra conservative house freedom caucus is fighting for his political career results in the primary there show i'm neck and neck against his back challenger john maguire, the race at this point, you see it on your screen right now. it is too close to call. now a good loses, it will be a major win for donald trump. no doubt. but what if good pulls this one out? >> you saw those numbers a few moments ago, is close. >> what then after all, trump did try to put his finger on the scale in this race to try to exact revenge on good. the sin that good committed it was endorsing governor ron desantis in the primary against trump. good. try to make up for it by eventually endorsing trump. look at does he showed up even showed up at trump's criminal trial in manhattan that did not work good was also one of the eight republicans who voted to remove kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house. mccarthy has not gotten over that he too has spent time energy, and money to try and get revenge on good. and joining me now, former republican congressman from colorado can book congressman thanks so much for being with us what's your impression of watching these? results come in? you served alongside bob good in congress. and as a member of the house freedom caucus. this one tight. i mean, for trump getting involved in the race and getting behind the challenger in this race, it's pretty darn close. >> well, it's an impressive performance by bob. >> good frankly that bob has been outspent one by mcguire's side, not necessarily on the candidate himself, but kevin mccarthy's, but a lot of money in this other donors and put a lot of money in this the primary endorsement that i can they can happen this race. >> donald trump's endorsement was against bob, so to be as close as he is at this point is impressive. bob came out very strongly against funding ukraine. it's another issue that i think upset voters in his district and certainly donors in his district. so it's a close race. i don't think that donald trump wins this race even if his candidate wins, because it is so close to play, people didn't ignore all the other factors involved and just go with president trump's at nights yeah. and i wonder congressman, does this fit in with this phenomenon that we've seen in some of these republican primary races in the presidential contests, where you see nikki haley even though she's been out of the race for months, getting 20% of the vote i'm from the commonwealth of virginia. i trump is not that popular among republicans in virginia in certain parts of the state. sure but i kind of wonder if there's some of that going on. what do you think i think clearly donald trump is taking 80% of the primary vote, but the primary vote is a very small percentage of the overall vote for a general election. and even in this race that the primary vote in virginia was a fraction of what the vote is in this particular primary that we're looking at right now, the turnout as much better in this congressional primary. >> so i think that donald trump has some coattails and i think especially when you get to the more rural areas like bob good's district, you're looking at a higher percentage of people paying attention to president trump, but i don't think he carried the de in this particular race. >> yeah. >> and we saw a good supporting trump for years, even showed up to court for trump's trial in manhattan. but trump calls hello, i'm a backstabber for endorsing desantis i mean, what message do you take away from that? i guess you understand some of this all too well. >> i, think i do understand a lot of this. i'll tell you something donald trump should be focused on trying to unify the republican base going into the general election and not picking fights like this. this is a silly fight for him to try to exact revenge and make republicans and bob good's district mad, even if the bob good loses, their are still going to be republicans who remember this that are supporters of bob good, that will go into the general election and question whether they should vote for president trump or not. he should be out unifying and not dividing at this point. >> right? i mean, he's out on the campaign trail saying, i am your venture. i'm your vengeance, i am your retribution and he's even doing it inside the republican party congressman, you said people who continue to say the 2020 election was stolen are lying to america. maguire was at the january 6 rally bill, says that trump was robbed what do you think about all that and why is it that that election lies still lives on i have no idea why that law there's on other than the fact that donald trump can teach continues to perpetrate that lie. >> i think the key is to move on and focus on the next election and get past the last election. i don't think anybody is going to vote in 2024 based on what happened in 2020 if anything, people should both sides should have a higher turnout and should be more diligent in terms of poll-watching and making sure that everyone can agree that this election has great integrity. >> all right. republican congressman ken buck of colorado. thank you very much for your time tonight. we appreciate it thank you. all right. let's go out to cnn's meloni's unknown at bob good's primary headquarters melanie, i mean, we were just talking about this with the congressman moments ago for donald trump to get involved in this race and endorse the challenger to bob good. bob good is holding his own tonight and he may squeak this out. what, what's going on? >> yeah, it's really neck and neck right now. and in fact, i'm standing here outside the watch party here in lynchburg and they are wrapping up for the night and sending people home because the race has been too close to call. and bob good. just put out a tweet and he said the entire dc swamp was aligned against us with over 10 million in attack ads, but with your help, we were able to make this race too close to call and i think it is worth reflecting here on just how much national attention this race has gotten. normally, this would be a relative at least sleep erase. we probably wouldn't pay that much attention to it, but donald trump got involved and that's why so many people are paying attention as a reminder, bob, good did endorse ron desantis initially over donald trump. he did eventually thorough support behind donald trump after ron desantis got out of the race. but trump really never forgave him for that. and so he was actively campaigning for john maguire. he was railing against bob good on social media. he did a tele town hall last night for john maguire. he even told the bob good campaign stop using signs that had donald trump's name on them. although we should point out, we saw some of those signs earlier tonight inside and then in terms of other enemies that bob good has made inside the gop up kevin mccarthy is another one. bob good was one of those eight house republicans who voted to remove kevin mccarthy as speaker. so kevin mccarthy and his allies have also been going after bob good's. so really the aws seemingly have been stacked against bob good leading up to this moment, he was outspent by his opponent. this has become the most expensive house republican primary, primary race in the country. there's been a ton of outside spending from other groups, so we'll see in the end where this ends up. he couldn't still hold on again, the race has not been called yet. it's really neck and neck here, but in the end, we're going to see this as a test of natalee trump's influence in the gop, but also a test of the strength of kevin mccarthy's revenge tour yeah, that revenge tour is that some prep sets? >> there's no question about it. and melanie, i mean, this might be within the the margin where they have to have a recount in this district. so we may not know about this for some time, but congressman matt gaetz, who has been involved in some of this too, he's called this the most important primary very in the country. what's at stake for the freedom caucus if good loses this would be a huge defeat for the house freedom caucus. >> bob good is the chairman. they've never seen in their history as a group. >> one their own chairman go down in a primary, sophie, if he does lose its going to have roberta reverberations inside the gop and warren davidson, we should point out he is a member of the freedom caucus. he's actually endorsed against bob good's. so not even the freedom caucus has been totally aligns when it comes to bob good and it just shows how complicated and deep the division students are inside the gop. it's been interesting to see these sort of odd bedfellows come together united against bob. good, we had some members who are from the so-called main street caucus. we had chairman you had marjorie taylor greene, donald trump, kevin mccarthy, all of these different forces, combining to dry, to defeat him. but it just too soon to tell whether they've actually associated are not jim. >> yeah. i mean, i love that part of virginia as a great party part of the state, but i mean, they're really fighting over it. it's something else, sorry, meloni's and dona. thanks very much. we do have a live shot. we want to share right now. i'm john mcguire's headquarters. they haven't taken things down yet. >> you can see there's a sign on the podium that says john maguire, trump, and doors. >> so let's discuss some of us joining me now, republican strategist. sure. michael singleton and democrat radek strategist. chuck roger should michael, you like all this in fighting is this is this good, does this bode well for the upcoming november elections? me like i think you've got to figure these things out. >> jim, foreign president could be a little temperamental at times, i think bob good is finding that out the hard way. you don't say it was interesting to me. i wonder why did he actually endorse desantis? i thought that was really, really the odd when he did it at the time, i had always been of the mindset that donald trump was always likely going to be the presumptive nominee. so that was a a risky take my position, but also, i think from mccarthy's position, a good as sort of not been, i guess, a good, faithful member of the republican conference. he ousted mccarthy in many ways. he is caused are left at some republicans would argue for the conference to lose some seats because of the constant and perpetual infighting when the party wants to keep those season potentially expand them in november. so if he were to lose those tonight, i don't think it would necessarily be bad. >> yeah. the chuck, you'd like this. i'm sure you also like eugene wimmen. we should note who's been on this program launched in on-scene at a bunch he's won his democratic primary and that congressional district hoping to replace abigail spanberger was running for governor of virginia. lot of interesting reason. there's three big races there tonight good race is something for democrats they spent $15 million fight with each other. that's $15 million. they could be used against democrats. so as a democratic strategist who's working on 20 congressional races, if they want a lot their money on fire and fight each other how long that's fine with me and share mike, i do want to ask you at a rally in wisconsin earlier today, trump tried to clean up some of his comments that he made about milwaukee last week when sources say he called the host city for the rnc, quote, horrible, here's what trump said today. >> let's listen to that i love the lucky i was the one that picked milwaukee. i have to i was the one that picked at these zion people that they he doesn't like ball luck at love, milwaukee. i said, you got to fix the crime. we all know that you've got to make sure the elections on us. but i'm the one that picked the lucky he said it all clean up on. i'll six i guess. this is according to the new york times. new york times reporting trouble. now stay in milwaukee for the convention. after initially planning to stay in chicago, trump appearance currently was going to stay in chicago during the convention. >> i mean, these are these are not positive things for winning a swing state. >> well as johnson, they remember in places like wisconsin, it's good to clean up earlier versus later, jim, what's constant is a very important state. it's a state that the former president lost by 22,000 votes. it's going to be, i would argue a key state in order for him to potential italy return to the white house. i mean, i think the campaign has to have a battleground state strategy. you're looking at georgia, arizona, and nevada wisconsin, and maybe you want to play hard and pennsylvania potentially michigan, but you cannot win if you're trump without winning potentially wisconsin. so i'm glad he's staying there. i think he's recognizing that i need to do a little clean up and make this up for the potential voters a little bit. >> yeah. >> and today, chuck, i do want to talk about this. trump was encouraging supporters to vote early by mail or vote early in general. that's a complete reversal from the past. i covered them at the white house when he was trashing early voting and vote-by-mail accusing democrats of harvesting and so on. let's listen to trump now she said, once you get rid of the balle and voted mail-in voting is largely corrupt. >> if you are in mail-in voting, you automatically have fraud have you have well, there's mail-in voting and florida one here if you have it, you're going to have now he's saying he wants us if orders to do it i mean, what do you think he needs it to win and that's what they've all realized and he's got some adults running this. you're going look, we can't have any more of this stuff if you want to win states where there's a big mail-in ballot like arizona and nevada, and all of these states that he has to have in georgia mail-in is a big part of it. there's a lot of senior citizens that he is counting on that vote by mail that are permanent absentee voters is what we say. and that's like money in the bank to us could political consultants because they vote every election reelection that's controlling for favor. do we have time to run the lindsey graham sound from earlier tonight on fox news. i want to play this because this is some of the mental gymnastics that we're beginning to see. about trump's conviction, his felony conviction being called a convicted felon? now, listen, lindsey graham earlier on fox to take a listen so the next time you hear the word felon in this election i think the felon in this election is joe biden. >> what he's doing to the country is criminal felon in this. election as joe biden, the polls are coming back now, polls that are had time to late is no late right now. so i'm just is it the sleep deprivation is only 11 reported? days, only two bits milk and cookies time for me, but i'm just what you're starting to see really have an effect that's why they're trying to do all of this jiu-jitsu to dry to say what eight that bad, don't look over here, look over there like they always do because the numbers don't lie in the lumbar are starting to move. and it started moving up the phone. they convictions. and they're upset over their own out that's a bruce lee enter the number eigenstate numbers are moving is still early. i still think that there are several issues that president biden is still struggling on. he still struggling to shore up his based on granite were five months ahead and do that. i think the party needs to continue to make the case. jim, about why the american people aren't satisfied after the past four years. >> but to have lindsey graham say joe biden is the felon, i think the felon in this election is by that is that jim look, if if you're asking me as a strategy if that is what i would advise a message to bizarro, i can assure you that would not be the message that i would advise. again, i think the message that i would advise tough though that's i think the main issue is that this is i don't know if we've fully absorbed or that the public is fully absorbed or body politic that our system has fully absorbed. one of the candidates is a convicted felon and it's just gonna be one of the gym i don't think the party should focus on what we just saw in that clip. what senator graham, i think the message to the american people should be, are you satisfied over? the past four years economically, are you satisfied about the state of immigration? are you satisfied about the potential foreign conflicts to in the future potential trump aggressions from russia, aggressions from china. i think the answer for the average american voter is no. that should be what republicans joe biden is running $50,000,000 at ten, everybody, he's a felon because it works. yeah. >> that's why he's doing it. yeah. are you doing if it didn't work? >> well, yeah, it works because it does enable democrats hi to focus on the issues that i just mentioned. >> all right, guys, it's late. i'll let you go home. thanks a lot. bridge. i thought it was laid in that because of the sleep deprivation i i listened to that somebody thought surely that's not what he said, but that's what he said. okay. guys. thanks. for me, j. and we're going to of course, keep you updated on what's happening in virginia, right now, that fifth congressional district tight as a tick we're going to keep our eyes on that and bring that to you if if anything breaks on that, more breaking news just had baseball legend, hall of famer willie mays just a legend in this in the sport. he has passed away at the age of 93 bob costas is here to react to the life and legacy of the say, hey kid, we'll be right back the assignments are. >> going off. >> the tornado here you cannot now, you, cannot outrun it. it really is a terrifying experience. >> it is the stuff of nightmares you could hear and feel it my eyes and my throat or burning i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it i would urge with liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn liberty mutual customize my car insurance and i saved hundreds with all the money i saved thought i'd by still so many oh, look, no line at the hotdog stand only pay for what you need. i mentioned in the last room for hundred and 90 bucks. i put the last from a week ago. >> i talked yesterday, some sites panic, you into booking there the last room. >> instead, trivago compares hotel prices from hundreds of sites. so you can save up to $50 a night hotel trivago whether you're moving across town or across the country? 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there's just something charismatic about him and he understood that bob kendra can speak to it as well. he understood that it wasn't enough just to be a great competitor. he often said, you have to entertain people and he said, i will make an easy play look hard. i'll make a hard play. look easy. and what he meant by the easy play was that sometimes he would make a play that he could have made look easy. he'd make it look hard because there's just more entertaining, but he'd make the catch either way. >> amazing. >> bob kendrick, let me go to you just to play off of what bob was saying a few moments ago when i was reading some of the attributes about willie mays, one of the things i read that he had said at one point yes. >> you know, you love as a baseball player to get a great hit but when you can catch a flyball out and the outfield and take somebody out at second base, pick them off at second base, something like that. >> that meant more to him than hitting a home run or hitting a single or triple? oh, there's no question about it. was the consummate five tool player. there was nothing that really could not do in his game. and as bob alluded to the daily with grace and flair and that's why i think he became such an icon. he, for fans of that era all you had to do was say his name and people would start to smile that's, that's the joy that he brought to the game. and of course for us at the league, baseball museum the fact that arguably major league baseball's greatest player came out of the leagues. and so many ways helps validate some of the lesser known names that we're also stars in the leagues and so willie mays is career was transcending in so many ways yeah, and bob costas, i mean it isn't just puffing things up here. >> willie mays was one of the greatest of all time and some would argue he was the grid greatest player of all time because he was an all around player. >> yeah, you could make a case and it's difficult to compare eras, especially if you talk about those who played both black and white when the game was segregated. but there are people who have greater batting statistics. >> ted williams had greater batting statistics and musial in some sense, hank aaron his greatest contemporary. >> you could argue that hank, who was an excellent all around player himself. you could argue that hank was by a small margin, maybe a better hitter. but the overwhelming consensus is that willie mays is the greatest we'll round player who has ever played. and a sad as is there something poetic about the fact that he passes while much of the baseball world is gathered in birmingham alabama ring would fields for a game that was to be dedicated to willie and still will be the cardinals playing being the giants on thursday night in a major league game that will count in tiny request field, the oldest ballpark that is still in use, that not just league players played in. but as bob kendrick will verify, i don't know the exact number, but pretty close to half or more of the players in the hall of famed black and white, played at one time or another at rick would feel by bob amazing yeah yeah. the history of rig would is so amazing. and i spent the entire de at would watching the transformation that has occurred in preparation for this game? and bob, as you know, anytime that you walk into hollow grounds, like rick would and i understand the history that was made there and again, even more so for me as a steward of the story of the leagues that that was the place that, uh, 17-year-old kid man really mayes came out and patrol said a feel for the birmingham black barons it is always meaningful. it gave me goosebumps and it still does every time i walked out on that field. and this game on thursday wow, we're all in somewhat of a somber mood. it will be i believe the ultimate celebration of willie mays is life. there will be a number of former league players gathered there, and know how much he wanted to be here, too. be there with them, particularly reverend bill grayson, who mentored and nurtured him as a player with the birmingham black bears, you'll be 100 years young later this year. so i know how much it meant to willie to want to be here. and unfortunately, that 93 you body just would not allow it to happen. but the celebration that will take place on on thursday will be i now think even more meaningful and it was already tremendously meaningful. >> abab kendra, bob costas, thank you so much for helping us remember the great willie mays. he has passed away at the age of 93, but his legacy lives on and we'll live on this week as you were just saying, bob kendrick, bob and bob, thanks so much, really appreciate the time or ma'am, i pledge that they five. all right. >> thank you, sir. >> coming up next, president biden, taking new executive action that protects some undocumented spouses from deportation but it's just two weeks after his asylum crack down at the border. >> what's behind this immigration back-and-forth? that's the question for homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. we'll talk about in just a few moments the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president's one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max. >> when you're hot, nothing feels better than the gentle cooling breeze of a ceiling fan, right? >> the problem is you're going to spend hundreds of dollars on the fan. and just as much to have it installed not anymore. this is the revolutionary socket banned by belen. how the amazing two and one ceiling fan and like, if you can screw in a light bob you can hang the socket fan like is that easy or is that easy available at home depot, lowe's, and walmart yanks the leaky refrigerator coil card of an ac fan motor oh, no, but your future is bright with an american home shield warranty to my texture covered appliance as an home system or their fees behind me my bees escape sale. we talked about this american home shield. >> don't worry, be warranty was had trouble losing weight and keeping the same discover the power of week-old the what the gobi, i lost 35 pounds as some luck we're 46 pounds we go and i'm keeping weight off we go be helps you lose weight and keep it off i'm reducing my risk we go v is the only fda from gouache management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events and adults with no work disease and with neither obesity or for a week we go v shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take, we go vi if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome, type two for allergic to it stopped. we go and get medical help right away. if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction, serious side effects may happen including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. we go we may cause low blood sugar and people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes, tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest depression or thoughts of suicide may occur, call your provider right away if you have any mental changes, common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems we go i'm losing weight keeping it off and i'm lowering my cv risks check your cost and coverage before talking to your healthcare professional about we go. >> so how long have you lived here? >> he 40 years. >> and how or the restaurants around here? are they good, bad man with the average household income, is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon. where do you get your hair done the lu what we've got to, go thousand more parts we bring you free text dra well, you to 369369. today. >> i'm evan perez and washington. >> and this is cnn a raucous crowd chanting, send them back after former president donald trump blasted migrants coming into this country, describing them as violent criminals. >> this comes on the day frozen and biden unveiled a new executive order protecting some undocumented spouses and children of us citizens from deportation paving a pathway to potential citizenship to hundreds of thousands of immigrants. so long as they have lived in this country for at least ten years, president biden did not miss the opportunity to blast his predecessor's policies when he was president and he separated families and children at the border and now he's proposing the ribs, spouses and children from their families and homes communities, and place them in detention camps about interest in playing politics with border or immigration. i mentioned in fixing it republicans, including trump calling those move amnesty motivated by politics one of crooked joe's most destructive moves yet is the lawless executive action. he is taken today. >> this is illegal immigration and amakhosi, it's wrong by doing what they're doing. okay. they've tainted the interoperability to get any immigration reform done up here. >> everybody knows what the goal is here. it's ultimately, it gets to get the voter rolls loaded up with people who are not actual citizens and join me down, secretary of homeland security, alejandro majorkas, mr. secretary, thanks for being with us. >> let's be clear. do a fact check here. none of the people affected by today's executive order will be able to vote anytime soon. but this move does come a couple of weeks after the president signed an executive order to limit asylum claims. was this a political move? to appease democrats who were upset with that crackdown jimmy, you are correct that the people who will benefit from the president's leadership of the executive action he has taken will not be able to vote in the november elections any assertion to the contrary is absolutely false what this measure signifies is the president's leadership in the face of congressional inaction. >> this president's approach from day one has been that we can both take action to secure the border and also make our for immigration system which everyone agrees is fundable. mendeley broken. >> more just and more fair. >> and that is what today's action represents, as well as the action that the president took just two weeks ago. >> you have a circular. i do want to ask you a little bit about some of that sound we heard at the beginning of this segment, recent polling shows 62% of voters think all undocumented immigrant prince in the us should be deported. that is up from 39% in 2016. that's a pretty sharp spike. what do you say to those americans who think today's move is? so step in the wrong direction and who are shouting things like send them back at trump rallies gym let's take a a look of a few years back when we provided this relief for spouses of us service members men and women, who have served our country in uniform and have been willing to risk their lives and to many have indeed made the ultimate sacrifice and the service of our country. >> that is what we have expanded upon today. this path for status in the united states is available to the undocumented spouses of us citizens. now but right now before today, they've have to have left the country and applied for that benefit with uncertainty and fear as to when they would be able to enter the united states, when their paperwork would be processed. and so they would be separated from the us citizen spouse. and so very often from their children, including us citizen children. now what the president has done is enabled these people to access that path. without having to. leave the united states to be able to stay with their family members. it is about family unity that is an ethic and a value of this country. and we will benefit significantly from it, we will keep families together families including the undocumented spouses, who have contributed. so much to this country in so many different ways. >> but when you hear people at a trump rally, chance send them back what do you think of that? >> what's your response jim? >> i i i cannot comment on the political landscape of the law prevents me from doing so, but i will say this as the president's so poignantly and powerfully expressed today. we are and proudly so a nation of immigrants and i know there was that bipartisan border deal that republicans failed to pass. former president trump was urging them to kill that deal the did the biden administration the wait too long to clamp down on this migrant crisis down at the border. in effect, giving political ammunition to donald trump and the republicans did you hand them a gift for the upcoming election oh, we most, most certainly did not. >> and i will say about that's bipartisan senate legislation, which was the product of months of work across the aisle and would have been the most significant transformation of what everyone agrees is a broken immigration system in more than 25 years the president, on day one of his administration presented congress with a comprehensive legislative proposal to fix that broken immigration system. congress did not act until may of last year a title 40 to the public health order was in place, which essentially closed the border in may, everyone expected when we lifted title 42, that pandemonium would ensue and it did not and shortly thereafter, the president submitted to congress a very important supplemental funding request to ensure that we could strengthen our board we're security not just in the department of homeland security, but also the department of justice and the department of state congress did not act in october, the president submitted yet another supplemental funding request. again, congress did not act we went then into the bipartisan senate negotiations a bill was produced bipartisan bill, and congress did not act and now the president has, and this is not the first executive action that he has taken two weeks ago. it was not the first executive action that he has taken. we have taken action in the face of congressional inaction repeatedly, and that is what is called leadership. and that is what the president has exhibited from day one i do want to ask you about the recent arrest of eight tajik but nationals with alleged ties to isis who crossed the southern border requesting asylum. >> the former cia director leon panetta told cnn, this is a quote, 911, wake up recall. >> do you share the assessment that isis could be exploiting vulnerabilities down at the border to attack that the united states. >> what's your sense of that? >> jim, we in the law enforcement community and the intelligence community have been speaking of a heightened threat environment certainly exacerbated in the wake of the october 7 terrorist attacks against israel we've been speaking about the threat of domestic violent extremism. individuals already resident in the united states who are radicalized by foreign terrorist ideologies false narratives anti-government sentiments, personal grievances, and other phenomenon. we also have seen a growth in the foreign terrorist threat and we have enhanced our screening and vetting accordingly. we had eight individuals of concern as to whom we did not have derogatory information when first encountered at the border we made determinations and the service of our law enforcement objectives in the service of our highest priority to keep the american people safe and secure, to take immigration enforcement action. and that is indeed what we did and the searcher, i do want to ask you about the murder of this maryland mother that has been in the news. it's gotten a lot of attention. she was killed last year, an undocumented immigrant was just arrested and her death last week, he suspected of multiple crimes since he crossed the border illegally in early 2023 obviously, we know that studies show that undocumented immigrants don't commit more crimes statistically than native-born us citizens. but what do you say to critics who blame the administration? russian for allowing something like this to happen. obviously this is something that you hear in right-wing media all the time jim. >> first and foremost of course, our hearts break for the children the families of the loved ones, friends of the individual who was murdered the, the, the woman, the mother jim a criminal is responsible for the criminal act the criminal who committed this heinous act should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law and forcefully so that is my response all right. >> secretary alejandro mayorkas. thank you very much for your time tonight. reprieve thank you, jim all right. >> and to follow up on the breaking news, we've been covering this race the fifth congressional district race down in virginia, that primary for a battle going on between bob good, the incumbent, and john maguire the challenger the trump-backed challenge to jump. maguire has just come out a few moments ago and declared victory even though the results are extremely tight at this point, we don't exactly know who won that race is not been called just yet, but here's what mcgwire had to say ladies and gentlemen, the votes are in and the people have spoken it is an honor to be your republican nominee for the congressional now again, we should know the race has not been called yet. that's what john mcguire's saying, but that's the latest from that race down in virginia. anything breaks before the end of the hour, we'll bring it to you, but you can see the results right there coming in still very close to call at this 0.50 de 0.3 for john maguire, 49.7 for bob. good extremely close race right now, we'll keep you posted on all of that coming up next new information coming in as too strong men share an embrace and north korea and that's not all as vladimir putin and kim jong-un are sharing tonight. there also exchanging their quote, pent-up innermost thoughts. what does does that mean? 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what's, what's on the agenda? >> well, i think what's really interesting is that the language that north korea usually puts out against imperialism and colonialism and so on has been echoed very much mirrored. i would argue by the kremlin with its own language, where the kremlin has said that north korea is a staunch like-minded ally in supporting support are ready to resolutely resist the desire of the collective west to prevent the form formation of a multipolar world order based on justice. so what we're seeing here is these two liters signaling that they're very much ideologically aligned. they're both isolated by the us and its western allies. and they're making a show that they can draw closer in fact, the kremlin has announced that they're planning to sign a new strategic partnership with north korea. at this meeting in the meantime expect a lot of these kinds of ceremonies. i've been at some of them in the summer in pyongyang, the forecast is that the weather's approaching 90 degrees fahrenheit. it's going to be hot. i've seen people participating, passing out in front of the vips. so these two liters are going to be exposed to shows like that in in the hours all right, and then we know you'll be watching ivan watson. thank you very much, really appreciate it a star-studded event tomorrow night as cnn puts on a juneteenth celebration she will hear from john legend in a sneak peek next bike riders together. what do you want me to do a nice way? 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to engage and do the social justice work who part of it is? i've always been inspired by the tradition of particularly black artists over the years, realizing that when we have this opportunity, when we have this platform, we want to use it to stand up for what's right. fight for justice support activists and organizers who out there doing really important work to secure freedom for all citizens i come from a tradition of that. i believe when i think about my mentors and my heroes like harry belafonte and others. they invested in the civil rights movement. they spent their money, they spent their social capital, and they use their platform to try to make the world better and i always thought that was what an artist was supposed to do. so i feel like this is part of my calling as an artist and cnn host, victor blackwell was with me. >> victor, this looks terrific tomorrow night special as a celebration of freedom and legacy by john legend, who is amazing and your other guests say there's much more work to do. isn't that right? >> yeah. there is a lots of work to do and john legend, smokey robinson, patty lewbel, they are doing that work. and i think that is the message of the evening that we hear from all of them is that you have to invest. this can be a moment of celebration juneteenth. it could be a motion, a moment of commemoration, but also a clarion call to get to work and you don't have to have these national and international platforms at these fantastic artists have start where you are, start in your neighborhoods, start in your community towards freedom, towards a quality. and you can get a lot done. >> yeah, victor of the program dives into the legacy these artists and others are creating in today's america. why is it so important that they mark this holiday? bye speaking out. what did you find out? well, two of them, patty lewbel and smokey robinson, are they're in their 80s and they've been performing for more than 60 years. >> so when you consider the ark of this country and how much they've seen when you think about the civil rights era of the 1960s, the soundtrack of that is most town music. so we kind of talked to them about the progress of the country. and while they both say a lot has happened, a lot has changed and improved. there's so much more work to be done and there's a moment to inspire people to remember that there's more to do and how they can get involved. >> yeah. i'm having anchor nv right now, victor, those are some amazing guests. sounds like a terrific especial victor. thanks so much, really appreciate it thanks for having me and don't miss juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy and heirs at 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night right here on cnn. >> and you can stream it right on cnn max. and thanks for watching. anderson cooper 360 as next i have a great tonight on 360 primary night in three-stage one race, getting ti

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Kinds , Ceremonies , Liters , Forecast , Weather , Summer , Vips , Passing Out In Front , Event , Shows , Juneteenth Celebration , John Legend In A Sneak Peek Next Bike Riders , Paris , Care , Theaters , Security Sensors , Monitoring , Cameras , Fast Protection Technology , Aluminium , Brock Side , Whitening Strips , Lumina , Strip Ben , Plan , Iphone Plan , Consumers , Smile , Marcus , North American , World Car , Utility View Go , Tag , Drivers , Suvs Innovation , Rokia Ev , Triple Crown , Nine Lease , Flight , Crack , Windshield , Chip , Mint Let , 399 , Hi Repair , Beach , Appointment , Safe Flight Com , Pat Garrett , Billy The Kid , Flight Com , End Game , Job , Royal Billy , Cyber Security , Network Reliability , 99 9 , You Cora , Hanako Montgomery , Closed Captioning , Tokyo , Life Stage Right , Tract , Uti , Urinary Tract Health Products , Big Cnn Special Events Celebrating Juneteenth , Utis , Victor Blackwell , Activist , Singer , Troops , Airing , John Legend On Why He S Making Work Social Justice , Federal Holiday Marks , Emancipation Proclamation , Union , Release Music , Legacy John , Tradition , Artists , Platform , Social Justice , Organizers , Support Activists , Others , Mentors , Heroes , Capital , Civil Rights Movement , Harry Belafonte , Artist , Calling , Host , Terrific Tomorrow Night Special As A Celebration Of Freedom And Legacy By , Lots , Guests , John Legend , Smokey Robinson , Patty Lewbel , Commemoration , Evening , Call , Motion , Celebration Juneteenth , Clarion , Platforms , Quality , Neighborhoods , Holiday , 60 , Town Music , Progress , Rights , Soundtrack , Park , 1960 , Anchor Nv , Juneteenth Celebrating Freedom , Sounds , Heirs , Terrific Especial Victor , 10 , Watching , Anderson Cooper 360 , 360 , Ti ,

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