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advice. thank you so much for that. i'm from gen x, we were like feral like nor parents didn't know where we were playing outside all day until the street lights came on. so maybe we should go back to that in a sense maybe not the feral part jonathan height. thank you so much for this great book and for explaining it all to us. a new our scene, a new central starts right now this morning, president biden will unveil a sweeping executive action that will provide new legal protection to half 1 million undocumented immigrants just hours before the boeing ceo will face lawmakers on capitol hill, a new boeing whistleblowers is coming forward claiming the company put questionable parts in planes in hid that from regulators. and then a pair of fast-moving fires tearing through new mexico. >> they are converging right now on one village forcing residents since to evacuated, gave his out today, i'm john berman was sara sidner and this is cnn news central we are standing by this morning for a major immigration announcement from president biden shortly. he is expected to unveil a sweeping new executive action that will immediately protect hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants from being deported. >> this is policy that will impact about a half 1 million spouses of current us citizens and roughly 50,000 children and it comes at a critical moment as you all know, in the 2024 race, next week, biden faces donald trump and historic presidential debate here on cnn with immigration. of course, a huge issue for voters in several key battleground states and around the country. really cnn's arlette saenz as live outside the white house what is this plan? can you give us more details on how this would work well sarah this is a sweeping plan that could have real election year impacts as president biden is trying to tackle one of the thorniest political issues facing this country now, for decades, this program or this plan that the administration will be announcing, a would be the largest expansion and immigration policies since president obama is planted, offer protections for the so-called dreamers. >> now what president biden's plan would do, it was tapped into a program known as parole in place to allow undocumented spouses and children of us citizens since to seek legal residents in the country without fear of deportation potentially setting them on a path to citizenship. the current system requires that these individuals leave the country to seek this type of residency they would be away from their families for quite some time and also it's unclear whether they would be apprehended when they returned. so this policy would change a lot of that. it would apply to undocumented individuals who have been living in the country for at least ten years and married to a us citizen since yesterday, this would allow them to work legally in the country and it's estimated that could impact about 550,000 people. once these applications process gets underway, it's expected that this would get started in the summer. now the biden campaign this morning is trying to use this as a way to draw a contrast with former president donald trump's immigration policy. the campaign manager, julie chavez rodriguez, said a short while ago, quote, families belong together. it's that simple. it's why president biden's actions today are so important. and it's also a powerful, stark reminder of donald trump's unforgiven, unforgivable legacy of ripping crying children away from their parents when he put in place his family separation policy. now, this plan that biden is set to unveil today comes just a few weeks after he had announced that major cracked down at the us southern border, shutting off the ability of migrants crossed let's in the country illegally to seek asylum. that's the move that that angered a lot of progressives and immigration advocates. so part of what by just trying to do here is ease some of their concerns within his base as he's heading into this november for election or let signs. >> thank you so much for that. i appreciate your time this morning, jon. >> all right. breaking this morning, a current boeing employee is accusing the airplane manufacturer of cutting corners. this latest whistleblower came forward hours just hours before the boeing ceo, dave calhoun will be grilled on capitol hill or growing when safety concerns. just moments ago, senator richard blumenthal told sarah that today would be a quote, reckoning for boeing there's mounting evidence that boeing should be prosecuted all right let's. >> get right to cnn's pete man teen, who's got the latest on all of this. pete, what are you hearing john i lost. >> my earpiece here. so i'm just going to keep going, but i want to just tell you this is the first time that boeing executives are testifying on capitol hill since the january 5 door plug blowout, it seemed that boeing would be able to course, correct here after months of crisis control. but now it seems like boeing leaders are walking straight into a buzz saw on capitol hill. outgoing boeing ceo dave calhoun is the one who will be in the senate committee hotseat today and he along with boeing's chief engineer will insist that boeing does not retaliate against whistleblowers to the senate committee. the latest development is that the chair of this committee, richard blumenthal, will bring up the claims of a dozen boeing whistleblowers, including a new one, sam mohak is a quality insurance inspector for boeing and renton, washington the same plant that built the plane in the door plug incident, the ntsb they're found that bolts that critically held that door plug on. we're not installed. senator blumenthal says that mohawk says that boeing is losing track of the parts that don't conform to its standards speaking to cnn news central, just about an hour ago, blumenthal called mohawks accusations extraordinary extraordinarily serious this kind of violation of trust is part of a pattern. a broken safety culture at boeing how many seems to have continued to put profits and production speed ahead of safety and reliability and his account of the retaliation against him is particularly chilling the pressure that was exerted on him to stay silent they have a program called speak up. well, he was told to shut up pretty strong soundbite. >> there were committed to making sure that every employee feels empowered to speak up if there is a problem that is the statement from boeing out after all of these whistleblower allegations, this is the new statement as of last night, boeing also so says we have strict policies in place to prohibit retaliation against employees who come forward. we will see if that lands in the senate committee today. if you'll pardon the pun, boeing also says this ahead of time. they say that there was a big cultural shift taking place and they have heard it loud and clear the concerns since the janie you're worried fifth door plug blowout. here's the quote. our culture is far from perfect, but we are taking action and making progress. we understand the gravity and we are committed to moving forward also in the hearing room today, the families of the victims of the max eight crashes of 2018 and 2018 346 people killed. they will be acknowledged by boeing ceo and his opening remarks, john, this will be something to see today. pete monte, no audio, no problem. great to see you this morning. thank you for that report. sir. >> i understand it's also birthday. his birthday over the weekend as well. so he has some things to celebrate, but he doesn't have audio. good times. this morning. the white house is closely watching as russian president vladimir putin is expected to arrive in north korea shortly for the first time. in more than two decades, he will be sitting down with kim jong-un for the second time in less than a year, just nine months ago, they met in russia. they're deepening ties, sparking, of course, concern on the potential impact on ukraine and frankly, elsewhere, white house national security communications adviser john kirby specifically pointing to north korea ballistic missiles being used to hit ukrainian targets. the kremlin says putin has a quote, very eventful agenda over the next two days ahead of his arrival, russian flags and banners with putin's face plastered on them line the streets of pyongyang. cnn's mike valeriia joins us now from seoul, south korea. what can you tell us about this meeting as you have put it earlier, it is a romance, but there's a lot at stake here. >> there is. so we're waiting to see sarah what is going to be the result if this is just going to be a high five with the romance, or if there's gonna be a concrete deliverable that changes the security situation, the security posture for millions of people, not to mention 30,000 american troops here on the korean senseless. >> so we know that they're going to sign something sara tomorrow. it's going to be something to codify to put pen to paper, to put in writing their strategic partnership and elevate that partnership. they're words that they reached in september of last year when kim jong-un went in his evergreen very bulletproof sort of james bond 1960s styles, soviet train to eastern russia and had that meeting. but you know, they're getting closer, sarah, because not they're not inherently friends. they want so many things from one another in this moment, in time. so north korea wants help with their missile program. there satellite launching program. they've both had lots of failures in recent weeks. >> they need food, energy assistance, they want the quote, unquote prestige of qinzheng on the leader of north korea standing and kim il-sung square in the heart of pyongyang with a from their point of view, very strong leader like vladimir putin. >> what is putin want? he wants more ammo to help him prosecute his war against ukraine. but you don't very interestingly, as we're all waiting for putin to land in this part of the world more and more people are turning to his comments last week, where he thanked south korea for not i repeat, not giving lethal weapons to ukraine to help ukrainians on the battlefield. >> so because of that, sara, there are a lot of experts in this corner of the world who are thinking, you know what, maybe moscow is not going to go all the way to help out pyongyang with military nuclear, ballistic technology because they don't want to rock the boat with the south koreans. >> they don't want the south koreans to send more military assistance to ukraine. so we will be watching closely tomorrow. sarah? >> yeah, certainly, not just the us and its allies, china watching all of this very closely as well microfilariae. thank you so much for all your reporting. appreciate you. coming up an undocumented migrant has been arrested, accused of killing a maryland mother uh, five, that story is ahead. also, extreme hate lengthening a large part of the united states around 270 million people we'll see temperatures above 90 degrees today and tens of thousands of acres scorch as dangerous wildfires are burning now in seven hello states, all those stories ahead tomorrow celebrate juneteenth, which sweating performance is by john legend, eddie lewbel, smokey robinson. >> we still have a lot of work to do. >> juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy tomorrow at ten on cnn why choose a sleep numbers smart bad? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? >> late? no. i'm always hot. >> sleep number. does that can i make my side? >> i think my side firmer squeeze number. does that can help us sleep better and better sleep number does that 94% of smart sleepers report better sleep? >> chapra lowest prices of the season free have delivering on so smart, that's when you add adjustable makes sleep number smart. but to starting at 999 or more, it's the i see hot works for us he makes it less contrast so you can rise from pain. >> i see at the jeep. make this the summer event. 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cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th at nine live on cnn and streaming on max this morning. >> and undocumented migrant from el salvador is under arrest and faces charges for the murder of an american mother of five rachel morin was killed in august of last year while she was hiking near her maryland home. the suspect victor antonio martinez-hernand ez, was arrested friday at a bar in tulsa, oklahoma investigators say he is also wanted for perhaps multiple other crimes in the united states and in el salvador see as we go, marquez is here with the very latest on this miguel, what do you learn it yeah, the way that they caught him is amazing dna now knows no boundaries international or otherwise dna from a home invasion crime scene in los angeles and his home country of el salvador helped authority zero in on 23-year-old victor antonio martinez he knows have nanda as the fbi using genetic genealogy basically identifying family members of the suspect. >> they traveled, tell salvador to help identify martinez-hernandez, the dna from the los angeles scene led them to family members and el salvador, and that led them to identify the suspect. i'll rachel morin, she 37-years-old mom to five kids, was raped and killed last august while hiking near her maryland home in harford county. that's just north of baltimore. her mother, patricia, attended the press conference announcing the capture of her daughters killer. she was giving up hope that he would ever be found just because i am so grateful that they have brought us to this place because it's some some of the points during this i didn't think that we were ever going to have an end that it was going to be a cold case. >> so i would like to have applaud them just extraordinary to see her there. >> now, officials say martinez-hernandez crossed into the us illegally in february 2023. he's a suspected of a murder in el salvador from january 2023, and multiple crimes in the us us authorities say he came to the us to try to escape that el salvador murder martinez-hernandez was arrested at a bar in tulsa, oklahoma by their own account. officers found the suspect casually sitting at the bar and placed him under arrest. initially, the suspect lied about his true identity and denied knowledge of the crimes. he was there's wanted for martinez hernandez has waived his right to extradition hearing now and is expected to be moved from maryland in the next couple of weeks or two, maryland next couple of weeks where he will face rape, first-degree rape, and murder charges all right. miguel marquez. thank you very much for explaining what happened here with this. now, randolph rice and attorney for the family of rachel morin councillor. thank you so much for being with us. i'm sure you've had a chance to speak with the family. how do they feel about this arrest this morning? >> well, they're incredibly relieved certainly this has been an agonizing ten months since rachel's murder others intensive happiness, but certainly the understand that this is not over the prosecution now begins once the suspect is returned to maryland in the next week or so and then we have to go through the process of being ten being prosecuted in harford county. we don't know what he the decisions he's going to make moving forward what complications, if any, do you foresee in that prosecution? well the reason why one, we're continuing to keep his story alive as we want other witnesses to come forward and provide additional evidence and information that can put a timeline together as to where he was between los angeles and maryland and in maryland and tulsa. but if he tries to, rv decides to go with a jury trial, that can be a lot longer. for morning, drawn out versus a plea which would be a lot quicker. that really is the decision he has to make. the very beginning of the case i know justice's a hard concept to grasp in something like this for a family that's lost. >> so much, but what would the family see as a just outcome? >> well, i think certainly the sheriff said it best if he spends the rest of his life behind bars. he certainly has to answer the crimes here. he's got to answer the crimes in california. they need theoretically could answer crimes in el salvador but that leads us back to the problem of, we are just, this is just incredible the, individual from another country came and killed an american. this was completely preventable and when you say it's completely preventable than where do you place that blame? well, america is hemorrhaging at the southern border and the officials in washington keep arguing over which kind of turning it to use they just can't seem to figure out how to fix this problem and had they gotten ahead of this and fix this problem before rachel would be alive today. and so many other americans, this is not a row republican or democrat problem. this is a american problem. we've got fentanyl coming across the border. we've got individuals coming across the border killing americans. and everybody standing around. like i said, trying to figure out what kind attorney get to put on this hemorrhage? the irony of this whole thing is that the president of el salvador has locked up all the gang members. this suspect is been identified as a gang member. the already is that it is country you would have been locked up, yet he comes here, here and he kills rachel morin. so they've got to figure out what's going on at the southern border. washington has got to figure out how to fix this problem. >> and do you feel like that will have an impact over this criminal case? is that a cloud hanging over the case that we'll have specific ramifications no, i think this is something that a future family would hopefully wanted to go through because i've seen how this is just the way rachel's mother sister, and brothers and family is heart wrenching to watch them go through ten months of not knowing who killed their daughter and knowing that it was preventable. are they stopped this individual at the border randolph rice. thank you very much for being with us. her thoughts are with the family this morning thank you. >> thank law enforcement, they did a great job in this case. >> all right. we are getting news. we are just learning that justin timberlake is in custody out in long island sag harbor in new york. police have not released details of the charges, but we are expecting a statement shortly. so standby for that. new evacuation order in place for life-threatening wildfires that are growing different parts of the united states in new mexico to wildfires are converging on one village of very dangerous situation they are unpredictable. sleeping giants, every volcano has its own personality, or we don't understand them, they are winning it was into the heart of our planet. large will be lost violent earth. would we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn cities, industry-leading global payment solutions help their clients move 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causing problems. of course, on the west coast where fires are burning out of control, fire crews battling over 17 active wildfires right now in new mexico to wildfires started to converge on a tribal reservation, forcing 5,000 people there to evacuate. cnn, it's covering all of this across the country with the tasha chen, who was in california near the fires and meteorologist allison chinchar, who was in our weather center for us to tasha, we're going to begin with, you. we saw this fire cropping up yesterday, the winds whipping like crazy. what is the latest there where you are sarah, in southern california. >> the good news is weather conditions will be improving to help firefighters tried to navigate the post fire in unincorporated la county. they've gotten the northern certain part, secured the southern perimeter. however, may take them about a week to fully secure because that is some steep, rugged terrain that they have to work through. so that there's some good news here in california. but as you mentioned, new mexico, that situation it's really dire. you've got to wildfires, converging on that tribal reservation that you were talking about as officials describe the fires converging like a pair of tongs. we seeing it through live camera time lapses, just how incredible and fast that explosive fire reached more than 3,000 acres yesterday more than 5,000 people had to evacuate. and we've got utilities in that area, de-energizing leinz and part of that town. and i have to mention that southeast new mexico has the highest designation of drought level in the us right now, it's labeled as exceptional drought which makes it extremely dangerous for fire conditions. of course, that whole state has been under extreme drought for nearly the entire here. we are closely monitoring that situation several several thousand residents, as we mentioned, already, having to leave the area and, uh, really quickly the developing situation, sarah thank you so much. >> madam, can out there in california dealing with that situation now, let's go to two cnn meteorologist allison chinchar. you're looking at the whole country and wo the high temperatures or insane, but it is, it is june, but this is pretty early for above 90 degrees it is. >> and you have to kinda take into context just how many people are affected by this. >> again, we've talked about over 80% of the us population looking at temperatures of 90 degrees or even higher. and yes, for some that's maybe five or ten degrees above average not too far, but for others, were reaching record-breaking levels. look at this ohio, michigan, pennsylvania, all setting record highs yesterday, some several degrees beyond what the previous record was, more records are expected, not just today, but likely through the end of the week you're talking over 150 high temperature records could be broken in just the next several days, the bowl of them are in the northeast and the midwest, but you even have a few down in the southeast, a few out to the west, two. so a lot of folks looking at this exceptionally pretty decent heat wave that's out there now for some two, it's not just the temperature itself, but also factoring in the humidity. and that's impacts on the body. we refer to that as the heat index take a look at the feels like temperature today and cincinnati, it's going to feel like it is 100 degrees later this afternoon, 103 is what it will feel like in syracuse, new york later today. and even boston getting that feels like temperature up around 96 another concern for some places is the prolonged nature of this heatwave take pittsburgh for example, the ever advertise this time of year, 80 degrees, not only what we spend every single one of the next seven days above that, but the bulk of them you're talking tend to even 15 degrees sara above where they normally would be even for summer yeah. we're starting to feel it here, certainly in new york as well. >> thank you so much. allison chinchar for that report so with all this extreme heat going on, there is a new development here. >> agassi advocacy groups are petitioning femur to include extreme heat as a major disaster in the same way they do four hurricanes and other emergency with me now as jean su, the director of the energy justice program and the lead author of this petition, jean, thanks so much for being with us so so what would change if female all of a sudden considered extreme heat as a major disaster thanks for having me, john so if phi might considers extreme heat and wildfire smoke, which were also pushing for as major disasters, it actually unlocks really critical federal funding for state and local governments to deal with these incredible climate emergencies. i think the footage that you just showed, it it feels and it is true that were living in the apocalypse. >> and we have extreme heat records that are being broken right now. wildfires that are surging and wildfire smoke on the horizon that will, that will pollute people. so what we've heard from so many states and local governments is that the, you don't have the ability? bloody to actually handle this in a systematic way. and so they are asking teaming up with us as well, for federal funding to help out what are the issues has been historically that female funds are generally used for stuff that gets broken right? >> stuff that gets worked at homes that get demolished in a hurricane or a tornado, or a fire when you're dealing with heat and smoke gets a little more esoteric, right? >> absolutely. and i think this is where the rubber meets the road for our premier emergency management agency. so in the past absolutely. as you said, their mindset has been filled back to status quo. it's easy to see that that hurricane ripped off your roof. we're going to pay you to get your roof back in order, but what we have now is that climate change has led us to a new frontier of disasters. were extreme heat and wildfire, smoke are actually really silent killers right now, actually extreme heat is the number one weather related killer above hurricanes and floods by two-fold so this is an extreme crisis. now, what female needs to do is really move beyond and evolve and go beyond this idea of measuring poverty damage. but really look at how they can save lives. and i think for our petition, we're working with workers, major labor unions, and public health officials remedies are actually different in many ways. so it's not that we're asking for money. we're asking for money also for medical services, but it's not one for one. let let's get this life i mean, it's hard to bring back life, but it's really building the infrastructure that people need to survive. so that looks like very common sense things like cooling centers and air filtration systems. it also means for so many residences to actually arm them with rooftop solar and community solar and storage to allow the electricity to keep flowing during these times of risks of severe blackouts from rolling blackouts of the heat actually frying up our grid system, but it requires a rethinking though, of the femur mission, correct. and this is what they've said in the past and it's were in this types of petitions have been rejected. they say, look, we're here for disasters we're not here to handle what is a frankly changing world? >> absolutely. and i think this is the problem with many of our federal agencies and female, really epitomizes that climate change has really thrown everything up in the air. we're not dealing with traditional disasters anymore. we're property is being damaged femur really needs to be bald into this century. we have, they haven't updated understanding are outdated understanding of how to deal with disasters and climate just demands so much more nuance and understanding of what disaster relief looks like now and for now in the united states, that actually means saving lives common sense measures of infrastructure cooling centers, water stations, air filtration systems that people can go to and need gz great to have you here. >> i will say there are people both for a lot of people for and against this, but they all agree that important discussions need to be happening on this very subject. great to have you on explaining it so well, thank you very much. >> thanks so much, john. >> we are standing by as boeing ceo is set to testify before congress just this morning, a new whistleblower came forward with allegations of safety violations and the boston celtics are now the only team to win eight ten championships. that's way more way more than any other team. >> the second winning his team was only one cell 17 titles. >> the celtics have 18 big difference this election season de with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn the ups stores not just the ship and store where the shipping store believe the 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pleasure has a price can the riva support your brain health? no. a. >> janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, franck. >> franck bred. >> how are you? >> brad fuel up to seven brain health indicators including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge i'm more in lieberman on the israel-lebanon border. and this cnn today marks what will be a massive change to us immigration policy. president biden is expected to unveil a sweeping executive action that would shield hundreds of thousands of undocumented spouses and children of us citizens from deportation. joining me now is former trump administration official matt and hours and democratic strategists. julia grieken's keith. thank you both for being here. i wanted to start with what we're expecting to hear from joe biden today. he's going to announce this new immigration policy. this comes after he announced a policy that made actually at more strict for asylum seekers to come i'm into the country, so you have these two things going. but this is a little bit of daca because of the children and then the spouses of undocumented immigrants would be able to apply for citizenship. is this a good idea right now, politically and policy wise, from a policy perspective, it's, i think a great idea politically. it's tricky, right? one hand, he's trying to say that he's enforcing the border. it's become a massive issue, not just for republicans, but also for independence. and some democrats. >> and the other hand, there are 100,000 voters who are married to undocumented immigrants, just between the states of georgia, arizona, and nevada and for those swing voters, and those swing states, it's obviously a very big priority, so he's got to play the balancing game very well. >> the white house has a lot of messaging ahead of it. to make sure that they don't offend one part of the coalition. they're trying to protect. and at the same time that they make it clear that they're taking immigration seriously because it is a big issue for the rest of the country. >> mike, this has been such a big issue polling time and again for the first time in a very, very long in decades, immigration was at some point at number one with what people are worried about in the country, what do you make of this and how will republicans you think use this against the biden administration? >> well, look bad politics and bad policy right now. the truth is that in order to stop the flow of illegal migration, you have to stop offering incentives to folks to actually come into the united states in the first place, we saw policies to determine section worked in the trump administration, it's one of the reasons you saw some record decreases the border crossing to that time, whether it's policies remain in mexico policy, that are negotiated, or whether it was getting rid of cash and release and doing cash to poor weather. those sound noise or not, what they did is they told folks that you tried to come the united states, you weren't going to be able to come in an nhs work can be able to find a job that ensure that a lot of folks said, you know what, it's not worth taking that risk across the board to come to united states. joe biden got rid of those policies, many of them by executive action on day one of his administration getting rid of the remaining mexico policy. it's one of the reasons you've seen such an influx of legal migrants come across the southern border since joe biden became president, you look at the politics of it, right? no, very few americans are saying we need policies which present a softer approach towards immigration. they're concerned about the rising crime they've seen an urban air in many areas across the country. in particular, some poor urban areas like new york, chicago, where you just saw the story come out, maryland the other de aware that you just covered about it? hour ago where it was illegal el salvadoran migrant who killed this young woman going out for a run in howard county, maryland. americans are seeing the impact of the crime they're seeing the impact on the economy. they're not asking for a softer policies right now, and they're going to see this election year maneuver from president biden and rigueur politics can see right through. >> you just want to be clear. you can't blame a rising crime on immigrants coming into this country. i'm actually the violent crime has gone down. so i do want to make that point, but i do want to talk to you about another subject obviously, we're going to happen this debate, donald trump, joe biden, the earliest that we've ever seen to presidential candidates coming at each other. but there is this issue of, of milwaukee you had the president calling milwaukee as he's about to go to wisconsin one of the swing states calling milwaukee horrible city do you think this is going to have any impact on folks in that state to hear that from a presidential candidate who is coming to the state, asking them to vote for him no. >> i talked to some members of congress are in that meeting. they said that's been taken out of context from what president trump was saying. look, i wasn't there. i didn't hear it, so i can't speak to what could it be next to for him to the crime crime to other issues that are happening in milwaukee and look, the truth is in wisconsin, there are two different views. milwaukee obviously, if you live there, you'll love it. if you're outside of but a lot of folks have concerns with what you're seeing going on milwaukee. we're seeing those concerns play out in many states where you have differences in leadership in some of these cities where they have had weaker crime policies for they have had tax policies. sometimes the louisville level was running businesses out and that's having an impact on the quality of life and the safety of those residents in that city. and so whether i again, i can't get into the details what president trump said or didn't. but based on what i was told by folks are in the room, he was referring to crime and other issues around the walkie, not the city itself, where it will all be in just a few weeks yeah. >> matt, i would be shocked shocked to hear that donald trump is somehow trashing cities. i mean, come on, begs, beggars, belief that dollars trump was not trashing milwaukee, you know that because you worked for him, you know exactly what he's capable level also stand immigration real quickly. matt know this for public is really wanted a solution and not just to use this as a cudgel for the election, they would have voted for their own immigration bill, but they chose not to. so if you're blaming immigration and crime in places like walkie, which you shouldn't you should have done something bad that your party should have done something about that long ago when they had the opportunity rather than grand stand for political reasons. now, i think you know that julie, oregon ski give you the last word of action years ago? >> i was just saying joe biden could have taken the same executive action you took two weeks. >> i think it was not, too if you want to get it because the politics in an election year, i think he was hoping congress was actually going to enact laws rather than him having to take executive action, which the next administration can overturn it it's only what you also know i think your turn strong immigration policies on day one this is a thing. >> immigration, a big deal. we can see it between the two of you, but, but also we did hear from the sheriff in who was responsible and helped arrest that suspect that you mentioned a mat who killed a mother of five, who was a suspect who is an undocumented undocumented immigrant. and he himself said, look the buck stops with biden, but he blames congress just as well because this is a congressional issue. so it was a bipartisan blaming, if you will but thank you both julie reasons can get matt mauer is thank you for coming on and having this conversation that americans are having at home as well. all right. jake tapper, dana bash moderating that highly anticipated it's painted first meeting a president biden and former president trump in the cnn presidential debate. that is live thursday, june 27th, 9:00 p.m. eastern all right. we've gotten you a brand new sneak peek. what the american athletes will be wearing at the olympics for the opening ceremony. hopefully, that will bring us all together. and we're following the breaking news that justin timberlake has been arrested for dwi. he is supposed to be in court right now and sag harbor, new york we will bring you updates as soon as we get those debate in america begins june 27, start your day with nature me. the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin supplement brand. here's to getting better with age here's the beaten nice to every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein, complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don't use two now the temper pt breeze make sleep, feel cool. so 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are the nba champions for the how many knobs it's the 80th time? no boston celtics have won the nba championship. >> you know what this is one of the best teams that has won a championship in a long, long time maybe 2017, but it's been a long time since the team was this good with this. now to say how right i am about what i dare. harrison the lucky, to get fired. they will they were good guys. >> it was great team, a great season great champion. >> and i know you brought psi1 getting that in your home. this the thing that you made yourself, it's trying thank you. and i made myself. know what a good teammate and you're right, this team has worked so hard, they've been under tremendous scrutiny and pressure. and this is just a moment that they've been waiting for for over a decade. take a listen once again, those winning is franchise history boston would not be denied that they really set the tone from the opening tip against alus. they were ready to go. they jumped out to 21 point in time. >> it's crazy. that was not paying pritchard. >> yeah, i'll just i'll hear from beyond half-court that buzzer. no big deal. they just didn't let up. jayson tatum he saw him emotional after the game. he had 31 points, he had 11 assists, eight boards, a 106 at a victory and well-deserved oh my god we did it we're we good are a lot over now what now do you look this happy when your kids celebrate christmas, de you look at any other type of me you are glowing, smiling for the ear to ear it's much better than losing. it turns out it's great and as jason theta says, what do you say now this team, this team has gone through a lot to go long time to get this, true. >> yeah. >> and we have the here this work by the way, with the patriots. but now that you've lost the quarterback, that everybody good luck with that. i'm just saying i didn't want to bring the the thing down, but like he's got to win this data when he's happy city, boston tapping, it's gonna be wild. alright, thank you for 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,Swing States ,Swing Voters ,Independence ,Republicans ,Nevada ,Georgia ,Arizona ,100000 ,Game ,Messaging ,Priority ,Coalition ,Point ,Politics ,Truth ,Offering Incentives ,Flow ,Reasons ,Section ,Weren T ,Sound Noise ,Release ,Nhs ,Influx ,Board ,Taking ,Day One ,Crime ,It ,Areas ,Approach ,Hair ,Migrant ,Particular ,Howard County ,Dude ,El Salvadoran ,Run ,Woman ,Chicago ,Maneuver ,Economy ,Subject ,Milwaukee ,Candidates ,Each Other ,Wisconsin One ,Candidate ,Congress ,Context ,Members ,Obviously ,Views ,The Truth ,Wisconsin ,Level ,Differences ,Tax Policies ,Crime Policies ,Businesses ,Leadership ,Quality ,Which You Shouldn T ,Itself ,Didn T ,Room ,Solution ,Come On ,Belief ,Dollars Trump ,Beggars ,Public ,Begs ,Party ,Cudgel ,Immigration Bill ,Opportunity ,Grand Stand ,Julie ,Eski ,Word ,Oregon ,Immigration Policies ,Laws ,Mat ,Immigrant ,Julie Reasons ,Buck Stops With Biden ,Conversation ,Dana Bash ,9 ,Thursday June 27th 9 00 Pm ,Brand New ,Sneak Peek ,Olympics ,Opening Ceremony ,Court ,June 27 ,Vitamin Supplement Brand ,Pharmacist ,Nutrition ,Boost Type Protein ,Age ,Fuel ,Beaten ,Temper Pt Breeze ,Mattresses ,Conditioning ,Temper Breeze ,Sweating ,Cooling Temper ,University Of Maryland ,Sale ,500 ,4 ,July 4 ,Experience ,Real Life ,Graduation Day ,School ,Support ,Successes ,Undergraduate Credits ,Beyond ,Values ,Global Campus ,Office ,Relief ,Success Pee ,Eyes ,Tears ,Xyda ,Dry Eye Disease ,Vision ,Eye ,Prescription ,Taste Sensation ,Discomfort ,Rotation ,Xi Der ,Sight ,Treatments ,Buh Bye ,Infection ,Goodbye Smoke ,Retinal Detachment ,Causes ,Nose ,Increase ,Blood Vessels ,Proviso ,Injection ,Blood Clots ,Stroke ,Heart Attack ,Cataract ,Wait ,House Auto ,Promo Code ,Qr Code ,Foot Locker ,Add ,Foot Login ,Landline ,Fal Fogel ,Ear Ringing ,Train Whistle ,Coffee Shop ,Couldn T Escape ,Subway ,Space ,Narrator ,Lipo Flavonoid ,Brand ,60 ,Cardia Com ,Amazon ,Everyone ,You Champs ,Championship ,Teams ,Nba ,80th Time ,Knobs ,Lucky ,Harrison ,2017 ,Champion ,Guys ,Teammate ,Listen ,Scrutiny ,Winning ,Tone ,Tip ,Alus ,Boards ,Assists ,Buzzer ,Pritchard ,Jayson Tatum ,21 ,106 ,11 ,31 ,Victory ,Oh My God ,Ear ,Closing ,Jason Theta ,Patriots ,Luck ,Quarterback ,Data ,True ,Tapping ,Top Rated ,Angie Gay Man ,Gonna Be Wild ,Cnn Newsroom ,Angie Find ,Acosta ,Certified Pros ,Find ,Quotes ,Pricing ,Effects ,Viagra ,Meat Roast ,Angie Com ,Jobs ,Rx ,Amount ,Scan Hills ,Sparks ,Tongue ,Goodrx ,Dissolvable ,Medicare ,Row Dot Coast Last Sparks ,Sex ,Test ,Copay ,Mission ,Donations ,Health ,Energy ,Protein ,Nutrients ,Godaddy Arrow ,Vitamins ,Minerals ,30 ,It S Time ,Domain ,Website ,Clicks ,Godaddy Com Slash Arrow ,Dog Food ,Vets ,Kibble ,Moore Dog ,Farmers Dog Made ,Portion ,Dog ,Ocean ,Spreadsheets ,Kayak ,Match ,Job Description ,Engine ,Saw Dust Settles ,Tools ,Matter ,You Care ,Roars ,Wallet ,Harbor Freight ,Whatever ,Network Reliability ,Cyber Security ,99 9 ,

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