me. >> it the cnn presidential debates, june 27th, 89 live on cnn and streaming on max hello and welcome to allow viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm anna coren, left from hong kong, hit on scene in neutral the princess of wales is set to return to the public stage this morning. the first time since revealing her cancer diagnosis will have live coverage from buckling a summit in switzerland with hopes to kickstart a peace process and ukraine with at least two major players missing we'll look at what to expect and the heat dome is moving out of the south eastern us. we'll find out where it's headed next in a little less than an hour, trooping the colour events will get underway in london but more than 200 years it's been the official birthday celebration of the british monarch. and the highlight of the ceremonial calendar. >> will this year's festivities, commas king charles battles cancer. >> catherine, princess of wales, is also fighting the disease but she's expected to participate in trooping the colour events in her first public appearance since late last year, she also released a statement that read in part, i am making good progress, but as anyone going through chemotherapy know there are good days and bad days on those bad days, you feel weak tired, and you have to give into your body resting. but on the good days when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of feeling well well, cnn correspondence and stewart joins us now from outside buckingham palace and what can we expect in the coming hour oh, you can expect pump pageantry. >> hundreds of soldiers. and of course, key members of the royal family and rural fans will be absolutely thrilled that this year it will include the princess of wales. and as the first time will be seeing her in public for a couple of months so maybe a little bit more actually at this stage since the statement of march that she was receiving treatment for cancer. now, today is all about the king's birthday. this is the official celebrate creation of the kings that they known as the king's birthday parade. and it involves this big ceremony called trooping the colour. well, one of the foot bad regiments of the household division troops their color, which is essentially sharing bear flag. this year, it is the irish guards and that is key really, because the kernels regiment is the princess of wales. so it'll be extra, please. i think that kernel will be there in presence and we expect to see her in a carriage. so first glimpse of the princess of wales and the three children, prince george, louis and princess charlotte expected in around half an hour leaving buckingham palace and heading towards horse guards for this group and tell us what has been the reaction from the british public because of course this, this was a surprise announcement yes i think there's i think it's very joyful surprise. >> i'll be honest. there was a lot of concern that they wouldn't get to see her this year, but also there's been so much empathy, i think from the public ever since that shock announcement in march, where we had the video message from the princess of wales and i think it's really notable in the statement we had yesterday while we still don't know the exact cancer that the princess is being treated for. we have a concept of how she's been feeling dealing with this on an emotional level so a much more personal relationship really between the royal family and the public. and they will be thrilled to see her today under no impression that there'll be seeing the princess lots in the coming month they're going to see in terms of public engagements on a case-by-case basis, whether the princes up to doing it, she's going to get advice, i believe from her medical team for each event, but people will be thrilled to see her both in the carriage and laser on the balcony behind me. you can see the drapes are already there. we expect to see in key members of the royal family, including the princess waving to the public. so it'll be a lovely event. hopefully, the weather cheers off. it has already started to rain but anna wouldn't be british without rain. come mind, it's okay. >> oh, will be well in the world. and as geoid in london was vague to you very soon we're watching closely and we'll bring you live coverage once the royal family, including king charles stopped leaving buckingham palace, that's coming up a little later in the hour well, joining two other news, the us president is leaving the g7 summit behind as he heads to a glitzy fundraiser with hollywood celebrities in los angeles. joe biden was part of a unified effort to support ukraine at the summit now in its third and final de, in easily, world leaders have reached a loan agreement for kyiv using profits from frozen russian investments. on thursday, biden and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy signed a bilateral security deal on the sidelines. mr. biden will be skipping the ukraine peace conference beginning today in switzerland, sending vice president kamala harris to meet with zelenskyy in his place, but he won't be the only leader missing at the event. >> russian president vladimir putin was not invited and china's says there's no point in sending any delegation if moscow is not represented. >> well, let's go now live to cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson and monopoly italy. we'll get to the peace conference, but, but firstly, final day of the g7, it's seems to have been a rather productive meeting it. >> was very productive and perhaps it was organized that way obviously, there's an effort to get a communique that is strong that brings everyone's positions together. and broadly speaking, that happened. but why do i say it was constructed that way? you bought it in to kind of really thank figures, president zelenskyy on the thursday, the first day when there was a lot about what's being done for ukraine in terms of that unique and never done before. using frozen russian assets to fund alone, to give to ukraine before there can be a change of presidency in the united states where you could potentially have an income coming president if it were donald trump potentially tried to reverse that kind of support for ukraine. so there was that there were, there were additional sanctions on russia. and as by the united states and bilateral security paste between ukraine and united states and between ukraine and japan. that was on the thursday, the friday, i think the big star of the event there was the pope who really brings his charisma, his his his cloud, if you will, on the world stage to have people listened to him. so when he speaks about ai it elevates that from being a sort of a dry technocrat, technological discussion that's hard to sort of understand where it's going when the pope comes out as he did and says, it can be good it's a tool, but it can be bad as well. he said, look, you could make an automated weapon i can select a target by itself using ai line up on that target by itself. decide to pull the trigger and shoe that target. he said there should never be a world where chines can kill humans. so he really elevated that discussion on ai to a place in the conversation that it might not have otherwise pupae, and then there was of course discussion about china, discussion about china's trade practices. this is something where the united states really wants a unified position with the other g7 leaders and, there was a strong there was a strong alignment on that and calling out china and is sort of over, overproduction and the effect that has on global trade. and there was as well disgust shan about trying to support sub-saharan africa development. they're putting more money in and supporting countries there that are affected by climate change. so so a lot of complex, we're going to hear in the next couple of hours from georgia meloni, the talia and prime minister kind of wrapping it all up, giving a final press conference and probably one takeout that she will have felt that got perhaps more exposure than she would have wanted. she didn't want the word abortion in the final communicate and we've heard through do that through the g7 that both president biden and president macron did want that language and that was the same language that was used in the hiroshima g7 declaration, just there every year ago. they did manage to word the final communicate without putting the word abortion in there. but but talking about talking about he importance of female productive rights. so that was the only place where we sort of saw any element of friction nick, most of the g7 leaders, they will then head to switzerland for this peace summit. but what will be achieved considering that the notable emissions again, i think, you know, the world here is looking at this in a number of ways. earlier on this year that there were delays in getting us from that and getting european long-term funding commitments to ukraine. and it really looked as if russia was taking advantage of that. ukraine because on the back foot and ukraine in a way sort of needed to ready itself for a peace process that perhaps wasn't going to end on the terms it wants where it vanquishes, right? usher, i'm pushes it entirely out of ukrainian territory because it wasn't getting the support that it needed. it doesn't look that way at the moment. the g7 reaffirm that unity and in the face of russian continued aggression inside of ukraine, the aim of this peace summit will be framed in a way i think that tries to ring fence a type of piece that ukraine can hope to achieve. even if going forward with a change in presidency in the united states it's with a more isolationist precedent. if it's donald trump who doesn't want to support ukraine militarily, economically doesn't want to support neater. but there will be a basis agreed four, for the terms of peace, 57 different leaders, different states will be at the peace summit and cern in switzerland, 30 different ministers from, from other countries will be there. and we're trying to get an agreement that says ukraine should have peace on the terms of the un charter, which protects its sovereignty and territorial integrity. that's the position they want to get to get big broad sign-up but for that, and that kind of gives ukraine something that it can fall back on in the future if some countries decide to support it less than they are now robinson, always good to see you. >> many thanks. well, as we mentioned, a few minutes ago, president biden is attending a fundraiser today in los angeles. donald trump is on the campaign trail as well. he celebrated turning 78 on friday and west palm beach, florida, where he attached to joe biden without mentioning the current president's age. biden is just three years older, and whoever wins will be the oldest president ever sworn in. later today, trump troubles to the battleground state of michigan, where he is scheduled to speak at the conservative at turning point action conference i heat dome over the southern us is scorching the region with insufferable temperatures over the next few days, it will be in the 80s and 90s in much of the eastern and central us in some places pushing triple digits the heat dome is forecast to move into the northeast and great lakes regions. >> a large portion of the ohio valley will be under extreme heat risk on wednesday. >> well, then 135 high temperature records could be tied or broken in the days ahead and flooding continues to threaten florida, even though rainfall is not expected to be as intense as it was earlier this week, the forecast calls for one to two inches of additional rainfall through the weekend, which could spell more trouble the ground is fully saturated, so it won't take much to cause more flooding when we return a heartbreaking look at the toll to conflicts are having on children in gaza by many children who've been badly injured, a forced to wait to be evacuated for better care. and in afghanistan, unicef marks 1,000 days since girl those above the sixth grade were banned from school. i'll be speaking with a unicef official on the toll. the band is taking on the country. and how the world should respond nice to meet you my name is david, i've been a pharmacist for 44 years when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend provision. >> number one, but because as safe and effective does not require a prescription and i've been taken quite a while myself and i know it works and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, david, that really works so good for me makes my day prevalent at stores everywhere without a prescription watch this witness. >> what happens to this woman's bags under her eyes in an actual time-lapse in just minutes. the problem well disappear before your eyes with a revolutionary topical formulation that works in just minutes. and the effects will last for hours, over 1 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that it launched airstrikes in lebanon targeting hezbollah, not two rockets were launched from lebanon into israel dozens of rockets were fired into israel and the golan heights from lebanon on thursday, many were intercepted in the air, but it's all adding to concerns over the risk of a wider war in the middle east meanwhile, israel is facing growing criticism for how it's treating palestinian prisoners. the palestinian legislative council in gaza says they are being starved and tortured prompting calls for inspections of israeli detention centers. some prisoners released this week appeared frail and thin after several months behind bars. one of them says, many prisoners are in poor health and suffering from skin diseases as cnn has reached out to israel's military and prison authorities for a response to these allegations or meanwhile, there's new evidence of the toll of the war is taking on innocent children in gaza. and cnn's paula hancocks joins us live from tel aviv with more and polar, the number of dead children, the number of injured children in gaza is staggering lana misery does continue it's a flourish in gaza. >> we see and not least, for some of those who have been injured in the war, and also some of those who have diseases cancer patients, those needing dialysis, because they cannot get out of gaza at this point for treatment. now we know the rafah crossing between egypt and gaza has being shut for about 5.5 weeks. we spoke to the world health organization who said that at least 10,000 patients in gaza desperately we need to be moved hannah kel had gone out to buy some sweets when the airstrike hit i miss seeing mama. she says, i miss my mom and my sisters no 1-year-old hannan has not been able to open her eyes since the strike ten days ago. doctors say she has 20% burns on her face, hands, chest, and leg one of thousands of patients trapped inside gaza without hope of the treatment they need. >> the lab her mother says, she tells me i want to play. what have i done to deserve this. she can't sleep properly because of the pain her whole body hurts surrounded by war for eight months. this was hannon just hours before she was hit they'd been forced to leave their home and refer when the israeli military moved in. and were sheltering in someone's garden now barrage canon says, my sister went to a grandfather and asked for one shackle for her and one for me. i went to the shop and was about to pay the man and a missile fell i didn't hear the whizzing are just saw a red light hannan doctor says she was in critical condition when she arrived. they removed shrapnel from her face and reconstructed her nose. he says they now have no choice but to wait to transfer her out of gaza, hoping her wounds don't get infected most children need medical transfers. he says for more qualified treatment than here. we don't have the treatment, the tools, we don't have the supplies rafah crossing has been closed since may 7 when the israeli military took control egypt says it will not open the cross thank until the israeli military withdraws for security reasons. when egyptian soldier was killed last month in fighting along the border israel says they will not hand over control of the crossing two palestinian authorities. fearing hamas would use the area to smuggle in weapons the rafah crossing should be reopened as quickly as possible. >> or the shubi and alternative, we have no estimation at a moment how many of the patients which should have left actually have already passed away collude all shocky says she was displaced three times while pregnant. >> her baby born four days earlier, has a heart defect, spending most of her young life in an incubator shut. the doctors did what was necessary. she says but they said that she must be transferred out of gaza quickly than what she adds. >> one of the doctors told me not to have high hopes at sentence is so difficult to hear malacca is not the only baby desperately needing medical treatment outside of gaza hey, dr. confirms if these children do not get treatment, they are likely to die aly der darwish has a broken in spine, ribs, and leg after an airstrike hit his house, killing his siblings, his aunt says, without urgent specialized treatment outside of gaza, she has been polled by does he may be paralyzed for these children escaping gaza may be their only hope of a future now they are distressing images, but images that the parents wanted the world to see to show what is going on with israel and egypt, both blaming each other for the rafah crossing still being shut time is the truly running out for some of the more critical patients in gaza. >> anna paula those are hard heartbreaking story i'm so pleased that you are they're bringing these stories to the world. paula hancocks, their in tel aviv. thank you. >> well, a sad and sobering milestone in afghanistan on thursday, unicef marked the 1000th day since the taliban regime band afghan goals from attending secondary schools. a move that came after the militant group retook control of the country back in august 2021 the ban makes afghanistan the only country in the world that prohibits girls from attending school beyond the primary level unicef says it's a blatant violation of rights that has contributed to the deteriorating mental health of afghan girls would join me now from cobble is daniel timmy. he's the chief of communications of unicef afghanistan. daniel, thank you for joining us quantifying the hours is one thing, but what does this mean for the girls in afghanistan and the impact? on the development of the country as a whole yeah, 1 billion hours is indeed a very devastating number of lost lessons. >> but i can tell you, i'm driving a lot in this country and i meet families who are affected by this van and they depressing to see the sad and depressed girls for them. it's very important phase in their life. it's the time where they make plans, where they have projects, where they are eager to acquire skills to reach these goals and where they want to learn and owners yesterday about learning and suddenly they are told they have to stay at home and now this is going on for one 1,000 days. they see their lives pass in front of their eyes opportunities are closing and for us it's not very surprising that we see the number of mental health issues going on chapter among girls and also reports of suicide. for example, our data shows very clearly that there's a correlation between not going to school and being married off early or not going to school and malnutrition and health problems and also not being properly prepared for the frequently occurring disasters here in the century, what is very sad is that we know that danielle yes i just wanted to jump in there and just say from cnn's very own reporting, we've seen a spike in cases of suicide, attempted suicide among these female students. >> i mean, this ban on education, which has been in place since august of 2021, it is a it is destroying a generation of girls yes. >> that's right. it's not only grave violation of their basic rights, but it's also destroying the future. we seem it has an impact on many other aspects, lives. but obviously, if you leave out half of the population from getting thinking of proper patient it is also having a very severe impact on the development of the country as a whole. and we are urging the authorities here, please reconsider this position and allow all girls and boys to return to class immediately. >> daniel, how does the west deal with the taliban because of course the concern is the west provides assistance to this poverty stricken country. it engages in dialogue and then you legitimize this regime and its policies. we know that there is this upcoming us conference in doha at the end of the month afghanistan is on the agenda and human rights groups are deeply concerned that the un is bending over backwards to get the taliban to attend by giving into its demands that women's rights, girls rights will not be on the agenda what message would that send if that was allowed? >> no, for us humanitarians and in unicef, the answer to that question is very clear. we have committed to certain core commitments for children to protect them, to protect their safety and their rights wherever they are in the humanitarian imperative is that we have to save lives whenever they add wrist. and i can tell you, we have talked about education. this is not unfortunately the only problem that children have. an afghan is done. i'm here for only nine months. and during this time, there were three earthquakes. there was a refugee return, the crisis. there was drought, there was hard winter, and most recently flash floods. i just returned from the north of the country where whole villages have been destroyed people have died. so lives are at risk here and it's our obligation to assist the people and to not run away we will be here and. >> we are urging our international partners to please stay by our site and to save lives, not the time for politics. this is the time for saving the lives of children yes, there is just so much pain and suffering inside afghanistan and these girls are living on a daily basis. >> daniel, timmy, we thank you. and your team for what you are doing. in afghanistan thanks so much for joining us we're covering britain's royal family and the king's official birthday parade will bring you like pictures of vague carriages living buckingham palace it's up to the break russia. >> were trying to spy on us we were spying on them this is a secret, war. secrets and spies tomorrow at ten on cnn every night it's the same thing after dinner, you start soaking, scrubbing, scraping your stove top night. well, now you we can wake up to a clean dream kitchen every day was stole guard the slide on stove top protector that stops all the methods before they started. sauces are rinsed and sayonara gone. seconds dickey messes are no 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comcast business. about the bosley guarantee. debate night in america begins june 20, 27 at seven we are hopefully minutes away from saying catherine, princess of wales, in public for the first time in nearly six months, she made the surprise announcement on friday, releasing a photo taken at windsor along with the message about her ongoing treatment for cancer. >> the princess's she's making progress, but isn't out of the woods yet. she said to attend the trooping, the colour, the official celebration for the monarchs birthday king charles said he's quite delighted she will be attending the royal events, were joined once again by cnn correspondent and a stewart outside london's buckingham palace and obviously this is the king's birthday parade. but all eyes will be on the princess of wales all eyes look princess of wales. >> and i have surprise news view anna, because i told you we wouldn't get a glimpse of the princess of wales or any of the members moral family until they left buckingham palace. and about 5:10 minutes. but i have news and i think we probably have cut or some video of this. we did see the princess of wales arriving a short time ago wearing what looks like white dress, perhaps with a bit of black trim in a bone. i think she's wearing the hat badge of the iris. got irish guards of which she is the kernel. so she was in the car sorry, long de prince william prince of wales, also in military uniforms. >> so they are now gathering the palace and you're looking at like pictures now oh of some of the foot soldiers of the regiments of the household division, you can see some military bands. >> this is horse guards parade. this is where trooping the colour it will be taking place within the next hour. and this is an ancient ceremony where one of the regiments of the house log of vision gets to show that flag, which is a way that they would recognize that in battle it feels somewhat outdated now, but it is a very fun ceremony to watch and it's also an opportunity for the king to inspect his many, many many troops. >> so we will be seeing the royal family leaving buckingham palace two heads where you're seeing right now down the mao, the weather. >> and as ever has been somewhat inclement, this is actually not the king's actual birthday. he was not born on this day, but this is the official birthday. >> and in the uk, the monnet always celebrates the birth they officially on the second saturday of june, due to the fact that birthdays generally in the uk are played by rain, but june isn't as a sunny as perhaps one might like. >> so you're seeing some soldiers that information, getting ready and the regimen that is being troop today is the irish guards, which is particularly relevant eyes hi is because the princess of wales is the kernel of that regimen. so the fact that she's able to be there today, taking part, she'll be in the carriage. we hope to see her on the balcony once the whole ceremony is wrapped up, waving to the public and it'll be the first time that we've really seen her in public now for some months since that diagnosis of cancer since we heard that video message from her bag in march. so are all eyes are buckingham palace there. you can see the royal standard is up. i think we may have seen the kingdom queen actually arriving a short time ago, quite hard to spot them in the cars, but we should soon get live pictures of what's going on. and there'll be leaving the palace as escorted by hundreds of members of the household cavalry, the lifeguards, and the bluesy royals will see some of the members of the royal family probably on horseback. i'd see i would expect to the principal whales for instance on a horse like he was last year given he is the kernel of the welsh guards. the princess royal is also a kernel of the blues and royals and the duke of edinburgh. your courses or kernel of the gods. so the all be military uniform will have some on horseback, some in carriages and hopefully leaving shortly because we're pretty much down to the wire now. so let's see if they're on time. anna will and just being told by our producer, susan that we have some pictures of princess catherine in the car. >> hopefully, we'll be able to show our audience to them. then she used that as you rightly he pointed out, she is wearing white black trim. she's wearing a hat. looks like the kids are in the cow with her i'm not sure who else is there is prince william. it looks right. prince william beginning to pull faces yes. well, they have arrived. of course, they actually they have arrived together. i like that we're seeing prince louis an early glimpse of one of our favorite character it is particularly for balcony scenes. he's never short of pulling it looks like you might have started early today, but it's a great spot and it's nice to see them together but it also, of course, every always wants to know what the royals are wearing. so i hope to have much more information for you shortly yeah, we want to know the design is absolutely who is she wearing? >> on auto more, serious note, let's, let's talk about the close relationship between princess kate and king charles. i mean, they both dealing with cancer this perhaps playing into the fact that she is there today, that she's put on a brave face. i mean, this is it's not a formal return to duties, but she obviously wants to make an attendance and it's just so special that if she was going to make a return to work, that she does so for this particular occasion because it is the king's birthday parade and this is a really big date in the calendar for the royal family. >> it's really the moment where you see them come together as a unit altogether on that balcony and the king has said that he's absolutely delighted to hear that the princess of wales will be here today. >> and i think in terms of the relationship between the two of them, you have to remember that the difference between last year and this year is huge. >> both of them are being treated for cancer. and i'm sure that has deepened a bond it's that they really have already had. >> this is a much slimmer monarchy than we're used to be. >> number of senior members and working members of the royal family, a far fewer than they have i've been in years gone by. is there a tight-knit families so to have them all together today it's very important. also important, i think for the printer this is a whales that she's here because it is the irish guards who are the big focus of trooping the colour today. and that's the sort of military angle, the ceremonial angle of what will be going on to celebrate the king's birthday. she is there kernels was make kernel last year. she took that role from her husband. for her regiment, be taking the ten this year it's such a joy for her, i imagine, but also for the army that she can be there because she had to miss the panels review, which was sort of a big fancy dress rehearsal last week i'm sure they'll all be thrilled that she is there able to share that balcony. that's that's the moment really for the public that we like to see. if you think three years past, when you look at trooping the colour, you look at this moment really in history, you can compare the balcony shot and you can really see how the history of the royal family ellipse you had over 40 people on that balcony. i think 2016 for the queen's birthday parade is pared-back so much, of course knew is gone past hi, prince, harry and meghan, duchess of sussex, on that balcony. we don't see them anymore. so you can kind of see the evolution of the royal family as each year goes past, it's great that she will be there with her children today salute lee, and obviously her attendance. >> it came as a bit of a surprise caught everyone by surprise when she made that announcement on friday, she issued a khamenei as susan and she was quite open in that message. she said, i'm not out of the woods yet. i'm making good progress, but there are good days and bad days. she also issued that photo of her standing under that magnificent huge tray. you have to say that she looks well and certainly from the image that we saw of her in the car, she she looks she does look well, it is promising that that she is making good progress with her with her chemotherapy it's promising and it's interesting what you say about the statement that was made yesterday by which is the whales because it also highlights another huge difference that we're seeing with his royal family in recent years, with the king and with the princess of wales. >> but it's sharing much more really about their health. and we have had in the past, we don't know exactly which cancers both of them are being treated for, but we have a much better insight i think into how they're feeling the princess of wales saying that not every day is a good day, but sometimes she has to let her body rest. but when she has a good day, she really wants me to go and do the school run and do things that any normal mother, wife would want to do in their daily lives. and so she is going to start to work from home a little bit but that is one of the huge differences we have with this royal family from families in the past. i think there's a difference really in the relationship that the public now have with the royal family in march, the statement that was made by the princess to explain to everyone why she was taking so much time away from public gt that really came as there was just a huge outcry really to know what what was going on and it was huge speculation there. so it's a really difficult balance to maintain giving the public as much information as you can. but without infringing the privacy of the members of the royal family and remembering that they are actually a family of it, you know, you got they're often called the firm because they are many ways a business but that also very real people with very real problems, unfortunately, exactly yeah, no, we are looking a lot of pictures of buckingham palace. >> we are waiting for that carriage to be carrying the family, including the princess of wales and had children followed by the king, king charles, about ten minutes later. we are expecting prince william to ride on horseback, but i wanted to talk a bit about the british reaction the public's reaction to the news. it looks like there is a carriage approaching how of people received the news that the princess of wales will be there today we all just looking at some oh, i can see some forces beginning to leave the gates of buckingham palace. >> so it looks like that royal procession is going to start. i think we've got one carriage just about to leave possibly a second behind it now, i believe that the first and second carriages that you're seeing are likely to be including the duchess of edinburgh with her children, lady louise mountbatten, windsor, and the jeep of kent and the second one probably has the duke and duchess of gloucester and vice admiral said tim laurence i'll see them leaving and what is known as the bursch, which is the type of paris you're going to see lots of different kinds of carriages today. they will be leaving first. now, following this, i would expect to see members of the royal family possibly leaving on horse. >> so we're likely to see a, for instance, the prince of wales, the princess royal, and the duke of edinburgh they will all be in military uniform because they are kernels of some of the regimen of the household revision. so we'll be waiting to see them next i can just see parsing now. >> i think that must be the duchess of edinburgh wearing yellow we'll have to get a closer look but today is all about the relationship really between the king and the military, particularly the household division you're going to see soldiers on horses. they are the household cavalry. there are two regimens. >> you're also looking at soldiers who are lining the whole roots of the mouth. >> they are wearing best skin has those are the foot soldiers. there are five different regiments and the royal family seen him throw family are all kernels, each have a different regimen, which is why they all wear a slightly different uniforms. so we'll be waiting to see what we think from them now we can see the while how cell division has seen cavalry coming the world, horror thoughts, hillary everyone oh i'm back and of course the very last carriage we're likely to see today will be the state coach that will hold the king and the queen so we are looking at live pictures of the royal procession, the very beginning of trooping, the colour, which is how the kings birthday parade is celebrated each year they will be traveling from buckingham palace. >> they will be heading down the mouse, to horse guards parade. we will see royal family remembers older resplendent, many military uniform and of course that first glimpse the people of the princess of wales with her children prince george pizzazz sharp i'll let em prince louis but it's a lot of excitement for this event. this every year is possibly one of the highlights in the royal calendar. >> you get the home, you get the pageantry, just listened to the sound of all of those horses, hundreds of horses trained for this event trained, of course, not to get spooked by the any crowds that are lining the way plenty of fans here, anna, you can hear lots of cheering i would say they're all yeah. some protesters as well lining the mouse so the king may find, as he passes that there are some shouts of not miking as well as chants of god save the king but that is part and parcel of any public events like this of course, of course, you speaking of the british public i was just. >> gonna say, i was speaking about the british ship public, their excitement to the return of the princess of what? >> but i, the british tabloids, i just want to speak about that before we before we move on, they were relentless with their spectra collation and rumors when rishi really disappeared from the public sphere early this year, then obviously came her announcement in march that she was fighting cancer and so she asked for privacy and it would saying that over the past few months, everyone has respected that yes, i think it did take on fortunately, that pdas statement really for the public to stop questioning and coming up with some really, truly terrible conspiracy. >> there is particularly social media as to where the princess of wales was that was unfortunate and required, i think a very strong stern message from the palace since then, there has been a respect for the privacy or the printer this is whales, particularly from the media, particularly from the tabloid press that has continued. i think it's interesting the message that we have had from from the palace really regarding how much we'll see you, the princess of wales. and that is that we all see her when she's able when she's feeling well enough to make public appearance well, i think we might be seeing the scottish think coach at this stage i do believe we're seeing the king and queen at this stage. and i think the queen believed she is wearing a mint green dress. i know that you wanted to know some some stylists, anna, she's wearing a pale green so we address them, ana valentine and a hat by philip treacy harder to see the king. i believe he will be wearing the tunic of the gold lot of honor order, the irish guard. and now i think you can see the princess of wales passing now and all three children in the carroll bridge as well she splendid wearing a white dress she's wearing the i was just. going to say and we made these these cameras, these pool cameras to be zooming in so that we can get a a better look at the royal family can hear from the crowds certainly that people are excited to be saying, yes, the princess of wales, i believe i can make her out in that carriage you can make her out. >> and actually, i just i've just give him a little wave because you at this day, jenna. yes. it's definitely as wells in a white dress with all three children in the glass state coach, just parsing, starting to go down the mouth right now. so that was the last coach, which means he has all the members of the royal family, are well on their way. i've also incidentally just seen my cousin major thomas happens to be one of those forces voting the carriage down the bow your family who is on a horse, isn't god's a veteran of these? events of this has been a wonderful star. they let you have the inside scoop, anna i've got the inside scoop, particularly on forces and military uniform is anna say questions, i'm ready for them you have done a splendid job absolutely. >> carrying this coverage. >> so what happens from here? >> and he is the balcony scene. how much longer do we need to wait for that you can have to wait a little bit. >> i love that everyone always just wants to get from this moment pretty much the battle welcome the scene, which were expecting in oh, i'd say couple of hours, roughly but first of all, it is the king's birthday parade and this is no what to date? >> it is. >> all about trooping the colour, which is a military ceremony. it will take place and horse guards parade not far away at all. there's houses, there'll be arriving there shortly. >> this is where one of the foot guard regiments of the household division, there were five of them each year. >> one of them will take turn to treat the collar, which is essentially showing off their flag, which was relevance particularly in the past. i suppose there that soldiers from every regimen would recognize the colors of their regiments. they wouldn't get lost now of course, it feels something what is it relevant in terms of the significance there? but it's a really important event for the troops to see the king and for him to inspect all of his troops in the household division. now this year, it is the irish guards now, the irish guards are particularly relevant regiment, thanks to the fact that princess of wales is that kernel and anna, they have a live master scott, you will be seeing an irish wolf found by name of seamus at some stage during the ceremony know how fantastic will ana thank you so much for keeping us abreast of what is happening. >> there outside buckingham palace and down the mel, we're gonna give you a break and regroup. but that was anna's jewett joining us live from london. well, trooping, the colour is the officials celebration of the british monarchs birthday no matter what de, the king or queen is actually born, a state ceremonial parade is held on a saturday in june to mark the occasion the tradition was first observed back in 17, 48, and is a spectacle of pageantry, military position and horsemanship. but the second time king charles will ever see the parade as sovereign. although this year, because he is battling cancer, who ride in a carriage with the queen as we just saw rather than on horseback, the parade goes from buckingham palace along the mao to horse guards parade, and back. it features 1,400 soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians. it concludes with a grand finale with members of the royal family appearing on the balcony of buckingham palace well up above the royal air force is red arrows perform a fly past with colors of the british flag trailing over the festivities well, that's good perspective. >> now from cnn royal historian kate williams, she is also there outside of buckingham palace in london kate described the same to us what a fantastic scene. >> it's such a wonderful occasion. it's raining here. you can't die i'm putting the spirits and the crowds they want a big cheer went up when first k to the children came out in the carriage and then the king and queen were out in the cat well, it was just a wonderful moment. this is this trooping the colour. it happens every year, but such a significant trooping the colour this year, it's only the second trooping the color for the king since he was crowned king, king charles the third and it is the first one in which we are seeing kate. we haven't seen her since christmas. that was a lie asked public engagement was christmas day. we haven't seen her do to her cancer treatment and here she is out looking marvelous. she really was looking radiant in white outfit with some black and white i think was the as andy was saying earlier, the brooch of the irish guards, can she is there, colonel in chief and with the children in the carriage, this is such so fantastic historic occasion goes back to charles the second, it was started in the charles and seconds the restoration king in the 1660s and then became part of the kings birthday celebrations for george the third. so it's all about history. it's all about the military and it's all about are really joyful voice occasion. i just love it this is obviously king charles, his birthday parade. he actually turns 70, 75 at the end of last year. but but june i believe this is when the sun is out. the sun is shining clearly, it's not, it's rain, but it wouldn't be british without rain but all eyes as we know, a varying much on the princess of wales it is the king's birthday parade. >> we do have this strange set up in the british monarchy by which the monarch has two birthdays. so the minute you become the monarch you get to birthdays, your usual birthday. and then this june birthday, the idea is that the weather is better at this point. that's when we can have the tubing of the color william of course, does have a summer birthday. so perhaps when he has a birthday, it's going to be one birthday. who knows, but the king's birthday is in november. this is formal celebration. it's our big state, so ammonia he will apart from the state opening of parliament, it's such a big occasion. we see it every year. the crowds out there, they are so excited, they've got the union jacks on the camping out overnight have been out there chatting to them. they've got all the pageantry and above all, they are excited to see the princess. we were just thrilled when we heard last tonight, she was going to be attending because when you're going through what she's going through, she was talking in her very moving statement about good days and bad days. this is a very exhausting occasionally it's tiring. everyone's watching you. it's really tough. so she's got a huge amount of courage to go out there under the public eye and really be hi to this huge wall occasion. and i know she's done it because she wants to support the king and his birthday parade. and also because she is kernel then chief of the irish guards, they are being troop today she takes her duties as a military duties royal duties very seriously, and she was very upset not to be able to come to the rehearsal. she wrote a lesson to saying she was sad not to be able to come. and i think it means so much to her that she's out there today. she's mustering all has strong ties out there today and it really does show a lot of courage and people for the thrill to see her okay. >> as we were talking last cell, we know that the princess of wales thank king charles, they share a very close relationship. obviously, both battling cancer. and the fact that she turned out today obviously, we know, means a great deal to the king. but k. williams lovely to get your perspective. they're in buckingham palace for our audience. please stay with cnn that wraps up this. our obscene and newsroom. i'm in a car and thank you for your company. cnn this morning is coming the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future the cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max every night it's the same thing after dinner, you start soaking, scrubbing, scraping is stove top night. >> well, now you can wake up to a clean greene kitchen every day with stole guard, the slide 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