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mchenry in washington. and this is cnn cnn breaking news you are in the cnn newsroom. >> i'm wolf blitzer in washington, and we begin sour with major breaking news. the united states supreme court has issued a very important ruling on reproductive rights. the justices unanimously rejected a challenge to the medical abortion pill mifepristone allowing the drug to remain on the market. the ruling covers two years after the court took away women's constitutional right to an abortion by overturning roe v. wade i want to bring in our panel to assess what's going on. dramatic developments in deep want to start with our senior supreme court analyst, joan biskupic, walk us through this really john, tell us what it means. >> sure. it was really high drama in the courtroom this morning. this ruling actually came a little bit earlier than we are expected in this month of june. what i think there was a clear reason why they were unanimous in striking this down. and let me just set the scene. the justices all take the bench, all nine of them, and i noticed right away that ashley kavanaugh, the wife of justice brett kavanaugh, who announced its decision, had come in and taken a seat in one of the special guests sections. and the chief justice turn to him right at the start and said, brett kavanaugh has our first opinion of the day and to have announced a case that was argued on march 26. so that's a pretty narrow timeframe, but what it shows is how emphatically this court nine to zip reversed what the fifth circuit had done. that would have dramatically limited access to a medication that is the main way that women end their pregnancies today. here's how the case got up there. a group of anti-abortion physicians had claimed they had actually been injured by the food and drug administration's approval of this drug and its expansion of access to the drug in 2016 and 2000, 2021, the fda had said that this drug could be available at ten weeks of pregnancy, not just only at seven and had also given more access four women to obtain the drug by mail and these anti-abortion physicians who do not perform abortions, they do not handle abortions in any way. they said that none the less they were injured by this policy because first of all, they might in emergency room settings have to conduct abortions brett kavanaugh went through all of the reasons for why they should be able to sue rejected them all out of hand during a 10-minute dramatic rendition of his excerpts, saying, look, you say that you're conferences would be would be injured to have to perform abortions. he said federal law already has it's a conscience clause that says if no physician who doesn't want to perform abortion has to do it, then said that insurance costs money course advocacy and bottom-line, he said, the federal courts are available to people who have real injuries. there's no reason for people who want any kind of policy change policy political. those people should tearing to the executive branch or the legislative branch to get their way. as i said, all nine justices signed on for now access to this drug that has become the major way that women end a pregnancy will be available as the fda had said, was safe and effective. because it's interesting this was a unanimous 920 decision by all nine justices, right? right. which is a very unusual for any abortion case. remember, it was five to four. you just referred to the dobbs ruling from 222? yes. just about every abortion case that i've ever seen over the past three decades it has been narrowly split. five for some, if they're lucky at 6-3. but when they go nine zip, you can tell that this truly is a question of what we call procedural standing, legal standing, who gets into federal court and this actually is important for any kind of a legal issue. >> paula reid, this is a very, very significant moment right now. >> it is. this is one of the big cases that we've been watching. this is the biggest challenge to abortion rights since the court overturned roe v. wade and all eyes were on this decision because of the possible impact on women on the fda, on the front pharmaceutical industry and potentially on the 2024 election, because we know republicans have galvanized supporters for decades now around the abortion issue. but now in the wake of the overturning of roe v. wade, things are changing and we're curious whether this decision could potentially help democrats, but clearly they've cut the status quo although other challenges could be coming. now we're watching for that other abortion case. this is one of the biggest challenges since roe v wade, but there's another case that's still outstanding that has to do with potential conflicts between restrictive state laws and federal law when it comes there's to abortion. so now i think that's really one of the ones at the top of our list was interesting, steve vladeck, you're a law professor, but you're a legal analyst now as well, that in the dobbs decision overturning roe v. >> wade, they ruled against abortion rights for women in this particular case is prescription drug mifepristone. they ruled in favor of abortion rights for women very different decisions. yeah. i'll do my think jones right to stress that this was a procedural rule in and by saying that these doctors didn't have stand down, the court did not actually affirm the fda's approvals of mifepristone tactically, they did practically for now, but wolf, even in this very case, they're already a couple of red states who have intervened in the district court, who presumably now can say, well, wait a second now it's our turn to try to challenge mifepristone so i think folks should take this rule and in the moment as a pretty powerful repudiation, not of the legal arguments against mifepristone on but of the fact that the lower courts let these plaintiffs bring them with regard to the future of mifepristone. that's still undecided. and i think it's dulling decided because there could be other plaintiffs. it's still undecided because there could be other challenges you could have a future republican president who actually takes a different approach to an old federal law called the comstock act which i don't think could fairly be interpreted, but which republicans are there could be interpreted to ban mail and mifepristone. so wealth, i think this is a very much a sort of short-term jury, but there's still quite a lot to play for when it comes to access to mifepristone in states that allow it kavanaugh wrote in the decision that today's decision, today's decision that if somebody else has standing, go ahead. >> i mean the, decision was about standing. it wasn't about the use of mifepristone, whether it's safe, whether the fda has been too loose et cetera, et cetera. and kavanaugh made it clear. i think and you guys are the legal experts? that while these folks did not have standing, that doesn't mean that somebody else couldn't bring a case that did have standing and that has yet to be decided. >> i think this is gonna be a theme we're going to see you all for over these last three weeks of the current supreme court term, that there are a series of cases where one lower-court, in particular the fifth circuit, the federal appeals court, to to new orleans covers louisiana and mississippi and texas has led unusual plaintiffs plaintiffs who don't usually get into federal court or brynn challenge is to federal policies, whether it's mifepristone, whether it's the biden administration his communications with social media companies about covid, vaccine disinformation. ai. then we're going to see a handful of ruling for the court says, hey, fifth circuit chill out gone way too far. we are not ready for this wolf not be caused. this court has all of a sudden turning toward the middle on the substance of these questions. but because the court has a narrower view of the role of the courts in these kinds of social policy, culture, war fights than at least this one appeals court in the south that doesn't the court have to expect it in a way. now what number is that this puts a lot more in the hand the food and drug administration. and if we have a new administration, yeah, overall, depending on who becomes president, the fda could completely change its policy. so that's, that's the other thing that's hanging over. this is not just when a court case would come, but the next potential fda good meg tirrell into this conversation makes our medical correspondent meg, do you consider the future of this abortion pill? mifepristone, still undecided i think from everything we've been hearing from your folks there and also from legal experts following this, yes. >> i think that people expect that this question will continue to come up. and just as joan was talking about, there i have heard from folks who watched the fda very closely that this makes the fda commissioner position of very political one in the next election, because an fda commissioner could come in and direct the agency then to sort of peel back some of the things that they have allowed in terms of access to mifepristone. this is one of two pills used in medication abortion. medication abortion is the most common way that people access abortion in the united states accounted for 63% i've abortions in 2023, there were 1 million abortions that year according to guttmacher institute datas, lets more than 600,000 people who are accessing this pill. now if mifepristone access were rolled back, it wouldn't disappear from the market completely if the supreme court had ruled in the opposite way today, but it would have made it very difficult to get through telemedicine something that has become an increasing way that people access medication, abortion in the united states. but as we've heard from all of your experts, it does not sound like this challenge is done either. it could come back through the courts with different plaintiffs who may have a better argument over standing, or it may come back through the fda, or it may come back as steepest talking about through the comstock act, which is something that folks who follow this are watching very closely. that's a very old law, but could potentially be dredged up very quickly. >> bad guy. i want to just kick your analysis if a woman is pregnant and wants to have an abortion, what does she have to do to get a prescription for mifepristone right now? >> well, right now, if you're in a state where abortion is legal, you can go online. there are different services direct-to-consumer services, where you can access that. you could go to your doctor, you could go to an abortion clinic. there are multiple ways where you can access mifepristone and misoprostol, which is the other drug that's part of this regimen. if you're in a state where abortion is illegal, it is it's illegal to access medication abortion through the mail. it's illegal to access any form of abortion in those states with strict abortion bans, there are ways that people can still do it. there are providers outside the united states. aid access, for example, that provide abortion pills through the mail, even in places where it is illegal. so people still do access these pills those but it is not legal in states with abortion bans interesting, i want to bring in dr. crispr now allow the director of the end of lacp center for health equity, dr. prevail, what's your reaction to this morning's us supreme court ruling? thank you. walk person foremost, i want people to understand we must remain vigilant because we continue to live in perilous times as it relates to public health and health equity. what the supreme court ruled this morning. i understand it's about standing. it's about a procedural issue, but we see a victory for reproductive justice. us justice. reproductive justice is important because those who are disproportionately impacted my the burdens of oppressive health care systems and regina don't have access to care with this ruling. we're allowed to have conditions per thrived nurse practitioners prescribed position assistance prescribed an even midwives and it's able to be available through telehealth and telemedicine so we know that when when access is restricted certain communities are disproportionat ely harmed. so the ability to continue to practice reproductive justice is of the utmost importance all right, everyone. >> thank you very, very much. an important historic de, here are the nation's capital there's other important news. we're following as well. and the indeed happening right now up on capitol hill, donald trump back here in washington, he's meeting with some key republicans for the first time. since the deadly january 6 riot also right now president biden a major summit in italy, a big topic. of course, ukraine president biden i didn't president volodymyr zelenskyy will sit down shortly. the two nations is expected to sign a long-term security agreement. lots of news going on. stay with us. you're alive right here in the cnn newsroom the most anticipated moment of this election. >> and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one state de, two very different visions for americans future. the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine life on cnn and streaming un-backed. all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof thick about this blue jays cardinals orioles. what's missing? 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>> yeah well, if i will remind you that this was set up as sort of an introduction to donald trump or reintroduction. this is the first time he's meeting with these large groups of lawmakers. first it was hill republicans later today it will be with senate republicans behind me since he became the presumptive nominee and since it became a convicted felon, the way it was explained to us is that donald trump was going to spend the time talking about how he was going to be joe biden in the fall as well as talk about 20 25 agenda. now, according to our sources in the room, that's not entirely what happened. he did talk about one policy issue, in particular, he talked about abortion, something we know that his weighed heavily on the former president and he's tried to walk a fine line between both taking credit for overturning roe v. wade, but also not wanting to talk about it at all because he doesn't believe it is a political quote, unquote, winner, but other than nadal drunk, really spent a lot of the time ranting. he talked about different races. you talked about a various republicans who voted to impeach him taking credit for the fact that so many of those republicans are no longer in office at one point, even i'm talking about nancy pelosi's daughter saying that her daughter had told him in a different lifetime, she nancy pelosi and donald trump would have had a great romance itself what did like a real donald trump kind of back and forth ping-ponging type of speech. johnson obviously saying that that was energetic and excited. i will tell you that we've spoken to a number of lawmakers who said that they were hoping that this would bring some unity to the party, which has obviously been very fractured, particularly in the house around speaker johnson, first speaker mccarthy, it does sound like at least from what speaker johnson said, there is some of that raw, raw are rallying around donald trump party unity that happened happen today at that meeting kristen holmes up on capitol hill. >> thank you very much. i want to bring in cnn, congressional correspondent lauren fox right now, learn how're republican lawmakers responding to trump's remarks today? >> well, we'll, the lot of the republicans who are in the house who were in this meeting this morning. they were already huge. donald trump fans just to give you a sense of the fanfare when donald trump walked into the room, house, republicans actually saying here i'm happy birthday, because his birthday just right around the corner. now, it's also clear that there has been some of that tension that kristen was talking about. the fact that a couple of weeks ago, marjorie taylor greene tried to oust the sitting speaker, mike johnson. according to marjorie taylor greene, who i spoke to just a few minutes ago donald trump the address that i really found his speech should be one of my favorite speeches. he came and talked to the conference was very honest. he was funny, he was joking around constantly with everyone he was really sweet to me. he said to speaker johnson, he goes, okay, you got one more seat. you need to be tougher he's he saw me. >> i was sitting back a little ways. he saw me in there and he was like, hello, marjorie, he's always so sweet and recognizes me and he said, are you being nice? he was joking nice to speaker johnson and i said and he said, okay, be nice to him and i nodded my head and then so obviously marjorie taylor greene wolf, they're trying to make light of a situation that really embattled republicans for several weeks just last month, it's also so clear though that donald trump laid out a couple of policy proposals. >> now in necessarily a serious way, but marjorie taylor greene telling me that at one point donald trump seem to entertain the idea of no income taxes for americans that is something she said. she he was just sort of throwing out there as a potential idea, just really bringing you back to the fact that donald trump in these forums likes to have a discussion, likes to feed off the audience, doesn't want this just to be him delivering a message to the conference despite the fact that i will tell you a lot of senate republicans, i've been talking to, that's what they are hoping to get from donald trump. in just a short time when he speaks to them over at the national republican senate material committee will are thought it's interesting you say that national republican senatorial committee, that they have a building off of the us congress. these meetings are not taking place inside the congress. they're up on capitol hill, which is the neighborhood around the us congress plane. why it's taking place off campus, shall we say yeah, traditionally when you want to talk about politics in washington dc, you don't do that inside the capitol building. >> a piece of respect and also sort of going with how the rules work up here on capitol hill. so they often this isn't just when a presidential nominee is coming to speak to them. but if they as a party want to talk about polling, if they want to talk about fundraising, that is typically the avenue and the place that they do at wealth. >> and that's why they have the political branches of the republican party and the democratic party for that matter, as well. they have separate buildings off of the capitol building, indeed, but they're up on capitol hill. all right. lauren, thank you very, very much. also right now, president biden is in italy for a very high-stakes summit with key allies on their agenda ukraine and gaza, and other critically important issue stay with us. urine the cnn newsroom sunday on the whole story. the james webb telescope has delivered amazing pictures of our universe. could it show signs of life on other planets? 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has never been tried before. they using 300 billion worth of frozen russian assets and the profits from that, the annual profits from that to fund this 50 billion dollar loan, there are about $3 billion of profits predicted over the coming ten years from, from this and the loan is something that ukraine will be expected to pay back in the coming ten years. but i think perhaps one of the key points for ukraine and for the other leaders here as well. is that they really want to get this completely finalized by the end of this year so that the loan can actually be given to ukraine by the end of the year. so it will have the $50 billion. so even if there is a change of presidency in the united states and if the, if it were to be president trump in the future, who would perhaps take a decision not to support ukraine the war against russia as his indicated or even to cut ties with nato as his previously talked about. this would ring fence at least 50 billion of support for reconstruction for ukraine. so this is a very important move. there's still some tiny details to be figured out about how you underwrite it and where some of the other monies will come from, that between the united states and the eu. the real hope now is that this can get done by the end of the year i understand. >> neck that president biden is also expected to sign a separate security deal with ukraine. now, what can you share about that? >> this is another big deal for president zelenskyy, who has been sitting at the table with the g7 leaders. today. bilateral, as you say, president biden, president zelenskyy expected to give a joint press conference will probably get more details about it then, but we know that this is hey commitment. again, a long-term commitment to ukraine to train ukrainian forces. there's no specified monetary amount on this agreement, but this is part of what president zelenskyy wanted last year when he went to nato, went that nato something but any we wanted to get that. are they call five agreement from nato effectively be treated in an nato membrane attack on one is an attack on all that, all the other countries or the nato countries were come to ukraine's support. well, this is the next best all nato nations had agreed. we're going to give these bilateral security arrangements with, you ukraine, and that's what president biden is doing. this makes the united states is the 15th nato country to have done this. 17 remain. so the hope is that when president biden signing it today, giving this security assurance to ukraine that these other 17 nato nations would do the same. soon. it won't be the same as article five but it will be in if ukraine is attacked, it will get immediate response and support very significant development indeed, and nic robertson covering the g7 summit for us and italy, appreciate it very much coming up. secretary of state antony blinken wraps up his trip to the middle east, but it's a deal for a ceasefire in gaza. and release of the hostages any closer, we have new information that's coming up next this election season. >> stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts, follow. cnn can the riva support your brain health? >> mary janet, hey eddie, know fraser, franck. franck, bread. >> how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge from roger two we there yet so many ways to save life, ready while it happy. >> that's 365 by whole foods market why always the couch doesn't need to get a puppy school, get his little puppet diploma no matter we've been spending on this little guy when your questions about life turned into questions about money. >> there's erica, the virtual financial assistant to help you spend save, and plan smarter only from bank of america what would you like the power to do with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis? my 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a huge cashback. jays thank more of withdrawal farm you sleep at night visit today every day, hurry. >> there'll be gone in a flash. designer sales that up to 70% or so of today secretary of state antony blinken has now with president biden at the g7 summit in italy blinken coming from the middle east where he met with mediators from egypt and qatar to negotiate an end to the israel-hamas war. but the two warring sides appear far apart still far apart on a proposed ceasefire deal and the release of hostages this joining us. now cnn, political and global affairs analyst barak ravid, who covers this story for us very well. thanks, barack very much for joining us. did secretary blinken's visit accomplish anything practical? are they closer to a deal that would release the hostages and allow a ceasefire to develop. >> hi, well, unfortunately, i don't think that the answer to this question is positive. it seems that while blinken was there, hamas gave its response to these ready proposal that was detailed in president biden speech two weeks ago. and from what blinken himself said yesterday hamas did not accept the deal and presented the series of new demands. some of it we're going even further than its previous demands. and now both dus, the calories, the egyptians and the israelis are sort of stuck. and there's no deal in the the foreseeable future in an interview with nbc news earlier today barak, secretary blinken blame the leader of hamas for the continued suffering of palestinian civilians in gaza. >> listen to this, listen you have one man who's probably somewhere deep underground in gaza for hamas, just sinwar who's making all of these decisions. well he's relatively safe underground. the people that he purports to represent their suffering every day so if he has their interests at heart, he will come to a conclusion to bring this to a conclusion, what you've said that needs to happen and it needs to happen now pretty strong words baraka from the secretary of state, a very sharp words as us patients with hamas now running out the problem is that you know, even if that's the case and it is the case, the us has no leverage over hamas and therefore, present secretary blinken can speak very harshly in interviews, but i don't think you'd hear sinwar cares much about what blinken says sinwar does care what the egyptian said and what the qataris say. >> and i think that the challenge here for the biden administration is to see whether qatar and egypt can really put more pressure on sinwar in order to say yes to the deal until now, it wasn't the case yeah. >> important point secretary blinken was also asked during that nbc news interview if this us back deal collapses, right now, could the biden administration potentially consider a unilateral us deal with hamas to release the five remaining american hostages in gaza. listen to his answer. listen to this the best way to do that is through this agreement. >> that's the fastest way to do it if the agreement doesn't work will always be looking at what we can do if there's anything we can do to get our people home so what's your reaction to what he just said he's not saying no to a unit unilateral deal necessarily look well from every us official, i spoke to in the last six months, i heard the same answer a unilateral deal between the us and hamas is not something that is really being considered every time that this issue came on the table, people said, okay, what kind of level two we have over hamas. >> what can we give hamas the sinwar? its leader in gaza will walk. the us cannot give sinwar ceasefire. it cannot give sinwar palestinian prisoners were in israeli prisons so it's not even clear if the us has anything to give to hamas. if it even wants to pursue such a, such a root, which again, from what i hear from very senior us officials, they don't see this as a realistic way to go earlier, barak, you mentioned that both egypt and qatar or the mediators, if you will, have helped the us try to get this plan going. but how can they put pressure on hamas to accept this proposal? i assume qatar has more pressure on hamas than egypt does i'm not necessarily both of them have a lot of leverage over hamas. qatar has leveraged because hamas is political office is in dhaka. hamas officials have bank accounts in doha and the egyptians have leveraged because they control the rough crossing. and the entry of entry or departure of people from gaza. and they have a lot of commerce officials in egypt. so both countries have levered the question is, when they tell the us that they're pressuring hamas how does it really look like? >> and i think there's a gap between what the categories and the egyptians are telling the biden administration and what really happens on the ground as you know, the official palestinian news agency, wafa, says, israel has not bombarded it designated safe zones in gaza. >> today, israel as denying that do incidents like this though, make compromises all the more difficult? >> i think that we saw that when if you're sinwar wants to get a deal, he gets a deal. we saw in the previous deal last november when he doesn't want to get a deal, it doesn't get a deal. i don't think that you know incidents on the ground have a lot of influence on his decision-making. i think he's looking at it much more strategically. he wants to get out of this deal. the end of the war, and the survival of him. his clothes, confidence, and muscle ruling gaza that's is go at least for now and it doesn't seem to be willing to compromise on those core demands are one quick final question, barak, before i let you go, nearly two weeks ago when president biden announced this latest ceasefire proposed deal, he said it was an israeli deal that the israelis have accepted it. now they're waiting to hear from hamas. but it's still unclear to me and maybe you can explain, has prime minister new ten, ateneo formerly publicly, officially accepted this proposal that president biden unveiled well, again, it's an issue that has been discussed over the last two weeks since biden gave his speech, but i can tell you from an i checked it with i don't know. >> now it's a dozen israeli officials. last week it was half a dozen now it's a dozen the israeli war cabinet brought this proposal to a vote before biden speech approved it unanimously, including mr. netanyahu himself then this proposal was officially transferred to hamas by qatar and egypt, and it was also transferred to the us biden's speech is almost word by word. the document which i personally saw 3.5 page document that details the deal. i got it from israeli officials. i saw it and it's almost word by word what president biden said. so again, this is an israeli proposal why doesn't attorney ateneo not come out like president biden did in a speech and says, those are my principles. this is what i propose because he's under huge domestic political pressure from his ultra nationalist coalition partners, and he's afraid that if you go like that they will eat the coalition, so it's trying to, on the one hand, propose this deal in private, but not back it in public barak ravid, always important to have you join us here in the cnn newsroom. >> thank you very, very much. >> thank you all. >> and still to calm a shocking rise of anti-semitic incidents in the united states since october 7. and congress holds a hearing on antisemitism college campuses will have the latest developments for you. stay with us, urine, the cnn newsroom devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in faraway lands and it's easy to think. it can't happen here if one hits home, would we'd be ready. silent birth with liev schreiber for sunday at night on cnn time. >> do press rewind with neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. it has durham proven retinol expertly formulated to target stem cell turnover and fight not one but five signs of aging, physical results in just one week, neutrogena the 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least one home. >> meanwhile, new york's governor is slamming a pro-palestinian demonstration as quote, despicable and inhumane that happened outside in an exhibition honoring the people killed that israel's nova music festival back on october 7, new york mayor eric adams said some of the demonstrators waved hamas and his bella flags. let's bring and see it as polo sandoval is in new york watching all of this unfold. polo. first of all, what's the latest on the investigation into these latest anti-semitic vandalism incidents in new york well, if it is an escalating series of demonstrations that new york city police officials are warning have strayed away from free speech. and now really now, according to them, is considered just blatant antisemitism. you mentioned the series of vandalism. is that investigators here in new york are still following up on, still looking through surveillance video to try to track down the van and also, they say, actually targeted five homes both a brooklyn and in new york city. also, if you look at those photos that have been circulating at one of the homes, you can actually see some those inverted red triangles according to the anti-defamation league, that as you know, wolf tracks these kinds, of situations, these kinds of anti-semitic attacks and incidents that symbol often used by hamas in gaza. so again, that is still under investigation and this happened just days after what we've also know was this protested gathered outside of a building in lower manhattan that building had been housing or continues to house a temporary exhibit that is dedicated to the victims of the nova music festival that we all remember from october 7 that raved the turned into an absolute frenzy massacre what i had the opportunity to actually visit that exhibit last month and one of the survivors of that attack telling me that the sole purpose of that is to celebrate the lives of those who were killed that de, and certainly two honor the hostages as well. however what we heard wolf just earlier this week was a group chant in their chant calling it propaganda and as you mentioned the mayor also saying that his bulla and hamas flags were flying outset of that exhibit. so certainly concerning especially now that the adl is tracking a nearly 400% increase in anti-semitic incidents that have been reported to them this year alone very disturbing in deep polo sandoval. thank you very much. i want to get some analysis right now from cnn's chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller. john, you know, new york are new or nypd authorities deeply worried about this moving toward potentially god forbid violence or even terrorism yes, they are well, first of all, one of the things that factors into their thinking is that what started out with community members from palestinian arab neighborhoods in new york city demonstrating against israel's bombing and palestine has shifted as more of the anarchy guess groups who were behind organizing some of the most violent demonstrations and the post george floyd incident time in new york city have moved themselves into these groups and have been giving them tactical advice about direct action. it's not enough to protest. you have to do things i think that could be one of the drivers of the shift from protests do blocking traffic to anti-semitic rhetoric. two now, vandalism and property damage. what police are worried about is what is the next iteration of that? because we have seen before in cases where the rhetoric has gotten to a certain pitch not the group, but that lone wolf stepping up and going to the other extreme, remember the top supermarket, a teenager who was immersed in racist rhetoric online, who went up and shot, shot up that supermarket, killing a number of people. remember the allen, texas the shopping mall massacre where an individual who had been reading anti-immigrant vitriol online from that movement went and shot people who he believed were foreigners and migrants and immigrants. there and allen, texas. and remember, of course, the tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh in individual who is in anti-symmetric chat rooms who opened fire on that synagogue in the middle of services and a wedding and killed a large number of people. that's part of the concern of nypd intelligence people, which is as the vitriol reaches this higher pitch vandalism antisemitism will somebody crossed that line and quickly while i still have you, john, the arrest of these nine to gq migrants in recent days are authorities in new york growing more concerned about what summer describing potentially a sleeper cells and us soil well, they are and there's no indication from that group that there was a terrorist plot that was in the works or eminent, or a plot in new york city. >> but people like mike morel and graham allison who wrote the article, this week and foreign affairs say all lights are blinking red just as they were before 911 because terrorist groups. and nations states like iran are working hard to develop us targets and perhaps us based attacks. and they're very worried as they should be john miller. thanks is usual for joining us into our viewers. thanks very much for joining me right here in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. i'll be back later tonight. six pm eastern in the situation room, right back here tomorrow, 11:00 a.m. eastern in the cnn newsroom. stay with us inside politics today with ban erasure starts right after a short break debate night in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post let's defeat analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america begins june 27th. >> it's one second, grandma, this guy's going to buy my car. okay. do you need carbonic entering plate number? no accidents, right? no generating offer. >> guard mama can pick it up tomorrow that's an amazing offer. sell your car 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