deliberations could start at any minute with hunter biden's fate in the jury's hands? we're live outside the courtroom. >> a big meeting today for former president trump ahead of his sentencing and his hush money felony conviction, trump will meet with save probation official free pre-sentencing interview, and it could be the next big thing for apple, the company just announced new artificial intelligence feature there's for the iphone we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central we begin this hour with breaking news right now, prosecutors in a hunter biden trial our giving their rebuttal after defense attorneys wrapped up their closing arguments moments ago, biden's team is trying to prevent the president's son from becoming a convicted felon. >> and keep him out of jail. the defense telling jurors at the prosecution's case is built on suspicion and conjecture, and they accused prosecutors of taking biden's words out of context. now, a hunter biden faces three felony counts of illegally purchasing and possessing a gun while abusing or being addicted to drugs. he's pleaded not guilty to all those charges. once the prosecution makes its final points than the case will be in the jury's hands to decide. >> let's get you outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware all right. >> now, what cnn's paula reid. so paula, take us through what's happening right now all right. >> now, prosecutors are backed up for their rebuttal. this is the final word that the jury will hear from lawyers before they begin their deliberation. hello. earlier today, prosecutor has got up and gave their closing arguments, and it's interesting, they started by pointing at some folks in the gallery i was in court earlier today, and i can tell you this is the most crowded courtroom i bet in throughout this trial. the first row was so packed with a first lady, one of hunter sisters. you had his wife. so many people wanted to show their support that the secret service barely fit on the bench, and prosecutor started their arguments by pointing to the gallery and saying those people don't matter. it's clear that prosecutors might be concerned that the first lady being here most days and this enormous show of support for hunter biden could harm their case instead, they directly addressed one of the most challenging things that they need to prove here. and that is that hunter biden knowingly lied on that form when he purchased this gun, they argue that he knew that he was using or addicted to drugs when he purchased this gun. he also said, look, if he hadn't just been to rehab, maybe we could buy the idea that he didn't realize he had a problem they believe not only did he know he had a problem, they believe they have presented enough evidence to the jury to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was using illegal drugs during the time he owned this gun, then abbe lowell hunters lead defense attorney had a chance to get up and he use the comparison of a magician arguing to the jury that prosecutor it's worth trying to perform some sort of trick us sleight of hand and pointed to the fact that they are presented no direct evidence of hunter biden using drugs while he owned this gun. he went after specifically two of hunter's former ex girlfriend who testified during this trial. first, a woman that he met at a gentleman's club who took a lot of the photos that we saw throughout this trial of hunter using and drugs. and he pointed out, look, there are no photos from october 2018 when he owned this guy he also went after a hunter biden's former sister-in-law and former girlfriend or sister-in-law and former girlfriend, hallie biden, signaled she couldn't even get details about when she found the gun and alleged drug paraphernalia but elliott and hundreds car she couldn't get certain details right. >> so they close their argument reminding the jury that their clients should not be in properly convicted here, neighbours the jury will probably get this case in the next hour or so. >> but that's towards the end of the court de it's unlikely those still possible that we'll get a verdict today we will be watching for any news from those deliberations potentially in the notes that they might send the judge paula reid. >> thanks so much for the update. breanna the first former us president to be convicted of a crime, has his first ever meeting with a probation official today, former president trump will meet within new york city probation official free pre-sentencing interview. >> this is an interview that will be virtual trump conferencing in from mar-a-lago i'll go trump attorney todd blanche will also be present, and it will be trump's first meeting with a probation official since a jury convicted him of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, seeing a national correspondent, brynn grasses, joining us now on this, brynn, would type of questions we'll be asked of the former president in this interview yes. >> briana. so this is very customary for these probation officers to conduct these interviews after someone has either pleaded guilty or is convicted in the case of the former president. and questions are really going to go into what's the former president's background, what's his work history? what's his family background? but has he abused drugs or alcohol? a lot of questions like that, there might even be a question where he asks the former president, what does he think his punishment should be? where of course the former president can say that he wants it to be lenient. who knows, it we don't know exactly what questions are going to be pertinent to this interview. but what we do know is that this is very costly to marry again, and this is what is going to sort of make the report that then given to the judge in this case is judge juan merchan, and it's just one aspect of what he will consider as part of the sentencing when that finally happens on july 11. remember the former president is facing anywhere from community service up to possibly 40 the years in prison. so this is one aspect of it. we know also that the trump team is going to hand in their recommendation for sentencing later this week. so certainly this is not unusual that this is happening, but certainly historic as it is happening to donald trump. >> yeah certainly is brynn grass. thank you for that. boris let's discuss with former federal prosecutor, elliot williams, eliot. >> thanks for being with us. so donald trump doesn't necessarily have to take part in this meeting today. >> why is he doing? >> it's in his interests if he has reasons to articulate why he thinks his sentence should be lower that he can everyone has an opportunity to do so. so, you know, he can say what he means du his family and his community, why he thinks it's sentence ought to be lowered. and so it's in an interest of a defendant to do so. >> could it potentially hurt him if he starts talking about absolutely conspiracy and the ways that he feels that the biden administration is going after him absolutely. this is not so this pre-sentence meeting isn't necessarily something that works to the defendants benefit, but a judge can consider a defendant's behavior against him if he's non-compliant, if he's combative, if he starts popping off. in general, acceptance of responsibility is an important aspect of the sentencing process the system some wants defendants to be able to say, look, i'm convicted, i'm sorry, i did it. and that can actually lower someone sentence. >> that's not at all what we've seen from trump and his attorneys. in fact, they are vowing that they're going to appeal this and that they are going to win an appeal. what is a successful appeal look like? >> well, since that's what he looks like, a number of things. number one, it could be overturned think an entire conviction, right. so if there is some factual or legal defect in the decision to convict a person, the whole thing can be thrown out. an appeals court could send the case back down for another trial. perhaps if there's some fixable error along way or his sentence could be appealed. now, notice that he he won't really appeal until after he is sentenced. and perhaps there's an error at the sentencing process and the appeals court can can can send the case back down. any number of things can happen. so we're not out of the legal proceedings on this one. >> i know you'd love it when i asked you questions that are like kind of impossible. of course, but i won't on that i asked you a questions that are impossible to answer about 100 biden yeah. >> because it hasn't happened yet the prosecution is in the midst of its rebuttal, right now. soon enough, judge, is gonna give the jury instructions are going to begin deliberations. do you think the prosecution has proven their case? >> i think that a jury could vote to convict here. a jury could also vote to acquit here. and i'm not being cute with that answer, but there's plausible arguments both ways that prosecutors have established number one, that there was drug use. number two, that there's acknowledgment of an individual having been addicted to drugs and use drugs over a period of time. and number three, that this individual possessed firearm during that time. now, a jury could vote to convict both the lying on the application to target the gun, but also the possession while addicted right. now on the other hand, a jury could also say, wait a second prosecutors, you didn't say or establish that this individual used or possess these drugs during october 2018 and write their or that the defendant knowingly did so he might have thought in his mind that he was cleaned, that he was fixing his life up and so on and so reasonably a jury could come either come down in either direction here it's just a question of what the jury chooses to believe and what they thought of these witnesses in this very emotional trial, does it surprise you that he didn't testify because the bidens are still pretty popular in delaware. this is a jury that's made up of all folks from delaware hunter has been described as extremely charming. do you think that he could have made a compelling argument on the standard would have persuaded the jury absolutely literally mathematically certainty no. >> because no matter how popular or politically charismatic, or charming and individual might be, you can't stay and up to being cross-examined on very devastating facts and e once once he takes the stand, once he were to take the stand, he would open himself up to statements. he's made sure books, he's written photographs that he appears in that maybe could not come up where he not to have taken the stance would be incredibly rescue for him to him done so now, again, charming and compelling and these are emotionally very sensitive issues about rejection and so on and is very humanizing. but cross-examination is very risky. you very rarely see defendants take a stand on their own defense. and here would have been no different. and early on, we got reporting that one juror got emotional hearing discussion of substance abuse in a way that it affected him. yeah. so this is the gun the federal gun charge case in delaware. he has a case in california about tax evasion. could one result from the jury here potentially change the way it his team approaches that case in california. well, the big way is that because if he's convicted here, he will have felony convictions. >> you'll have a criminal record. so number one, that affects him at sentencing. if he is convicted in the california trial number two, any state where to have testified here, any statements he gave at trial could potentially have come up in the california case and given evidence there as well. so it was once again in his interests not to testify now point because it becomes a statement on the record occurred, but in terms of the approach probably not on a day-to-day level. it's just more a function of what it would mean to him as a defendant with that conviction hanging over his head. generally, these two cases have a lot to do with the defendants mindset at the time that these things took place, right? >> whether he thought he was an addict think when he purchased the weapon and filled out that form, whether he intentionally meant to skip paying taxes as a former prosecutor, how difficult is it to prove a case like that? >> oh, it can be hard. it can be very hard and it's not just these cases. boris, at the law criminal law is often about what's in someone's mind. and there's different mental states, whether it's willful, knowing those are different states that apply to different cases and absence statements from an individual absent written remarks, they've been whatever else often prosecutors have to try to get an a defendants have based on the evidence around this person, and it can be tricky and often convictions can get sunk on the basis of having proven that the thing happened. but you just couldn't prove that the guy knew that he was doing it at the time that that's often a common reason for a conviction not happening, something getting convicted. >> elliot williams, appreciate the insight and looking into the crystal ball, crystal ball still to come, secretary of state antony blinken is in the middle east urging regional leaders to press hamas to accept the proposed ceasefire and hostage deal that's currently on the table. >> that's currently being talked about at the united nations security council. plus far-right parties gaining significant ground and european parliamentary elections dealing a shocking defeat in some of the continent's biggest economies and later, florida beachgoers told to exercise caution following a string of shark attacks, those stories and much more coming up on cnn news central devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in foreign away lands and it's easy to think it 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doctor in charge of medical treatment for the hostages tells cnn that they were beaten while in hamas captivity in gaza that doctor describes the eight months in captivity as quote, a harsh, harsh experience with a lot of abuse almost every day. cnn's paula hancocks is live force in tel aviv with the details, paula, what more can you tell us about what this doctor is revealing? >> a-bar is i just spoke to dr. itai pessach he is leading the team that's really doing the medical treatment for these four hostages. and t said that they did undergo daily, sometimes hourly, physical, mental, and other abuse, saying that they were beaten. he also spoke about their medical condition, saying that even though outwardly, they appeared to be in good condition or four of them were malnourished also pointing out that the lack of protein in their diets meant that their muscles had started to waste the fact that of course, they were held in captivity, locked in apartments, not able to move around. he also said that they had significant health issues at this point. there were days. he said and times where there was no food and there were other times where there was food. but he also spoken the psychological damage done to these four hostages, and he was also the doctor that was looking after the hostages that were related his back in november of last year. and he said, the psychological trauma and difference between these two sets of hostages was significant. the fact that these four been in captivity for so much longer, talking about the fact that you start to lose hope. and that is an extremely difficult psychological position. to be in an he also pointed out that worries about those that are still being held in gaza slowly losing hope that they will be really least now he said that they've only been with him now for for 48 hours, just over that. he is not pushing them to talk about. the capital diversity, but they are offering different stories about what happened while they were held in captivity. and he said, it really does defied belief but, what these hostages had to go through and paula us secretary of state antony blinken is in israel. >> we know he met with prime minister netanyahu who earlier he was set to meet with other israeli officials, including one minister who resigned from the war cabinet, right yes. >> benny gantz, he's expected to meet tomorrow. now, benny gantz was very supportive of this ceasefire and hostage proposal that the us president to has publicly acknowledged saying that it is actually based on the israeli proposal. but he also met with israeli prime minister today. now, the line we've heard from the biden administration is that they are waiting for an official response from hamas as to whether or not they're going to agree to this proposal, saying that israel has already agreed to the proposal it's not completely true though we know that benjamin netanyahu in some of his public statements has suggested otherwise. so he would have met with the israeli prime minister so today and certainly it would have been a case of trying to convince netanyahu as well that this is the way to go forward now we know that he did say to him that the world is behind this proposal, that they will be support for benjamin netanyahu if he goes ahead with this proposal. but at this point, we do know also that hamas has not given an official response. they gave an initial positive response to this three-stage deal which is on the table at this point. but there is one man who has to agree with it and that is yahya sinwar. he's the head of hamas in gaza, likely in a tunnel somewhere. and as of now, the official supposed to just hasn't come virus paula hancocks slide for us from tel aviv. >> thank you so much, paul. we're now seeing for the first time video of the moment three of those hostages these were rescued by idf forces. this is video released. moments ago by israeli police bodycam video showing the harrowing moments as the soldiers entered a building with their guns that's when they find the three of the four hostages. cowering inside that building. breanna. >> yeah, really unbelievable. and for more on all of this, let's bring in cnn global affairs analyst barak ravid. he's also the politics and foreign policy reporter for axios tell us a little bit about this video that we're seen barack he has you can see that this is quite remarkable. >> look on how such an operation takes place. i've never seen anything like this that you see from the cameras on the soldiers, how they enter this building through this olive grove go into the building from the window, and then go into the room where the hostages are taken and there and there you can hear him saying in hebrew, speaking, hebrew speaking, he was for the hostages will understand that they're there to rescue them and that they're not hamas or anybody else. and there's even this one anecdote in the video, you can see how one of the soldiers fist bumps, one of the hostages. and it's really remarkable remarkable thing. >> no, it's certainly is that moment where you first see the hostages i do want to talk to you a little bit about the efforts to come to a ceasefire and hostage release agreement, which is obviously seen as the way to release more hostages. and during his meeting with prime minister netanyahu the us secretary of state, antony blinken reiterated that the us and other world leaders stand by the comprehensive ceasefire and hostage deal that president biden laid out. so publicly, are you learning anything more about today's meeting here in the aftermath of this raid to get these hostages not yet to just ended, not very long ago. i don't have any details on what exactly happened other than the official readout, which is very, very general. but i think that does one point that needs to be clear. the hostage deal proposal that is on the table is an israeli proposal it was approved by consensus by the israeli war cabinet. it's netanyahu's proposal whether he is distancing himself somewhat from it for domestic political reasons. is that is not going to change the fact his proposal and therefore, if he says no, it means that you basically backed off from the proposal which he did not until now, netanyahu did not back off from the proposal. it's still on the table and this is why think we're still waiting for hamas. and it's gonna get interesting if hamas is going to do what everybody thinks it's going to do, meaning say yes, but then the bot will go back to netanyahu's court and then it will be the real decision moment when attorney out we'll have to decide whether he is jumping in to this deal or not. >> yeah. does he accept that? but whatever it is that comes back at what blinken is also barak and i know you're keeping such a close eye on this expected to meet with benny gantz during this trip. of course, cans just resigned from the war cabinet and protest of netanyahu's policies and his inability to obtain a ceasefire and hostage deal has gantz's resignation really done much? what's the aftermath been like? >> so i think what we know from the public opinion polls that were published just like an hour ago on three main television networks in israel. show that benny gantz's move to leave the government happened for him to lead. meaning in the response from the israeli public was that gantz's number went down and a lot of his voters went to his two other opposition parties. and in average, he lost four seats by, in the polls, by withdrawing from the government and those four seats did not go to an attorney. they went to two other of netanyahu's political rivals. so for benny gantz, it is pretty clear that if he wanted to leave the government should have done it long before yeah, that's very interesting that you point that out over the weekend, of course, as we saw that hostage rescue that we just watched the video of, we now know, right, that the us aided israel in terms of mainly in tel support no, boots on the ground. >> the us has been very clear that even though there was a helicopter extraction near that pier that was built by the us to deliver aid. that pier had nothing to do with the operation. what do you make of this sort of dance of tough rhetoric and negotiations, but obviously quite enduring military and intel coordination i think that for biden himself from prison by themselves and his team the issue of the hostages has become almost personal not only because they are american hostages there, but because biden i think dealt with this issue personally, 400 of hours since october 7 and when you go and ask families of hostages that some of them are dual israeli us nationals. >> they will tell you that they feel that biden cares much more about them and about their family members were held hostage than some members of the israeli government and this is something you hear from many, many hostage families and i think that when it comes to biden, he wants to get the hostages out and more than that and you hear it from all of this team that they want to get justice for over seven. and this means taking out if you've sinwar and other hamas officials barak provide it's always great to have you and to get the real story on what's going on. thank you so much for being hey, with us and still ahead. >> siri is getting smarter apple is turning to artificial intelligence to power the iphone while some when people say apple is actually late to the ai game alder james is cold calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia remise, he also was compromised secrets and spies. >> a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn missing, out on the things you love because of asthma get back to better breathing with the sandra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every eight weeks for sandra is not present in breeding problems for other eosinophilic conditions, allergic reactions may occur, don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with 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and what's interesting in about apple intelligence is it's going to use a lot of the personal information that's stored about us in our devices. and it can learn from that and use that to inform its responses. so just to give you a few examples about how this will show up on our devices. apple intelligence is going to make serie a lot smarter. so i could ask theory to tell me about my dinner plans with my mom tonight and it could go pull out the name of the restaurant and the time for my texting conversation with my mom, as well as travel time and directions from apple maps all without me having to go and look for that information. it will also allow people to use ai to get help writing emails doing proofreading, or adjusting the tone of their emails. users will also be able to create ai generated images and emojis in text message conversations. >> and then as you said, apple also announced this major partnership with chatgpt maker openai eyes so if a user's query is better suited to chatgpt technology rather than apple intelligence, they can opt in to use chatgpt right from there, apple devices. >> and i just want to briefly touch on one more really important element of this announcement today. and that's the apple has really prioritized privacy in building out this ai technology. it's that most of the data processing for these apple, apple intelligence questions will be done right on a user's device. and that means that their information, their personal data, won't be going to an apple server to be stored or used to train apple's artificial intelligence technology so clear beyond those new ai features, what else did apple announce yes, it was a very busy two hours. >> we've got a number of other announcements, ways to personalize your iphone home screen so you could change or customize the color of app icons. we have things like the ability to lock certain apps on your iphone phone, so that only you can access them using your face id or your pass code. >> there are new gesture controls for airpods, so you can answer a phone call just by nodding and your airpods will know you want to pick up the phone and there are also new vital sign monitoring on apple watch. >> so lots of exciting new announcements, although these artificial intelligence updates or certainly the biggest news from today all right, we'll be looking for that, claire, i really hope you are having dinner with your mom and it's not just a hypothetical and 02 bad. well, hi, mom. says glare. glare. thanks so much. we appreciate it breaking news, closing arguments are over in hunter biden's federal gun trial and a jury deliberations have begun. >> let's bring in former federal prosecutors, elie honig and elliot williams first to you, elliott. what do you think we shall see exactly how we shall see? >> i mean, i think you know, as we talked about a little bit earlier, this could sort of go either way based on the fact that clearly a hunter biden's drug use came up at trial and was established at trial however, prosecutors did not establish that 100 biden was using drugs on the days that he possessed the firearm. now, common sense would dictate that he was i think and this is what the prosecutors tried to tap into, you ought to believe that based on the evidence in the record, you believe this individual was addicted to and using drugs and knew he was addicted, but defense did poke holes. i think perhaps successfully, but we'll see into sort of the timing. >> does he need to be doing it? on the de are just this idea that he's addicted on the de is enough. >> it's the latter. i the defendant tried to the defense lawyers tried to say, well, if he's not doing drugs at the moment fills out the form because it's present tense. right? the defense are abbe lowell made it made a big deal about it says are are you meaning now it's a little bit like bill clinton is there a relationship? >> we're now in the unknown, we're in the great black box of our jury process. >> we don't know what they're doing back there. they could be back with a verdict in an hour. they could be back with a verdict later today. hey, they could take till the end of the week. we just don't know. i do think this is a case i agree with elliott. i think he's pretty clearly guilty under the a reasonable take on the evidence, but there's also a lot of reason here why a jury may just say, we don't like this charge, we don't like this case. we don't like the way it was handled and therefore, find a way to not return a guilty verdict. >> we were actually talking about this a little bit earlier. here in the green room. the same statute provision involves borrowing the possession of firearms by someone convicted of a felony, right that's easy. you come into court with a certificate of conviction that says this guy is convicted and therefore shouldn't have had a gun. this idea of mrs. to your question, briana, this idea of wasn't using on the day or the day before, was he addicted after? wasn't me to be addicted are you using and it's just fuzzy enough that a successful defense attorney and the right jury could sort of get to a point where they just aren't convinced of addiction. and i think that's the gray area to your point about the jury using common sense to determine whether or not a hunter was using drugs when he bought the weapon. >> this reminds me of a conversation we were having only a few weeks ago when judge juan were sean and the donald trump case, told the jury the rain metaphor, right? right. you don't necessarily have to see it raining to go outside and see the ground wet and puddled to know that it rained. does that sort of apply? >> i think it does because it's clear that it was raining here. hunter biden was an addict both before and after that, he actually possessed the gun for those crucial 11 days. i think the question is, well, did it stop that we have a break in the rain in the middle that's what the defense is saying. well, for these a little more than these 11 days, but they haven't proved that he was still using but i think there's both direct and circumstantial evidence. i mean, there's the before and after. there's also texts that hunter biden sentence during the crucial period that say he's using and the defense tried to argue. yeah, but he was lying or he was just sort of fabricating there. that's a little bit take the rain metaphor is a great one and something a law professor would use because here you would say, the person looked out the window before and saw rain on the ground, looked out the window a few days later and saw people walking around with a umbrellas and so on. >> but at the time in question, did you look out the window and see if people were holding umbrellas and see that the ground is wet. probably not because you live in seattle or do you want let's go to paula reid. she's outside of court. pollock. just tell us where we are at this moment in this trial. >> well, right now, the jury has begun its deliberations in this case. we have about an hour until court usually wraps up around bound 430. >> so it's unclear, like allie said, you just have no idea how long it's going to take a jury to deliberate. >> they have to deliberate on three different counts and we're just watching in a waiting to see if there is a verdict or more likely with jury's a note, a question, something that they would like to see, something they would like to review. we learned earlier that they will have access to some of the evidence that was presented in this case. but not all of it. for example, they're not going to have the gun at the center of this case. they're not going to have the infamous laptop. so they could potentially send a note this afternoon asking i can see something we're asking for clarification on the law, but we're here, we are watching and we are waiting. and of course, these deliberations come after closing statements from both prosecutors and the defense i thought it was notable that the prosecutors kicked off their opening statement by pointing to the gallery when i was in court today, it was notable how crowded it was in there how many supporters and family members they are to show their support for hunter biden and the prosecutors pointed to those people and said they are not evidence. so that one it's notable to me because it suggests that perhaps prosecutors are worried about, for example, the presence of the first lady on most days of court and this large show is support somehow undermining their case. i didn't expect them to kick off that way and then the defense had their chance as to go and they really focused on the idea that there is no direct evidence of hunter biden using drugs during the time he owned that gun they tried to undermine the credibility two of hunter biden's ex girlfriends who testified in this case, one, a young woman he met at a gentleman's club who spent long stretches of time with him in 2018, provided a lot of the photos those that we see with him and drug paraphernalia but had nothing to offer regarding october 2018, they also took aim at his sister-in-law and onetime girlfriend. how he biden saying that looks she couldn't even remember key details about when she discovered that gun in his truck, but i think one of the most difficult moments in these these closing argument it was when prosecutors brought up the testimony of naomi biden, hunter. biden's daughter. she testified on friday look, i was in court for that. it was clear it's very difficult for her, but she did that testimony did provide an opening for prosecutors and they reminded the jury that she testified that when she returned her dad's car to him on october covid-19, 2018, she saw no evidence of drugs in the car, but they're reminded people that hallie biden testified that on october 23 when she discovered the gun in that same color our that she found it alongside drug paraphernalia. that is a really important connection that prosecutors have made. but bringing that back in the opening statements, something that is likely going to be very painful for the family because it was of course, a very difficult thing for naomi biden to have to get on the stand and talk about her father's addiction and what she observed in october 2018, even though he consistently said that she believed he was cleaned during the timing on the gun shirt testimony her appearance on the stand didn't give us valuable piece of evidence. there to prosecutors cuter so we'll see what the jury thought of it. we're standing by watching and waiting and pollak if we could for a moment, let's take a step back and think about the extraordinary circumstances but goddess, here we want something happen that almost never happens with defendants. >> the plea deal that completely disintegrated as it was about to be certified. >> if that had never taken place and that had gone through hunter biden wouldn't have gone through this trial to begin with yeah. >> this is the first of two federal trials, if you will now face. >> this was expected that he expected his lawyer is expected, many ways justice department expected that his legal problems would be resolved in terms of the federal investigations he was facing by a plea deal that imploded roughly a year ago his lawyers were not satisfied when it could not be agreed upon that this would resolve all outstanding matters, so would absolve him at any future charges. >> they would not agree to that. his lawyers objected to that the whole thing imploded. he switched up his legal team and now he faces this case here in wilmington. but then in september, he is also facing another trial out in los it's angeles. that trial in many ways is considered even more significant because it is more roundly considered to be more valid prosecution even you send her lindsey graham, for example, a staunch trump ally. i said this case here in wilmington, quote, no good can come up that there's a lot of questions about whether anyone else would be charged here in wilmington with this particular set of facts. but los angeles is a different matter. so we'll see what happens here. but then he goes to another much more lengthy trial in september. so yeah, this is not where they expect it to be. speaking with sources. there's also concerns about how he's going to fall this defense. he is not currently employed. his friend and attorney kevin morris has provided most of the funding not only for his criminal trials, but also for his litigious just approach to his detractors. he has filed a civil lawsuits against rudy giuliani. i gets his lawyer, robert costello, and other people who he feels have unfairly targeted that costs money. and he is running out of it. so yeah, this is certainly not where hunter biden or his lawyer is expected to be. >> yeah, it gets very expensive for paula standby for us, obviously, a lot of things kind of moving and shaking their and wilmington. i do want to ask her lawyers here it's about an hour, a little less than an hour. the jury may have this. could they ask for extra time? i mean, just walk us through is interesting talking during the trump trial with jury consultants, they say a lot of times the jurors get into the room and they just kinda do an initial gut check. hey, this is my impression or this is where i am. if they're all on the same page off the bat, there you go but if they're close, it might not be that far to come to agreement if they need just to extra hour or two, they might well do that. >> if the jury feels like they're close to a verdict, they can and will ask for more time and they will almost always be given it so we're being hypothetical here. >> but if a half-hour from now, they say we'd like to stay till 630 then stay close to your tv is because that tells me they're getting close to a verdict. >> we're going to actually stop for a moment and take a quick break when we come back the jury now has hunter biden's fate in their hands deliberations have begun in his federal gun trial. stay within it. we're back in just a few minutes this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts follow cnn with armor all a little bit of this protects you from a lot of that armor all less work, more clean but i think what the role turn everyone comfortable. >> yep, there's plenty of space i gave me gun no, no, no, no seven everyone wants arrive okay? and, see despicable me before and theaters july 3rd rated pg. >> here's to getting better with age here's the beaten these two every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don't so here's two now everybody kept kept. can i get a response to the trader? >> it's great. >> it's raised means moving we talking about moving, moving main contractors, inspectors, strangers, judging my carpet. >> when we talk 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three criminal charges, and it is now in their hands. >> yeah. felony charges. it is obviously a serious case. you could be facing up to 25 years in prison. no, it's not expected as a first-time offender that he would get the maximum sentence joined by our panel, jimmy gan, gill, elliot williams with us. >> jamie first word you. the challenge, this is for president joe biden watching his son his fate is now in the hands of a jury. >> i imagine not what he wanted, especially going into a reelection campaign. >> no parent would want it. and certainly from a political perspective, he would want it and he has come out and said that if his son is convicted, he will not part pardoning him. >> so this has to be very difficult as a father. >> i think it has been interesting. we talked i said this is like deja vu all over again after six weeks of the trump trial where we're we're back, but it's it's very different at the same time. so you've seen family come a hunter biden's wife spin their first lady, jill biden's been there. his aunt, his uncle the the courtroom feels different from visitors and then also notably, there's just a big difference in donald trump was campaigning from not the courthouse steps, the courthouse lobby every day this is very personal but there is no question it has political ramifications. we don't know what they are, but of course it does republicans are hoping that this sort of ghraieb will rub off on and the president they're handling very much as a family matter, as you said but it is just so unclear whether that is going to be the wave voters perceive. he now, if it wasn't for donald trump and all of his cases. >> i think we might look at a little bit differently. >> you are all too young to remember billie carter rather of jimmy carter, roger clinton roger clinton different circumstances, different kinds of issues. but we through throughout history, actually, if you look at neil bush, who had some problems when his father was president members of presidential family's du get more attention and du cause some ramifications impact. but i think this is at a whole different level because donald trump's cases are boeing on. and then a hunter biden and this is such a look this is about drugs, this is about addiction it just raises the whole level partly because of the way that hunters substances mucin, his missteps have been used as political attacks. it in a 2020 campaign especially elliott, something that jamie said struck me, the fact that his entire family is effectively there, except obviously for his father, the president what effect does that have on a jury when they're sitting there and behind the defendant is the first lady. >> and they're aware of the fact that it's the first lady, it's an interesting contrast to the trial we saw play out in new york before, where there were a number of guests, high-profile guests that sat in the courtroom but i can assure you that most new yorkers and frankly, most americans can't identify who for instance, the speaker of the house or congressman matt gaetz are. >> now these are high profile people that you see on cnn and other news networks. but but many people just simply aren't familiar with who they are. the first late first ladies across history hillary clinton, let's go back or rosalyn carter, nancy reagan, art immensely popular and also recognizable people. and i think the jury sees that now whether that factors into their deliberations now, the judge will instruct them that it should not prosecutors made the point to start off today that you're not don't worry about who's sitting in that gallery, but human beings see a mother that they know happens to be by the way, the first lady of the united states. and maybe that plant something in their heads. >> the fact that they had to say it is telling, right. because there's a fear of that and the other thing that is also interesting, which has to do with the family. and because as paula had earlier pointed out, that there was this if there is it all sort of the piece of evidence or the testimony it is that on october 19th, was it? >> you had 18th 18th was when october 19th is when naomi biden returned the car and said that there were no drugs in it the gang had been purchased, the day before the day prior, i believe and it was on the 23rd when hallie biden testified that there was the gun in the car and there was drug paraphernalia. so in a way you can see how the trouble that hunter biden maybe in here because of testimony is because of what his own daughter testified to write. >> that's going to weigh on the jury when i found interesting think was abbe lowell has his attorney really hammered the prosecution in his closing statement saying that the questioning of naomi biden was ordinarily cruel well it might have been, but it was perfectly within bounds of what can happen in a courtroom, but it is the essence of circumstantial evidence. >> now, a jury does not have to believe what they heard. they don't have to believe the prosecution's theory of it, but the simple fact is someone is accused so having been addicted to drugs and possess a firearm, and prosecutors have introduce evidence that prior to and after the date of the possession of the firearm, there was drug paraphernalia around now that's circumstantial evidence that there was a chain through that period where the person was using, but it's not direct evidence. no one saw him using on that day or during that period. and it's an open question as to what the jury will choose to believe and more to the points we've been talking about here. this is intensely emotional evidence and with families and people weeping on the standards on and maybe juries consider some of that and thinking, wait, i just i i'm not buying what i'm hearing here, but who knows if jamie we saw president biden the way that he handled the trump conviction he held a press conference at the white house and it was sort of a portion of what he was discussing the bulk of it had to do with promoting this deal between israel and hamas he spoke about it maybe five minutes. and we obviously heard what he said how do you anticipate he might handle a verdict here? >> so clearly it's probably going to be very different if it's an acquittal versus a conviction but i don't know how he's going to handle it. i assume he will address it in some way, but i think to your point he tucked in the trump verdict in a bigger announcement. it was not just an announcement about that i also think it's very important to your point how differently the bidens are handling this. so we discussed earlier a hunter biden is not a candidate for president. that's one big difference. but also they are letting the justice system work. they are not fighting this. their hunter biden does not come out every day and say, the judge is crooked or judges corrupt, the system is rigged. it's, it's a hoax, it's a witch hunt so here they are in the most personal kind and painful kind of case but they've kept the justice system is working and they're not fighting it this is a critical moment here as we wrap up our, hour that you have the jury now deliberating and they may be here for a short while unless they asked for some extra time, they normally wrap up around 4:30 p.m. but they are deliberating in the federal gun trial of the president's son hunter biden. >> he's facing three charges. >> yeah, a potentially historic verdict really, no matter the outcome. plenty of news to keep track of elliott and jamie. thank you both so much. >> the lead with jake tapper starts and just a few seconds, thanks for being with us this afternoon

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,Candidate ,Witch Hunt ,Judges ,Hoax ,The System ,Justice System ,4 ,Gun Trial Of The President ,Outcome ,Track ,Lead ,Jake Tapper ,

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