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to put the president's son on the stand. we're live outside court with the latest well, as former president trump said, to give remarks, this hour. and shortly after that, he's gonna be meeting with his probation officer. that is ahead of his sentencing next month, we have new details on the meeting and what it could mean for his conviction and is run for the white house. and some positive results from a combo covid and flu vaccine, a first of its kind so when is it going to become available? we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central right now hunter biden's defense team is presenting their closing arguments to jurors and accusing prosecutors of trying to do the jury, the president's son faces three felony counts of illegally purchasing and possessing a gun in 2018 while abusing or being addicted to drugs? >> biden has pleaded not guilty to all charges last hour prosecutors walked jurors through evidence that they say proves hunter biden habitually used illegal drugs around the time that he bought that gun, among that evidence, text messages between biden and drug dealers to set up purchases of crack cocaine. cnn's paula reid is joining us now from outside of the courthouse polo, it's the latest what we know right now, abbe lowell hunters lead defense attorney, is likely wrapping up his closing statement. >> source suggested to me that he would go for about an hour and he's been there for about 15 minutes right now making his final pitch to jurors about why they it should not convict his client. he's really focusing in on the fact that there is no direct evidence that his client was using or addicted to drugs during that time that he owned this gun. he's even compared to prosecutors attune magicians doing some sort of trick in front of the jury. but before he was out, of course prosecutor's wet and they they reminded the jury of a theme that we heard for quite awhile in new york during the trump trial as well. and that is quote, no one is above the law. they also direct it directly addressed a key issue here, which is whether hunter biden knowingly lied on the form. this is one of the most difficult things that they need to prove. they insist, quote hunter biden knew he used crack at the time. he bought the gun in question and they said, look, maybe if he hadn't just been to rehab, we could buy the idea that he wasn't aware that he had a problem, but prosecutors are like luck. he clearly knew he had a problem and they believe the evidence that they have presented strongly suggests or suggest beyond a reasonable doubt that he was aware that he was using or addicted to drugs at the time he bought this gun know interestingly, at the end of their closing statement, prosecutors went back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi on friday and they said, look, remember she testified that on october 19, when she returned her father's car, she saw no evidence of drugs, who just for days later, hallie biden, hunter biden sister-in-law, and a girlfriend for a time. she testified that when she found the gun in that car four days later, she found it alongside drugs and drug paraphernalia prosecutors clearly believing that is some of the most affective evidence that they have put before the jury now abbe lowell should be wrapping up soon. the judge said, we're in court earlier, says a few more instructions. she wants to give the jury, and then this decision will be in the hands of these 12 jurors. so it is possible we can get a verdict today, but you just never know how long it's going to take a jury to reach a decision yeah. you never do polo will be waiting along with you. thank you for that. boris today, former president donald trump is making a virtual appearance on the campaign trail at a conservative christian event in indianapolis he's also said to attend a pre-sentencing interview with a probation officer. an outcome of a new york jury for finding him guilty on 34 felony counts, some ten days ago. >> cnn national correspondent kristen holmes is tracking it all for us. so kristen, tell us about this interview and what it entails. >> so there's nothing normal at all about the fact that a former president is sitting down with a probation officer, that being said, this is a totally normal procedure and routine theatre for somebody who has been convicted of multiple felonies. this is part of the sentencing procedure. he is going to sit down for this virtual interview with a probation officer who is based in new york, donald trump will be down in mar-a-lago with his lawyer, todd blanche and essentially this will all go into a report that this probation officer makes and gives to judge juan merchan before that sentencing that could impact the outcome of what that punishment is. because remember, one more shawn is the one who is going to eventually be making that sentencing or announcement. >> yeah. it's not an obligatory thing that trump has to appear four, so you have to imagine that his desire to actually show up may have something to do with what you just pointed out. he's actually going to be speaking king at the danbury institute, life and liberty forum in just a few moments. and in the next hour or so, this is an organization that is very, very restrictions just when it comes to abortion policy, give us a preview of his message, yet not just restricted. i mean, they've called for the full eradication of abortion, something that donald trump himself has not called for. now, what we are told is that this is a brief introductory remarks. it isn't less than two minutes and he does not use the word abortion. there's a reason why this is significant. he is obviously speaking to this group whose core messaging says they're not going to stop until abortion is eradicated completely. studies going to be talking about religious freedom the first amendment not about abortion. this just goes to show you how sensitive this issue is for donald trump. and the line that he continues to try and walk, he doesn't necessarily want to be talking about abortion. now, that being said, he wants to fully take credit for the overturning of roe v. wade, which is why you see him talking about that saying he pointed these three great justices that were part of the decision to overturn roe v. wade but yet when it comes to actual abortion policy, tries not to talk about it because he believes it's deeply unpopular so this is another example of that him going in there, we have a lot of speculation. okay. he's speaking to this group, but yet he's not mentioning abortion at all. yeah, that's it. it's it's a fine line and according those evangelical voters, while not alienating women, thanks. kristen holmes, thanks so much for the reporting. >> let's talk about all of this now a cnn special correspondent, jamie gang, gail and jamie, we have these two high-profile trials that we are watching the trunk trial now the hunter biden trial, talk about how these two are being handled well, very differently. >> well, obviously, trump handled his trial like a campaign, right? he was out making speeches every day. the biden campaign is handling this as a personal family matter, very painful of course, when near the center of the president, nothing is just personal, but you do see one thing that's very different. you see a lot of biden family members in their every day, his wife is in there. first lady, jill biden has been there i think every day except one day but it's it's just completely different in those two ways. you see them in the witness stand to his family members or the in-laws, even the witnesses were considered the witness for the prosecution still in a way you get a sense that there's an affinity for hunter biden, which is very different also hunter biden, he's not running for president, right? >> as much as republicans want this to rub off on joe biden. >> so there are whole lists of knots that i go through. he is not a candidate for president. he is not making speeches every day at the end of the trial day, coming out. he is not calling the judge corrupt. he is not saying that the system is rigged or a witch hunt in fact, when you think about it, the president's son is really an example of the rule of law the justice system working and it goes so far as to say that president biden has already said ahead of time that if convicted, he will not pardon his son. >> i've heard some republicans say yes, but will he commute this sentence if there's a sentence, i've heard republicans raise questions about that, even though it seemed the president was pretty straightforward about what he was saying, they're looking at the bigger picture here, what's the possible impact on biden voters? joe biden voters, if hunter biden is convicted. >> so i think we really don't know. this is sort of like donald trump. we see these poles like after the conviction it goes up a couple of points goes down, a couple of points for trump. i think we really don't know the polls are one thing. they are consistent, they have been consistently close but when you look at those numbers, which i can't quite see from here, but i can yeah, i have them, right. yeah. have them right there. i too hard time dumping them so, you know, it's within 1.2 points, three points, four points we are five months away. >> we still have donald trump's sentencing. we have our the presidential debate on cnn, june 20, we, have the convinced the conventions coming up. i think that all this is saying is it's still very close. >> yeah. we'll see if those other things move the needle, correct? maybe they will. correct. we'll see jamie always great to have you. thank you so much. >> and still ahead, secretary of state antony blinken, back in the middle east, he is meeting with israel's prime minister this is after a high-profile resignation from netanyahu's war cabinet. >> and also that dramatic and very deadly hostage rescue operation in gaza over the weekend plus federal authorities warning that a ruthless criminal gang from venezuela has now infiltrated the us where it's being linked to a string of brutal and violent crimes. and moderna says it has breakthrough results from its new trial of a combined covid, flu vaccine when that could be available 19th, cnn celebrate juneteenth russian performance by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. >> we still have a lot of work to do juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19. i can on cnn, the ups stores not just the ship and store where the shipping store the leave, the packing to wash stall we understand this is more than a package store with a packet shifted guaranteed store. the piece of months door where the right around the corner go to. we should get all store the ups store, be unstoppable when we pack it in shipping week guaranteed bonds, your local store today, and ship with confidence three body serie a city client uses city's financial 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while in hamas captivity in gaza at least one idf officer died during the raids while scores of palestinians were killed, including women and children, and many more were injured in the deadly operation also happening moments ago, secretary of state antony blinken wrapped up a high-stakes meeting with israeli prime minister mr. benjamin netanyahu, where he told him the world quote, will stand behind the ceasefire and hostage proposal. >> it's all part of a series of stops in the middle east where blinken is pushing hamas to agree to president biden's proposal to end the war in gaza, which he described of course, as a proposal by israel cnn's kylie outward is in tel aviv four chris kali walk us through what you know about blinken's visit yes. >> he's here in israel. he just wrap that meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it lasted for almost two hours. and as you said, one of his key messages according to the readout from state department spokesperson, is that he told netanyahu, who he reiterated that the us and other world leaders standby that comprehensive deal that comprehensive proposal that president biden leah, about ten days ago, which us officials have said israel put on the table for hamas. he also notably underscored the importance of preventing this conflict from spreading reading that's key because we have seen the tension between israel along that northern border with lebanon grow in recent weeks. and he said the comprehensive proposal that is on the table would quote, unlock the possibility of calm along that border. now, coming into these meetings here in israel today, the secretary had two main message the first of which is that he believes this comprehensive plan is the best way in his words, the most effective way to get out the most number of hostages that are still held by hamas, including those american hostages. and he also reiterated calls for hamas to accept that deal. that is on the table. he wouldn't entertain questions as to whether the rate over the weekend that released those four israeli hostages and killed upwards of 100 people, would potentially negatively impact how hamas respond to that deal that is on the table though we did hear from the national security advisor over the weekend that it's a fair question to ask, but he met with egyptian officials earlier today before coming here to israel and he did say that the egyptians have been in touch with hamas just in recent hours. listen to what he told me i can't go into the details of our conversations today except to say that our junction counterparts were in communication with hamas as early as recently as a few hours ago and so i got to yet not gonna not gonna get details about that. >> but i think egypt the united states, other countries believed that again, we should be able to get to yes now, obviously this is a live ball. >> the us, israel, all the other players here waiting for hamas to respond. the secretary of state meeting tomorrow, notably with benny gantz, he is that member of the war cabinet who resigned over the weekend in protest of prime minister benjamin not benjamin netanyahu's approach to gaza to this conflict, to the fact that he says netanyahu hasn't laid out and effective plan to bring this war to an end. so we'll be watching to see what comes out of that meeting. in addition to the other meetings is it the secretary has in the region breanna. and where does he head kylie after that, once you hoping to accomplish well, he has a number of things he's looking at. of course, the moment right now, trying to get all these countries to put pressure on hamas to say yes, is his focal point, but he's also focused on the future of this conflict tomorrow. he's gonna be in jordan. he's there for humanitarian conference talking about how to bring humanitarian support rebuilding to gaza wall. this conflict is happening. and after this conflict concludes, and then he's going to qatar. he's going to be meeting with those qatari officials who have been key intermediaries with hamas of course, in addition to the egyptians who we met with earlier today to focus on how to get this proposal that is on the table and push it forward. breanna all right. >> kylie out would live for us in tel aviv. thank you for that report. horse two of the four hostages who were freed in that dramatic rescue operation are now out of the hospital. all four were reunited with their families this weekend after eight months in captivity it was a moment of joy for their loved ones, but we should know there is still believed to be 120 captives remaining in gaza so one of those hostages is omri miran. his family says that hamas terrorists kidnap miran, his wife and their two daughters from their home on october 7, moron was liter separated from the rest of his family and taken to gaza joining us now is omri morons brother-in-law. most shayla v moshe. thank you so much for joining us. again, i want to start with the hostage rescue mission what was going through your mind when you learned about it? what's your reaction to the news? >> thank you boyce and breanna for having me hostage, rescue was definitely a joyous moment for us. many israeli and i think for many you are being supporting us from all around the world we have force we're paying to learn about the fact that hamas used their own people as human shields during that operation. and of course non-combatants were harmed but at least we were able to rescue our hostages i wish those operations were not needed because one last week, hamas was given the opportunity to agree. the hostage deal that was proposed by israel that was presented by president biden. and yet it refuses to provide an answer. once it provides a positive answer, we could continue and see an end to this tragic war that affects both israelis and gazans i want to ask you about that deal because there are some developments that might be coming in the next few hours from the united nations. >> but i wanted to ask you about whether anyone from the government talk to you about the operation over the weekend or have updated you want any of the efforts to get omri home? have you shared any information with you about his status? >> i'm de israeli government and security bodies provide information to the families on a regular basis. when such information is available they don't do it. they can't provide too much information because that will risk, of course there i do from situations to have diplomatic intelligence military, et cetera. but we are giving information on a regular basis. >> we don't really know where it's located the last week we heard from ray was from the psychological warfare video released of the featured him in april and we don't know is where about to the gaza strip call masses and provide that information we were updated about the operation. of course, alpha in after it as an after fact and of course followed all the reports from the media. the government does support us in the waste. it can. idf does support us the ways they can. but at the end of the day, we're living in not knowing much about what's going on waking up every day with fearing the worst we work. i will cover a few those go reading the joyful news of the rescue of the four hostages this despite the idf. but at the same time, things could have been very different, which is why we keep emphasizing that despite the ability to rescue some of the hostages need a roic actions, a deal is probably the only viable way to bring home the hostages whether those were alive, whether two rehabilitation with their families, those who were murdered in captivity by hamas, to proper burial and israel so the un security council is set to vote, are in an hour or so to send a message to hamas that they should accept this deal that was presented by president biden that the israeli government has accepted you've talked about it being really the best pathway forward to get the hostages home. >> how optimistic are you that this deal will actually happen? >> i'm trying to be as optimistic as possible, but at the same time realism always crypts into our minds. families of hostages. we know that in the past there were several opportunities to release the hostages through a deal there were rejected by hamas, were hindered by developments on the field we know that the international community has not been effective in pressuring hamas and their accomplices, brushing the sponsors and funders, countries such as iran and qatar to make sure they do today to the international law and force hamas to release the hostages and so i really don't know what to think of office the united nations, in many cases is a mere exhibition. it's, it's nothing of a different, doesn't make much difference. for things on the groundwater in the case of this valley, palestinian conflict, or in many other conflicts around the world, that i sadly unfolding in front of eyes. and so i don't know whether this is going to change much. what i do know is that the key is in nuclear sinwar, its hands the hell of hamas in gaza, if he will say yes, we'll be able to move forward to the first phase of the agreement and then move forward to cnn to this war i sadly don't see i sadly don't see any indication that capacity is going to accept it. now, i think there are being emboldened by the narrative that is being promoted by this to information agents or line or in the streets by both traditional and social media. and by international bodies that are not holding them as the counter was, they should hold them are you spoke a moment ago about trying to be optimistic? i'm wondering how you and your family are doing through all of this. it's been a few months since i've gotten the chance to speak with you and i'm wondering if this news over the weekend gives you hope for amareese safe return hey every day is a painful date for us. >> i returned from israel a few weeks ago to the us after i spent time with family and it was such a difficult moment for it affects us tremendous the issue with the displacement then going fighting and the tragedy that this war brought upon us as a families or nation and also to the entire region. >> because i feel i've empathy to my neighbors we have in the gaza strip, those who are not involved with hamas i tried to hold into the hope that we can still resolve this in the best possible way from mri and for the many other hostages who are still believed to be alive. and that's why i keep advocating as i did yesterday in a rally in new york is my sister and my entire family and his family. i've been doing and israel and europe and and other places around the world. >> we have to keep advocating. we have to keep shouting, but we're counting as well on the wider public, what are they trust as well or don't trust as well, whether they support is volatile. palestine's et cetera. they need to stop seeing this is a game. and stop seeing the hostages and us. the people live in the region as ponds. they need to be clear that the hostages needs to be at the center of this, that they need to be released by a terrorist organization that is holding them. that we can possibly reach a ceasefire if hamas will lay down their arms and agreed two disagreement that is being proposed to them. that is very generous, that is not a very good agreement for israel, but it is the only way to bring the hostages home at this point. that is not through military means so i tried to hold onto hope, but every day that passes we normalize this situation. the wider public normalizes this situation. and it's only going to make it more difficult to bring home the hostages. so i'm going to use this platform to call anybody who is watching to reach their elected officials. and go to the streets and called for the release of the hostages and call for a deal that will bring an end to this it's war. and sf and to the suffering of both palestinians in gaza and israelis emotional of view. we're grateful to have you joining us to share omri story. >> we send our best to your family thank you so much. >> of course. >> still a common on new central cleveland. now, dealing with, with the city calls a cyber incident that caused it to shut down some important services. we're going to talk about what's being impacted and what we know about the source of this incident so far. plus, first it was balloons filled with trash from north korea. now it's a loudspeakers blasting propaganda, and k-pop from the south we have more on the escalating annoyance campaign from these rowdy neighbors i voted buttons like grabbing my rainbow kitten it's like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there's room for everyone puke rainbows why did you know taking xyz at night release allergies while you sleep you wake refreshed for more productive day. >> get 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade the wise old, take xyz off at night with 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our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! to three-to-one, three-to-one. today we're how solomon in new york is cnn city officials in cleveland, ohio today are racing to bring back services after what they're calling a cyber incident. >> while emergency services are still working, city hall is closed today, cleveland, though it's really it's just the latest city that is dealing with the crisis like this. we have cnn's sean lingus, who's with us now, tell us what we know about this particular instance. sean, while brianna the details of this case are a bit vague, we're still working with our reporting team just to figure out exactly what's going on, but it's a familiar playbook, as you said over a weekend services are shut down, there's this sort of reaction to just shut everything down to make sure whatever's going on doesn't spread. and usually in that case indicates ransomware because ransomware has a potential to spread throughout the network so right now they're just trying to sever that and stop any spread of that what's going on as basically the city, city accountant, city hall is closed. so if you had business before the mayor today or any in-person meetings at city hall and cleveland, you have no luck. you're out luck, but in the medium-term, we're looking to see if this is going to impact city services and other fronts. they're saying no, no emergency services, et cetera, but we've also seen reports that communications have been affected. the ability to communicate via services, city services online. so we're in to take a close look at that. but this is a very grim, familiar situation that may many cities across america have experienced in the last six months and in the past, we've seen hackers go after even hospitals and microsoft and google are now saying that they're going to offer free cybersecurity services for rural hospitals. working told you about that. so this is i wouldn't call it a hail mary, but it's a really urgent effort by the ministration to try to bring tech companies and say, hey, can you do anything to help out these hospitals that are in the middle of nowhere. and if they get ransomware or hacked in some way, that they don't have a lot of support. you can't divert an ambulance that that's going this gets the only hospital in town so they're trying to make things ease. the burden, make things cheaper, provide training. these companies are obviously fabulously wealthy, but they're trying to make this easier on the hospital staff, on the front lines because we've seen a spate of ransomware attacks on hospitals that nurses i've talked to said that threatened patient lives. so this is a like i said, not a last-ditch effort, but it's getting close to that or he does numbers up 128% in 2023, that's just crazy shawn. thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> still ahead. cnn taking an in-depth look at a 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more meat, closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 federal authorities are warning that a ruthless criminal gang from venezuela has now infiltrated the us. >> yeah, bring that iy is accused of a string of seemingly unrelated crimes from an alleged multistate human trafficking ring to the mysterious murder of a former police officer in miami let's bring it in. cnn's have filed romo revile. this is a gang that originated in a venezuela and prison let's write boris and brianna. that's the most amazing thing, and that seemed to be their center of operation operations. >> and we already knew that in there. i will had spread its tentacles across south america in the last several months, we investigate did cases here in the united states that have all the markings of the gang and now federal and local law enforcement and members of congress and immigrants are all telling us the same thing. the gang is now here in the country and it poses a serious threat for the last several years they have terrorized multiple south american countries the region didn't see a venezuelan gang known as that in their adwa has victimized thousands through extorsion, drug and human trafficking, kidnapping, and murder. >> and now you as law enforcement including customs and border protection and the fbi, say the gang has made their way into the country. >> the fbi, el paso can confirm that members of thread de up i don't have crossed into the united states is about a vasa, former venezuelan police officer now living in florida, says he fled his country in large part because the gang had become so powerful, they could kill law enforcement like him with impunity. boza says, a fellow police officer who refused to cooperate with the gang was shot 50 times. >> its enable you refused and was murdered he tied his body to a motorcycle and dragged it throughout the san vicente neighborhood to demonstrate the power of the tren de aragua. they have followed the migration paths across south america to other countries and have set up criminal groups throughout south america as they follow those paths. and that they appear to have followed the migration north to the united states us border patrol chief jason owens, who has confirmed multiple arrests of iowa members over the last year, issued a warning in early april after reporting yet another arrest watch out for this gang, he said, it is the most powerful in venezuela known for murder, drug trafficking, six crimes, extortion, and other violent acts. >> the challenge for law enforcement officials is that it's very difficult to know how many members of friendlier raga are already here in the united states? what some venezuelan immigrants are telling us here in florida and other states is that they are already beginning to see in their communities the same type of criminal activity they fled from in venezuela. >> will they do have their hands and prostitution contract killing, selling of drugs selling of arms. you name it. that's just all types of criminal activity that they can engage in. anything that's an illicit activity. they're going to engage in for profit. >> tren de aragua, a violent venezuelan street gang that is operating in the united states. a judge in miami-dade county said in a hearing that one of two suspects in the murder of a former venezuelan police officer in south florida allegedly is a member of the gang in more recently, a new york police the source told cnn the 19-year-old who allegedly opened fire of two officers after they tried to stop him for riding a scooter in the wrong direction has tattoos associated with the gang illegal yet no, not sadducee. >> boza, the former venezuelan police officer says the us government has no way of knowing if of an immigrant asking for asylum at the southern border is in reality a criminal because venezuela, as a matter of policy, does not share intelligence with the united states our biggest concern would be making sure our partners are aware to be on the lookout. >> and that's the key federal officials say when it comes to making sure this new thread than the united states, that's not growing to the national security challenge. it's become in several latin american countries there are more than 70 cases here in the us in which thing that i always mentioned in law enforcement documents or prosecutors complaints from those cases, the cbp and border patrol in texas identified 58 gang members between the beginning of fiscal year 2023 and the end of may, the rest appear in complaints made by victims or arrest reports? sports that point to the possible involvement of the suspects with this organized crime group, boris riana all right. >> very important to pay more attention to rafael romo. thank you for that report. and we do have some breaking news into cnn process thank uterus are about to have the last word at the federal gun trial of hunter biden, they have the opportunity to present now a rebuttal to the defense team's closing arguments. >> so the defense team compare the prosecution's case to a magician's trick. after the prosecution's rebuttal, the judge will give the jury some final instructions and then it heads to deliberations. we're going to stay on top of the case will bring you the latest developments as we get them from inside the courtroom now, some of the other headlines that were watching at this hour, there's escalating tension on the korean peninsula south korea says it has detected signs that north korea is preparing this setup its own loudspeakers on the border so has giant speakers aimed at the north, which you can kinda see from here. this is video from 2010 over the weekend, they resumed broadcasting and to north korean propaganda for the first time since the broadcasts were stopped back in 2018. this follows a new wave of balloons filled with trash that the north send over the border on sunday kim jong-un is powerful. sister is warning of further responses. if the south keeps up what she calls psychological warfare. >> and austrian airlines playing with that airline with nearly 180 people on board, making a mayday emergency call after hitting a major thunder and hailstorm on its way from spain to vienna can see there the plane's nose cone was seriously damaged. the plane landed. thank goodness, safely, despite the damage and for the first time in disease his history, a black princess is getting her own theme park ride. >> it's called tiana's bayou adventure and it's based on the disney movie the princess and the frog. >> tiana's bayou he would venture replaces the former splash mountain attraction, the new ride is set to open a disney world in florida on june 28. it will eventually open at disneyland in california. >> it's kinda one of those. oh, that's so great. and also only just now really well but it's good news. yeah, good to doing this. all right, still ahead. brand new tribe data on a one shot combo vaccine for covid and the flu. you want to multitask, you get to multitask here, how it works. >> when you'll be able to get it devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. >> it happened in faraway lands and it's easy to think it can't happen here if one hits home, we'd be ready. silent earth would liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn we talked about cashback, kevin hart, and that talk about cash bank. we talked about bragg. cash backing word. we talking about cashback, cash, cash back in, cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cash back was had trouble losing weight and keeping same, discover the power of week-old. >> the match what we gobi, i lost 35 pounds as some lost the were 46 we go and i'm keeping the weight off. >> we go via help you lose weight and keep it off. >> i'm reducing my risk. >> we go these the only fda approved for weight management medicine that's proven to 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older, they say it showed a superior immune response, then currently approved vaccines against three strains of flu and against sars-cov-2, the virus that causes covid. they said in terms of safety and tolerability, it's an acceptable profile and similar to the currently approved shots now, from a public health standpoint, the potential benefits to a combined shot against both flu and covid is that you may increase vaccination rates for covid in particular. so adults 18 plus in the united states, almost half of them get the flu shot every year according to the cdc, whereas only about 23% of adults got the covid vaccine. the most recent one in the most recent season. so there's hope that maybe those numbers will become closer together if you only have to get one shot and not two. i talked with moderna ceos to find been sell today about the potential timing for this. he says they have to talk to regulators, the fda, and others. but their hope is that this could come to the market for the fall of 2025. we also know pfizer has a late stage trial going on with a similar combination. so there may be options, guys, look forward to seeing how it plays out. >> my drill. thanks so much still ahead. >> we're tracking breaking news. hunter biden's defense team concluding closing arguments in his federal gun trial, the prosecution's set to present its rebuttal argument the jury could be minutes away from getting the case were alive from the courthouse and just moments hi elder james is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money, not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spot hi, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn with armor all a little bit of this protects you from a lot of then armor all less work, more clean cities, industry-leading global payment solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need together, 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today. >> i'm mj lee at the white house and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial move victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 hunter biden's lawyers just wrapped close using arguments in his federal gun trial. >> the prosecution is now offering their rebuttal and

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,Fire ,The Source ,Scooter ,Tattoos ,Sadducee ,Intelligence ,Policy ,Criminal ,Partners ,Concern ,Reality ,Immigrant ,Matter ,Asylum ,Security ,Lookout ,Thread ,Latin American ,Complaints ,Gang Members ,Law Enforcement Documents ,Texas ,58 ,70 ,Victims ,May ,Involvement ,Sports ,Attention ,Organized Crime Group ,Rafael Romo ,Breaking News ,Rebuttal ,Federal Gun Trial Of Hunter Biden ,Uterus ,Courtroom ,Magician ,Top ,Deliberations ,Loudspeakers ,Speakers ,South Korea ,Korean Peninsula ,North ,Time ,Propaganda ,Broadcasts ,Broadcasting ,2010 ,Airlines ,Responses ,Is Powerful ,Wave ,Kim Jong Un ,Making A Mayday ,Thunder ,Airline ,To Vienna ,Nose Cone ,180 ,Theme Park Ride ,Princess ,The Princess And Frog ,Disease ,Disney ,Tiana S Bayou Adventure ,Thank Goodness ,Tiana ,Bayou ,Venture ,Splash Mountain Attraction ,Disney World ,Bride ,Right ,Disneyland ,California ,28 ,June 28 ,Flu ,Combo Vaccine ,Data ,Brand New ,Multitask ,At Night On Cnn ,Lands ,Tsunamis ,Hits ,Liev Schreiber ,Silent Earth ,Cash Bank ,Pro ,Cash Backing ,Kevin Hart ,Bragg ,Weight ,Match ,Trouble ,Chase Freedom Unlimited ,35 ,Help ,Weight Management Medicine ,46 ,Adults ,Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome ,Work Disease ,Overweight ,Events ,Obesity ,Medicines Don T Take ,Semaglutide ,Glp 1 ,1 ,Diabetes ,Gallbladder Problems ,Medicines ,Stomach Pain ,Lump ,Neck ,Pancreatitis ,Changes ,Provider ,Vision Problems ,Kidney Problems ,Thoughts ,Heart Racing ,Depression ,Diarrhea ,Nausea ,Vomiting ,Suicide ,Health ,Cv ,Coverage ,Fiber ,Benefit Number ,Easy ,Solution ,Gut ,Bacteria ,Filet Mignon ,Freemium Hand ,Tv ,Neck Tie ,Perfection ,Dad ,Tenderness ,Omaha Steak Com Slash ,State Packets ,Steaks ,Father S Day ,Wisdom ,Little ,Dads ,Burgers ,Go To Omaha Steaks Com Slash ,99 ,Take Care ,Vitamins ,Moisturizers ,Tylenol ,Bond ,1871 ,1807123800 ,Researchers ,Flu Moderna ,Scientists ,Anderson Cooper ,360 ,Company ,Breakthrough ,Flu Season ,Mega ,Meg Tirrell ,2024 ,Vaccines ,Vaccine ,Mrna ,Technology ,Maker ,Dornoch ,Virus ,Safety ,Strains ,Terms ,Tolerability ,Superior Immune Response ,Sars Cov 2 ,8000 ,2 ,Particular ,Shots ,Standpoint ,Shot ,Vaccination Rates ,Benefits ,Similar ,Profile ,18 ,Season ,Half ,Cdc ,Market ,Timing ,Others ,Regulators ,Pfizer ,Moderna Ceos ,2025 ,Defense Team Concluding Closing Arguments In His Federal Gun Trial ,Set ,Combination ,Thanks ,Options ,Guys ,Drill ,James ,Courthouse ,Rebuttal Argument ,Cold ,Calculating ,Compromise ,Hi ,Secrets ,Armor ,Spot ,Cia ,Partner ,Solutions ,Payment ,World Food Programme ,Food ,Food Programme ,Need ,Cell Turnover ,Targets ,Movements ,Balance ,Planting ,Roger Two ,Wallet ,Choice ,Home Realtor Com ,Apps ,Professionals Trust ,Mortgage Company ,Financing ,Lenders ,Real Estate ,5g Networks ,Mobiles ,Safe Flight Com Film ,5 ,Delta Employees ,Ground ,Customer ,Bubsolutely Del Sayyed Horseback ,Walmart Vitamin Il Today ,Kids ,Mj Lee ,Trust Money ,Move ,Portion ,Law Mesothelial ,Sokoloff ,8085920400 ,30 Billion ,0 Billion ,Lawyers ,Gun Trial 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