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day sale at or amazon a night of. new cnn, original series new episodes tonight at nine this is gps, the global public square. >> welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria coming to you, live from new york today on the program president biden outlines a plan for a ceasefire in gaza, a full and complete ceasefire, and suggests benjamin netanyahu was prolonging the war to stay in power what will it take for israel and hamas to reach? >> a truce? >> i will ask richard haas and in a dramatic shift, biden issued an executive action this week capping the number of migrants who can seek asylum at the us mexico border. will this help him politically or is it too late? i'll talk to the new yorkers, jonathan blitzer also this week, mexicans elected their first female president who will likely continue the policies of the populist leader amlo i'll dig into what it means and what worries the political analysts, denise reza plus i'm dr. richard sharma about what he's yes. has gone badly wrong with capitalism but first here's my take indian commentators are running out of adjectives to describe the election results in the world's largest democracy surprising shocking stunning among others the results have diverge sharply from most predictions including those of exit polls and of prime minister narendra modi, who confidently declared that his party would win 370 seats and his coalition would scale 400 in the end, his party, the bjp got 240, and his coalition to 92 the indian stock market crashed as the result struggled with but markets can be wrong. this could well turn out to be good news for india politically and even economically why did modi lose so much ground? one important reason was many opposition parties came together and projected one common candidate as the face of their alliance, which meant the anti bjp vote did not splinter the bjp's share of the total number of votes in this election, 37%, was roughly the same as in the last one. yet this time it translated into 63 fewer seats in parliament voters also seem to have wanted to personally rebuked the prime minister at least 20 of his ministers lost their elections. modi own victory in his parliamentary constituency was surprisingly narrow. his race ranked 116 of the 240 bjp victories by margin, among the lowest ever for a sitting prime minister. >> the party even lost in a yeoja, the town where modi had built a massive new tempo on the side of a mosque that was torn down and inaugurated with great fanfare just months before the election the results of us remarkable considering the many advantages that modi had, he's the incumbent prime minister, his party massively outspent the opposition using an election financing schemes. >> so blatantly one-sided that even india's often compliant courts eventually shut it down the agency charged with promoting government policies spent millions on ads with modi's face on them, reminding indians of bodies, guarantees that the economy would saw and their lives would be improved many government benefits in india from vaccine cards, two bags of grain come with modi's beaming smile as if they were personal gifts from a generous benefactor. in addition, law opposition politicians were investigated by tax authorities, the leader of the opposition was unseated from his parliamentary seat. two chief ministers, the equivalents of governors of states in america were jailed and opposition party runs we're frozen to make it virtually impossible for them to operate or travel and yet india's voters, many of them still poor, poorly educated, than vulnerable. one in four for my literate voted for checks and balances for limits to power. and against the excessive cult-of-personality during the campaign, modi campaign with the pomp and ceremony of a monarch even claiming that his birth was not a biological event implying that it had spiritual origins india's voters seem to have reminded him that he is human under modi's rule, india's economy has boomed but it's democratic institutions have suffered badly. all three independent and widely respected ngos that assess country's democratic levels have downgraded india dramatically documenting abuses of authority, decline in independent press and politicized judiciary and independent agencies the fact that so many indians appeared to have lied to pollsters and the exit polls tells you that they probably feared reprisals but now modi faces and emboldened opposition state governments that will stand up to him more strongly and a media and civil society that might even be willing to push back against government mental power and abuse investors in business when have been most worried by the election results. they see modi is pro-business with a good track record on the economy. and they loved the idea of a strong leader that they are short developing country needs to prosper but they are wrong the country that first broke out of the ranks of the developing world and became a rich country, was post-world war ii, japan it did so under a series of colorless prime minister's to other economies that had breakneck growth over the last six decades greater than even china with that long run, are south korea and taiwan. for most of that time, they have also had blend leaders who just muddle through india's own seismic economic reforms took place under a coalition government headed by an unknown prime minister, narrow somehow row, who only got the job because the congress party leader rajiv guy county had been assassinated. the prior bjp leader at el bihari vajpayee, who presided over a strong growth, also headed a coalition in fact, since 1989 coalition governments have been the norm in india. one to which it appears to be returning average income growth under the last coalition government headed by manmohan singh was actually slightly higher than during modi's tenure in office many sophisticated observers of the world, often large, strong men who run poorer countries, who can build roads and get things done. but the average indian voters seems to instinctively understand that in the long run pluralism cooperation, diversity are all india's distinctive features and its enduring advantage go to slash free for linked to my washington post column this week and let's get started last, week, president biden called on israel and hamas to accept a permanent ceasefire deal. >> nine days later, however, a deal appears allusive on, saturday is were rescued four hostages in an operation in central gaza, engaging in heavy bombardment that gaza hospital officials say killed more than 270 palestinians. meanwhile, netanyahu is struggling to hold his coalition government together. and discontent around his handling of the war so is a path to peace still possible joining me to discuss his richard house or former director of policy planning at the state department and the president of marriages of the council on foreign relations richard welcome so tell us what you think is going on because you were just in israel you met with everybody there from prime minister netanyahu down president biden presented this deal and pointed out that this was israel's proposal to hamas. but bibi netanyahu seems to be not quite distancing himself, but not accepting the de lie though. what is going on in his head? >> i think what is going on in the prime minister's head fareed is what i would call a sequential approach. he believes what israel needs to continue doing is to go after hamas to quote unquote, destroy it, eliminate it. i don't believe that's possible. it is, however possible well, two degrade it militarily, but he wants to do that first and he really doesn't want to talk about what comes after in gaza and the west bank or anything, or anything else. and secondly, as things ultimately begin to wind down in gaza, which is not to be confused with peace but i think the intensity of the military operations will soon wind down. you haven't israeli prime minister who is increasingly turning his gaze to the north to what to do about another iranian-backed group. in this case. his bulla, all of which to say is i don't see the pieces of the elements of peace there and every once in awhile we've got to listen to what officials say in this case, the israeli national security adviser, who said he expected the war in gaza to continue through the end of this calendar year so what that suggests is that more israeli operations and the idea would be to what at some point declared victory because what president biden said was, look, you've degraded hamas to the point where it cannot buy by any stretch, launch an operation such as it did take the wind as it were. >> and let's talk about a post-war alternative to hamas rule in gaza why is that are not attractive obviously, it's dark, there's one part of it which is it's not attractive domestically politically to the prime minister. is that all it is? >> well, that's, that's a big part of it for read that if you begin to pivot to the day after that, it raises some difficult questions about what israel is prepared to du, as to the future of gaza or the future of the west bank. and that has the real potential to bring down this government, which is the last thing in this prime minister wants to do, given the political uncertainty and his legal vulnerability, what i think so interesting about the last couple of days though, and this rate is nothing that happened in this rescue of the four hostages changes any of this this was a tactical success for israel. it was impressive what was accomplished? although as others have pointed out, obviously it came at considerable cost and lives. but, but it doesn't change any of the basics in terms of what is the definition of success in gaza and how do you make a transition from having militarily reduce the competence or capabilities of hamas let's and translating that into something political. because the last thing israel, i would assume wants to see is the reconstitution of hamas. but in order to prevent that, you've got to have someone else provide security in gaza and you've got to have somebody else other than hamas provide political direction been provide an economic environment where people can prosper. so if you don't want hamas and you don't want israeli occupation, you need something else presumably with palestinians and arabs. but this israeli government for exactly the reasons you say, can't allow that to happen. so what you have is almost putting off to keep pushing off the question of what comes next and what about hamas is it is there any prospect it would accept the deal? i don't see exactly why or even if it did accept the deal that would be a short-term deal. but why would hamas sign onto something where essentially the entire logic of the policy is to eliminate their role in gaza's future i don't see that they're prepared to do that i don't see that they're prepared to give up all the hostages because again, that gets rid of their, their principal piece of leverage. so i don't see hamas as a partner for serious peace talks here. again, i keep coming back to the same point for you and i think it's probably probably one you share that israel has done some real work at degrading hamas. but you can't beat something with nothing in order to beat hamas politically. you've got to introduce another element here, the saudis, the uae, and the other arab governments are willing to do it. you're going to need some role for the palestinian authority president biden made it clear that the united states will be a partner, but it these israel to to pivot to that, to that place but it's unwilling to. so i think what we're likely to say, sorry to sound so downbeat this morning. i think what we're likely to see is the war in gaza continued can you, for some time, albedo at a lower level, you may see more attempts to rescue hostages. it won't though there's no way to physically get the most of the hostages out, it would only come politically. so i think we're looking at a probably a long slow grind. in gaza. and as i said before, where you could see increased conflict, intense military operations might be in the north and lebanon a sobering assessment. thank you. richard haas. >> we will be back with biden's border moves and what they mean for reads zakaria gps brought to you by fisher investments. >> clearly different money management saving for retirement was tough enough and navigating markets can be challenging at times. i understand that's why fisher investments, we keep a disciplined approach with your portfolio, helping you through the markets ups and downs what about communication? >> we check in regularly to keep you informed, which means you'll help us stay on track yes. is it fiduciary? we always put your interests first because we do better when you do better a fisher investments were clearly different okay everyone, our mission is to provide 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restrictions. and he's acting on his own to gain control of the border immigration issues have become a primary concern for voters in this year's election. here to talk about the new restrictions is the new yorkers, jonathan blitzer, who has a new book on america is immigration crisis everyone who is gone is here the united states, central america, and the making of a crisis jonathan, welcome. so what i want to sort of start with us when we think of illegal immigration, we think of all these people furtively crossing the border in the old days, say the 1980s and we think of a silent miss something different with a few people are persecuted jews in the soviet union, or people like that, as, a few thousand applications. how is it that we have these two things seem to have gotten conflated. now you have hundreds of thousands of people coming across and asking for asylum. when did all this star yeah. >> i mean, the the sort of short answer is all through the 1980s when the us first created the asylum program enshrining it in american statute. you had civil wars raging in central america and the u.s. was deeply involved. and what was happening there? it was trying to limit the spread of communism. and as a result, it was supporting repressive regimes that were driving hundreds of thousands of people away from the country and away from the violence. and so even from the very beginning, you saw american foreign policy in stark tension with the principles of asylum and the idea that the us legally is going to extend protection to people who are being persecuted. the consequences of years of neglect and disregard for what the asylum program was supposed to entail meant that by the time you get into the early 2000s and the 2010s, you start to see large number because if people primarily from central america showing up at the southern border are seeking protection, the u.s. for all of the money it had poured into the border over the years, had never actually anticipated that many people would show up seeking protection legally, they had the right to and the us had the obligation to extend them protections, but there wasn't the infrastructure in place to do it. >> so caused the immigration system is sort of paralyzed immigration reform is paralyzed. people figured out. here's a bath. >> we have right? to stay in the country when trump weaponized it in 2015, was he referring to the asylum immigration? i mean, all of the above. >> i think the kind of political innovation of trump on a rhetorical level was to conflate what was happening at the border and images that seems to people like images of chaos and disorder to conflate all of that with immigration generally and with the legal immigration system and it proved an alarmingly effective instrument that's a very, very important point. >> what trump did was to take the fact that the asylum system had broken down and turn it into immigration is out of control because actually immigration america is not out of control. we have a fairly the orderly process, you can argue the mix of skills-based and family might not be right, or it should be expanded or whatever. but you know, as as an immigrant as have a slow plodding but fairly systematic process. >> i would say a corollary of that is the fact that the asylum system has essentially had to answer for the failures of the wider immigrant mission system. asylum was never designed to be just a vehicle for people to come to the united states for work to reunite with families and so on. it was designed specifically to help people who are persecuted based on their identity. but what's happened in washington has been that no one is able to span the partisan divide on immigration as a result, the wider legal immigration system hasn't been updated since the very least 1990. and so you have people who do have very legitimate and urgent reasons to come to the united states who don't have legal avenues and so they're taking their chances at the border and we're in this perfect circle will what biden has done make a difference? >> what he's basically saying is you can't just show up here and apply for asylum. you have to do it from your home country, or you've got to do it from mexico. there's got is that fair? >> roughly what he's trying to do. there is a specific logic toward the bottom biden ministration is trying to do. it is trying to incentivize migrants to go to what are called ports of entry. these are points along the us-mexico border that our staff by border agents that have minimal facilities for processing people so to the administration's way of looking at it, if they can direct people to show up at these ports of entry and to seek asylum here then the system will be at least somewhat more orderly than if people cross irregularly between ports of entry. >> and will it work politically in your opinion? i mean, this is the whole issue here is the republicans. this is the number one issue igniting the republican base as far as i can. >> yeah. yeah. >> one of the challenges has been all along how the biden ministration walks this line. if on the one hand, making the case that look, we are ready to be tough at the border and congressional republicans are blocking us. and at the same time to trying to take action because they're the government in charge. it's obviously an extremely controversial issue in an election year, the polling is really quite bruising for the president on the matter to my mind it's sort of an unwinnable battle for biden. if he's only going to try to demonstrate that he's been tough without simultaneously making the case for humanity, for pragmatism, for legal immigrant in that, in that's in the legislation that's proposed, but that all gets turned down by the republicans on its troops dead on arrival. that's true. that's true and it's a legitimate bind. >> i have to say, i mean, what what initially prompted that legislative push back in the winter? was the fact that the biden administration requested significant amount of money to help manage these increases in arrivals at the southern border in congress wouldn't appropriate the money. and so the biden administration is in quite a difficult position because the primary mechanism for dealing with this legitimately complex situation at the border is for congress to act and congress won't act all right we get a lot of heat on the subject. i think you've given us a lot of light, which is unusual, jonathan. thank you so much. thanks for having next on gps from us border politics to politics south of the border, mexico just had a big election. i will talk to an extra but who's worried about the result because of what it will mean for the fate of that country's democracy the increase in wildfires is exponential uncontrollable with overwhelming cottonwoods, need to do something is urgent finally, earth would we have dry driver tonight denied on cnn i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms defined 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been a real degradation of mexico's democracy. explain what you mean. >> well, more and claudia sheinbaum won by a landslide with 60% of the votes, leaving the opposition in the dust and this was a mandate for what andres manuel lopez obrador promoted throughout his presidency. and led him to campaign with and for claudia sheinbaum on the one hand, the election was a reflection of material benefits increases in the minimum wage cash transfers to the poor, and a manifestation of a very unequal society that feels that this president, newly elected, and the previous one have actually listened to the people. but what the election has done is put mexico in a situation or consolidate the situation that it's been over the last several years of democratic erosion, where socioeconomic rights win a majority and political and economic rights that when associates the functional democracy will probably be eliminated. the plan on which cloudy, ashamed campaigned was for example, popular vote. four justices of the supreme court popular vote for all of the councilors of the autonomous electoral institute the permanent militarization of mexico, which has increased under president lopez obrador. so basically the elimination of checks and balances on a party that has now become a hedge of monic party. >> and the argument is that these are the obstacles in the way of him being able to provide even more larger asked, right? it's a it's a populist argument that i i can solve all these problems if you get rid of all these institutions and all these other checks and balances on me that a blocking my way yes. >> the argument is all of those institutions are an obstacle. there are legacy from neil liberal elitist oligarchical rule. a democracy that only served elites and those checks and balances have repeated lopez rather from carrying out his true agenda. >> i'm low and now it seems that his successor are giving more and more power than used to be held by civil authorities, by local police, by the police to the army. >> and when we think of the army's certainly the case that we're famously a former defense minister, being arrested by the usda because it was so corrupt and so in cahoots with the drug cartels this doesn't seem like a good idea of you're trying to fight these drug cartels. >> why is the army being given so much power? >> well this is. one of the reasons why some of us have argued that mexico's incipient democracy is truly under threat now because as you well know, democracy and militarization do not coexist the only countries that give hundreds of activities that used to be in the hands of civilians to the military that basically acts as a parallel government with no civilian control are countries that are authoritarian regimes. militarization in mexico started in the 2000s but lopez obrador accelerated the pace to a degree that is unprecedented in mexican history. the military today runs businesses, controls, the airspace, 18 airports, ports immigration and i think that lopez obrador delegated so much power to the military because he wanted do away with civilian institutions. these actually cut the size of the mexican state finally, it seems to me that the united states has decided that it needs mexico to manage its southern border and that lopez obrador has been reasonably willing to do that. >> and that as a result, whether it's trump or biden the united states is not in any way pushing back on this democratic decay would that be fair that would be a correct interpretation. >> i think that president biden's son sold his soul to the devil. he made the same packed with lopez or rather that trump did, which was remained silent on democratic erosion and mexico for the sake of mexico acting de facto as a border patrol, a policeman containing mexican and venezuelan nicaraguan central american immigration two units to the united states, particularly in an era in which immigration has become one of the central areas of debate and of contention in the us election. >> denise, thank you so much. next on gps why are americans so gloomy about the economy when statistics seemed to suggest it is booming my next guest says they have a very good reason. he will explain the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine and denied my been cnn and streaming unmapped centrum, it scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your home. central gives everybody a healthy foundations. so putting your i'm yours to your data, plus tries centrum silver. now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. >> all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof, thick about this blue jays cardinals, orioles. what's missing? >> the andean condor know, walnut brain pigeons. they'd rather name what came at the socks, be fair we're not very 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recipes recipes that are more than their ingredients recipes written by hand and lost to time can now be analyzed and restored using the power of del ai reserving memories and helping to write new this situation room with wolf blitzer, week nitric six, cnn on its face, the american economy looks great. it's growing fast unemployment is near record lows according to a march report, wage growth is outpacing inflation and yet americans do not feel sanguine about the country's economic health. according to a cnn poll from april, 70% of americans say that economic conditions are poor. more than half say they are dissatisfied with their own financial situation. what explains this disconnect? my next guest says that despite the positive live economic figures, all is not well with american capitalism. richard sharma is an investor and the author of a new book, what went wrong with capitalism? >> welcome richard it's a terrific book makes you think about things so differently. >> and what you are saying. first, explain why do you think people feel that the economy is not working for them? >> yeah, because i think that if you look at the numbers on inequality, i think if you look at intergenerationally what's happening, that today? bailey, a third of americans say that they are doing better off than the parents when we were growing up. >> of course, back in 50 years ago, 80% of americans would say that they're going to be doing better than the parents. >> so something deep is happening out here. we try to look at what's happening with biden's low approval rating. is it happening because of inflation and staff, but the point i make here is that this is a trend that's been happening for the last 20 years that every president's approval rating, on average tends to get lower even under trump win the so-called misery index of inflation plus unemployment was so low, his approval ratings were low. so that is something deep which is going on here where the surface, the economy seems to be doing okay? but i think because of decline in economic mobility, decline in social mobility rising inequality and a feeling that we are worse off than our parents. there is this deep sense of the system is not working for us. >> so now the sounds very much like bernie sanders, but where you differ and the kind of interesting twist so argument is you're saying. so a lot of people say it's because we've had this these decades of neoliberal policies too much marketization, too much liberalization. what we need is more government. >> and you say actually the big story here is that big government never went away, just got bigger and bigger and bigger. yes. i think they are various ways to define government very narrow deficient is government spending as a share of the economy? you can see that very clearly. and as i show in the book, which is that it's been on a secular increase hundred years ago. it was 3% of gdp. today. it is more than 35% of gdp. and even under the reagan years so-called, icon of the new liberal era government spending as a share of gdp never really declined. it just kept on increasing there's going to be one brief period where it goes down, right? >> which is bill clinton, ironically, that's the only time when in fact this country ran budget surpluses otherwise. and last 50 years, it's never run a budget surplus whereas in the first 200 years of american economic history, they always went budget surpluses unless you had a war or something. so even ever since reagan, you've just had more and more and more government spending. >> but why would that then? why is that bad for the economy? explain what you're saying. yeah. so it's not just about government spending as i say in the book, it's about regulation. it's about bailout, the culture of bailouts i explained in the book that over the last two decades, america has introduced 3,000 new regulations a year. and the total which have been withdrawn, 20 over 20 years, right. and this really hurts small and medium-sized businesses very gets much more expensive to set up businesses. then this whole culture of bailouts. you have the first big financial bailout with continental illinois in 1984, and since then, bailouts have become the norm. now look at the average person and special is happening 2008. how does it think of bailouts? they think of bailouts that all these rich fat cats get bailed out. what am i getting out of this? so my entire taken the book is that it's not just government spending, it's gotta do with the bailout culture. it's gotta do with the regulation. it's got to do with the micro management of the business cycle. it's a bit analagous to the pain management system that we have here, which is that we have had this explosion in dragon opioids as part of the pain management. and as see that's exactly what's happened here that week. zero tolerance for any pain, slightest thing happens are we gotta sort of relief that economies on oxycontin and you say that other feature of this new kind of age of capitalism, they're wearing or managed capitalism is much less competition at the top that you have oligopolies, even monopolies again, and this you in industry after industry, i was surprised, you have their 70s examples where we think we're looking at six or seven different companies brands. it turns out they're all owned by the same company. >> so i think this is real feeling that were being dominated and crashed by a whole bunch of big companies has become so much more expensive to set something new up. if i want to set up a new fund, let's say the cost of doing that today is ten times more than what it used to be 20 years ago, just a bureaucratic costs regulatory costs. so all of this is mounting up. so my entire point is that what capitalism conceived to do capitalism and its very essence should be pro competition and should be proved a small person and new people coming in instead, the distorted form of capitalism we have today is probing business and in terms of its pro, regulation and pro incumbent. so that is something which i think is leading to deep frustration among people declining productivity. and also this feeling that the system is rigged against us. and i think that that's really what's going on in america and much of the developed world what went wrong with capitalism is the book rishi sharma, i really recommend people read it. it's absolutely fascinating. read i think you will see the economy differently. thank you. >> thanks very next on gps, we talked about indian elections and mexican elections. another country just had a big election, south africa. i'll tell you why voters punish the party friday of nelson mandela sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your adversary if his secret is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of the hand, secrets and spies for nuclear game. >> tonight at ten on cnn, if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect new 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until it's done. well something else that seemed impossible just happened in south africa and it was a very different turn of events last week, mandela's african national congress party, which led south africans to freedom and has led the country ever since, lost it's seemingly unbreakable governing mandate from the first post-apartheid election in 1994, the anc has always received around 60 to 70% of the vote. >> this time, it got just 40%. that still makes it the biggest party, but it will have to try to form a coalition with other parties. >> although the anc delivered democracy in the first place, that democracy failed to deliver for many people. >> an economic boom post-apartheid has now stagnated. the country's unemployment rate is the highest in the world. party control of agencies and state owned companies has enriched corrupt officials and well-connected businessman residents have to contend with rolling blackouts those factors have convinced many voters of the need to check the power of the nc. they've gravitated towards two more radical parties that broke away from the anc support has also grown over time for the democratic alliance, a pro-business party that has governed cape town with impressive results and is popular with the country's white minority south africa isn't the only democracy that has had a dominant party from israel to italy, to japan. one party has been rewarded with decades of continuous rule after founding the modern state or shepherding the country into the modern era? eventually, they lost their way and lost power a famous example, of course is india. the country was liberated from british rule by mahatma gandhi is indian national congress, which then govern for 30 years. it ultimately overreached and was voted out but in the past decade, they seem to be a new unassailable political force. narendra modi's bharatiya janta party as i mentioned at the top of the show in this year's election, modi was aiming to increases already large majority instead, voters delta most stunning set-back forcing him to rely on coalition partners to stay in power similar shoes to south africa motivated indians to punish the bjp like joblessness and inequality. but voter is also feared that the bjp was becoming too powerful and might actually alter the constitution in recent elections in poland, voters more strongly rejected a party that was trying to cement its power. the ruling party had seized control of democratic institutions and public media and clamp down on lgbtq and abortion rights and so voters handed power to the opposition all these elections remind us how seemingly invincible parties can fall from grace like corporate monopolies, political monopolies can ossify, lose their sense of hustle. and abuse their power. abandoning the principles behind the original success freedom fighters like mandela wanted democracy because they thought it would improve people's lives and deliver better outcomes but the true gift of democracy is that it is self-correcting when people don't see the results they want they always have the power to shake things up thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week. >> this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts, follow. >> cnn. >> did you know sling has your favorite news programs for just $40 a month? >> my favorite news for just $40 a month like favorite for just $40 a news for $40 a month. >> sling lets you do that. >> okay. everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein a new group does assignments in my bag like a bunch of groceries, alice cheese and greece just contemplate freedom. you can take your eyes off the new 2024 jeep wrangler in gladiator sheep, there's only 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