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billion with a b, we've got this honore got this high for sola alvarez at the white house, and this is cnn welcome, till the interject after this hour, some eye-popping numbers from a watchdog group keeping tabs on the us supreme court, suggesting justice clarence thomas received $2 million in gifts for more than 100 entities, 2 million. justice thomas, not the only one racking up the numbers in this study plus the biden-harris campaign, making a play for anti-trump republicans such as the ones who keep turning out for nikki haley and republican primaries. republican governor glenn youngkin's, virginia will be here on the lead and we'll talk about that in much more. plus new murder charges for the man accused of being the gilgo beach serial killer. the new evidence on a laptop that prosecutors say was his blueprint for serial killing. we start this hour with the 2024. 2024 leave. let's play the music election dam up. >> one we could go today. donald trump was convicted of 34 felonies in the new york hush money cover-up case brought by the district attorney, alvin bragg now for president trump has just minutes from taking the stage in phoenix. this is his first return to the campaign trail since that conviction, cnn's kristen holmes is traveling with the trump campaign and is in phoenix. thank god, indoors instead of in the 110 degree heat. kristen, what what is the trump campaign saying is going to be the main theme of this event yeah. >> take before i get to the theme you talked about that we have just learned that 11 people were transferred because of heat exhaustion from outside of his rally. there were thousands of people outside trying to get in, but it is again 112 degrees here in phoenix. and they've clearly impacting some of the crowd. now when it comes to today's bet, basically what we are expecting to see is a few minutes of a campaign speech and then this turns into a town hall. i don't expect this to be any kind of voters who are on the fence let's tripping donald trump up. this is a very favorable crowd is turning point. a group that is associated with donald trump at affiliated with dog junior as well. now the ends of those short remarks are expected to focus on immigration is going to bash biden's executive order. talk about what he did when he was in office and how he used better to fix the immigration crisis if elected back into office, i will note donald trump, one of his main issues other than the economy is expected to be immigration heading in to november, just slight low when biden issue that executive order, they want to continue to attack that order because they want to still be fighting voice on immigration, something that we know from our clothes. >> a lot of voters believed donald trump is stronger at now, whether or not you can actually stay on message remains he said he's done a series of interviews over several days of which he was expected to talk about campaign promises, what he was going to do. >> and instead, he just attacked joe biden and the justice all right. >> kristen holmes and phoenix. thanks so much. appreciated joining us down. discuss governor of virginia glenn youngkin, a governor youngkin, let's start with virginia itself i would probably call it a third tier battleground state. it's usually not up there, but the polling i have seen suggests that it is pretty much a margin of error race right now with biden having the edge, but not the ten point lead that he one, you have much better. i'm guessing private polling as the governor. where do you see the race right now in virginia? >> yeah. jake, first of all, thank you for having me if i could. i just want to thank all of our veterans and military heroes today, we honor and revere those that lost their lives at d-day. and it changed the course of history. and so thank you to all of our military heroes listen with regard to the 2024 election and virginia, it is pretty stunning that in 2020 we saw joe biden win by ten points, and i was fortunate enough, i think to win by two. but now we see virginia very tight and it's early days, of course, we still got five months to go. but i think it reflects the fact that americans and virginians are ready for strong leadership back in the white house. and that strength is projected not only an economic strength, it's national security strength, it's that its energy policy strength it's a secure border. it's an america that we know needs to be strong and what they've seen from joe biden has been weakness. and i think america and virginia's ready to really give president trump the white house back the president was convicted of 34 felony charges last week, you issued a statement criticizing the conviction why, why did you do that well, i think it's very clear to americans that this has been a very much a political effort it's an all of the parties involved have made it very clear that they wanted to take get trump, and therefore, i think americans understand that. >> and the reality of course, is with the election just five months away, it's a chance for virginians and americans to really express their view and who they want to be. our president. and as i said, i think when it comes to putting strength back into the white house, i think that americans are tired of a weak joe biden. they're tired of a weak economy. they're tired of week national security, other tired of seeing a porous border and even the actions this week from president biden, or too little too late we've seen almost the state of virginia come across the border and the last three years. and we're all seeing every single state become a border states. and we have, we've seen sexual assaults of young women by illegal immigrants. we've seen illegal immigrants try to crash the gates at quantico and we've seen fentanyl fly over the border and killing five virginians a day on average, i think americans are ready edey to put leadership back in the white house. are you worried at all that the felony convictions will have an impact on turning off the independents and moderate republicans that voted that might be up for grabs some of them voted for you and that's how you one, there are these middle of the road owners and they might have be turned off by this guilty verdict well, at least all of the polling that i've seen and jake, you've seen it as well. is that the jersey is around pretty tight right now. i think there's been some clear decisions made by a huge number of voters. there's not that many that's our undecided. and i do believe that it is based on the merit of the candidates and therefore, i think again, as the issues get district get discussed and debated between now and november 5, there'll be a clear difference between president trump and president biden. and as i said, i think americans in virginia ready for strength back in the white house how do you interpret the vote in the republican primary and virginia for nikki haley, just the day before she dropped out virginia had its primary 35% of virginia republicans voted for her she's still continues to get 10%, sometimes 20% months after she dropped out of the race. >> are you worried at all about those voters sending a message that they're not on board with trump and they might end up with biden well i believe that the republican party is coming together. i was just down at the virginia republican party convention. this past weekend and i saw delegates from all over the commonwealth come together and universally put down differences and, start working together to win elections. and i think that's what's happening all across the nation i also believe that there are large numbers of independence who will in fact choose donald trump over joe biden. and then finally, and i think this is really important in virginia. we have seen real success from common sense policies literally growing jobs and standing up for law enforcement and standing for excellence in education. and we're seeing just tremendous results. and virginians are now saying, wait a minute, common sense has a place. i like, i like strong leadership and i'm gonna vote for donald trump and i think this is what we're going to see all during the fall, particularly as the records of the two administrations are placed right next door to one another. and we can't, we can't forget the fact that trump did build a reporting economy and it's the number one issue across voters right now is concerns about the economy. the second issue, of course, is concerns about the border. and these are two excuse that. i think virginians and americans are absolutely going to go with president trump on. >> i want to get to two things that happened yesterday. first, all but two senate republicans voted against solidifying and nationwide right to contraception if republicans win the white house and take control the senate, which they have a decent chance of doing. and retain control of the us house should voters expect contraception to be at risk as the right to abortion is at risk. >> yeah, i believe this was very much a publicity vote. and not one based on real policy. it's an eye, i believe firmly in the right to access to contraception. i also believe that we need to protect our first amendment rights. and in virginia, we had a very similar circuit from stance. and i in fact sent a bill to our general assembly that would have protected access to contraception and protected people's first amendment rights. and the reality is, i don't think democrats really want a bill. they don't really want to make policy. they just want to have talking points and i think that's what happened in the senate yesterday hey again, i am firmly supportive of a woman's access to contraception. i did i did pledge to support and defend the constitution and we can do both of these. jake in obamacare and the affordable care act that's exactly what happened. there was right to contraception and of course there was protections for first amendment religious protections. we can do both. there's no reason why we have to try to divide america. let's bring them together on this topic versus divide them also yesterday, we reported on how 2023 shattered heat records and will likely be going forward. >> a terrifying baseline for years to come described by you un official as a highway to hell. we witnessed obviously extreme fires and droughts and floods and storms across the globe. virginia is not immune to this. of course, yesterday, however, you said you're going to withdraw virginia from participating in california's emission standards aimed to limit what's fueling the warming. you said that the move was about celebrating freedom. i understand wanting to have virginia's own policy, not california's, but what are you going to do about climate change in your state it i mean, virginia is not a particular problem compared to the rest of the world and india and china, but certainly you want to leave the world in a better place than it is right now when it comes to climate change, no jake to be really clear on this one because i think it's very important the decision that we made yesterday was to no longer be subjected to the california mandates on which car you can buy and in fact, we are able now to choose to be subject to the federal mandates and a federal guidelines on emissions virginia plus 37 other states are now subjected to the federal guidelines. >> and we made a decision that one, having california with unelected bureaucrat crafts mandate, which car people can buy was wrong, but we also made a decision to protect people's pocketbooks and to give them the benefit of choosing which car they think is best for their needs. and jake, the math here is really straightforward. it's really straightforward. evs cost anywhere between 10,000 and $50,000 more than the comparison internal gas combustion engine. and to force people. and that's what the california standards would do. 35% of cars would have to be electric vehicles. and in virginia right now, it's about 9% of cars are being purchased. that's, that's upwards of 1.2 billion of economic penalty being placed on virginians. and let me just make it clear. this is not a condemnation of electric vehicles. if you want to buy an electric vehicle, please do. and if you want to buy a hybrid, please do and in fact, now that will be subject to the federal guidelines in nation will have to take hold in order to drive much, much more stringent fuel economy standards. and i think america is up for this. the reality is that mandates are misguided. let's trust innovation and let's put, let's put that trust in the american consumer as opposed to mandating what people can and can't buy republican governor glenn youngkin's virginia, good to see you, sir. thanks so much always great to be with you. >> thank you. >> coming up next is the brand new watchdog reports showing us supreme court justice clarence thomas received more than $2 million in gifts over the years. see how he stacks up against his judicial colleagues plus the former commander for of nato will talk to us about jared kushner is latest hotel venture. you might have seen the headlines to lead reveals what the contract actually says. stay right here. >> sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is share it with your adversary he and his secret is betrayed itself bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spies a nuclear gain sunday at ten on cnn to look at ocl called needed junit. nothing vision works. >> see the difference what if we don't get down in time to get a birthday gift for zoe, don't panic with etsy. >> we can find the perfect gift and send her a preview right away thanks guy don't panic. gift easy with etsy who are you? i'm in a child that you really need to live is some brick in total oh, yeah. star keeps you go into the toward get you going now we're talking guard carbon's. hello, i know joe wanted are two the total torque 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continue to take the most extreme position on abortion in the country. >> all the senate democrats have voted not talked about, but voted for abortion up until the day of birth okay. the panels here. so mark why not? >> i mean okay. fine. it's a messaging bill. i got that. and whoever the majority is in the house and senate, they do this all the time. but why not just vote yes. in favor of contraceptives? >> well, and i don't know all the details of that bill, but i also know that katie britt and ted cruz had a bill that was just like it it got voted down or i got rejected by the democrats. i mean, that's what this is. doing. this is i think democrats, it's just try both sides, trying to score points on the other one, they're not going to vote for our bill. we're not going to vote for your bill. and washington continues the way washington does that's actually incorrect. >> a part of what's been happening since the fall of roe v. wade is we're seeing measures in the states actually he's seeking to restrict access to certain forms of birth control, particularly iuds and plan b, which is some consider it to be in a board of facial at which it's absolutely not. and so this bill basically covered everything from condoms, two plan b, and other forms of contraception that could be i mean, we heard from supreme court justice clarence thomas a willingness to reopen this conversation specifically voted, referenced a griswold versus connecticut, right. >> in his footnote, and that was what made the birth control pill lead the gold, correct? >> by the way, the anniversary of that decision is tomorrow and that's part of the reason they wanted to do the bill. and so part of this was to be able to say we wanted to get republicans on the record to say, are you for access to contraception or not? all forms of contraception do you believe that people should be able to make that decision or not? and again, it? mirrors some of, the work that democrats are doing in the state. so one of the things that's going on here is that if one's beliefs, religious or otherwise, are that a fertilized egg is a life that some birth control methods affect that and so i mean, it's not a wild, it's not this button i might have been a messaging bill, but the issue itself is not out of nowhere. i think what's interesting is this is the rare issue where you've seen the language kind of change in terms of democrats have been able to reposition this as an issue of protecting freedoms and freedoms being taken away. and that, that language actually works for voters, whereas republicans are now in a different position than they were instead of just protecting life, you're being told you're taking away things from people. and that has been a struggle to mess sit around. so while messaging bills, i think for us sitting around, here are kind of like adds a point here, point here doesn't really matter. it's part of an overall long-term message going into the fall where i think something like a dozen states have some sort of abortion amendment, constitutional amendment on their ballot. when you put things in front of voters on this issue, the voters have so far sighted with abortion rights supporters, although i don't think anybody is going to really pay attention to after labor day, but that's really going to pick up everytime said what i was just going to add. actually they're also in a handful of states that have access to contraception legislation as well, which i think is going to drive turnout. so let's turn onto another issue because today's supreme court watchdog called fix the court and gabe roth of fixed the court reported some. >> i'd dropping numbers. you went back through his news reporting, financial disclosure forms, fix the court research and in his estimation estimation since 2000 for justice clarence thomas says received 103 gifts more worth more than $2.4 million, and that does not include undisclosed gifts such such as those that were cited by propublica. and the new york times. i mean comparatively brett kavanaugh, it was $100 i know the conservatives think that everybody is picking on clearance but is this not? >> an issue that should be addressed, not clarence thomas per say, but just like should there not be some transparency and rules here for court's not just is brynn portal. >> i think if we can find bipartisan compromise, it's a place to do it because they were millions of dollars of gifts. >> of course, over all nine justices. and then you add the others that have recently left the court or or recently served. so i think this is where congress, they put limits on the executive branch, right? i think this is not a separation of powers issue, although i'm maybe the chief justice would disagree, but i think if you could come up with not trying to score points on justice alito or justice thomas and say, let's just deal with with this issue, then i think you should be ripe for some sort of reporting and or limit does disagree because he actually put out that statements. i'm an open letter to the senate saying, look, you you can't put rules on us and the ethic statement that he has put out has no enforcement mechanism. so while they have sort of a nod towards a code, there is no way or no reason and real reason that a judge can recuse themselves or not. it's up to them. so there isn't any other kind of check on them and it's been pete lawmakers have actually been quite reluctant to actually put one. >> but there needs to be one, right? we also had the court trying to self regulate, but there's no teeth to it. there's no enforcement mechanism. and i think this is just another example. cic really, when you see how low confidence in the supreme court is right now, i think it's somewhere in the 40s in terms of akre. again, i agree the report, if you read it, it's all nine justices is that should be held accountable. every justice going forward, this should be a bipartisan effort. no question. >> it just, it so strange to me because it does seem like they don't understand or let me say good luck. chief justice roberts, although i guess maybe he's just doing the big 09 justices signed onto the letters hey, we should we self-regulate? do they not understand how much they're standing is falling and how little people there'll people are losing faith and the board, i don't want them to. >> i mean, it seems a violation of the very founders a belief that there was another branch that checks the other branches and the supreme court's like matt other than impeachment does not third knee matters and i'm glad you're doing this segment because it does matter. >> we know they watch these things, we know they read the papers and the voters do here are these numbers and they perk up. >> yeah, and this is not we're not anti corn here we over procore. were pro scotus. thanks, one and all for being here. i appreciate it. i should note, of course, it's already corners thursday, if you didn't check the calendar, her podcast is called the assignment with audi corners. you can download it anywhere you get podcasts. great, one today about the water crisis in mexico that is not getting enough attention, although i can't say that about audie cornish, she's giving an attention this week, you might have seen headlines. jared kushner raising eyebrows were a new hotel project in belgrade. well, we have the section of the contract that sparked the controversy. it's a lead exclusive that's next organic soil from miracle grow has grown meat. the best garden i have ever had. >> good boyle and you get good results. look at that. the broccoli was fantastic. >> that broccoli, i think some of them were 67 pounds. >> yeah, introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. >> he thinks is flaky the red patches are all people see. >> oh, tesla is the number one prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. oh, tesla can help you get clear don't use a tesla if you're allergic to serious emerge if reactions can happen oh, tesla may 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derelict site that included the former serbian defense ministry in belgrade, which was bombed by nato forces in the year 1999, a bombing intended to bring an end to serbia, systematic murder and rape and ethnic cleansing of albanians under serbia's notorious leader slobodan milosevic now, part of this new hotel deal includes building a memorial which serbia's press release says is dedicated to all the victims of nato aggression, unquote. however, we should note kushner's firm affinity partners provided the lead with part of their contract with serbia when it comes to the memorial, the part reviewed by the lead does not expressly include the phrase nato aggression. and there is no indication that they were involved in the wording that appeared in the serbian government press release, affinity partners told the lead that the project is intended to invest in the economic revitalization of serbia, which is a war torn country. now, if the phrase nato aggression from the serbia press release, if that rings a bell, well, russian leader vladimir putin frequently uses it as a rallying cry for his illegal war in ukraine and any aggression. he demonstrates towards the west joining us now, former nato supreme allied commander, retired general wesley clark. so general you were the supreme allied commander of nato during the time of the bombing of the serbian defense ministry in 1999. what's your take on this planned memorial being described as a quote? as a monument to the quote, victims of nato aggression well, i think it's great to invest in serbia no issue but first of all, the building was empty when we struck it to the best of our knowledge and it wasn't made or aggression. it was this was the culmination of a year first of all, on diplomatic effort to persuade shirt dictator slobodan milosevic not to go and kill his own citizens in the area of serbia known as kosovo. and he was doing it. he started it in 1998 murdering a family, killing 60 people colluding women, children, and babies in the judiciary family escalated it. we shouldn't richard holbrooke and negotiate ambassador chris, you was there a negotiating i met three times with milosevic we the only thing we could think of as that if we were going to warn you, please don't reinstitute. we just stop the war in bosnia. don't start this all over again in europe yeah, and the russians came in, they told him, i don't worry about nato and just do what you want to do, kill those people, and show it started up again. there was the french held some negotiations served were resolute. we're not going to negotiate, we're going to solve it our way. and so really nato had no choice but to try how to stop the ethnic cleansing by a very graduated nato campaign of coercive diplomacy. and we did stop it. >> so questioner is investment firm affinity partners told us that the history of this region is complicated. this is a massive investment in serbia intended to help build back a war stricken nation. people did die there. they say the us companies have made investments and other places where there have been horrible histories. vietnam, japan but i do wonder what you think about questioner's firm entering into this deal where there might be a monument attacking nato. i mean, you met with milosevic, the butcher of the balkans. >> what do you make of their reason what do you make the reasoning of questionnaires firm and what do you make of his possible participation in a project that creates a monument to nato aggression it's naive, it's naive and worried to put up shot. >> you're monument and label it as needed. a monument for nato aggression. it would be a betrayal of the united states, our policy, the brave airmen and air woman who served in that campaign is diplomatic effort. it wasn't aggression, it was diplomacy that most of its simply refused to stop killing innocent people and, you know, the serb nation, it's a wonderful group of people, but they've never come to terms with what happened under slobodan milosevic. he used nationalism to go against the other ethnic groups in former yugoslavia. and it's the same pattern we see today with vladimir putin and so we know that serbia today is serving as a channel for russia and mischief in europe to disrupt nato to disrupt the european union and making a monument to nato aggression is part of that russian mischief disinformation campaign. so i hope gd kushner's firm won't participate in that. built a hotel build a memorial to all people who died, including the mostly coast of ours, who were murdered by serb police forces during this campaign. and nothing about nato aggression. there was no nato aggression. >> today's 88th anniversary of d-day. of course i'm wondering on this on this day, what worries you the most about the future of nato? >> well you know if you are your primary concern is to avoid a confrontation with another nuclear power the purpose of nato was to provide a bulwark of security against another nuclear power. we didn't have confrontations with a nuclear power during the cold war. i'm sure you have to be very careful how you manage this. this is not the cuban missile crisis. you don't have to give putin a way out. this is putin's war of aggression. and if you tell the aggressor exactly what you won't do you have no deterrent until we're basically limiting what we're giving ukrainians, limiting what they can do with it stretching it out, and they're fighting and dying and they're fighting and dying. really, for the western values. i hope there will understand that you've got to have some ambiguity in this. the french moved to put some trainers and there's exactly right letting them shoot across the border exactly right. it's putin's problem. if he gets into a confrontation we also are a strong nation and we have our pledges to our people so what's happening right now is the eastern european countries are members of nato. they joined for protection from russia they see what's happening in ukraine there are nervous. they're saying, well, a piece of paper save us will the biden administration come to our support? i know we're in nato, but they seem to be really, they seem to be talking to rush are behind the scenes. and it seems really scary to us. maybe they'll cut a deal at our expense. that's of nato. we can't have retired general wesley clark. >> thank you so much for joining us today. we appreciate it on this 80th anniversary of d-day up next important stories from survivors coming up. an author who's been collecting their story stay with us simply say your safety is the only thing that matters. >> we designed smarter ways to detect motion for fast emergency response. we create hd cameras so you could see what's happening in your home from anywhere. all powered by fast protect technology lucidly from simply say, for faster police response. now install are advanced system your way. have a pro, set it up, or easily do it yourself there there's no safe like 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note there are very few veterans who fought on d-day who are still with us. and you recently wrote about why it's so important to keep their memories alive. he wrote, quote, we now face the very real question of whether america will embrace a vision of a country less free and less democratic, more divided and more unequal it would be a step backward, unlike almost anything else. in american history, unquote you've spoken to so many of these veterans. what do they make of the moment we're in with democratic backsliding all over the world, including in the united states. >> yeah, i think it's an incredibly poignant and loaded moment for exactly that reason is it's all of these world leaders gathered in normandy this week because i don't think for a major anniversary of d-day, democracy has never seemed as fragile as it does now have a land war in europe. >> you have a question of democracy on the ballot here at home in our election this year ronald reagan, who did so much to valorize and reframe d-day as this noble fight for freedom and democracy he said, democracy has never more than one generation away from extinction. and i think it's hard to watch the ceremonies that we're watching in normandy this week without wondering what we are doing with the legacy that that generation gave us. yeah. and if we're worthy of what they handed down to us, one of the fascinating things about reading your book as it, it compiles first-hand accounts from world leaders to paratroopers. here's what winston churchill had to say after the attack on pearl harbor, which was such a pivotal moment for us it's joining the war. he said england would live, britain would live the commonwealth of nations and the empire would live. hitler's fete was sealed mussolini's fete with sealed. >> as for the japanese, they would be ground to powder i went to bed and slept the sleep of the saved and thankful that that's a remarkable notion. >> the idea that okay, they went after the americans. thank god, because now america will common save democracy. >> yeah and one of the things that surprised me in writing this book, as you write a book about d-day, and they're like, okay, maybe i'll start on new non june 5. >> well all of the success of d-day comes in the weeks, months, and years before for d-day ever gets launched from the harbors of britain. >> and so much of those first couple of years or the war are britain and the united states learning tool work together as governments is military's learning how to be allies, that this is we tell this simple story with macron and biden and king charles in normandy, this we've always been great partners, and that's actually not true at all. yeah, there are a lot of famous names in the book you also capture stories that have been forgotten into a lot of ways. >> waverly woodson junior was a medic he treated wounded soldiers on omaha beach for 30 hours, despite also being wounded. >> here's a quote of his that you include in the book quote, this was a horrible de for everyone. this d-day army prejudices took a back seat as far as the soldiers helping one another was concerned afterwards, it was an altogether different story. >> even to the state of black soldiers were never given credit for their outstanding services beyond the call of duty. >> and there's another quote in the book, an anonymous black so it's really for said i'm an american doing my part for the american government to make the world safe for democracy i have about the tuskegee airmen and all the black of service members from the united states who served over there they were not fighting for democracy, not, not one that they enjoy. >> and in fact, ironically, for many of them, the first taste that they got of equality was arriving in england in this segregated jim crow army where all of a sudden the british treat them as equals and much to the horror of the white southern officers the young british glasses are just as happy to to dance at the party with the black soldiers. and it's this real moment of sort of cultural awakening for a lot of the troops there. we've really would send the black medic lands on omaha beach around 10:00 a.m. on d-day when did before he gets to shore, up his part of the only black combat unit to land on d-day. it's been an 80 year fight to get him the medal of honor that he was considered four back then. and actually, just this week, the army announced that he will receive the distinguished service cross, the nation's second highest combat valor award. for his actions on d1. >> sounds like he deserves a medal of honor, though, if he ran right into danger and d-day i think he does. and part of what i think it was so powerful about this book was that brings together 700 voices. and what you see is how ordinary, the extraordinary was that de, how many of these stories are people operating at? limits of human survival in fierce combat, the greatest generation when the sea came alive, congratulations, again. you have to sign this before you leave, okay. coming up, the next one is a true crime saga that rivals any fiction filler thriller, the gilgo beach serial murders the evidence on a laptop that prosecutors say he used as a roadmap for his crimes this is a secret, war, secrets and spies sunday at ten cnn. our biggest challenge uncertainty hidden fees surcharges. who knows what to expect, turns shipping to your advantage. >> keep it's simple with clear upfront pricing with usps ground advantage with so many choices on, there are so many tina phase i could be so i hired body doubles to help me out splurge. he tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive tina jeenah booked a farm stay to ride this horse glenn close was millions of possibilities. you can book whoever you want to be my line, booking dot yeah t-mobile's 5g networks. next 100 thousand delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground this is how business goes further with t-mobile forbids the edge and rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin. >> now height and de despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have revoke. revoke is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and help it's clear the rash of eczema fast summer invoked patients felt significant inch relief as early as two days some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as two weeks. and many taking or invoke saw clear are almost clear skin or invoke can lower your ability to fight infections including tb series infections and blood clots. some fatal cancers including lymphoma and skin heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. >> people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death serious allergic reactions can occur. >> tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant help heal your painful skin disrupt the edge and rash of eczema talk to your doctor about brynn voc learn how advil can help you save holding you back only way ambitions all in one 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manifesto containing chilling details of how they say accused gilgo beach serial killer rex heuermann planned the murders. and in one case, the dismemberment of his victims his intent was specifically to locate these victims, to hunt them down and to bring them to bring them under who's control, and to kill them. the former architect now charged with two more murders, jessica taylor killed in 2003 and sandra costilla in 1993. he riemann already charged with the killings of these four women, infamously known as the gilgo four discovered along the same stretch of long island highway more than a decade it a go. there were audible gasps in the courtroom as prosecutors introduced a word document found on a laptop in march, described as a gruesome blueprint for serial killings. prosecutor say heuermann created it in 2000 and modified it over years. before trying to delete it in that document is in some cases identical to the methodology used to murder the six victims in this case court papers show it had sections and how to dispose of a body, avoid getting caught in what supplies may be needed with horrific detail, like hit harder. remember, don't charge gas more sleep and noise control equal more playtime and use pushpins to hang dropped close we went back into the house. we also found an area where they were pushpins into the drop ceiling. >> he remained remained unemotional as this new evidence was revealed in court, he pleaded not guilty to all the murders, new charges are always earth again yeah he's in a bad place in terms of the new charges. jessica get taylor was decapitated and her dismembered body was found in 2003, nearly eight years later, taylor's school hands and forearm were found near the dumpsite of the gilgo four victims were heuermann's truck was seen by witnesses investigators say heuermann was also in the same area where tailor made one per last calls to her mother. her mother cried as the new allegations were read. >> this year has been 21 years since she was taken from us longer than the chance that she got to be alive. >> advanced dna technology was used to connect here are meant to harris found on remains a both taylor and castillo, according to the court paperwork because de naked and mutilated body was found in a wooded area in southampton in 1993, heuermann's first first alleged victim and jake, it is clear that this investigation has expanded greatly not only with the discovery of that manifesto, but also so 350 additional electronic devices found in new searches, hyrum is gonna be back in court next month. >> jake. >> all right. brynn grass. thanks so much. >> our last leads. our next one. greetings happened yeah, that's not good. >> happened huge things happen happen be there with three learn more at rnc dot. >> here's to getting better with age here's the beat leads to every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don't. >> so here's two now oh, karni 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after engineers solve some problems with the spacecraft thrusters the astronauts will stay for about a week that will give engineers on earth time to analyze the frehse problems and the implications of several helium leaks, which the crew delta with by closing valves, then news continue

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Papers , Sections , Methodology , Six , Pushpins , Noise Control , Detail , Playtime , Remember , Hit Harder , Drop Ceiling , Earth , Truck , Forearm , Dumpsite , Taylor S School Hands , Witnesses Investigators , Eight , Mother , Allegations , 21 , Dna Technology , Paperwork , Southampton , Castillo , De Naked , Hyrum , Victim , Investigation , Devices , Discovery , Searches , 350 , Leads , Greetings , Brynn Grass , Rnc Dot , Karni Isolde , Crohn S Disease , Use , Ulcerative Colitis , Color , Carnegie , Karnak , Barnea , Injections , Dose , Cancer , Condition , Lung Inflammation , Vaccine Premis , Rose Path , Remission , Field , Cost Support Options , Laura Johnson And , Car Shopping Two Rows , Facts , Accident , Half , Accident Impacts , Puppy , Overpay Oh , Maria , Flight Prices , Paradise Camp , Ficus , Trader , Contractors , Staging , Rays , Inspectors , Strangers , Carpet , Pho , Nobody , Genital , Skin Perineum , Seeker , Brand New Bridge , Stopped Taking , Eyes , Group Jeep , 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