if it's another head, he wants get one that truly fits. you go into one of the kind gift has shown, he's number one etsy has it sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your adversary. >> he and his secret is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of the hand, secrets and spies, a nuclear gain sunday at ten on cnn hunter biden's ex-wife takes the stand as the prosecution makes their case against the president's son on federal gun charges, riveting testimony about the first time she realized that he was using drugs and found a crack pipe in their home and while the president is abroad, the white house is defending him against a story that suggests he's slipping as he gets older, we're going to speak with one of the reporters behind the story about what lawmakers told her about what they've seen in meetings and what the president's defenders are saying today, i had a stork good morning about our climate that we are quote, playing russian roulette with our planet as the record heat of the past year could be nothing compared to what scientists say is about to come. >> we're following these major developing stores and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central emotional testimony, and hunter biden's federal gun trial as the prosecution calls his ex-wife and his former girlfriend to take the stand, both shared intimate in disturbing details about dealing with hunter biden's past drug use and kathleen buhle, who was married to a hunter for more than two decades and shares 33 children with him. >> describe how she found drugs and paraphernalia in hunters car on multiple occasions, including in 2018? that's the year that prosecutors say he illegally purchased just a gun while being addicted to drugs. let's bring in cnn chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid, who has been following the action inside court. so paula, did the jury react at all to these two women's testimonies? >> yeah boris after kind of a slow start to the morning, the jurors were sitting up, leaning in and hanging on every word from these women. now, his ex-wife was only on the stand of briefly, she talks about the first time that she found a crack pipe in their family home back in 2015 she also talked about how she would search his his car or for any drugs or drug paraphernalia before their children would use it. but on cross-examination, she also said, look, she wasn't sure what he was doing with his life in 2018. by that point, they were divorced and of course 2018, that's the year that he bought this firearm at the center of this case, abbe lowell, the defense attorney, also got her could see that she never actually saw hunter biden using drugs. she was only on the stand for a short period of time. and then after her was a young woman that hunter biden met in late 2017 and gentleman's club and then subsequently spent long spans of time with at various hotels on the east and west coast she testified at how often she would see him smoking crack. she said he was doing that about every 20 minutes. now, her testimony is not done. she's still being questioned by prosecutors, but baur is she was a very compelling witness, very articulate, clearly had a lot of warm feelings, 400 talked about how charismatic he was, how much people liked him how is demeanor did not change even after he smoked crack. so she will continue her appearance on the stand unclear how long she's going to go, but definitely some captivating witnesses for the jury and paula earlier in the day, the defense tried to discredit the prosecutors timeline of hunter biden's drug abuse as it relates to any purchase the gun, what can you tell us about that? the title kicked off with prosecutors bringing in a lot of evidence. they had an fbi agent on the stand, wealth and bring in the infamous laptop various phones and other bank records. all this evidence. so what abbe lowell was trying to do is to show that this evidence doesn't necessarily prove that hunter biden because addicted to drugs when he purchased that firearm, you tried to show gaps in the text messages. he tried to show that the bank records where he was withdrawing cash, large amounts of cash at that time. but there was no direct evidence that he was using that to buy drugs now, with the prosecutors had a chance to get back up. once again, they tried to point to circumstantial evidence showing that for me most legitimate purchases a hunter biden was using his his regular debit card and he was mostly using cash for drugs, but it was interesting on the stand, one of his romantic partners said that yes, i'm one time he gave her $800 to go buy clothes for his kids. does a lot to work with both sides. i will say that during the evidentiary dispute and the defense and the prosecutor the jury was struggling to stay attentive. they are clearly focused on their task, but as they were going through the bank records once again, at least one juror has eyes were closing, which is why was it to contrast, we came back after the break and they put the women on the stand and they were sitting up straight, leaning in and listening to every word and the purpose for those women to be on the stand is just to talk about hunter biden's addiction, specifically in 2018, and it's unclear how much the second woman will be able to offer about his addiction status in the fall of 2018 when we left court right before lunch, they were in about april, may of 2018. so still have a ways to go yeah. >> a personal story is more interesting than a bank record for sure, paula reid, live horse from wallet and delaware, always. thank you so much for that. >> so right now, president biden is on a high-profile trip overseas, marking the 80th anniversary of the allied invasion of france in world war ii. >> back at home, the white house has a new fight on its hands, pushing back on a story just published in the wall street journal. >> the title of this piece says it all behind closed doors. biden shows signs of slipping polls have shown that at 81-years-old, the president's age has been a persistent concern with voters. anxious it's about having the oldest president in us history serve another four years the journal says the article is based on interviews with more than 45 people, both republicans and democrats over several months, those people had either participated in meetings with biden or were briefed on them at the time to be clear that group also included administrative patient officials and democrats who did not find fault with the president's performance. the journal also said that most of those were critical of biden's performance. we're republicans, but some democrats did say that the president is showing signs of his age and the white house responded. they said congressional republicans, foreign leaders, and nonpartisan nationals security experts have made clear in their own words that president biden is a savvy and effective leader who has a deep record of legislative accomplishment. now, in 2024, house republicans are making false claims as a political tactic that flatly contradict previous statements made by themselves and their colleagues. wall street journal congressional reporters, chauvin hughes is one of the two reporters on the by-line of the story and she's with us now, chauvin. thank you so much for being with us this story obviously is making a lot of waves as you know, the headline behind closed doors, biden showing signs of slipping. what is slipping mean and is the picture that is painted? here different from what voters are seen in public? >> the picture that's being painted here is one of a president who behind closed doors is very much the same as what you see in public. somebody who has good days, good moments, but also bad days, and bad moments and the reason that's significant is the white house position has been that if only you could see the president behind closed doors, if only you could see what we see. he's absolutely sharp as attack. and so this aims to find out what is the president like behind closed doors. it's what's happening they're different from what the public sees and the answer is not very much sure. >> you write that most of those who said that biden performed poorly were republicans, but you noted that some democrats said that he showed his age and several exchanges not to repeat brianna's question, but i'm wondering what showed his age and tails because there are several instances in the piece we're different encounters can be read different ways and people came away from meetings with different impressions of what happens. so i'm wondering how you navigated that in your reporting. >> so it's fair that is very, very tricky terrain. but we focused on three meetings in particular, all over the course of the past year and there were things like mumbling, speaking in such a low voice that people could only here every other word or couldn't understand what he was saying. this over-reliance on notecards using note cards to make what we're very obvious points and using them in ways that affected the spontaneity of the conversation. having a loose command of the details things like in the ukraine meeting, we talked about in january of this year using note cards to make the point that ukraine aid needed to be on the table when everybody in that room by enlarge agreed that ukraine aid needed to pass. that wasn't the question. the question is, how do we do this quickly? and so it is the preponderance of the details elba we gathered that led to that headline. >> former house speaker kevin mccarthy went on the record with you guys for the story. he said, quote, i used to meet with him when he was vice president. i go to his house. he's not the same person. you also in the story mentioned some of the differing things that mccarthy for thee has said about biden. so i wonder how you can make heads or tails of that. it was a reported of course, by the new york times and political last year that he would publicly skewer biden, but then privately he would tell us allies that he found biden to be sharp in their meetings. >> so we heard from administration officials that mccarthy did say that the president was sharp and meetings are reporting also suggested that mccarthy was doing that tactically. you because he had to get along with president biden at a time when the country was at really risk of a debt default if there was not some type of a deal. so you can take that for what it's worth. you can decide mccarthy is not credible or that he is, but that's what are reporting showed i want to give you an opportunity to respond to several democratic lawmakers who said that they were interviewed for the piece. senators coons marie speaker, emerita pelosi north carolina governor roy cooper, they said they were interviewed for the piece, but there are quotes weren't included. some of them are arguing that there's a slant to the story. what's your response? so it's true that we interviewed a number of people and all of the democrats saying that they were spoken to. yes, we spoke to a number of people. it's true that their views of the president were represented. maybe their quote was not the coat that was selected, but other people's work all right and it's also true that my job here is to be the agent of the reader. i am not here to publish the quote provided to me or us by every single democrat. i just can't do that. >> what about the accusation that the pieces slanted democrats feel the piece is slanted and they're entitled to feel that but i would encourage folks to get away from the politics of this. >> and before we jumped to a conclusion about motivation or slant, read the story and look at what the facts say and you decide for yourself, i would do encourage people to read the story. there's also a lot about former president trump and just looking at this issue overall, it is a lot long and involved piece that is certainly worthy of a read i wonder and you talk about it a little bit in the piece. the white house reaction to this. and of course there is sensitivity because this is something that is on voter's minds. how did the white house react the way it has reaction? i think you can see for yourself the white house disputes what is in the story. they dispute that biden has these bad moments. they insist that he is sharp, but what's not really at dispute as a lot of what we're seeing in these meetings. and when we talked to administration officials, frequently, there was not a difference over what was happening. there was a difference in cast. so for example in the debt ceiling conversation, if i didn't have a loose command of detail well, that was because the principal is supposed to be up over the fray. he's not supposed to be engaged if in the january 17 meeting, the president, for example, is standing back, letting lawmakers do the talking. well, that's just because that's an appropriate way to run a meeting to give somebody else a chance to have their say there's not a dispute about the basic facts here are there were disputes about whether people could hear him, right? >> well, it's fine if you say you want to hear him, but the overwhelming evidence that we gathered is that many, many people did have trouble hearing him and unbalanced. we felt it was important to put that in the story. >> one quick question. trail up something that briana said the reported mix-ups on president trump's port. did you find similar concerns with his mental acuity among the lawmakers you spoke to president trump's mental acuity is an extremely important issue as are other issues frankly about president trump in terms of his overall approach but that's not what this story focused on. this story was about president biden. there will be a place to focus on president trump. >> schwann, whose great to get your perspective on the story. thanks for being with us thank you. thank you still had to sour on cnn news central migrants are already being turned away at the border as biden sweeping asylum restrictions take effect. >> we're going to talk to a sheriff in texas who is at the white house for yesterday's announcement about what he thinks is needed and support for robert kennedy, jr. appears to be fading, but his third party bid could still cost trump or biden the the election. we have the numbers on this, these stories and more coming up. this our sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is share it with your advisor if his secret is betrayed itself, bullet two i can the hands secrets and spies, a nuclear gain sunday at ten on cnn today at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way thanks to you. we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get 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now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money call when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 just hours after for president biden's new asylum restrictions took effect, authorities are turning away migrants in at least one city along the southern border or team on the ground and either algo, texas captured this video showing agents escorting a group of migrants back to mexico after their bus arrived at a port of entry. >> the sweeping new policy targets migrants who cross the us-mexico border illegally and bands them from seeking asylum once deadly crossings hit a certain threshold the move is a significant policy shift for the biden administration, and it's getting pushback from both sides of the aisle, joining us now, is the sheriff of bear county, texas. he began to sell assad. >> sheriff. thank you so much for being with us. how do you think this executive order is going to be when it comes to alleviating the problem at the border. do you think it's going to be effective well, i mean, i think it's a star. >> i know that it's not going to be a perfect process, especially the starting right out of the gate. but i think it's a good effort on the part of the administration. they brought us out yesterday. we've been getting briefed up until yesterday, and again, i think it's a good start. i wish this had not become necessary to put out an executive order that we know is going to be challenged almost immediately, but it hasn't already i wish the bipartisan legislation that i thought was a good bill that got presented twice and got shot down twice just for the sake of political pandering okay. i wish that it happened, but an absence of that. this is probably the best that can happen 20 sure. >> if there are critics that argue that because if some of the exemptions in the order we may see unintended consequences, things like more unaccompanied minors attempting to cross children by themselves, trying to cross the border what are your biggest concerns with this executive order? >> well, my biggest concerns are both sides of the aisle from the far right and far left, i guess started complaining about it before he even got a announced. then i really wish everybody just back off the bint and give it a chance to work or not work. but let's take a wait and see approach but again, this is the first meaningful change to this up to these policies. and i think upwards of 25, 27 years. so i mean, let's give it a shot and see what see what works. >> what would you say to some folks within the president's own party that argue that this order to closely aligns with the frame that former president trump had on immigration. do you see it that way? >> well, on the one side says it didn't go far enough for the other. sayyed says it went too far i think there needs to be a certain amount of compromise in it. again, the bipartisan legislation was exactly that. it was a good compromise. and then people that actually helped craft it turned and voted against it. that's sets this lunacy at this point. so i think that the administration did the best that they could do with the product that they've got out now i know that it's not perfect, but i think we should continue to try to lend support and help where we can refining it moving forward. >> i'm. sure if you. mentioned that it was likely going to wind up getting challenged in court, it's widely expected that it will potentially it could be struck down. how do you think that is going to play out? do you think this executive order may survive in some form? >> well, we were we were assured yesterday that it could stand up to the scrutiny of lawsuits and legal challenges obviously, that remains to be seen. nobody in there was a clairvoyant that can tell us definitively, but they believe that it's water, it's water tight enough to stand up to that if it doesn't, then we'll have to take cap does take a step back and just where we will be will be where we were at this time yesterday before this order took place. and then there'll be back to the drawing board, but at a certain point, these two sides are going to have to get past their own egos, get past their own party, leinz, and work together for the greater good sure. >> if quickly have you seen a significant change in the way that it's being implemented in bear county well, we haven't had a chance to deal with it yet, and i've been on the ground here and bear county for about an hour now, i just got in from dc this morning. so haven't really had a chance to see it yet how it hits here, but i'm sure within the next couple of days, we'll see the effects of it. good or bad and we look forward to checking in with you when you get a read on it. sure. if i'm here to sell assad, thanks so much for the time thank you, sir. >> be safe. >> of course. thanks next, the trump appointed judge overseeing his classified documents case is just made an extraordinary move in trump's favor and it's something that no other judge before her has done and we'll have that next. plus brand-new polling shows that even with fading support robert f. kennedy jr. could still have a major impact on the outcome of november's election but which candidate as he projected data for potentially help will discuss the increase in wildfires is exponential unpredictable uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences, the need to do something is urgent with birth, with we have schreiber and good night on cnn with wet amd. >> i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it. >> but now i can open up my war with revised all right buh-bye. >> small was the first fda approved treatment for people with wet amd than improves vision and delivers a chance for up to four months between trees so i can do more of what i loved who buys more works differently is the only treatment designs block two causes of wet amd, the buys nose, and eye injection don't take it if you have an infection at the by 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scheduling here, the gag order first i can come up with no other reason than she is purposely avoiding ruling on certain matters and doing the best she can to delay the trial of this cause as long as she possibly can i just can't come up with a reason if she is that ignorant of how to handle these matters, than she doesn't belong on the bend if you're it's doing it because she's lazy than she doesn't belong on the bench. >> doing it just to delay that she doesn't belong on the bench okay. >> so what would make you say that? what would be a more normal way to handle this well, this case is basically been mishandled by her from the beginning allowing mr. trump to file an action in civil court regarding a search warrant, which is criminal in nature and gets handled during the course of criminal litigation, was the first mistake twice. >> she has been reversed by the 11th circuit and she's been chastised by them for an essence making decisions which are completely against the law completely against pending pending precedent. >> so it really comes down to the point that i can come up with no other reason for this, then she is doing this to purposely delay mr. trump's litigation there are many defendants who have legally challenged authority of special counsel's, for example, hunter biden lost a challenge to the authority of special counsel, david weiss. >> do you see this as different? >> it is not different and it goes all the way back actually to paul manafort when he was charged and he challenged a special prosecutor's statute and the application of a special prosecutor no court has ever granted this motion, and that includes multiple districts and a couple of circuits. so where she thinks that she is better than ever everybody else and knows this better than anybody else that she needs the help of ed meese, of all people to tell her what to do and allow someone who is not even involved in the litigation has no dog in the fight whatsoever to be involved in the litigation itself is completely unheard of. she is doing things just to do them and she won't rule because she knows if there's an appeal on anything she rules on the 11th circuit when now have the ability on their own to remove her from this litigation if cannon rules for trump, when it comes to the authority of the special counsel, i mean, is the case just done? the k the case actually will require that the special prosecutor taken appeal, which will take things up to the 11th circuit and they will rule as every other court has ruled, and they will chastise her. and i believe that they would have no choice after the three rulings they've had to rule on that. the chief judge of that circle would have no choice but to suis bhante remover from this litigation. this is one of the reasons why she will not rule on anything because she knows this could happen. that's the one intelligent thing that she's doing right now. and i'm going to use the words of of the minority leader in the senate, mitch mcconnell when he was describing another judge candidate just recently and said that that judge had distinguished herself, was sheeran competence. and i think i would use the same words to describe judge cannon judge jeff swartz. >> thank you so much for being with us. >> have a great day. >> all right. you too now, the race for the white house where he controversial candidate could still tip the election one way or the other cues. cnn senior data reporter harry enten. harry, of course, we are talking about rfk junior. so tell us your reporting here. >> i hope sharing competence does not. it's not a phrase that's used to describe me. anyway okay let's take a look at our kids junior in his support. right. and so i want to put this in a historical context. third-party or independent candidates polling at 10% in june of election year, rok junior is in a class that very few other independent or third-party candidates have been a part of, you might remember ross perot in 1996. ross perot and 90 to john anderson in 1980, and george wallace and 1,968. so rfk junior is doing something right now that no third or independent candidate has done since i was well, we'll just say less than 10-years-old, so he's gluing something that's quite unusual. but as you pointed out, there has been a little bit of a fete and rfk juniors support. so if we look back to late 2023, what we see here, 17% of quinnipiac university, 15% and fox news, 17% and reuters ipsos look rfk junior is still pulling in the double digits, but he's at 14% of three point drop ucf four point drop fox news, and you see a seven point drop in the reuters ipsos poll. so rfk junior still in an elite company when it comes to third or independent candidates, but it does seem at this point, he's seeing a bit of a fade which is something that we often can see with third-party candidates as the election. whereas on and we get closer to election day harry, what are the number say about one reason why he might be fading? yeah, one reason he might be fading is it a that voters are saying, i gotta go for a major party candidate. i don't want to waste my vote as a lot out of folks might potentially argue or is it that rfk junior is himself becoming less popular? and it does seem like rk junior might be becoming a little less popular. so these are views of rfk and take a look here. the favorite horrible writing in november of 2023, 31%. look at the favorable rating now, 25% according to quinnipiac university let's see how about the unfavorable rating that has gone up 36% in november of 2023. and now what we're looking at is a 43% unfavorable ratings. so this net favorable rating is now at -18 points. it was just that five points. that's an interesting looking five. it's now -18, so it does seem that arcade junior is becoming less popular, but who is he becoming less popular among? and who does he seem like he's hurting most in the presidential race? joe biden, democrat or donald trump and the republicans, it's actually republicans who seem to be more on the rfk junior bandwagon. in fact, if you were to look at the last quinnipiac university, paul, what you saw was that rfk junior was if you were looking at that paul, you would see that by 14 points, they preferred donald trump to joe biden. that's why this slide is so important. what you see here is a gop views of rfk junior back in november of 2023, 41% favorable rating. now, just 31, the unfavorable rating goes from 20 to to 30. it seems like donald trump's attacks on rfk jr. are working what a competent live harry enten just sheer competence. streets come thank you so much thank you. from one common in-person to two competent people. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you up next, the call is coming from inside the house, openai insiders, the company behind chatgpt, have released a letter warning of quote, serious risk with ai will explain in just moments hey, mom, how many should i decorate each half ran half blue that's a really tough call. who are you? 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i mean, this is just a dizzying rate of change that we're experiencing right now. but in the near future 2020 3-year-old register as a normal year whereas in fact, if you look at those graphs, all you can see is a vertical line shooting upward from the very recent, warmest years on record. so really just a records smashing year in 2023 let me be very clear. >> again, the phase out, the fossil fuels is essential, and inevitable no amount of speed are scared tactics will change that let's hope it doesn't come to light while the head of the united nations has been railing against polluters and petro states for years. >> he is using this report to plead with world leaders to cut dirty fuels faster than ever. to kick in more for unfair loss and damage and developing countries and to ban all advertising from oil, gas and coal companies. >> if you could see the inside of your engine we at chevron believe that nothing is more precious than life. >> what do you make of the secretary's general's decision to really take new steps to call for an end to fossil fuel advertising on television and radio to treat those ads the way you would for tobacco products, any policies that we can introduce it national level or even international agreements to actually change the way we rely on fossil fuels are important. so these, these actions, as you say, to treat fossil fuel adverts as if it would to be treats, ban in conversations around tobacco, or at least warn signs. if you do smoke, these are the consequences. we need to get. i think more savvy to do that around greenhouse gas emissions as well to avoid the worst sayyed said emissions must fall 9% a year until 2030 pretty and while they still went up last year, it was only by 1%. >> thanks to a boom and clean wind and sun power. assign that humanity could finally be on the verge of bending the carbon curve yes, 1% is in the wrong direction, but it's getting close to zero. >> and then it can start going into the negative if territory. so in fact, we are predicted to have peak fossil fuel emissions within the next year or two which is something i frankly never saw coming even five years ago. >> so that's real progress. >> i think people need to really appreciate that and now how fast the transition happens really comes down to the fight between vested fossil fuel interests. the secretary general call them the godfathers of the climate crisis, driving us down a highway to hell at full blast will only profits in mind calling for subsidies billions of dollars since subsidies they enjoy now to be shifted to energy companies that don't make carbon godzilla bigger by the day. so it's hopeful guys that we can bend that carbon curve within the next couple of years. but every 100th of a degree matters and saving entire ecosystems and the urgency is not near enough what it should be globally. >> yeah, the planet at a precarious point and not everyone is on the same page. bill we're thanks so much for the report we're following a hunter biden's federal trial on gun charges when we come back, what is extra? wife and former girlfriend are telling jurors about his past drug use. another hour of c at a new central up after a short break increase in wildfires is exponential unpredictable uncontrollable, with overwhelming consequences the need to do something is urgent. slightly. with we have dry burdex and good night on cnn today. at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can can be remade in a whole new way. >> thanks to you. were getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back we can use less new plastic bottles are to be remade biz to credit we know running a business takes everything you have, and only a certain kind of leader has what it takes. every new challenges years to solve. and there's no such thing as off the clock you carry the weight of the problems but you're resolved never wavers. no one else can do what you do. >> we know your your drive we know your determination. >> you've come far enough to know successes for those who take it this due credit funding, what's next? 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,Essence Making Decisions ,Law ,Precedent ,11th Circuit ,11 ,Defendants ,Special Counsel S ,David Weiss ,Challenge ,Paul Manafort ,Special Prosecutor ,Statute ,Couple ,Motion ,Districts ,Application ,Someone ,Circuits ,Anybody ,Ed Meese ,Appeal ,Ability ,Anything ,Cannon Rules For Trump ,Choice ,Chief Judge ,Circle ,Rulings ,Suis Bhante Remover ,Reasons ,Mitch Mcconnell ,Minority Leader ,Sheeran Competence ,Senate ,Race ,Look ,Harry Enten ,Look Rfk Junior ,Phrase ,Competence ,Cues ,Candidates ,Class ,Context ,Rok Junior ,10 ,George Wallace ,John Anderson ,Ross Perot ,1996 ,90 ,1980 ,1968 ,Bit ,Rfk Juniors Support ,Gluing ,Fete ,15 ,Ipsos ,Quinnipiac University ,Fox News ,Reuters ,Digits ,Drop Ucf ,14 ,2023 ,Junior ,Fade ,Point Drop ,Poll ,Saying ,Popular ,Little ,Vote ,Rk Junior ,Gotta Go ,Rating ,Take A Look ,Rfk ,Horrible Writing In November ,Let S ,31 ,36 ,November Of 2023 ,Ratings ,Arcade Junior ,8 ,Five ,43 ,Joe Biden ,Rfk Junior Bandwagon ,Fact ,Slide ,What You Saw ,Attacks ,41 ,Streets ,Ai ,Openai ,Chatgpt ,Insiders ,Letter Warning ,The Call ,Call ,Half ,Guy ,Mom ,Sprinkles ,Small Business Owner ,Stuff ,Funding ,Journey ,Father S Day ,Freemium Hand ,Dad ,Tenderness ,Neck Tie ,Perfection ,State Packets ,Dads ,Burgers ,99 ,Eight ,Milestones ,Customer ,Products ,Steaks ,Wisdom ,Grab ,Coffee Subscription Box ,Customer Thank Com ,Gear ,Rob No Miles ,Statement Well ,Just Don T ,Coma ,Sickness ,Tears ,Stomach ,Hit ,Childhood Cancer ,Jude T Shirt ,Road ,Through St ,Jude Children S Research Hospital ,Families ,Housing ,Cures ,Bill From St ,Diseases ,Donors ,Jude For Treatment Travel ,Donations ,9 ,Lives ,Big Business ,Research ,Grandmother ,Drawing ,Credit Card ,Debit ,Big And Small ,Hospital ,Doors ,Qr Code ,A Second Chance ,Kid ,Don T Wait Call ,Jamaica Saline ,199 ,Camps ,Dogs ,Itself ,Kibble ,Vets ,Sandals ,Those Com ,1800 ,Pet Food ,Door ,Box ,50 ,The Farmer S Dog Com Slash Real Food ,Ophelie Kalisa ,Mesothelioma Victims ,Firm ,Meso Book Com ,Letter ,Warning ,Artificial Intelligence ,Industry Workers ,Oversight ,Energy Companies ,Ai Systems ,Loss ,Firms ,Human Extinction ,Palliation ,Control ,Risk Of Quote ,Workers ,Employees ,Signers ,Flags ,Who ,13 ,Clair ,Clare Duffy ,Systems ,Ai Firms ,Smart ,Humans ,Misinformation ,Regulation ,Companies ,Safety Concerns ,Risks ,Information ,Guardrails ,Regulators ,Line ,Heart ,Activity ,Whistleblower ,Protections ,Members ,Agreements ,Complaints ,Commitments ,Series ,Non Disparagement ,Debate ,Track Record ,Safety ,Spokesperson ,Technology ,Significance ,Communities ,Governments ,Civil Society ,Commitment ,Calls ,Ai Space ,Demands ,Secretary General ,Climate Change ,Meteoric ,Dinosaurs ,Fun ,Congress ,Hand Secrets ,Minix ,Posts ,Futurama ,Go Daddy Arrow ,He Arrow ,Ocean ,Spreadsheets ,Kayak ,The View ,Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan ,Job Description ,Insurance ,Medicare ,Unitedhealthcare ,65 ,Health Care Future ,Freedom ,Specialists ,Patients ,Referrals ,Bingo ,Networks ,Plan ,Cutie ,Care ,Wait Don T ,Arizona ,Future ,Expenses ,Savings ,Husband ,Plants ,Producer ,Questions ,Insurance Agent ,Call Unitedhealthcare ,Guide ,Service ,Plans ,Standards ,Options ,Quality ,Aarp ,94 ,Aar P Medicare Supplement Plan ,Self Up ,Health Care ,Unitedhealthcare A Look ,Unitedhealthcare Smart ,Gutters ,Debris ,Guaranteed ,Efficient ,Gas Heating ,Project ,Lee Filter ,Anjie ,Why ,Realms ,Enough ,Warnings ,Experts ,Summer ,Excuse ,On Macs ,Chief Climate Correspondent Bill ,Highway ,Climate Health ,Milestone ,12 ,Message ,Hottest ,Boris ,Red Flag ,One Giant ,Heartland ,Attractions ,Weather ,Drought ,Conga Line ,Tornadoes ,Flooding ,Mexico City ,Brazil ,Germany ,Elections ,Human Activity ,Temperatures ,Snapshots ,India ,122 ,Row ,Climate Crisis ,Heat Records ,Sort ,Knowledge ,Rate ,Register ,Graphs ,2020 ,3 ,Let S Hope It Doesn T ,Fossil Fuels ,Essential ,No Amount ,Tactics ,Speed ,Phase Out ,Report ,Fuels ,World Leaders ,States ,Polluters ,Railing ,Petro ,Damage ,Coal Companies ,Countries ,Inside ,Advertising ,Gas ,Engine ,Soil ,Chevron ,Secretary ,Tobacco Products ,Fossil Fuel Advertising ,General ,Decision ,Ads ,Radio ,Television ,Level ,Actions ,Fossil Fuel Adverts ,Ban ,Smoke ,Emissions ,Conversations ,Greenhouse Gas Emissions ,Tobacco ,Savvy ,Humanity ,Boom ,Wind ,Verge ,Sun Power ,Carbon Curve Yes ,1 ,2030 ,Direction ,Fossil Fuel Emissions ,Territory ,Negative ,Zero ,Transition ,Progress ,Subsidies ,Fossil Fuel Interests ,Profits ,Godfathers ,Blast ,Highway To Hell ,Carbon Curve ,The Day ,Don T Make Carbon Godzilla Bigger ,Urgency ,Everyone ,Degree ,Ecosystems ,Page ,Wife ,Hunter Biden S Federal Trial On Gun ,C ,Good Night On Cnn Today ,Dry Burdex ,Grand ,Staff ,Yes ,Todd ,Mobility ,Energy ,Verse ,Pay ,Safe Step Login ,Consumer Cellular ,Customers ,Cost ,Carriers ,Color Go ,Don T Worry ,July 31st ,Settlement ,Activity Gradients ,Other ,Day Sale ,Amazon American West ,Hope ,Snow ,Resource ,Dream ,Great Arrives In American Saga ,Personal ,

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