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is infuriating the white house. heat records to shatter across the country today, millions of americans will see temperatures in the triple digits record setting, temperatures that are potentially life-threatening. sara is out today. i'm john berman with kate bolduan and this is cnn new sec this our first witness in hunter biden's federal trial will return to the stand that witness, an fbi agent will be facing cross-examination hunter biden arrived at court last hour. >> we're showing you there an after that, fbi agents testimony, it is looking to be a very emotional day ahead. that's because the prosecution's next witness. >> he's expected to be a hunter biden's ex-wife prosecutors say she'll be able to testify to find him drugs and drug paraphernalia, numerous times. >> his public struggled with drug addiction it is part of the prosecution's case as they try to prove that biden illegally purchased a gun. because while battling addiction to do that, they're also using his own words against him from his memoir i possessed a new superpower, the ability to find crack and any town at anytime no matter how hun familiar terrain it was easy evan perez is outside the federal courthouse in delaware force. >> evan, what what is it going to be like today and what is going to happen when hundred biden's ex-wife takes the stand? >> what kate, i imagine we're going to have a lot of a lot more emotion we already saw allow that happened yesterday. catherine bw he's expected to hit to take the stand later. this morning, perhaps after the defense finishes his cross-examination of that fbi agent, what prosecutors have spent the first day of testimony doing is going through all of the evidence that they have showing text messages, they showed the from his laptop, hunter biden laptop. they showed thick pictures and video from his icloud that showed him with drugs. they showed him talking to people who were providing drugs to him. and of course we saw we heard his own voice for about an hour prosecutors used his own memoir, his audio book, and you can hear his voice filling this courtroom. a lot of emotion from his own wife choking up at points, enjoying the that part of the presentation patient and the point of prosecutors are driving home, is that when a hunter biden bought this firearm back in october of 2018, he knew full well that he was a person was struggling with addiction and should have known that buying this firearm was against the law. listen to part of the audio book that was played in court yesterday. >> no, honore among is crackheads the nashville i was a bloodhound on the scent like everywhere else i'd bought crack i knew i could go there cold in a note time assess what highway to get on, what exit to get off bad, what gas station to pull into. and what de, very looking character to choose my newest most trusted associate the in the room they're durer's, we're paying very close attention to that part of the presentation by the prosecution. >> and we expect that a lot of that is going to happen again today. >> and about the jury evan, from inside the courtroom has been reported that the jury's somebody, some of the jurors have been showing emotion themselves. what are you hearing about that yeah. >> look, i was inside the courtroom and i was keeping an eye on the jury to see how they react and certainly during part of abbe lowell's presentation his point is that data point of the defense here is that yes. a hunter biden wasn't attic, but as anybody, if you've got family members, some of these jurors do they have family members who've struggled with addiction you know that there are moments and their tines are periods of sobriety and that's the point that abbe lowell was driving home from prosecution, doesn't have does not have evidence that shows hunter biden was using drugs on the day he bought the gun, and i could see one of the jurors taking tissues from her bag, wiping away at her eyes and her nose. she took a deep sigh as she got up. during one of the breaks and later on, you could see she was nodding as abbe lowell was trying to drive home that point, yet again, with the fbi agent who was on the stand, she paged back to her notes and nodded as abbe lowell's making that point again, a lot of emotion we expect some more of that today when we get the first of three x's that are going to be to understand in this trial today, kate so interesting, great to have you there. >> i've and thank you so much. johnny, are with me now, former prosecutor jeremy saland german. let me just pick up with what evan last reported right there because with his own eyes, he saw jury nodding as abbe lowell, who's the defense lawyer, was cross-examining an fbi agent there. what are your feelings when you see that when you're a process? cuter and a defense lawyer, i think in the context of what we're hearing and seeing, this is more beneficial to the defense or at least appears as such because there's a thing called empathy and compassion and jurors are not immune from that. and especially a case like this where people can and really two, diction and no people either personally with family members, friends who suffered through this. so there's an emotional component here which is not in a white-collar case, but this is a very personal case. >> it just as it former prosecutor, when you look at a juror nodding in agreement, maybe with a defense lawyer, me, what goes through your mind? i mean, how does that that affect you? >> i think oh, i've got to figure this out. how do i come back and now he raised that issue and get rid of y problem and try to fix it you know what i can appreciate your epithelium is juror, but this is the fact. this is the law you got to follow it right on this is starting today. you have people that could end up being deeply uncomfortable for hunter biden as witnesses, his former wife, the widow of his brother, bo biden, with whom hunter also had a relationship. another romantic partner will also ultimately take the stand. we believe as well. >> what is the prosecution want to get from them? >> clearly, e bees, people who were loaded and i'm not using that word pejoratively, but they come with a lot of connections. de hunter biden, what does the prosecution want from that? >> well, these are people who have two your point, have a relationship with hunter biden, whether they have an ax to grind or they've gotten over that. but there's a compassion and the love here, but they're going to say, nonetheless this is a man who had a significant and serious drug issue and how he went on binges and how he had access to drugs and maybe discuss some of the money issues as well. so they're going to fortify mean in the prosecution get these witnesses hunter biden is an addict and he knew he was an addict and they're going to fight that allegation or challenge whether now or down into summation that he wasn't an addict on day three or de nine or a ten, he's been an addict and he's been an abuser of drug. and we have evidenced that all these days he was using it even if not today in particular. >> so now you're that offense. >> how much of a challenge is a challenge is it for defense lawyers to do cross on witnesses like this? how careful do you need to be? >> well, you have to drive home. the point that very simply at its core you can't say on that day or the day before whenever it may be at last time, he that he was using drugs or how much he was using drugs, they can say he had a habit and he was doing this often and he was on calls and he has these audio recordings and books so they can all corroborate that it was a drug user but to the point of low-low famine, aa, am i always an addict even if i haven't used in ten years, if i'm not using at that moment. so all this just fortifies the prosecution and it's a heavy lift for the defense, but that's how they're going to poke. >> we just got through a trial where the defense every time they cross it or not every time, but when they cross examine some key witnesses, they were tough. i mean, they were hard on these witnesses. >> can you be tough like that? do you want to me this is going to be much more different. i think this will be more of a softer approach. and again, you want to play in that empathy because even if you're not getting what you want in terms the testimony directly, if you have that one juror who's potentially with you and likely would have more she's not going to be an anomaly in all likelihood. you're building that sympathy, you're building, you know what he had a drug problem it's not a crime to have an addiction. >> so you keep your pubic dreze that juror i would imagine for the last four or five pills, some other jurors and as well, but all you need is one, right? jeremy saland. great to see you this morning. thank you very much the wall street journal with an article quotes republicans suggesting that the president, that is age is an issue. what they've seen behind closed doors. but why? but has not at all happy about this article. their new response this morning. >> and then coke is the number one soda in the country. but pepsi has just been dethroned as number two. new details stay tuned, to find out the soda that beat it out. you'll want to seek are up for that we're just moments away from what could be an historic launch if it happens. and that's a big, if it seems over the last few weeks, is boeing's starliner finally ready for liftoff hey, mom, how many should i decorate it? >> have ran have blue that's a really tough call. who are you if you look at the latest data? >> you're probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy really knows his stuff. when did i call the filter? when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch, we filters are permanent in a gutter solution. >> so you never have to worry about constantly damaged from clog gutters again, it's easiest call you can make colleague 33 leaflets are today. more visit 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that there are currently two ongoing wars. the president biden is going to speak at length about in normandy, biden will meet with veterans. he will visit the american cemetery and he will participate in the commemoration ceremonies binders, elastomeric hurricane president to be alive during d-day, which is an important distinction as he participates in these events, he's also going to sit down with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy in normandy to talk about the state of play on the ground and in the air in that country as the us has just authorized ukraine to use american made weapons across the border to strike russian targets nearby. and president binds also going to be giving a speech where he talks about the power of democracy and the importance in fighting tyranny national security adviser jake sullivan said that president biden is going to try to draw a through line from what happened in normandy on, during world war ii to what's happening on the frontlines of the west right now, sullivan says he'll talk about the stakes of that moment and existential fight between dictatorship and freedom he'll talk about the men who scaled those clips and how they but the country ahead of themselves. and it'll talk about the dangers of isolationism and how if we backed dictators failed to stand up to them, they keep going and ultimately america and the world pays a group greater price that reference to isolationism sort of a veiled shot against former president donald trump. biden's current opponent in the presidential race. essentially, a warning to the american electorate as well as the rest of the world of what could happen. so we expect to hear more on that front. but john, this is also a legacy building the trip for president biden as he nears the end of this term, this is the final one of the anniversary that they'll mark the g7 next week. but nato i'm at next month, these are major milestones and the president is really going to try to cement these alliances that have been a hallmark of his administration as he goes into the fall? >> yeah. really the first series of very important events. >> and to be greeted by this wall street journal article, kayla, i know the white house is lashing out at the report the white house is not happy with this report and has been on the defensive. >> the wall street journal had been working on this for several months, and according to the reporters, they interviewed 45 people which the journalists say work from both sides of the aisle. although the anecdotes that were specifically referenced, were attributed to former house speaker kevin mccarthy at the end, current house speaker mike johnson. anecdotes relate about meetings at those gentlemen participated in. although the journal does say that there were some democratic lawmakers two raised concerns about biden's age becoming a parent in some of these meetings, though in some instances, those democratic lawmakers called them back afterward after speaking with the white house to try to offer a more favorable account, but white house spokesman andrew bates provided this statement to the journal saying congressional republicans, foreign leaders, and nonpartisan national security experts have made clear in their own words that president biden is a savvy and effective leader who has a deep record of legislative accomplishment. now, in 2024, house republicans are making false claims, has a political tax dick that flatly contradict previous statements made by themselves and their colleagues, john kayla tausche for us in paris this morning that first day of this trip. thank you. kayla there's so much going on joining me right now to talk about all of it. >> democratic congressman from florida, jared moskowitz, it's good to see you, congressman. thanks for coming in. >> let's start there with this new reporting from the wall street journal and biden showing signs of slowing and slipping behind closed doors kayla leads that lays out how the journal describes the reporting as quite extensive. >> 45 people interviewed over several months, republicans and democrats are other participated in meetings with biden over briefed on them contemporaneously. what is your reaction to this? according no, thanks, kate. >> thanks for having me breaking news. biden is old. that's a story we haven't heard before. >> he's 81. donald trump is 78. they could have been in high school together so i don't know why the wall street journal needed 3,000 words to regurgitate a story that the republicans have been trying to tell up here for the last couple of years in hearings that they've had and talking points. but look, here we are, and this is going to be obviously the next six months that's going to be the entire campaign. biden is old. trump is crazy right? this is what we're going to hear for the next six months. so congratulations to the wall street journal. you're not first to the story. in fact, you're not even a hundreds. >> but wall? street journal, and i actually just heard it from bryan lanza, who is a trump ally earlier in the show. he is bryan lanza, put it in kind of what it's getting on this reporting is it's not the age it's the mental acuity. it's not the age, it's the slipping, i guess if i had to sum it up the mental acuity of both candidates has been an issue. does it concern you with biden? >> well, i mean, listen, there are people on their quoted saying, well, he's not the same as when he was vice president will look up, bite is not the same as he was in 2008 and by the way, breaking news, donald trump's not the same as he wasn't 2016. remember donald trump's the guy who literally sat in a deposition room and goes, oh, that's my ex-wife and it was literally e. jean carroll so this happens with both of the candidates, right? they, they have slip-ups, they have mistakes. joe biden came here and gave a state of the union and there was none of the garbage that the republicans are putting out on mental acuity. and we're going to have a debate in the next couple of weeks, right? and that will again prove that this is not an issue. >> yeah. adding to the import of the debate that is coming up on cnn on june 27th the president, president biden, also just in an interview with time magazine, i've been wanting to ask you about it. he left the door open as to whether israeli forces have committed crimes, crimes against humanity, committed war crimes during their ongoing campaign in gaza, telling the magazine it's quote, unquote, uncertain whether the idf has violated international law. you've been highly critical of the icc. you were just one of 42 house dems devote for to sanction the icc just yesterday. biden saying he's uncertain, is thrills committed war crimes. do you agree with him well, listen, i'm sure there'll be all sorts of investigations both internally and externally, whether some soldiers may have done things that were improper. >> lord knows, right, little self-reflection for a second, united states also had issues like that in both iraq in afghanistan were soldiers did things that were inappropriate. so if there are those things, they shouldn't be investigated, right. and they and they should be dealt with. the ic. she's saying is outrageous. >> okay. they have no jurisdiction over israel. they had no jurisdiction over syria. in fact, the icc specific ugly said, well, the reason why we didn't go after assad for war crimes. we didn't issue a warrant at after he killed 300,000 civilians with chemical weapons by the way, gassing them is because we don't have jurisdiction. well, they don't have jurisdiction here with israel, but now we have a made-up rule, right? it's magical. all of a sudden they gave themselves jurisdiction when they don't have any. so that's why it was critical. that we passed this bill yesterday on a bipartisan basis. >> i've actually been looking into the theory of thing. the atlantic council actually put out a pretty compelling argument that there is actually a way that the icc could have jurisdiction over syria because of the forced because if forcing syrians to be refugees in a country that does have jurisdiction under the icc. it is an interesting one that for sure to make then that's great. then that's great, kate. great news. i look forward to the icc prosecutor issuing an arrest warrant for assad. >> yeah, it is an interesting point to make biden also was asked during this interview about criticism event yahoo, some suggesting that he might be prolonging the war for his own political survival. here's the quote from biden, congressman biden saying, i'm not going to comment on that. >> there is every reason for people to draw that conclusion suzhou do you draw that conclusion well, look, i'm not here to defend netanyahu. i think there is some evidence that you could draw that conclusion. but at the same time, i think in the latest phase of the war, the reason why it's been going on the last couple of months when we could have gotten to a pause is because hamas has refused to agree to a ceasefire in exchange for hostages. now there's a new deal on the table, right? we're again waiting for hamas to agree to the ceasefire proposed by both president biden and agreed to by the israelis, which would get us a ceasefire in exchange for hostages. and so i think there's a little bit evidence that obviously the current government would like to stay in place as long as possible. and when they get out of the war, right, there's going to be the elections that's, that's common sense, but i think the reason why the last couple of months, the reason why the israelis are in rafah right now is because hamas has refused to agree to a ceasefire in release for the hostages. >> hearing president biden say that though, especially when there's already tension between him netanyahu, that is what's so striking to me, border policy, president biden, does it go it alone strategy with his executive order? it just goes into place. it has divide blinken's to sum up the reaction too little too late, it's divided democrats on this progressive democrats saying it's going way too far. the aclu saying going to take biden the court on it you have been quite critical of the biden administration's approach at the border in the past. what do you think about this executive order? >> well, look, i think democrats in general, and i've said this before, right? we were late to the table on wanting to come to a solution, but then we did come to the table. we got to a solution with welcome, senate colleagues, right? lankford, a republican, conservative senator, put forward the most conservative immigration bill and donald trump said kill it and blame me. that was a direct quote, knife, don't pass it. i need it during an election. i needed as an election issue and blame me, these are direct quotes from donald trump's. so that build disappeared. and so now biden is doing it by io going it alone. the biden administration had been saying for months now that if they do it by io, which is going to get challenged in court, and that's why it needs to be done by legislation now, by the way, i didn't hear a lot from democrats when we were trying to pass the bipartisan bill from the senate, most democrats were behind passing that. but now that biden's doing it alone, there are critical look, i think the president doing is the right thing to do. i think it's the smart thing to do. we have to make sure that we have a secure border. obviously, my parents escape the hall at my grandparents escape the holocaust and came here this country always has to make sure that people who are escaping political persecution, right, have a place to come. and that's what the asylum laws are for. but we obviously have to revamp those immigration system here has been broken for over two decades so right now, slowing the flow, that which is what the president's doing. i think it's a good idea jared moskowitz. >> thanks for coming on, congressman thanks. >> appreciate it. >> thank you. >> a new warning from openai insiders. why there are asking companies now to be more transparent about the quote-unquote serious risks of artificial intelligence and severe heat warnings in effect for million cleon's of people today triple digit temperatures as a heat dome sets in the sirens going off and playing the tornadoes. yet i'm thinking, i'm going to die and i thought that was it fine when earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn. >> today at america's beverage companies are bottles might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. >> thanks to you. >> we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic new bottles made using no so lastly, you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back we can use less new plastic bottles are to be repaid i consumer cellular. we pride ourselves on giving you fast, reliable, 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on the dinner and a movie maybe the biggest movies are good, fabulous foodies and famous friends dinner and a movie one saturday's ad on tbs so this morning. >> a group of insiders of the company open ai, is demanding that artificial intelligence businesses before more transparent about ais, what they call serious risks as well as whistleblower protections for employees who voiced concerns about the technology that they are building. >> cnn's clare duffy is with us now in a way you could say like the call's coming from inside the building, what other concerns it absolutely is the concerns range from things that are already happening, things like ai being used to impersonate people in ways that could be misleading or potentially it's really interfere with elections. >> you have nonconsensual deepfake pornography that's being created with ai, ai chatbots creating false information. >> and then you have these more speculative risks that people are nonetheless very concerned about inside of it. if industry, things like artificial general intelligence that could one day become as smart as if not smarter than humans. and in particular, openai has faced criticism for prioritizing speed and growth over safety concerns. those are the concerns that led in part to the ouster of ceo sam altman last fall before he was quickly reinstated. but they've also been sort of bubbling up again in recent weeks with the departure of some high level safety executives from openai. so it will be interesting to see whether this company agrees to some of the concerns for instance, some of the demands in this letter, what are the specific demands the employees are essentially saying here that the major ai companies can't be trusted to voluntarily share information about risks and they're saying that in the absence of regulation because there's still are very few guidelines it's for ai companies at this point, employees need to know that they can speak freely about the safety risks without fearing retaliation. so they've asked the companies to make a series of commitments, things like agreeing not to enforce non non disparagement agreements. and i think i want to read you just one portion of this letter that i think really gets at the heart of the concerns here that the employees say ordinary whistleblower protections are insufficient because they focus on illegal activity. whereas many of the risks we're concerned about, our not yet regulated. >> and i should say that openai has in some ways agreed that this safety debate is important, a spokesperson for the company told us yesterday, we are proud of our track record, providing the most capable and safest ai systems. >> and believe in our scientific approach to addressing risk we agree that rigorous debate is crucial given the significance of this technology and will continue to engage with governments, civil society, and other communities around the world. but the bottom line here is, there's still no regulation for this technology and employees need to be able to tell not only the companies but regulators and the public when there are risks and safety concerns. >> all right. clare duffy. great to see you this morning. thank you so much for that report. obviously something to pay very close attention to is this technology only gets more and more vance by the day dozens of heat records could be broken today, all because of the ominous sounding heat dome that's parked over the western united states. cnn's elisa rafah is watching all of this for us. so what is happening here at lisa and what, and how hot is it getting? >> we're looking at temperature is getting up to 110 degrees or hotter, which might be saying, all right, at the vagus, it's been next of course it gets that hot. it does, but not this early. it is june, so we typically don't see temperatures like this, not for a little bit. we've got excessive heat warnings in effect from sacramento to las vegas and phoenix and they let yesterday the next couple of days, a lot of these warnings go through friday and we're expecting record temperatures and backed, we could be looking at at least 100 temperatures that could fall, both daytime highs and overnight lows in this area because of the incessant heat. look at some of these temperatures, your average this time of year in phoenix is 100, but we looking at temperature is getting up to 100 and 12 in vegas, you're advertise about 96 degrees. but we're looking at temperature is getting up to 110. if we hit 110 by thursday, which is today or tomorrow, that could be the earliest 110 degree temperature on record for las vegas. again, temperatures well above average for this time of year, we're talking 15 to 20 degrees above average, even temperatures in the 90s in denver were looking at major and extreme impacts when it comes to that heat risk because it is dangerously hot. this early in the season makes you more vulnerable for heat sickness, especially children, elderly and path and we've got this rose from california through arizona, and then into tech it says, now what's remarkable is the last time that was vegas had a record cold overnight, low temperature was 1999, 25 years ago, record heat much far outpaces record cold temperatures and vegas, you've got a fever of about five degrees since 1970 for those summer months, june, july, and august, we add almost 40 days that are warm and above average in summer as we extend and elongate this extreme heat season, it just is continuing to start earlier all right. >> lisa, thank you for keeping a watch on all of it for us. appreciate it the pushback from the white house now to the new wall street journal reporting with the headline behind closed doors or as biden shows signs of slipping with the white house saying about that. and it's an age old question, coke or pepsi. but now there's a new player entering that attal and pepsi has been dethroned sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence this share it with 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you can see quickly obd-ii nail give fungus damage toenails and makeover rounds only a strong enough to united house of the dragon streaming exclusively on max so we have new reporting this morning from cnn's senior political analysts, ron brown, steen at a piece titled why biden and trump's struggled to make gains when the other stumbles ron rights, voters reservations about trump and biden help explain why the presidential race has seemed so static for months. >> the doubts each man faces place a ceiling on his support that limits his gains. when the other stumbles in marshall mcluhan or should i say ron brown seen is with us now, i can actually talk der on brown steen about ron brown saenz articles big stuff has happened like big unprecedented stuff keeps happening. why does or doesn't it have an impact? >> yeah, i think each man's vulnerabilities is limiting the impact of the others. i mean, you know, you look at this verdict, the guilty verdicts against trump, and i think it is clearly going to weaken him. i mean, a majority of americans and repeated poles have said they believed the verdicts were correct, but by itself, it is not going to strengthen biden and what, you have is a situation in which a majority of voters clearly disapprove of biden's performance majority of voters are unfavorable, the trump, the voters who i think are the most likely to be moved away from trump because of his verdict are also deeply negative about biden's performance question, whether he's too old for the job or upset that about inflation. so they are both operating against a very strong headwind that makes it i think very hard to move the race in any direction. >> what i liked about your pieces, it goes into more than just the phrase, double-haters, double-haters is something we've talked around for awhile. but you sort of get deeper than that. i mean, these people really may go nowhere. well, that is so that is an interesting dimension. >> first of all, we've, i think we saw in 2022 a very clear phenomenon where voters biden and democrats, our winning more support then is typical, far more support than is typical among voters who disapprove of his performance, especially those who somewhat disapprove. and that is the answer to people who asked whether anything her trump hurts trump. the fact that biden that the millions of people in polls are saying not only impulse and practice in 22, that they will vote for democrats anyway, even though they believe biden is not doing a good job or they don't have any of the economy that is the measure of discontent with trump. but what i really discovered to it, it says i had not understood previously, i think in this poll, is it the reverse is also true. there are a fair, we think of trump's a vote as entirely this unconditional walkover glass support from there. in fact, a lot of ambivalent voters supporting trump as well. there are people who are, who have an unfavorable view of trump. and are voting for him in part because they are so negative about biden. both of them. our winning a surprising share of ambivalent voted in a vacuum. and by vacuum, i mean maybe country other than the united states or to this could mean a third-party candidate would enjoy some success. >> but right here, right here, the third-party candidate, i robert f. kennedy jr. is enjoying some success in polling, but he is, i think ultimately if figure who can't bear the weight of the expert, i mean, he can probably do best among voters who are largely disconnected from the political system and the end, by the way, that's the other kind of inversion we're watching, you know, as i wrote about the other week, donald trump is doing best among voters who have the least history of voting. joe biden is stronger among voters who have a strong history and you always have one with a likely voters, ron so i've covered a bunch of campaigns. you even more. i can't wrap my arms around what it means to have a general election debate in june. i mean, i could see again a universe y are both candidates doing eight hours of debate prep every day because maybe that's all they should be doing right now. but will this it doesn't mitigate or magnify perhaps the import of the debate. >> i think it would be some of both. i mean, i think it mitigates the importance in the sense that in presidential campaigns, there is a view and all the ones that i've covered that the last 68, 10% of voters who come out or presidential campaign and for nothing else they're the ones who often decide this thing and they usually do not tune in until the very end. it's very hard to reach them. the not connected to traditional sources, reagan voters, the last week, right exactly. on the other hand, i think given the anxiety in democratic circles about biden standing in this race and the fact that the pathway for him, though doable, look slim and narrow, focused on sweeping being those three former blue all states of michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. if this doesn't go well, i think you're going to see a lot of anxiety in democratic circles because no matter how many doubts the biden campaign can inflame about trump and they can, i mean, there is a lot of resistance. the trump, as long as his own approval rating, the presence on approval rating is down around 40% he will be in a vulnerable position is much closer to the presidents who lost in approval than to the president's who won. and again, they are each facing these headwinds will be fascinating, unprecedented frankly, to see ron browsing, great to have you here and appreciate it so alec baldwin just announced the launch of his new family reality show. so if alloc is watching some advice from reality star kim kardashian as successful real career is built on openness and honesty. do with that what you will happening now, two astronauts being strapped into the boeing's starliner ready to be sent into space. they're ready is the starliner ready? we are standing by for the third attempt at a launch the increase in wildfires is exponential unpredictable. >> uncontrollable with overwhelming kotb. >> the need to do something is urgent finally with we have schreiber sunday at night on cnn transform your water and live hydrated care for lins more with liquid iv hi, it's christina again. >> i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi bathroom model that you don't want to miss you already know jacuzzi has been making water-filled great for more than 65 years. and now they're bringing you this special tv offer. were waving all installation costs and postponing all payments for up to one year because the bathroom model has a design, you'll love at a price you can afford and best of all, they can install it. and as little as one day with no stress no meds. are you ready to see your new shower here it is it's fabulous. >> taking a shower had gone from being a joy to being a burden was afraid i would fall. i called and just one 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cnn and streaming on max novak, djokovic has withdrawn from the french open due to a knee injury. >> the defending french open champion is aiming to win is 25th grand slam singles title. djokovic said in an instagram post, this i played with my heart, gave it my all and yesterday's match and unfortunately usually due to a medical meniscus tear and my right knee 19 and i have made a tough decision and careful careful consideration, and consultation according to espn djokovic will have surgery to repair the torn meniscus today alec baldwin is making his return to television in a new reality show about his family all the baldwin's, the show will run on tlc, which shares the same parent company of cnn, warner brothers discovery. the focus of the show, his life outside of acting with wife florida baldwin there are seven children all of the children are under the age of 10-years-old every parent with a kid under ten, just gassed. >> we coupled to use the new show on instagram we're inviting you experience the up and down, good, the bad, the wow from the crazy over show sets debut next year. the age old question coke or pepsi is now, now how has a door number three? >> they knew contender has entered the battlefield and is winning. dr. pepper or just dethrone pepsi as the second most popular soda in america, according to beverage died i just classic coca-cola is still the most popular by a wide margin, but dr. pepper is 23 flavor, flavor blend is definitely the soda to watch friends, especially as the brand is adding new flavors like strawberries and cream to the mix. >> i don't know what to say about that, john there was really nothing to say are happening now the countdown is on. i should say, still on for now. >> the boeing starliner is due to launch in less than an hour. >> the astronauts are all strapped in their ready to go. this is the third try the last mission this grab just moments before liftoff because of a computer issue, cnn's kristin fisher at cape canaveral with the latest you're watching. we all systems go, kristen? >> yeah. john with t -59 minutes and 18 seconds. >> all systems are go for launch, right? now, the weather looks good they fix the problem that caused the scrub on saturday. >> the rocket is fully fueled and the astronauts, nasa astronaut butch wilmore and sunny williams are inside boeing's starliner spacecraft and the hatches closed to give you guys an idea of what i'm talking about here. >> i'm going to pull up this one model. it's a little outdated, so bear with me. >> the launchpad is about four or five miles behind me, but this is essentially what it looks like on the launchpad. you've got the boeing starliner spacecraft on top. this is where the two astronauts are. this is the part that's really being tested on this test flight. and then the rest of it this is the atlas five rocket, which is built and operated by a different company, the united launch alliance. >> there was an issue with this which caused the scrub back in hey but what happened on saturday had nothing to do with any of this. >> the hardware on saturday was just fine. >> the problem was with a pesky ground sound computer, john, so they've fixed that and they believe now that they are go for launch. >> so the two astronauts and the capsule, they've been in quarantine, a modified quarantine for over a month now. but they were able to get out yesterday, the commander well, more he went fishing and the pilot, sunny williams, went for a run on the beach. so that's how they chose to spend what they hope will be. their last de, on planet earth before this launch. does a full stop. >> what else is, what else is the crew bringing with bringing along with them yes. >> okay. the crew is obviously the most valuable cargo, but inside the starliner spacecraft, there also bringing something very important to the international external space station. see up there the astronauts drink recycled urine. so they have to use a urine processor to convert their urine into drinkable water. but there has been a problem with a pump on that device. and so there's just literally bags of astronaut urine piling up at the space station right now. and so there's a very critical replacement part inside that spacecraft. so i don't know what the iss astronauts are gonna be more excited for the crew for that replacement part, guys i was not expecting that keep this trick face sometimes that's an astronaut urine. i mean, like if i had a nickel for every time yeah. but i'm also i clearly have the emotional maturity of a 10-year-old that's it, kristin fisher. >> thank you for being there. hopefully, you will witness a launch in 56 seconds and 18 our clocks don't match or there's 20 mysterious seconds there that have to be reconciled, not 56. we'll get to the bottom of that. thank you very much, chris appreciate it. thank you all for joining us. this has been cnn news central. it has been seen a newsroom with allison camera. radha is up next

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, Contender , Battlefield , Door , Flavor , Popular , Flavor Blend , Margin , Coca Cola , 23 , Cream , Flavors , Countdown , Strawberries , Mix , Computer Issue , Mission , Grab , Kristin Fisher , Cape Canaveral , Systems , Kristen , All Systems Go , 18 , Rocket , Butch Wilmore , Scrub , Hatches , Weather , Starliner Spacecraft , Nasa , Launchpad , Bear , Boeing Starliner Spacecraft , Test Flight , United Launch Alliance , Atlas , Ground Sound Computer , Scrub Back , Hardware , Quarantine , Commander , Capsule , Fishing , Pilot , Stop , Sunny Williams , Run On The Beach , Crew , Spacecraft , Cargo , Space Station , Urine , Urine Processor , Device , Pump , Astronaut Urine , Replacement Part , Bags , Kiss , Guys , Trick , Nickel , Maturity , Bottom , 56 , Newsroom , Camera , Radha , Chris , Cnn News Central ,

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