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79. if you ever miss an episode, italy, you can listen to the show whence you get you're podcasts. the news continues on breaking news president biden launches a new crowd strict limits on asylum seekers set to take effect at midnight. >> so get reaction to this election year moved from mckee flare up on capitol hill, the former democrat turned independent senator joe manchin, also breaking donald trump. just ask the judge to end his gag order in the hush money case. now that the trial is over, trump's lawyers saying the request is strengthened by the fact that president biden has now spoken out about the guilty verdicts. and sensational testimony and evidence in the hunter biden's federal gun trial. as prosecutors introduced his infamous laptop and illegal drug photos found on it. standby for details on the first witness this to take the stand against the president's son welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer, a year in the situation room the skis, cnn breaking news, and we begin with breaking news president by sweeping new executive action on immigration. >> now, just hours away from taking effect, we're tracking how this move may impact illegal border crossings and the us presidential election cnn's david culver city, san diego at the southern border with mexico. but first, let's go to cnn's priscilla alvarez. she's over at the white house worse, priscilla, a major moved by the president on a hot-button issue in this rematch with donald trump well, a major move wolf with huge ramifications at the us southern border as migrants will have more difficulty seeking asylum as they have done before. >> all of this, of course, coming only weeks before the first presidential debate. and ahead of the november election president joe biden took his most dramatic move yet on the us southern border, tuesday, as he tries to address one of his biggest political vulnerabilities head-on before november. >> i'm moving past republican obstruction. usually the executive authorities available to me as president do it i can on my own to address the border, this sweeping executive action announced by the president shuts off access to asylum to migrants crossing the border illegally when a daily threshold of 2,500 is met resulting in people turn back to mexico or removed to their origin country on accompany children and select others we'll be exempt. the order amounts to the most restrictive border policy from the biden white house. >> i don't think it is the right direction sparking swift backlash from members of biden's own party who blasted the move as similar to steps taken by trump. i'm disappointed that the president has sort of gone into the same frame as donald trump at a very time when we need to make a distinction between donald trump and joe biden. >> other democrats, including arizona senator mark kelly, struck a more optimistic tone now, with my republican colleagues not wanting to take action on this, we're at this point we're the white house is taking some steps that i truly believe is going to make a big difference. the measure will take effect at midnight and the american civil liberties union already announced that it plans to challenge the move in court just as they did for the trump era, asylum restrictions, we said that that was a illegal when he tried an asylum band we think is very similar to the one that president biden is doing. we think it remains illegal. and so we will challenge that in court. >> officials maintain the move is necessary to stem the flow of migration and say congress needs to act. but republicans argue the action is too little, too late. >> the only question anyone should ask is, why didn't you do this in 2021? one why didn't you do this in 2022 why didn't you do this in 2023? why don't you do this last month or the month before or the month before now, the trump campaign is already criticizing this move by president biden, but it is the same authority that former president donald trump used in 2018 to clamp down on the border it was eventually the courts that stopped him. >> now, today, the president drawing stark contrast between him and donald trump naming some of trump's most controversial moves on immigration. but will this move today amounts to one of the most significant policy shifts for this white house on a very difficult issue for them due to persil alvarez at the white house for us thank you very much. let's go to see you. david culver right now. he's at the border wall in san diego. david, what will this mean for migrants who are there i can tell you what the folks who are behind this portion of the border wall right here, you see a handful of migrants who have been here a little more than two hours coming in from india. >> they certainly want the answer to that question. they want to know what that's going to meet it and the immediacy. and there's not a lot of clarity. i mean, they're here and they speak to ngos that come out and try to provide some humanitarian assistance. but there's not really an understanding specifically as to what that's going to be for them. certainly in the next few hours than the midst of this desert climate heat that they experienced. and we wanted to get an overall sense of how this executive action was going to play out and what reaction, if any, there might be from migrants at really some of the smuggler's that control where they cross here in the san diego sector and you can see some video that we gathered earlier this morning, can see from above of grown drone view. and you get a sense of a few dozens who come together and then they're going to be processed. and those folks will likely go through the asylum claims process and liked to then try to figure out if they can ultimately stay here in the us but the idea would be that under this executive action, if they hit that 2501 and they come perhaps even later in the de, they've reached that daily threshold that priscilla was talking about. well, those folks would be put into a van and sent right back over to mexico. still though, we talked to some people who are making the journey and knowing that this was going to be big news today, we wondered if they had heard about it. we met with brian from ecuador. here's what he had to say. >> did on this understand what they are quite odd the columbia but he says he's going to walk up here azekah, lord, no he's acknowledges it's hot, but he says he's got a hurry along because he's going to then continue on to an immigration official to start the process for asylum i've been asking several of migrants that we've encountered today. what do you make of the executive actin out of them have no idea that this is coming down and it shows you what that really plays into their focus being a day by day and it's very much individualized for these migrants. and we saw that a year ago with title 42 lifting people aren't necessarily betting their future on us policy, knowing that it could change at any moment david culver and san diego along the border for us, david, thank you very much for joining us now, the west virginia now independent senator joe manchin and senator, thank you so much for joining us as you know, president biden is using the same authority that trump attempted to use to shut off access for us to asylum for migrants who cross the southern border illegally you believe this is the right month for president biden? >> absolutely. >> i've been encouraging this since last october the borders, the most serious crisis that we face as far as i'm concerned right now. we have people coming in to our country that haven't been vetted. we don't know what their purpose is. and we know that there's a lot of illicit trade. this coming also. so this is something that had to be done. it should have been done sooner, but i'm happy it's done now. i support the president for doing this. and if all those who have disagreements where there's not enough or too much, then you should sit down and earners and try to work through it. that's the problem with washington. nobody wants to work to find a common answer to a very common problem. >> the trump campaign and the republican national committee are slamming the new executive action, saying the action taken today won't fix anything, do they have a point? is this more about scoring political points than actually addressing the situation at the border? >> well, it absolutely addresses it basically, it stops all illegal entries between the ports of entry. the ports of entry. now, we'll all be vetted. there won't be anyone catch and release more paroles from that standpoint. so we're stopping a lot of the things so much more needs to be done. but you've got to stop this absolutely uncontrolled migration coming in anywhere they want to just to go up to that and turn themselves in there'll be turned away now, they come to a port of entry. if we hit the maximum that we can't vet don't know who you are that stops everything such down. so i think it absolutely does help us get control of this border to an extent that least we know who's coming and what the purpose and if they have any criminal record behind them, we'd have no net before this is long overdue and i'm glad that happened in murcia. senator, i asked you what it would take for you to endorse president biden. >> let me play that brief exchange. we have listened to this what is president biden need to do to publicly and formerly, when you're endorsed, well, we have an energy security. okay. we have to get to border security. a greatest threat we face right now. i've encouraged the president to do a basically a national emergency. you have to have legal immigration but you cannot allow immigration. illegal immigration, taking over your border he has to step forward on that and strongly so is this the kind of strong action on the border that you said president biden needed to do when we spoke back in march, are you now ready, senator? >> to make that endorsement? >> let's just say that it helps tremendously, but we still have energy security on fighting that every day to make sure that we have the energy in this country to be able to run our economy defend ourselves and help our allies also more things that we can go into. but the greatest concern i'm having now is the debt of the nation, 34.66 trillion dollars. no one's doing anything about this. and it's going to cause great havoc we have the for the first time, it looks as if we will spend more on the interest on our debt. and what it takes to defend our country so it. cannot be sustained so we're moving in the right direction what else will it, will it take for you to endorse president biden well, we're moving in the right direction. let me just say this, this is a big step in the right direction. let's just make sure that we have more of it on trump's criminal conviction. your friend and colleague, republican senator susan collins of maine, said, this about the verdict, and i'm quoting are now the district attorney you campaigned on a promise to prosecute donald trump brought these charges precisely because of who? the defendant was, rather than because of any specified criminal conduct. senator, do you agree with her that trump was prosecuted because of who he is? >> well, i guess you could say that hunter biden's being prosecuted because of who he is. i hear so much of this my main concern is the rule of law makes us different anywhere else in the world? people, have different venues for correction and if president trump is thing, he's been misjudged misaligned. he trusts me president trump is not going to spend one day incarcerated. i can assure you he's going to be on the ballot. you have a chance to vote for or against him. and he has different venues only in america, only with the rule of law. do you have a way through the process? of our judicial system to correct or wrong that might have been done. so it has a long way to go. everyone's jumping right now and misaligning this thing. i'm thankful for the rule of law we have i want to make sure that we protect protected judicial system and not to be allowed, not allow it to be weaponized. both sides, maybe one a weaponize this as it can't be done. i believe that merrick garland is trying to do his absolute best to be non partial on this. if that was the case. and how can you say well that was against the trump's, but it's not as protecting the bonds. i don't think so. i think on either side they can basically think because of who they are and their last names as why they might have been brought to this situation that they're in right today. >> senator, as you know, president biden slammed donald trump as a quote, convicted felon over at a fundraiser telling donors his predecessor snapped, his word, snapped after losing the 2020 election is focusing on trump's conviction. the best way to defeat him absolutely not i think because he has venues, he might be exonerated it might be a he'll hope pill it, and it might be thrown out. so why would we be jumping to conclusions? so i think that's the wrong the bottom line is, let's these two men are going to be on the ballot. they're going to go to the final november 5 election. and the character of whom you'd want to be in sitting in that seat is going to be determined that time you make your decision. but using all of these other things, start talking about the problems the border is this going to fix the border? absolutely not. is going to help control the border. absolutely can we do something? what's our job as a senator? and also as congresspeople shouldn't we be looking at the long game? how do we fix things? are we just using everything is a prompt for the next election. that's why i got so frustrated. i couldn't take it no more. i didn't want to be part of this process and the political parties can continue to make you pick a sayyed and drive us apart i'm gonna do everything in my power to six months. i'm here and for the rest of my involvement in the politics in this great country is to bring the country together the reasonable, responsible middle well, if they have to understand the power they have, start determining and demanding more from the people you send here, open up the primary processes in your states to get better selection and better candidates involved senator match and thanks so much for joining us. we of course will walk you back to continue this conversation down the road so much is going. i appreciated, very with you. >> thank you. good to be with you as well. just ahead. there's breaking news on the trump hush money case, five days after a jury convicted him. i'm 34 felony counts we have new information about the gag order against the former president, plus fireworks up on capitol hill, the us attorney general, merrick garland goes head-to-head with republicans who accuse him of weaponizing the us justice 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judge to terminate it. they wrote in a letter that was sent to the judge yesterday and made public today. now that the trial is concluded, the concerns articulated by the government and the court do not justify continued restrictions on the first amendment rights of president trump, who remains the leading candidate in the 2024 presidential election. and the american people, they said that the reasons are even stronger now for lifting it because some of these witnesses in the case, michael cohen and stormy daniels, have made public comments since the jury convicted trump at those 34 felony counts. and also since president and joe biden has made comments, and in addition, they say since this presidential debate is coming up later this month, they're asking for the gag order to be lifted. so we're waiting for the judge to respond to this in any way, a spokesman for the court has said that his gag order speaks for itself and representatives for the da's office have declined to comment. well kara, thank you. kara scannell reporting now, let's get some analysis right now from former trump attorney tim parlatore and cnn legal analyst elliot williams eliot. i want to remind our viewers, we're trump's said about michael cohen, his former fixer on friday. listen and watch this i'm not allowed to use a day because of the gag order. but he's just sleaze bag. everybody knows that. took me a while to find out but he was effective. >> he did work, but he wasn't a fixer. he was a lawyer so do you think trump a really does have an argument for ending his gag order when he still attacking witnesses in this case, he has an argument for ending the gag order, but the judge also has an argument for keeping it in place. >> and let's unpack both of them. number one, the judge maintains jurisdiction over his domain in the courtroom until sentencing and can make the argument you meant that for the quote-unquote, the integrity of the proceedings, which was the language in both gag orders. the initial one, and then the amended one. there are still legal proceedings going on and he can maintain whatever he thinks it takes to have the public maintain confidence and the proceedings. now as a practical matter, number one, there's no jury anymore, which was a big basis for the gag order. and number two, even though there's still same risk of witness harm, there's no more witnesses in practice. and so just because the judge can it's not clear that the judge will lift it. and frankly, i'm quite curious as to how the judge will thread this needle. >> it's interesting, tim, you heard trump's team say president biden is not speaking out, calling trump a convicted felon, which you did at this fundraiser? and that's a key reason to end. they say this gag order. do you think that argument is going to hold up? >> i don't. i think that they would be much better off to focus on the constitutionality of it that gag orders any any order that the restriction of free speech is presumptively unconstitutional, except in very narrow circumstances. >> to protect the integrity of the proceeding in defamation cases, once something has already been proven false, you can have it injunction against repeating the same statement but to try to do this because of politics or the campaign. >> i don't think that that's a great argument. they should really focus on exactly what it just said the proceedings are done. most gag orders expired the moment that the jury is sworn in, because as soon as the jury is sworn in, then they have been ordered not to review the media. therefore, public statements can no longer affect them the same way that it would prospective jurors so most gag orders and there this gag order went on further because of the intimidation of witnesses, which would impair their ability to testify at the trial that's also done. interesting, how does this trump conduct? how does that play into the eventual sentencing is scheduled for july 11? that's not too far down the road. so what we in english recall remorse, what lawyers would call acceptance of responsibility is a factor that plays an at sentencing. >> and a defendant that is not showing this remorse or acceptance of responsibility can be can under the lobby sentence much higher. and now the former president has made a number of sentence, number of statements suggesting over time that he has not accepting responsibility for this. if i were the problem prosecution here, what's throw this out? it's almost in their interests to have the gag order lifted because you can almost assume that this defendant is going to keep speaking out in a manner that the judge could actually use it. sentencing and saying that this person has not accepted responsibility, is still attacking the integrity of the court, and that could jacket sentence up. so what do you want it eliot's absolutely right. >> i mean, there's a difference between what i want a judge to order my client to do and what i as an attorney would tell my client to do. i think that it is in the prosecution's best interest to allow him to speak so that they could use things as sentencing. and quite frankly, i think it's in the campaign's best interest to leave the gag order in place because he gets a lot more support from saying, hey, i'm not alone. to talk, then he would if he were allowed to say what he has to think about michael cohen. >> i'm just going to hear anything that we didn't expect let's see what he says that the upcoming debate with biden two assuming that gag order is still in effect, let's see how that plays out. guys. thank you very, very much. elliot williams tim parlatore appreciated coming up. fiery exchanges between the attorney general of the united states, merrick garland and republicans who accuse him of weaponizing the us. justice department will go live to capitol hill plus the prosecution's evidence against hunter biden as his past use of illegal drugs takes center stage in his trial on gun charges the 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cnn on capitol hill today, attorney general merrick garland fiercely defended the us justice department in the face of republican attacks. garland directly taking john lawmakers, who accused him of weaponizing federal law enforcement against donald trump are chief congressional correspondent amount of raju has the latest you swear, or affirm under penalty of per attorney general merrick garland facing off with his loudest critics on capitol hill. >> i will not be intimidated. and the justice department will not be intimidated and calling out gop attacks that his department was behind the new york hush money case that may donald trump, the first ever for ex-president to become a convicted felon. >> that conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself republicans firing back, we'll the department of justice provide to the committee all documents, all correspondence between the department and alvin bragg's office and fani willis office? the letitia james office the offices you're referring to are independent offices of state. i get that. i get that day. the question is one that you will provide all of your documents in correspondence. that's the question. it's i don't need a history lesson well i'm going to say again, we do not control those offices. they make their request. >> unit kate with them, not whether you control them, do you communicate with them and we provide this committee make a request. we will refer it to our office of legislative, but there's the thing they come in here and you lodge this attack that it's a conspiracy theory, that there is cool ordinate id lawfare against trump and then when we say fine, just give us the documents give us the correspondence. and then if it's a conspiracy theory that will be evidenced, democrats said republicans were playing for an audience of one. >> there were about to nominate a convicted felon and they don't know how to cope with that. >> the gop taking aim at garlin for appointing special counsel jack smith, who is leading the prosecution against trump in two federal indictments. >> your first choice? >> i'm not gonna go into the question. did you know him before you picked him? i did not. did he ask for the job this is not a job. >> i don't think anybody asks for. it's not that sorry. no, but that's not the question i asked you. i said did jack smith asieh asked me for the job? no. >> garland today refusing to comply with the house subpoena for audio so of special counsel robert hur's interview was president joe biden over his handling of classified documents in that 388 page report, her declined to prosecute biden citing in part, how a jury would view him as a sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory releasing the audio which show cooperation with the department in future investigations, republicans accusing garland of protecting biden as they threatened he attorney general with contempt of congress isn't because doj has determined the president is not mentally fit to defend himself and stand trial for his crime. >> but former president trump is i say again, that's an inaccurate description of mr. hur's report undercutting the gop's criticism is the fact that two sitting democratic congressman and the president's own son, hunter, are facing three separate criminal indictments. >> so you've prosecuted democrats and as we speak, a hunter biden who is a son of the president, is under trial in delaware. >> you haven't weaponized the justice department in terms of hiding and protecting democrats. >> menendez cuellar and hunter biden. that the justice department follows the facts and the law and this all comes wolf as republicans are grappling with the fact that their nominee presumptive nominee is now a convicted felon. >> i put the question to a number of republicans in swing districts about whether they support donald trump is still a number of them said they do. some of them sidestepped the question criticize the verdict, but wouldn't say directly, colleague congressman one says khamanei of arizona, but i also asked the senate republican leader mitch mcconnell today about whether he still is 100% behind donald trump. he said that this case should never have been brought. he says that the believes this conviction will be overturned on appeal he would not say if he supports trump interesting manu raju reported for us bono, thank you. >> not a hunter biden's trial on federal gun charges the lead off witness. so i will return to the stand tomorrow morning. we're told after the first day of testimony focused on evidence of the drug addiction, the president's son battled for years cnn's paula reid has details on this report. in this report from wilmington, delaware hunter biden back in court today for the second day of his criminal trial on federal gun charges in wilmington, delaware. >> first lady, dr. jill biden, again, attending to show support for her embattled stepson in there their opening. prosecutors told the jury, we're here because of the defendants lives and choices. no one is above the law. it doesn't matter who you are or what your name is. prosecutors also had to address the sensitive and ubiquitous topic of addiction, an issue central to this case. and one that the majority of potential jurors so they had experience with either directly or with a loved one. addiction may not be a choice, but buying a gun is defense attorneys tried to shift the focus to a hunter state of mind they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that hunter knowingly violated the law inferring that a hunter was going through periods of sobriety amid his addiction? it could be reasonable for him, did not know he was breaking the law by indicating on a federal gun buying form that he was not using or addicted to drugs. his defense attorney said hunter didn't have much interest in buying a gun and the salesmen lead hunter to guns while he was browsing other items. at least one juror was seen dabbing her eyes during the defense opening and during the testimony of the first witness and fbi agent, the jury heard long portions of hunter biden's memoir, which he narrated detailing his addiction to drugs i possessed a new superpower, the ability to find crack and anytown at anytime, no matter how familiar the terrain it was easy prosecutors also introduced electronic evidence, including the infamous laptop and text messages from several devices some of those text messages said to be about his efforts to get drugs and meet with dealers in 2018, were also shown to the jury in one text, hunter allegedly wrote asap, if you can another reading can you come this way now and a text from another alleged contacts, two hunters? >> singh. you want ten grams. >> the jury also saw several images of drugs that the fbi agent testified were found on hunters devices. >> they also saw the atf form where hunter allegedly lied to purchase the firearm. prosecutors also spent time detailing the large amounts of cash hunter withdrew so on a daily basis in 2018, around the same time he purchase the gun at the heart of this case defense attorneys also cross examine this witness about some of that evidence that was introduced pointing out that many of the text messages that prosecutors brought in, were actually from 2019 months after this firearms purchase, they age and also conceded that it is possible but hunter biden was not continuously using drugs during the time in question, and this cross-examination will continue first thing tomorrow. and once this witness wraps up, we expect to hear from hunter biden's ex-wife wolff all or read outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. thank you very much for joining us now, former federal prosecutor on kush khardori, who attended hunter biden's trial today in wilmington. he is now back here in washington, just took the train back. thanks, chris, for coming in. what was it like inside the court today? could you tell anything how the jury was? reacting? >> well, you know, it was packed. might there were a lot of people attending. there was a lot of some political activity outside. i was in the overflow room, but by all accounts from people i spoke to who are in the courtroom where hunter biden was the jurors were solemn and respectful and attentive. they seemed engaged as you would expect, a case of this significance, the prominence of the defendant and some challenging facts for the defense. >> as you know, we just heard prosecutors brought in a lot of what they describe his key evidence, including photos of crack cocaine from hunter biden's infamous laptop. how much is that strength in their case? >> well, look, it's always a bad situation for a criminal defendant when main witness against you is you and that is what the government is attempting to do with the way that it is structured this case, it's no accident that they spent over an hour of their evidence opening this morning when with their first witness playing excerpts from his book then they moved on to stuff that they had recovered from nauta you xor correct. audio excerpts that he had read himself. >> your heard his voice. you heard his voice talking about a tremendously painful and raw experiences in his life. >> i have to say listening to it. felt a little bit like a public flogging on some level hearing him talk about this in his own words and played back in a criminal case against him but that stuff is potent. there's a reason why prosecutors emphasize that sort of evidence when it's coming from the defendant's own mouth, it's hard to run away from good point. >> the fbi agent on the stand said today and you heard this that there may have been some periods of time between 2015 and 2019 when a hunter biden was not repeat not abusing drugs, how significant potentially is that? >> well, look, it's that is going to be the crux of the defense case as paula alluded to their discuss, there you know, i'm not sure it will have that much power with the jury because it's seems fairly evident from the evidence that we already heard today that he was often on right. addicted relapsing addicted relapsing. it's a very sad story, but i don't think it's terribly compelling to say, well, for these particular week when he had just gotten out of rehab, maybe thought he was clean and that's going to make it all go away as you know prosecutor signal that hunter biden's ex-wife could testify next in this case what will you be watching for it? >> well, look, i think the prosecutors have set up not just a hunter biden's ex-wife, but some of his other sort of romantic partners to testify about his difficulties with alcohol and drugs that seems to be the main purpose of calling these people. some of them were immunized given their own interactions and dealings with some of the underlying drugs here that prosecutors disclosed today and again, this is a situation with prosecutors are really turning his closest friends and family against him. it's very difficult to get out from under that on chris khardori. thanks very much for coming in. thanks for taking the train back from wilmington to here in washington i just had another state another state charges allies of donald trump with trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election. we have new details on the case against three men accused of devising a fake elector electors scheme. wisconsin sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is share it with your adversary he and his secret greetings betrayed its bullet to the back of the hand, secrets and spies for nuclear gain sunday at ten on cnn i want a lot of businesses, so my and my network need to keep up. >> thank you. verizon business now, our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the scene given that network that powers our phones. >> so whatever is next, what cooking with fire switch to the partner businesses rely on greatness hertz but with care you can keep chasing it that the tylenol that's care without 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generations on ancestry. i was able to actually put together our family tree. each person is a glass wo1803 558999, or visit home i hanako montgomery in tokyo. and this is cnn wisconsin has just become the latest state to bring felony charges against trump allies, who allegedly devised a fake electors scheme to subvert the 2020 presidential election. i want to bring in cnn's sara marie for you. she is working with the details for us. what do we know about these charges, sir? >> well, if these are new charges against the three men, three trump allies, kenneth chesebro, who is an attorney. jim troopers, who is an attorney, and mike roman who is a former trump campaign official. all of them are facing a felony charge related to forgery and the complaint really lays out essentially, there alleged involvement in creating this fake elector plot in wisconsin and conversations about how you would pull the fake electors plot off to be able to overturn the 2020 election results. the pressure that they were going to put on former vice president mike pence. essentially how they were going to pull this off. now of course, these are three names that were allegedly involved in the plot in wisconsin. there's one on big name that is missing from this complaint, which is donald trump. and the attorney general and wisconsin was asked about whether he had ruled out bringing any charges against the former president in a press conference today. listen to what he said as i said, i'm not gonna speak to any specific individual, but the investigation is ongoing and the decisions we make will be based on the facts and the law not on the identity of any individual or their role now, he probably said a dozen times in his press conference that this is an ongoing investigation, so we'll see if other people could be charged in the state of wisconsin, the governor, there had a one word statement about these charges today. he's a democrat. he said simply, good it's interesting, as you know, wisconsin is one of a handful of so-called battleground states that could decide the 2024 presidential election coming up in november and several of these battleground states have similarly filed charges against trump allies in various fake electoral plots. yeah that's all right. i mean, in addition to campaigning, gearing up for 2024, a lot of these folks are gonna be dealing with issues in the courtroom. you can see there these five states now that have brought charges against folks related to the fake elector probe nevada, arizona, michigan, wisconsin, and georgia. two of the men that we see charge day kind of chesebro and mike roman are also facing charges in other states. these are the first charges we've seen against jim cerberus. we're not here from trump says lawyer today, ken chesebro xle or declined to comment on attorney for mike roman says he's innocent interesting are sarah marie. thank you very much for your reporting coming up. what president biden is saying about israeli prime minister benjamin at time yeah, out. after suggesting, after suggesting that the prime minister may be playing politics with the war in gaza the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president's one stage moderated by jake tapper upper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max allergies with allegro. >> they won't stop me. nothing beats allegro. it's the fastest non drowsy 24 hours we're allergy relief live your greatness, new central menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it with a multivitamin plus hot flash support daily z for quality sleep and an extra for focus and clarity. centrum powered by clinically studied ingredients i see i just works for us makes it last contrast so you can rise from pain i see you. >> now adt professionally installs google nest products, they're all set on this system. >> we should go with the 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analysts tell us this illustrates just how difficult the president is now finding it to navigate his relationship with the embattled prime minister new questions tonight about president biden's true assessment of his israeli counterpart to de the president was asked is benjamin netanyahu playing politics with the israel-hamas war? >> i don't think so. he's trying to work on a serious problem but that comes just hours after the publication of an interview with time magazine in which the president was asked if he thought that netanyahu might be prolonging the israel-hamas war in an attempt to hold onto power, biden's reply to that, quote, there is every reason for people to draw that conclusion biden was also asked by time if based on the intelligence he's seen, he believes israeli forces have committed war crimes in gaza his reply, the answer is, it's uncertain one thing is certain. >> the people in gaza, the palestinians, have suffered greatly for lack of food, water, medicine, et cetera. and a lot of innocent people have been killed former negotiator aaron david miller says, this is reflective of one of the most tense moments, a boiling point in a row relationship between two liters that spanned about for decades, i would say without a doubt. the confidence that this president has in this prime minister. the trust that is critically important between an american president and israeli prime minister to get things done, i think has been broken. just a few days ago. the tensions had spiked again when president biden announced that israel had offered a three-phase proposal to end the war. >> israel is off a comprehensive new proposal so roadmap i've urge leadership is on the stand behind this deal. >> but since that announcement, netanyahu himself has not publicly endorsed that plan, even though it came from his own government, we begin to see into the outside in the backtracked iep his options open, trying to save as much jargon far right. >> members of netanyahu's government have threatened to quit if that proposal is adopted. biden also revealed to time magazine what he believes is his biggest point of contention with netanyahu, right now, what happens with gaza after the war, quote, there needs to be a two-state solution, a transition to a two-state solution. and that's my biggest disagreement with bb net yahoo. miller believes, despite their deteriorating relationship, biden realizes he still has to work with netanyahu to de-escalate and ultimately end this horrifying war. >> that, that is the objective and that means creating a functional relationship with the israeli government and benjamin netanyahu as long as he is prime minister white house, national security council spokesman john kirby, also tried to play down biden's comments about netanyahu dragging out the war to hold onto power. >> kirby said, biden was quote, referencing what many critics have said about netanyahu and kirby reiterated that the white house would continue to work with netanyahu's government to achieve peace and to eliminate the hamas paas threat. both bryan todd reporting, brian, thank you very much. >> and coming up, there's breaking news. at&t customers are dealing with another nationwide outage. we just got more information from the carrier. will share that with you, right after a quick break. >> the increase in wildfires is exponential, unpredictable uncontrollable, with overwhelming consequences the need to do something is urgent to fly with birth, with we have schreiber sunday at night on cnn all new subway routes are packed with delicious ingredients in a pillar, we lavage, wrap, family, or refreshing lunch to taste them. murphy for pro athletes like me, right off finish all new reference subway today, do you call them caramels or caramels, whatever you call them, kara metals makes 26 mouthwatering flavors that are the freshest and softest caramels ever produced, try them for yourself or someone you love, go today to and 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