parents appreciated we have much more news and newark new central starts right now. lay about to start part laying out its case against hunter biden in federal court this morning. opening statements are about to start, any expect called to the stand including three romantic and i will not be intimidated. that's part of the message that attorney general merrick garland is about to send a republican lawmakers the ag fighting back in a new way today against the continued attacks against him. and attacks is department is out to get donald trump and the perfect example of why bring your kid to work day is a risky endeavour. dad says, smile for the cameras and the child hits it out of the park. >> i'm kate bolduan with john bourbon, sarah sliders out today. this is cnn news central very shortly hunter biden will arrive at a delaware courthouse for opening statements in his federal gun trial. >> there are new details this morning about how prosecutors plan to use very personal testimony to make their case and a new court filings. the special counsel will vios that three of hunter biden's former roman antic partners are expected to be called to the stand. soon as marshall cohen is outside the court with the very latest marshall, what are we expecting john. >> good morning. the prosecutors in this case, from special counsel, david weiss, his team have said that the evidence is overwhelming, and now it's time for them to prove it. opening statements begin in one hour. the doors of the courthouse should be opening. any moments and once the proceedings get underway at 9:00 a.m. to prosecutors will get there are first crack at the jury. they have photos, they have videos of what they say shows hunter biden using drugs and around drugs at roughly the same time time that he bought that gun in october 2018? that's of course the heart of this case. it's against federal law for a drug user or a drug addict to buy or possess a firearm. >> but of course, john, is this true in any trial, there are two sides to this story and the defense will also get a bite at the apple. >> they'll get their opportunity to to make opening arguments to the jury. the judge, i will be honest in the last few weeks in the run-up to the trial, she has made their job a little bit tougher, taken away some key arguments that they wanted to make taking away some key evidence that they wanted to introduce. but they have focused in some ways on the text of the statute. there definition of addict in there he was not so clear and they think they may have one or two pathways to an acquittal. john, it all kicks off nottingham here at the federal courthouse in wilmington, delaware. of course. it's joe biden's home state it's his son who's on trial marshall, we mentioned very personal testimony here, who are some of the witnesses who will we call it is going to be intense. this case in many ways, it's about addiction. hunter biden has been public and open and honest about his lifelong struggle with alcoholism his recent struggles with crack cocaine addiction there will be according to the prosecutors testimony from three of his romantic partners including his ex-wife, people that frankly were incredibly worried about his well-being. there are texts that show that they were terrified that something horrific might happen him and that's one of the reasons why his ex-girlfriend, hallie biden, who's the widow of his brother, row biden took that and kind of way and threw it into a dumpster ten days after he bought it. but before we get to that part of this case, there are a bunch of federal agents who are expected to testify. someone from the dea and also today we are expecting an fbi agent who will probably be the vehicle that prosecutors used to introduce texts and other messages from the infamous hunter biden laptop. john marshall cohen, at the court. thanks so much. marcia also this morning, attorney general merrick garland is not holding back. garland's headed to congress and about to sit before some of his biggest detractors in the house judiciary committee. >> and he's expected to send a message starting with i will not be intimidated and also calling out what he calls republican conspiracy theories of the justice department of justice it's being out to get donald trump in opening remarks shared with cnn garland will say, this quote, i will not be intimidated and the justice department will not be intimidated. we will continue to do our jobs free from political influence, and we will not back down from defending our democracy cnn's kaitlan pole and fix it up from here. this is about to get underway and just and just a couple hours, what's going to happen yeah. >> 10:00 a.m. merrick garland is expected to give some very forceful defense of the justice department in the face of house republicans who want to hold him in contempt. that contempt proceeding, the republicans on the house judiciary say is over an audio tape that they want to obtain of joe biden being interviewed by special counsel in a classified documents probe around biden that ended up not resulting in any charges that investigation with was closed the republicans want the audio tape, they want on a whole garland in contempt for not turning it over. >> cnn is also suing for access to that audio tape. but merrick garland is reframing this and saying this is about more than just the audio tape that he feels that the justice department is being intimidated or that the republicans want to intimidate garland with this contempt threat. >> and he is stringing together all of the things that he thinks house republicans are doing unfairly that he believes that they are trying to defend particular department investigations such as special counsel's offices, that they are spreading conspiracy theories about the department's work, trying to tie the justice department to the state prosecution of donald trump in new york that resulted in a conviction of the former president. >> just a couple of days ago and they are also trying to intimidate the work of agents. and people within the justice department by spreading additional malls misleading and false information about them. so america, ireland is saying now certain members of this committee, the house judiciary and the oversight committee, are seeking contempt as a means of obtaining for no legitimate purpose sensitive law enforcement information that could harm the integrity of future investigations so he's saying i'm not backing down. i'm not giving you that out of your tape at this time. and i am having an issue with what you guys are doing in the bigger picture of things right now, politically he's definitely having an issue that is for sure, it's great to see you, kaelyn and looking forward to hearing how this goes. >> this morning, jon. >> all right. we are standing by as president biden is expected, a rollout, his most aggressive action on border security to date. you are reporting at a wrench plot by house republicans, the house speaker says, they will use the tools they have in congress to avenge the conviction of donald trump and for the first time history, rock and soil samples from the far side of the moon are making their way back to earth. what new answers they could give us about our solar system the truth is out sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your advisor cursory. if his secret is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of a hand secrets and spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn you will mate to find inner peace. >> we were made to track flight prices to paradise if you are moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks to still laura from the start? >> and move toward relief. >> after the first dose with injections every two months still our may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer before treatment get tested for tb, del your doctor if you've had an infection like 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your side of the store a fares library, prostitution. why do we keep ending up here? >> you can't write this stuff united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on max we didn't want breaking news just in president biden is speaking out in a new interview telling time magazine, he is now quote, uncertain whether israel has committed war crimes in gaza. >> yet he is still in this interview pushing back against the international criminal court that's now seeking arrest warrants for top israeli officials. cnn's arlette science has more from the white house, the details are coming in about this new interview. what else is the president saying? >> okay, president biden did not rule out the possibility that israel has committed war crimes as it's conducted his campaign against hamas in gaza, significant comments as the white house and administration have really in recent months increasingly express their concerns about the way that israel has conducted its war now at the same time, the president pushed back on the international criminal court, which could seek arrest warrants of top israeli officials on charges of war crimes or crimes against humanity. but in this interview with time magazine, the president was asked point-blank whether he believes israel has committed war crimes. and he said, quote the answer is, it's uncertain and has been investigated by the israelis themselves. the icc is something that we don't we don't recognize. he went on to add. >> but one thing is certain the people in gaza, the palestine's palestinians, have suffered greatly for lack of food, water, medicine, et cetera. >> and a lot of innocent people have been killed. but it is, and a lot of it has to to do not just with the israelis, but what hamas is doing and israel as we speak, hamas is intimidating that pop yulaev now also in this interview, the president acknowledged some of the criticisms of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who some have said has, is simply a prolonging this war for his own political service rival. in this interview, the president said he wasn't going to comment on that, but added there is every reason for people to draw that conclusion. now, this interview was conducted last thursday, just one day before president biden laid out that israeli proposal that includes three phases to try to secure the release of hostages and also a put an end to the fighting in this war. the president in his remarks last friday, so that it is time for this war to end, that israel has degraded. hamas is ability to conduct another october 7 attack. but these comments today in this time interview for president biden are significant at a time when they administration has expressed concern about the way is drills conducted this war i mean, he's drawing some real leinz. >> he's saying quite a bit in this new interview. that's going to have a lot of reaction from here and definitely for the middle east. thank you so much are left for bringing it to us. john are happening today. president biden is character rollout sweeping executive action on border security. the new order we'll significantly limit migrants ability to seek asylum under current circumstances. cnn's rosa flores is in mcallen, texas. rosa, what are you hearing down there? >> well, the reaction is mixed. john, it's like most announcements involving the border. there's some individuals who support what the president is about to do, and others who don't. now, there's a group of mayors that have confirmed that they will be at the white house for this event. there very supportive of the president and that includes the brownsville mayor. brownsville is in south texas. now, that may or issued a statement saying in part, quote, president joe biden is expected to unveil an executive order that may notably impact migrants ability to seek asylumn camera, yet, they're waiting for the president to make this announcement. they want to make sure that they knew the details of this executive order. and ci upset about what is happening at the white house today, what is expected to happen. they believed that it's a little too little too late. they don't think that this is going to have the impact that it should have. and some of them are upset because they weren't invited to the white house. that's the case of the lca khan mayor. that's in southern california that may or issuing a statement saying, in part quote, this is nothing but a sham in an insult to those of us dealing with the real consequences of it's failed border policies. now the white house would argue that no executive action will fix all the ills on the us southern border. that what is required is congress to act that only congress can achieve comprehensive immigration reform. now the other thing that's very curious about the timing of this announcement is the number of migrant apprehensions of the west southern border or not in december when there was a migrant surge at a time when customs and border protection announced that my remember, inches we're about 250,000 just in that month alone. the latest numbers according to us customs and border protection in april, that number was about 128,000. i talked to a source yesterday it says that the number has dropped even more last month. and so it's curious and some of the people that i've talked to here and the rio grande valley point to just that to say that this move is political by the biden administration. now, we know very little about this executive order, but what would we do know is that it's expected do we reminiscent of a trump era or rule that using an authority known as 212 f, that clamped on illegal immigration. now, that particular measure from back in 2018 was shut down in the courts the challenge was led by the aclu. i talked to the lead attorney who led that challenge. and here's what he said about the biden administration. now, trying to do something similar to listen we do think that a policy that shuts down asylum would be an extreme overreach. we understand that people want the border process to be streamlined and were in favor that as well. but to say no asylum for anybody at a certain point, that that is really extreme. and if that's what ultimately happens we will have to review all our options, including obviously litigation and john, that is the big question. >> and of course, the aclu says that they're going to look and analyze that order once it is announced by president joe biden but the question is, if this announcement includes some of those same measures that the trump administration tried back in 2018. there were struck down by the courts will this new executive order a hold a challenge, stand a challenge in court. we don't know. we're going to have to wait for those details and then figure it out. i know that the aclu is going to be looking at it very closely to determine if they will sue immediately. >> john, why would the court's react differently now than they did a few years ago? that's the question. rosa flores great to have you there. thanks so much for your reporting and we do know in part, at least the sum of the motivation is that president biden is clearly hoping that this executive order with regard to border security will help him with his reelection chances. and how does that play? cnn's ariane tin has been looking in the numbers, how important remind folks how important this issue is for voters. >> it's tremendously important what a difference from where we were four years ago at this point. so immigration is the nation's top problem back in may of 2020, it was just 1% of voters who said that it ranked 15th on list of most important problems in the united states. look at where we are today. may of 2024, the last poll conducted by gop. it's up to 18%. so that's 18 times as high and more than that, it ranks is the second most important problems. so we've gone from 15th to second. so to me, it's not a huge surprise that president biden is doing what he's doing because the fact is immigration, is at the top of the mind for the american voter sometimes my next question depends on how the question is asked, but who do people trust, who do voters trust more on? yeah, no matter how you phrase it, you will see that more voters today trust former president trump over president biden, but the margins can change depending on how it is. so this is a better job on border security and immigration, which tends to be one of former president trump's best questions. but i think the key thing here, k to look at is the timeline and look at the trend line here, because back in june of 2020 biden was actually trusted more on the question of border security and immigration by a single point. look at where we are in may of 2024. my goodness, gracious. look at this huge jump that donald trump has gotten. he is now a head on this issue by 27 percentage points. so it's not just that immigration is more at the top her voter's minds than it was four years ago. it's that who they trust on the issue has changed tremendously. i look at a lot of questions, i dig into the cross tabs a lot. the fact that you see a 30 point shift, i'm used to seeing 1015, maybe 20 point shift, but basically are 30 point shift, 28 points if you want to be exact that is very, very different from a lot of other polling question. >> this issue probably more than any other, you know, this is where donald trump's rhetoric is most extreme and most harsh. and that goes for many republicans with regard to border security and immigration, how to immigrant communities react to this? is there any sayyed that there's backlash to this? >> yeah, it's very interesting to me because i think a lot of democrats are saying, oh, look at donald trump, look at what we call anti-immigration rhetoric. there's going to be some backlash i'm not quite sure that's exactly right. and i've been keeping a track on this, so this is who us voters born outside of the country. so you know, people who might be born in france, people who might be born in mexico et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, who did they prefer for president? well, this is quite something. it's a number that always seems to surprise me no matter how often i look at it. in fact, they slightly more of them support donald trump at 40 10%. then joe biden at 44%. again, this is a change from where we were in 2020 because those voters were born outside the united states, preferred joe biden. but in this case, no sign of a backlash. kate, at this point. on this issue. yeah. it's good to see you too hairy. thanks for putting this together. thank you. >> jump or a raising new online stunt, how russia is using artificial intelligence. and tom cruise in a new effort to target he 24 olympic games and this morning a new risk of being a member of congress. you might be mocked on national television by your six-year-old son the increase in wound fires is exponential on uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences, the 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russia called storm 16, 79 and storm 1099 is an example of what intelligence experts see as an increasingly frantic effort by russian operatives. all of this in an attempt to scare people away from the olympics games after the ioc banned russia from competing, only allowing in russian athletes to take part in the games as neutral athletes because of russia's war in ukraine joining me right now is john hall quest. he's achieved analyst at the google owns cyber security for mandiant with a deep expertise on global cyber threats, john, thank you so much for coming in. i was looking through the report from your company as well as the cnn reporting on this and could you just describe from your perspective, how do you describe the threat coming from russia against the games this time around well, you know what the reports report you discuss is really the disinformation space of this activity, right? >> this is essentially them creating these using the troll farms are all familiar with that also leveraging ai to create videos and content that essentially is designed to undermine the legitimacy of the games. >> strike a blow at, at french press d, right there at this case, trying to make it look like there's a real terrorist threat to the games is the goal just to annoy and disrupted and undermine or is the goal to shut it down and do real damage to people involved? well well, you know, there's different kinds of phases to this. >> first with disinformation but unfortunately, one of the other things that we're worried about is there other tools in russia's arsenal? >> they have russian military intelligence has attack france in the past. they've attacked the olympics in the past. they tried to take down the opening ceremonies that jon chang olympics they took down a major tv station in france previously and actually blame that on terrorist actors and that sort of disruptive attack is something that we're going to be worrying about all the way to the very end of the games the impersonated tom cruise kind of fake documentary thing. this is it. i mentioned ai. it's an example of the new use of ai in these efforts how are you seeing ai change the threat landscape as it relates to this obviously has to do with mostly maybe mostly disinformation. but as it relates to the thanks, but but far beyond when you're looking at cyberthreats well, we're we're seeing a lot of different actors use ai really to fabricate content, right? >> and they use that in social engineering. >> or as part of what we call information operations it's just a good way for them to create these fake images or videos the good news is it's not a panacea, right? >> they can't necessarily solve all their problems and they've been doing this actually for years now. and they before that, they use photoshop and other tools what we are, our concern is that they're gathering, they're using it to sort of up up there, up their game but the good news is that, all these actors are trying to pierce the public conversation with this activity. and once they do that, they sort of come on our radar. the weird thing about this is, this is a group that's trying to create engagement. but at the same time remain covert and that's really hard to accomplish. >> yeah, i would say so you were kind enough to let me have a sneak peek of maddy as report, which i believe is it out tomorrow. >> and the report highlights who the potential targets are of some of these operations currently and in the near future with regard to the olympics, the ioc he athletes and teams, physical infrastructure of the games, and of the city paris, ticketing systems and tourists. >> with all that in mind, what's your level of confidence that if they've got a heads up on it from your good work, others the two level of confidence that the ioc france and others are prepared for this well, they have some experience here i've dealt with them in the past and they're incredibly confident francis, incredibly confident in this space as well. and there's a major team of players who are sort of working together to buy at these actors off ultimately, even if they do carry out an operation that operation is going to be designed to manipulate our perceptions and make us think that things are far worse than they truly are. and by talking about this stuff, right now, we're actually fighting back that's a great point 0.1 quick question. >> it's all seems to be connected to russia being banned from the olympics. >> if russia hadn't been banned from the olympics, do you think this would not be happening? >> i think that circumstances might be a little bit different, but i think this is also an opportunity to strike a blow it at french prestige, right did the host nation is highly tied to highly tied to the, the games and front near the geopolitical situation is really never been worse i discussed i talked about some earlier attacks. those actually happened before the war in ukraine, right? so the situation is as far different now. and there might make them even more likely to carry out an attack. >> yeah. >> john whole chris, it's great to see you. thanks so much for coming in. i had for us, there's a new threat also to shut down the government all in the name of protecting donald trump, the republican lawmaker make are pushing for this. we've got more on that the most anticipated moment of this election and mistakes couldn't be higher. the president and former president's one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max. >> its terms de. but neutrogena, ultras, your sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it's light but it's working hard he liked me neutrogena, ultras, your sunscreen we'll quality that starts in our factory real performance it's in your backyard steel tools or is tough than dependable is the people who use them. >> this 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clearly, house judiciary chair jim jordan has proposed defunding what he calls politicized prosecutions. cnn's lauren fox has more on this from capitol hill what's this all about? >> how serious are these efforts yeah, these are ever had set in some ways, we have seen before. >> these are conversations that some of these members like jim jordan had been having for the course of the last several years, jim jordan sort of tried this last year with a series of omega admittance on some of the spending bills to try to block funding for things like the new fbi headquarters. they are also talking about trying to slash funding for any kind of what they are viewing as weaponized prosecution's now the issue is that last year when they tried some of these strategies, they were unable to past these amendments on the house floor that caused issues with moving forward with republican only spending bills and ultimately that resulted in speaker mike johnson cutting a deal with democrats in order to keep the government funding. yesterday, jim jordan sent a new letter to the new appropriations chairman tom cole, a list some of his requests and some of them are those same items we saw last year cutting back on what are what they are calling weaponized prosecutions as well as cutting funding for the new fbi headquarters. their argument is that they should be cutting funding for the fbi, making sure that they're doing nothing except what in the republicans view is their job description now, it's interesting because there are some senators who say that jim jordan is going in the right direction. we heard yesterday from one of the senators from north dakota who made clear that this is something that republicans should be fighting for, and they should be doing this because they are arguing but doj is being unfair to donald trump. now, democrats say that this is just an example of republicans trying to rush to their political advocates. sayyed at a time when they say nothing is happening at the justice department, that's unfair all right. >> lauren fox. great to sue tracking at all as always for us, john wright with us now cnn political commentator, democratic strategist, maria cardona and former at trump administration official, matt mauer is i want to play a bit of sound that mitch landrieu, the former new orleans mayor, who is one of the chairs of the binary luck campaign. what he told us the morning after donald trump's criminal conviction, because i might be connected to what we're seeing on capitol hill. listen to this joe biden. as you know, gets up every day thinking about the american people, thinking about trying to preserve our freedom, preserving democracy, making lives better if everybody else in donald trump wakes up every day thinking about himself so matt, on that point and here's the connection. does this play into that argument from some democrats? because now on capitol hill, where i don't think people have found them to be overly functional. the last several months, they're now saying it really is all about donald trump and just about donald trump. >> matt well, the most important thing is with donald trump says as long as donald trump goes out there and campaigns and you saw this, even some of his comments on friday and even after the jury made their decision on thursday, what he was talking about, he talked about immigration, talked about crime. >> there has been some conversation, but the common if the camp get into the trump campaign writ large, can keep the focus on their then they're going to be able to win this election. and you see that in poll after poll, whether it's present biden's approval rating right now on immigration, which is remarkably upside down right now, in spite of some of the conversations about signing some jonny to lately executive orders around the board quarter you look at his most recent approval rating number that came out last week, end of last week, and he's around -23% nothing about what happens on capitol hill is going to turn that around for joe biden. so as long as donald trump keeps the focus on where it needs to happen, and i would expect you organ to see some of his allies on capitol hill though, tried to take on the after that, they feel like they need to do which is satisfied the republican pace, but matt, do you just very quickly one more in this msc ciphered, you say that occasionally republicans and donald trump fall into the trap actually more than fallen, maybe plunge into the trap of being me, me, me, me, me less about issues matt sure. and but i will say i think right now, you're seeing a hyper-partisan environment since there's, we've had it in american politics about four years. but since there a reason you're seeing over $50 million raised for the trump campaign in the course of 24 hours. all this is going to do is serve to jennifer base for the meantime, but then ultimately that's going to give the resources to the trump campaign and others to go out there and campaign on the economy, immigration and crime maria i'll answer the question that matt really couldn't answer, john and that is that mitch landrieu is absolutely right and everything that is going on on capitol hill, right now is focused on that and points to that. >> and not only that, the press conference that donald trump gave right after he became a convicted felon was unhinged. it was all about him. it was all about how he was complaining about retribution and vengeance and telling the american people if this can happen to me he it can happen to you, which we all know that's just garbage and gibberish. and if you want to look at polls, let's look at the polls that have come out after this conviction that says that the majority of the american people, including independence, say that this was a fair trial. say don't believe all of the the lies and conspiracy theories coming out of donald trump's mouth and of his maga, allies. mao saying that this was rigged so the more that donald trump and his maga, allies and lemmings and puppets try to continue to focus on that. this was a rigged system, that this is all about democrats trying to take down donald trump. it plays into that message that donald trump is in this for himself, that he's in this has tried to stay out of prison, and that frees up joe biden and his campaign to continue communicating the message such that he is in it to continue to help the american people i will say, what are the reasons i am at my question is, yeah. >> okay. because you consistently actually said the focus needs to be on beyond just trump the person it doesn't actually just to go back. one thing maria mentioned, if you look at a morning console poll that came out actually this morning, i got imagine it's incredibly frustrating for the biden campaign is incredibly frustrating for the white house because the new polling that came up shows them down a point to donald trump, despite being up a point after the trial on thursday, already the rest of the policies and the viewpoints of the american people on joe biden's policies are coming back to the forefront this election. that's where this is going to be decided. so as much as the trump campaign and folks on capitol hill can focus on those issues. they're going to win as much as joe biden gets distracted. talk about donald trump going to, lose maria, we've only got about 45 seconds left. i do want your take on the executive action that we're expecting from president biden later today. on the border perhaps completely stopping asylum seeker as once border encounters reach a certain level. >> sure. what i'll say is, and this will actually connect to what matt just said is this is joe biden, the president taking action when republicans have been completely unable and unwilling to do so, when they all zai want to do is weaponize the issue of the border. >> they even rejected there her own conservative border bill. >> and so this is joe biden taking matters into his own hands with a completely an a congress that is unwilling to do anything. but joe biden has to continue to lean into this immigration issue and find a balanced approach, strong border security, which democrats have all always been about, as well as expanded legal pathways. that's what the american voters want. and that is the real solution. but we know that donald trump and republicans absolutely do not want to solve this issue. they want to weaponize it because they are desperate for something that they believe will let them win. but this is not something that the american people are going to accept. >> we're gonna have to leave it there. i'm i'm or maria cardona, thanks to both of you so when take your kid to work goes terribly wrong and also absolutely terribly exactly correct. >> he's first 110 is republican learn that in spectacular fashion yesterday and they are both now on the studio to meet with us sirens are going off and the tornado here i'm thinking 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that's he has it greatness hertz but with care you can keep chasing it that the the fu as now, it's called poppy data strong enough to unite house of the dragon streaming exclusively on max. >> i'm jessica schneider at the federal courthouse in washington. and this is cnn this morning, a chinese lunar probe is on its way back to earth after collecting rock and soil samples the far side of the moon, it also placed a chinese flag on the lunar surface a successful return home and make china the first country to return samples from the far side of the moon, which always spaces away from this morning fresh start produce has issued a recall alert for its fresh cucumbers due to possible salmonella contamination. the potentially take good cucumbers were sold and at least 14 stays between may 17 and 21st. >> so for those who say members of congress act like shoulder and they now have a new role model a child, in fact, the child of tennessee congressman john rose charges 6-year-old guy, sat behind his father when he gave a speech on the new york criminal conviction against donald trump. >> and just watch for a second let this sink in. >> having this country there he is a running commentary perhaps on the speech being given on the house floor and with us now congress, you can, john rose and guy and congressman, i note that you have your son in front of you this time as opposed show you why good tip from you. i think that's probably where i need to keep him going forward, but he was i had told him before i gave this speech, i said his three-year-old brother, sam is back at home and i said uses smile for sam while we're on the camera. and he took that a little further than i expected. >> i just want to guide you. can you hear us to okay good. what did you think walking into that big room and what dad told you when you're gonna be sitting there tell. >> him. what you thought you can say it out loud what did you think? >> i didn't i asked you what you thought when you walked into the house chamber yesterday good what were you thinking about telling sam sam do you spell his name with your hands oh, is that what he was doing? >> is that what everyone was like making jokes of like visit, there's a conspiracy theory of what he was doing with his hands. >> oh, i'm loving math. i just new dance moves that's very good sound by the way. >> that's impressive just in and of itself right there. i enjoy that what did, what did sand think? of? >> what you did in congress did sam tell him talk? hey, he thought it was good it was good, and congressman is also proving anytime i bring my children to repeat anything they've just told me in private and public. >> this is exactly what happens. so i'm so glad we were connected on this front when did you realize congressmen bet your son has had stolen the show and you now need to go back to the house floor and remake your remarks because no one was listening when did you have any clue this is going on behind you? >> i didn't have a single clue and not until i was walking off the floor, one of the floor managers said, you're probably going to want to watch that video when you get back to your office. and when i saw it, then i knew at least there was going to probably be be some reaction. i had no idea it would be as extensive as it has been guy i think you can make even better faces. then the was you made on the house floor? i was impressed, but but what other faces can you do? >> you got any other faces but i i mean, i can't show them all like give them just give one for them you want me to show line then on my running. when you want to show me a new one maybe if you're new material cars, but it isn't daily occurrence in your in your household it's, usually pretty active siam and guy can be pretty rambunctious kids. >> so, but they're pretty good kids course there. a look, let's be honest, he could have been a lot worse than behind you that megan phases, i mean, you could you make him come and sit in the chamber the other the other members fall asleep having to do that, congressman he, did take a power nap after his new newfound fame arrived yesterday how has guy prepared you for dealing with your fellow members of congress? well, you know, you you point out a good a good are you making a good point which is that sometimes children can be very reflective of what adults really end up doing two, so maybe his antics are not that far out of place on the house floor. >> and also a reminder of no matter where you land on any political spectrum, we all have kids that are really good at embarrassing as i'm putting us in our place. >> congressman john rose guy, guy up top. all can say is as up top. thanks so much for being with us and congrats on starting summer brave guy, have a great summer and please continue to terrorize your data as much as possible. it's it's so much fun okay. >> thanks for having me on this morning. thank you so much, congressman. >> thank you. i mean listen, i got two of them. there. they're older than that right now. but the whole time i'm thinking, you know there, but for the grace of god, if i showed this clip to sailor delphine, they'll be like taking notes, taken notes let's turn to this right now, a panel of drug advisors are meeting today to consider whether the fda should approve mdma, the drug commonly known, commonly known as ecstasy, for treating post-traumatic stress disorder. if approved, this therapy would be the first potential new ptsd treatment in 25 years. cnn's dr. sanjay gupta is joining us now with more sanjay talked to us about what you're learning on morning, about how effective mdma could be in is with treating pts yeah. >> i mean, this is some these are some interesting data that's coming out of this. i mean, there is a lot of interest in the use of psychedelics as medicine and there's gonna be a lot of focus on this particular meeting. if this carries fourth i think this may usher in other psychedelics as medicines. if it stalls, i think it's going to stall psychedelics overall all for some time. but let me, let me tell you what, what they looked at specifically. a capsule of mdma by lycos pharmaceuticals was studied in phase three trials specifically for post-traumatic stress. for people who are receiving the capsule, they had an 87% reduction in their symptoms compared to placebo, which was 69%. and i, both groups, i should point out also got talk therapy. if you look at how many people actually said, look my symptoms went away completely in the mdma group versus the placebo group the results were even a little bit more promising. you had about 71% of people who, in that mdma group who said their symptoms went away completely versus about 48% in the placebo group. so this is going to be the focus of the attention here. these are small studies still this is an advisory committee meetings, so there's a lot of steps but that's what's getting all the attention. >> i know a report prepared for the fda for today's meeting did raise some doubts about this therapy. what are the concerns? >> i think there's several, but there's a couple of big ones. one is that there can be some cardiac heart concerns with this this, this mdma meidum nifedipine is what it stands for. can raise your blood pressure, heart rate. might that be a problem? might there be an impact on the liver? but sort of a broader concern, kate, with psychedelic trials is that it's very hard to do a blinded trial. people generally know when they're getting the psychedelic versus when they're getting a placebo, right? unlike a lot of other medications. so can you really do a blinded trial? in fact, they asked the participants in these groups afterward, do you know what you actually received? and in the mdma group, the vast majority of people knew that they got at 94%, i believe knew that they actually, we're getting that mdma and the placebo group, most of the people knew that they weren't getting it so that's the real concern. i've been reporting on this for a long time. we spoke to this it's woman over ten years ago, rachel, who is part of one of the early trials as a young child, she had been abused, she had been raped, she had post-traumatic stress, never really got any relief and then joined this trial for mdma

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,Thinking ,Notes ,Drug ,Drug Advisors ,God ,Panel ,Grace ,Sailor Delphine ,Therapy ,Approved ,Ptsd Treatment ,Ecstasy ,Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ,Dr ,Sanjay Gupta ,25 ,Sanjay ,Learning ,Psychedelics ,Interest ,It Stalls ,Trials ,Capsule ,Post Traumatic Stress ,Phase ,Pharmaceuticals ,Lycos ,87 ,Groups ,Mdma Group ,Placebo ,Talk Therapy ,Reduction ,69 ,Placebo Group ,48 ,71 ,Attention ,Committee Meetings ,For Today ,Steps ,Studies ,Heart Concerns ,Several ,Doubts ,This ,Mdma Meidum Nifedipine ,Big Ones ,Blood Pressure ,Liver ,Heart Rate ,Participants ,Medications ,Woman ,94 ,Rachel ,

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