these the deals on before there shot with jury selection is underway in the first trial against the son of a sitting president. we are live outside the courthouse in delaware where hunter biden is facing we've felonies for allegedly buying a gun while using illegal drugs. how his father, the president, is reacting and fighting words on capitol hill is dr. anthony found she testifies to lawmakers about the origins of covid-19 and the us response to the pandemic and brace yourself the thermostat please, in your house can be pretty busy this summer. >> i'll look at how much it will cost you to stay cool and how that number has risen over the past five years. >> we're following these developing stories and many more we're all coming in right here to see it a nuisance just days after former president trump was convicted of 34 felonies and his hush money case. another unprecedented and in criminal trial with major political implications is getting underway. hunter biden now facing judge and jury for alleged gun violations. it's the first time in american history. the child of a sitting president is going to trial a hunter biden has pleaded not guilty to three felony charges, accused of illegally purchasing and possessing a firearm while abusing or being addicted to drugs. if convicted on all three counts, the president's son could face up to 25 years in prison. though he doesn't have a prior criminal record and first-time offenders often get much lower sentences. the president and first lady both offering their support to hunter today, joe biden is attending the trials first day and president biden issued a statement this morning at said in part i am the president, but i am also a dad, jill and i love our sun we're so proud of the man he is today. hunters resilience in the face of adversity and the strength that he is brought to his recovery are inspiring to us biden went on to say that since he's the president, he quote, won't comment on pending federal cases jessica and let's discuss more with cnn legal analysts, carrie cordero, who's here with us now, carry great to have you here in studio with us. >> let's start first with the fact that this case is make as made it to trial. there was a plea deal in place that just fell apart. >> there was. and so a year ago look like today would was never going to happen hunter biden had entered into a plea deal with the special counsel in this case? it would have been knocked down two misdemeanors. he would have never been in jeopardy of serving any jail time. and the judge unusually, i think rejected that plea deal and throw it out. and the reason it was it was sort of unusual is because usually usually plea deals are accepted. first of all most cases in america plead most federal cases, plead out. it's rare even for cases to go to trial. and when a judge does throw it out, usually they do it because it's circumstance when it is advantageous to the defendants. so in other words, they think that the prosecutors are getting the better end of the deal. and this was the opposite of that. >> yeah, it's so interesting. i want to stay with us. i want to go out to evan perez, who was there at the courthouse with the latest reporting. evan, how are things playing out there well, things are moving pretty quickly at this point. >> jessica so there are at least 25 people have been qualified to serve in the jury. they're going to eventually narrow this down to 12 jurors first for alternate serwer to hundred and 50 potential jurors who are brought to the courthouse here in wilmington today and the question shows that they're getting are all really kind of framing up what this trial is really about the issue of gun rights has come up. also the issue of addiction and recovery. we heard from both sides who were trying to say that they're going to dismiss critic of donald trump who was in the jury pool here and who said that they the day support banning all guns she said that after donald trump's election in 2016, scene, she joined what you call the resistance group to oppose the what's now the former president. we've also heard abbe lowell say that he he was going to use one of his strikes to remove a potential juror who is a retired police officer from from wilmington, who said that he believed donald trump and particularly the new york city trial that just concluded against the former president, that that's an indication that that prosecutors sometimes bring political cases, cases for political reasons. he said that to his knowledge or he didn't he wasn't aware whether democrats also have the same fate. we also heard from some jurors who've talked about family members very personally about family members struggling with alcohol abuse and drugs and a few of them said that they believed they could set aside those those personal views to judge this case fairly. we expect this proceeding to wrap up perhaps as soon as today, jessica, it's moving very, very quickly and from talking to the lawyers we're looking at a possible trial that lasts about a week. perhaps a little longer and it's really interesting avenues. >> you mentioned this idea of addiction is coming up in the jury process. i want to ask you about that carry. >> it's i assume that you might depending on what side you're on, those are the folks that you want in the jury or those may be the folks that you want to screen out, but it seems like they're just sort of representative of the experience people yeah. i mean, well, the jury's are regular citizens who experience every type of thing and drug addiction is at huge issue in the country. many, many families all across the country have dealt with family members who have suffered from addiction. some who have faced consequences in the legal system as well. so that particular issue as far as the jury's concerned, really could cut either way, whether they view they potentially would view a hunter biden as a sympathetic person or whether they would view consequences as an important factor as well. >> thank curie, i wanna go back to what we were discussing before we talked to evan about that plea deal that you said rarely fall those apart. and the way that it fell apart in this in this issue that the judge rejected it. is there any situation now where they could cobble that back together or is it full steam ahead with this trial? >> that's unlikely. i think their past that point at this point now, they're already seeding the jury. if there was a time that the defense and the prosecution we're going to be able to make any agreement. it would have already happened, i think now this trial is underway and what the defense is really going to be looking at is they're going to focus on these issues at the prosecutors have to prove as far as what hunter biden knew at the time. so it's really really it's only a three count indictment and the fact that he had a weapon doesn't seem to be a disputed fact. so the questions here are really going to pertain to did he know that he wasn't supposed to have it at the time and that gets into the issues of what the nature of his addiction was or wasn't at that time if he knew he was addicted, i guess. >> right? if he knew because there's two pieces, there's a falsification of a form that is being alleged, and then there's whether he knew he was possessing a weapon when he is what's called a prohibited person when he wasn't supposed to. and so his knowledge and his understanding of what he was doing at that time is really irrelevant, both for the prosecutors to prove and for the defense to launch its case. >> are you surprised? we're at this point? do you think that he would have been prosecuted? putin if you were someone else? >> think that's a great question. i think that the fact that this investigation took so long to get to a point that is a three-count indictment of a not a type of case that maybe for a first-time offender would not reach this stage of trial is unusual it's a fairly straightforward three count indictment, and it shouldn't have taken a five-year investigation to get there. so we think the fact that there was a special counsel obviously as a unique situation particular to an individual who has political relevance and the fact that this wasn't just a standard case handled by the us attorney's office. and i do as i mentioned earlier, i think the fact that the judge throughout the plea agreement what's unusual in this case, and to looking ahead to the defense's case here how do they go about building a case that i would assume they're going to try to prove here. you didn't know either. he wasn't supposed to have it or wasn't in the right mind to be able to say, i'm an addict, i shouldn't have this, right? >> and so that's why i think there was a decision i guess over the week and where the judge said that the defense is a potential witness for the defense, that who would have been an expert witness to testify about the nature i'm sure of addiction and what knowledge a person who is addicted has, what that means that the judge has said that that person cannot testify. so i think part of what the defense will be doing, it is yes, they will have to find through witnesses or potentially documents, but i think probably more witnesses, whether or not there's a way they can demonstrate that he does not satisfy any of those knowledge elements. and then they're going to be also preserving issues for appeal. what about the tax issues? what's going to happen there when it comes to a hunter biden? >> well also that's a separate case that is based out of la. and as i understand that case is set for trial in september. again, a really low level in terms of the dollar amounts that are relevant in that particular case. also brought by the special counsel. and so we have this situation where you've got the son of a former president who has been charged by a special counsel in two different jurisdictions, two different trials. and so it really just highlights the fact that unusual circumstances where these could not have i've been relieved through plea agreements probably based on the fact that it was the special counsel's investigation as opposed to just an ordinary mary tax case or an ordinary firearms case, carrie, thank you so much for taking us through all that. we appreciate it. and still to come republican lawmakers turning up the heat on the man who led the us government's response to the covid pandemic. dr. anthony fauci is on the hill right now and he is very much in the hotseat and we're following it. plus president biden is set to now it's big moves on the border. we're going to explain his immigration plan and why republicans aren't happy about it despite calls to secure the southern border what justices are preparing for the end of the term. several decisions were made from guns and abortion to former president trump's claim of absolute immunity. >> you have more all ahead. on cnn news central the 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them to protect the american people yes, i have s9 congressional correspondent lauren fox is covering this for us on capitol hill or in have we learned anything new from dr. fouchier testimony today? >> yeah, a lot of this ground has already been something that republicans had been attacking dr. found qian for years at this point, jessica, this is it's really part of a months-long investigation that republicans have conducted into the origins and protocols surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. and they've attacked doctor fauci for a series of issues from everything from his guidance on masking to the cdc's guidance on social distancing, arguing that there are things that dr. fauci himself had argued were the right thing to do in the midst of the pandemic that turned out to be less scientifically sound as time went on now, dr. fouchier has argued they were in a pandemic. they were in the midst of chaos. they were trying to understand and protect people in the american public the best that they could while making sure that the vi, that the vaccine was prepared and ready to go within a year's time, but that did not stop some republicans for justice attacking dr. fouchier on every single thing that he had done. here's one of those is it right for scientists and doctors getting paid by the american people government taxpayer paychecks to get patents where they're paid millions and hundreds of millions of dollars and royalty fees especially when the nih and these government agencies must powerful agencies in our country, are recommending medical suggestions and advice and making up guidelines like six feet distancing and masking of children. >> do you think that's appropriate to the american people deserve to be abused like that, mr. fauci, because you're not dr. your mr. fauci and my few minutes no, i don't need your answer. i want to talk about this right here and democrats continued during this course of this hearing are arguing the doctor fauci was doing the best that he could, that he was instrumental in making sure that americans were protected during the coronavirus pandemic and arguing that he showed a lot of patients over the course of this testimony today and behind closed door testimony that he gave back in january as part of this committee's investigation, jessica all right. lauren fox, force on capitol hill. thanks so much. >> briana, the white house is taking aim at one of its biggest criticisms from the gop that it isn't doing enough to secure the border for sources, say if president biden is gearing up to roll out a sweeping executive action that could drastically impact asylum seekers at the southern border. and then announcement could come soon as tomorrow, cnn's mj lee is at the white house live force mj. this proposal could mean major pushback from progressives, from liberal roles in the president's own party. what more are you learning about it yeah, could get major pushback from not only progressives, but also immigration advocates as well. what we are told by sources who have been briefed on this executive order that we're told could be announced as early as tomorrow. is that the administration could effectively shut down down the us mexico border to asylum seekers if the daily number of crossings reaches a certain threshold, we are told that unaccompanied children are expected to be exempt, which would also be worrisome to advocates because they think that this could actually incentivize and actually encourage some family to send children to the border on their own. now, the president would be using an authority called the 21 to f. this was regulation. you might recall that was used by donald trump, the former president during his administration and was widely denounce and criticize at the time so you could easily imagine that psien could be criticized for being hypocritical by leaning on this authority. politics. of course, looms very large over this decision we know that border security happens to be one of the biggest political vulnerabilities for president biden and for democrats, they have been getting a lot of pressure to do more four, to get a better handle on the situation at the border. and of course, the timing is incredibly significant given that we are now just a few weeks away from that first presidential debate hosted by cnn between president biden and former president donald trump. now as you can imagine, the white house is not getting ahead of this expected announcement tomorrow, but a white house spokesperson did say this in a statement to cnn. they said, as we have said before, the administration continues to explore a series of policy options and we remain committed to taking actions to address our broken immigration system. now, the important caveat that i should note is that there could still be changes to that final text before this expected announcement tomorrow. but as you said, this is something that could draw a for the president a significant amount of backlash, but certainly he is hoping and the white house is hoping that this could also strengthen his political hand as well. briana. >> all right. mj lee the live force at the white house. thank you. and still to calm, it could be a frenzied few weeks for the supreme court. the justices are readying potential blockbuster decisions on everything from a board shouldn't be guns to presidential immunity. so what they could mean in a pivotal election year and the cost of keeping cool this summer will likely be higher here for you. and it has been in the past. we're going to show you by how much ahead on cnn news central the you, it's about the takeoff. >> there's no one that goes the things i do were personal limits. so what for wrestling can be we wednesday night dynamite eight on tv into seconds. eric will realize space. >> got to sell the house open houses or skip the hassles and sell directly to open door when life stores open, we'll handle the house we talking about prank practicing 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some of them had bizarre stock prices that really didn't make any sense. >> most notably, berkshire hathaway, that's the big holding company run by legendary investor warren buffett. now, as of 944 here in new york everything looked normal, right? this stock class a shares were trading above $600,000. that's where they actually normally trait. and then suddenly with no explanation this stock was listed at just a $185 and there were no trades in between to indicate why that stuck had gone down. there was no news release so clearly something was wrong here because that would amount to a 99% drop. >> now, as you can see on your screen this stock has reopened. it's trading back to where it should be above $600,000 a piece. and the new york stock exchange says that all of the impacted stocks have reopened, all systems are operating normally. now as far as what caused it, this appears to be related to something called limit upper limit down. >> this is basically a time-out or a cooling off safe guard in the stock market where when a stock trades too high or too low, there's a pause instance today now, new york stock exchange says that what happened was there was a glitch, a technical issue with the data that is published industry-wide. >> and that impacts limit, upper limit down. >> but i talked to market structure expert joselu z, and he told me he's not buying that explanation because it doesn't really square with the trades that, we saw that took place. >> now, one thing they'll briana, we don't think this is related to is cyber a major bank executive that's been in touch with the new york stock exchanges parent company told our colleague, sean lingus that the new york stock exchange has not seen any indication at this point that this was related to a cybersecurity incident? >> yeah, that's always our question when we see something strange happened, right? matt, thank you so much. we appreciate the explanation. jessica. >> thanks very much. >> we are now in crunch time for the highest court in the land, the supreme court has a batch of potential blockbuster decisions to announce before its summer recess and the issues left to be decided ranged from whether abusers can have don's if federal agencies can urge this information to be taken down a whole lot more, cnn's senior supreme court analyst, joan biskupic, is here with all the details and joan, we have a big deadline that's coming up and so many cases yet to go, what's the latest you understand deadlines? i understand as well as well. they just had one on june 1, all the arguments have been held. they were held from october to april preliminary votes have been taken among the nine justices. opinions have been assigned and the drafting process has already started. but on june 1st, that's the traditional deadline for everyone who finished up at least their majority opinions and they circulate them around the colleagues. and this is a process now that is referred to as holding five, because you know, everybody took an initial vote, but now they want to see how it's written with a legal reasoning is and, you individual justices might say, i'll, i'll still be with you if you change this but the opinion author will say, okay, i'll change that, but i don't want to alienate this other justice just to keep the majority and it's june when the rubber really meets the road, when all these important cases really come, come down to the wire here and oh it's a crunch time. and i think right now they're aiming for to be out by june 28. that's a friday. they almost always finished by the end of june but this time with those trump cases, especially there's a chance mike over to monday, july 1st. >> it is incredible. just everything that's still looming and just compressing just amount of time. >> so i just want to show everyone, we have cases involving former president trump then you also have abortion. cases. there's a variety. so let's probably the trump ones are most on the front of mind for our audience. and the main one is whether donald trump can claim absolute immunity from criminal trial this is, this involves the charges that were brought by special counsel jack smith, four counts of election subversion, and donald trump said, i shouldn't be as a former president didn't i should not be subject to trial. i should be shielded as a former president lower courts ruled against him, but the supreme court said, the trial can't go on until we decided in this case. and that's the one lots of people are waiting for. and i have to say jessica is closest. we already are to the november election. it's doubtful that no matter how the justices rule we will actually see a trial on jack smith's charges before the election. but the other one that could also affect donald trump is one that was brought by some january 6, defendants who say that of all the charges that the government level death, then they should not be subject to a charge that makes it a crime to corruptly obstruct an official proceeding. what these defendants are saying is that this doesn't can't cover us unless there was actual destruction of evidence. now, donald trump is important. that case. but jack smith has actually charged donald trump under that statute also. so those are the two big trump ones. and then you mentioned abortion and the case justice. justices have now really bring us back to 2022 when the supreme court narrowly struck down all constitutional abortion rights. name it should wide reversing nearly 50 years of precedent. and two important cases that will be tested. their one involves the food and drug administration's expansion of accessibility for the abortion medication, mifepristone and that one involves not just abortion drugs, but all kinds it's a drugs and the fda's authority to decide what kinds of drugs are safe and effective. the other abortion-related case goes to where states have banned abortion since 2022. and whether a federal law that requires emergency treatment for women who go to emergency rooms and maybe because of their health situation, they need an abortion. there's some complications. whether evening in those states, the emergency rooms that that receive federal funding would be required to allow a woman to have an abortion just because that would be the care that would be needed in those dire situations, jessica. yeah. >> these are these are cases with really big implications. >> all right. joan biskupic, thanks so much. still a comma state of emergency and atlanta my after multiple water main breaks, their summer school canceled a huge concert, postponed what the mayor's saying about it, and spotify once again, such raise its prices up next, how much more you might be paying for the service hey, mom, how many should i decorate? >> a half ran blue. >> that's a really tough call. >> who are you if you look at the latest data, you're probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy really knows there are 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had didn't bark anderson cooper 360 tonight at eight on cnn just a massive water outage is still affecting major sections of atlanta after several pipes burst over the weekend, the water main breaks virtually shut down. >> the city's bustling downtown area at force them mayor to declare a state of emergency summer schools and other programs were canceled today. and then there were a litany of other impacts, including one of atlanta's biggest hospitals relocating some of its patients. and megan thee stallion postponed thank her concert. cnn national correspondent ryan young is monitoring efforts to fix all this. ryan, what's the latest there ladies this is a lot of people who are starting to get really angry about this. >> briana. people are wanting to know when the status updates will happen in terms of when this will be all fixed, you have small business owners who are asking hey, when are we going to know when we can open our doors back again? because obviously the boil water advisory people are concerned about health and safety concerns. we read a news conference today that actually got pretty heated it with the mare with some citizens are trying to ask questions, even had a citizen telling a city employee to get your head out of my face. this is all been boiling over because of the water main breaks, but you have citizens like trickett louis here, who actually runs a smoothie shop and you're saying you're not getting notifications as well about when this is going to be done with how frustrating this, this is a i can survive. that's it. so as beyond frustrating, i'm having to buy ice, i'm having a boil water to clean and sanitize to cook width to clean with. and so it's frustrating because i don't know. i have no idea. >> when you're talking about the concerns is saying you may not survive are the margins that thin right now as a business owner? you need some expectations. >> the extremely thin. so i'm having the first challenge of just construction. this happened, i'm surrounded by construction, so the traffic is not coming by one top of the water advisory so now i have low traffic. now i'm having to do double the work to clean, go to the store to store to store the by ice, to make smoothies. and so i'm just impacted on both ways. so no traffic extra work and i'm having this an employee's home and do everything you said and some other business owners are coming here to ask the city for some help, some guidance, some money to come back as a form of payment. what are you hoping the city officials do as a look at this emergency situation? >> i mean, a small business need relief. so the amount i can't speak to that like what would be he beneficial to me? i mean, i'm a very small business, but, you know, five to $10,000 will change. i mean, i'm looking at summer is my high season. so if i'm not able to perform in the summertime, how does that affect me in the winter when sales naturally fall down, what if someone can hear you in city hall right now? >> what would you like them to know about what? it's going on with this water situation it is affecting our day-to-day operations. >> like we cannot open. our doors are open. but what is it taken to open the doors and we i'm in a community where there's no healthy options. so the community of san and we need healthy options. i'm here, but i can even serve as a community something that's out of my control. and so i'm just looking for definitely a timeline to give us an idea. how long do we have to manage this? so i can even look at financially how that's gonna to affect me. but then also, is there some relief to help us do this do this face? >> so just say the name of your business one more, two more life juice call. perfect. so if you want to help her out, if your nearby area please check it out. thank you for that. but at the same time, you had a hospital hello. affected by this? when we have one level trauma medical center in this area, they had to bring water in. you also have other businesses that are impacted because the street closures are still impacting much of midtown. and on top of that, they are using atlanta police officers to ferry in special parts of equipment to make sure they have lights and sirens to get that equipment to certain areas. yes. so they can even start to work on this water main at one point, the water was gushing out of the ground more than four feet high. that has been stopped, but the big question from a lot of neighbors is when can they take a shower again? when they can return to businesses, a lot of questions flowing toward city hall. so hopefully we'll get those answers sometimes soon. more answers from the mayor's something else but a lot of people want to hear from as well. >> a lot of frustration. i mean, ryan, this is isn't just some run-of-the-mill water main break, do they have an idea of what this is? isn't just old pipes or what that's what that's a great question. so lucky can't fault anyone here at city hall for the idea that these two water main were old. one was like 1909 and one was like 1930. you understand that infrastructure is going to break down at some point it's more so the timeline in terms of when they're going to be repaired, they did run into some different operational issues that they were able to solve based upon some equipment they brought in from alabama mammal that's okay. but people say, okay, is there an infrastructure plan to replace all the pipes leading up to this? are we going to be in a critical standpoint when this comes back online? what well, those operational procedures be once this is all put back together, those questions have not been answered yet, and you understand maybe that has to get answered after they get all the way into the ground with this. but all those answers are not coming up with a major part of the city. still experiencing the shutdown? >> yeah. what a pain they're in atlanta, ryan, thank you for that report. jessica now, let's turn to some of the other headlines were watching this our firefighters in california have finally gotten the upper hand on a sizable wildfire dangerous heat could make that situation patient worse. >> the corral fire is burning just an hour east of san francisco. >> it's already consumed 14,000 acres and forced the evacuations in the town of tracy we're told that fire is 75% contained, but officials warn it could spread again with wins and sweltering heat set to kick up later this week, its cause is still being investigated. >> firefighters have responded to over 1,200 wildfires across that state so far this year south korea says it may suspend a 2018 now let terry agreement with north korea after north korea sit hundreds of trash-filled balloons over the border john yang now says, it will stop doing it it was responding to south korea's practice of sending over balloons with propaganda leaflets spotify is increasing its prices again starting next month, us describers the music streaming service will pay $1 more per month for its ad-free premium plan that will take it to 11, 99 a month. >> some spotify's other plans also getting more expensive that's it spotify. spotify says the price hikes are necessary as it continues to invest in and innovate on our product features and bring users the best experience so like i'm this afternoon, the soaring costs of summer, we're going to tell you how much more it will cost to stay cool and simone biles once again showing the world why she's after battling twisty, she's now adding more hardware to hurt collection. that story just ahead earth with the lea for sunday at nine on cnn home-style chicken salad, rafah, subway. >> this is how you do it savory chicken chris veggies, all wrapped up. his wraps are amazing people can hear my thoughts that's a problem. >> stay fresh out there. >> all new reps from subway today at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be he made a a whole new way thanks to you. >> we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic new bottles made using no new plastic. you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back, we can use less new plastic. bottles or day this would be remade trains trains ease the power adele ai in wearing the way so you arrive exactly where you belong. >> so this is pickleball is basically tenants from babies before adults. >> it should be called willful tennis ball them like a piano we got nothing to worry with e-trade for morgan stanley were ready for whatever gets served up till you get to working chest i'd rather work on saving for retirement for college since we'd like to get schooled. that's pretty good. burn, right? god game thanks for coming to our clinic. >> first one's free first no biggie we recommend to exfoliate the night before when you come in for lacks donkey nervous come for wax teams before game smoother skin. less ingrown hair, 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inappropriately touched on, set the message to kevin has to be it's over for you close captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelioma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 wow, a lot of people out there getting squeezed by grocery bills, rising gas prices, housing, but get ready for even higher utility bills. >> now since hear me, luby is here and tammy as temperatures rise this summer, so will the cost of running the aac, what are we talking about here well, many americans may be getting hot under the collar when they open their electric bills this summer, the cost of keeping cool is expected to rise nearly 8% to $719 for the bills running june through september according to the national energy assistance directors association and some areas of the country like the pacific and the mid-atlantic and parts of the midwest may see even a higher increase, a higher share of increase and that's up from $527 in 2019. the numbers have been rising steadily year-to-year utility prices skyrocketed. >> in recent years, making it harder for people to keep up with both. >> there cooling bills in the summer. and their heating bills in the winter. this summer, electric prices should be going down a little bit. so that's a good thing. but the bills that you end up paying are both the prices and your usage and the summer is expected to be above average in terms of temperatures. so people will have to run the ac more likely to keep cool this summer. and that means they're going to see bigger bills. >> yeah and is there any help available for people who are going to struggle are afraid they're going to struggle with this bell's well, right now, we have about one in six americans who are behind on their utility bills are on their electric bills. and congress has actually cut funding for the low income home energy assistance program known as liheap. they've cut it by about a third. so this year there's only 4.1 billion to distribute to help people who are behind on their bills down from 6.1 billion in the last fiscal year, which means fewer people are going to get help, especially with their cooling bills because most liheap money actually goes to help people with their heating bills experts say that the us lacks a comprehensive policy to address. some are cooling costs and it's becoming a much more serious situation as summers get hotter. we're having more heat waves that are hotter temperatures lasting longer. they're more frequent and this has some pretty serious ramifications including death, heat related deaths are actually on the rise you've had just over 2,300 people last year who succumbed to heat. >> and that's up from just over 1,600 in 2021 all right camera loop before us? thanks so much for that reporting. briana a new call by the wnba a day after indiana fever's caitlin clark got knocked down now and from a rough hit from chicago sky guard kennedy carter, the league upgraded the foul called against carter to a flagrant foul. let's bring in cnn's coy wire to talk a little bit more about this. how are the teams, how are the players responding here? coy well, coach christie sides said briana after that hit on saturday that she was trying not to get fired? >> and then eventually posted on twitter that the league needs to step in and they're going to keep submitting the films. clark herself said that it's at the point where she knows she's gonna get blasted a couple of times a game, but she's just going to let her play do the talking now, the star rookie has been the target by opposing players all season body check, none more egregious then the one well, by kennedy carter on saturday though blind-sided. the two-time national player of the year sent tumbling to the floor. as you mentioned, briana, the wnba upgraded that common fell to a flagrant one just yesterday last night, clark was back in action with her fever facing the liberty name was another rough night for clark. the worst game of her career, just three points, one of ten shooting, just one of seven from three. and she did get blasted again on this screen set here, legal screen, she had to get checked out on the bench for fever, lost 1042, 68 to new york. that was indian as 11th game. and just 19 days briana, there are no wnba games tonight but there's no doubt that clark has seen a lot of aggression from opposing players. the general manager, lin dunn, also saying that it needs to stop the leibniz to step in and do something about it. >> yeah, that was wild all right. >> i want to talk to you about simone biles because we have the olympics coming up next month. how big of a confidence boost was her winning a record? her ninth us gymnastics championship all around title this was huge. >> and i was their reporting in tokyo briana, when she went through that mental torment of the twisties withdrawing from several competitions. but this she eventually got back out there, gutted out of bronze performance on the beam but she still felt deflated. and now for years later, we can say the greatest gymnast of all time is back the fourth olympic gold medalist, turning in the top cumulative scores in beam floor, vaults, and uneven bars, she finished almost six points ahead of silver medalist skye blakely. look at that that equated to a record extending night. all around title at the us gymnastics championships. she returned to competitive gymnastics just last year. after pulling out there temporarily at the tokyo olympics in 2021, and she seems right on track to make more history in paris you mentioned today it's just getting out here and getting comfortable confident in my gymnastics and hopefully going to olympic trials and making that next step towards paris. >> so i couldn't be more proud of how i'm doing this time in the year and just gaining that confidence it's over and over getting myself back in front of a crowd and just doing what i do in practice individual or it's pretty much a done deal. but the us witnesses, olympics gymnastics team will officially be chosen later this month at the trials in minneapolis biles, looking to become the first american woman says dominic daus back in 2000, to make three olympic teams in her career cannot wait to report from there and see all this magnificent, just 53 days away from seeing simone biles and crew do what they do. >> yeah. she looks great out there and i know tokyo is tough, but for someone who is having a tough time, she handled hold it with such grace and listen, even the goat has a bad day or a bad week. and i think that's important for everyone to know. >> coy. thanks so much really appreciate get it. got it. >> still to come lawmakers questioning dr. anthony fauci about the origins of covid-19. and we are live from capitol hill next sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is shared with your adversary secret is betrayed itself, bullet to the back of the hand secrets and spies a nuclear gain sunday at ten on cnn bought the i'll put it on my chase freedom unlimited car, and i'm a cashback on a few other things to garda with the sound system that's back, like a bro, would chase freedom and limits. how do you catch back? >> still tools are as tough and dependable as the people who use them this father's de, give them the gift that's built per dad right now, save $20 on the ms1, 62 gas-powered chainsaw real still. >> i was born with wings but psoriasis swooped into clip them. it crushed my confidence but no longer will psoriasis get a piece? to me. >> i can love my skin again with benzoic only booms. alex targets and blocks il 17 a plus f to calm inflammation, i can control my and start getting myself back in. >> zoox helps adults with moderate to severe psoriasis control plaques to deliver clearer skin fast for results that last i will give my self back the freedom of shorts data where black 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,Prices ,Spotify ,Mayor ,Concert ,Service ,Summer School ,Mom ,Call ,Blue ,Half ,Sprinkles ,Guy ,Submarines ,Building Daibes ,Giant ,Careers ,Skills ,The Beast ,Searching ,Kayak ,Hundreds Of Travel Sites ,Sky It ,Hi Acts ,Dirt ,Carpet Fibers ,Ricardo ,Pet Dander ,Skin Cells ,Stanley Steamer ,New World ,Crypto ,Portfolio ,Grayscale Funds ,Crypto Investing ,Grayscale ,Crypto Asset Manager ,In Good Company ,Nothing ,Vision Works ,Fiber ,Blend ,Prebiotic ,Sugar ,Difference ,Cashback ,Word ,Kevin Hart ,Cash Bank ,Pro ,Chase ,Bragg ,Freedom Unlimited ,Liver ,Customer Experience ,Companies ,Connectivity ,Jesus ,T Mobile ,Delta Airlines ,100000 ,Partners ,Employees ,Chief Business Internet ,Innovation ,Powers Tractor Supplies ,Pga Of America ,Didn T Bark That Com ,Water ,Pipes ,Water Outage ,Sections ,Anderson Cooper 360 ,360 ,City ,Summer Schools ,Programs ,Hospitals ,Impacts ,Litany ,State Of Emergency ,Bustling Downtown Area ,Ryan Young ,Stallion ,Efforts ,Ladies ,Doors ,Small Business Owners ,Updates ,Status ,Safety ,Fixed ,Head ,Concerns ,Citizen ,News Conference ,Mare ,City Employee ,Trickett Louis ,Ice ,Smoothie Shop ,This ,Ai ,Notifications ,Margins ,Expectations ,Business Owner ,Width ,Sanitize ,Traffic ,Construction ,Top ,Store ,Water Advisory ,Challenge ,Smoothies ,Money ,Ways ,Business Owners ,Employee ,Home ,Payment ,Officials ,Emergency Situation ,Very Small Business ,Look ,Small Business Need Relief ,0000 ,10000 ,Summertime ,Water Situation ,Season ,Sales ,City Hall ,Community ,Options ,San ,Operations ,Timeline ,Community Something ,Gonna ,Control ,Area ,Life Juice Call ,Out ,Center ,Trauma ,Perfect ,Hospital Hello ,Areas ,Equipment ,Police Officers ,Parts ,Water Main ,Street ,Closures ,Sirens ,Flights ,Yes ,Midtown ,Neighbors ,The Big Question ,Shower ,Answers ,Isn T ,Break ,Frustration ,Something Else ,Infrastructure ,Anyone ,1909 ,1930 ,Infrastructure Plan ,Standpoint ,Alabama Mammal ,Procedures ,Put ,Shutdown ,Firefighters ,Report ,Wildfire ,Headlines ,Let ,California ,Fire ,Corral Fire ,Evacuations ,Town ,Situation Patient ,San Francisco ,14000 ,75 ,Estate ,Heat Set ,Wins ,Cause ,South Korea ,Terry Agreement ,2018 ,1200 ,Propaganda Leaflets Spotify ,Balloons ,Practice ,Sending ,North Korea ,Sit Hundreds Of Trash ,John Yang ,Plans ,Plan ,Describers ,Music , ,11 ,Experience ,Costs ,Product Features ,Price Hikes ,Users ,It Spotify ,Simone Biles ,Hardware ,Collection ,Story ,Twisty ,Lea For Sunday ,Earth ,Thoughts ,Problem ,Veggies ,Savory Chicken ,Chicken Salad ,Wraps ,Rafah ,Bottles ,Reps ,Beverage Companies ,Same ,Models ,Plastic ,Places ,Trains ,100 ,Adele Ai ,Adults ,Babies ,Tenants ,Tennis Ball ,Pickleball ,Piano ,Morgan Stanley ,College ,Saving ,Chest ,Retirement ,Burn ,God Game ,E Trade ,Wax Teams ,Clinic ,Come ,Donkey ,No Biggie ,Think ,Less Irritation ,Gonna Think ,Products ,Widely ,Guaranteed ,Wax ,Gutters ,Debris ,Leaf Filters Technology ,Efficient ,Old School ,Thinking ,Lee Filter Com ,88 ,33 ,Helping ,Possibilities ,Wonder ,Ideas ,Grid ,Celebrity Money ,Message ,Oraa ,Ring Howard ,Trust Money ,Set ,Law Mesothelioma Victims ,Portion ,Sokoloff ,0 Billion ,30 Billion ,Temperatures ,Utility Bills ,Grocery Bills ,Housing ,Gas Prices ,Luby ,Tammy ,8085920400 ,Collar ,Keeping Cool ,Aac ,Pacific ,Energy Assistance Directors Association ,Mid Atlantic ,719 ,8 ,Utility Prices ,Share ,Midwest ,527 ,2019 ,27 ,Heating Bills ,Winter ,Usage ,Average ,Well ,Bell S ,Third ,Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program ,Congress ,4 1 Billion ,Cooling Bills ,Heating Bills Experts ,6 1 Billion ,Policy ,Deaths ,Rise ,Ramifications ,2300 ,Camera Loop ,Caitlin Clark ,Indiana Fever ,Wnba ,2021 ,1600 ,League ,Coy Well ,Hit ,Players ,Flagrant Foul ,Teams ,Kennedy Carter ,Chicago Sky ,Coy Wire ,Twitter ,Films ,Coach Christie Sides ,Gonna Get ,Game ,Blind Sided ,Rookie ,Play ,Target ,None ,Couple ,Player Of The Year ,The Star ,Career ,Fever ,Points ,Action ,Floor ,Rough Night For Clark ,Ten ,Screen Set ,Shooting ,Bench ,11th Game ,68 ,1042 ,No Doubt ,Lin Dunn ,Games ,Aggression ,Leibniz ,Confidence ,Record ,Gymnastics ,Olympics ,Boost ,Ninth ,Title ,Competitions ,Tokyo Briana ,Championship ,Twisties ,Beam ,Torment ,Performance ,Gymnast ,Medalist ,Beam Floor ,Turning ,Vaults ,Scores ,Olympic ,Skye Blakely ,Uneven Bars ,Gymnastics Championships ,Track ,Step ,History ,Paris ,Tokyo Olympics ,Olympics Gymnastics Team ,Crowd ,American ,Magnificent ,Minneapolis Biles ,Dominic Daus ,2000 ,53 ,Goat ,Listen ,Crew ,Grace ,Back ,Nuclear Gain Sunday ,Intelligence ,Secret ,Hand Secrets ,Adversary ,Bullet ,Bro ,Sound System ,Garda ,Chase Freedom Unlimited Car ,Freedom ,Ms1 ,Gift ,Tools ,Dude ,62 ,0 ,Will Psoriasis ,Wings ,Results ,Moderate ,Psoriasis Control ,Plaques ,Zoox ,Booms ,Inflammation ,Benzoic ,Alex ,17 ,Shorts Data ,Side Effects ,Dose ,Self ,Skin Saw ,Ability ,Liver Problems ,Inflammatory Bowel Disease ,Behavior ,Dermatologist ,Zelig Today Have Heart Failure ,Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Shortness Of Breath ,Picture ,Heart Failure ,Cold ,Disease ,Heartbeat ,Sound ,Cardiologist ,Rcm ,18 ,Att Garcia ,Constipation ,Morning ,Focal ,Alkyl X20 Fruit Bites ,Yeah ,Feeling ,Pill ,Smile ,Bindings ,The One And Only ,Bulka ,Background ,Chance ,Prac ,Finding ,Better ,Muscle Problems ,Kidney Problems ,Lymphoma ,Tb ,Cancers ,Labs ,Tick ,Jak Family ,Plaque Psoriasis ,Planting ,Risks ,Find ,Tiktok ,Triglycerides ,Hiding ,Aspirin ,Jak Inhibitors ,Financing ,Home Downpayment ,Home Realtor ,Assistance ,Shopping ,Choice ,Apps ,Realtor Com ,

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