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Defense of the trial prioress, but not without a damaging crossexamination of their only witness. Also, new photos. We have never seen before in the classified documents case allegedly showing a trump aide and codefendant moving boxes inside maralago before trump attorneys were to check for classified files . And severe turbulence good evening. The defense of donald trump ended today in a manhattan courtroom. The former president whos made wild accusations outside the court chose to remain silent and not speak to the jury under oath. One witness, the defendant did want the jury to hear an attorney named robert costello. The defense called him yesterday to try and undermine the credibility of the prosecutions key witness, Michael Cohen but today, prosecutors badly undermined his they used emails involving costello, sent within weeks of Michael Cohens arrest by the fbi in 2018 . To show that while castello was offering cohen legal advice, is motives seem to mirror then President Trumps in one email, prosecutors read to him because stella writes his law partner, quote, are issues to get cohen on the right page without giving him the appearance since we are following instructions from giuliani or the president this came a day after judge merchan cleared the court overwork costellos Breast Demeanor toward the judge. And once the defense wrap their case in the early afternoon today, that left hours a battle between the two sides over the seemingly arcane, but absolutely vital charging instructions. The judge will give to the jury these instructions will act like a roadmap for their deliberations of the former president s fate. But because the Current Court schedule combined with a long Memorial Day Weekend coming up means the jury members are headed home for long layover, and will not return to your Closing Arguments until next tuesday, after which they will begin their deliberation. The judge today said that should begin next wednesday joined now by robert ray, the former president s counsel in his first impeachment trial, former federal prosecutor jeffrey thuban, former new York Supreme Court judge diane qizan. And to people whove been inside the courtroom throughout these long days and hours of testimony. Norm eisen, former counsel to House Democratic during that first impeachment. And cnns Kara Scannell i want to get carried to the Jury Instructions a little bit, but first, lets talk about what happened to costello. Theyre only witness that they put on the stand on crossexamination. Right. I mean, he was brought into undermine Michael Cohens credibility and Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger spent the morning trying to undermine costellos and she asked him seemingly off the bat a somewhat innocuous question to set things up, asking costello if in that first meeting he had with Michael Cohen, if he had mentioned his connections to Rudy Giuliani, who was very close to trump, not yet on the legal team. And the costello had said that no, he hadnt. So then she brings up an email and shows it to him and says, you sent this email, correct . This is correct. I did say to mr. Cohen thats correct. Two days after meeting him . Thats correct, yes. She said, im going to read this for the jury. Im sure you saw the news that rudy is joining the trump legal team. I told you my relationship with rudy, which could be very, very useful for you. So confronting him with this to get him on the back foot suggests you did tell this to Michael Cohen in that first meeting. Why are you not saying to the jury right now that you did this all this was a pattern that she used all day asking him questions than showing him an email some new for the first time that came in before the jury, just to show this relationship between trump and trumps lawyers Rudy Giuliani, and wrong avert costello to undermine his defense that he wasnt trying to pressure Michael Cohen. The prosecution has said that there was a Pressure Campaign they wanted to keep cohen in the camp and didnt want them to flip on. Donald trump why did they put crystal those the only witness the defense has called was this. Do you think it was like punishment to donald trump wanted him on and he had testified took committee before congress. One can only speculate and there has been some reporting that trumps saw him testifying in congress and said put him on but from a perspective of defending their client it was a disaster a good way to end. It left a bad taste in the jurys mouth as they go home for a week, the jury could see yesterday that the judge was as angry at costello as he has been at any point in this trial and juries grow attached to a judge, judge merchan is a very good judge. This jury is very fond of him today. The jury was visibly annoyed with costello rolling their eyes, shaking their heads and ada Susan Hoffinger did a masterful job, not just Impeaching Costello and make him look looking bad insinuating that he had tried to manipulate Michael Cohen. But of supporting her own case by using castello to explain the pressure that Michael Cohen felt and that pressure as a reason for his false hoods before he started cooperating. So it was a disastrous decision and because he was the only substantive witness, there was a document witness, daniel sitko, a paralegal, who set up the costello testimony because he was the not only substantive witness, anderson the risk is that some of that Spillover Effect is this honesty, his rudeness, the judges disdain for him attaches to the defense as these jurors go home for a week disastrous move jeff unbelievable unbelievable. I just have to say i mean, the idea that this would be the entire defense case and the judge the jury is always instructed the defense is not obliged to put forth any evidence. The burden of proof is always on the government. It is always true that the government calls many more witnesses than the defense but juries are always interested at the end of the defense. The governments case. What is the defense have to say what are they going to put forward and they put forward this guy who was far as i could tell, the only thing he accomplished was he showed there was a conspiracy of trump giuliani and costello himself to get cohen to keep lying, to stay on the team with trump. That to me is inconceivable as a Defense Strategy ultimately, i think the defense can hope this was just a sideshow. It wasnt really about the core issues in the case but as the one defense witness total disaster, robert was my look i do. I really know ultimately it doesnt matter what i know. Its what the jury thinks and makes of this. My own sense is its a lot of atmospherics the reason this witness was called is because he directly contradicts which is pitchman of the statements made by Michael Cohen on the stand, Michael Cohen now is giving you a story that implicates donald trump. And he told his own lawyer that he didnt have anything on donald trump. Now, i would have ask that in two questions. If i had been doing this myself, to be honest with you, i wouldnt have belabored it. Most judges dont like whats referred to as extrinsic evidence of impeachment. Its its its allowed in its kind of narrowly circumscribed. Usually, i would not have he comes with baggage and i knew that thats the risk of call on this witness. And so im trying to uh, minimize the baggage by leaving it to two or three questions, then i would have been done. I would not have allowed him to meander off into the wilderness as he did with the opportunity to basically act insulting to the judge and judge overseeing the judge to have to take action which was not really i think beneficial to the defense case. Well, i think its not only what he said, but that demeanor the day before is really deadly for the defense its true. Jurors start to bond with the judge, especially over a long trial, and you can be sure that when by the way, hes sitting a few feet away from the jury. Thats the reason the jury box box is right by the witness box, because you want to look at the demeanor of the witnesses. So let me tell you when he started muttering under his breath, giving the hairy eyeball to the judge, the jury saw that and believe me, when the judge said sergeant give the jury their break. They knew exactly what was going on and, you know, theyre in the jury room whispering it out. Whats going to happen now if i had been the question right at that point, you would just like to strangle a witness and just stay statically, but that didnt happen what will we know . We wont know until the end . Will it be subject of some commentary during juror deliberations, i almost guarantee you that it will how much effect it will have look, the jury ultimately has to focus on the evidence of what what really transpired here. One fact worth remembering about this jury is that there has not been one juror who has left a jury in the course of more than a month long case, we lets talk to other judges in that courthouse. Very unusual, very unusual. Yeah, i thought it was inevitable that you would have seen at some alternate jurors go that suggests to me, again, i dont want to pretend i mind rating, but this is a committed jury, a serious jury a jury that really wants to reach a verdict in this case. Doesnt want to have a hung jury. The fact that they are all still there from day one is unusual and important, and you can see it in the demeanor karen, i see it in the demeanor of that jury. They take it seriously many of them take notes. They look at the lawyer, they look at the witness, they Pay Attention to the judge its all the more remarkable because we lost two jurors during voir dire to wouldve been selected had comments or contacts or felt uncomfortable and we thought, oh, theyre going to have to tap that pool of alternate part of the reason, by the way, that the judge is taking this break is if he had rushed through this week and hed seated the jury and then release the alternate sends everybody home for fourday memorial day. He could have risked losing his jury. So there is a remarkable bonding as the judge said, that has happened, hes not going to release those alternatives. Its until the jury begins deliberating. Then of course, its the Defense Lawyers call if they want the alternative to remain because you cant see an alternate once a jury begins deliberation without the consent of the difference, do you think it favors one side or the other . This break of basically a week. I mean, tuesday is gonna be goes the argument its hard to tell. I mean, theres a part of me that if i were Susan Hoffinger and her team, i would want the jury to have fresh in their mind this castello witness because it really does. I think bolster the peoples case however, you dont want deliberations to begin in there to be a three or four day break, its just too dangerous the idea that youre going to a barbecue over the Holiday Weekend isnt somebody going to say and its all whats going on in the jury room and id like to thank that. I dont i shouldnt say id like to think. I know these jurors are going to abide by the instruction the judge, the law presumes that they will and ive never in my experience had occasionally you get a rogue juror, but for the most part theyre very attentive they want obligate, they do. And i also stayed its the right call to have distinct start with summations after the Holiday Weekend. I wouldnt have tried to rush things along. I think thats the right way to go. Totally agree i want to play something, judge. That trump said outside the court. Obviously he chose not to testify though he said he would be up for it any everybody we talked to obviously said there was no way he was going to testify ever, but lets play what he said outside the court and he showed that you never said rather have first of all so initially me, how the people position themselves behind him on either sides of their seen on cameras what do you i mean, it makes my blood boil the idea look, hes not violating the gag order. Hes allowed to criticize the judge. Its not the criticism the judge that in and of itself bad enough. It goes to the heart of our Justice System. He is undermining the rule of law. He is saying this man is corrupt with what evidence i know he is saying this man is biased and whether he gets acquitted or convicted, they know theyre going to be a lot of people people out there who are going to think that the new York Supreme Court is corrupt. And its really offensive and it should be to everyone who is concerned about the rule of law. Everyone. Thank you. Appreciate it. The conclusion of testimony and pause in Court Proceedings means it may be a long while before we again witnessed the entourage. Im trump allies and hangers on and fill the seats behind the form former president during the trial. And whod become mainstays in these sometimes circuslike atmosphere today was no different. Omar jimenez has that story a new day in court, a new cast of characters in support of donald trump. Anyone in america should be embarrassed at the absolute miscarriage bridge of justice that were seeing here. This cannot stand and it cannot allow to continue. Don. Why did you feel the need to come down here and personal . Because you have no choice. Again, i wasnt a political guy my whole life. You have to fight, you have to leave our country to our children in a way that they can recognize it, but it wasnt just donald trump junior in court today. They were the more staid supporters, like Former Acting attorney general, matt whitaker. We demand better New York City demands better and former Florida Attorney general, pam bondi but also politicians like former white house doctor. Now texas congressmen, ronny jackson, congresswoman maria salazar, and even congressmen troy nehls Sporting A Donald Trump hugging the flag, tie. This is five weeks sitting in a courtroom. What he should be outreaching the American People and telling the American People what he would like to do for this country. There were a few on the more unexpected sayyed, like chuck ss ido, former new york chapter president for the hells angels, which the Department Of Justice has called a criminal enterprise and has linked to the gambia no crime family, even actor and trump supporter joe pisco showed up famous for his impersonations on saturday night live. Its time im that for all of us to start buying and thriving american cars now, the reception for some of those who come to support, it doesnt always go as planned. There are haters there are haters people are but with Closing Arguments inside the courtroom ahead, theres no sign trumps out died supporters or slowing down anytime soon. The star witness in this case, theres a what . Nine times convicted liar in now. Now in admitted thief that is who theyre hanging the entire case on omar jimenez joins us now. How is this organized by the trunk family, by the people around trump . Is it do we know . Well as we understand, look, when this trial first started back in april, multiple sources familiar with trumps thinking, told cnn that trump was privately complaining there werent enough allies either inside the courtroom or outside the courtroom, defending him, then next thing you know, senators like rick scott are coming here after that. Then you have House Speaker mike johnson, other republican allies, sometimes even dressed in similar ways, including red tie, similar suits. We dont know if thats coordinated. And then of course you see the wide range of people that actually come out to support the president it go inside the courtroom than they come outside to where a lot of the press is gathered. They make statements. A lot of what you heard in theyre calling the trial of farce saying this shouldnt be happening in the first place, not so much getting into the facts of the case in specifics, but more so talking about at a largescale d, do not believe this case in trial should be happening and look, this is happening on camera. Almost knowing that this will be seen at some point. And so likely this dynamic is not going away, especially as we make our way to Closing Arguments next week and even more so, once we get to when you verdict time, anderson, her morgan minutes. Thanks so much still to come. Arizona officials finally found him now, Rudy Giuliani and ten were allies of the former president of pleaded not guilty in a trial over alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 president ial election in that state. 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Visit xfinitymobile. Com to learn more. Doc . Doctors preferred better science, better results i melies nonna In Washington, and this is cnn were breaking news this time involving the foreign presence classified documents, case. These images were part of a newly unsealed filing late today. Theyre the first time we see what is clearly trump aide and codefendant walt nauta moving boxes around maralago the photos are dated june 1 in 2022 prosecutors say that despite a subpoena for documents, not move these boxes around, keeping them from trumps attorney, who is required to conduct a search in response to the subpoena they say its proof of an alleged conspiracy to conceal classified material from federal investigators, evan perez joins us now from florida with the latter it is so what are you learning from these newly unsealed documents what anderson, these are a hundreds of documents that until now, we have not seen the judge releasing them today. And what were seeing though, is more of what prosecutors say is evidenced of the obstruction by the former president and by his codefendants, including of course walt nauta his his close aide, one of the things we learned from these documents, anderson, is that there was a search that was conducted in late 2022 and during that search people working for for the former president s legal team, they found a he document that appear to be classified, the had labeled classified in the president s the former president s bedroom in maralago. The document was had a title according to this, it was mostly empty folder and it said it read classified evening summary. There were four additional documents that were found in an office also at maralago and along the lines of that obstruction, we can throw out those images again of what nauta thats images that prosecutors say showed what nauta moving boxes again after the trump team had received a subpoena for them to turn over these documents moving these documents ahead of a perched i was being conducted by Evan Corcoran, who at the time was the former president s attorney, and all of this, of course, was because prosecutors wanted to Force Corcoran to testify, to provide testimony, and also to provide documents as part of this investigation, anderson, there are also some notable comments. I understand made by a federal judge In Washington before the foreign president was indicted. What did she say well, thats right. Part of the fight here was to try to get approval from the judge for the extraordinary step to force the former president s attorney to come in and provide testimony to the grand jury. And what she said it was was this. She said that prosecutors had shown sufficient evidence that the former president had used person 18. Thats Evan Corcoran as part of a front person to conceal documents and to obstruct this investigation. She said that there was strong evidence of the former president s knowledge that there were classified documents being stored at my logo, even though he claimed that he did not know anderson. Every perez. Thanks very much. Now to another legal cases time involving the foreign presence, allies. Rudy giuliani and ten others today pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 president ial election in the state of arizona includes christina bobb, who now serves as the rncs top lawyer for Election Integrity today, arraignment comes after julie to Duck Attempts by arizona officials to serve him with a summons which backfired after they found him based on his podcast, can lives more is that me yes. At you, mr. Giuliani, im just calling the case. Thats how court started for Rudy Giuliani is arraignment in the arizona Fake Electors case, voting in his not guilty plea, giuliani represented himself striking a defiant and familiar tone, consider this i a complete embarrassment to the american legal system. I dont want to mute you, but i need to move on. Giuliani was among 11 or reigned in this hearing 18 overall are indicted in the case which traces back to this moment, 2020 electors from arizona, when Fake Electors gathered in a room shortly after the 2020 the election, Signing Documents that donald trump won arizona, even though joe biden one there now charged in arizona with conspiring to overturn the 2020 election including former Arizona Republican party chair kelly ward and her husband and christina bobb. Current Election Integrity council at the rnc and former personality on conservative outlet oan, all pleading not guilty. The arraignment went asplanned and well deal with the case. Let did not go as planned getting Rudy Giuliani to action actually appear for the arraignment Arizona Attorney general, kris mayes. We had attempted on multiple occasions in multiple ways to serve mr. Giuliani, the arizona ags office tried for three weeks americas mayor who bounces from new york to florida, taunted arizonas prosecutors behind his podcast microphone, that if their income but they can find me, they also cant count votes correctly prosecutors say their agents were in new york trying to deliver giuliani notice to appear in Arizona Court immediately after the indictment was released, publicly no was sent down to the doorman, not to allow anyone up to his penthouse and manhattan, my agents attempted to serve the summons. There were refused entry into the building thank to serve that summons, then giuliani popped up in florida i Live Streaming his 80th Birthday Party in palm beach alongside trump loyalists have posting this selfie surrounded by friends, taunting authorities, writing in part cant find me brands the former mayor of new york, Serenading Guest Levs shortly after the song ended. But two agents from the ags office, were waiting outside and served Him Court Papers the Arizona Attorney general replied to giulianis tweet. The final defendant was served moments ago. Rudy rudygiuliani. Nobody is Above The Law Rudy Giuliani has made numerous statements over the past past month discussing the indictment, his codefendants and quite frankly mocking the Justice System in Arizona Giuliani was ordered by the court to appear in person within 30 days and post a 10,000 bond. Despite his arguments in court, there is no history of my being a flight, which is the basis for sale. I think itd be outrageous that you set upon in this in this completely and just completely political case prosecutors say. There is a notable difference between how giuliani has acted and approach this entire case versus the rest of the defendants who are named in this indictment. And there are still a handful anderson who have yet to appear for the arraignment. That is going to be happening next month. Some notable people, mark meadows and bores epstein anderson, yummy law. Thanks very much up next the video post on the foreign presence, social media site, referring to creating a unified reich. What his campaign was saying about it. Now the economy booms. American energy high. Its christina again, im here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi Bathroom Model that you dont want to miss . You already know jacuzzi has been making waterfilled great for more than 65 years. And now theyre bringing you this special tv offer. 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Heres the portion of the video on question what happens after donald trump wins whats next for america there you can see text unified reich and you see it again at the end of the Video Faintly under the words mega a Trump Campaign spokesperson released a Statement Today saying, quote, this was not a campaign video, was created by a random account online. And reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word . No explanation why it took them so long to remove the video and the controversy, of course, is not happening in a vacuum. In november 2022, the former president hosted White Nationalist and Holocaust Denier nick fuentes at maralago in 2017, when white supremacist chanted, jews will not replace us at charlottesville. Then President Trump said this mr. Are you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine, people on both sides and today, prison biden posted this response to the new video, posted by his 2024 opponent a unified reich. Thats settlers language, thats not americas join his now a cnn political commentators, van jones, who worked in the Obama White House and less far griffin, who is part of the trump white house. How does this happen . Well, it shouldnt happen, but unfortunately it appears theres some sort of epidemic of young staffers who wade into nazi language has happened on the Desantis Campaign as well. Listen, Donald Trumps not doing dog whistles anymore. Its a bull horn when it comes to race. Um, he also today when after judge more seans saying, look at where hes from referring to him being born in colombia. There was a long track record, i think think the clearest cases you mentioned is dining with a noted neonazi nick fuentes this it was the right thing for the Trump Campaign to at least try to create distance from this statement. But heres the thing. Joe biden is right to call it out. Joe bidens given strong remarks condemning antisemitism in a moment when its on the rise nationally and globally. But the problem is the moment is very different than 2020 hey, joe biden ran after charlottesville. He said that is what inspired him to run to restore the soul of this nation right now, a lot of americans in the center see liberal College Campuses were antisemitism is running rampant and its not being condemned, then they see this language and also today at the courtroom, trump saying things like jews need to get their heads chat if they vote for democrats they may not know where to fall. Its a moment that calls for leadership. Joe biden has a duty to keep calling it out. But if he caters too much to his left, i dont know where voters fall on this issue. Then what do you make it this post and do by the Trump Campaign explanation, the stafford didnt see it well, i dont buy it just because it happens over and over again. This is not the first time that trump bird or the Trump Campaign has reposted or retweeted horrific stuff, awful stuff in often from accounts that have even worst stuff on the accounts and so listen, the first time this happens, maybe its an oop. See, the second time maybe its an easy. But youve got a strand of people in the trump orbit who are looking for stuff in the wrong places at best theres nothing on my feet. Are your fee . Thats referee referring to any rajesh or anything . Like that. So this is a problem inside the Trump Campaign, is a problem inside the trump coalition. Listen, if youre jewish in america right now, youre seeing, youre uncomfortable. Youre seeing signs on the left and of the right of a growing antisemitism thats true, but it doesnt start at the top in our party. You got some kids on tiktok i grew might be getting caught up in some stuff. They need to be a lot smarter about how they address these issues. But youre talking about the top of the party. Youre talking about donald trump himself, his account over and over again, sitting down with fuentes and all these people. This is not even close between the two parties where the real threat is coming from. Manu raju who asked some Senate Republicans de and trump allies about the video. Heres what they said the former present post something on social media about a quote unified reich. And as generated, generated some criticism. I dont know. Im sorry. I dont follow. In case you hadnt noticed the worlds falling apart have you not noticed that theres also a Central Campaign the former president posted on social media media calling for a unified reich. Im wondering if you have concerns about that any concerns about the former president posted a unified reich and social media i mean, obviously, youve, of course, the Biden Campaign had posted this. It would be yeah. Thatd be stopping and talking would be front and center on i mean, listen, it goes from this video with donald trump and i think thats where it gets more uncomfortable for republicans to dodge questions. Donald trumps been using rhetoric on the Campaign Trail saying that immigrants poison the blood of americans that is literally invoking hitler, esq. , language. I think that, well, this video, it deserves to be called out. Its smart of the Biden Campaign. There needs to be a more steady effort to just point to this sort of antiimmigrant antisemitic rhetoric that donald trump spin leaning into because its a moment that calls for leadership and its going to need to be beyond just joe biden. You need other leaders speaking out event. I one for prison. Biden and certainly problematic, i guess. A lot of people in the country just kind of in the media probably just kinda shrug this thing off and say this. Is what they do. Are you know, it doesnt, it doesnt amount to much i mean, im part of the problem is you do have in donald trump he survived so many of these things that, you know, its almost a part of his brand now. Its, its got a brand that sort of inquiry great. Really horrific, awful stuff. And people dont take it seriously. But when you talk to people from countries that have lost their democracy we talked to people from iran and other places. They say, you know what, you have to take, stuff like this, very, very seriously because when you, when you normalize hatred, when you normalize contempt for democracy, when you normalized Playing Footsie with extremist elements, dangerous elements, violent elements that sets the stage for worst things later. So people should not ever fail to be outraged by outrageous stuff. And don trump and jones less for griffin. Thank you. 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Im Natasha Bertrand at the pentagon. And this is cnn tonight, an investigation is underway after a severe turbulence hit a Singapore Airlines flight, leaving one person dead and at least 71 others injured, according to the airline, the boeing plane heading from london to singapore, and more than 200 passengers and 18 crew members on board the flight was ultimately diverted to bangkok, seen as Richard Quest has to tell us Singapore Airlines flight 321 was nearing the ten hour mark, and passengers were getting ready to eat breakfast. Suddenly the plane encountered extreme turbulence over the year. Why do you basin in myanmar that extreme turbulence left one person dead and dozens of people injured it led to the pioneer declaring a medical emergency and diverted the aircraft to bangkok. Emergency crews setup trash before passengers arrived. They watched the triple seven lands smoothly and taxi normally down the runway. Then the medics carried severely injured passengers on stretchers while shaken passengers were escorted off the plane by emergency workers. Video from inside the aircraft shows the aftermath of the horror the passengers experienced that 37,000 feet. The ceiling broke open, oxygen masks deployed throughout the aircraft Luggage Compartments collapsed. The food, drinks and other trash strewn on the floor and i can deploy out the plane landed at the airport and the medical team was sent to the scene. Many injuries occurred. So the airport had to issue an emergency plan all our teams went to help and also found one man had died mike, goodbye. This kind of incident rarely happens where there is death after a plane has hit with severe turbulence the hospital in bangkok reported that six people are severely injured. The deceased was a 73 yearold british man who suffered from a Heart Condition in a statement, singapores president expressed couldnt do it concerns to the family and loved ones of the deceased and the singaporean authorities. And now sending investigators to bangkok boeing, which manufactures the triple seven. When hes a statement saying its in touch with Singapore Airlines and is ready to support them so you have more airlines is one of the worlds safest carriers. And regular lee tops, the surveys for best airline in the world, but it proves severe turbulence can happen to any flight. A recent study found the total annual duration of severe turbulence had increased by 55 over the last four decades because of Climate Change. Its becoming more common and there are appears to be a Climate Change link as the planet warms, it warms in an uneven manner, both north and south, clearair turbulence problems happen everyone can you explain a little bit more of what happened . How can it be that violent . The actual altitude changes that took place, were not that huge 75 feet up, 120 feet down, 200 feet up, 150 down. But so the plane was going but it was the ferocity all of it, it was whats known as the vertical airspeed. It was going up by 1,000 feet a minute and then down by 800 feet of minutes and then by 700. So it was these massive small movements, but with great power behind them. And thats what does the damage. Because if you think about it, a plane coming into land, will do several thousand feet a minute but its doing it in a controlled, slow, gentle way. This thing was going up and down by several hundred feet. A second term are fine, Richard Quest. Thank you. Still ahead, smashing younger joins me. He wrote the perfect storm among many other bestsellers and has reported from war zones for much of his life. But now he has a new book out just today, about a neardeath experience. 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Dont miss out on our fastest speed plans yet switch to Comcast Business and get started for 49. 99 a month. Plus, ask how to get up to an 800 prepaid card. Call today doctors preferred better science, better results. Im Elizabeth Wagmeister in los angeles in this during years are reporting from frontlines of Conflicts Bestselling author and Filmmaker Sebastian Younger has seen a lot of death but a few years ago, he had his own medical emergency and came close to die. You experience something he had never had before he writes about it. And the Science Behind neardeath experiences in a new Book Out Today Called In My Time Of Dying as someone who spends a lot of time thinking about loss and death and grief i found your book extraordinary and its starts with this pivotal moment. You have an aneurysm you i mean by all rights, should not have survived i mean, theres very you had a very neardeath experience and your father came to you yeah. I mean, im an atheist im not mistake in any sense. My father was a physicist and an atheist. And im in good health. And when i felt this pain in my abdomen i just didnt know what i didnt know. I was dying. I no reason to think i was dying when i was bleeding out into my abdomen i lost two thirds of my blood and they barely saved me my Blood Pressure was 60 over 40 when i finally got to the one you were living far away from the hospital and it was like a long drive to what our what our drive to the hospital. I was 60 over 40. I needed ten units of blood. And while they were putting a large gauge needle into my neck to transfuse me through my jugular this black void opened up underneath me and i felt myself getting pulled into it. I had no idea i was dying. Not but i knew this wasnt good and i started to panic that i was going to get pulled into this pit and never come back as i panicked my dead father appeared above me and communicated to me in this sort of weird energy form. Its hard to describe. Did you see him i see is two clear. Right. I mean, he was suddenly his presence was there and i felt that i recognize that i saw it in a sense my mind, i had lost twothirds of my blood. My mind was not doing well. Right. But there he was all of a sudden and he communicated to me. Its okay. Dont fight it. Ill take care of you. You can come with me. And i was horrified because i didnt know i was dying and i was like, youre dead im not going with you. We have nothing talking about. Right . And i said to the doctor because im still conscious. I said to the doctor, you gotta hurry. Im going youre losing me. Im going right now and you knew that thats what that was. They knew i was going there, you know, that was i knew i was going somewhere. You have seen a lot of death in your life. I mean, the work in combat you do, you lost a close friend of you, heather actin, photographer youve seen people die. Did did how is this different what did you learn here that you i mean, ive almost been killed. The number of times but i didnt experience what it feels like to be dying right. And what it felt like was that i was crossing over into this infinite void and my father showed up to take me and i cant tell you. I mean, what a thing to do an atheist, right . Like, i cant tell you how disorienting, i mean, how do you think your father feels . Yeah, exactly like you dragged me into this, right . And so i cant believe im doing this. No, ive right and so when i got home, i had a lot of psychological troubles when i got home, among other things, because id had a dream 36 hours prior that i had died and then i was a ghost and i was hovering over my family and i woke up terrified, dismissed it. That was sort of a premonition of what was about to happen . Yes. 36 hours before. And so i got this parent. I do paranoid idea. Maybe because my dream was an exactly sort of mde in neardeath experience as reported by many, many people. And i thought maybe i actually did die then and now a much spirit and i just dont know it, like i really did a head trip on myself. But what i went into was my fathers world of physics and theres some serious questions the what if parts of my book, what is, what happened to me if is what if there were something more that we dont understand and im not talking god, im just talking about reality and existence what if at this quantum level, the subatomic level . There is some enduring aspect of our identities you mentioned this, you had a post medical trauma reaction. Yeah what is that . Because thats not talked about very much. No, its not and its in the profession. Its a fairly wellknown thing so if you almost die like i did in a way where your own body betrays you suddenly like, i mean, i was in good health. I mean, i know im not going to drop dead of a heart attack or a stroke. Im like, i dont have those risk factors. Right . So out of the blue, suddenly i feel a pain and im dying. And when that happens, you dont trust anything and you think every day, every morning, you think this could be this again, could be my last day. You just dont know. And i got so sort of weirded out about it that i said to my wife, can you just tell me im alive . Like that. Im not a ghost. Can you just affirm . And she said, of course, youre right here. Im here in my mind. Im like thats just the kind of thing i hallucination would say. Like i would just playing games with myself. And so i then after the incredible anxiety of like i could die any de not all of us could right after that i got out of that and eventually settled into this really crazy depression. Ive never been depressed or anxious before and i was it was a bullet talk about a black pit. I mean, i was actually worried for myself and my wife finally said, honey, youre getting a little hard to live with. Can you go talk to somebody and it helped enormously. I mean, i did talk and feel my way out of this thing, but it took a long time in are you better for having had this experience yeah. Do you are you i mean, this may sound weird, but i mean, are you grateful for this experience . Well, but yeah, bye, bye. Wife wife ever wise said to me at some point as i was freaking myself out, shes like, are you are you do you feel lucky or unlucky that this happened . Im not that you survived, of course, youre lucky that you survived, but that it happened at all. Like if you could push a button and have it not happened, would you push that button . It really she was asking like it was this a blessing or a curse in your life . Five. And i know how to answer, and i finally looked up the word blessing, the etymology of the word blessing and it comes from the anglosaxon word blood xian, which means blood and the idea was that there is no blessing without a sacrifice. That there is no blessing without a wound. And i think possibly that, and im again, im saying this as an atheist, but i feel free to that theres maybe no wound without some sort of blessing. You just have to find it. When i thought about it in those terms, bled blood xian, the old word for flight when i thought about it in those terms, is released me from this. I was like thats just how it works. You dont get anything for free and it is a blessing and it came with a wound and here i am, and im a lot wiser. Im a lot calmer. And frankly, i appreciate everything more its such a cliche, but it actually did kind of work that way. It was like taking antidepressants or something like, oh im back here i am and im really alive now especially. Thank you so much, especially in younger the book is called in my time of dying, how i came facetoface with the idea of an afterlife. By sebastian younger the news continues right here on cnn outright next, what to tell the jury. The Prosecution Butting Heads with the defense and the trump trial over what it all comes down to. How the jury will determine guilty or innocent. Those details, just breaking

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