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Reinvigorated black men who are skeptical about another potential, another four years for President Biden, i think that he should have spoken more directly about some issues that are more consequential to all black men writ large. Were seeing a significant percent of black men that are struggling with Mental Health issues. We have seen an increase in Suicide Rates for young black boys. We know for a fact that there is an Education Crisis with young black men across this country that are not Getting College degrees please compare it to our black women who are killing it by the way, i wouldve wanted to see the president speak directly to what his administration would do to tackle that issue. We still have the issue of over criminalization of black men that is still a problem that this country continues to tackle. The president should have spoken about that issue i do give credit to the president that he acknowledged the history of the college, and he did weave in and i would argue very well. But in terms of some more concrete things that the average black man is dealing with in their everyday lives. Im not certain that President Biden really provided a path forward to what he would do if given another opportunity in the white house to address those i think the big to be really clear though, i think one of the things that he did do was lay out the obstacles in the impediments, but i agree. I agree with your points and your sentiments about the about many of the issues that the black folk, particularly black men in this country, dealing with. But he also laid out in just very clear fashion about the last four years about White Supremacy conservatism, and radicalism, which is an impediment to having success on those issues that you name. Im bringing up january 6 as well, and confederate flags being in the capital. And if youre just joining us, good morning and welcome to Inside Politics sunday, im on a rod you President Biden just delivered the Commencement Address at Morehouse College of course, its a historically bag mens college. And the alma mater of mlk junior, cnns Arlette Saenz was at Morehouse College. She was in the audience of joins us live. Arlette, we wouldnt see this breakout into any loud demonstrations of there had been another College Commencements around the country. There were some people who turn their backs to the president. Can you give us a sense being inside the room, the extent to which those peaceful in silent protest actually took it took shane how many people were there . Well, money was a very small group that engaged in this sign of peaceful protests, something that some students has signaled they might do heading into President Bidens Commencement Address. I was taking a look, scanning the crowd of roughly 470 graduates and i was able to count at least seven students who had turned their back on President Biden as he spoke, they remain seated in their chairs, so they werent entirely visible because they were still seated among the graduating class. There was a number. Another member of what appear to be the faculty standing at the very back of the Commencement Address, uh, who stood up and turned her back and raised her fist in the air throughout President Bidens speech. So its clear that is still very palpable frustration when it comes to President Bidens handling of the conflict in gaza, i will say the morehouse president had warned students ahead of time saying that he didnt want to see any major disruptions of public outburst at this Commencement Ceremony that if there was shouting and interruptions, he would he ready to stop the ceremony . Right on the spot. But really what the students engaged in today was in a very peaceful protests. Its unclear whether President Biden was actually able to see this with his own eyes, but he did in address the general issue of peaceful protests in this country saying that he respects that, that that is a right that people have, and that people should make their voices heard. The president said that hes hearing a lot of that frustration, especially when it pertains to the issue of gaza. And in his remarks, he actually went and address gaza ahead. Odds, talking about the harb breaking, loss of civilian life there, while also talking about the work that his administration has been doing to try to reach a temporary ceasefire in the gaza strip. Take a listen ball said hes caught in the middle of all this man, women and children killed or displaced despite in desperate need of water, food, and medicine its a humanitarian crisis in gaza thats why ive called for an immediate ceasefire an immediate ceasefire to stop the friday bring the hospital so President Biden really trying to address an issue that is of concern to many young voters. I will also note the valedictorian right before President Biden spoke also addressed the issue of gaza. He said that he believed it was something that he needed to talk about here at this commencement specifically calling for a permanent and immediate ceasefire. So its clear that this is an issue that was on top of mind for many voters. But of course, the president has purpose here was to try to celebrate these young men. He talked about how they will be the next black leaders in this country. And really trying to celebrate the moment that theyre de and their family families are experiencing today with this graduation. All right. Cnns on signs in the room. Thank you for that. And again, im very lucky to have to morehouse graduates here on the panel to break it down with me and a car is seltzers are former Democratic State representative for south carolina, conservative political strategist, cnns michael singleton, new are both cnn commentators and cnns political rhetoric thank you for those of us who are with us and those who are just joining us. So you get a sense of what happened just moments ago. It after seeing the subtext is whats happening israel gaza war. And just to remind viewers about why the president address this head on and look at the polls have not been good for him on this key issue that has just been obviously dominating headlines in the front of minds of so many voters, particularly Younger Voters, in particular, this is how a fox news poll says that the present is doing on this issue, 32 approved, 64 disapprove than Younger Voters of course, higher 69 disapprove little bit better with black voters theres, but still underwater. David challenge. Do you think the presents a new message here in his becoming more forceful when it comes to netanyahu government, theres been a bit of a shift about Invading Rafah and pulling back on certain weapons if they do goh to fullscale invasion, but not going as far is allowed. These voters want, is that is that enough . First of all, we should just say the reality here, joe biden is not in control of what actually voters want here, which is to bring a permanent ceasefire to this. But that being said, he has been long calling for, as he said, again today, an immediate ceasefire to try and get some hostages released and see how long that piece could last if it were to take place. He is keenly aware, is deemed about the political reality of this issue. And that is one of his lowest performing issues. Its also true that it is not the most important issue for voters very clearly, not that even for young voters i know you had said you werent sure if he was going to speak to this issue . I there was no world in which i can imagine joe biden go into a College Campus today to give a Commencement Address specifically one way or there has been some protests around this and not address this issue. I think he had to, but what was so intriguing to me about the entirety of this speech, which i think was a pretty sensible speech for joe biden it was much less about the laundry list and the force feeding of heres what ive done for you. It was much more about heres e, he did some of that some of that, but i thought the overall tenor of the speech was much more about here is who i am, like. This is my story when i was a young person and i came up, this is my faith journey in totally enveloped into all of this as well. Even sent to this crowd like, you may not know me, you know, its like heres the president United States. I just thought that he approached this speech a little differently and the inner sectioning of faith as i dont know, i thought it was a through line throughout the whole speech it was not what i think is your typical Commencement Address or your typical campaign, your speech of the laundry list of everything ive done one of the things that weve been talking about and he was not able to do this in 2020 because of covid, et cetera the basement. Im sure you probably said that talking point, a doublet time, so get them out the base. I think hes still saying but the fact is joe biden actually in there. I mean, weve been talking about College Campuses being on fire around the country and where it was joe biden today, on a College Campus. Now its not nyu is not columbia, but hes on a College Campus with a history of protests and speaking directly to a constituency that he needs. And i agree with david on the fact that he went down this path of talking about faith, the most conservative in terms theres a faith voters in the country or African American voters. He was able to weave that in any talked about policy. But even more importantly, joe biden and the Campaign Like to say this all the time it drives me nuts, but dont compare me to the almighty. Compare me to the alternative, right . And so when people actually have a sobering reflection of joe biden, who i am Vs Donald Trump i think this is the message pat, that theyre going down and well see more of this tonight. I believe in detroit, michigan. I want you to listen to how a couple of black democratic members who i spoke to on friday about what they believe. What are these poles . What do they believe the polls are correct, which just to remind viewers is about 49 according to one recent well, 49 margin advantage over donald trump. And why thats a concern . Yeah, thats a lot. But its much less than it was in november of 2020. What do they think . What do i think thats actually real or not . This is what two members told me on friday people are connected to the issue thats happening in gaza people are frustrated with the Economic Opportunities that arent there im hearing from younger black voters, if they want to see a black wealth agenda adopted by the white house. Im, im hearing that the outreach isnt there and some of the surrogates just on resonated. Suppose do not concern me. Black people always vote their interests when they hear the issues and what biden has done because anytime we are talking to them biden gets the messages out and members of the Congressional Black Caucus and talking. Lets talk about what we have done collected together. Then they understand what is in their best interests. And they will come out to vote for their best interests hes everything says, black people always vote. Their interests in. Theyll come out and vote in their best interests. So is he right to the democrats being not concerned about the poll . I would absolutely be concerned. I wouldnt be concerned about these voters voting for trump though. And i think some people have said that im a conservative and im not honestly convinced of that, but i do think you have a lot of young voters are entered into the workforce. Theyre concerned about whether or not therell be able to take care of themselves are concerned about whether or not therell be able to buy their first homes. We still have significant Wealth Disparities between African Americans and White Americans at my presumption would be their leader of the party that most of the people in our Community Vote for. What have an actual strategy that he can articulate for how he hes going to continue to accomplish your pushed him needle forward on those issues despite some of the issues that may be ongoing in congress. I mean, but you talk about black unemployment, you talked about all the metrics, you talk about investments in hbcus. I mean, you talk about the successes that the Government Contracting that though the Biden Administration is done, you compare it to the gutting of the civil rights offices and all the Administrative Offices up here in dc. And you begin to see that contrast. I mean, there is a rich history that we have to focus on. I mean, i think about my dads on history on a College Campus february 8 of 1968. I think about the fact that we just commemorated 50 plus years from jackson state university. And then kent state going to Morehouse College today. All in all, i think was a good day factor. Talk about. And hes going to the double acp dinner tonight after a whole week of events where this has been the main thrust of his public message. But obviously this is a big issue for the and reelect campaign. And i think they are smart to be late these are focused on and ill give the president credit for that. And i think the expectation was he was just gonna walk in and say i got a bunch of black friends i mean, thats good. I think good at itd be like, look, i got full black friends and two of them from delaware. But he actually gave a robust beach. So kudos to daglo and all of the guys in the white house and ladies in the white house, we put this together. Well see how it plays in november, whether it starts to change the perception among this key constituency. 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And yesterdays Nra Convention in dallas this probably know judge may be in history. Thats been as conflicted. Has guy and refuses to recuse himself. But im able to talk about things, although i do have a gag order, if i say the truth. So i cant talk about certain things. It says you cant talk about this you can talk about that. You cant. But those are the best things. But we talk about the things i can talk about. It has to be unconstitutional and in his speech in minnesota friday, he falsely claimed to have won the state in 2020 i thought we wanted in 2016. I though we wanted and i know we wanted is 2020 where you got to be we gotta be careful. We got to watch those votes. We dont need the votes. Weve got to watch the votes thats the big danger and trump did in fact lose minnesota in 2020 by an even larger margin then he lost in 2016. So there is just a lot to unpack this busy morning joining me now for our amy walter from the Cook Political Report cnns political director david chilean, the daily beast, joanna calls good morning to you all, earning morning. Whats been remarkable about this . Trump has had obvious four criminal indictments. Weve been through this trial. There have been two wars has been such a tumultuous period in american politics. But this race has been so stable. Just look at how the polls have gone really since last august up until the end of april, is pretty much a similar race has been no clear leader all the way around. Yes, trump has been not narrowly had oftentimes within the margin of error, there has been so much stability as well. This is our politics now. Its both incredibly calcified and volatile all at once because so many people are locked into opinions about these two and youre not going to change them no matter what the events are and volatile because as weve all been talking about, it takes 10,000 votes in one state to shift and suddenly you have a different president or you have a majority of one party flipped for the majority of another in the congress. I think youve got a couple of factors here. There are. First, there are still a lot of people out there who cant believe that this is ultimately going to happen it is around the country and you talk to people they will add one of the questions will say, like, really, is this really happening . Joe bidens really going to be the nominee. Donald trump is really going to be the nominee, couldnt something happen before the election, and they would be replaced. So i do think theres that i think weve also been discussing the people who are just checked out of this election. They are exhausted by it and they are going to check back in after the summer when its an appropriate time to check in on politics. And then finally, youve got at least 20 , if not more, of the electrode that says, i dont like either of these guys and i dont want to think about it at all. Yeah, were not going to just so i just set out to play sit in the first two points that amy made though. That is why the Biden Campaign wanted an early debate for the first two points because they want to show the country physically the representation on stage. This is it, this is the choice. Its biden versus trump. And the second point about those that are checked out, a jolt built into its actually time right now. So for those two factors, thats why it was so important to the biden folks to get a debate early so i was just going to add that i think people underestimated the extent to which donald trump has been able to use his trial as a campaign stop. And what you saw well, this week, im just looking to jose puglia area whos been covering it for the beast is this sudden realized station that its not that hes stuck there. Its that the republicans have to go to the trial. So you suddenly saw jd vance turn you saw mike johnson, then you saw the maga extremists suddenly think, oh, this this is a bandwagon we should hop on and the courtroom itself or the courthouse has become this new staging ground. And i think people underestimated trumps feral genius. But turning these moments into a campaign moment. And theres been a bit of a divide among the republicans about those people who are been rushing up to the new york courthouse to defend the former president mitt romney, made some breed pleaded remarks about this and got some pushback from jd vance really very difficult to watch. Why is it difficult to watch well theres a level of dignity and decorum that you vector people who are running for the highest station in the land and going out and prostrating themselves in front of the public to try it. And apparently curry favor with the person whos are nominee is a little embarrassing myths that on sort of three sides of every issue and Public Policy in this country, the last 20 years, i just i think that he should stick to being a legislator and try to do good job people who tall, when you taxes colleagues, i think its kinda productive. Mit has been on three sides of every issue in Public Policy in this country for the last 20 years, someone who could be a Vice President s or peg jd vance. Now very about that would be new but look, this is the divide that weve seen in the Republican Party now for the last seven years, the vestige of the old Republican Party that you never would have seen a john mccain, a mitt romney, a George W Bush in that situation that donald trump is in. And yet here we are. But the voice is the mitt romney voices are fewer and fewer, and the jd vances are more. And of course, he is retiring now of course, were getting into potential verdict. They well see what happens. Theres no way of knowing of hes gonna be convicted or maybe acquitted in his hush money criminal trial. And i put that question to republicans. Just what if he is convicted . How will you deal with it . And the answers span the gamut a bit a verdict in the trump trial could come next week if hes convicted, could you support them still . Im not well see how that comes out weighing in on that. I wouldnt be surprised if he is convicted. I mean, thats probably going to happen, but thats going to get most likely thrown out in these charges, frankly let me talk about election interference. Thats whats going on right now. That new york courtroom, would you rethink your support for him . Know. All right. Were still dealing with policy issues here and then today, were still so whats best for our economy . How do we deal with immigration and all the policy issues still matter on character being Convicted Felon, et cetera, 100 on it in all ive said often want to be able to have people that are role models and leaders and all those things as well for me, the policy issues youre going to matter significantly policy over character i think present company accepted that actually trump is on trial for i know its financial shenanigans, but actually most people in their minds have, he was at a golfing weekend. He slept with a porn star and then she left immediately afterwards. Present company excepted. I think that might be a lot of mens fantasies. And so i dont think this is playing out with the public in the way that its playing out. Again with the media. Actually. And you heard that the senator, theyre talking about character and they just want to get back to policy, but actually people arent paying attention and this is what we ran a piece by nehls cavell saying whilst trump denying this, this is most, most mens, again, present company Excepted Fantasy and it was the most red piece for two days. And if you think 60 of the web is spent on porn, actually this thing going on here that speaks to people and i know were not supposed to talk about it. I know were supposed to talk about policy, but its interesting whats going on. And well say this could be the only case that reaches a verdict before november, how it impacts of november election. No one knows. All right. Coming up biden and trump are brushing up on the Debate Skills for round three. 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Both vying for a second term in office in 2020. These two candidates held just to televise debates. Thanks in part to the pandemic. And that was the fewest since 1996 but those debates were certainly memorable and could give us clues to what to expect this time around but just as the left will you its hard to get anywhere with this clown. I shouldnt like me to condemn proud process and write stand back and standby. He races this is the worst war as america has ever had. We cant lock ourselves up in a basement like joe does release your tax return or stop talking about corruption. We did not sent the cages. They who built the k gesture. Im the least racist person in this room, de or joe, i ran because of you. I ran because of barack obama because you did a poor job. All right. So that was very i dont feel like this one could be somewhat similar. Well see the last time to presence ran against each other was 18, 92, and that was former president Grover Cleveland defeated incumbent president benjamin harrison. I was we were not around for that. Youre going to play sound exactly thats right david what is your sense that thats going to be powerful image, right . I mean, two former one, former one current President Vying for the same office. What do you what should we expect in that debate . Yeah. I mean, first of all, just watching those clips it reminds me of the unprecedented nature of this because we dont normally have game film of an actual debate between two president ial candidates to revisit, to look at what our next president ial debate between those two, maybe. So this is clearly unique circumstances, hopefully one of the candidates wont be raging with covid at the time. He was there in the debate. But theyll be older, right . So i think one of the first things everyones going to watch, just look back to that film. How have each of them changed since that debate four years ago. But obviously, the country circumstances are entirely changed as well. And so how that gets incorporated into the debate we know both campaigns agreed to debate without an audience in front of them this time. So thats also going to be a different dynamic in the space as well. But as we were talking about last segment, you mentioned at the top here because this race has been so stable, i think these debates our seismic events in this election potentially that can actually be a destabilizing force in the array. Yeah, and if you think back to that debate that you just showed that was at a time when the Trump Campaign needed to shake things up, right . Biden was ahead it felt like a race that was sort of stuck with trump trying to get back up on top. Now, its the opposite problem is trump is the one who can sort of sit back and not be as aggressive. Its the biden now, who needs to be much more aggressive. Hes the one who really does need to shake up the race and make it about donald trump in the hope among biden is that trump will say something, get himself in trouble and may not be the he was in the past or maybe he will be the way he wasnt best debates and that will be good for them. They believe politically just a snippet of what donald trump has been like over the years since 2016 up until now. On the debate stage ronald donald, relax. Go ahead. Im relaxed your case. Dont worry about it a little mark. This is a tough business youre of guide you, and we need to have a leader that is real tops the switching nasty. But we have some bad ambras here and were going to get them out. Excuse me. My turn its just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. Because youd be in jail have look, one of the things thats different also is that trump didnt participate in any of those primary debates. Of course this time, he also has not done many interviews and has gone to friendly audiences and the like. So is he ready for this . This is gonna be fantastic television. Im already ordering the pop more growing up the sophas, where everybody is going to be having screening parties all over america. Of course the thing im interested in is how they managed to convince both to cnn and abc who are hosting the two debates not to include Robert Kennedy jr. Because he is polling somewhere between ten and 15 . And hes definitely going to be a patellar given how tight the margins are in this election, hes definitely going to be a potential player. And to your point, this is exceptional. Two already, or we have a sense of deja vu because weve already seen these two debating to add a kennedy to the mix would be even Better Television yeah. And weve talked a lot about trump in this. But remember biden. There is a risk reward here, right . He could come out have a poor debate. Hes already behind that we havent even had the conventions yet. He goes into conventions in a hole that is a terrible place. This. Far out from an election. This is going to be the game change. Were going to shake things up. It actually can make things works, is a huge, a huge risk. And one of the things though is that trump has been saying the board bar so low for biden saying that as he said, listen from friday, you cant put two sentences together. Cant talk, he can walk, cant find his way off the stage, can put two sentences together. I just wanted to beit this guy, but you know and im gonna im gonna demand to drug test too, by the way, i am no, i really yeah i dont want him coming in like the State Of The Union. He was high as a kite of course, theres no evidence at all to suggest that, and thats thats one of the questions about how he deals with joe biden. I asked put that question to one of his top supporters on capitol hill about what donald trump should do when it comes time to the domain go ahead, vice the former president would be himself, but not so much of himself let, let joe biden talked greatest thing you can do in a debate let joe biden talk. He will talk you are to vote for him every time if your client to trump may have a hard time doing that. So it wont be easy. It will require some discipline, but donald trump likes to win it will require discipline with donald trump is not necessarily strong suit. But i do think you are right to know what hes saying about the expectation setting. This is exactly what it is advisors felt sort of blew up in their face with the State Of The Union address, like the bar was set so low for joe biden that he showed up and had a good speech and became this big moment for him. I do think we may hear donald trump alter that language a little bit between now and the end. Way we shall see. All right, coming up, holding onto the senate majority, it looks a lot more difficult for democrats now than it did a week ago. Major Warning Signs for them and President Biden in key battleground states the assignment with audie cornish. Listen wherever you get your podcasts our biggest challenge uncertainty, hidden fees surcharges, who knows what to expect, turned shipping to your advantage. Keep it simple with clear upfront pricing with usps Ground Advantage you ever worry we wouldnt get you enjoy this seriously. Hes got their plan. Great. Meanwhile, im on the green and all i can think about as all the green, im spending on three kids in college. Thats mentioned the kitchen we just removed the bathrooms last within power. I get all my financial questions answered, so i dont have to worry. So youre like a guru now. Oh, here join 18 million americans who take control of your financial future with a realtime dashboard in real life conversations empower whats next. 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So like other people have it and its not recover bag and the Newscaster Field Are Healthy Plus Lawn through today riyadh saves new album, is breaking records who gets to say what country is colby country beyond say a nashvilles Renaissance Monday May 27th at eight on cnn if republicans regained the senate in november, last tuesdays primaries could be a big reason why. And West Virginia, the seat being vacated by retiring senator joe manchin is now likely to be picked up by the new gop nominee, governor jim justice. And in the blue state of maryland, former report publican governor larry hogan has a chance to flip a crucial seat expanding a map when democrats are already playing defense across the country democrats are endangered in those bomb part due to the Presence Standing in several purple states with democraticheld seats been the cameras will have to likely have to outperform the president this fall. And in two red states, montana and ohio, democrats are trying to hang on to their seats by going after the character of their opponents all while avoid being tied to the top of their tickets still, senate, senator gary peters, who chairs the Senate Democratic campaign arm, told me he is confident that the democrats will indeed keep the majority of my panels bad. So amy, you have a, your Cook Political Report laid out the ratings. Race ratings, and how this is looking right now. Lean democrat at verses, tossup season, likely republican seats. Those two pickup opportunities still the democrats hope can pick up, are still likely to stay in the democratic hands republican hands. What are the chances that democrats can hang onto the center . This is a very difficult thing first of all, as you pointed out, West Virginia likely to be picked up by republicans almost assuredly picked up hi, republicans. So this, think about this as a 50, 50 senate going into the election democrats cant afford to lose any more seats. Theyve got seven more vulnerable seats on the tables. They have to win seven of seven, including two and those red states of ohio and montana in tia, when did things has been interesting is that theres been a shift among larry, larry hogan. He is of course the new republican nominee in maryland has a chance to pick up a seat in a very blue state. His shift on abortion this past week, he told the New York Times that he supports restoring row as the law of the land. This comes after 2022. He vetoed a bill that would have brought in marylands Abortion Access by allowing more medical professionals to perform abortions. It speaks to the issue though. Democrats are hoping this critically, their Ballot Initiatives dealing with abortion and some of these states that could keep them at least close to gain the majority, if not in the majority. Yeah. I think its so interesting because in maryland, larry hogan is so popular even among democrats as hes hes the only republican who is feasible on the ballot. A Great Recruit by mitch mcconnell, but his one weakness was abortion and of course, its bigger than just larry hogan, the candidate its about the senate majority. Its about what could be accomplished if donald trump becomes president , if he gets republican majorities in congress and you have to bank on voters trusting that larry hogan, even though he says he will caucus with the gop wont go as far to the right as he may be pooled and a republican majority. And i think that will be a salient point for Alsobrooks Domain is like, do you want to trust that you want to leave that up to chance . So think it was really interesting that larry hogan, Great Recruit as soon as it happened, we were like, oh wow, maryland may actually be in play here. And yet it likely wasnt to be in play as much with larry hogan, his nominee, if he didnt give that interview to the york times, i mean, this was for him to run even in this state, he needed to move away from his partys position on this issue substantially to actually make it competitive. The other thing about the map that i think is so interesting to me was saying, so go into this race, assuming manchins seat flips right to justice and its 50, 50. Well, 50, 50. I mean, theyve lost control already if they lost the president ial yeah. So like that is the kind of deficit democrats are entering the cycle in and why it is so much more likely at this point, at this Vantage Point that republicans getting so interesting because some part of this is nationalizing the race versus running a local race. Republicans wanted nationalize this in those red states. Thats the question that ive put to montana. Senator joe manchin about what as i jon tester, not joe. Imagine jon tester about being tied to the top of his ticket the presence rates are gonna be the presence raise my race is going to be my race i honestly dont think it has any impact. Well, you have to align yourself more with trump and biden heading into november, to align myself with jon tester. Ive got my own brand president trump, pull some of these low propensity voters out to vote. That will vote for president the normally arent showing up for elections. Look that President Biden is the most unpopular us president in 70 years john test sure. Cant run away from that. Ask, ask if john says she wants to see joe biden come to montana. Hes going to stay thousands of miles away from joe biden. The meantime, John Testers Attacking his opponent is shaded, which he absolutely needs to be doing listen, jon tester has outrun the top of the ticket before in 2012, obviously president obama didnt win that state, but hes got to win it by an even bigger margin this time around, only one Senate Candidate has done it. And Susan Collins and these last two president ial elections spread ticket voters. I just less likely in recent cycles, coming up an explosive week in apparel Bribery Cases leaves democrats vetted, fretting, and die project are you supporting henry clay as Reelection Bid 13 million americans were affected. My Identity Theft in 2022 and the threats are more than you realize if youre a victim of Identity Theft, lifelong works to fix it on your behalf backed by the Million Dollar protection package, enroll. Now higher Shipping Rates may be the cost of doing business. 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Your labor is more than just a book callers again for your free riders guide, 804 551827 pair of Bribery Cases are causing continued headaches for Democratic Leaders on both sides of capitol hill these days, as members, dodged questions about whether to kick out their colleagues new jersey senator bob menendez, and texas congressman Henry Cuellar menendez had an closer first few days in court this past week charged with acting on behalf of egypt and qatar, his lawyer or cast blame on menendezs wife, whos also been charged in both have pleaded not guilty. But if man is menendez is convicted, democrats have a decision to make bob menendez facing this Corruption Trial if hes convicted should be expelled from the senate. I havent thought about that are sent one second on it, but i guess if hes convicted, he should be well cross that bridge when we get to it, well let the let the legal system do what it needs to do if he is found to be guilty of that does change the equation others refuse to say what my view is he should have resigned long ago and i said that repeatedly. But what about expulsion . Right, angel, i said he should resign. He does not belong here if hes convicted, should he be expelled from the senate whats wait to see what happens. Everybody deserves a day in court must what happens expulsion from the senate. Thats an issue thats up to the caucus. To see how the trial goes over in the house. Henry cuellar in his wife, were charged with accepting nearly 600,000 in bribes from entities in mexico and azerbaijan. They both the pleaded not guilty, but now three people have pleaded guilty in connection to the case, including quasars, former Campaign Manager but what razorthin margin and queers Texas District at risk of turning red, Democratic Leaders are holding their fire, like minority leader Hakeem Jeffries youve not call them to resign. Do you support his reelection . I support Henry Cuellar. Hours right. To a trial by jury. He is innocent until proven guilty. But would you support him in his vent running in . I think it would be irresponsible for me at this moment to wait into the politics and we want to give him the space to work out his legal situation now, jeffries later said he was not rescinding his choir endorsement. And some are taking pains to draw distinctions with the case of George Santos, who of course was expelled from the house last year after a ethics report, but before any conviction why the difference . Because George Santos George Santos had admitted to mississippi enough misconduct to show that he should not have been a member of congress. You who led the charge to oust George Santos. But you are not calling for the resignation of Henry Cuellar. What is the discrepancy there . Lets be very clear. I think George Santos also a he did to actually a crime he actually was indicted of a crime. And so that was a trigger for us. But i think going out with any queries very serious. I think its very disturbing. I am very three disturb. I think that democrats will and should and will react appropriately. I tried to ask pete angular or the number three democrats in the house about this as well . Supporting henry clay as Reelection Bid after these three people pleaded guilty in his bribery case talked about this already. Im sorry. There were three people since then who pleaded guilty im talking about is the Press Conference next week and thats it for Inside Politics sunday, you can follow me on x, formerly known as twitter at mk raju for the show it Inside Politics. And he fever miss an episode. You can of course, catchup wherever you get your pocket gas. Now up next State Of The Union with jake tapper and dana bash takes guests include senator john fetterman, carson, and congresswoman jasmine crockett. And before we go i want to report some very sad news are longtime colleague and friend Alice Stewart died suddenly yesterday at the age of 58. Choose a longtime republican strategists working on multiple president ial campaigns. And of course a voice on cnn for many years, she was someone that i knew back in my days is print reporter. Shes always kind to me here at cnn and of course she will be greatly, greatly missed thanks again for sharing your Sunday Morning with us. 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