This is horrifying still endanger the staff said he was hiking the appalachian trail. When did you realize you might actually be going to prison from the beginning you cant write this stuff United States of scandal with jake tapper. Now streaming on macs new developments in the legal cases facing former President Donald Trump after a de, that showed us some shocking testimony in the criminal hush money case. Trump legal team can savor two wins. In other cases, on folding and georgia and florida. Plus President Biden speaking right now, he is expected to make a big jobs. Now ill spend from the Battleground State Of Wisconsin an announcement that is a not so subtle big against his opponents. From the president , trump. And the us hits pause on shipment of bombs to israel as a new report could reveal whether the us believes israel has broken humanitarian law and criticism grows over israels military actions shims in rafah, or following these major developing stories and many more, its all coming in right here to cnn, new central the 2024 campaign really in full swing today was in a biden is in the Battleground State Of Wisconsin. You speaking right now about the economy from this critical state that he won narrowly four years ago. These are live pictures coming mean to us right now. Were biden will highlight a 3 microsoft investment in an ai facility that could create thousands of jobs. Hes also using this appearance to score political points juxtaposing the announcement with former President Trumps promise to create 13,000 jobs at a foxconn factory at this very soon same site back in 2018, its a promise that really want unfulfilled, but will the new investment and the contrast with the previous president held biden one over voters who are skeptical of his handling of the economy. Seen in chief National Affairs corresponding Geoff Zelenskyy in milwaukee jeff, youve been talking to voters. What do people want to hear from the president jessica theres no. Doubt the importance of wisconsin to the Reelection Roadmap for President Biden. Its his fourth visit to wisconsin just this year. But he is going to be talking about the investment that microsoft is making in Racine County just a bit south of me here. Of course this is a critical part of his rebuilding his hopeful victory effort here in wisconsin. But the job piece of it is something the president really is trying to focus. Wisconsin. Iyad san, inflation of course, is at the center of everyones Kitchen Table there gas bills, et cetera. So the president is trying to show that his it had been ration is actually having economic achievements. But one voter we talked to who lives just outside this area where the plant will be built. He talked about just a whip san nature of wisconsin and how anxious he is about the economy can you feel that like how closely of a divided state it is . Oh, absolutely. Its just creating a lot of anxiety for everybody just tremendous anxiety. Yeah. No matter what side of the spectrum youre on two of the most unfavorable candidates that maybe weve ever and so yeah, i think i think we need some new blood so President Biden is trying to ease some of those anxieties by talking about job creation and there will be many jobs created at this plant, Construction Jobs in the short term, but also many other jobs in the long term. And certainly, as you said, President Biden is taking a specific aim at a former project that former President Donald Trump announced back in 2017. They never came to fruition at all. Of course, that underlies the challenge here for all president s, they make these announcements sometimes the announcements are not completed, the president hopes enough people will focus on his economic achievements. But again, the question, Inflation Versus job creation, and hadnt voters feel these achievements in their own pocketbooks . And jeh, the turnout of black voters specifically where you are in milwaukee could really be key when it comes to bite and looking for a repeat here in 2024, tell us what hes doing because he is trying to court that vote. Hes made eating with black voters today he will be hell be meeting it a Community Center in racine after this announcement, really going out in the Community Talking to some volunteers and some organizers who he is going to rely on to really reach their friends and neighbors. And there is a big divide between the age range of black voters theres older black voters have been very supportive of this president. Younger voters across the board, particularly voters of color, have been more skeptical a variety of reasons for that. But there is a sense of his economic policies for as big as they are, the billiondollar plans of Building Bridges and roads arent the same necessarily as so stimulus checks that were sent out during the trump administration. So talking to organizers here, they say that is something this white house must convey that he is doing Sobeh Academic Progress and good for voters of all ages and of course, the gaza war also Playing A Deep Role in voters of color. Their skepticism of the president. So hes facing all that when he meets with the voters this afternoon. Some had wednesday overcome. All right. Jack zell, any force in milwaukee . Thanks so much for that reporting and a quick programming note tonight on out front, erin burnett exclusive oneonone interview with President Biden he sits down with our colleague to talk about the economy and its plans. If he wins a second term, that interview again, airing tonight at seven eastern right here on cnn. And the president is onstage right now, just moments ago, he went after his opponent, donald trump and his promises and wisconsin from six years ago, lets listen or countries proud manufacturing, legacy we had infrastructure day every week, every week for four years, didnt build a thing hey administration promised to 10,000,000,000 investment by foxconn, new Manufacturing Complex Create 13,000 new jobs in, fact, he came here with your senator ron johnson literally holding a golden shovel promising to build the Eighth Wonder Of The World are you kidding me look what happened they dug a hole those golden shovels, and then they fell into it they didnt shovel other dirt they did shovel some der 100 homes or boat were bulldozed their wages a hundreds of millions of dollars. Your state and local tax dollars. The promise a project that never happened foxconn turned out to be just that a comm go figure. You just four years and his administration instead of creating 13,000 jobs in resee my predecessor now 100,000 manufacturing jobs rather than creating thousand manufacturing jobs left at 5,005 haiti, 3,500 total jobs left wisconsin during my predecessors term but thats not on my watch. Were determined to turn it around thus far since youve come to office with graded and with the governors and leadership, we created over 178,000 jobs in wisconsin. Were going to create more here in racine and big time a big pitch there from President Biden, his fourth trip to wisconsin so far this year, and he talked about falling into a whole wisconsin can kind of provide the hole that a candidate falls into. It has been very narrow, trump winning by only 20 23,000 votes in 2016 against hillary clinton. By Investing Trump by just 21,020, 20. So it is going to be very narrow as he makes this pitch such a teeny margin there was causing always simply go into a College Football game. Its like that many that means im old today we are learning new details about Trump Defense attorneys shifting their strategy and that man, Manhattan Hush Money Trial sources close to the former president tell us the defense now plans to go longer than originally expected during their crossexamination. Yeah. Were told that they plan to ask daniels additional questions to help protect the former president. Is reputation after she took the Stand Yesterday and recounted salacious details about their alleged sexual encounter in 2006. We have seen in correspondent kara spinel, who has been in the courtroom every day of the trial and kara trumps team worked hard to undermine daniels credibility yesterday, what should we be expecting when it comes . Comes to that tomorrow . Well, brianna and just sky, i think were going to see more of this same when they resume their crossexamination, they had about 90 minutes of cross widths. Stormy daniels yesterday, and their main focus was to try to undermine her credibility and her motivation. So the initial one of the initial questions out of the gate was you hate donald trump, dont you . Daniels agreed . Yes, she did. She was asked, do you want to see him in jail . She said, i want to seeing held accountable, but if found guilty, absolutely so really hammering in on that, they also focused on her motivation, saying that she wanted to sell her story and trumps attorney, susan niclas, was peppering her with questions. Heres one exchange i want to read to you the Defense Attorney asked my question was youve been making money by claiming to have had sex with President Trump for more than a decade. Right . Daniel said, i have been making money by telling my story about what happened to me the attorney, and that story in essence is that you say you had sex with President Trump, right . Danielle said yes. And she asked again, and that story has made you a lot of money, right . Daniel said, it is also cost me a lot of money. So were expecting to have that continue. And one of the reasons why the Defense Attorney said that they need or they plan to spend time across examining daniels is because of the breadth of detail that prosecutors brought out about Stormy Daniels encounter der the former president in the hotel room where daniel said that they had sex and just the kind of the scope of all those questions trumps attorneys say that they want to ask more about that and they wanted challenge some inconsistent statements that they say daniels has had over time in which they alleged she has changed her story, jess, briana, and karan, why did the judge warn the defence over President Trumps behavior during Stormy Daniels testimony, what was going on there well, Stormy Daniels was testifying and talking about her conversations with trump in the hotel room donald trump had mouth some things with his mouth, some kind of word. It was not audible to us in the courtroom. But during a break, the judge had brought the attorneys up to the bench. So he said this in a sidebar so we couldnt hear it at the time. We only learn it afterwards when we got the transcript. But the judge had said to him, i understand that your client is upset at this point, but he is cursing audibly and he is shaking his head visually and thats contemptuous. It has the potential to intimidate the way fitness and the jury can see that the judge had asked trumps attorney to speak with donald trump about this. And then after we returned from a break, he asked trumps lawyer, todd blanche, did you speak with your client and blend said that he had we then did not see any apparent gestures or any other kind of reaction from trump throughout the day . He heated the judges warning at this point so far in the trial all right qarrah canal, obviously very interesting moments to continue to talk about here. Thank you. Lets talk more about this with cnn senior legal analysts elie honig. Always great to have you on and get your analysis of things. Sources telling cnn that trumps legal team is shifting its Strategy Planning and more more extensive crossexaminatio n of daniels that they need to in order to help protect trumps reputation. After she repeatedly raised the possibility that the sexual encounter was not consensual. Do you agree that the defense team needs to do this i dont. Jessica longer is certainly not always better, especially when it comes to crossexamination, the best crossexamination is direct. Its efficient, its right to the key points. And i think they started to do that yesterday, i think as a carriages its laid out. I think they punched substantial holes and Stormy Daniels motivation and Stormy Daniels credibility. I would continue with that. I would continue to confront her with prior inconsistent statements that youve made and she has. I would continue to point out her personal animus hatred for donald trump. I would continue to point out her financial motives, but i dont think by drawing this out over a longer period of time, it would make a crossexamination any more effective sheerly for the length of it and is there a chance . And what kinds of leyen they have to walk as they go through crossexamination, youre dealing with a witness who has been put in a very voting horrible positions. Theyre sharing very vulnerable deep intimate details about something that happened to them. Yeah, i think thats exactly right. Its a tricky balance for lawyers to find where on the one hand you do want to expose the witnesses biases. The witnesses lack of credibility, but you never want to risk being seen by a jury as bullying a witness and i think while Stormy Daniels testimony had some aspects that were problematic for both sides, i do think shes probably a sympathetic, relatable human being for the jury. And so i would be very wary of overdoing it, of being seen to brow beat her or even to go after her personally, you can undermine her motives. You can undermine your credibility in a very professional, straightforward way. Without having to tear her down as a human being. And i think thats the sweet spot that you want to aim for the intensity of the differences cross kinda previewed potentially testimony of another star witness, really a witness. A lot of this hinges on as well, Michael Colon does the prosecutions case live and die by his testimony how much of a linchpin is he going to be i think it will live and die with Michael Cohen. Yeah, this is a brisk warmup for what were going to see either later this week or early next week when michael we expect Michael Cohen to take the stand. Heres why Michael Cohens testimony is so important. To this point. I think prosecutors have done an efficient, solid workman like job of establishing the basic fundamentals that they have to show. But theres still is a missing link which is directly tying donald trump to knowledge of the reimbursement scheme. The way that Michael Cohen was paid back in 2017 with this series of checks and that it was its done intentionally to try to cover up the hush money payments. We have a lot of documents and testimony around that point. And as that has made that point more plausible for the jury. But Michael Cohen, it now appears quite clear is going to be the only person whos going to say directly donald trump knew what was going on. Perhaps i discussed it with him. He was in on it. He was in on the falsification. And so what the prosecution has been trying to do, and i think with some effectiveness is sort of narrow the gap that Michael Cohen is going to have to take the jury over and whether he stands up, with the point will be told ultimately on crossexamination, i think this cross of Stormy Daniels is a good warmup and preview of what were going to see all right, more to come. Court resumes tomorrow. Elie honig. Always great to see you. Thanks so much so it come this afternoon, a new round of strikes on gaza. This ends the us holds off on sending a shipment of bombs to israel over concerns of their potential use in raffa plus new fallout from a cnn investigation into what happened during the 2021 attack outs side of the Kabul Airport. They claimed the lives of 13 us service men and women lawmakers now demanding answers from defense secretary boyd austin and tiktok suing the Us Government coming up to social media giants, knew move to avoid a nationwide ban stay was seeing a news central every piece of evidence tells a story. How would really happy. Jesse l. Append monte, sundays at night on cnn. Today. Americas Beverage Companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. Thanks to you. 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He didnt win a ring oh, my gosh. The Israeli Military is now responding to the us, pausing a shipment of bombs for israel. The shipment according to one us official, was held back last week because of concerns that the bombs could possibly be used in rafah. These are big bombs, an Idf Spokesman was asked about this just a short time ago so while i understand that the concerns are raised, we have to understand that the war against hamas is a legitimate, legitimate war, a war that has to be conducted. It has to be conducted in accordance International Humanitarian law and the laws of armed conflict. We maintain that that is what were doing, but we are determined to get rid of hamas. Hamas have to go israel has been Conducting Airstrikes in Eastern Raffa and Hospital Sources tells cnn that at least 35 people have died in those including a four month old baby israel had previously ordered people to evacuate a senior un staffer says, over the past two days, about 50,000 people have done so. Seeing a National Security correspondent Natasha Bertrand joins us now with details on the shipment in touch to the secretary of defense confirming this shipment was delayed yeah. Jessica and testimony to the Senate Earlier today, Secretary Austin did confirm that the us has put a hold on shipments of some of those very high payload munitions, including those 2000 pound bombs that you mentioned. He said that the us is doing this within the context of unfolding operations in raffa, making sure that these really is have a plan for getting civilians out of there before the us decides whether its going to continue to send these books bombs that israel has been using to really devastating effect elsewhere in gaza. Heres a bit of what he told the Senate Earlier today. Again, i think we havent made any decisions. We did pause as we reevaluated some of the Security Assistance that were providing now, you saw some protesters interrupting him there, but the bottom line is that this is a pause that could be temporary. The us of course, has the discretion to decide to continue these shipments if and when israel provides the us widths a credible explanation for how theyre going to move all of these 1 million plus Palestinian Civilians out of Southern Gaza out of that area in rafah where israel has indicated that it wants to conduct a largescale operation to eliminate the remaining he didnt come off battalions there. This review of these Weapons Shipments to israel apparently began in april when these really began making clear that they did plan to go interoffice something that the us has repeatedly warned them against doing. And remains to be seen whether this is some kind of wholesale Policy Change whereby the us is going to start using the leverage and influence it has over military support to israel to try to influence israels up behavior on the Battery Bill Field for now though theyre taking a beat there waiting to see just what israel decides when it comes to pursuing that operation inside raffa all right. And tosh bertrand force. At the pentagon. Thanks so much for that reporting lets talk more about this now with democratic congressman Jared Moscowitz of florida. He is on the House Oversight and Foreign Affairs committee. Sir. Thank you for taking the time to be with us today. Your reaction just first to the us pausing shipment and of these bigger bombs to israel no, thanks. Thanks for having me. Yeah. Look, it is also arch of posturing and messaging thats going on publicly for right now. We were hoping that we would get a cease fire. I think thats what the American People were hoping. I think a ceasefire is needed in the region in exchange for the release. So hostages, but unfortunately, hamas continues to not to agree to the ceasefire on the table. In fact, they sent out ceasefire propaganda yesterday that allowed the world absorbed, which it was completely false obviously, the hope is that the operation in raffa is very limited. But obviously there needs to be additional pressure on hamas two agreed to a cease fire. And all of this posturing thats going on. Unfortunately, just it continues to relieve hamas of any pressure to agree to a ceasefire when you say posturing, do you mean withholding 2000 pound bombs . Do you see that as posturing yeah. I mean, look, as we know, right . Every country thats talking to israel, right . Sometimes they say things publicly versus whats going on behind the scenes. I mean, the president has been clear that so far are the limited operation in raffa. It does not cross or read line. The white house put that statement out. So if it hasnt crossed a red line, i dont know why we would be pausing any weapons. We need to get to with ceasefire as fast as possible. We need to make sure were getting humanitarian aid in as fast as possible for the innocent palestinians to make sure that we dont continue to have a food crisis in the area. But the only way this is going to end as soon as possible is how a muscle releases the hostages. We dont even have quite frankly, any Honesty Xhaka from hamas, how many hostages are left . They tried to change the deal. Now want to return bodies instead of hostages. And so we need to increase the pressure on hamas everything we do that Gibbs Hamas A Little Bit of room or a little bit of an excuse unfortunately, lets let him get away with an additional day of dragging this out there are there are the one once prolonging this. We had hoped israel wouldnt go in the raffa, but because hamas wont release the hostages, this unfortunately continues. Its incredibly alarming. What were learning think about the hostages and how many may or may not be alive. Do you think the idf though needs 2000 pound bombs to effectively please put pressure on hamas well, look, ive not a war commander. Okay. So i dont know what they need or not need. I mean, the idea right now is hopefully theyre not doing part of this mean. Well, lets not, you know what you are on pertinent committees and you know what these bombs do and you know how they can be used tactically do you think the idf needs them to put pressure on hamas . Yeah. What i was going to say virion is i dont think that much of this war should be done by the air anymore. I dont think that that is at this stage of the war. I think we should be doing more on the ground like you saw the last couple of days, rather than from the air that being said, the message that it sends to hamas, just like the message that hamas is getting from watching american television, right . They see their power grew up in this country by people supporting them and so hamas is very interested in the pr war. Theyre willing to sacrifice palestinians to win the pr war. Okay . And so when they see america pulling back, even in the slightest right . That is a message to hamas. Have we dont have to agree to a ceasefire. So thats my concern about this sort of stuff. Obviously we want again, this we want raffa to be limited. We wanted to achieve a target. We want to make sure were protecting innocent civilian life. But right now, we got to get to a ceasefire. And the only way thats going to happen is if theres more pressure on hamas, not less weve seen no doubt in some instances, terrible language when it comes to these some of these protesters. And you know that youve seen it as well at gw where i believe you attended did but do you believe that all protesters are supporting hamas no, of course not. But lets not gloss over that. Many of them are right. I mean, heres the deal. If im at a protest and were chanting ceasefire now, and all of a sudden, the chant at the protest changes to bomb Television Heber kill all zionists. And i dont leave. Im now at a anti jewish protests, right . Violate where are the protesters . I havent seen them if there are, please show them to me. Where are the protesters that are fighting for palestinians that are fighting against the war that a protesting netanyahu. All fair, all under the First Amendment where are those people saying, hey, those guys over there that are saying kill all design is bomb tel aviv. Go back to poland. Theyre not with us. Theyre not with us. Thats not going to help people in gaza. Have you seen those people . I havent seen those people do you think at this point in time if we can focus on the Rafah Offensive that the idf can actually eradicate hamas with a raffa offensive well, listen we know that fighting, its an ideology is hard to eradicate the idea at this point when i think is to Demilitarized Hamas to a point where they can no longer Launch Anything Offensive against israel. And obviously to remove them from the Power Structure so that we can rebuild gaza and get a new government in to actually fight for the palestinians. Remember hamas, the leaders of our massot worth billions of dollars. How did they get that money . Did they invent a product . No, they stole from their own people. They didnt build any bomb shelters. They built tunnels to hide themselves. So quiet i frankly, it will be better for the palestinians when hamas is no longer in power congressman, thank you so much for being with us. We really appreciate your time. Thank you so much. Lawmakers seeking answers after a cnn report contradicts Pentagon Investigations on the attack outside Kabul Airport, the led to the deaths of 13 service members. Were going to have much more on the fallout plus a huge Path Of Destruction from a Tornado Outbreak in michigan, the threat of more Severe Weather ramping up again today, stay with in a new central were here to get your side of the store fairs bribery, prostitution. Why do we keep ending up . You cant write this stuff United States of scandal with jake tapper. Now streaming on macs when you have moderate to severe eczema its okay to show off with depiction show off your clear skin and less because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin with to fix it. 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Com today Close Captioning Bronchi by mesto booked. Com are firm only represents Mesothelioma Victims and their families. If you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call us now gop lawmakers have demanding answers from defense secretary lloyd austin after a cnn report contradicted to Pentagon Investigations did that terrorists bombing at the Kabul Airport during the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan youll remember it left 13 Us Service Members and 170 atkins did not attack back marked a brutal, bloody end to the us military is 20 Year Campaign in Afghanistan In August of 2021, the discrepancy about what happened up in centers on new gopro camera video obtained by cnn. And what it shows is more episodes of gunfire than the pentagon has ever admitted. Lets watch this little burst has about 17 shots, bringing us a total of 20 were telling shots fired and episodes of fire based on to forensic analysis on Screen Cannot see who is still firing here. And we never see marines or Anyone Firing in this video mother hey the eyes. Good will give me. Are you guys right . But no that was seen as Nick Paton Walsh reporting throughout all of this, nic, youre with us now. Tell us a little bit more about what youve found yeah, nine congressman now, republicans, five of whom veterans of serving in afghanistan, Writing To Secretary defence lloyd austin letter released today eight, which essentially demands answers. The discrepancy youve talked about the pentagon over to investigations have insisted that the gunfire that came after the ice is Suicide Bomber Explosion was limited, but it was three nearly simultaneous bursts fired by american and british troops that hit nobody. The no other gunmen fired. Any shots off the blast apart from those troops. Now that contradicts the video that youve seen there, its what the congressman were told him briefings. And so when they saw the video, they wanted to have it explained to them how come this video shows something so different . 11 episodes of gunfire over four minutes. They also ask in their letter, why did the investigation is not interview any afghans are tall. Is there any other video out there that the pentagon have that they havent released. Now, why is this important . Well, because some of the games we interviewed, 19 of them said theyd either been shot after the blast or had seen in people shot. Indeed, we spoke to afghan medical staff who the congressmen say they want to talk to as well. Now, who say that they in fact had treated people with gunshot wounds, pulled bullets out of people after the blast, and counted over 70 dead from gunfire at one of the major hospitals towards that looked after people after the blast. So really the key question is how did all those afghans come according to the medical staff to have Gunshot Injuries . Was there more gunfire and the pentagon thinks in these two investigations, and how come this video see . Seems to show a different narrative than the pentagon have suggests the pentagon. Ive said to us, look, they dont think that video really contradicts their investigation. They do welcome new material. They say the opposite. As the secretary of defense have said that they have a sacred obligation to make sure that the 13 families of the dead American Service persons, their get the best information then they can because of their service and sacrifice. Nick, What Happens Next . Will there be more hearings on capitol hill . Yeah. Look, i mean, this is something which after two years, the truth of which have gone to the congressman and the families to the families of seven of the 13 that americans said that to us. They felt theyd been misled by the pentagon. The truth has been elusive. It seems its really according to them, for two years and then lots of things that simply dont stack up about this at all clearly, it will make more sense if the pentagon did interview some of the afghans, it sounds like tend to the congressmen may do that themselves. If indeed this becomes something the house Foreign Affairs committee looks into. The chairman did sign the letter today that could potentially open up the capacity for more video being subpoenaed for more inquiries. A lengthier examination of this, and you have to ultimately ask yourself, the pentagon have been insistent that they know exactly who find when that nobody else fired any shots three nearly simultaneous burst that hit nobody and that flies in the face of evidence from afghans, evidence from their own marine to their own inquiries who said some of them in di, that theyd open fire. So a lot of questions here and now theyre getting louder because theres congressional interest respect to make peyton whilst for us, excellent investigation there. Thanks so much. Powerful storms, three, sweep through the midwest and today, Tens Of Millions could be hit by those powers for storms, were going to tell you where the biggest Severe Weather threat is when we come back trump Hush Money Trial gavel to gavel coverage. The way only cnn can bring it to you, legal insight spurt analysis, and realtime updates live the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cn allergies with a, leg gra they wont stop me Nothing Beats Allegro. Its the fastest non drowsy 24 hour allergy relief live your greatness. Icy hot works for us makes it less no contrast so you can rise from pain you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stress is just mellor where i hear that is bad. Boy can fix anything. Yeah. Tough day at work nice cruises sorts. 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So they can make every customer feel like theyve arrived before theyve left the ground this is how legal consultation. Again, thats 1807123800 is to play offs what do you see . My first step is if in houston salehi not winning a championship, its trying to stay positive. All positive. He didnt win a ring oh, my. Gosh right now, millions of people across the country from texas. Two main are bracing for Severe Weather. Were talking about the threat of baseball sized hail. If you can imagine that powerful wins and some more tornadoes, a state of emergency effect for parts of Southwest Michigan where there were storms get ripped through the area yesterday when two tornadoes hit the city, according according to the National Weather service. And you can see here this debris just scattered everywhere, ripped roofs off of homes, trees pulled over houses on top of houses, even one home smashed up in the middle of the street. Amazingly. And thankfully, no deaths are serious injuries for reported centimeter allergists. Derek van dam is live imported right now outside of fedex facility that did suffer some serious damage, walk us through what youve been seeing there on the ground, erik yeah. Weve driven around and weve seen trees that have toppled over on top of homes. Weve seen a lot of electrical leinz on across the Roadways Sure Utility Crews on the ground trying to restore the services to this area but what youre looking over my right shoulder and hopefully if we can give this aerial perspective of this fedex building that had much of the ceiling collapse, a major structural damage as get this to separate tornadoes in the span of one hour and 20 minutes struck the city of cordage in kalamazoo county, where were currently located. In fact, michigan the National Weather service out of grand rapids issued the first ever Tornado Emergency with one of the tornadoes that move through yesterday ev that even though the thread has as diminished here where im located in western michigan, the threat is amplifying in other areas of the country. And weve got some new information to show you. I want to just get right to some of the graphics because this is important. Were highlighting a storm that is just south of st. Louis that has become more of a discrete supercell. We look for these storms to produce tornadoes at any moment in time, that kind of run in advance of the main line of storms, they can produce particularly dangerous tornadoes. So were going to monitor them that storm very quickly. The latest from the Storm Prediction Center that has just been issued is this coverage and intensity of the tornado hell and wind in thread is increasing through the course of the next few hours. So were going to highlight that especially into portions of tennessee, including nashville. And by the way, tomorrow im getting new information a large swath of the southern us under an enhanced risks thats new to cnn. So the Severe Weather continues into the day tomorrow and even friday back to you. All right. Derek van dam for us. Thanks so much lets get down to some other headlines that were watching this. Our police clashing with propalestinian protesters. Again today hey at least 33 were arrested as police cleared out an encampment at George Washington university in washington, dc. Were gonna have much more on the protests during a live court next hour also, the body of a sixth victim of the baltimore Bridge Collapse has now been recovered. Investigators identifying the final victim as 37yearold jose lopez. He was one of the Construction Workers on that bridge when it collapsed back in march, the fbi is investigating the collapse, is cruise still work to clear the wreckage a dramatic Emergency Landing at an airport in istanbul this morning. Here it is. This fedex boeing seven, 60 he seven, touching down there without its front landing gear sparks flying as the plane ground to a halt on the runway. Thankfully, no one was injured with the crew was evacuated safely. An investigation into why the landing gear failed to deploy is underway and still to come tiktok strike keen back why the social Media Company thinks it can stop the Us Government from potentially banning the wildly popular app a Cnn Exclusive President Biden, erin burnett oneonone. Hes campaigning across the country. And now the president sits down with erin to talk about the economy and his plans for a second term. Erin Burnett Outfront the night at seven on cn are the facts. 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Just buy it at foot locker get one free. Just scan the qr code and Enter Promo Code, fal go. It only worked. Im not a satis scream buddy. You still got to land leyen your house now that subway out. So this is pickleball. Pick with etrade for Morgan Stanley were ready for whatever gets served up. You get a whipping chest id rather work on saving for retirement Poole College since youd like to get schooled its pretty good burn right. Did you know taking xyz all at night, relieves allergies while you sleep so you wake refreshed for more productive day get 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade. Be wise old, take Xyz Off At Night for a cause, get started today at accustoming. Com or Scopus Torres was by the absolute peak of his celebrity in olympic heroes, shocking murder trial we learned of a much darker individual. How would really happen with jesse l. Martin sunday at nine on cnn Closed Captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law Mesothelioma Victims call now 30 billion in trust money has been set aside. You may be entitled to a portion of that money. All when 8085920400. Thats when 8085920400 the fight over tiktok is now headed to a courtroom. Tiktok and its trainees Parent Company bytedance, are suing to block that new us law that could force a nation do id be another popular app if its not sold. Tiktok, arguing the new law is quote, obviously unconstitutional and unfairly singles out the vibrant online forum its lawsuit is no surprise after Congress Passed and President Biden sign the new law last month after years of allegations that tiktok could be used to spy on users or two suddenly influenced elections. Siemens clear duffy is covering this forest. Clear. Whats at stake here for tiktok . Yeah, briana, jessica, the stakes for tiktok here are huge. The us is one of tiktok talks a markets, 170 million american users. And the company is claiming in this lawsuit that if the law is allowed to stand, that tiktok will be blocked in the starting in january of next year. So its not surprising to see that tiktok is really coming out swinging in this lawsuit. The company is claiming that this law violates not only tiktok First Amendment rights, but the First Amendment Speech Rights of its users the company is also claiming that while this law technically gives tiktok the option to try to find a new owner that it is essentially a band because its not going to be possible to spin off the us portion of the app from the larger global company. The company says in this lawsuit that the divestiture required by this law, and im quoting here is simply not possible, not commercially, not technically, not legally. And certainly not on the 270 day timeline required by the act. So were really really setting up here, is this interesting court battle . Where the court is going to have to weigh these us National Security concerns over tiktoks argument that this is a violation of the First Amendment i think whats important to note too is that this is not likely to be a one and done decision. I think were almost certain to see an appeal from which ever side loses. So for us, tiktok users, the app is not necessarily going anywhere right away all right. Claire duffy four is interesting two interviewed some of the lawmakers that put this together and they anticipated good this would happen and put it together with doj. In part for this very purpose. So we interested to see how this all Plays Out Cnn learning what to expect when Donald Trumps a please continue their crossexamination of Stormy Daniels tomorrow, plus a change in the strategy for the foreign president s legal team. Weve got new details for you next every week de morning cnn five things has what you need to get going with your day. 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