Source tonight from never trump are two potential Vice President never say never, i guess republican senator j. D. Vance, now, one of Donald Trumps staunchest advocates, not only trying to help him win the white house but also in the running to join in this time, he joins us live in moments and a former president back on the Campaign Trail tonight after being held in contempt for violating his Gag Order Nine Times hes now racing back to new york just to learn if he just violated it. Again also tonight we are tracking the clashes in the crackdowns that are happening on College Campuses across america. Hundreds of protesters have been arrested, and well show you knew exclusive Police Bodycam footage in moments. One of our sources tonight is former new york city mayor bill two block z0 on how his successor is handling it. All. Im Kaitlan Collins and this is the source at long last. There is music to Donald Trumps ears, macho man, and ymca, the hallmarks of his maga rallies, blaring again today as the former president return to the Campaign Trail for the First Time Since his criminal trial began here in new york, trump held rallies and two critical Battleground States that he captured in 2016, but lost in 2020. Michigan and wisconsin. Yet even out on the Campaign Trail, the legal cloud was still hovering over him as you know, ive come here today from new york city where im being forced to sit for days on end in a kangaroo courtroom with a corrupt and conflicted judge, Enduring A Biden Show Trial that i have a judge who gagged me. Im not allowed to talk about things its really just a normal courtroom. Ive been inside of there as trump was sitting at the defense table, and i should note this is not a biden trial. His claims about the judge being corrupt are baseless. But despite his assertion that hes not allowed to talk about this case while he is talking about this case on camera, he is allowed to say everything that you just heard that there attacks on the judge dont fall under the gag order that trump is under, and his return to the Campaign Trail was quite brief, but actually we back here and Court Tomorrow when his Hush Money Trial resumes and brighten early at that before the witness gets back on the stand tomorrow, there will be another hearing on Whether Trump violated his gag order. Again, he was just found to be in Contempt Of Court and find 9,000 for violating the order. Nine different times. The judge and his funding warned that trump could go to jail if he continues to Attack Witnesses and jurors. Trump to and comment on either today, though he did attack President Biden and take credit for restricting Abortion Rights and also, he waited in on the nationwide protests that we are seeing on College Campuses radical extremists and farleft agitators are terrorizing College Campuses. When you see that video of Raging Lunar Texan hamas sympathizers at columbia and other colleges. Now, but when you look at it, i said, did these people come from . Where did they come from and they do come from other countries and they are paid i should note that we have not seen any evidence that protesters are being paid to be on these campuses but while trump was in wisconsin today, he also addressed the question, they open one of who he is considering to be his running mate come november whos ensure, lets doug burgum, tulsi gabbard. Who are you looking at . I mean, all good names were speaking before. All good names, we have article rubio, marcos great. I think hes been great if you want of your tops well hes one of the people i respect my source tonight is also a top contender to be Donald Trumps Vice President ial pick, republican senator of ohio, j. D. Vance vance. Thank you for being here on just what were seeing on College Campuses. Youve been very outspoken about the need for free speech on College Campuses. But i wonder where you believe the line is in defending free speech and denouncing hate speech yeah. Katelyn, the width, right . Think about it. Is that you have a right to free speech. People allowed to speak. But you dont have a right to turn College Campuses in the Garbage Dumps. You dont have a right to prevent other students from ban in class and you dont have the right to commit violence. And so i think its pretty straightforward. Were never going to strike that balance perfectly, but theres clearly, i think an effort in this country to make sure that we have a First Amendment right to speech and at the same time we make sure that students can go to School Without without attacks and sorry, theres a weird echo okay. Maybe its mixed minus. Well see if the control room can stop that because i know how crazy it is when you can hear yourself. But but on that in your home state of ohio, i know republicans led in passing a law protecting free speech on campuses. We saw that students at your alma mater, were arrested even though the newspaper had described it as is pretty much a quiet, peaceful protests. And i just wonder how you see how administrators are handling whats happening there, whats happening, like what we saw at columbia last night here in new york. Yeah. Kayla, nobodys going to strike this balance perfectly and i appreciate you fixed in the audio issued is fixed, but the base the Base Dick Problem here is that you do have some radicals in these protests were committing violence who are preventing students from going to class. And certainly you dont want to arrest people who are just engaging in basic First Amendment speech. But you also want to make sure that people can go to School Safely and that youll College Campuses, which of course are public spaces are not turned into Garbage Dumps by these so i look, im sure that we can find examples of College Administrators being too aggressive and how they police these things. But i also think you can find some pretty good examples of students who are clearly violating the rights of other students and violating the law by engaging in some of these protests. So weve got to strike that balance. I think thats so so far were doing a pretty good job in this country between letting people express their viewpoint, but not not making sure or i should say, making sure that our jewish students and other students are able to go to class without, without infringement kaitlyn, i come at this from a very proisrael perspective. My view on this is that israels our ally, that we should support them but you cant Police People for being antiisrael are proisrael. You cant Police People for violating the law. We have seen some of that with some of these protests. Okay. So you agree that people who break in and vandalize the building should be prosecuted . Exactly. Okay. Im just checking because you did help raise money for people who did so on january 6, which was impeding an official proceeding, breaking into a building that they werent allowed to be in vandalizing the capital caitlin, i know that this is the obsession of the National Media to talk about what happened two years ago, three years ago on january 6 and just seeing if its a Double Standard, let me know. Let me let me answer the question, caitlin and we look, here. Heres my been my basic argue about january 6. If youd beat up a cop, of course, you deserve to go to prison if you violated the law you should suffer the consequences. But there are people who protested on January The 6th who have had the complete weight of the Justice Department thrown at them. When at worst, theyre accused of misdemeanors. Now again, there are people who are accused of war offenses and thats a problem. But you cant have black lives matter protesters who rioted and vandalized goes free when you have people who were actually peacefully protesting on January The 6th, who have the book thrown at them. Thats the Double Standard that im most worried about yeah. I dont think theres an obsession with january 6, but it is a legitimate question and given what you just said, there, and its trump is getting closer to you as hizon Presumptive Republican nominee. He has said he would pardon lets consider a Blanket Pardon for everyone on january 6, are you saying that that shouldnt happen . People who beat up cops should be excluded from that. Well, i think what President Trump has said, and of course he can speak for himself, but i Pay Attention pretty close attention to what he says and i think what the president has said is that people who have this Double Standard applied to them should be pardoned. You shouldnt have the Department Of Justice letting violent offenders walk scotfree and then you have a Misdemeanor Trespassing Case from January The 6th, that person has their life ruined because of the lawfare, the biden ministration, i think thats a totally reasonable standard for the president to apply. Hopefully he does get reelected. And i think frankly there are some innocent people whove been caught up the lawfare, the Vitamin Distillation donald trump included. If were being honest, but the ones who beat up cops, should they be excluded. Certainly if you assaulted a police officer, you should go to prison. And i think thats a pretty broad and agreed standard cross the political spectrum, at least i hope so. I certainly think then my fellow conservatives agree, okay, well see if trump agrees with that. But back to whats happening on these campuses as this has been such a national story, trump, when he was in new york, compared it to what happened in charlottesville and 2017, obviously when neonazis were chanting jews will not replace us. Three people were killed, 35 were injured trumps said that was a little peanut compared to what were seeing right now. Is that an accurate equivalency and your view will look, i think that what youve seen is nationwide antisemitic protests and number of students who have been assaulted, a number of people who have prevented from exercising their constitutional rights. And i think trump is he often does highlights the really ridiculous lets Double Standards that sometimes exist in this country when you had what was coded as a conservative protest that had a lot of antisemites the entire National Media was preoccupied with it, obsessed with it, i would say when you have a series of very often antisemitic protests all across College Campuses. A number of acts of vandalism im somehow all of a sudden the media doesnt care about it. I think its reasonable for the president to draw attention to that. And i agree with them. But what was happening in charlottesville was one of the largest gatherings of White Nationalist and a decade, obviously, whats happening on these campuses, weve seen how its gotten out of control, but a sensibly there they are protesting the war in gaza. I just im curious why theres a need to compare the two. And if you see it that way well, i dont necessarily think theres a need to compare. In fact, id say that President Trump is one of the few people whos actually condemned to both sides. In other words, he condemned the protest and charlottesville to the extent that it got violent, he also noted, honestly that there were Peaceful Protesters and charlotte lets fill two. Hes also condemned the protests that have broken out across our College Campuses. So again, i think that if you actually look at what President Trump has said hes making a reasonable observation that theres a Ridiculous Media Double Standard. But he has i think the courage to condemn acts of antisemitism, whether theyre coming from the perceived right of the received left. I would disagree that its a media Double Standard, but youre a yale educated attorney and i want to get your take on what we saw happen last week. Those immunity arguments before the Supreme Court where trumps team, his attorney argued that a president could order the military to stage a coup and to have their political opponent assassinated and b, immune from prosecution unless this theory that they were impeached and then convicted by the senate. Do you share the view that president s are basically Above The Law look, look, caitlin, i think we do be careful about imputing words into the president s attorneys that they didnt actually say what the presidency what the president s attorneys, so caitlin, to be clear, is that there was a checks and balances system in our constitution. Now some things the president does private acts are liable to criminal penalties, but most of the things that the president doesnt, their official duties. We have a system of impeachment. We have a system of checks and balances. The legislative branch that im a member bro of the Judicial Branch i did not read the president s attorneys is saying that the president could order a coup. The president s attorneys are saying that the constitutional checks and balances system, no node address that problem. I think rights era distinction. But let me stop you right there because i listened to this since john sauer, trumps attorney. And when he was asked by one of the justices if the president could order the military to stage a coup. And what it count as an official act, meaning he couldnt be prosecuted for it. He said it would depend on the circumstances, what circumstances warrant a president ordering the military to stage a coup . Well, first of all, i did say it depends on the circumstances that opens up a whole lot of avenue for contexts there. But more importantly, kaitlan, hes just saying that would count as an official act. There are a number of eight in your view to but can i fit the finish that the answer to the question, caitlin and official act, there are a number of checks and balances in our system theres the impeachment process theres the Budgeting Authority that congress has. There are a number of ways where congress has a check and balance control over the president united states. All hes saying is that the criminal liability procedures that exist in this country dont cover the president s official acts. And by the way, how could anybody disagree with that . Caitlin, should barack obama be prosecuted for killing an american citizen via a drone strike . There are a number of examples in American History where if you apply the standard, the law fair standard of the vitamins ration against donald trump. It would make the presidency impossible to actually execute the law taking Down In The Name Of taking down there, there are political opponent, kaitlan these guys are are really pushing a legal theory that i think would destroy the presidency. Whether democrat or republican was in charge. Well, i dont think jack smiths is running for office, but on what youre saying, youre basically saying that if the president orders the military to stage a coup, you believe the only remediation for that is that he can be impeached or that congress can restrict the budget will kaitlan youre dealing with hypotheticals here that are completely outside the bounds of this particular situation. Donald trump did not order a coup, despite the fact that a lot of media people say that he did on january the 60 encourage people to protest just peacefully. And of course, most people on january 6 did protest peacefully. What im saying is that you have to have some measure of liability for the official acts of presidency of the united states. And the way to create a check and balance on that system is what the constitution prescribes here, you can have prosecutors, many of whom of course course are deeply embedded with the Democratic Party trying to destroy the life of a former president who is now running for president because they think that they have a better argument for what that president should have done. You can have a political disagreement with donald trump and thats totally reasonable. You shouldnt destroy the presidency in the process. And i think thats what a lot of the it must Ration Department of justice is trying to you essentially are agreeing that the president s should not be able to be prosecuted. Let me ask you Something Else because as i mentioned, there is an open question of who donald trump will pick to be his Vice President candidate. We just heard him talking about marco rubio. Youre hosting a fundraiser with him and your home state of ohio later this month. I know so you say that u2 havent discussed the Vice Presidency directly, but you said youd certainly be open to it if he did offer it to you considering that, does it give you any pause whatsoever about taking that job when you see how he treated his last Vice President . While caitlin, first of all, again, i havent talked donald trump about becoming Vice President. I think its important to support President Trump is republicans because i think he was a good president and i think he made the country more prosperous. And i think he made the world more peaceful. What gives me pause, kaitlan is another four years of Bidens Administration where hes open to the borders and where you have effectively a conflict and pager world conflict in nearly every continent in the world. My question was not about President Biden. Its about President Trump. Well, look, its fundamentally about President Biden because if youre comparing the two records of these president s and asking, who do i want to be president . Its very clearly that i want donald trump to be president. And i understand that there lot of things that people like you disagree that he did but i think fundamentally, he was good president. He accomplished a lot for the country. And the question fundamentally for our country is, do we want four more years of joe biden or do we want four more years that peace and prosperity of dollars, that to me is an easy question. The last time i checked President Biden wasnt approval, approving of the chance to hang his Vice President and did not call his Vice President when theyre life was in danger on capitol hill, something that mike pence himself has testified to. So my question is, does it give you any pause to be his Vice President given how he is treated, mike pence caitlin, im extremely skeptical that mike pences life was ever in danger. I think politics and politics, people like to really exaggerate things from time to time a lot of party senator, a lot of folks in the Democratic Party, kaitlan, act as if January The 6th was the scariest moment of their lives. I think look, january 6 was a bad day. It was a riot, but the idea that donald trump endangered anyones lives when he told them to protest peacefully. Its just absurd. And the entire legal basis of this prosecution of donald trump if they wanted to hang him look, caitlin did a few people say some bad things . Sure. But do we blame donald trump for every bad thing thats ever been said by a participant in American Democracy. I think thats an absurd standard. And look, kaitlyn, i know youre worried and i look, i think justifiably so about what about questions about you and look im trying to answer the question. I appreciate if you let me we know that there are threats to American Democracy. I think the biggest threat to American Democracy caitlin, is that the Biden Administration is trying to prevent donald trump from campaigning and taking his case to the american people. Even as hide their own. Thats presiding over that case. It Biden Administration is not preventing donald trump from campaigning. He just did two events tonight. This is this is a really important point, caitlin, who is the number three person from the Biden Department of justice, who went to work for the new york prosecutor just months before he brought this case against donald trump. You cant have people moving from the Biden Administration to prosecute donald trump in new york and say it has nothing to do with the Biden Administration, especially the Biden Administration donor called das offices all the time. Thats not that unusual. Its its pretty unusual lakes who went to yale with you that did that. Its pretty unusual for the number three person in the Department Of Justice to the didnt go to the new york Prosecutors Office to bring a bogus case against donald trump, and then to have the judge presiding over that case to be a donor to biden harris. I think thats pretty unusual. Kaitlan and really is a from your views or anyone elses views about donald trump, this is a real threat to Americans Trust in the legal system if you look at polling, even a lot of folks who are going to vote for joe biden think that the law fare against donald trump is bogus. Were destroying faith in the american system of law and order to try to bring down joe biden since political opponent thats a threat to democracy, its a jury of his peers and indicted him in a jury of his peers that will be that are in that room right now. And well decide this case. Senator j. D. Vance. Thank you for joining us here on the source thanks for having me up next. Maggie haberman is here to talk about that interview. Also the view from trump world about his ongoing trial as he is set to return tomorrow. Also, amid the ongoing chaos that has happened think on College Campuses, were learning more tonight about the influence, the potential involvement of outside agitators and this in questions over what we are hearing from the new york city mayor on that work really work play really. The only three and one extended release formula for dry eyes thank goodness. Design in my bag like a bunch of groceries. 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Vance on everything that is going on and including with that potential question of who trump is going to pick i asked him what he thought about this idea. Weve heard from j. D. Vance on what he would have done if he was Vice President on january 6, he wouldnt have done what mike pence steadies way that clear. But also a question was what he thinks about how donald trump has treated his former Vice President the last time, i checked President Biden, wasnt approval approving of the chance to hang his Vice President and did not call his Vice President when their life was in danger on capitol hill, something that mike pence himself has testified to. So my question is, does it give you any pause to be his Vice President given how he is true . Mike pence caitlin, im extremely skeptical that mike pences life was ever in danger. I think politics and politics people like to really exaggerate things from time to time i disagree with senator my source tonight to react to that New York Times senior Political Correspondent and cnn political analyst mega era. Now trump court watcher. As we were in the courtroom yesterday, im j. D. Vance. He is someone who is there are a lot of names always swirling around for trumps potential Vice President. But j. D. Vance is usually on the top of the list. When you talk to these people in trumps orbit, 100 , theres a lot of people who think that ultimately it will be vance now to be clear, we have no idea what trump is going to do and its a fools errand to try to predict who hes going to choose for anything. But vance is very clearly a top choice and part of it is because of what we just saw in that interview. He is really effective in defending trump on top hello, vision. Now, i think the Secret Service would also disagree that mike pences life was not in danger, but thats a separate issue. Vance is communicating the message that trump wants both on the legal cases and against the media. And so there are a lot of reasons including trumps own personal comfort and chemistry. You know this as well as anybody for trumps so much of what he does with person now comes down to chemistry and interpersonal relationships and he really likes vance he also brought up matthew colangelos there at the end. That is one of the prosecutors on the manhattan district attorneys team when trump was going after him, that was found to be a violation of the gag order, and the gag order was you gotta border was expanded, i should say, to include the people on our braggs team, not alvin bragg, because there was a concern about them being put at risk for implications like that. Trumps got another Gag Order Hearing tomorrow. I mean, i wonder what youre making of how hes reacting to being fined 9,000, not a huge fee for him, but but being told by the judge if you keep doing this, jail is a real possibility. There are some people around him who think that he is intentionally trying to see how far he can go and that he thinks that being jailed will help him even if its for a day most people i talked to who knows pretty well, do not think that he actually really wants to go to jail. Theres i dont think he wants to sit in that courtroom every day. Did people think that jail is going to be a more pleasant experience for him . But i do do you think that we see him often go up and touch the hot stove and then he comes back a little bit and sometimes he goes up again. He is always testing the bounds of what he can get away with. Now, he did take down the Social Media Posts that he was ordered to take down yesterday. He did not. As you note, Attack Witnesses or people connected to the case, relatives of the core to cetera, at his rallies today. But well see what happens Going Forward. Trump doesnt even like to stay in hotel rooms. I remember on foreign trips when he was president , he didnt even like staying and other hotel rooms. But on the courtroom itself, you and i were both in their urine the row in front of me yesterday watching its really fascinating to be inside that courtroom and to see it. Theres no cameras, but to actually see it with you your own eyes and to watch trumps demeanor as people like Keith Davidson are testifying about Negotiating Hush Money Payments on Stormy Daniels is behalf with him. Yesterday was very tense in that courtroom, and there have been some days that have been ten, some days have been pretty lax. Yesterday was very tense for a couple of reasons the testimony that youre talking about, you hit Keith Davidson, the lawyer for Stormy Daniels during that time period of october 2016 just reading to validate these Text Exchanges with Michael Cohen or with dylan howard, the ami executive, who he was working with and they were really, really damaging about trump with his middle hello, son sitting behind him in the courtroom and a followings of eggs aides that the Texas Attorney general, ken paxton was there, David Mcintosh from the club for growth, was there this was unusual to watch and trump deals with it. Sometimes he is sleeping. I know theres this huge Sleeping Debate but but yes, im sorry, debate of our time. Right . Its most important thing of the trial and i mean that in no way, but sometimes he is sometimes he is sleeping. That is 100 true. Ive seen it people around him have confirmed to me that he has been sleeping at times that we have said he is. However sometimes he is closing his eyes and ive talked to people around him about this too, because that is how he tries to just basically stay calm and and deal with it and whether that then leads to sleep or whatever, who knows, but he is sitting there with his eyes closed for long periods of time. Its not always sleeping. Yeah. I noticed this because hes very clearly awake, but his eyes are closed for a minute at a time. Thats more as Keith Davidson or the witnesses is answering. Its like he doesnt want to hear what theyre saying. I think its i think it is apart Ventilation Method and hes pretty good at Compartmentalizi Ng and i know youll be back in the courtroom tomorrow. Maggie haberman, Great Reporting as always. Thank you up. Next, we have new exclusive video here tonight on cnn of the arrest of protesters at columbia university. Is this from the body cams . The Police Officers as they were going into the building to arrest them. New york citys former mayor build the bellagio is here to weigh in his take on how his predecessor has been handle it as successor. I should note, has been handling the unrest cnn central tomorrow. Thats seven eastern businesses go further with 5g solutions. Thats why they choose tmobile business. Pga of america in tmobile for partnering on five gene powered analytics to help improve player performance. Tmobiles Network Helps aaa they stay connected nationwide to give their members back on the road. And las vegas, grand prix joes tmobile to help Fuel Operations for one of the Worlds Largest racing event now is the time to see what americas largest by gene network can do for your business from Meat Free Monday to sunday though many ways to save my friday, while it happy, but 3605 by Whole Foods Market challengers is the number one movie in america. Youre saying, i should be flattered 63. And hilarious why my your car because youre stupid, youre stupid. I know. 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Last night is police retook columbia universitys Hamilton Hall the propalestinian protesters inside crackdown that you are seeing here where hundreds of protesters were rusted is exactly why new york city mayor eric adams has come under scrutiny. He has been defending the citys response, including on cnn here tonight we need to be clear on this. I received a letter from the school, and in the letter from the school that asked us to come in, they said it was a Clear And Present Danger and that they had outside individuals who were on the grounds participate in this activity. So it was not only our observation from our intelligence division, but it was also to School Officials who asked us to step in may or adams is saying that many of the 280 protesters arrested last night were outside agitators which students at columbia are pushing back on when nypd came in, they push all press away from from where we were so they couldnt document anything and then the ambush, they tackled us, they beat us and i want to also highlight that majority of the protestors, there last night where a young woman were Young College woman from marginalized communities kennedys i should know, ill see you in an has not been given a breakdown of how many outsiders they say were arrested at columbia last night, we are getting numbers from New York University School Officials there say less than half of those arrested at protests on campus last week. Were students and Staff Members were still trying to figure out the numbers from last night joining me now here to discuss is forward new york city mayor built of lazio. And they are obviously, you know, exactly the role and the position that eric adams is now wind. What do you make of how he has been handling this . Isnt how you would handle it. Yeah. I think he did the right thing. Look, you cant have protests turned into violence. You just cant allow happen i respect protesters, Peaceful Protesters who are saying they want a change in us policy, for example, thats legitimate freedom of speech. But when you start taking over buildings, destroying property create an atmosphere that bluntly is threatening to a lot of other fellow students and extremely disruptive thats the point where something has to be done yeah. But i think there was a question about his his claim about the outside agitators and the only reason its been questioned and raised is because before they went in, this is kind of what he had said was the rationale for going in some of the people though that hes saying were there, so they werent there in recent days . At least two of the women, one of them says she wasnt there. Another says she was a 63yearold that was oncampus and shes the one who is known to go to a lot of protests is an, is an activist. I mean, if youre in leadership when you say things like that matters, yes. Of course. But kaitlan der has been a trend in recent years to a small group but protesters who are willing to use violence, we saw this in the 2020 protests. We saw all over the country. I was talking to mayers all over the country in that very, very tense moment. Vast majority of people were peacefully protesting. But there was a subset that were willing to use violence. We saw the riots. I mean, we just heard senator j. D. Vance talking about and unfortunately, you could have five people, ten people, 20 people who Poison The Well for everyone else. But the minute you introduce violence, its incumbent upon leaders to step in and bring back peace and order to situation. And by the way, i would say the protesters, ive been a protester myself over the years. If you let folks were going to commit violence into your ranks. You actually undermine your own cause. So i respect the students who are lifting their voices and acting nonviolently. But they actually have responsibility to make sure that everyone in their movement comports themselves peacefully, isnt fascinating to watch how your party has been handling this different democrats, obviously not a monolith handling this differently. Congresswoman ilhan omar, was asked about these protests in recent days when she was on capitol hill and i just want you to hear what she said about jewish students on College Campuses and a comment from this weekend i think it is really unfortunate that people dont care about the fact that all jewish kids should be kept safe and that we should not have to tolerate and tie semitism or bigotry for all jewish students, whether they are pro genocide or anti genocide genocide or antigen is horrible terminology. And ive disagreed with the Congress Member before i disagree with her using those words. But i will say there are a lot of students who feel afraid. I know plenty of jewish students around this country feel afraid right now and theyd been exposed to clearly antisemitic language thats not everyone is protesting. Again, i believe most people are protesting are trying to raise legitimate concerns about whats happening in the region and calling for peace. I want peace two, i want this war to end. But we have to be clear. Theres language being used. And i think some of its on each side we saw what happened in ucla as well. The minute you use threatening language, the minute use exclusionary language, islamophobia, antisemitism. Thats not progressive, thats not democratic, that should not be loud. And i think College Campuses have a right to crack down on that kind of situation because it creates an atmosphere of threat. Remember, these universities have responsibility to keep their kids safe and ensure that they feel safe, that they can go about their education, not expecting to be confronted in a way that could be physically threatening. And so right now, i would say as a democrat, as a progressive, we need to come to grips with this. We need to be very blunt democrat should embrace that. We do not allow any violence, any antisemitism, islamophobia, and i think if we dont do that, the republicans are going to weaponize this issue for the fall election i would further say, if you care about this country from my perspective, you care about joe biden being elected. Then lets stop fooling around here. We have to condemn any kind of violence, any kind of exclusion you cant have any tolerance for antisemitism, for example, it will Poison The Well politically and morally former new york city mayor build walls you thank you for joining us here on set tonight. Up next, you know, speaking of how republicans are using this, youve seen donald trump blaming them on President Biden, who has also been pretty quiet about this issue. 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Im Melanie Zanona in washington and this is cnn the former president has made clear in his Public Comments that he sees these images of police arresting College Students by the dozens amid these nationwide protests as good for him politically they wanted to one of the big buildings are beautiful landmark building. Boy, that got it, got the hell beat, not have had last night. It was a beautiful thing to watch new yorks finest those comments that a pattern that we have seen from donald trump. Weve heard from his own former defense secretary, mark esper, who wrote in his book, a sacred oath about trump, asking, can you just shoot them about george floyd demonstrators the way trump talks about protests is harken back to a racist history that we have seen in this Country Police brutality including when trump wants tweeted, when the looting starts to shooting starts even when the protests was peaceful and the sidelines of a football game, trump wanted those nfl, nfl players removed what do you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say get that son of a off the field right now meanwhile, the person in the oval office, right now, President Biden has said quite little about the unrest that we are seeing on campuses. The white house today tried to answer questions about his relative silence by saying no president has been more forceful about combatting antisemitism than he has here to talk about all of tonight. Cornell William Brooks it, ceo of the nwa cp and a professor and david from a staff writer for the atlantic. And if former speechwriter for president George W Bush and david, let me start with you because biden has been quite silent about this. I mean, neither was that one moment on earth day where he was asked and he had this statement that even some democrats believed was a bit ambivalent. And i just wonder do, is this a moment for the president to be speaking out more in your view . Well lets bracket something. You set this up by introducing remarks or from former President Donald Trump, who incited the worst violent attack on the authority of the us federal government. The worst domestic violent attack on the authority of the Us Government since the civil war. So he doesnt doesnt have any standing here. But the issue for President Biden is one of whether hes going to seem firm or week the Great Question. There are two Great Questions at haunt each of the two parties. Great question, but any republican leader is, are you uncaring and republicans have to constantly reassure people that they can have humanity that they care, and they have respect that they regard. They have an understanding of the quality of all americans. The Great Question a fairly or unfairly over democrats is always, are they too weak to stand up against the forces of disorder in society . So President Biden doesnt have an 80 semitism probably exactly because everyone understands that he stood with israel. He stands with the jewish people. Hes got a long record of that. The question is, will he enforce authority both against the kind of violent rioters who talks . Capital, both against the violent rioters who were attacking campuses. Not that those are equally important because obviously attacking the government is worse than attacking the campus. But they are the same psychology and he has to stand for law in all cases against all challengers to cornell. I wonder how you see that and what the president s role in and speaking out on this is i would very much agree with david that President Biden has a history of standing with the jewish community, standing with israel, and standing against antisemitism where i, my different is that President Biden is looking to cross the landscape america, and hes problem and take note of the fact that there are many protests, many demonstrations overwhelmingly nonviolent. And hes looking at College Campuses where sure. There are people who had engaged in bobs who have taken over buildings. With Law Enforcement has hedging respond but there are moments where you can question how theyre responding when they should respond who, what else can we do to prevent these kinds of eruptions of violence . And hes looking across the country and i suspect that he would much rather not make a Bumper Sticker response, rather respond thoughtfully, carefully in a way thats tailored to the place we find and ourselves as a country and so im not sure if its silence or is it being thoughtful as opposed to what weve heard from the former president , david, i wonder one thing weve also heard, and thats a really good point. Cornell about the comparison here. But i wonder we also are here in comparisons to 1968 and i wonder how you view that david i think its nonsense. Look, many of the rioters have seen youtube videos of 1968 and think they know the history, but the police have actually learned from the history and this is one of the reasons i wrote for the atlantic. Why i think theyre the small cadre of really violent people who imagined disrupting the Democratic Convention are kidding themselves. The 1968 Convention Security was provided by an unprofessional overly emotional bigoted Chicago Police force under local control modern conventions are National Security special events. Security is provided by the secrets the federal government provides about 50 to each convention for security. Its directed at both conventions by the Secret Service. They can call, uh, not only the resources of that particular city, but the whole state and indeed the resources of the federal government, including the Department Of Defense and the coast guard up the cities on the water. I was at the 2004 Republican Convention at the peak of anti iraq war mobilization, a much bigger protest movement. And this on campus with much wider social support, their 1,800 arrests in 2004, it did not disrupt the Republican Convention that year because the police were able to enforce perimeters and with all of these demonstrations the key to lawful peaceful protest is for the police to be clear. Heres, heres where the boundary is. If youre on this side of the fence and if you follow certain rules on attack people, you can speak. If you cross the perimeter, we arrest you yeah i mean its a big question and cornell also, i mean, just saying this Going Forward final word from you on that sure. Lets take note. Knew this the past e is a lesson book. It is not a neuron. So when we look at 1968, we look at columbia, we looked cornell and 1969, Jackson State and qin State University in 1917, the lessons are that when the police com, again with the National Guard comes in, we cant always predict what will happen. Students may be killed, students may be hurt bystanders. Maybe her. So the lessons of the past is we need to be thoughtful he to be careful but it, the past is not a mirror. The Student Protests and demonstrations up to are not nearly as large as they were a generation ago, or even two years ago. So this is a moment where out of concern and caution four jewish students, but students more generally, we all have a role to play. Its not merely a matter of when we call in the police and what they do. This also, what College Administrators do up until the point of acquiring a great president ial candidates in all of us as commentators other words, lets think about this way. When i think about students is not immediately demonstrators today, but as citizens of tomorrow. And lets say by them, and help them improve this two models. Yeah, its a Great Question. Well see what it looks like Going Forward. Cornell brooks, david from thank you both as one of the most restrictive Abortion Laws in the nation is going to get into effect today in florida, Vice President Kamala Harris was there blaming former President Donald Trump . Youll want to hear her comments right after a quick break switch to shopify. 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Plus they have front and rear pockets, including a hidden zip security bucket, try sketches the affordable Go Walk Pants Lawmakers in arizona voted tonight to throw out a neartotal abortion ban from the civil war era in that key battleground state, just three weeks after we saw the Supreme Court there and that state revive it. Today, also in florida, one of the most restrictive Abortion Laws in the nation went into effect. Vice president harris was in jacksonville today and she blamed one person by name for it all across our nation we witness a fullon Assault State by state on reproductive freedom and understand who is to blame . Former President Donald Trump did this and ashley alzeitoun, Margaret Hoover are both here with me and ashley. I just wonder what you thought of the how how the administration has been using Vice President harris and deploying her very specifically to florida, the day this ban he went into effect. I think its important this sixweek law, let me be clear which i will just sell the right to say i want to win. Well say use that word that it is basically a ban at six weeks is most women dont even know theyre pregnant at that point. I think its important that the Vice President continues to go not just a Battleground States, but even to states that are judicious usually more conservative like a kansas or a montana, where those restrictions are playing are going into effect as well, and voters are standing up and saying thats not the way we want our government to be in our doctors and making decisions about our lives. So this is not just a battleground issue. State this is a state that is affecting women and families across the country. And so its really important that the Vice President s voice and the president s voice are being used in the campaign, but also in the administration to protect reproductive justice. And free florida because although neighboring states also have similar restrictive laws in arizona, though, when theyre voting to repeal that civil war era near theyre bad. Only two republicans broke with their party and voted with democrats to do so. And it was, it was the a same very, very small vote in the house of representatives, even though week before and the state house, they did. I think it were three republicans in the state house. Of course, they only have a one vote majority in both of those houses. So its enormously close and i thank thats the answers the stakes are so high for republicans and for arizona, i think the trump team breathes a sigh of relief tonight. Actually, because this was catalyzing and going to catalyze so much mobilization of new voters in arizona it probably still well because abortion will probably still be ill let amendment in arizona, but it wont probably have the thrust of energy that it would have had if there had been a neartotal ban on abortion, except for the life of the mother. Come november, whats also created a rift among republicans of allregion supported this, or do we want it to stay in . Yeah. I just think i know that they did this act, but for the next 90 days womens still wont have access to reproductive justice, but the important thing is that theyre doing it right now for politics because they dont want to lose the election. What happens after the election . Thats what voters need to Pay Attention to and keep that Energy Around for november well see what it looks like. Of course, administration, taking full advantage of it. Actually, ill send over great to have you both here on set tonig

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