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Oh, my gosh. All right. With that, thanks to our panel. Thanks to you for joining us. Im casey. Dont go anywhere. Cnn news central starts right now her falling Breaking News overnight, a devastating earthquake hits taiwan. Dozens of people now, just rescued after being trapped in collapsed tunnels, at least nine people are dead, hundreds more injured. And we have new video of how it all played out breaking overnight signs of special counsel jack smith has had enough of the judge overseeing the maralago documents case, a scathing filing. It could be seen as a first step to try to get her removed from the case. Chaos swirling around donald trump social Media Company, a new lawsuit against two former apprentice contestants connected the truth social. Zara is out today. Im john berman im going with kate baldwin, Cnn News Central starts right now lets get straight to the Breaking News overnight, 75 people trapped inside the tunnels. They have now just been rescued after earthquake hits taiwan. The strongest earthquake to hit taiwan in 25 years. Were going to show you, follow this video, showing a cloud of dust. You can see just settling in as the earthquake caused a massive landslide, the epicenter of the 7. 4 magnitude quake. It was a mountainous area on the east coast of the island. So far, the Death Toll Stands at, at least nine more than 800 people also have been wounded, were staying very closely to try to attack, track that the quake hit during the Morning Commute and look at this. Theres dash camera video just capturing traffic coming to a standstill. Is it all happens in the highway very clearly beginning to shake. And then theres also this one man, he was a rooftop Swimming Pool when it all started. And you can see the massive waves there were caused by the tremors were also getting a look of how it unfolded inside one television studio. Watch this very from so scary no matter what the angle is that were showing you here from all of this video. Lets get right over two. Cnns hanako montgomery, whos tracking all of this for us from tokyo. A. Hanako, latest hi kate. I mean, yeah. Like you saw there really, really alarming footage coming out of taiwan. This morning local time. So as you mentioned, we know that at least nine people were left dead and more than 900 people were actually left injured because of this very powerful earthquake. And the subsequent when two aftershocks. We also know that of the nine people who died, all of them were killed in quality and county where it was very close to the epicenter and actually where most of the significant damage has been taking place. And just for context, a Collin County is located on the eastern coast of taiwan. Its very popular tourist destination. Its also rural area. And coincidentally where most of taiwans earthquakes actually occur. So we also know that 56 people were trapped in kuala and county. Originally that number was up to 130 but Rescue Operators were able to rescue all the people trapped in those tunnels to safety. Now, in terms of the rest skew operations, the time when hes Defense Ministry has dispatched military troops to coincide and to work with a local governments, try to get people to safety, get them out from underneath the rubbles of their homes and buildings. This is really common protocol that you see in taiwan when you, see a Natural Disaster of this magnitude, military troops do with local governments to try to get people again to safety. But one thing that was actually affecting Disaster Relief efforts today were the damaged roads. You saw a main highway from taipei, the capital of taiwan, to fallen county, actually, a partially destroyed so military troops had to use some aircrafts to get to that part of the island. Now, we also have to remember the context of this, of this earthquake it happened just a day before tomb sweeping day, which in the chinese Speaking World is a day when people visit their, their ancestors graves and give them offerings. And remember their loved ones. But of course, for many people full in taiwan, those plants have been disrupted as they have to deal with the rubble and the aftermath of the most powerful earthquake. Theyve seen in the last 25 years, kate this terrifying as were watching this video much more to come, youre going to stay close to it. Thank you so much. Hanako, john, yeah, just remarkable images there. There was a Tsunami Warning in place, actually several in several countries they have since been lifted. Lets get the latest from urologists elisa raffa, at least. What can you tell us this morning . Yeah. Thankfully those were lifted on this morning, but yeah, tracking those massive seven Point Magnitude earthquake, just offer the east coast, they are of taiwan that was pretty shallow. We are finding we seen on the video all the structural damage, landslides, a lot of these buildings have heavy wood frame in construction. Some of the aftershocks have been as much as six point in magnitude. So with the buildings kind of already loosen their foundation from the first earthquake. Its not going to take much in those aftershocks to cause further damage. Now, of magnitude seven point on the Richter Scale for an earthquake is very rare worldwide. We only average about 15 per year. Thats across the world to get something this intense. And they are most common in this area of the world. We call it the ring of fire because thats where nearly 450 of our volcanoes, 90 of the worlds earthquakes all happened in this area. And thats because thats where we have the edge of two massive Tectonic Plates meeting. And when those plates start to move and shake and rub up against each other, thats when you have these massive earthquakes. And this is the ring of fire. Look at where it goes up the west coast of the us, and then all across eastern asia and south eastern asia. And this is exactly where we see most of the worlds earthquakes in this ring of fire. So taiwan kind of where its situated it is prone to these massive earthquakes, though they are a pretty rare now in the cleanup for the next three days, we are looking at some showers possible over to taiwan, which isnt good for rescue crews and for cleanup. Were looking at showers. Temperature is about average a little bit above average in the middle and upper 70s with the rain by thursday and into friday and saturday, which again could be a problem with rescue crews and trying to clean up some of this damage and you can see the showers that really roll off of mainland of china there as we go through the next couple of days through today, through thursday, friday, and going into the weekend. So thats something that the rescue crews will have to contend with, but aftershocks continue, thats seven Point Magnitude was the first one, and well have to keep watching these aftershocks and how they can already kind of rock vulnerable structures that are already fallen and the damage is already there. So something that well have to keep watching through the day today, john, when youve already lived through a major earthquake like that, the aftershocks can be two more terrifying. Elisa raffa, thank you very much, kate. So while you were sleeping, special counsel jack smith is now confronting judge Aileen Cannon, questioning her moves in the Classified Documents case, why hes arguing her Jury Instruction Request is based on a fundamentally flawed legal premise a new president ial pulling out this morning shows donald trump leading President Biden, and six of seven swing states. Wisconsin Warning Signs today and theyre surging and popularity. But what are the risks . What experts are concerned now about Nicotine Pouches . Well be back if you work in spaceflight this is the worst thing that can Space Shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn so would you get to Nashville Hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders . What about you . Three classic tenders for but a flash ribbon for the baby . No is it always a competition . I am the shrimp buck which like are we operating asking the right question can greatly impact your future . Sure. 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Get started for 49. 99 a month plus ask how to get up to an 800 prepaid card. Dont wait call today. For just nine teen dollars get your Viewing Glasses ready and experience so rare, it wont happen again for another two decades. Joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies, eclipse across america, live monday at one on cnn or streaming on macs are breaking overnight in extraordinary filing by special counsel jack smith blasting judge Aileen Cannons, Jury Instruction Request in the maralago Classified Document lets case. Smiths said the judges order reflected a quote, fundamentally flawed understanding of the case. Before her that has no basis in law or fact with this. Now, cnn senior legal analyst, former us assistant us attorney for the Southern District of new york, elie honig. Elie, this has to do judge Aileen Cannon asked both the prosecution and the defense and to write hypothetical Jury Instructions on the issue of whether the maralago documents were in fact personal property. Donald trumps property in the filing judge, the special counsel, jack smith wrote, quote, the court should be aware at the outset that the trumps entire effort to rely on the pra, the president ial records act is not based on any facts. It is a posttalk justification that was concocted more than a year after he left the white house the special counsel also writes there is no basis in law or fact for that legal presumption in the court should reject trumps effort to invent one as a vehicle to inject the president ial records act into this case. What do you see their ally . Well, john jack smiths frustration really just jumps off the page in this brave that by the way, classifies as a prosecutorial temper tantrum. I mean, usually prosecutors are very just the facts very deferential to a judge. And here we see jack smith really expressing his frustration at the judge the source of his frustration is that judge cannon has expressed a real willingness to entertain and perhaps introduced to the jury this defense that donald trump has raised based on the president ial records act and jack smiths response, and we can break it down a bit more as we go ahead here. But his response basically boils down to its a falsity as a matter of fact, this never happened. Trump never properly designated the documents. And second of all, even if he had it fails legally. So jack smith has had it and you can sense that in this brief and in ascii, in this brief for the judge to rule specifically on this matter. Now, why is that significant so this is a really important point. What jack smiths says in this brief is if youre going to rule against us, if youre going to entertain this defense and potentially instruct the jury on this defense. We need to know now because we may well appeal you. Hes going to appeal if he loses, but hes being polite about it. He says we may well appeal you theres a really important reason for that, john, once a case goes to a jury, even if the jury gets legally flawed instructions, when the jury comes back, if they come back with an acquittal with a not guilty verdict, theres nothing a prosecutor can do. A prosecutor cannot appeal a not guilty verdict. So what jack smith is saying here is, were worried that you may make a mistake here that may lead to a not guilty verdict. And then therell be nothing we can do. So if youre going to do this, tell us now and will appeal you. Does it stop with the idea of keeping the door open for an appeal or is this also possibly a first step in a real longshot effort to get her removed from the case yeah. So thats possible. It is extraordinarily rare, but there is a procedure for this and it can happen sometimes where prosecutors will ask a judge or will ask an Appeals Court to remove a federal judge from a case. Now you have to be really careful about when and why you do that as a federal prosecutor first while its a pretty precipitous move. Second of all, if you lose, you have a kind of awkward scenario where youve asked the judge to be kicked off and then theyre not its supposed to be reserved for cases where the judge has made repeated errors that events some sort of bias. Now, judge cannon did rule in favor of donald trump before this case was indicted, youll remember the special mask mr. Issue, and she got reversed by the court of appeals there. And so its possible i think unlikely, but possible that if the judge rules against doj here, they may take that sort of extreme step of asking her to step aside. Elie honig. Great to see you. And again, w gonna talk much more abo this. This has to do with the cla that these records thatere at maralagoere personal operty. Trump argues just because he had them there. They were personal prerty. Ie honig, great to see you this morning mu more iscu so one of the top watchdogs of Congress Called Itput In E Cagory of lls that are going absohere. A new ssnal Pral To Crea A donald j. Trump airport then paper towels, pigs in a blanket, and now ozempic costco, making the new wildly popular oh, weight loss drugs like ozempic available. Why the big move . And how this is the big dam. Its great to the music, the magic its time to dance while you can eat it kane, who that theres always a first feel on a subway out. 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Yeah i felt pick a free shot sure get all stayed save money. Id be protected from like me laundry, mom weighty a Friday Kids Home at Morgan Stanley old school hard work, meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you togoal, a 700 cre score. Join me at time. Com Space Shuttle columbia, The Final Flight Mere Sunday at nine on cnn Total Eclipse mania is in full swing. Friends, people finalizing travel plans, looking for their clips, save glasses, very fashionable, and checking the weather and hoping for clear skies and a clear view candida. Here lets go through some of whathe mania is a about and the lel its reacng. Nadas Niagara Reon Hasow even declared a State Of Emergency to prepare for the influx of tourists expected for mondays big event. In new york, a group of Prison Inmates have filed a lawsuit to gain access to watch the eclipse. This is after the States Department of corrections announced that all prisons would be locked down during the solar event due to safety concerns the sixth inmates are arguing that the eclipse is a religious event and one, they must quote witness, and reflect on to observe their fates moving on. If you are able to watch and watch it all happen according to nasa,ou should wear a set of Eclipse Glasses that compli witinternational safety standards. The term you should be looking for is iso compliant, and these are glasses that are thousands of times darker than standa sunglasses. And this matters because because staring directly at the sun as a reminder, even during an eclipse is not a safe thing to do you can also catch it. All right here on z and n, seed has special live coverage of the eclipse begins monday at 1 00 p. M. Eastern. And you can catch it streaming on max john, new concerns this morning about the wildly popular xin nicotine pouch, the small pouches or nicotine or packaged and container similar to mince and they come in flavors like citrus, cinnamon, and coffee, and they look an awful lot like candy, seen as Jacqueline Howard is with us now, what are the concerns here, jacqueline . Well, john, one major concern we still dont have Much Research or data on these Nicotine Pouches. So there is a debate here on one hand, these pouches are marketed for adults ages 21 and older who have a history of using nicotine. So some users use them to help you quit smoking but on the other hand, like you said, theyre packaged to kind of look like candy and theres concerns about making them accessible to children. And at a young age, if a teenager starts using Nicotine Pouches, they can develop a nicotine addiction. So what we know about Nicotine Pouches, they are tobaccofree and the way that that you use them, they are put between the cheek and the gum and you kind of hold them in your mouth and you do it does provide nicotine, so you do get doses of nicotine and theyre easily hidden in the mouth when theyre used. But that nicotine that it provides, thats a concern among health experts. We know know that nicotine is associated with cardiovascular effects. Theres concerns about holding these pouches in your mouth. The impact it could have on your dental health. And of course we know nicotine is addictive. So there are those Health Concerns as these products become more popular, especially among younger ages. But again, on the other hand, theres the argument you meant that these products may be used among older adults who are trying to quit smoking. So you see this debate going on here, john all right, watching this closely, Jacqueline Howard. Thanks. Very much. And kate do not look directly in the sun do not that was my afternoon plans all gone out the window dont stare at Me Then John Wisconsin Ward exons what both President Biden and donald trump need to take away from what voters had to say last night. And first he fired them and now he is suing that donald trump is going after two former contestants on The Apprentice over their shares in his Media Company money this morning brought to you by e trade from Morgan Stanley, draped Michigan Free today, wed know account minimums power e trades awardwinning trading app makes trading easier with its customizable options chain, easy to use tools and pay for trading to help sharpen your skills you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are etrade from Morgan Stanley power e trades easy to use tools may complex trading less complicated custom scans hope you find new trading opportunities. While an Earnings Tool helps you plan your trades and stay on top of the market. 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It is better than blocking food and medicine civilians, it is better than killing aid workers who had coordinated their movements with the Israel Defense forces. The death of the world Central Kitchen staff has sent shockwaves around the world. President biden said, he is outraged over the incident now available at costco ozempic prescriptions for 179. The Bulk Retailers offering customers a three month Health Program hey, with the ability to prescribe the medications, Including Ozempic and wegovy, costco says the program was developed after customers began asking for weightloss help new proposal by House Republicans to rename Washington Dulles International airport after donald trump. They want to call donald j. Trump international airport. Now, jake sherman, our friend from punchbowl rice. You can file this under bills that will go absolutely okay. Hes a good judge of that one theres also this this morning, the Wall Street Journal has a new president ial poll out today and it shows President Biden trailing donald trump in six of seven swing states in this snapshot in time, just last night, Battleground Wisconsin gave another Warning Thousands of democratic voters casting Protest Votes over bidens handling of israels war against hamas. More than 45,000 people in wisconsin voted uninstructed. Thats the terminology in a sign of protest. Thats more than twice the margin that biden had in winning that state in 2020 cnns jeff zeleny is in madison, wisconsin. Hes got much more on this. Jeff is the Biden Campaign worried about what ive read today good morning kate well of course they are. And its just because of the sheer numbers. Look at the clear Warning Signs here for both sides. Lets start with President Biden. You mentioned that uninstructed vote, a pretty extraordinary number. Its now up to almost 48,000. Democrats yesterday voting uninstructed. What does that mean . It means that they are choosing using to send delegates without instruction to the Democratic National convention this summer in chicago practically it does not mean that much, but symbolically, it absolutely does. Its yet one more example in a string of examples weve seen in virtually every primary this year, a protest vote against the Biden Administrations gaza the policy. So that certainly is interesting there. Dean phillips also getting a share of the vote. The question is, what do these voters do in november . Do they stick with President Biden . Do they not vote . Do they Vote Third Party . That is something that the Biden Campaign is a worrying about and has to work on. Its one of the reasons president , by just coming right here to madison on monday to try and start rebuilding some of those old levels of support in his coalition. That is key to him winning in november. But on the trump side, these results also very interesting yesterday, this primary is long over, but look at the support for nikki haley look at the support for governor ron desantis. Hes been out of the race for several months. So clearly there are still signs in the republican primary that republicans are not rallying to donald trump. Of course, his core basis so significant worry for both a presumptive nominees to rebuilding their coalitions and their basis, they need to win thats why here in wisconsin, there are worries on both sides of what a Third Party Candidate would do in this race. Robert f. Kennedy, jr. And others, will he siphoned support perhaps from both of these candidates . Youll remember the margins here in wisconsin so, so close in 2016, donald trump won the state by about 23,000 votes joe biden won the state by 21,000 votes. Back in 2020. So thats why the shear ram after this absolutely worries both campaigns. K1 so if bidens handling and dissatisfaction with bidens handling in response to israels war against hamas is part of the large part of whats driving this protest vote that we saw last night. We did see President Bidens speak out with some of his harshest language, adding criticizing israel in after that Deadly Strike we did. And this is something that you wonder if it will mark a turning point. We do not know that, but its certainly is different. And heres why, because jose andres, who runs the world Central Kitchen, is a friend of President Bidens. So the white house made clear yesterday President Biden reached out to jose andres had a private conversation about this tragedy in gaza and the white house released a very strong statement about this. So certainly there has been a break weve seen from month to month to month in some Policy Changes between the administration, at least speaking out against benjamin netanyahu. But will this cause for more of a break or more calls for ceasefire . This is something absolutely a dynamic situation that will be a watching but its a Foreign Policy matter, of course but there are domestic political concerns about that as well, because these underlying concerns about the the treatment of aid workers and others and just innocent civilians dying. That is what is fueling this uninstructed or uncommitted vote . Here in wisconsin and elsewhere, kate its great that youre there, jeff. Thank you so much. John all right. Knew this morning Donald Trumps vitriolic comments risked provoking violence that is the new warning from a Group Representing trial lawyers. They say his attacks on judges and lawyers are quote, dangerous and put our very democracy at risk. Overnight, trump took some jabs at judges and attorneys while he was campaigning in swing states. But the main focus of his fury immigration, he continues to use dehumanizing language, saying migrants are animals and not humans. And he railed against what he is calling President Bidens Border Bloodbath Scene still if qatar know with us this morning in those wars, that Phrase Bloodbath in particular, is now central to the Trump Campaign thats right, john clearly making immigration of focal point of his campaign earlier this campaign cycle, he accused on migrants of quote poisoning the blood of the country. Heres what he had to say last night the democrat said, please dont call them animals, say humans. I said theyre not yemens tonight. Yeah. Is there animals . Nancy pelosi told me that she said, please dont use the word animals or when youre talking about these people, i said, ill use the word animal because thats what they are trump went on to say that these undocumented migrants are quotes wrecking our country clearly demonstrating that he intends to make the us, Mexico Border and issue. And every battleground including in the midwest, he was in michigan and wisconsin yesterday, the Biden Campaign in michigan pointing out that trump has stood in the way of progress and by port bipartisan talks to fix the border, including adding a Border Patrol agents, something that even members of his own party have supported in that legislation that he helped rally support against. It was also interesting to note there was a moment yesterday for trump highlighted the case in michigan of a woman named ruby garcia, who was allegedly killed by an undocumented individuals. She was in a romantic relationship. Trump claiming that he had spoken with members of her family well, the sister of that victim telling a local Television Station that that wasnt the case . That no one in her family that she knew of had spoken to trump saying, quote, it was kind of shocking to hear him suggests that john thats interesting. All right. Steve contorno with this reporting. Thank you very much okay. So donald trump is also tangled up in a new legal battle this morning. He is suing two cofounders of his newly Public Company trump media, saying that they dont deserve to receive there shares which are now worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Those two cofounders also former contestants on The Apprentice, cnns matt egan has much more on this map. What has led up to this . Well, this is just the latest legal twist and what has already been a feed bonanza for the legal profession. Essentially, whats happening is the founders of truth, social theyre fighting amongst themselves over how big of a steak theyre going to get in a company that is now valued in the billions of dollars, even though two socials user account is shrinking and the basically generates almost no revenue at all. So whats happened here is, as you mentioned, its not just cofounders up to social. Former contestants of The Apprentice, the show that helped fuel Donald Trumps rise. Theyre named in this lawsuit. Trump media basically says that these two individuals, Andy Litinsky and west mosque, that they fumbled the launch of this company and they want a judge to zero out their stake in this newly Public Company that would ascend actually wipe out gains of around a half 1 billion, at least on paper. Let me read you from this lawsuit. Trump media says, quote, Mohsen Litinsky failed spectacularly at every turn. They failed to get the Corporate Governance established. They made a series of reckless and wasteful decisions at a critical time that caused significant damage to tmtg, which is trump media. Now the lawsuit goes on to claim that these two were riding president trumps coattails, and that without trump, truth, social would have been impossible. Now, weve reached out for comment from the firm that represents litinsky and moss. Lawyers are declining to comment, but we should know that they filed a lawsuit of their own, moss and litinsky against donald trump, alleging that he tried to dramatically water down their stake in this company. Listened his legal fight goes on, and hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars are at stake. Your kid, you not were not joking moos. Feed bonanza trump medias share price has been on a wild ride. Youve been tracking it. What is the latest here . Yeah. Could this is fascinating. Its, i think its the most fascinating thing to watch on wall street. Right now. I mean, it makes even bitcoin look team. So this company has been public for just six trading days all six of those days, its been up or down by at least 6 on occasion, a lot more than that. Look at those moves now, those are not weekly moves or monthly news. Those daily moos that is not normal and it is really shows by some people are calling this a meme stock on steroids and remember the higher the stock price goes the Richard Donald trump is at least on paper because even though yesterday was kind of a team de, 6 , that was still enough to make him 228 million richer. Again, at least on paper. Now, wall street continues to value trump media in the billions of dollars. Again, even though it remains pretty tiny. Yeah, as far as the social media play just how tiny well, look when you stack truth social up against facebook. And x, the Company Formerly known as twitter and even read it. It looks very tiny. Look at this, just a small fraction of the user count. Trump truth, social even has a way fewer users. These are monthly active users than three so thats just amazing and it also just kinda calls into question here why wall street is valuing it so richly, but look less than two hours away from trading, starting the stock price in Premarket Trading is down 3 . Stay tuned this wild ride continuous, yeah, and how long will be valued at what has been guide . We will see, we will, its good to see you, matt. Thank you. Thanks. Pretty much. There is new video this morning after scary, whether his hit throughout the country, throughout the United States, the debris and damage from a Tornado Touchdown in kentucky and more watches and warnings are also in place for if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst thing that can happen Space Shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn. Lets get started bill. Wheres your mask . I really tried sleeping with it. Everybody, but im done struggling. 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Thank you its oh, im not home. Yeah, its pretty sure its home American Home shield. Dont worry, be warranty next stop the greatest stage and all those points what trains are made of foments they talk about for a lifetime. We will see you in phoenix a federal Appeals Court is Hearing Arguments today over that controversial texas immigration law. So reminder what the law does is allow state and local Law Enforcement in texas to arrest people suspected of crossing the Southern Border Into texas illegally. And it gives state judges the power to deport them. But the question now before the federal court, does that law violate the constitution, cnns rosa flores has been following this. Shes back with us today, russell, what is expected to happen today in this with this, with this Court Hearing . Well, good morning. Each side is expected to get 30 minutes of Oral Arguments, but you know, if i was texas, id be a little nervous today because this is the same Appeals Court that just last week issued an order that blocked sb4. And in the Majority Opinion, and this was a tool what vote in the Majority Opinion, the chief judge was very clear that she didnt believe that this measure was constitution on. Now i want to dial back the clock to when sb4 was being debated in the state senate, because thats exactly what one of the state republican senators argued. And this wasnt just any republican can senator, this was a prior author of sb4, who was no longer comfortable with the clauses that were being added to this bill. This particular senator, Brian Bird Well said specifically on the floor that he didnt believe that this measure was unconscious, that this measure was constitutional. Take a listen we are sitting a terrible precedent for the future by invalidating our obedience. And faithfulness to our constitution and texas senator byrd, well, one on to say that under the us constitution, its the federal government who has the power to actually deport individuals outside of this country . Well, guess what . Back to the Appeals Court and let Majority Opinion from the Appeals Court last week. Thats exactly one of the arguments made by the chief judge. I want to share a portion of what she said. Take a look. She said, quote, the Texas Removal Provisions bestow powers upon itself that are likely reserved to the United States again, to the federal government. Now the chief judge went on to say that she understands that the State Of Texas is frustrated because of the migrant crisis texas has argued that the texas is being quote invaded by migrants and that the federal government has not done enough and that the seat of texas has the Constitutional Authority to defend itself. But the chief judge made this argument he said that it is not just that the federal government doesnt want to do anything about the migrant crisis. She stated in her Majority Opinion that this inaction by the Executive Branch in part is due to inaction by the legislative branch that congress has not appropriated the funds so that the federal government can appropriately respond to the migrant crisis on the us southern border. Now, the Biden Administration has argued throughout and is maintained that theres a Supremacy Clause of the us constitution, and that sb4 tramples on its powers to impose Immigration Policy at the federal level. Now civil Rights Groups are very concerned about the sall going into effect because of potential racial profiling of latinos in the State Of Texas, which constitute about 40 of the population of this state. And kate you should add that this measure which states that texas can deport individuals to mexico, would require cooperation from mexico and mexico has already denounced as measures condemning it, saying that its not going to take deportations from the State Of Texas, and that depends to maintain its bilateral relationship with the United States with all that said, were going to see what happens Oral Arguments start today at 10 00 a. M. Eastern cape rosa flores. Thank you so much. John. Well, were like the Wall Street Journal release new polling from swing states. And as you can see here, a lot of red donald trump leading President Biden and six seven swing states only wisconsin does President Biden hold a very small lead with us now cnns senior data reporter, harry enten. The question here he is why, what are you seeing underneath the numbers that might contribute to these leads for donald trump, particularly when it comes to support for President Biden among democrats. Yeah, lets take a look here. So this is approval among democrats on beilock bidens handling of a lot of different issues here. Economy, russia, ukraine, pretty good, right . 81 jump down a Foreign Policy. You see this drop to 65 gun violence, 60 usMexico Border, 58 . These are not good numbers for a democrat amongst his own party. But look here, the israelhamas war, look at that approval rating, less than 50 of democrats are approving on joe biden on the israelhamas war. And more than that, john, these numbers have gotten significantly worse. So this is democrats views of biden on the israelhamas war. Look back in toba of 2023, it was 67 . Look where we are today, 48 . That disapproved number number. Look at that, jumped up from 28 October Of 2023 to 46 . Now, this is within the margin of error. Democrats are split on joe bidens handling of the israelhamas war. John, you know, i look at poll numbers its a lot for a president to be doing this poorly amongst his own party on any issue is quite something to say very unusual. The question is, will this translate to actual votes . Yeah, will this translate to actual volts . All right, so lets take a look here. This is democrats choice for president. All right, if you like bidens head handling of the israelhamas war, look here, joe biden, 94 , donald trump, 2 thats about what youd expect to see, right . A very largely for the democratic candidate maybe just a few democratic voters going the other direction. But take a look here. If you dislike biden on the israelhamas war, look joe biden still getting the lion share of these voters at 81 but this is a significant chunk of democratic voters who are going in the other direction, 15 . So what essentially were looking at here is 66 point margin versus luck here, and 92 point margin. You cant be losing 15 of democrats if youre donald, if youre joe, but you cannot be doing that. This type of bass going in the other direction is something you can have especially if you have independent two are also turning against you. What are you seeing in terms of doozy asm yeah. What else are we seeing so vote choices, one thing, what about enthusiasm, right . Because you actually have to go out there and vote. Lets take a look here. All right, so this is democrats who are extremely motivated to turn out and vote in november remember if they like biden on the israelhamas war, 63 of those democrats say that they are extremely motivated to turn out and vote on november thats equal. In fact, the percentage of republicans overall who say theyre extremely motivated to turn out in november. But if they disliked biden on the israelhamas war, look here, just 53 of democrats these democrats are extremely motivated to vote in 2024. So its two things that are going on here, right . First off, The Democrats who dont like joe biden, the israelhamas war. Theyre more likely to favor donald trump. The second thing thats going on here is theyre less likely to turn out this is something again, youve pointed out correlation is not always causation, but in this particular case, what were seeing is clear correlation. If democrats dont like joe bidens handling of the israelhamas war. Theyre less likely to turn out and theyre less likely to vote for joe biden if they do very interesting, harriet. Thank you. Thank you. Machine lets jump right off of that, joining us right now is senior congressional reporter from punchbowl news, andrew desi, dario, and cnn political analyst Washington Bureau chief for the boston globe. Jackie kucinich. So jackie, this view amongst democrats on bidens handling of the israelhamas war. Its what drove the protest vote in wisconsin last night, john asieh, important question, how does that will that translate to votes in the general standby, standby . Eye on that. But before then, how does it translate to how bidens Campaign Plans to push back or fix this or make democrats feel better and how does this translate to how trumps team is going to try to capitalize on this so youve seen biden, i mean, particularly in the last two or three months, really start reaching out to communities that are upset about whats happening in gaza. I mean, we saw yesterday and youve seen his rhetoric toward israel change after those seven workers are the worlds Drill Kitchen were killed yesterday. You saw me prob probably one of the more strong statements out of the white house criticizing israels handling of the war and a gaza. So i think that well see if thats going to be enough. I think the real question and harry alluded to this is if these voters come home, these start voters who are going to go vote for the former president because i think theres a recognition that he will not take the more humanitarian past here when it comes to gaza. However, in whether they stay home or not, thats going to be the real question here. Yeah, absolutely. An andrew lina and your congressional tops. Another question can be in another measure of this can be heard the numbers that they were just running through. How does this translate to congress . How Congressional Democrats are responding . To their constituents and to bidens handling of this. And the general Conversation On Capitol Hill now of usa to israel yeah the problem for President Biden right now is that theres really nothing he can say on this issue that will satisfy the wide swath of the Democratic Coalition on this particular issue. And what were seeing on capitol hill right now is some democrats even floating the possibility of forcing votes on blocking new Weapons Sales to israel there are a lot of democrats who feel that the president should be using the leverage that the United States inherently has over israel to try to prompt a course correction, for example, tried to prevent israel from going into the city of rafah, which the United States, the white house believes would be a grave mistake. There are democrats who strongly believe that and who are willing to force these votes on capitol hill. And if that does happen, that could that could really split the party. And that could spell Spell Problems for President Biden, who then will have to be dealing with congress trying to dictate his policy on this which congress does not really said much today. Thats substantive, thats tried to either restrict him or push them to do something in particular, as it relates to the gaza war, hes really been dictating that policy himself. And if, even if these would end up being quoteunquote, show votes thats still a kind of a pr disaster on a messaging disaster. And in the middle of president ial election, of course, with your own party, jackie, that Warning Signs for biden is were just discussing out of wisconsin and the primary last night, but also Warning Signs for donald trump, republican Republican Voters are voting for other republican candidates that are not trump, even though the primary is over, voters going for nikki haley, even ron desantis, the way that we have it is added altogether upward of 100,000 Wisconsin State republicans went to the polls tuesday and checked a box for someone or thing other than trump whats the message there if the Biden Campaign is not reaching out to these voters, i think theres a lot of pressure to do just that. We it was what, 13 these states wisconsin michigan, these are going to be feared pretty small margins. So he cant afford to lose. This was odors and some of the rhetoric were hearing come out of the Trump Campaign. B. It on immigration integration, beat on abortion, might not push these voters to the former president. It might push them away, will have to wait and see yeah, absolutely. Speaking of the messaging, andrew, two things that donald trump has been pushing and continue to. We saw yesterday on the trail is the border and how he describes it as bidens Border Problem and also the fear of i describe it as kind of the fear of the whats next if its not donald trump, let me play this if we dont win on november 5th, i think our country is going to cease to exist. It could be the last election we ever have. I actually mean that he has said this before, andrew. What do you think hes feeding into . What aspect of this election is he speaking to . Is he trying to harness here among for voters . I think hes just trying to push this idea of, you know the criticism of him being a one of the authoritarian, i want to be dictator trying to push that onto joe biden and saying, look, if he wins this election, hes just going to be a dictator forever and the country is going to be totally lost, right . That is his response. I think to what were seeing being charged against him by democrats and to the extent that this will work probably not, but in states like wisconsin for example, and michigan, where these margins were so razorthin in both 20202016, this type of rhetoric could turn off, on, off Republican Voters enough independent voters, such that it could make a difference. And i think its really fascinating that youre seeing republicans and trump in particular pivot back to this immigrationrelated rhetoric in the wake of the newsweek got a couple of days ago on the

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