To leave israel. Hes never going to cut off all weapons, leave them without an iron dome or anything like that . Clearly that did not come across as much of a threat to the israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, who said, as you mentioned, that the offensive in rafah on the ground will press ahead as planned he said that the fighting there could take two months, maybe six weeks, perhaps only one month, but it will happen regardless, despite warnings from the us and from even israels closest allies, that going into rafah, given you have well over 1 Million People sheltering there and really no other safe place for them to go inside gaza would be catastrophic. And he also said that that is israelis are byinlarge behind him. This was in response to President Biden saying that, yeah, whose policies are hurting israel more than its helping. Heres netanyahu well, i dont know exactly what the president meant but if you meant by that done, im pursuing private policies against the majority of the wish of the majority of israelis and that this is hurting the interests of israel, then hes wrong on both counts. Netanyahu, erica, in this interview, also left open the possibility of an expanded Military Operation against hezbollah in lebanon in order to allow israelis displaced from their home in northern israel to be able to go back. He said that if they can do it diplomatically fine, but it they need to do it militarily. They will. And this is concerning considering that hezbollah is a much more Formidable Fighting force than hamas is. It has hundreds, maybe thousands by israeli estimates of rockets within Firing Distance of israel. And it claims has bullet claims to have some 100,000 preservice that it can call upon. And so netanyahu clearly not sending a lot of conciliatory signals in terms of any kind of a peace deal, whether thats with hezbollah or with hamas in terms of hamas talks, they were in cairo last week, they left on thursday but the israelis were never there in the first place because they insisted on hamas providing a list of the hostages who were alive in those who were dead, something that they could not provide. And hamas is also sticking in when it comes to what its insisting on, including a full withdrawal of israeli troops in gaza and a permanent ceasefire, something that is going to be very difficult for israel to agree to, especially when you hear comments like that coming from the israeli Prime Minister saying that they will go into rafah, they will not end this war until hamas is completely eliminated. I should also mention that we heard from the hamas leader as well as smile haniah who said that hes still open to talks it continues to point the finger at israel, and he also said that no hostages will be handed over until no hostages will be handed over until there is a deal which includes israel establishing a permanent ceasefire in getting out entirely of gaza. Erica erica its got really appreciate the reporting tonight and these late breaking developments. Thank you were also closely monitoring the worsening situation in haiti. The german an eu mission say they have now evacuated diplomatic staff from portauprince due to increased Gang Violence in the capital. President biden approved an Overnight Airlift Operation Shan do get nonessential personnel out of the Us Embassy Spokesperson telling cnn, biden is deeply concerned in their words about the situation on the ground and all of this, of course, as gang leaders are threatening a civil war, if the Prime Minister does not leave office haiti at this point is under a State Of Emergency until early next month. Cnns Patrick Oppmann is joining me now from nearby havana, cuba, where hes been monitoring the situation in the region. Cnns Priscilla Alvarez is in washington tonight. Priscilla first, what more can you tell us about this decision to evacuate personnel from portauprince well, erica, this is a situation that us officials have been closely monitoring for some time now, and im told a present and i biden has been briefed and continue continually updated over a situation that he has found, quote, deeply concerning now, the State Department has attributed this operation to airlift nonessential personnel out of the us embassy in haiti to Gang Violence that was near the us embassy com im pounds and the airport. Now, the us Southern Command said that this was us military that assisted in this airlift or rather executed this airlift, that there was, this was Standard Practice under these circumstances. And also said that there was no haitians that were on the military aircraft. But of course this is an extraordinary move in a time, in haiti that has only worsened over time. We also believe that the Prime Minister is in puerto rico and we know that late last week, Secretary Of State Antony Blinken spoke with the Prime Minister about accelerating the transition for a more inclusive government. Because as you said, their haitian gang its have said that they would incite a civil war or that they would also suffer genocide if this Prime Minister a war to stay in power. So clearly, this is a top concern for the United States, one that they are watching and also responding to minute by minute, including with this evacuation of nonessential personnel from the us embassy is patrick as we watch all of that and were hearing what, you know, what the concerns are among us officials. We see what is happening on the ground. There are these gang leaders threatening civil war if the Prime Minister doesnt leave office, what is the situation on the ground tonight . And where is the Prime Minister . Well, it says a great deal that Embassy Officials from the us embassy, german embassy, european union, do not feel safe because these are perhaps some the most closely guarded, carefully guarded places in haiti that have been up until now, been relatively safe. So if theyre not saying that no one is safe and certainly for them authority of haitians, of Tens Of Thousands of people caught in the cross crossbar. There is simply no refuge that they can go to. Many have been left without food because Aid Organizations cannot reach them. And so they are on their own and the situation, the humanitarian crisis in haiti gets worse and worse by the hour. Ariel henry is believed to be in puerto rico, nation Prime Minister. He is under increasing pressure from both the us and from other Political Parties within haiti to come up with a solution that would essentially provide an Off Ramp Give give way to a Transitional Government announced elections, and see if that is enough to stabilize this country. And bringing an outside force from kenya that would fight the gangs no word from henry though what his intentions are patrick priscilla, appreciate the reporting as always. Thank you. Both. Tonight is a cnn exclusive. The woman at the center of a state of the yoav, the state of the Union Response controversy, speaking exclusively to cnn, Cnns Rafael Romo has the story. Surveil. The woman, tell us more about who she is and why she has decided to speak out tonight. Erica, her name is Karla Jacinto, and i have known her since 2014. Cnn profiled her story as part of cnns freedom project, which seeks to raise awareness about modern day slavery, casino says, shes very careful about who she gives her testimony to and how and when she does her. So she was very surprised hi, sara. Go. She told me when she found out yesterday that she was in media storm. This storm was prompted by what response to the state of the Union Address by alabama senator katie britt. I reached out to cadillac, are seen to in mexico city for her reaction. And this is part of what she told me. Lets take a listen. At one point when i met you years and years ago, you told me that you felt like at the beginning, mexican politicians had taken advantage of you by using your story for political purposes. Do you . Feel like that happened once again here in the United States . Jaw yes. In fact, i hardly ever cooperate with politicians because it seems to me that they only want an image. They only want a photo. And that to me is not fair. I work as a spokesperson for many victims who have no voice. And i really would like them to be empathetic. All the governors, all the senators, to be empathetic with the issue of human trafficking, because there are millions of girls and boys who disappeared all the time. People who are really traffic and abused she mentioned and i think she should first take into account would really happens before telling a story of that magnitude and erica Karla Jacinto also told me that senator britt got many of the facts of her story wrong. First, the ball has into says that one, she was not trafficked by mexican record tell us about by a pimp that operated as part of a family that in trapped vulnerable girls in order to force them into prostitution to she also said that she was never traffic and the United States senator britt appeared to suggest three, she was kept in captivity from 2004 to 2008 when president george w bush, a report publican was in office as opposed to the Current Administration as the senator implied, and for xi met the senator at an event that the border with other Government Officials and antihuman trafficking activists, instead of one on one, cnn has confirmed much of what has seemed to have said in prior reporting and her story hasnt changed since we first spoke, has siento told me no one reached out to hur to ask for her permission to use her story, a spiral of political speech. Someone using my story and distorting it for political purposes, you told me its not fair at all. Erica it is really important reporting tonight, rafael, what about the britt camp has a senators camp responded at all . This well, cnn reached out to her office today is seeking comment, but so far, we havent heard back earlier today. This is what senator britt had to say in an interview with fox news about the story of catalog has seen two, lets take a listen but to be clear, the story that you relate is not something thats happened under the biden administration. That particular person im very, very clearly said i spoke to a woman who told me about when she was trafficked, when she was 12 so i didnt say a teenager. I didnt say a young woman. Grown woman, a woman when she was trafficked, when she was 12 and so listening to her story, she can say Victims Rights advocate, who was telling this is what drug cartels are doing. This is how theyre profiting off of women. And it is disgusting. And so im hopeful that it brings some light to it. And erica, one final thing earlier, a spokesperson for britts office told cnn that the story was, quote, 100 correct, but would not confirm nor denied whether it was a Synthase Account back to you really fascinated rafale. Appreciate the reporting. Thank you wael, something that is pretty rare in washington these days, democrats and republicans agreeing on something thats something the old tiktok, theyre concerned about. The companys potential links to the Chinese Government. So concerned they want to potentially ban it. And that were bill is headed to the floor of the house highlighting that unity and what some say is hypocrisy donald trump United States of scandal with jake tapper next sunday, a nine on cnn. From Meat Free Monday to sizzle pans sunday so many ways to save life ready . While it happy but 365 by Whole Foods Market one, reading sabbath city. Yeah, thats not good and happy. Huge things happened happened there with three, learn more at rnc. 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Com and see how much you can save were building a better Postal Service. All parts working in sync to move your business. Bulwark for more value, more of a liability and more ontime deliveries. The United States Postal Service built for how you business tonight, why is china targeting taiwan . And if the conflict boils over whats at stake for America Fareed zakaria presents an indepth look taiwan Unfinished Business tonight at eight on cnn this week, a collision between lawmakers have fear for National Security and the tens of millions, frankly, more than 150 million americans who spend a lot of time every day on the old tiktok app a bill is headed for a vote on the house floor this week, that bill would force the sale of tiktok or if that does not happen. Well, then the app would be banned in the United States two men who are almost certain to be running for president are actually on opposite sides of the bill. Now cnns manu raju is odd. Capitol hill with more on what we can expect to see this week as this bill heads to the floor, manu tiktok, maybe one of those popular apps in the country, but its possible it could be banned in the United States. Thats if a new bill that is steaming through the house ultimately becomes law, that piece of legislation would force the chinese firm bytedance, who sell it if it doesnt sell tiktok, then the popular app would no longer be allowed in the United States. This has wide support in the house. In fact, packet passing overwhelmingly 50 to zero in the house, energy and Commerce Committee, just last week. That is unusual. You rarely see that level of bipartisan support. And quickly after the House Majority leader, Steve Scalise announced it would be on the floor of the house this week, so it could certainly pass, then it will go to the United States senate, which would have to take up the bill, pass it, see if it passes the same version, ultimately, see if it goes to the present the task which and what are the prison was signed the final version of that legislation into law, which the white house has indicated it does support this measure. Now that doesnt mean that tiktok isnt trying to stop this legislation and fact, they are trying to kill it. Thats what the Top Republican who chairs that energy and Commerce Committee told on friday that our office is being flooded with phone calls. Yes. Weve been flooded with calls. Record amounts of calls any member of the energy and Commerce Committee that voted yesterday has been flooded. Tiktok actually put up a notice where they belong okay an individual to actually get on tiktok unless you called your member of congress and told them not to vote for this legislation. But thats just an example. How they can manipulate data and influence americans for their agenda that lawmakers are trying to force bytedance to sell tiktok because they are worried. They say about the Chinese Government interfering in the popular social media apps, taking data and the like in americans, private information theyre trying to stop them from doing that tiktok has denied Chinese Government interference and all of this, but that doesnt mean that it wont become law. Well see how quickly the senate would take it up after the house is expected to pass it later this week, the president did say though, if they pass the bill, thats before the house, he will sign it. Erica, manno. Appreciate it. Thank you. Joining me now to discuss republican strategist Shermichael Singleton and former Press Secretary to First Lady Jill Biden michael larosa. Nice to see you both tonight. So shermichael donald trump for a long time, did want to also ban tiktok. Now he does not he also recently mended fences with a Billionaire Donor with a huge amount of money tied up in tiktok. What do you think this decision is about to is it about the money is about National Security, or is it about a whole lot of young voters who really like tiktok in an election year. I mean, i think it needs i think leads to be about National Security. Erica the idea that bytedance has argued that somehow dear absolved of influence from the Chinese Government. Any individual whos a specialist and National Security and i had a chance to speak with two today before this discussion, have alerted me that that is just unbelievable. We have no clue where all of that data is stored or chinas ability to manipulate that data as a classic saying, he who controls the message controllers . The minds eye ii, young minds. And so i think a lot of National Security experts and many of us in the political space should be concerned about chinas ability to manipulate American People, particularly during a heightened partisan political climate. So there isnt a mistake for donald trump to say he is now against a ban on tiktok. Yeah, i would absolutely think so. And obviously, look, the former president met with a wealthy individual who has a substantial financial stake in tiktok. We clearly know where this persons interests is. I would hope that the former president as a major candidate, the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party with switch gears here and take a position that is in the National Security interests of the United States. As we watch, to see how all this plays out this week, President Biden focused on defending democracy during the State Of The Union, i was struck by some comments that Republican Nancy Mace made earlier today. Take a listen. My voters in south carolina, and theyve moved beyond january 6. My voters, they move on. They dont they dont ask me about january 6, maybe thats what you in the midi, you guys talk about in your cocktail parties. But voters are not talking about it. She says voters are not talking about defending democracy. Is that a winning issue for President Biden in 2024 well, the Associated Press went to a county in pennsylvania recently, i think last month. It happens to be the bellwether. Its my home county, northampton county, but it also has happens to be a bellwether in the state that flipped from trump to president beilock biden, just barely. So that is groundzero for President Bidens coalition of moderate democrats, moderate republicans, black voters, latino voters, independence and unfortunately it did not resonate there and voters had deep concerns about whether that was a winning message that said people really doubted our message on the soul of america for years ago, because it really was about a Battle For The Soul Of America and, you know, if the, like you said, like you showed when the clip erica with nancy mace, if the president s team and theyre smart and i trust those guys like Mike Donaldson and bruce reed, who are the architects of the last message and the State Of The Union they will show the American People what democracy will look like under donald trump and probably youll probably be seeing a lot of images of a january 6 from now until november. So youre saying that despite the fact that voters right, said no, this doesnt resonate. You think theyre still going to push through and youre saying it is winning message. I think i think its i think its going to be central to the theme of the campaign. But lets be clear, theres going to be a lot of messages because voters will want to hear about wages, the wanting here, about prices and affordability as well to that point. And thank you for setting me up quite well on this next question. I appreciate it when we talk about those issues, we are talking about the economy. We know that there are not a lot of great numbers when it comes to the economy, right . We look at jobs, we look at unemployment, we look at the direction the ecis headed. I was structure michael ezra klein suggesting that the biden team might have found a winning message when it comes to the economy. He wrote bidens refrain of the american comeback is a sharp one and the right message for an incumbent, there are good things happening that being said, we know shermichael that voters arent always feeling it. And if they dont feel it yeah, it doesnt really matter yeah. I mean, thats exactly right. I mean, i have a Ladder Respect for ads for client. I formerly worked at vox media previously is a smart individual, but im going to have to disagree with him on this one, erica, now i will as sir, bit of give some credit to President Biden. We have seen job numbers increase. Weve seen unemployment lower, and inflation has decreased somewhat. But erica, when you actually begin to take a deeper dive into some of those labor statistics, what we find is that a sizable percentage of those numbers are jobs relative to the gig economy. So these are jobs that are for Lyft Instacart and other jobs relative to that. So these are the sorts of jobs that will allow someone to retire in 30 years, put their kids through college, or or take care of themselves doing an immediate emergency. We also know that the Median Household Income has decreased rather precipitously, buying a home is really, really difficult for most americans, particularly if youre younger and living in a larger city in part because inflation. And so my point is at overall erosion, if you will, of americans ability to buy more is a very real thing. And so while i will give credit to President Biden for the numbers coming down for employment being low, we have not seen the wages but those jobs match the inflation for everyday goods and other things that americans really rely on daytoday. And so is it a winning message potentially several months from now, but today it is not a winning message Shermichael Singleton, michael larosa, were gonna have to leave it there. Really appreciate both joining us tonight. Thank you. I stay with us here in the cnn newsroom. Some breaking news, just coming into us more on that on the other side of this break calling the trap any couldnt get out. Vegas was having an Identity Crisis. That was the beginning of the downfall but vegas at a different idea, vegas, the story of sensitive. Next sunday at ten on cnn my name is cody archie, and im erica, and were firstgeneration ranchers from Central Texas and because of tiktok, were able to show people from All Over The World where their food and fiber come from. We have dollar per sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain, we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. Theres just a plethora of knowledge and information swapping going on there tiktok is openness for tech. This way of life for future generation here. You can expect to find Crystal Clear audio expensive display space, and more comfort for everyone. 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Its all we do with local offices throughout the country and does help you get the compensation you deserve. 800 to eight to 44, 44 we are following a breaking story involving the royal family and this photos will show it to you now. So this has been circulating worldwide. This is of course, catherine the princess of wales and her three children. But now several major photo agency, including the Associated Press have issued a removal notice. Theyre refusing to now distribute this image of kate and her kids because they say upon further inspection, they believe perhaps it was manipulated cnns max foster has been digging on this story and joins me now on the phone. So what is the issue with this picture which is as i understand it, kate put out with a happy mothers day message yes. So it was mothering sunday in the uk today. And this photo was released by Kensington Palace. They told us it was taken by Prince William in the past week of his wife and three children. And weve got the first words from cape as well, since she has her operation of ccs been out of action for several weeks, she thanked people for their well wishes in her recovery. It was a big moment because we havent seen an official picture of her. There was a grainy paparazzi picture the other day of her in a car. But this was a concerted effort by the palace to really emphasize their message that shes been doing well, which is sort of briefing that ive been getting in recent weeks. But then we hear from the major Picture Agencies today they withdrawing it and telling clients not to use it because they think it might have been manipulated. So touched up, perhaps in several places weve got our current picture desk sort of looking at whether or not we agree with that. But the major agencies hubble, agreed with each other. They no longer feel competent enough to distribute it. So this is a major accusation against Kensington Palace because it has manipulated images, but theyre not maxing and correct me if im wrong here, the agencies are not saying specifically why they believe it was manipulated, only that they believe that it was that it was doctored in some way, essentially yes. And one of the agency just talking about in several places. So in photography, this does happen. They might want to improve and the colouring image. Sometimes they might two images that are taking the same place to make it a better image the issue with these images coming from Kensington Palace that they are released to us for editorial reasons. So we see them as an honest an honest image that we can use in journalism. So we wouldnt expect them to be manipulated in any way at all. We would accept them to be cleaned. So its quite a surprise to us that these accusations come through. Ive tried to speak to Kensington Palace. No comment from them yet. Im sure theyre aware that it is absolutely blowing up on social media because it speaks to so many of the Conspiracy Theories out there right now. Well, it doesnt and to your point, i mean, the story itself, even prior to this picture being released, has been blowing up now for weeks because there has been so Little Information, no specifics on what the surgery actually was, except that it was abdominal and it would require a lengthy recovery you know, a couple of shes doing well, thanks for well wishes moments. But again, that lack of specificity has to your point fueled all of these wild Conspiracy Theories. Do you get the sense that that is a concern at all for the palace . Well quite legitimate response is that they can respond Conspiracy Theories madeup theories about whats really going on. Youre absolutely right. Hes had so Little Information and what does happen in that vacuum is that people want to know what happens in the gaps of the information. And there are plenty of people out there make things up effectively. But it has gone into absolute overdrive and the palace has been under a lot more pressure to reveal more information. I mean to be fair to them, this is a woman in recovery from an illness is and how serious it is. And they steal that she does have a right to private information. Theyve not giving out lots of details because thats not the tradition in the palace, but also she is a private person but theyre also aware that everyone is talking about it. Everyones coming out with different theories. And it has got to the point where a lot of people are saying it is now in the Public Interest to give more information there seizing to do about that is very much williams policy. He does have a right to a private lives, so i think its a real challenge to them right now, but theyre not helping any of these Conspiracy Theories if they are accused of manipulating image, where not to wait to see from Over Investigations Whether or not thats true. But its a big problem for them in terms of trust, if it is true yeah, it absolutely is. Max stay with us house. Want to bring in now cnn commentator sally bedell smith, whos with us sally, as we look at this. So i was just checking the twitter accounts of the x. Sorry and the instagram accounts for the prince and princess of wales. The image is still up here, right that was posted wishing everyone that happy mothers day. So they have left it up. The fact that there is yet to be a response from Kensington Palace, i guess in some ways is not surprising. They dont always operate on the timeline that we in the media would like and not with the same sense of urgency, but to maxs point, this has been blowing up for weeks and to now get to the point where three major Photo Agencies are saying, hey, we think this picture was doctored what does that tell you about what could be happening within the palace i mean, i think theres a lot there are a lot of questions that need to be answered, and i think right now, given this unintended consequence, how wellintentioned it was, which it clearly was i think they have said that they do not doubt the validity of the this is an image of the princes of wales with their children. Its just, its certain aspects of its into have been manipulated. But i think the agents need to be more clear on what they mean by dr. And manipulated i mean, look, every formal portrait that is issued to the press has been tweaked electronically digitally. In some way. So i its sort of where do you draw the line and if i think across social media people have noticed that k isnt wearing her wedding ring and there, george has one of his his fingers girls done, and that may may well have been what the situation was in the moment when they when Prince William took the picture. But yeah, i think so many questions this is sort of come to a head and theres been, you know, its been accelerating the situation in recent even in the past you days, because people have counted the days, its been 676 days, i think since people had seen her in real life if you exclude the paparazzi vote or that may or may not be legitimate that we hide, that we use all the other day yeah. To your point, and fueling really fueling the questions, sally, really appreciate you taking a moment to join us here, max, thank you for your reporting as well. Were going to continue to stay on this and we will let you know as soon as we hear back about what these agencies are saying, the issues are specifically with this photo that again they have now recalled because they believe it has been manipulated. And as we also await to perhaps get more of an answer, if it will come from Kensington Palace initially telling max foster no comment, could there be more stay with us as we continue to follow this, were back in just a moment this source with Kaitlan Collins week nights at nine okay. Everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamin its a mineral. Nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of Protein Tax Season is Hunting Season for identity thieves, which is why tax fraud was up 30 last year. Lifelock alerts you when works to fix problems with a dedicated restoration agent. 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If theyre having an interview with jake tapper, new episode next sunday at nine on cnn so far no comment from Writer E Jean Carroll after former President Donald Trump attacked her. Once again take a listen i just posted a 91 bond, 91 million on a fake story, totally madeup. Sorry. Take a 91 million i could say things about what it would cost normally, 91 million based on false accusations made about me by a woman that i knew nothing about, didnt know, never heard of. I know nothing about her. She wrote a book, she said things and when i denied it, i said its so crazy, its false. I get sued for defamation so all of that, by the way, came as you heard, there, just a day after trump put up that 91 million bond for a Defamation Verdict against him, which he is appealing cnn legal analyst joey jackson joining me now. Im joey, im floored by this. Write this judgment was E Jean Carroll and her attorney says, hey, make this a really, really big judgment because we dont want him to say these things. Again, he post the bond because hes appealing. And he says that things again, could this lead to a new lawsuit yeah, erica, good to be with you. Its troubling to be sure, certainly for his lawyers. Listen. Its a defamation claim, right . That initiated really these two lawsuits. But the issue behind defamation is defamation or false statements, right . That injure someones reputation or jury be in two separate instances, determined that there was defamation here by the former president. Now, you may not like that as a verdict, the general population, perhaps they dont like it. The president we know doesnt like the jury having made that conclusion, right. The first trial we know happening may of last year, erica, in which a jury had to assess whether the former president defamed e. Jean carroll, and whether he sexually assaulted her. The jury concluding that he did not rape her, but there was a Sexual Assault and there was defamation. And then you had in january another jury render an assessment as to what the damages of defamation will be. Two juries made a conclusion, if the president wants to go on the Campaign Trail and say that what he doesnt like, the system of justice, the system of justice is unfair. Those were opinions have added. But when you, when you Say Something that is factual, which we just listened to indicating that it never happened when in fact, the jury concluded it did . Yes, it opens him up to liability. And in fact, is problematic. Last point, erica remember the jury made an assessment as to this punitive damages amount and why he had to post this 90 million bond was to say, what would it take to stop him from stop attacking her . Well, a person of his means, perhaps that will stop them, apparently didnt and thats why were here. And thats why were having this conversation really quickly within about 15 seconds. Could this, these comments in any way impact that appeal . You know i think it does. Its certainly impacts it in a negative way towards him. Write an appeal is about the record of the case and appeal essentially, erica is about what on the merits he can attack and an appeal. But it doesnt help your appeal when youre essentially doing the thing for which you were held accountable for hard for judges to have unbelieving any sympathy based upon that, but well see. Yeah, joey, my friend, always appreciate it. Good to see you. Well be right back. Thanks, eric i was calling the trap any couldnt get out. Vegas was having an Identity Crisis that was the beginning of the downfall. 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Its all we do with local offices throughout the country and does help you get the compensation you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 44 finally, tonight, the Philadelphia Eagles are part of a special partnership in the nonprofit business dedicated to improving the livelihoods of people with autism and Developmental Disabilities and initiative that is seen Danny Freeman reports all began popcorn this is the story of a kernel of an idea that just popped did you ever expect that youd be making a whole business, making popcorn . Oh, no, definitely not. I never thought this thing can come that true. Thirtythreeyearold sam beer is on the Autism Spectrum and for years, according to his dead dr. Stephen beer, sam had trouble finding a job that fit. There was working a job pushing Shopping Carts during the summer at a supermarket and he wasnt very happy, wasnt very fulfilling the beer family thought, why not . Create our own business . Thats seasonal is not a fad. Its not dangerous to make no knives sam, id like to make popcorn soon after popcorn for the people was born a nonprofit selling the Tasty Snack Handmade by people with autism and Developmental Disabilities i think this plays can help people give the tools they need to extend to another business ill give the confidence, the optimism the endurance. I think thats what it means theres very little data when it comes to employment and the neuroDiverse Community. But a 2015 report from Drexel University Autism Institute found that four out of every ten young adults on the Autism Spectrum have never had a paying job. Thats a much lower rate than young adults with other disabilities. But popcorn for the people has 39 neurodiverse employees here and theyre modest new jersey workplace layan, people who, who work here never had a job before pop, pop business grew, Selling Popcorn and College Football games on the jersey turnpike. And then words spread south our collective effort, jeffrey lurie, the owner of the Philadelphia Eagles, has a brother on the Autism Spectrum. For years, the eagles have made Autism Research and care a core priority. Last season, they even set up a popcorn for the people stand. I mean, who loves popcorn . Everyone right . But equals autism foundations. Ryan hammond nose, good paying jobs are crucial for this community. I think people think its hard, right . Or its going to cost them money or cost them time or cost them uncomfortable conversations. I think the reality is, is that the nor Diverse Community as so much to offer so when she learned philly Area Convenience store, walla had an empty shop they didnt know what to do with without hesitation, i was like, i would open a pop from factory when did you realize oh man, this is a great idea. The second we heard it dave, some manetti is the senior director of Store Operations for wawa. His stores already employed more than 500 neurodiverse people our seminaries daughter has down syndrome. Well, my daughters only 12, but i liked the idea that shes going to have choices when she gets out of school and she will have things failable to her that maybe didnt exist ten or 20 years ago because of the work that folks like popcorn are doing less than a year after the eagles. And while law came together to hatched this plan, a new popcorn for the people factory was born. This one on philadelphias famous south street, plans to make and sell Tens Of Thousands more bags of popcorn and higher 25 more neuro diverse employees, like 23yearold jared, have you tasted the popcorn . Yes. I think carmel, it tastes really good. Kylie kelce, known as the first lady of philadelphia and is married to retiring eagles star Center Jason Kelce is a passionate advocate for the Autism Community to see Something Like popcorn for the people who is encouraging those Employment Opportunities and allowing the Autism Community finite independence to find that pride in their own work and earn their own paycheck. Its such a joy to see the hope now is others will take this kernel of an idea read more opportunities its literally a nonprofit version of the American Dream we wanted to create one job from my son did that and then another job, another job . And another job. Its amazing wash labor, popcorn, skys the limit. Such a great story, Danny Freeman, thank you for that. Thanks to all of you for joining me this evening im erica hill up next, the premiere of taiwan Unfinished Business. A Fareed Zakaria special bakst. Why is china targeting taiwan . And if the conflict boils over . 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