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And then of course 06 00 p. M. Eastern right here in the situation the news continues next on cnn Outfront Next, trumps challenges biden to a debate as nikki haley bows out of the race for support are scrambling for another option. Which way will they go . But the Breaking News tonight, arizonas investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election getting bigger new subpoenas just issued as investigators look into people tied to Trumps Campaign and this hour, a cnn exclusive, our ivan watson spending 48 hours on a Philippine Coast guard ship as it suddenly, it is confronted by the chinese Windows Shattering chinese Water Cannons, blasting americas ally ship. And tonight the pentagon responds. Lets go outfront and good evening. Im erin burnett, outfront tonight. Anytime anywhere any place . The former President Trump claims he wants to debate President Biden now that he is just a few hundred delegates away from securing the republican nomination. Now, on opposed this from the man who refused to debate any of his political opponents no place, no time during the primaries, walking away from the second president ial debate back in 2020 well tonight bidens campaign responding, writing that its a conversation that theyll have quote, at the appropriate time. Trumps sudden is newfound desire to debate does come just hours after nikki haley suspended her campaign. And she stopped short of endorsing trump it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it, who did not support him and i hope he does that so how is he trying to do that . Heres what he wrote online nikki haley got trounced all caps last night and record setting fashion. Then trump went on to say that he would like to invite all of the haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our nation. Well, thats quite an appeal when you feel like youre lost and he really liked somebody and, you know, okay. Obviously, the question is, its more than thats more than the optics. Its whether nikki haleys supporters can look past some truly stark differences between the two and what they stand for, not just who they are and how they conduct themselves, what they stand for like the crucial issue of nato and putins Invasion Bayesian of ukraine. Heres nikki haley russia said, once they take ukraine, poland, and the baltics are next. Those are nato countries. And that puts america at war. This is about preventing war. It has always been about preventing war, has made no bones about the fact that he wants to destroy america. And trump is going to side with him over our allies who stood with us after 911 dont take the side of someone who has gone in and invaded a country and half 1 Million People have died or been wounded because of putin consistent, strong, and she never wavered on that. Meantime, as for trump, he is on a very different end of this spectrum, saying that he would let putin invade nato countries in fact, i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. Look, theyre not going to pay. Were not going to protect. Okay and its not just comments like that. Its the trump has time and time gone out of his way to speak glowingly of Vladimir Putin hes taking over the country for 2 sanctions. Id say thats pretty spot. This is genius putin declares a big portion of the ukraine, of Ukraine Putin declares it as independent. Oh, thats wonderful. Hotan respected. May putin would never have gotten into ukraine. The differences between the two on those issues are night and day. And that may have some of haleys supporters not just happy to be talking about being trounced, but literally looking for another option, whether it be biden or a third option. And i use the word third on purpose, a thirdparty candidate. Those candidates are frankly now appearing on ballots across this country. Robert f. Kennedy jr. Now going to be on the ballot in utah, his campaign and super pac say theyve had the Signature Threshold hold meant to qualify now for five more states, including crucial battlegrounds like nevada, georgia, arizona, theyre also on the ballot. They say in New Hampshire and white. Cornell west is on the ballot in three states already, alaska, oregon in South Carolina, and jill stein is back and she is on the ballot and more states than any of them, 19 and washington, dc. And that includes wisconsin, which i mentioned for a specific reason, because a thirdparty candidate can matter so much in 2016, Clinton Lost To Trump by 22,748 votes in wisconsin and jill stein had more votes than that 31,000 in the state jessica dean is outfront live in arlington, virginia to begin our coverage tonight. And jessica, i know youve been talking to haleys supporters there all day who are now having to deal with this choice that they face. What are they telling you . Well, erin across the board, theyre disappointed and what was interesting was honestly a lot of these people we talked to were democrats who voted for nikki haley in virginia. It was an open primary either as an Opposition Vote to donald trump or because they thought that the country would be better off with a race between biden and haleon and then of course, the Bonafide Haley supporters who are now really, truly without a candidate. But for all of these people, the question is, what comes next as she announced the suspension of her president ial campaign on wednesday, former South Carolina governor nikki haley had a clear message for her rival. It is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it, who did not support him. And i hope he does that. Were Will Haley Support go now that shes exited the race in virginia, where she captured nearly 35 of the vote on Super Tuesday, we caught up with voters to ask, what will you do in november now that shes out and its trump versus biden i didnt what do you think . Oh, no question. Biden. We cannot have another four years that may and i at this point cant answer that question. I think that this country can do better than the choice weve been given. And i dont know how we can change that, but i think its going to be a lot of difficult thought for people to decide what to do i think people are looking closely at the Vice President ial candidate because its a very probable possibility that they will be president by the end of the fourth for years. So far, the former president has offered little in the way of an olive branch to haley or her supporters, writing on social media, quote, nikki haley got trounced last night and record setting fashion after weeks of Lobbing Insults and their direction, nikki haley has made an Unholy Alliance with rhinos, never trust the people behind hi, nikki are pro amnesty. You like that scene, exit polling found among haley supporters across five states that 19 say theyd be satisfied with trump is the nominee, and 79 dissatisfied and yet her supporters could be crucial for trumps chances of winning back the white house, especially in battleground dates were the margins are likely to be slim, but still some voters told us now that haley is out neither trump nor biden will win their support. Im not going to vote for either one biden or trump. Id love to vote for her again, hes just lost me on this pass two years. I its mostly mostly his attitude about Foreign Policy and Ukraine Lecture Anna has the chaos biden, i just think is not fit for office. I think it is not a sure thing that donald trump is going to win the general election. Because if youre a voter like myself, im going to write her in. I am not going to go to to vote for trump. I dont think hes going to be able to corral nikki haley supporters. And independent voters back now we turn our attention to the likely general election matchup of trump versus biden aaron. And of course, a President Biden going to have huge opportunity tonight with his state or tomorrow night with his state of the Union Address where his likely to have one of the biggest audiences hes going to get between now and election day in november. And of course, hes got to rile up his base. But the question is can he persuade any of these persuadables, aaron, that is going to be the question for him. And for trump going forward. All right. Thank you so much. Jessica. And lets go now to ron brownstein, the Senior Editor for the atlantic. Alyssa farah griffin, former Trump White House Communications Director, and the former democratic congressman, max rose. So ron, this crucial question because it really everything could matter and then you layer in those third parties, where Do Haley Supporters go . Well, look, the republican primaries taught us two big things are made, two big things clear. One is that trumps coalition is the dominant faction in the party. Hes going to win more primaries and caucuses than any nonincumbent republican president ever. In fact, we probably should be thinking of him as a quasiincumbent, but the haleys coalition, this kind of holdout coalition is substantial and not only is it significant in its size, its significant in its consistency. I mean, demographically, it is the same people from state after state, and its the same people that weve seen pull away from the rubble Republican Party in the entire donald trump era, whitecollar suburban voters focus probably more on economics that on the cultural grievances that trump emphasizes big numbers of them in the exit polls are saying they are not going to vote for donald trump. I dont know anyone in either party who thinks it will be as high as they are saying now, but it doesnt i have to be as jessica was saying, even a thin slice of these voters in the suburbs of milwaukee, grand rapids, detroit, philadelphia that could matter in a very close election. So it is still a challenge for donald trump. Same challenge really, hes been facing demographically from the outset so alyssa and trumps statement early there he said she was trounced and he put the word trounced in all caps and set him money and voters were mostly quote, radical left. And we did see as David Axelrod pointed out last night, among some of the haley voters, you did see independents and democrats in states where they could turn out. But he went after calling them, trounced to invite them to join the greatest movement in the history of our nation. To talk about his candidacy. Does that when anyone over in that group of republican in this case in point the problem with trump, as he always gives into his worst instincts, i guarantee that his campaign and susie wiles did not want a Statement Like this to go out. They would have liked something a bit softer to try to read some of those nikki haley voters, but he just cant get over the personal grievance. Im sure hes spiraling over the fact that she went vermont, but heres the thing i come from the Old School Part of republican politics where you want someone who can win independence. That is one of the first things that you would look for in someone to be an eventual general general election candidate in nikki haleys prove that that is where donald trump suffered theres in toronto point, even if that margin shrinks because i dont think its as big as the 30 that wont be with trump, right . If she holds an eight to 10 , that could sway the entire election, right . And then youve got the third parties. Now. We made the point about the issues where they are starkly different and that there are some traditional Republican Voters who are not nativist and not populist and do deeply care about americas role in the world. And for them in a trump party, its hard to find a spot, right intellectually, not a small group. And not a large group. Maybe it anymore, but doesnt have to be the point that biden made today when he put out that statement, he said donald trump made it clear he doesnt want nikki haleys supporters. I want to be clear. Theres a place for them in my campaign. And he went on specifically to mention haleys attempts to call out trump for as the statement put it cowering before Vladimir Putin specifically mentioning nato. Does that work absolutely. Look, if you look at some of ambassador haleys comments that this Program Aired just a few minutes ago. She sounds like a democratic surrogate for joe biden talking about the absolute necessity for american leadership, both at home and abroad to preserve and bolster our alliances. Look with what was shocking about this primary is, if you go back 48 hours ago everybody knew that joe biden was the Presumptive Democratic nominee. And donald trump was the Presumptive Republican nominee. And nonetheless, many, many, many people a sizable coalition voted against donald trump in that primary, far more than joe biden. But the second shocking thing though, is that look some people voted against joe biden and democratic primary did you see any attempt by donald trump, any attempt whatsoever to say that those folks have a place in his coalition . Absolutely not. Because everyone knows that the democratic coalition, that primary base its absolutely unified irrespective who they voted for, but everyone also knows that republican side, its completely divided. And then of course youve got these third parties, ron trump now calling for those debates. And obviously it, it wouldnt do it in the primary wouldnt do it every time last time around. Now okay. Calling for them. Will it happen count me surprise if it does happen. I mean, im not sure either of them really, really wanted debate trump. Its hard to imagine him submitting to any kind of process through the commission on president ial debates, which is, which hes criticized in the past asked i mean, the argument about debates really goes to this kind of core question of whether you have to reach the middle to win this election, right . Donald trumps superpower has always been his ability to mobilize his Core Coalition and turn them out in enormous numbers, right . But the issue of whether what independence do who are presumably the Target Audience above all for these debates are soft partisans on each side. Thats much more of an open question because as were saying as the congressman just said, it is extraordinary that this many people still voted against trump on tuesday when they knew he was going to be the nominee. The other hand, those haley voters have a very negative view of bidens performance and his capacity. The ones i talked to in New Hampshire and South Carolina would deeply negative on biden. Those are the core of what many people called the Double Haters and how they ultimately sort out what cues, what cues they take theres also, by the way, a separate group of what may be described as doublehaters, which are younger, nonwhite voters who are down on biden and down on trump. So it could be a lot of them and how they make their decisions will probably decide where we go after november and the doublehaters, i was watching that whole phenomenon today and you know, the venn diagram, alyssa, how its all put together trump often says things he has no intention of doing or didnt do. So its one thing to say. I want to debate. Its a totally different thing to actually mean it. True. I do think its smart politics and i predicted that trump would be the first to say that joe biden should debate. We know joe bidens biggest vulnerability is the question over vitality and age. So if he refuses to show up to debate, donald trump is going to message the hell out of it and say, hes not up to the task. He cant do it. I would implore the Biden Campaign. There is no stronger juxtaposition than standing next to donald trump and showing his character and who he is and who donald trump is. But also remind folks hes not a good faith actor in this. He lied about his covid tests before the prior debate in 2020 and went on air when we later found out who was covid positive. So theres a lot of factors that i think has to be weighed in the structuring of debates. Final word, look, everyone knows theres going to be a debate. So i think its pretty irrelevant at this point. But heres whats going to happen over the course of the next two months. The Biden Campaign has money. The trump campaign, its actually not a campaign. Its a legal defense. Since fund with a campaign side hustle. So youre going to see the Biden Campaign for the next two months over and over and over again, reminding people of the incompetence and the chaos that was the trump years. And when that happens, youre going to see bidens numbers surge and hes going to be well on the way to winning this election. All right. Well, we all appreciate your time. Thank you. All. All next Breaking News, arizona Issuing Subpoenas and its Election Interference Investigation and that states probe is getting a whole lot bigger tonight its a crucial development. Sources tell cnn investigators are now looking into more people tied to trump plus a near ms a Russian Missile exploding just a few hundred yards from zelenskys motor fade. So close the lengthy verdict saw it was it targeted and alarming new Satellite Images just into outfront. Look at this, what youre seeing is a chinese the shipyard, that shipyard on your screen is producing more vessels than all of americas Shipyards Combined. 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Fast reliable speeds right where you need them. Thats walltowall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. 187 when 78668555 Breaking News, new charges could soon be coming and donald trump Donald Trumps effort to overturn the 2020 election. Cnn is Learning Prosecutors in arizona are ramping up their probe if issued grand jury subpoenas to people connected to the former president a decision on criminal charges could happen very soon. And our zach cohen is breaking the story out front, so zach, what are you learning about the extent of this investigation and what it means for donald trump . Yeah. Erin, its pretty clear now that this statelevel investigation in arizona is not only active, but its accelerating. We know that because these grand jury subpoenas were sent out there, issued at people connected to donald Trumps Campaign and his effort to overturn the Election Results in arizona. And weve known for a while now that the Arizona Attorney general was investigating and. The effort to overturn the 2020 election. But our understanding was that he was really focused or she was really focused on the fake elector plot. 11 individuals who served as fake trump electors. And the people who organize them to sign those false certificates. But im getting indicators from my sources that the investigation may have expanded. And as this Deers A Charging Decision which is also clear from the grand jury subpoenas, that could mean that there are people on the national level, people who are closer to trump including the attorneys who were advising him at the time, who they could become under scrutiny. And one of those people who we know, its already talked to arizona investigators is protrump attorney ken chesebro. Weve heard a lot about him recently, obviously, but its interesting because Ken Chesebro Roe has related formation about an Oval Office Meeting where trump was there in December 2020 and ken chesebro says that he told trump all about the fake elector plot and specifically how it relates to arizona. Listen to what chesebro said when he interviewed with michigan prosecutors are a few months ago so i ended up explaining that arizona was still hypothetically possible because the Autumn Electors voted. So it was i think clear in a way that maybe hadnt been before that we had till january 6, two women so thats chesebro telling investigators in michigan about arizona, but ive heard from my sources that arizona prosecutors have asked chesebro about this same meeting. Theyve asked about people at the National Trump Campaign Level the people who were organizing the fake elector plot across all seven battleground states. So its interesting as we get closer to a charging decision, will it will criminal charges only come for the 11 or so people in arizona or could we see potentially people closer to trump also be indicted . All right. Zach, thank you very much with that Breaking News and we also have some breaking developments now in georgia and Fulton County, the District Attorney, fani willis, Slamming Georgia Republicans who are now investigating kerr. Shes saying, quote, i think its just a political quest. They can continue on with their games and ill continue to do the work of the people. Well, those remarks from willis coming after a state Senate Hearing today featured ashleigh merchant. She is the defense attorney, who was pushing to disqualify willis in the trump Georgia Election interference case . His including testimony about how taxpayer money was allegedly used to pay for personal trips that willis took with the lead prosecutor, nathan wade you show the trip to aruba, another one, Bahamas Wonder believes one to napa valley, california. These are all from october 22 up until my a 23 . Yes. This is a document you produced us. Yes. So do either of them deny these trips occurred . No, not at all. It is so resist the the impropriety, the financial impropriety of getting financial benefit from the job that hes paying for her way on these trips with money . Yes. That shes paying him on approving this. This is the what i would call undisputed right. Both willis and wade deny any wrongdoing in that relationship or funding for vacations. Outfont. Now, the man that you just heard there and saw questioning merchant, who led todays hearing, the republican State Senator and majority leader bill cowsert. Senator catherine, i appreciate your time. So i just want to start with where you are on this. Youve said whistleblowers inside. Im quoting you inside the Fulton County das office. Youve said theyve reached out and that you plan to subpoena additional witnesses. Can you share Anything Else . Now its about who else you may call to testify and about what no, i cant tell you right now publicly who else we may call to testify. It is true there are a number of people that have reached out volunteered and they want to and they have information to share with us well, were just going to let the Investigation Lead wherever it may. Today was the first witness and this is the lady that broke the story, so to speak, when she filed her motion to disqualify mr. Wade and ms willis from continuing to prosecute the case. And that was due to improper behavior on ethical behavior, conflicts of interest and financial improprieties. So we wanted to hear from her today to see exactly what evidence she had to support those allegations. And i was quite revealing. And you found it revealing. All right. So it just to understand where we are, judge mcafee is expected to make his ruling any day. He has the ability to disqualify willis or not. Hes going to rule based its on all of what we all saw televise in the Georgia Election interference case. Theres a county Commission Also investigating fani willis georgia, barack, and get involved. Your committee, just to be clear, does not actually have the power to disqualify her from the case. And in that context, youre democrat on the way dont intend to interfere, right and youve been clear about that and have no intention its a man fair. And so your. Colleague, harold jones, State Senator, was also in that room today. He questioned merchant and after the hearing, he said this im not really sure what game is my friend. We cant move i think the Endgame Problems is trying to bring publicity negative publicity so the situation possibly try to influence the trial. But i think juries are going to be smarter than that he said at the end game is just to bring negative publicity to the situation to possibly try to influence the trial. How do you respond to that . Does he have a point . No, we didnt bring this information forward. We are simply investigating allegations that were made by others this isnt any attempt by the senate inject itself in that criminal prosecution. We need to find out what behavior took place and we wanted to fresh slate to look at the evidence independently and determine or state laws violated and are there adequate laws to prevent this type of unethical behavior by prosecutors were trying to restore the faith of our public in the fairness and impartiality of the criminal justice system. And there are a lot of very really outlandish claims here and very few of them have been rebutted or denied and its very troubling. And so just to be clear, youre looking into claims of whistleblowers and i know youre not youre not yet saying who they are but misuse of funds in by the da, not related just to this trump case and nathan wade, is that the case that is true . And in this case, in particular, she ms ms willis signed a contract she hired mr. Wade as an independent contractor, a special prosecutor. There is a procedure in georgia law to do that, and it requires the approval of the county government, whether the District Attorney sits that didnt happen here and its very clear she hired this man who would not i have been eligible to be hired directly by her das office or under County Policy, either because of the nepotism close you can hire your lover to be a contractor to pay him government taxpayer funds. I understand that that. Okay. But shes saying they werent dating at that time and i understand that. Thats thats thats also now but that but thats what thats what shes saying. So if they werent dating, you have an issue. Now, is that hasnt been proven yeah no, it hadnt. But boy, there were some very compelling evidence today of people that reported that. And theres Phone Information that shows that as well, but thats not our job to determine whether she did that. They which would clearly disqualify her. I think thats why shes fighting the date so bad, but even after that, she never disclosed any financial benefits that she received and theyre County Policy requires you to do a Financial Disclosure if you get anything of benefit of more than 100 . She did from this employee that she hired and she approved his bills undoubtably, went on four or five trips overseas and caribbean and to california. And there were credit card statements that were reported that were revealed to us today that shows that mr. Wade bought the tickets and paid for the rooms that shed been fitted from and she failed to disclose that. It one final point to you though, if she as it is a fact pattern that has been established as opposed to when they dated, which has not at least nothing to confirm that what they said is untrue at this point which did try to hire other people to take that job. And people said she wasnt able to, at least on the face of it. I mean how do you square that . I mean, if this your lover, as you use your word you know you try person one person and they have both confirmed that. Yes. But not at the time. Theyre saying that the time that relationship but im saying does it change your view at all that she did the facts of established tried to hire multiple people before she hired him. He was not her first choice. He was not even her second choice. He did hire she did hire two other people and they have expertise in rico cases and these type of investigations, and they were paid significantly less. Neither of them received over 100,000. This gentleman was getting 35,000 a month. Hes over 700,000 now that hes been paid a bar, her office, and she approves those invoices and they were very sketchy and voices today he is billing and blocks of eight hour increments in one day, he billed for 24 hours and she approved that. And thats part of the factual pattern that i dont believe anybody can deny here. And that really the the trust in the public of the fairness and impartiality and how our tax dollars have been spent by this prosecutor without Government Oversight or approval. Thats why were paying attention to it. We may need to change these laws to make it clear. You cant do this in the future in the state of georgia. All right. Center of calcium appreciate your time and thank you thank you very much and next, former President Trumps says hes going to respond live to buy the state of the Union Address. How is biden responding to that . Is Communications Director is Outfront Next and a cnn exclusive this hour, dangerous showdown. 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This strike coming so close to zelenskyy is convoy obviously is in the context of American Funding for ukraine that is totally stalled in congress how sharp is President Biden . Bidens message to republicans going to be about this aid in the state of the union tomorrow night. Well, its certainly a strong case that the president will be Making Tomorrow Night and that hes been making over the past several weeks. Look, now is the time to pass the National Security supplemental would provide with the ukrainians with Military Assistance. They need to take on putins war of aggression. Theyve been suffering from casualties not because of the lack of will or core encouraged, but because of the lack of munitions and we need to get them that Military Assistance as quickly as possible, it would also help the israelis defend against the threat posed by hamas and make sure that humanitarian assistance gets into gaza. So you know, look, maga republicans have been holding this up. The speaker, if he allowed for a vote, we know that both parties would support it and would have enough votes to pass. And former President Trump has been intervention is here trying to stop it from passing, but the president is going to make the case to the country in the world tomorrow night that weve got to pass that National Security supplemental are longtime political analyst ron brownstein. He was on earlier in the program. Hes been talking to a lot of voters and he says that its not enough for biden to deliver an antitrump message through november tomorrow and through november and he says biden really needs to improve Voter Perceptions of him. And that tomorrow night is going to be a crucial moment. Obviously, youve got a viewership that you might not have again, right . That there is, theres so much at stake and his description is so biden has to rebuild. His standing is how he put it so ben is biden going to mention trump at all tomorrow or for how is he going to handle that well, look, i cant preview the exact text that youll hear tomorrow night, but i can talk about some of the key themes. I think the president is going to make the case that weve rebuilt the strongest economy in the world here in the United States and done it in a way thats benefited the average american again, that wages are up, inflation is down by two thirds, 15 million jobs have been created, more jobs than under any president or any administration theres a contrast point there because the maga republican agenda is to just offer trillions of dollars in tax breaks to corporations and billionaires. Well, the president doesnt think that thats tax fairness and the American People dont agree with that. Hell also have the chance to make the case. That we need to defend our democracy. We need to defend democracy at home and abroad in this moment, the president s predecessor embrace the insurrectionists to the capitol that tried to overturn the results of the last election. Well, thats antidemocratic. And our democracy is on the line. And finally our rights and freedoms are under assault by maga republicans. That includes reproductive rights, that includes rights for gay americans. And then includes if youre a parent who believes you should be making decisions about what books for your children have access to instead of ideological governors across the country. This is really an Inflection Point for the nation and the president will be very strong in making the case tomorrow night. As he does that, of course, on top of it is what is become an important issue for him of course, age, and that you see that in every poll Hillary Clinton today came out ben and said the biden, whos obviously 81 and trump whos obviously 77 are quote, effectively the same age and that any differences between the two are negligible. The reality of it is then the polling shows that that is not how people see it. 73 of voters registered voters think biden is too old to be an effective president. Only 42 of registered voters say the same about trump in the latest New York Times sienna poll what is your plan to address this problem . Well, theres a few layers to it, erin. First i would point to the president s record getting the economy back on its feet, helping to build the strongest economy in the world 15 million jobs created under his watch, all sorts of Bipartisan Legislation passed that so many commentators were skeptical of when he came into office. He has a record of being an extremely effective president. Youve seen that play out over the past three years. But i also think the age of the presence ideas matter as you pointed out, donald trump and joe biden, about the same age, but their ideas are very different. Donald trump took his back 50 years, when it came to Roe Versus Wade, donald trump doesnt believe that Climate Change is real on issue after issue, Donald Trumps ideas are from 50 years ago, the president is working to restore Roe Versus Wade too. Address the Existential Threat posed by Climate Change and to lead our country into the future. I ben, thank you very much. I appreciate your time and tomorrow night for state of the union, ill be live on capitol hill for outfront ahead of the address. And also back at eight for our special coverage along with jake tapper, dana bash, and Anderson Cooper, we all hope to see you then and Outfront Next, a cnn exclusive, our ivan watson is there in the South China Sea. When the chinese confront and harass the ship of an american ally and he was there for all of them. Plus with Nikki Haley Out of the Running Calls are growing for third party candidate. The group no labels you may have heard of it. They are running up against a deadline to name their candidate. Do they have someone . Everybody wants super straight super white teeth. They want that Hollywood White smile, new censored in clinical way provides two sheets, whiter teeth and 24 7 sensitive eu production. I think its a great product. Its going to help a lot of patients okay, everyone. Our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients thanks for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein introducing neds black psoriasis he thinks his blakey red patches are all people see. Oh, tesla is the number one prescribed a pill to treat plaque psoriasis. 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All good. Also try our Allergy Headache and nighttime pills. This source with Kaitlan Collins tonight at nine tonight, youre looking at Exclusive Cnn video and what youre looking at here is a dramatic standoff between china and a us allied philippines Coast Guard Ship. And this all happened in the South China Sea violent confrontation captured by our ivan watson, who was with the fleet for 48 hours and you could see chinas ships become aggressive, they swarm and they harass the us allied ship, blasting Water Cannons that were so powerful that the windows shattered well, the pentagon tonight responding, calling chinas behavior reckless and saying that the United States will act if china continues ivan watson is outfront with this exclusive Us Television report Water Cannons and the collision of heavy ships cnn getting a rare chance to witness the David And Goliath confrontation between the philippines and china in the South China Sea, going to conceal your behavior the chinese ships make their move at dawn. Our numbering and swarming a small convoy from the philippines. We have a very good view of a large chinese coast guard chip. You can see it written on the side of the vessel and it is currently steaming. Id say maybe two stone throws away hey, from this philippines Coast Guard Ship. And thats not all. Look over to the starboard side here. There is another chinese Coast Guard Ship right here. Not far away. Another chinese Ship Collides with another philippine ship fortunately, no ones hurt im aboard the brp cabra, a Philippine Coast guard ship. Its mission, escort to Resupply Boats to those Second Thomas Shoal at teardropshaped reef claimed by both the philippines and china. Even though its clearly much closer to philippines territory for more than 20 years, china ignore ford competing claims from smaller countries occupying and eventually building manmade islands on top of several contested reefs and scholz in 1999. And unusual step from the philippines. It grounded the sierra madre, A Rusting World War Ii era ship on Second Thomas Shoal, filipino marines have been guarding it ever since. Our convoy is supposed to resupply those marines. But a much larger ship forbes dangerously close to the brp cabra and eventually pulls in front stopping it in its tracks. Meanwhile, this resupply boat doesnt stand a chance. That little boat in front is philippines, resupply vote. And it is currently being pursued by 123, at least four chinese ships. They blast the boat with Water Cannons shattering windows, and likely injuring four Service Members on board forcing the crew to abort their mission the chinese fleet includes what looked like civilian vessels were currently blocked and surrounded by what looked like ordinary Fishing Boats that are flying chinese flags. And theyre working in tandem with the chinese coast guard. They appear to be members of chinas Maritime Militia away for beijing two project power here in the South China Sea beijing now accuses the philippines of being dishonest and deliberately stirring up trouble. Even tintin the philippines Rights Infringing and provocative attempts will not succeed but the philippines remains defiant on china is still weekend definitively so they will be sgt the night before the confrontation, we steamed past a us navy ship, the uss mobile. Apparently being shadowed from a distance by this Chinese Navy Ship and helicopter a looming question. Would the us come to the help of its mutual Defense Treaty ally the philippines . If tensions escalate further with china, owner of the Worlds Largest navy now, there really is the risk having witnessed this firsthand, erin, there is the risk that something could go wrong here the these giant ships are essentially playing chicken and they dont stop on a dime. The crews are uniformed on each others bows and vessels. Theyre facing seeing each other. Theyre not making faces at each other. Theyre not cursing at each other. There is constant communication between radio operators. But if theres a miscalculation, were a further provocation and some filipino sailors or hurt, or killed or a ship is sunk. The us is obliged under a treaty to come to manilas defense pence, part of why the philippines is not backing down is in 2016, there was an International Court of arbitration decision that ruled china cannot basically claim all of the South China Sea to itself beijing declared that illegal, null and void, and thats part of why the philippines is so adamant about going up against its much wealth there larger rival. Aaron as accents, you start up on an Escalation Trial and and nobody may like where where that ends. Thank you so much, ivan. That was incredible to see this as we have obtained an outfront. So new Satellite Images showing how china is beefing up its naval fleet huge Way Running Laps around the us as the navy estimates. But a single chinese shipyard, and that this is the exclusive images youre looking at. One single chinese shipyard, okay. Is what youre looking at parts of here can produce more vessels that all us Shipyards Combined the United States falling behind as a new report details how china is preparing for war and outfront now, with brand new reporting that he is sharing with us along with these images is seth jones, the senior Vice President at the center for strategic and international studies, said, this incredible, youve got these Satellite Images. Can you tell me exactly what were looking . Yet on our screen . Why and why it is so alarming to you yeah. Erin so were looking at the shang non shipyard, which is outside of shanghai. I mean, there are at least two or three things that are important to note. One is this has been a huge expansion of the chinese to build ships primarily for the People Liberation army navy. So the chinese navy, second, these arent just any shifts. Weve got Aircraft Carriers in here. So really indicating that the chinese are building highend capabilities and third, if you look overall at what the chinese are building their acquiring highend Weapons Systems, five i just six times faster, right now than the us. And overall, the chinese Shipbuilding Capacity is about 230 times larger than the us. And then you noted one times to anwar capacity . Yes, 230 times more capacity right now, then the us it says stunning right now us secretary the navy is aware of this huge divergence right now, but we are behind that would seem to be the one of the greatest understatements of the day, at least seth. But but you taught 230 times on the shipping and just looking at those images here and then also you mentioned and munitions that they are investing in munitions five to six times faster than we are. What, what are the numbers there, which obviously the context of that brings in other, other conflicts like ukraine. So short on munitions well, the point on the munitions is their Acquisition Process is moving quickly. They are moving from research and development to the production of Weapons Systems fast. If you look at the us system right now, we are slow. It takes years to build some of our highend Weapons Systems. And if in some of the war games weve done in around the Taiwan Straits, we run out, we dont have enough longrange anti ship missiles, for example, in Taiwan Straits where the us runs out of them after about a week of war. So it really undermines not just wartime capabilities, but also deterrence with such few munitions that, if a war game runs out in a week, all right, very sobering. Thank you very much for sharing all of those images with us, seth thanks, erin. The next deadline fast approaching for a third party for the movement, no labels specifically to actually name their ticket who, what will it be its cold outside trying to protect your vehicle from winters wrath, of course the hot sun can be tough on vehicles to you need whether tech laser measured floor liners and carto liner will shield the carpeting from sand and smell for your interior their Seat Protector and Sunshade Plus mud flaps and bumps step for the exterior while the new impact liner with shock absorbing rings safeguards your trunk bed from costly damage border American Made products at wt. Com surfs up in this market, youll find Fisher Investments is different than other money managers. Different. How are we all just looking for the hottest stocks . Nope, we use diversified strategies to position our Clients Portfolios for their longterm goals. If hes still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right . 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They put the date march 15th and its holding a massive Secret Meeting on friday with 800 delegates to determine whether to put someone on the ballot. Political so is reporting that its donors though are quote, starting to fear that the thirdparty group missed its window. We are now of course, past Super Tuesday and the group has no clear candidate that we know of outfront now, joe lieberman, the former us senator and Vice President ial nominee, who is the founding chairman of no labels. So what there is to know, you know, senator and the context is this. Nikki haley is out your selfimposed deadline is next week to announce a campaign. Do you still expect to launch a formal no labels president ial bid for 2024 . Well, its up to the delegates 800 and from all 50 states that are going to meet on friday, there are rankandfile members. We got into this because our members about a yearandahalf ago said to us, oh, my god, another trumpbiden match. Its 90. Good for the country. It offers no hope of bringing by Partisanship Back to washington regardless of who wins lets, lets look at running a third choice, bipartisan unity ticket. And we said, we cant decide that until after Super Tuesday. We can start gaining access to the balance, which weve done. But Super Tuesday was yesterday. Im sure enough it is trump and biden. So were at The Moment Of Truth and were ready for it. Were right on schedule. Were going to ask the delegates on friday, do you want us to go forward to do some final surveying of Public Opinion because weve said were not going to do this unless we have a chance to win. Were not going to be spoilers theres and then we will make a recommendation to the same delegates if we decided to go forward a really unique by partisan unity ticket, think of trump by rfk junior cornell, the west, jill stein. And i totally different bipartisan ticket. And i was about to mention and all those other names because those are really going to matter in a lot of states, at least at this point that seems very clear. Rfk junior polls steadily and strongly nationally. Nikki haley has said that she would not run on your ticket, but shes shes been very clear about that heres a couple of her supporters in North Carolina when jeff zeleny asked them about her future and the potential of running for president. And another with another label, right . Ive been intrigued for a while now at the whole notion of a couple of legitimate third party thought about that a lot, pardon me really would like to see that so do you think she made a mistake to rule out an independent run well, thats her choice and i think shes decided that hurts you choose in the Republican Party. But listen to those. Haley supporters and a lot of others, you know, the polling is showing the American People 65, 70 . Want another choice other than trump and biden weve been talking to some really exceptional candidates, who can offer that choice. So well, lets see what the delegates sound friday. But i think this is a unique moment in history where the American People are so fed up with the two parties and the two logic of probable candidates that theyre going to welcome a bipartisan unity. Third choice on the ballot. And were only going to do it if we think we could win. And right now are pulling those us, we can and that 800 delegates are we going to see that process play out or is that going to be Behind Closed Doors . Well, its a virtual process it but the chairman of the meeting, mike rawlings, just a perfect no labels leader, former ceo of pizza former mayor of dallas. He will hello report. After the convention on what happened and it will be ready to go and make a decision about a ticket within the next couple of weeks, i expect. All right. Well, of course everyone is gonna be watching because as we know right, these, these pibil already on the ballot in so many states could already affect the entire Directory Section of this election. Senator lieberman, i really appreciate your time. Thank you very much. You are never good evening. All right. You too. And thanks so much for all of you for being with us. Ac360 begins right now

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