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Good morning and welcome to cnn this morning, it is sunday and im jessica dean victor blackwell, and amara bunker have the morning off and heres what were watching for you today. The us carried out its first airdrops of humanitarian aid into gaza. And President Biden says there is more to come or live in the region with more on the Relief Effort and where the Ceasefire Talks stand today. Plus donald trump brexit, more gop primary wins, but nikki haley is not backing down. Well tell you about her strategy heading into Super Tuesday coming up well, lets to that. Thats what 100 mile per hour winds sound like. More of that in store is Blizzard Warnings remain in effect in parts of california and son day, those areas that can see up to six inches of snow per hour plus lakers superstar lebron james. Yep, he hit another major career milestone. Well explain later on cnn this morning well begin here with the us and jordan successfully conducting its first airdrops of aid into gaza. The combined efforts saw three us c130 aircrafts dropped 38,000 meals along the gaza coastline. The Defense Department says they are planning on airdropping more aid in the days ahead. And following the airdrops, President Biden said saturday that the amount aid flowing into gaza was quote, not nearly enough, and that the us would continue to pull out every stop to get more aid in. Meanwhile, sources say Ceasefire Talks are expected to resume today in cairo, a us official telling cnn, israel has quote, basically accepted a sixweek ceasefire and hostage release proposal in gaza its of course now up to hamas to agree to that deal. Cnns Jeremy Diamond is in tel aviv, jimmy, whats the latest on those talks well, we understand that hamas delegation has just arrived in cairo to pursue those negotiations from israels point of view, they are still waiting for hamas to provide aid he lists of the hostages who would be released under this deal, a sixweek pause in the fighting in exchange for some 40 israeli hostages, perhaps, and theyre also waiting for hamas to provide a response in terms of the number of Palestinian Prisoners that they would need to see released. But it appears that at least this delegation arriving in cairo theres a positive sign that talks are still ongoing over the last few days. Theres been a sense that perhaps the progress that we had seen over the last week was stalling. So it is positive to see this delegation arrived in cairo. The timeline of course, is very short. We have a week until the start of ramadan. And thats been made very clear as the deadline for these talks for a deal to be made in order for these talks to be successful. Now, the United States in the meantime, is ramping up its delivery of humanitarian aid into the gaza strip that those three c130 planes dropping 66 bundles containing 38,000 meals over for the gaza strip yesterday. But we understand that these airdrops are really just a small drop in the bucket in terms of the enormous humanitarian need that exists currently in gaza. In particular, in northern gaza, those airdrops are nowhere near as efficient as getting those Aid Truck Convoys into the gaza strip directly. And so President Biden has made it clear that israel needs to allow more of those aid convoys in gaza. In particular, into northern gaza. And as all of this is happening israel is still very much continuing its military campaign. 90 People Killed over the past 24 hours in israeli airstrikes, according to the Palestinian Ministry of health, is really military for its part says that he killed 30 militants in the 24 hours before this morning back to you guys Jeremy Diamond. Thank you. Well see if more aid ultimately comes. Appreciate it. Well, back here in the us Super Tuesday now just two days away, and former President Donald Trump and former South Carolina governor nikki haley are making those final days count with a flurry of Campaign Stops for both of them. Trump earn some more delegates saturday warning the idaho and missouri caucuses that followed his wins in iowa, new hampshire, South Carolina, and michigan. But haley says, shes still the best choice against president joe biden. Cnns Steve Contorno explains their strategy on the Trail Jessica and danny, former President Donald Trump held rallies on saturday in North Carolina and here in virginia two states that will vote on Super Tuesday. But even though these contests are just around the corner, he was more focusing on a likely General Election rematch with President Biden, focusing especially the on his recent trip to the border and what he saw there bidens conduct on our border is by any definition a conspiracy to overthrow the United States of america. You know, he talks about democracy he is a danger to democracy he is. Number one, it goes after his political opponent, which nobodys ever done in this country. They do it in third world countries very well. They do it but then i can succeed with us. Theyre not going to succeed. Make it a stronger its Making A Stronger Biden and his accomplices want to collapse the american system, nullify the will of the actual American Voters that established a new base of power that gives them control. For generations. Former South Carolina governor nikki haley campaigning saturday as well this time in North Carolina, were continuing to make the case that she would be more electable than trump in a General Election, pointing to a new poll that shows her with a tenpoint lead over President Biden i think theres another New York Times poll that shows us. I think donald trump squeaks by and we went by ten points. If you look at the hispanic numbers in that, its off the charts, its double digits. We continue to make ground trump, meanwhile, added to his delegate count on saturday, cnn projects that he will win all 32 two delegates awarded in the idaho caucuses, all 54 delegates awarded in the missouri caucuses, and then michigan held a convention as well. Where they awarded President Trump 39 delegates, bringing his total to 247. He is well on his way to the 1,215. He will need to secure the nomination. And jessica and danny, many of those will be awarded on Super Tuesday all right. Steve contorno for us. Thanks so much. And lets discuss these political headlines now with men kannada National Political reporter for the associated press, meg, good morning. Thanks for getting up early on a sunday with us. We can start with trump and haley there as steve was just kinda the setting the scene for this coming week. Trumps Team Continues to make this case in the next several weeks. Theyre going to have enough delegates to clinch this nomination. At this point, what is haleys path forward . Hey, good morning, jessica. Its good to be with you. It is tough to navigate exactly what that path is at this point. As was noted, donald trump has been running through these first contests, racking up a lot of delegates compared to her and when we asked Governor Haley about this, she continues to say that shes going to quote, run through the tape im not quite sure what that means. Maybe that just means sticking it through Super Tuesday, but then possibly having a point of reevaluation to see if its worth it, to stick through these contests that follows. She has been bringing in more money, which we know fuels these campaigns and really determined when candidacies are over, when campaigns are done on its not necessarily the candidate deciding its time, its when the money runs out. So she hasnt quite said what shes gonna be doing after Super Tuesday, but at least at this point, shes sticking it out through those contests and well see what happens after them. Yeah. I mean, i think they raised 12 million in the last quarter and yes, they lost that backing for americans americans for prosperity, but to your point, yeah, its when the money runs out. So we will see what the case is that they make after Super Tuesday. I want to turn now to that New York Times and Siena College polling that came out that has a lot of people talking in new york and dc and that acela corridor in a headtohead of the election was held today nearly half of the voters 48 saying that they would elect donald trump. But meg, if you dive into some more of the questions and some more of the data within that polling. One thing that really jumped out at me was that only 18 of the voters believe that bidens policies have helped them personally. Thats lower then former President Trumps policies. Why do you think that the Biden Campaign is struggling to really tell people what theyve been doing these last four years because they did make some pretty monumental, they had some monumental legislation. And is there time for them to move these numbers . That is certainly something that weve asked the administration as well as some of President Bidens top surrogates, like congressman jim clyburn, who lives here in South Carolina where i live. And a lot of the argument that they make is look, he just needs more time. He has delivered on a lot of these things. One of them being Student Loan Forgiveness here in South Carolina. Often they talk about hbcu funding, which was a major point the 2020 campaign, and something on which President Biden says hes delivered. I think some of this probably comes down to proximity. This is a president who is still currently in office who is saying, ive been working with a Republican House of representatives thats hard for me to get some my Policy Points through. So just give me more time, give me more democrats in the house, and well see if i can make more progress and donald trump has been out of office for some time. And so i think a lot of the consternation that we heard, particularly after january 6 and a lot of people who said what never again, that was a long time ago in terms of political arcs and a memory can sometimes add a lot of patina to things. And it doesnt seem necessarily as detrimental as it might have back then. So i think thats probably some of what were dealing with. Yeah. Thats such an interesting point you make about the proximity and time and all of that, because i think im thinking too about the economy where a biden the Economic Indicators are good, but biden is just having a hard time convincing the vast majority of americans. This is a good economy in this poll, most of them see it as a poor economy and im thinking about like them thinking back to precovid 2017, 2018, maybe they had more Walking Around money. There was more money at the end of the week. Now even when theyre going grocery shopping, it can still be more extent that is stubborn. Inflation at those points that people keep seeing. Do you think theres some of that to that kind of just hangs over this race in a way i think theres certainly some of that. And when we asked voters on the trail, what are the top issues for you . It is rare that i encounter somebody who doesnt mention the economy is at least the top 12 or three in terms of whats on their minds. And we see a lot of this lag in terms of the economy and Economic Indicators improving. And that really that Feeling Plane not trickling down to the voters and saying, look at my personal situation, just doesnt feel a whole lot better. I think you make a great point about what i call the before times before covid, when things were certainly different and officials like President Biden and others have really had to try to figure out how to wade through that and to bring some of that benefit back two americans, there was a huge burst of funding and a lot of different areas immediately postcovid and during covid and now that some of that funding has kind of petered out, i think people are finding themselves in different situations. And so when they really are looking at how much theyre having to spend to get the items that they need sometimes, i think that some of that Person Deception can be reflected on well, okay. Whos in charge of things . Who can i possibly blame for this and im looking ahead this week. Obviously it was Super Tuesday, the president also set to give his state of the Union Address on thursday a huge chance for millions of people to hear his message is he turns his attention to this General Election. What . Do you expect to hear from him. And do you think any of it can start to move the needle for him im sure that we are going to hear a lot about those promises made and what they would argue our promises kept and a lot of that i think will hinge on the economy. And arguments that the Biden Administration and by hi extension, his campaign as well have said, these are things that i would like to do. These were things that i need to do these are things im bringing to you to make your situation better im sure we will also hear quite a bit about Foreign Policy, about the war between israel and hamas, and how the Biden Administration is hoping to perhaps get a season its fire implemented. We heard reporting on that just now and also really thinking that if there are some moves in the Foreign Policy sphere that could go toward that situation of, i would like to improve these situations without getting to us directly involved in terms of troops. But this is something that im concerned about. I know from listening to voters first, thats something they are very concerned about. And im certain that well hear more movement from President Biden his speech on thursday night, canard, thanks so much. We really appreciate it. Nice to see you thank, you seeing and of course, well bring you all the results as we get them on Super Tuesday or special coverage begins at tuesday at 06 00 p. M. Right here on cnn. And then of course, streaming on max all right, coming up, President Biden and Donald Trumps age have dominate discussions about the race for the white house. But what can you senior voters in the battleground, State Of Pennsylvania have to say about it all. Well, you might be surprised a little later here on cnn this morning. Plus he joined to open the door and find this right . That is so crazy parts of california where snowdrifts are nearly reaching the rooftops we have at all, plus this is breaking news. Youre not gonna believe this lebron james. It turns out very good at basketball. Will tell you about the historic feat he achieved last night that no other nba player has ever done inside politics sunday with Manu Raju Today at 11 00 a. M. Bye i call nato Chest Congestion. Hello, 12 hours of relief. Bowers, mucinex, dm gives you 12 hours of relief from Chest Congestion in any cough day youre not mucinex de its combat season ill try and use the next instance. Suits are rope medicated drops leading gums are serious. Jamie dr. Garcia your sign of bacterial infection, Roskam Detoxifies Antibacterial Fluoride works below the gum line to help heal gums and Stop Bleeding Press saves the day, press i was paying for my xs Wine Club Membership for months before i caught it after we broke up, i forgot all about it, but my credit card did not. 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Many resorts are also closed and more than 6 Million People in the region remain under a Winter Weather alert as wind gusts get this tops, 100 Miles Per Hour in some areas, take a listen oh thousands of homes and businesses are without power this morning. Cnn meteorologist Allison Chinchar is tracking that storm from our weather center. Allison, i know a lot of people ready for this storm to be over. What are we expecting today . Even more snow, which is the last thing that some of these areas need when you take a look at some of these Snowfall Totals already and keep in mind the National Weather service hasnt really updated these last few hours. So these are likely even higher than what youre seeing now king Valle Topping Out at 42 so far thats going to be the keyword, but several other areas topping out at at least three feet and more snow, as we said, is expected, thats why youve still got a lot of these Winter Weather alerts. Weve got the winter storm warnings, Winter Weather advisories, but also even if you Blizzard Warnings, you can see there around that orange color. Now, the Blizzard Warning is indicating not just the snow, but also the Poor Visibility thats expected. Some of these areas you can see right now still getting the rain closer to the coastal road regions, but very heavy snow at times along the sierra. The thing is some of that snow was coming down at 34 even as much as five inches an hour for multiple hours now, its going to go in waves. Youre going to get ours where its a little bit later, hours where it picks back up again and then the bulk of that system is gradually going to shift off towards the east into other states as, we go through the rest of the day to day and even into monday, so that moisture will spread. But in the short term, we are still expecting significant impacts from this particular system. Youre talking impossible travel, whiteout conditions and those damaging winds that could be up around that 40 to 70 mile per hour range, which could also lead to an increased number of Power Outages that does not look good. Allison chinchar. Thanks so much for that update. We appreciate it. Also this morning, survivors of the wildfires scorching the Texas Panhandle are sharing their stories. This is strong winds, heat and dry conditions continue to fuel those flames wasnt seconds and it was at my back door and i was trying to get dog kennels and i couldnt i had to leave and then i had to drive through fire to get out of there, i was going to die now since it erupted nearly a week ago, the Smokehouse Creek fire has killed two people, Destroyed Hundreds of structures, killed livestock, and burned over 1 million acres, making it the largest in texas history. From one of this, we have cnns ivan rodriguez. Hes in fritch texas. Ivan, i mean, just tell us what are conditions looking like this morning well, jessica, danny, were still feeling those strong winds, dry conditions as well, and a typical Sunday Morning here in fritch, texas, we would see, you know, eventually people coming out of their homes even children playing in the yard. But thats no longer a reality for many people in this area. Were seeing just pure devastation behind me. You can see some of that destruction were seeing neighborhoods that are no longer there. People are also beginning to clean up their property as they begin this long road to rebuilding in over the last couple of days, weve heard some remarkable stories from neighbors, helping neighbors. One Volunteer Firefighter tells us that he is a teacher and he was in a classroom with the students when this fire sparked after they were all able to evacuate safely, he quickly got onto the road once again until fire truck we want to give back were just want to help our people help our ranchers because we know with their livelihood and if its in danger, we want to be there for i go home and im fortunate to step inside a house and see my wife and think theres people tonight that cant do that. Theyre not going into a home lets that sense of selflessness that weve heard from countless people that really reminds you what a tightknit community this is. Now again, those dry conditions and those temperatures that are have been increasing over the weekend, strong winds as well have remained and kept us in a Red Flag Warning Crews say they hope to increase containment especially after the weekend containment still at around 15 now, in terms of how this fire started, jessica, danny, were still told that its under investigation. Wow, just incredible images coming out of the panhandle. I hope folks there and you, ivan, both stay safe. Thank you very much all right. Coming up a contentious debate among voters are joe biden and donald trump, just too old to be president. Well, older voters in one Battleground State Weigh in on this very issue, will have what they have to say next the greatest stage they. Talk about lifetime, where you the champions tbs hey, as lose. Got you going through it. Grabbed new column for fewer asthma attacks. 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Com, youll find inspiration and real patients stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. Cdp can be tough. But finding hope just got a little easier sign up by shining through cip. Com we heard be hopeful, Bu New Projects means new Project Managers you need to hire anybody did indeed you do when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates whose when i was your age, we never had anything like this. What . Wifi . Wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. The basement. So i can finally throw that party. And invite shannon barnes. Dream do come true. Xfinity gives you reliable wifi with walltowall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. Maybe well even get married one day. I wonder what i will be doing . Probably still living here with mom and dad. Fast reliable speeds right where you need them. Thats walltowall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. The winds on Jeremy Diamond in tel aviv. And this is cnn Closed Captioning is brought to you by audiobook network. Authors tell your story, produce an audio book with us what to earn more profits and find a new audience for your published book, produce an audio book. We some narration production and digital distribution, color scan the qr code. Now Super Tuesday, now, just two days away, votes will be counted in 16 states and one us territory. And with former President Trump racking up even more wins already this weekend, it is looking more and more likely that were going to see that 2020 rematch now, while trump and President Biden, of course, differ on policy, theyre both facing questions about one thing they do have in common. Theyre older, age. Cnns john king has more from pennsylvania off, college is in eastern a deep blue piece of a purple county. Its a passive margin. Why Larry Malinconico is 71, teaches geology an independent, but he almost always votes for the democrat a biden fan. I dont think hes gotten appropriate credit for the things he has done. But conversations with friends and students have malinconico watching the president s settled for just one term. I think there are people who will not vote for him or sit it out because they perceive his age as a potential problem and forgiving when the president says he recently spoke to a foreign leader who died years ago, he has a history of gauffs, but i also think that as we age, we do tend to mix things up a little bit. Mickey brown is west point class of 1966. We tried to stay as active as possible. He plays tennis, pickleball, and senior softball to stay sharp, my wife, his wife though, has dementia it lives in a care home nearby i believe in jesus and god. I think it keeps me strong and ill be fine. Brown is a conservative and twotime trump voter insists though this view of President Biden is born of experience, not politics, carrying for my wife, i see certain things and the way his mannerisms that make me wonder if he is really in fact the president. Trumps several years younger than biden, but people have raised the same question. You raise some concerns that you see him biden that you say, well, ive lived that. Do you see any of that and trump . Well, i was just at on january 31, at times, i forget something that comes back. But im fit. I have confidence in myself i just think the difference between the two are enough me to be more concerned about mr. Biden Going Forward than mr. Trump shoulders, opening, chest opening. Pat levin is 94. Yes. 94. And that pilates. Its important for to keep me vertical my page, i need all the help i can get. H. She says its not the dominant issue among most of her friends. Theyre terrified about what might happen if joe biden doesnt terrified by what will happen to this democracy . I think so. John king for that report from pennsylvania. So look on this morning as the us struggles to get a grasp on the migrant surge at the southern border. El salvadors president says the number of people leaving its country three for the us. Ease dropping. What he credits that for next but first the cnn original series vegas, the story of sin city takes us on an incredible journey from its origins is a Dusty Desert Town to the entertainment mecca. It is today heres a preview a lot of things went into being a showgirl it wasnt just about being able to dance, it was being able to wear the costumes. They were incredibly elaborate affairs lots of feathers, lots of sequence. I had some head pieces that would be about 20 pounds. 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But some in washington want to stifle the Technology Small businesses like ours depend on this misguided agenda will empower our foreign adversaries threaten National Security and destroy jobs are leaders need to strengthen, not weaken American Technology bob, i call nato Chest Congestion. Hello, 12 hours of relief. Bowers, mucinex, dm gives you 12 hours of relief from Chest Congestion in any cough day or not, mucinex dm. Its comeback season. Now, trying to use the next instance suits are probe medicated drops scalp play with us anymore. He has something called osteoarthritis pain. Its joint pain that hurts him all the time. What scale know theres libretto, the first and only once monthly injection to control your dogs oa pain, veterinary professionals administering libretto, who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid selfinjection, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis im Natasha Bertrand at the pentagon. And this is cnn as the us struggles to deal with the surge of migrants at the southern border, the number of people leaving el salvador has actually gone down. Ill salvadors president saying his efforts to crack down on crime is a main reason, even as he faces criticism for those policies cnns Gustavo Valdes has the details but luis martinez, this restaurant is a dream come true. He says america. He said he already lived the american dream. So why not also have the Salvadorian Dream . After three decades in the us, martinez returned to his native country for years ago, fleeing the civil war. Now salvador, it was 1992 that martinez says he entered the us illegally and open a Restaurant Chain that most market he wants to show other salvadorans in the us that it is possible to return to their country in open a business, something that just a few years ago he would not have considered for years, el salvador had little control over Public Safety local gangs known as the matters terrorized citizens and extorted businesses that began to change in 29 19 held salvador Elected Najib Bukele as president. And soon afterward, he launched a crackdown on gangs and crime through a controversial security policy. Having Great Success in lowering Homicide Rates in el salvador. But at a huge cost. But Georgia State universitys professor jennifer mccoy, an expert on latin american affairs, says, there is concerned, but bukele and his anticrime tactics bukele deploy the police and army to areas controlled by the matters, and sent thousands of suspected criminals to jail after declaring a nationwide state of exception that to spend some Constitutional Rights among them, the right to due process the result is drastic reduction of crimes and murders as reported by the government, there are a lot of people who also live there who are worried about in our fearful for being caught up in the roundup of alleging people who are in games in alimentaire. We are highly Ligament Marlow now gotten vazquez says he was thinking about my grade into the us illegally because of the lack of jobs in el salvador. But he says things have changed he stayed in now has a job and it seemed like hes not alone according to us customs and border protection, the number of salvadorians entering the us legally has decreased especially between 2020, 2. 20, 23, when roughly 35,000 fewer migrants from el salvador were detained attempting to cross the border kelly government takes credit for that drop in migration. We change the murder capital of the world, the worlds most dangerous country in, into the safest country in the western hemisphere. And the only way to do is to arrest all the murderers. Theres no other way to do it. But Amnesty International warrants that they International Community must be vigilant to prevent abuses in el salvador, who guesses, i whether the policies in the country are right or an abusive power definitely the people who live there should have the first say. And they seem to have decided Reelecting Bukele to a second term with more than 80 of the vote. However, the election was also controversial because he was allowed to run for another term. Bardhi constitutional court, despite the constitution explicitly banning the president it should reelection in the country. The salvadoran government declined our request for an interview and did not provide our response to the allegation. But in the past, bukele has warned International Community to stay away from internal issues. Bukele has also become a dr. Them hardright conservatives around the world, receiving a warm reception at one of the largest gatherings of conservative politicians in the world, where he warned of the dangers of liberal policies regarding its safety. We are ready seeing these symptoms in the United States big citizen decline, like baltimore, portland, new york, just to name a few, decrease migration from an salvador to the us gives the Biden Administration a little bit of good news while having to deal with the huge number of migrants crossing illegally into the us in recent so in years. But it could also represent a challenge in how they deal with bukele and other governments in the region. Who might want to duplicate his approach. Who stabbed over the cnn, atlanta fascinating story, Gustavo Valdes. Thank you. All right. Coming up in a moment, the cdc rolls out new covid19 guidelines. So how long people now have to spend an isolation after testing . Positive will have that ahead on cnn this morning vegas, to store your sensitive to 9810 on cnn michael, last 20 pounds with life md, probably the easiest thing ive ever done. The medication comes in the mail and its very easy to use. 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Sanjay gupta explains the new guidelines and why some people are concerned about them well, these are some of the biggest changes in guidance that weve heard from the cdc in quite some time now and theres people who say, look, this is a long time coming. Other people who understandably are very concerned about this, especially people who are more vulnerable have some sort of preexisting condition. For example lets take a look here. Previous guidance on the left. Current now guidance on the right, the top line is the most significant in the past, they said day zero to five, you should stay in isolation. Now theyre saying stay home or away from others. If you have symptoms the reason thats concerning for a lot of people is because we know you can still be contagious even if you dont have symptoms. Day six and onward, they say, especially if youre going to be around vulnerable people, you should wear a mask. You should think about ventilation. You should try and keep your distance now, part of the reason theyre making these changes, the cdc few reasons they said that 97 of the country now has some degree of immunity, which is probably true between vaccination and people whove been previously infected. But keep in mind a lot of people get infected over and over again. So they have the immunity doesnt seem to last very long. Also, if you look at hospitalizations and deaths, theyve gone down considerably 60 lower for hospitalizations. Deaths have gone down at 3 . Let me show you this graphic as well. They implemented this in oregon in the past back in may of 2023 and you can see what sort of happened cases did surge again. And then you had these sort of these ebbs and flows of cases. But the cdc says oregon really behave not much differently than the national average. So even with the loosening of the guidelines, it didnt seem to increase the risk. They say at least two people are in oregon now one thing to keep in mind is that some people say this is sort of flu of fighting, covid. Were treating this like flu. But i want to show you this graph that we pulled that makes this case that covid is still a lot more concerning than flu orange line is covid. Go back to 2019, 2020. You see the difference between covid flu and blue, and then r is read as rsv. Even now, most currently, you see how much more of an impact covid has overall on hospitalizations . In the last season flu kill that had about 21,000 people who died with covid. It was closer to 245,000. Covid is not flu. People can still spread this even when theyre asymptomatic. As i mentioned, they are more contagious, they are contagious for longer with covid. They can experience symptoms for a long time after infection. Long covid, and it can cause some very serious illness in people. So i think thats the concern that even though its being treated more and more, covid has been treated more and more like flu. It is not flu. As we get more information about these guidelines will certainly bring them to you all right. Dr. Sanjay gupta breaking it down for us. Thanks so much. Up next here, were not worthy, but this Football Star certainly is. Were going to show you how xavier worthy stole the show. At the scouting combine today. All lies on the southern border. Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Join Stana Plus senator dick durbin on trumps immunity case. And senator Markwayne Mullin on new leadership in the senate, state of the union. Live this morning at nih. I love your dress i splurged a little because Liberty Mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds thats great. I know, right. Ive been telling everyone did you hear that i just said her first word can you say mama . Never can you say on how many people did you tell . 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Jessica, in my opinion, worlds can no longer describe lebron james and all of his accomplishments on the basketball court. So how about you and i not even dry, right . Yeah. No words. No words for us. We have coy wire here. Well let him let him use the words last night Kaitlan Braun became the founding member. That means hes the only one in the nbas history of the 40,000 career point club. Wow, credible. And for perspective, if a rookie coming in scored 24 points in every regular season game for 20 years straight, no injury games missed anything. They still win score 40,000. Lebron has been that good for that long. James entering the night nine shy of 40,000 dress to the nines for the occasion, it wasnt a matter of if but when the when came early in the second pretty spin move in easy, smooth, laying against the Nuggets Lebron play into the crowd. His family was there to see the moment he finished with 26 points in the night. And although the lakers lost to the Nugget Lebron still embracing this moment in the first player to do something pretty cool. And his lady, because you just noted history, you know, the greatest come to the lead hes a day you see some degrades on the florida night. It was his great to compete personnel. So but for me to main thing is always the main thing and has to win and i hate it. Had to happen in especially versa team that plays extremely well basketball, we play some good bass water my word, but went able to close it out so bittersweet but very i enjoyed every moment tonight on the floor. Lets go to college hoops. Iowa superstar Caitlin Clark could break the ice to blaze all time scoring record today, 18 point shy of passing pete maravichs alltime record, three thousandths 667 point spoiler alert. It senior day in clark and the sixth ranked hawkeyes, theyre playing the number two ohio state buckeyes. Average ticket price, 571. Most expensive Womens Basketball game ever college or pro. All right. 14 days until selection sunday for the ncaa mens basketball tournament. But march madness has already begun. Number one, houston on the ropes yesterday, went on rent oklahoma, ties it up. What about ten seconds ago. Thanks to jamie and mccollum. But jamal shed saved the day for used in the senior draining the game they shot with four tenths of a second ago, the cougars avoiding the massive upset at seven of the weirdness, wackiest Buzzer Beaters weve ever seen Western Michigan tied with ball state one point second, 0. 6 seconds left in overtime. And how about the whole court past untouched, Bouncing Passive Defender for Anthony Crump to scoop in the game winning lay up at the buzzer. Finally, the next generation of nfl stars showing their skills this weekends nfl combine, former texas Wide Receiver zay if youre worthy, breaking the 40 yard dash record, 4. 21 seconds. If you need a lamborghini to throw passes to on your favorite nfl team . A worthy might be your guy. This is not a scene out of some Braveheart Battle Scene or anything like that. Former notre dame Quarterback Sam Hartman going viral for his 40 not because of his speed, because of these luscious locks, get this man a shampoo and dursman and to bring some more levity to your day check out what my producers did to me give me dirty not only in My Wildest Dreams look at as flowing locks, coy wire. I feel like one of those kids on with a Snapchat Filter and youre looking at your phone like, oh, ill look good. I mean, this is showing this to my wife, but enjoying it my favorite comment about this was that people said he looks like keanu reeves and should join him for that the next john wick movie, which was leiria sunday funday. Yeah. Yeah. You deal thank you so much. All right. Do this now. Billy joels last pop album came out about 30 years ago. Well, a month ago though he thrilled fans by releasing a new song. So now billion has collaborator Freddy Wexler joined Fareed Zakaria to talk about whether there will be more new songs. Take a listen so billy, now that youve done this, is can we say the dam has broken that . We are going to see a series of new billy joel songs i dont know. Fareed. I really dont know this is all kind of new to me. Again, just even going to the grammys was a whole new experience for me because id been there 30 years ago when i was a nominee in this time, i just was just another singer at the grammys. But i met all these new artists who i was very impressed to me. I was very happy to see all these people. I really enjoyed it, which i had done back in the past. I wasnt comfortable with competition between musicians whose number one, whos number two, who is going to win the grammy . It was kind of uncomfortable this time. I enjoyed it was a new experience for me. So this is all kind of new again, everything that was all new again man, i love that. Its hoping for scenes from Italian Restaurant part two. You can catch the full interview on Fareed Zakaria gps today at 10 00 a. M. And 01 00 p. M. Eastern right here on cnn. The next hour of cnn this morning starts right now good morning to you. Welcome to cnn this morning it is sunday, march 3. Hi, everyone. Im jessica dean, and im danny freeman, victor blackwell, and amara walker are off this morning to begin with donald trump racking up more gop primary wins, but nikki haley, she isnt backing down. Well have more on her strategy heading into Super Tuesday coming up. Also, the us carried out its first aid theyre dropoff humanitarian aid into gaza. President biden saying there is more to come were live in the region with more on the Relief Efforts an

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