Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

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Ballot also today, we are following the chaos on the coast and gaza. What the Israeli Military is now saying about the more than 100 people believed to have been killed is crowd rushed a convoy trying to provide food and Idf Spokesperson will be here welcome to the lead. Im Kaitlan Collins in for jake tapper today and we start with our Breaking News and our National Lead and the split screen that is playing out right before our very eyes. Both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, both down at the Southern Border right now, is immigration is set to be a major or if not the Biggest Issue in the 2024 election. Any minute now, we expect to hear from former President Trump. Hes in eagle pass, texas after hes been meeting with members of the States National guard, eagle pass. Youll recall became the epicenter of that tense standoff between texas and the federal government last month as they fought over who had jurisdiction over that part of the border shortly after trump speaks, well also hear from President Biden hes in brownsville, texas where he was just briefed by federal border and immigration officials. And were told that we can expect him to reiterate his calls for House Republicans to pass a bipartisan border deal cnns Priscilla Alvarez is traveling with President Biden in brownsville and cnns Kristen Holmes is with the Trump Campaign in eagle pass. Kristen, let me start with you because even before trump got on his plane and took this trip day, we saw him repeating those same kind of antiimmigration messages that we heard back in 2016 in 2020. What do we expect to hear . From him shortly on the ground when i would say more of the same, youve been operating out of the same Immigration Playbook since you said in 2015 when he launched his president ial campaign saying that people coming across the border, were bringing drugs and they were rape as that is not changed really one bit, and thats what we expect to hear today. We are told that hes going to link a series of crimes that were allegedly committed by migrants to the immigration crisis, as well as that death of a uga student. That was the suspect. There is an undocumented venezuelan migrant, and you should also really highlight where we are right now. You pointed that out. This is the focal point of the political aspect of immigration. We just saw donald trump with Texas Governor greg abbott, who is in a standoff with the Biden Administration over who really controls this section of the border, as we know, abbott has used State Resources to put razor wire on train cars behind me you all along the rio grande as well as on buoys in the middle of the river he just had a briefing with abbott, who again, has backed donald trump and said that they need Donald Trumps immigration policies. So we should really expect to see is how donald trump believes he is putting out his message. Remember what hes called for already in 2024, if he is elected . Saying that he would have mass deportations, that you would round up. And house immigrants, wait for waiting for deportation. He would also use Law Enforcement to help with wide arrests yeah. Im priscilla, youre traveling with President Biden as hes also there were watching both of them on the ground. Really a remarkable preview of what could be to come this fall. And a potential rematch between the two of them. But for President Biden knew he hasnt been to the border in over a year. What are white house official saying about why he chose to today to go down to the Southern Border Will Caitlin they are seeing an opportunity with that Senate Border bill that included some of the toughest Border Security measures ended up being tanked because of republicans. There was negotiations with within the senate and with white house officials. But in the end, it didnt move forward and the white house sees an opportunity here to hammer republicans over that, saying that this could have been a solution, and that republicans walked away from it. So we are here in the browser Border Patrol station. Im keeping a low voice because we are expecting President Biden to walk through those doors any minute now where he will be briefed by federal immigration officials, youll also see Border Patrol behind me. They have lined up against the wall. So this is really remarkable for a white house that had distance itself from the Border Security issue. For years, this administration has grappled with multiple surges along the usmexico border over the last few years, sources told me that conversations were always tends within the white house when this issue came up. But now with the republicans having tankers border bill, then president is leaning in and that is what were going to expect from his remarks today, is him going after them and saying, look, there could have been a solution here and you didnt sign onto it. And so that is what the met the message that were anticipating. Were going to hear now. And in the monster come kristen, given that given brazils reporting about what President Biden is going to say, i mean, republicans have historically had the edge when it comes to immigration. Theyre seen as being tougher on immigration, but given House Republicans just stood in the way of that Bipartisan Senate deal, really at the direction of former president Donald Trumps some of them outright saying it was because it was a political issue that he wanted to run on in 2024. I mean, how did they how do they spin that well, if you look at recent polling actually shows that despite that, many republicans and many voters believe donald trump would be harsher when it comes to immigration that youd be more successful thats full at the border, but weve heard them spinning time and time again. Is that biden doesnt actually need to have any kind of border bill passed and said he should just have Executive Action if you really cared about the border, you would use Executive Action. That is what weve heard from republicans also, weve heard from donald trump saying it had nothing to do with being political. It was just because it wasnt a good deal despite the fact that one of the most conservative senators in the senate was the one negotiating. But this is going to be a harder climb for them. What i do think when i talk to members, when we talk to people close to the former president , they believed that his messaging is better than he can convince people that he was better that he did more for the border, that he is stronger when it comes to the border. And one thing donald trump is good at is messaging kaitlan as you know, and that is what theyve really tried to hammer home even with the optics of this trip, even bringing him out, parading him in front of the national guard, kind of setting the scene for what he would say is what he wants his Border Control to look like if he is reelected back to the white house what priscilla, i mean, given that people have looked to get to President Biden can do do we expect him to announce anything when hes there today . Kaitlan, Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was asked that exact question. He said no announcements on Executive Actions today, but sources do tell me that the white house is considering Executive Action that would restrict the ability of migrants to claim asylum if they cross the border unlawfully using an authority that former President Donald Trump also used during his time in office. So the two Executive Actions might look very different, but on the same, this just goes to show how the white house is leaning in on an issue that up until this point, they had really kept at a distance and democratic strategists, i spoke with say that this is the opportunity that they see polling as you heard there from kristen shows that americans are seeing this as a top priority in a really important issue to them, this being the issue of immigration. And so its not beneficial anymore for democrats to keep it at a distance. In fact, democratic strategist, i spoke with say, President Biden should be embracing it, leaning into it. And not only leaning into it, but also leaning into the Enforcement Aspect of this. Oftentimes democrats have talked about Immigration Reform and protection for Daca Recipients and dreamers. But now were hearing a message that is very Border Security centric, and thats actually what were expecting to hear from the president today. And really again, could outline what the next few months look like. Not only for the president , but for democrats were running in other races Priscilla Alvarez with the president and brownsville, Kristen Holmes with the former president and eagle pass will be waiting for those remarks from them. And of course, just as President Biden and donald trump are visiting the border, weve also just heard from a federal judge who is blocking that enforcement of that controversial texas immigration law. It would essentially empower all enforcement in the state to arrest and detain anyone that they suspected of entering the country illegally. It caused a lot of uproar from immigration advocates. Cnns rosa flores is in the border, is on the border in eagle pass. Rosa. You what was the judges rationale for this injunction which essentially blocks this order for now what the judge said is that he rejected the arguments made by the state of texas that migrants crossing the border illegally is a quote, invasion. He rejected that. He upheld precedent saying that immigration is a federal function. Heres what the judge said in part, quote, surges and immigrants ration do not constitute an invasion within the meaning of the constitution or as texas engaging in war by enforcing, as before he goes on to say, if allowed to proceed as before, could open the door to each state passing its own version of Immigration Laws as before, threatens the fundamental notion that the United States must regulate them ration with one voice. Governor greg abbott, of course, speaking out disagreeing, saying that the state of texas has Constitutional Authority for doing all of this. He issued a Statement Saying in part, quote, texas has the right to defend itself because of President Bidens ongoing failure to fulfill his duty to protect our state from the invasion at our Southern Border, even from the bench, this District Judge acknowledged that this case will ultimately be decided by the us supreme court. Theres also been an outpouring of reaction from across the state. There was actually a protest earlier today, we have video of it. This was in south texas in the rio grande valley. Now you got to think about them the state of texas is about 40 latino. And the fear of the enforcement of this law is that it will lead to discrimination now, a Civil Rights Organization in Many Organizations have issued statements. Heres one saying, in part, quote, what todays decision the court sent a clear message to texas. Sb4 is unconstitutional and criminalizes black, brown, indigenous, and immigrant communities and immigrant communities will not be tolerated and kaitlan Governor Greg Abbott, as posted multiple posts on x, saying that the fight is not over. If you know, a governor, greg abbott, you know that its not over until its over. Hes going to continue with the fight here on the Southern Border. Caitlin, back to you. Yeah. Well continue to track that closely. Rosa flores. Thank you for that report. Here with me now, is democratic congressman congresswoman Veronica Escobar of texas, who represents the Border Community of el paso and its surrounding areas. Congresswoman, its great to have you here on a day like this, but let me just first get your reaction to what we just heard rosa report. Theyre about this, judge, with this preliminary injunction on that state law that is known is sb4. I knew that you are an opponent to that. What do you make of what . Judges decided here . Thanks so much. Kaitlan really appreciate the opportunity to talk to you. I agree with a judge as due a number of legal scholars, advocates, Border Residents we know that what Governor Greg Abbott was trying to do it was not just immoral, but it was unconstitutional. We are already in communities like my own, seeing agree just civil rights abuses because of his operation, lone star and sb4 would have been a huge expansion of that that would have led to really some more our significant targeting of minority communities. So its a reprieve for now. I agree with a judge that this likely will go all the way to the supreme court, but we are hoping that justice will prevail well, watch to see, of course, if it does go to the supreme court. I mean, heaviest live a lot on their hands as weve been talking about in recent days. But, you know what were looking at right now with President Biden there on the border, foreign President Trump as well. I should note President Biden is in brownsville. This is his first visit to the border in 13 months. Do you believe that he should be visiting the border more often given how high of an issue it is on americans minds i was so proud to travel with President Biden last year to my community of el paso. I think its great that he is going to today, but the president has not been has not necessarily had to be at the border to understand whats happening in many of us have shared with him as has Secretary Mayorkas, and others about the great challenge that has existed. And i have to say kaitlan, its existed since before President Biden was in office. When donald trump but was president i led a number of congressional delegations to el paso so that people could understand the chat. The great challenge that we faced, and the need for congressional action what we have seen over the last two decades has been an effort, a concerted and successful effort by republicans to basically limit. And in fact deny any kind of congressional action. We saw it in 2006. We saw in 2014, in 2018, again this year, 2024. Every Time Congress has been poised to act on what normally has been a combination of Border Security and Immigration Reform its been republicans who blocked it and prevented any action. So the humanitarian crisis that many communities lets have seen to this day is a direct result of congressional inaction, but mostly led by republicans who blocked that action. But i wonder what you make of where President Biden chose to go today. I mean, you see really seeing the biggest challenge in brownsville. The border is seeing i actually congresswoman standby for one moment. We do have the foreign president and it speaking right now, Southern Border are we are waiting, mrs. War now, we have the one getting their governor hasnt done a thing and the governor in california the other thing people are flowing through there like nothing but texas is very secure and is going to be even more secure by the time you finished, which will be soon i just want to thank some friends of mine. Brandon judge has been a friend from day one, knew what we were all about and new word we were saying and doing. And i think we were ahead of our time and general Thomas Selzer was somebody that was always right there and understands this Texas Military department about as well as he could have. I think he understands war because thats what youre in. Youre in a war than william mike norby, you know, he is an hes been fantastic is just an Incredible Group that youve put together. Fortunately, i might ask brandon tsay a couple of words because right at the beginning we were we are into it. We saw what was happening and the governor was there and then he really he really stepped it up. Its been amazing. I came when i was lucky enough to receive his endorsement. I endorsed him also and very proudly endorse them and a lot of things have happened in the last little while, but this is an incredible operation, a brandnew would you like to say a couple of words present . Thank you. Sir i want you to know your agents. My agents, theyre mad as hell absolutely mad. That President Biden went to brownsville, texas rather than going to arizona, rather than going to san diego, california, rather than coming to eagle pass, texas which has been the epicenter. What President Trump has seen right here is hes seen how his policies have worked, but hes also seen how he can expand upon those policies once he takes goes back into the white house, he has seen how Governor Abbott has been able to use his policies to secure this specific area, the epicenter of the last two years of the illegal Border Crisis that we have had to endure. And your agents, president they are Border Patrol agents, are upset that we cannot get the proper policy that is necessary to protect human life, to protect american citizens, to protect the people that are crossing the border illegally. We want to protect them as well, and we cant do that because President Bidens policies shes continued to invite people across her. Thank goodness. We have a governor like Governor Abbott. Thank goodness. We have somebody thats willing to run for president the states for go Everything Else that hes been doing to serve the American People. President thank you the reports have come out and weve been covering them and everybodys been an ai spoke to the parents of an incredible young lady and you saw her at the other day, you saw what happened the other day in georgia and the parents are devastated, their incredible people. But this is a joe biden invasion, is as a biden invasion over the past three years i call them crooked joe because hes crockett is a terrible precedent, worst president our countrys ever had a probably the most incompetent president. Weve ever had. But its allowing thousands and thousands of people to come in from china. Iran, yemen, the congo, syria, and a lot of other nations, many nations are not very friendly to as his transported. The entire columns of fighting aged men and theyre all at a certain age and you look at him. I said they look like warriors to me. Somethings going on as bad now, the United States is being overrun by the biden Migrant Crime. Its a new form of vicious violation to our country. Its Migrant Crime. We got biden Migrant Crime, but thats a little bit long. So well just leave it but every time you hear the term Migrant Crime, you know where that comes from, allowing thousands and thousands, actually millions and millions of people to come could be 15 million, could be 18 million. By the time he gets out of office because hopefully the biggest risk we have is nine months. Thats a long time. A lot of bad things can happen. They always say in speeches and rallies. Its, if you take the ten worst president s in the history of our country, you added them all up, all of the problems, all of the lousy jobs theyve done. You can add them all up. Its not as bad as this. One. Man has done for our country. What hes done to our countries is destroying our country we were just talking before we general was saying, i cant believe he can believe whats happening. They cant believe its so sad last year, almost half of all ice arrests were criminal aliens charged for more than 33,000 assaults, 3,000 robberies 6,900 burglaries, 7,500 weapons. Grimes, this is all Migrant Crime 4,300 sex crimes, 1,600 kidnappings and 1,700 homicides and murders. These are the people that are coming into our country and theyre coming from jails and theyre coming from prisons and they coming from mental institutions and theyre coming from insane asylums. And they are terrorists. Theyre being let into our country and its horrible. Its honorable. And i know many of the leaders of these other countries that are doing it and its not just south american soil over the world. The congo, a very big population coming in from jails for the congo, you look at the jails now you take a look at the jails throughout the region, but more importantly, throughout the world the emptying out because theyre dumping amid the United States. And these guys try and make like always wonderful. They dont have a clue. I think theyre looking for votes, looking for something nobodys really been able to tell me how anybody could wanted, you know, youre always in business, you always want to understand the other side. You want to figure it out so you can do something thats good or bad depending on what youre looking for. But nobody can explain to me because everybody i speak to says how horrible it is. Nobody explained to me how allowing millions of people from places are known from countries are known who dont speak languages. We have languages coming into our country. We have nobody that even speak says language. Is there truly Foreign Languages . Nobody speaks some. And theyre pouring into our country and theyre bringing with them tremendous problems, including medical problems as you know, we had title two and we had Different Things to solve that problem, but theyve terminated all of that. Even the judge couldnt believe that the judge said no, no, you cant do that. It would be horrible to do that and he let it go and but he said in six months it expires and it expired and thats it. So i just think youre doing an incredible job just one week ago, a beautiful 22 yearold Nursing Student from georgia was barbarically attacked, almost unrecognizable. While she was out on her morning run, she was a morning run. She was doing keep herself and shapes use a beautiful young woman. She was a great person, best Nursing Student, there was i spoke to a parents yesterday. Theyre incredible people that devastated beyond beyond belief. But she was beautiful, just so beautiful and so many ways and brutally assaulted, Arithmetically Beaten kidnapped, and savagely murdered the monster that charged, charged in the death is an illegal Alien Migrant who was led into our country and released into our communities by crooked joe biden, nice crockett. I took the name away from hilary because shes no longer relevant, i guess. She was terrible, but he is what he is doing is just unbelievable. Joe biden will never say laken rileys name but we will say it and we will remember, were not going to forget her. Its been just a horrible story that weve had to live with the last few days. Its hard to believe and her parents are just they can never be the same. Great people just four days ago, an illegal alien in louisiana was arrested for brutally raping a 14yearold girl while holding a knife to or throat and he then allegedly robbed a man who was getting out of his car in front of his home and repeatedly stabbed him in the face, in the back, in the face many, many times before police found this Person Standing in the middle of a street, all covered with blood, standing over the blood of the man who was attacked i can last year is Sadistic Illegal Alien Criminal who was released into our country by joe biden, was arrested for raping and 11 yearold girl and strangling her to death pasadena, texas. Then shortly before she was murdered, she texted her father that someone was knocking at the door. He arrived home from work and found his daughters body stuffed in a Laundry Basket underneath the bed horrible crooked joe is the blood of countless innocent victims. Its so many stories to tell, so many horrible stories three years ago, we had the most secure border in history. Brandon was saying at the general was saying it. We had the most secure border and people werent coming because they knew they werent going to get in and we werent promising free education, free, medical free, everything. I mean, all the promises that are made no wonder they come and you look at what this governor, new scum from california isnt that as named new scam . What hes done to californias unbelievable people are pouring in. They think theyre going to get medical aid. And our soldiers, our vets arent being taken care of, but people that come into our country illegally are we ended Catch And Release. We built 571 miles of border wall, much more than i promised. Id build and in addition, we purchased another 200 miles and they sold that much of it for 0. 05. So the dollar and just the best wall the same world that youre using. Because the governor is now building a lot of wall also. And it works walls work walls, and wheels. I always said its one thing never gets obsolete. A wall and a wheel. Everything else is obsolete about two weeks after you come up with it and we got mexico to give us 28,000 soldiers to take care of our border way, the safest border in the history of our country. And now outside of this area where texas has done an amazing job and earn a pretty short period of time. Theyre going to have it all covered. They have just been incredible what the operation that they showed me is nothing less than incredible. And ill say this its a Military Operation i mean, we have millet. This is like a war to Military Operations. So we had remained in mexico. Remember that . You cant come into our country and mexico agreed to it and i tell you someday ill tell you why serif safe third agreements, asylum bans title 42 and rapid removals. But title 42 was so important rapid removal, so important but the best was remain in mexico, you stay in mexico. We had Catch And Release in mexico. We had catched before that. It was Catch And Release a criminal and they released him in the United States. We had no more Catch And Release or catchandrelease was we released them in mexico . And if you broke the law, we caught you, we deported you or we did something else. But we were doing a great job and thats where it stood and then we had an election that we ended up getting many millions of more votes than we did. We did much better in 2020 than we ever even thought about doing in 2016. And very bad things happen. And from that moment on, it was a whole different ball game in texas and all over. But the governor of texas picked up the ball and theyve done an incredible job and ill tell its an honor to be here. Ive brought some people here, some executives from new york because theyre marveling at it too. And youre doing your job now we have to find out whats going on on the side, each side because arizona is not doing their job, you have a democrat liberal or more than that governor that probably doesnt want to do anything. So people are just pouring in through arizona and they are pouring in through the beautiful state, the one spirit of whole state its still beautiful i guess, but they have a lot of crime and a lot of problems. California because the governor is not doing his job in california, is doing a terrible job. He talks a good game, you know, he talks about how wonderful things, but hes wrong and they have a big outflow of people, people that pay taxes, people that dont commit crime, that leaving a lot of them are leaving so i just want to thank the governor. I want to thank this Incredible Group of talent behind me and we just went through we just went through something very, very special we did a tour and we did it through all sorts of cameras. Theyre all over the place. I dont know. Theyre in the sky there in satellites theyre on the top of those life pauls several over the place. And you really have it done and you have been listening to former President Donald Trump. He is in eagle pass today and of course he is there at the time that President Biden is also on the ground. We are waiting to hear from President Biden. Were going to take those remarks live, but as we do after every trumps speech, it seemed teams we have to have a series of fact checks because if multiple times and just those brief remarks there, he made several lies, told several lies about the border, also misrepresented his own past on the border in what he did while he was in office. This cnns daniel dale is here. Our resident fact check reporter daniel, obviously weve been listening to this just writing down several of the things that he said that werent true in their first off is the one that he has claimed repeatedly that i know you personally tried to fact check, which is that there are people from jails and mental institutions that are being emptied and those people are coming across the border, something that the Trump Campaign has never been able to provide any evidence of getting hes still repeats it almost every time he talks about the border, he does kaitlan. I asked the Trump Campaign, what is the evidence that unnamed foreign leaders are emptying out their institutions, their jails, sending people here as migrants, they couldnt come up with anything. I also took some notes. He said that we see columns of fighting age men. They look like warriors. There are zero basis kaitlan for this idea yeah, that unnamed Foreign Countries are surreptitiously using migrants to assemble some sort of antiu. S. Fighting force. You hear this on the far right, even if you think that many migrants are economic migrants rather than true asylum claimants, thats not an army. It just nonsense. He talked about a supposed new form of crime under President Biden. He says, new migrant im crime, look some undocumented people have committed crimes under every president , under President Trump. Again, under President Biden, we have had some highprofile recent tragic cases, but every piece of data, all goods studies show that undocumented people, like other immigrants, commit crimes at lower rates than native born americans. He told the story that hes told before well, kaitlan about people arriving speaking languages that no ones ever heard. He said in a previous, recent speech, we didnt even have one translator who could understand this language. This, ive looked into, this seems to be just conjured out of thin air. Its nonsense. He also said that maybe these people are being led in because they presumably the Biden Administration is looking for votes. I think you can make a convoluted case hes the one day people could be turned in, naturalized, turning to citizens, citizens then could vote. But i think its important to remind people that undocumented people like other non citizens, cannot vote at present. And then finally, former President Trump, although repeated, his frequent claim that he built 500 miles of wall. We have official figures on that it is 458 miles, much of which its important to note is replacement barrier replacing barriers that previously existed, not covering parts of the border that had no barriers in the past. None of which mexico also paid for, which was another pledge of his and something that he brings up. The other thing he seemed to suggest was that 10 Million People are illegally going they come in the country in the next nine months, that something that just has zero basis whatsoever. Yeah. I mean, as as fact check, man, i tried to stay away from factchecking predictions because theoretically anything could happen. But that number certainly would far exceed the pace weve seen even while seeing record levels under President Biden daniel dale. Thank you as always for being on standby to fact check that. I also want to bring back a conversation that we were having right before we went to former President Trump. But democratic congresswoman Veronica Escobar, who has been very Patient Waiting for us, and congresswoman, i will warn you, of course, we are seeing President Biden get a speech right now. We expect to hear from him in a little bit. But on the question that we were talking about, there, which is where President Biden is. Hes in brownsville, texas. You just heard the head of the national Border Patrol council, Brandon Judd Criticizing Biden for being there in brownsville for not being closer to tucson, arizona, which is where the number one Migrant Issue is happening. Of course, the most crossings congresswoman were you to make sure that we can get your connection, that it is here. But i should know what brandon judd was saying. He was criticizing biden for being in brownsville and for not being in the tucson sector. I should note trump was standing right there at eagle pass. Hes also Nowhere Near Tucson where the height of this issue is but on President Biden, given youre a democrat, what do you make of where he decided to go today kaitlan, youre right. I mean, mr. Judge should have criticized donald trump as well for being texas and not arizona. The fact of the matter is really many of the Migrant Pathways end up shifting over time arizona right now is definitely where the highest number of encounters are. But recently it was texas. And in fact, mr. Judd mentioned that eagle pass was the number one the epicenter . No el paso, texas actually was the number one area for apprehensions and encounters. Last year. Weve seen a shift recent in texas, not because of what greg abbott is doing. And i think thats really important to stay that much of what greg abbott is doing has not worked necessarily, but in fact, it was the president s collaboration with mexico and mexico gauging and its enforcement activities that shifted a lot of the movement away from texas into other states. But it could very well shipped back. I think im sorry. Go ahead congresswoman. Sorry. Where are your shot is having a few technical issues. I just want to say, congressman, we do appreciate your patience. Thank you for standing by. Will bring you back soon once we can get that restored. Also with us still, Kristen Holmes, who is traveling with the former president , was there in eagle pass as he is speaking. And kristen, i just think one thing that stood out to me beyond the fact that theyre criticizing biden for not being closer to the center of this crisis while they are themselves are in eagle pass and not also close to it is trump was standing there talking about the lack of action on immigration, but its notable because he in whats going on at the border, hes the one who blocked who urged House Republicans to stand in the way of that Bipartisan Senate bill that would have addressed a lot of these issues that had money for more border wall. It would have tightened asylum claims, it would have maybe not done everything republicans wanted, but it would have done something yeah i mean, this is going to be the backandforth backandforth that we hear between democrats and republicans, in between trump and biden, probably the narrative thats going to carry us through to november. Biden is going to blame trump for blocking that bill, which is entirely true. Donald trump came out publicly against the border bill. He was pressured during senators both publicly and privately, not to back the ability. I think one point he said that republican senators who backed the bill had a problem or something along those lines when hes being very overt about how he felt about this. So that part is true. The other part of this is that he continues to say that biden could take exactly i kind of action thats also true. There are a number of Executive Actions that joe biden could take this is just more of the push poll that were going to see leading up to november. And they both politicize this issue. Now, one thing i want to point out here is what we heard in that speech. That was true and we heard daniel dale mentioning it these crimes, theres been a series of highprofile crimes linked to immigration that is true. And all the data shows that the crimes committed by undocumented immigrants is much lower than crimes committed by others. But there have been some high crimes. You are going to continue to see donald trump seizing on that from now until november, he uses fear stoking rhetoric. He uses divisive rhetoric to try and garner votes, to try to talk about the issue of immigration by essentially saying that not only are they going to take your jobs, which is something he said in michigan to union workers, but theyre going to harm your family and that is what he said in 2015 in and hes going to continue to say now its also part of his rhetoric on what he would do if he was in office. Again, things like mass deportations, rounding up migrants and putting them into Detention Centers essentially, before deporting them, all of which, by the way would likely get stopped out by a number of legal law lawsuits. Before that, i got anywhere near being implemented. But these are the kind of things that he says that get people to back him because they are afraid yeah. Its a tried and true tactic that he used in 2016. We saw it took him to the white house in part, kristen, the other thing that stood out though, is listening to brandon judd, who who clearly is supporting donald trump. He was heavily critical of President Bidens prison. Bidens handling of the border, but he is someone who on this bill that trump helped tank. He was actually supportive of it. He thought it would have been a good bill and would have helped what theyre seeing on the border kaitlan. I dont want to say that politicians go back on their word and i dont want to say that hes only doing this because donald trump is next to him. But i think two things can be true at once. I think he probably was very supportive of the bill. I have no reason to doubt that. I also know that he sees this every day and there were a number of things if implemented that would help stem the migrant crisis. We know that these were things that republicans themselves were publicly fighting for and have been fighting for for a number of years. But as you said, he is also clearly supporting former President Donald Trump. But if hes going to stand up there next to him, hes not going to support the same bill and thats really what we saw from republicans across the board. We had so many republicans who are publicly supporting the bill only to quietly pull back, pull back, pull back, and then eventually not vote. It was really remarkable to see, but not that surprising, particularly as weve seen, donald trump and inched towards nomination, it looks as though hes very likely to be the republican nominee. And weve seen the Republican Party coalesce behind him and the border bill is just no different Kristen Holmes and eagle pass will continue to monitor 4 trump on the ground. There we are also standing by for President Biden, who is set to speak any moment in brownsville, texas where hes just been briefed five federal officials will take those remarks live when they happen as we wait, i want to bring in former republican congressman will hurd, who represented a district on the majority of texass border with mexico, and is wellversed in all of these issues. Congressman, can i just first get your reaction to what you heard from donald trump and also just the criticism because of that, that hes not near the bidens not going near tucson where its the height of this crisis, but also trump isnt going there either today so i think what you heard is what youre going to hear if he is the nominee for the rest of the election some of it was just incorrect. I take your fact checker had it right . When donald trump is president , he deported less people than president obama of the new wall that was built, it was less than 50 miles. The rest of that was existing. I mean, it was his policies that started this crisis and it was in joe biden is continuing this and has made this crisis significantly worse than it was under, under, under donald trump. And the reality about the border is it changes day by day. And so a place that may be quiet one day is going to get become a place where theres a lot of traffic and a lot a lot of action in a lot of problems so thats the reality of the border. And unfortunately, i think what, what americans saw was that this is donald trump continued to complain about a problem not providing the solutions that we need to solve this. The fact that it was key was the one that killed the bill and the senate that could have gotten some help more needs to be done. And this is, this is not normal. 5. 6 Million People coming into our country legally under President Biden is not normal i think americans want to return to normalcy, and thats why i hope Eye On Super Tuesday more people pulled it to pull the lever for nikki haley because she governors, you know, how to solve problems shes congressman hurd, we are checking your connection. I think we lost you briefly. I should note what we are watching right now is President Biden, he is being briefed by officials on the ground there in brownsville, texas. His first trip to the border. And about 13 months is you see him there meeting with officials . We can, hear him speaking. Lets listen to and see if we can hear the word here. That one point of one billion, 111 trillion, 200 billion bill passed that has infrastructure, money. It could be a game changer here were still scratching our heads like, what are we going to do i i just admire your not only your courage and your intellect and your judgment, but thats your role that keep at this. So understaffed. No, i really mean it its incredible. One point, sir. I know its one team, one fight easy to all the sainz are worth saying. But ill tell you what getting it done is a lot harder. As i think the American People should know, just how much a combination of risk work and dedication there has been trying to get this done. Youre listening there to President Biden. Hes just been meeting with officials at a cbp official and other immigration officials. He was just briefed by them. We are going to hear from all remarks from the president on the Southern Border in this dueling appearances as he is there not far away, about 300 miles away for President Trump is on the ground in eagle pass. Were going to take a quick break. Well be right back with those remarks in just a moment. This situation with wolf blitzer night at six, what cnn did you know, most dish salts dont remove all the grease even with scrubbing. What i just clean them tried on platinum, it removes 99 of greece and food residue thats why don is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. Don platinum cleans to the squeak sore throat, gutter music since the suit wrote medicated drops, uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts get mucinex instance. Its come back season turbotax now offers a lifetime guarantee when you file your taxes, Terror Attacks guarantees 100 before we still dont like to say a few words about the devastating wildfires. Are scorching Texas Panhandle and Northwest Oklahoma you yesterday, biggest i will go to four to President Biden, whos speaking after we heard from former President Trump on the Southern Border in brownsville, texas im going to start i directed my team who are any possible to help protect the people in the communities threatened by these fires. In response to specific requests from may from the state. Weve already had more than 500 federal personnel here working on fire suppression. That includes the deployment of 100 and firefighters and more on the way as well as dozens of dei of Additional Fire engines air tankers, small planes, helicopters to help fight the flames. And fame has already guaranteed that texas and oklahoma will be reimbursed for the cost of keeping folks safe. And were grateful for the brave first responders, risking their lives to save others. And we urge, we urge folks to listen to the warnings from a local official officials listen to them. Ive flown over law these wildfires since ive been president and matter of fact, ive been helicopter in the west and the southwest and northwest flown over more land, burned to the ground all the vegetation gone than entire state of maryland and square footage. The idea theres no such thing is climate change. I love that man. I love some of my man with all friends, so we still think theres no climate change. Well, my administration going to keep building on the progress weve made fighting Climate Crisis and were going to keep help folks rebuild themselves in the wake of these disasters. And we rebuild to the standards that are up the uptodate standards and Building Codes and the rest, because a lot of your flight i over these areas that are burned to the ground, youll see in the midst of 20 homes that are just totally destroyed, one home sitting there because at the right roof on it since i took Office Famous provide a texas alone over 13 billion billion to three years in disaster relief. After fires and Winter Storms across the state when disaster strike, theres no red state or blue state where i come from, or just communities and families looking for help so were standing with everyone everyone affected by these wildfires. Im going to continue to help her respond and recover now, turning to the purpose of my visit i want to thank Congressman Gonzalez thank you for the passport into his district, but hes been a great partner is also want to thank merrick memory. Merrick collins for his partnership. And ronna. Thank county judge, to reno. For over 30. No local officials whove joined us here today. No one no one works harder for a safe, secure border. And all of you and Secretary Mayorkas has joined us today and hes joined by seven mirrors and cities hes in towns across south texas for County Judges hear from across the say i told the county judge that i used to be accounting official thats the hardest job in america. In politics, you know why . I think you do everything you dont have the budget. So anyway, and the two leaders in texas, lead singer Statehouse Leader trace here, Martinez Fisher and the state Senate Leader Caroll Alvarado and it looked and all the other local officials that are here today, i want to say thanks folks. Its real simple. Its time to act as long past time to act. I just received a briefing from the Border Patrol at the border as well as immigration enforcement, Asylum Officers and theyre all doing incredible work under really tough conditions. Really tough because you they told me what they what you already know and we already know. They desperately need more resources say it again, they desperately need more resources, need more agents, more officers, more judges, more equipment in order to secure our border folks is time for us to move on. This we cant wait any longer. Folks in my first day as president , i introduced a bill i sent to congress a comprehensive plan to fix the broken Immigration System and to secure the border but no action was taken. Then months ago, my team began a serious negotiation in a Bipartisan Group of senators, democratic leading, conservative republicans and progressive democrats. And the result of a Compromise Bill. Its the toughest set of Border Security reforms weve ever seen in this country its pretty basic with this deal. We could hire 1,500 additional Border Security, 1,500 additional officers and officers. And between Ports Of Entry for the last four years, staffing has been roughly that flat. As flat age is working overtime, spending long hours patrolling the border, making major sacrifices and i know it takes a big toll on them and their families. Thats why in december, i signed a bill finally getting Border Patrol agents was ive been pushed by im reminded by the congressman overtime pay they deserved finally getting overtime pay. I mean, its ridiculous and took this long it was long past time and i was proud to do it, but we need to do more this time to step up. Its time to step up. Provide them with significantly more personnel. And cape ability. We also need more Immigration Judges to help handle the backlog 2 million cases. Backlog of 2 million cases that is bipartisan deal would provide funding for 100 more Immigration Judges immediately will also establish new efficient and fair process for the government to consider asylum claims. For those because arriving at our border today, the process to get a decision on asylum claim takes five to seven years you all know it down here, but the people around the country dont understand it. As far too long to command you say, you say i have a credible fear and weve changed that standard, make it hard. We want to change, make it harder. And what. Happens to say, well, okay, you can run the country but come back in five to seven years. Maybe as many as eight years and youd get a hearing from before a judge determined whether you can stay. This will encourage more people. This encourages more people to come to the contrary if they get by the first, they got another 578 years before they have to do anything because they know they cannot handle the case loads quickly. And therell be able to stay in this country in the meantime the new policies in this bill and additional 4,300 additional Asylum Officers well be able to reduce that process to less than six months. That would have a serious deterrent effect on those coming north when a criminal thanks will get you in north. Whats 8,000 bucks . This in a way, let me get this straight im going to go north. Skunk cost me 68 and probably more closer to eight, i guess thousand dollars equivalent and im going to get there. And six months they may be able to get rid of me. I dont know six months, seven years, two Different Things the person is thinking about entering United States, understands the cases to be cited in a few weeks or months instead of five to seven years. Theyre less likely to come in the first place. Could not go into hey, the cartels, thousands of dollars to make that journey. Knowing that will be turned around quickly look we also need more cuttingedge Inspection Machines to detect and stop fentanyl a manner in the United States of america a year ago, i stood at the border and ill pass on. I watched these machines that work they were able to detect everything from fentanyl to weapons to people being smuggled in cargo containers. This, this Compromise Bill would provide an additional 43,424 million for 100 more of these machines. And can save lives in the process is compromised. Those sessions also give me as president and are any of the next president emerged . Authority to temporarily shut down the border between Ports Of Entry when the numbers of immigrants and migrants, excuse me, overwhelm the border, started straining the Border Patrols ability to process its the same time at our legal Ports Of Entry by Karen Brownsville were making investments in infrastructure my bipartisan infrastructure law is going to provide nearly 4 billion new dollars to boost security, to ease Waiting Times at land and Ports Of Entry like townsville. And i walked back again congressman, gonzales, of me get that through and get the past. Was the law that you get the money for the exact thats how you got the money for the Gateway Bridge from that fund folks, the bipartisan Border Security deal as a win for the American People. Thats a win for the people of texas. And its fair for those legitimately have a right to come here to begin with. So when for the people of brownsville and i believe thats why the Border Patrol union endorsed it i believe thats why the National Chamber of commerce and thats the Chamber Commerce endorsed. Not known as the Democratic Organization within the capital d. Look. And thats why the Wall Street Journal endorsed it as well. This is a truly Bipartisan Initiative thats why the bipartisan south Texas Alliance of cities endorsed it. Folks i didnt get i didnt and everything i wanted in that compromise bipartisan bill, but neither did anybody else a compromise is part of the process thats how democracy works. Thats how supposed to work. Compromise hi, this is a very positive step on a critical issue for the country all those issues for the country. And folks here in brownsville and all along the border know that we need to have their backs next year backs. I want the people to understand clearly what happened here. This bill was the United States senate was on its way to be passed then it was derailed by Rank And File Politan rank of partisan politics. The us senate needs to reconsider this bill and those senators who oppose it need to set politics aside and pass it on the merits. Not on whether its going to benefit one party or benefit the other party its about whether it benefits the American People for the American People deserve the speaker. The house needs to put this bill on the floor because he put it on the floor on it would pass the majority of democrats and republicans both houses support this legislation until someone came along and said, dont do that on benefit incumbent. Thats a hell of a way to do business in america for such a serious problem, we need to act. Its time for the speakers and some of my republican friends in congress were blocked in this bill to show a little spine pass a bipartisan border bipartisan as another remembered by Park Conservative leaders supported this Border Security bill less you remember who we worked for for gods sake . We worked for the American People. Let me end with this i understand my friends this is theres an eagle pass today. So heres what i would say to mr. Trump set of plans, policy issue, set of tele members of congress to block the southern station, join me were all join, you. And telling the congress to pass this bipartisan Border Security bill. We can do it together. You know, and i know its the toughest, most efficient, most effective Border Security bill is countrys ever seen so instead of Playing Politics with the issue, why dont we just get together and get it done . Unless you remember who the heck who work for worked for the American People not to democratic party, the Republican Party we worked for the American People unless remember who we are, where the United States of america no, i mean, just think about this. Theres nothing nothing beyond our capacity. Nothing. When we work together. And if all things we should be working together on this, we have the formula to get it done god bless you all. May god protect our Border Patrol object to our troops. Now id like to turn us over to Secretary Mayorkas. Thank you youve been listening there to President Biden speaking in brownsville, texas. Youre now hearing from the department of Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, as they are making President Biden for him, his first visit to the border. And about 13 months, you see there Border Patrol officials standing behind him. He just was briefed by federal officials and the main point of his message there was calling on lawmakers to pass some legislation to address what is happening on the border of course, this comes after we saw democrats and republicans in the senate negotiate that bill. That was then blocked by House Republicans who criticized the bill flooded part by former president donald will trump, who is also in texas, about 300 miles from where President Biden is just speaking there in brownsville, part of what President Biden said was he was essentially arguing that he can understand why lawmakers can pass something on infrastructure in a bipartisan way, but not when it comes to immigration cnns Priscilla Alvarez was in the room as President Biden was making those remarks, and priscilla, just in and of itself, it is notable that President Biden is there. This is an administration including the Vice President that once said, these kinds of Border Visits were grand gestures, more like photoops but now you see, obviously this is an issue that is vulnerable and weak for President Biden. He is, theyre saying im the one putting the solutions forward. Its congress that is standing in the way we proud of the men and women and thats why he cant learn. And that was really the theme of his operational briefing and also his remarks when president was briefed by federal immigration he repeatedly came back to but they were bolduan, not enough staff, not not technologies are interesting because he used republican talk to you just talking about fentanyl are talking about cartels the point sources of acquired a us later and to get that, he needs the help of congress. And that was also what was jarring you guys remarks where he walks through the Senate Border bill included, again, kaitlan, Border Security measures in recent memory. In fact, the president ticked some of them included saying that its extraordinary emergency. Dhs would allow the Homeland Security secretary to struck down the border if certain triggers. Were blown, the abrasive address discuss to show how far this way on fields and how they have burned almost high chair and given the urgency, surges at the mexico. And also as americares are increasingly so concerned about this particular issue. But i also want to mention caitlyne met before the end of his hasnt invited sold out former President Donald Trump didnt lesion, but he calling his predecessor, i could give them a message and that he said that is instead of Playing Politics where instead of swing republicans not to vote down provided president and vice or that former President Donald Trump should work with them or he would work with former President Donald Trump. It was a remarkable losing can watch it goes to show what im powerful donald trump, the Republican Party and voting on this image, waterville, also present in almost trying to live shell show them as a key issue going into attorneys president ial election. So again, the president down here brian smell, odor control station, secretary, speaking now, following the president , and theyre both going hammer and his point that they need more funds for the borders. We have provided and that they lead to world resort all of that goes right back to that border bill that was breaking that the Senate Senate republicans former President Donald Trump, whole pathway the president is still calling on House Speaker mike johnson to put that bill on the house floor. He believes that if that if he took that move, that it would pass, but weve heard speaker johnson to make clear that he has no plans to do so. So what is the white houses is backup plan. I know theyd been talking about Executive Orders potential and immigration. What is within President Bidens purview . What do they plan to do ahead of the election and deserve . Finally there is consideration of an Executive Action limit the ability of migrants to seek asylum at the usmexico border they crossed on the 20 thats what sources telling me. Theres still work Behind The Scenes administration attorneys to hammer out whether this is a possibility and it would be anchored in the same authority. President donald trump actually kaitlan, i can hear Homeland Security calling out Texas Governor greg abbott. I want to know this because what the governor has done and setting threats to democratic led cities hasnt really changed type of how this white house as much to handle these issues. Because now its an issue that is going to the dr. Of every democratic led city shes covering quite to the white house are doing on the border. So that is played into all of this calculus. But going back to what the white house is considering, they are considering that Executive Action, but would the white house officials i always come back is that it is a greater bill that would enshrine this into law. So even if theres an executive doesnt go, lets try as like older girls welcome. But on the sign, kaitlan all right. House here jimmy, into an issue that they really tried to come better for many Executive Orders with tied up in the courts the time Priscilla Alvarez, well let you listen into that and check back in with you. Daniel dale is also still here with me and danya. Were just talking about former President Trumps remarks on the border. When you listen to what he says and then theres this clear splitscreen moment of what is very likely to be a president ial rematch this november. What did you hear in President Bidens remarks . Anything . In fact, check there. Honestly, no. I mean, especially when i fact checked President Trump and President Biden is speaking next, i wanted to effect like on the current president as well, but what he did, kaitlan was a stick narrowly to the text of that bipartisan border deal that trump opposes. He argued that it should be passed, and he created this has its critics. So not only was there a juxtaposition in style with former President Trump

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