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moving into this official impeachment inquiry phase. >> it has now been formalized. a new election year headache, house republicans have officially opened an impeachment inquiry against joe biden as they look into the family finances. this morning continued questions, though, for proof, any proof of high crime or misdemeanor. a judge pushing pause on the federal election subversion case against the former president. what does it mean now for that march trial date. u.s. intel says nearly half israeli munitionop gaza. that means they're unguided and precise and they could be contributed to the staggering civilian death toll. "cnn this morning" starts right now. house republicans have officially launched their impeachment inquiry into president biden, even though they've struggled to say what he did wrong or show any evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors after 11 months of digging. republicans voted along party lines unanimously to formally approve the probe with zero support from democrats. they denounced the investigation as a political stunt ordered by donald trump for revenge. >> after 11 months of this, no one can tell us what president biden's crime was. >> they know their whole impeachment inquiry is a sham, and it will evaporate into thin air when people realize what a pathetic joke it is. >> the puppet master in chief, donald trump, has directed the sycophants to target joe biden as part of an effort to undermine president biden's re-election. >> house republicans are insisting they needed to take this step to give them full subpoena power to gather more evidence and fight any legal challenges from the white house. >> we have a simple question and i think a majority of americans have, what did the bidens do to receive the tens of millions of dollars from our enemies around the world. we're very pleased with the vote today. i think that will send a message loud and clear to the white house. we expect you to comply with our information request and our subpoenas. >> this is an impeachment inquiry. that's all. what are my democratic colleagues afraid of if there's nothing to see there? >> cnn's priscilla alvarez starts us off live from the north lawn of the white house. the president last night making clear his views aren't subtle either. >> he's calling it a baseless political stunt and the president taking time in his statement to also kick off by noting all the work that's still stalled in congress, particularly with his supplemental aid for ukraine, aid for israel, and also border security, and the president said the following, quote, instead of doing anything to help make american lives better, they are focused on attacking me with lies. instead of doing their jobs on the urgent work that needs to be done, they are choosing to waste time on this baseless political stunt that even republicans in congress admit is not support bid facts. republicans have telegraphed for some time they plan to open up an impeachment inquiry. what they're making clear now is that their focus is on governing and calling this inquiry a political stunt. phil. >> hunter biden was also on the hill yesterday. his role in this really can't be understated. republicans are now talking about moving to hold him in contempt. what more are we hearing from the white house specifically about hunter biden? >> well, and this is also a sensitive matter for the president. it was front and center yesterday. now the president's son hunter rebuked republicans yesterday and demanded to testify publicly and in his remarks, he conceded that he made mistakes, but what he also made clear is that this is not grounds for impeachment and that his father was not involved in any of his dealings. >> my father was not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer, not as a board member of breezurisma, no my partnership with a chinese businessman, not in my investments at home nor abroad, and certainly not as an artist. >> reporter: the white house has indicated they got a heads-up before that statement saying the president was familiar with what his son was going to say, but they wouldn't elaborate beyond that saying what they have said the entire time, that the president loves and supports his son and they'll leave it at that. >>illa, as all of this is happening in the house, you walk across the capitol there are real negotiations about that emergency aid package. you've got new reporting on concessions the biden administration has been willing to make on the border in order to secure aid to ukraine and israel. is everyone on board with what's been put on the table here? >> reporter: the short answer is no and allies to the president tell me they're frustrated with what he's willing to give up on the border. these are concessions that taken together would amount to a significant shift in immigration law, and also in some cases are very similar to what the trump administration has tried to do, and so democrats here, according to one source, are really in a box. they're in a position where they're having to embrace or support policys that not long ago they were criticizing and tieing directly to the former president, for example, expelling migrants without allowing them the time to make their asylum case. those are the concessions the white house is floating and ones that are concerning to his allies. >> trying to reach that deal, priscilla's been doing great reporting on this from the white house, thank you. right now president biden's national security chief is back in the middle east for what the white house is calling serious conversations with israeli officials. biden warned israel is losing international support for the war because of its indiscriminate bombing. >> israeli foreign minister eli cohen says the war will continue with or without international support. alex marquardt is live in tel aviv where biden's national security adviser jake sullivan will be today traveling to the middle east over the course of the last several days. what do we expect from these meetings, alex? >> of course jake sullivan is the most senior adviser to president biden when it comes to the war in gaza, so this is an extremely pivotal moment. you have countries around the world, including some of america's closest allies calling for an immediate cease fire. that is something that the u.s. continues to resist. jake sullivan as part of these extremely serious conversations as they're calling it, he's expected to press the most senior levels, senior ministers in the israeli government, the prime minister, the defense minister, the war cabinet on their efforts around civilian casualties. he wants to emphasize that the u.s. really want ts to see theme more surgical, more precise when it comes to targeting gaza. guys, of course, this is something that the u.s. has pushed for for a very long time. we continue to see those civilian casualties mounting in a very significant way. at the same time, sullivan is also expected to pressure the israeli government on getting more aid into gaza. sullivan himself has been very vocal, specifically about the kerem shalom crossing, they want to see that crossing used for aid to go directly into gaza. right now it's going in through the rafah crossing in egypt. these meetings, very, very important meetings as israel continues with this high intensity phase of the wars comes after commented by biden in which he says netanyahu needs to change tack in this war. he criticized the government for fully reject ing a two-state solution and the president saying that israel is carrying out indiscriminate bombing in the gaza strip. >> there's also -- we want to ask you about this exclusive cnn reporting that nearly half of the munitions israel is using in gaza are known as dumb bombs, unguided missiles. we're hearing this just happens in a war, it depends on how they're used. what more have you learned? >> reporter: well, this really does speak to what the president was talking about in terms of the bombing. this assessment is a new u.s. intelligence assessment that my coll colleagues were told about. around half of the 29,000 air to surface bombs, so bombs that have been dropped by planes, according to this assessment, are so-called dumb bombs or unpr unprecise. they are not precision guided munitions. that is 12 to 13,000 bombs that have been dropped on gaza are not precision guided. now, our colleague mj lee at the white house asked the white house's john kirby yesterday how they can square their belief that israel is trying to protect civilians as much as they can with those comments by biden about indiscriminate bombing. take a listen. >> sometimes in war and again, i'm not speaking for the israelis, sometimes in war your best plans, your best execution of those plans doesn't always go the way you want it to go. doesn't always go the way you expect it to go. >> reporter: and erica and phil, i reached out to the idf about this assessment. they told me they do not comment on the munitions they are using in this war. >> alex, appreciate the reporting, thank you. and an important note, just a little bit later here on "cnn this morning" our chief international correspondent clarissa ward will take you inside gaza to see the humanitarian crisis. this is the first time a western media outlet has obtained access into southern gaza to report independently since the start of the war. the supreme court taking up critical cases that quite literally could reshape the 2024 election, abortion access, january 6th prosecutions all on the docket. and vivek ramaswamy using cnn's town hall to push his favovorite conspspiracy theoeor. nenext. reaching and inspiring the next generation of americans, i think i'm the best person in this race to do those things, and that's why i'm in it. >> this is far more than a campaign. this is the greatest political movement in the history of our country. >> dueling campaign events, dueling messages, the same populist appeal. donald trump and vivek ramaswamy campaigning in iowa one month before the iowa caucuses. >> both pushing conspiracy theories that have been critical to their campaigns on the trail. trump speaking in coralville, iowa, and ra swa my in. des moines. jess, your takeaway from watching these two candidates last night about the state of the race? >> well, yes, it is my new home here in iowa, they're very friendly and welcoming. it was interesting to see these two particular candidates hosting or taking part in events last night because you have the front runner, former president donald trump, who's running in the latest polling from the des moines register and nbc news at 51% here, and vivek ramaswamy this upstart young candidate at our cnn town hall last night who is polling in single-digits, but really trying to duogo after trump's base. >> we're just 33 days away from iowa, first in the nation. i wonder how you got that. you dot that because of me. >> reporter: former president donald trump, sharpening his closing message to voters in iowa mocking his gop rivals. >> so we're leading with 51%, while ron desanctimonious is at less than 19, and haley is at 16. what happened to the haley surge? there's a surge going on. >> reporter: and launching attacks on president biden over his fitness. >> just incredible that he can, frankly, be even running anything. he can't put two sentences together. >> reporter: and his handling of the economy. >> families all across america are struggling under the brutal weight of bidenomics. means a lot of bad things. >> reporter: trump's rally coming on the heels of what his campaign called a big win in the federal election case against him. u.s. district judge tanya chutkan deciding to pause the proceedings while appeals unfold. the pause potentially delaying the start of the march 2024 trial, with the supreme court also agreeing to expedite consideration of the special counsel's request to rule on the immunity issue. >> they're fighting like hell because they want to try and get a guilty plea from the supreme court of the united states, which i can't imagine because you have presidential immunity but strange things happen. >> reporter: meanwhile at a cnn town hall in des moines last night, vivek ramaswamy repeatedly trying to appeal to trump's base, even defending his embrace of a january 6th conspiracy theory. >> if you had told me january 6th was in any way an inside job, the subject of government entrapment, i would have told you that was crazy talk, fringe conspiracy theory nonsense. i can tell you now having gone somewhat dmeepeep in this, it's. the reality is we know there were federal law enforcement agents in that field, we don't know how many. let me finish this answer -- >> i'm going to go ahead and interrupt you here because saying that there were -- you're saying there were federal agents. >> this is important to talk about. >> you are saying there were federal agents on january 6th. >> yep. >> there's no evidence that there were federal agents in the crowd on january 6th. >> reporter: the biden harris campaign blasting ramaswamy saying his town hall tonight was an exercise in bombastic rhetoric offering zero solutions to the real issues that americans demand action on. >> reporter: tomorrow we will be one month away from the iowa caucuses, which of course kick off the 2024 election in terms of who's in iowa today, erica and phil, just vivek ramaswamy, he has been all over the state. he holds some seven events today. he had some ten yesterday, so he's trying to really criss-cross the state, but the election is upon us. >> indeed it is, as is your new residency. we look forward to seeing you there over the next several weeks, jess, thank you. will these legal issues hitting the biden and trump campaigns, we're going to take a closer look at how this delay now, this pause in one of trump's cases could potentially impact the race for the white house. and right now russian president vladimir putin holding his annual year-end news conference, what he just revealed about his e end game i hihis war agaiainst ukrainine. ststay with us. first time i connected with kim, she told me that her husband had passed. and that he took care of all of the internet connected devices in the home. i told her, “i'm here to take care of you.” connecting with kim... made me reconnect with my mom. it's very important to keep loved ones close. we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility. i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you. this morning it's looking more likely that the two candidates in the 2024 general election will be facing some perilous legal problems. the house moving forward with its impeachment inquiry of president biden, even though republicans have yet to provide any evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. >> donald trump of course is facing 91 federal and state criminal charges. his campaign, though, is calling a new pause in his federal election subversion trial, which is set to begin in march, they're saying it's a win. let's bring in cnn legal analyst joey jackson, cnn political analyst and "new york times" white house and national security correspondent david sanger and former republican strategist and pollster lee cater. we're hearing from the trump campaign, this pause is a big win. is it? >> not yet, all right? so let's pause a characterization like that. and i'll tell you why. the reality is is that of course he wants to pause it to slow it down, to potentially become president, and then there's nothing to see here. we don't know that that will occur. in addition to, the judge wasn't vacating the dates meaning eliminating the dates, but simply pausing them and will revisit the issue whether those dates can move forward. there will probably be a delay, but we know that as the court reviews this, the d.c. circuit court on an expedited basis, said can you guys take a look at it too. if the supreme court gets involved, there's an ultimate determination as to no immunity, the case proceeds. the question is when. so i think the timing question in terms of when specifically it will move forward is an open question. and if it still happens but not in march, maybe in may, maybe in june, maybe in july, how big of a win really is that? the big win would be if the supreme court said you have immunity or let the appellate court move forward and then after, say the supreme court real quick, supreme court says no right now. we're not going to hear this to jack smith's request. it goes to the appellate court and then the supreme court revisits it, and there's another pause. ask me that question. i'll say that's a win because we'll probably get to that potentially after the election. >> so there's a lot of steps here. >> a lot of steps. >> there's a lot to keep track of. it turns out the legal system has layers, tiers to some degree. >> yes, it does. >> the impeachment inquiry, the formalization of the vote, every single republican voting yes including the 17 republicans who are in biden won districts, which i think was kind of always the target for democrats trying to oppose this. there was a clarifying moment with republican and democrat. >> the question i'm asking you. >> go ahead, ask. >> what is the specific constitutional crime that you're investigating? >> well, we're having an inquiry so we can do an investigation and the production of witnesses. >> and what is the crime you're investigating? >> and documents. >> high crimes, misdemeanors, and bribery. >> what high crime and misdemeanor are you investigating? >> once i get time, i will explain what we're looking at. >> the reason is the bar of what should launch an impeachment inquiry i think is in a very different place now than it ever has been in history. do people actually care? does this register -- base voters i assume care. this isn't in the top, even with republicans this isn't in the top five or six. >> it's not in the top. the whole issue, there's a whole lot of theater that goes around this. among the republican base there's a huge appetite to say there's this two-tiered system of justice. 78% of republicans agree there's a two-tier system of justice that seems unfair, and they want the same standards applied to the other side. it's not one of the driving forces, but they want to see their republican leadership fight back so to speak. now, does that mean that there is evidence? does it mean it's the right thing to do? no. this is absolutely something that is very popular among especially those trump suppsup supporters who feel like there's this unfair way of treating the different -- >> do you think that that's really the primary reason they're doing this? >> i do. >> we see the reaction from republicans after that vote yesterday, mike lawler of new york, right, biden-won district noting it's not political. he was saying this is about facts and evidence, it's not political. we have to follow the facts and the evidence. to both of your points, can republicans say, look, we have to do this? is that point selling? >> you could go off and do that without having a formal vote on an impeachment inquiry. obviously they've been doing that now for months, right? so what's interesting here is whether or not we have now routineized the idea of impeaching anybody for whom there is even the vaguest suspicion, with no real evidence out there. and that's not really what the founders had in mind about impeachment. i mean, this was supposed to be a truly rare event, you know, we went a long, long way, you know, from getting to impeach -- one impeachment in the 1800s, up until bill clinton, and now where are we? i think what's really driving this in the end is that donald trump was outraged that he was twice impeached and basically just demanded i want an impeachment of biden. he didn't really care about what the impeachment was over. so we've got a set of -- an impeachment inquiry in search of some evidence and charges. >> i do think there are a fair amount of republicans who think that there's something to see here. i think there's a lot of people who say that there's money that's changed hands that doesn't make sense, and they want to understand it. it doesn't necessarily need to be an impeachment inquiry. >> you can do that. >> there are a lot of people who say there's something really not right happening here. >> let's say that's true, is that the vehicle? if something's not right, right, that's why we have investigations. we have investigations to determine whether or not there's something to see here, and to say we're going to launch an impeachment inquiry into the clip you played to find out what we need to find out if there's something wrong, what's the high crime and misdemeanor? we're investigating. well, what did he do? we'll let you know. what is that? you get an impeachment inquiry or you move to impeachment when there's some firm legal basis. how about we do the investigative work first. how about we do the homework first. how about we have a core issue, and then if there's something to see, you have an impeachment. but we're going to impeachment inquiry to find out if there's something to find out where we can impeach you. we have to have a justice system that works. we have to have a process politically that works, and this to me seems like retaliation, david, to your point. >> it reminds me of something you said, i think it was you the other day phil, it was definitely phil mattingly. for the record, just about what has worked tochlt your point, we all have questions. it's the throwing out there of the but what if, but what if. and it's not just republicans that do it. >> there's no way it was worth $10 million to be doing x, y, or z, however there's never been a direct connection to the president certainly during his presidency. the threshold is certainly different. guys, thank you. there is a new challenge to abortion access heading to the supreme court, and this case could bring new restrictions to a post-roe america, what that means. a vacation turned into a rescue on the high seas, a carnival cruise ship helping to save six people stranded in the water near the dominican rep republic. the carnival vista was on its way to the coast when the ship captain got an emergency alert about a small cargo ship that cap capsized. the ship raced to the scene. offices pulled them on board. the men do appppear to be e oka. ththe ship madade its waway to d.r. folollowing thehe rescue. abortion access in a post-roe america not just center stage for the politics, it's returning to the supreme court on a legal side. one of several high profile cases that could shape the upcoming election year. >> the justices will take up a case that could restrict the abortion drug mifepristone nationwide. it is their first case related to abortion since roe v. wade was overturned last year. they'll hear a case that could upend the prosecutions of donald trump and january 6th rioters. its stake there whether federal prosecutors can use a specific provision to charge them. >> and the supreme court must also weigh whether to decide if trump has immunity from criminal prosecution for the alleged crimes he committed in office. joining us now is cnn senior court analyst, joan biskupic, other than that, a pretty chill term ahead. on mifepristone, which we've spoken about a lot since the night this started heading in this direction, the fda has made several changes to increase accessibility to the abortion pill, by allowing the drug to be taken later in pregnancy, explain how these changes are at the heart of the appeal. >> sure, phil, morning to you and erica, and you're right, i remember, you know whren this al started when these lower court judges started to restrict access of mifepristone. we're on a whole new front in the national controversy over abortion. the specific regulations here date not to the year 2000 when it was approved, but to starting in 2016 when the fda started to relax some of the regulations around the drug saying that women could have access to it up to ten weeks of pregnancy, not just up to seven weeks of pregnancy, that non-physicians could be prescribing and dispensing it as well as physicians, and also when it came time to actually get the drug after consultation with a physician that it could be by mail rather than in person. so all those things made it more available, and the fda said the reason it had decided that is just because the prior restrictions were not -- that were more strict, were not necessary for the safety and effectiveness of the drug, and that's one of the key things here. it's not just the availability of a medication abortion, that is now the main way that women end pregnancies in america, but also the authority of the food and drug administration to decide what is best for this drug rather than have lower court judges second guess that. >> yeah, and that's a big part of the challenge. it will be fascinating to see the fallout depending on that decision. the supreme court also anons it had announce it is going to consider whether a federal obstruction law is going to be used to prosecute some of the rioters involved in the january 6th attack. what's the impact on former president trump's election interference case potentially? >> there's an open-ended question there, the statute at issue makes it a crime to corruptly obstruct an official proceeding, and it's one of many parts of federal law that these january 6th rioters cases have been brought under, and so this would definitely affect the case of the man, joseph fisher, who is challenging this law as part of his prosecution, but it could have reverberations to the oh cases including donald trump's. but i do want to remind everyone that donald trump faces a multitude of charges from the special counsel jack smith, so while this case could inform some of what happens with donald trump, he's more broadly -- he has been more broadly charged and probably the really key thing there is i know what you and phil are aware of is the fact that he's saying he should be immune from everything in a criminal prosecution right now, and that's the other part of the case that's up at the supreme court. >> i really thought we were going to get into a debate about sarbanes oxly. that's a very deep cut reference. can i step back for a minute in a big picture perspective, there's so much opacity that surrounds the court, you actually have a window in, somehow, some way that continues to impress me into what people are thinking and when. do you have a sense of whether the justices have a sense of when these cases will be landing? >> i'm sure on monday, phil, when the supreme court got that request from special counsel jack smith to intervene in the trump, you know, election subversion case, they were very well -- of suddenly being thrust into this role, and as you and erica said when you opened it, going right into an election year, so they -- i'm sure they are aware of the atmospherics. the question, though, phil, is which ones care and should they care? you know, they're supposed to be s deciding the law. these are things that are going to have consequences for everyone, and as people go to the polls in november. i'm sure it's on their mind. it's just a matter of how that factors into things. >> joan biskupic, we appreciate you, thank you. rouge rudy giuliani could testify as early as today in his defamation case. one of the election workers suing him revealing her biggest fear following giuliani's lies. and new reporting on the wildly popular injectable weight loss drugs, they could be fueling a secret surge across america. what we mean, stay with us. ruby freeman, she's a vote scammer, a professional vote scammer and hustler. ruby freeman. >> that was former president trump when he was still in office attacking one of the election workers who is now suing his former lawyer rudy giuliani. it's audio that could now play a pivotal role in the defamation case against giuliani. his defense is expected to begin today. he told reporters he does intend to testify. >> it's important to note, giuliani has already been found liable for defaming ruby freeman and her daughter shaye moss accusing them of changing votes during the 2020 election. that never happened. everything he said has been a lie, this trial is to determine how much money those two will get. >> freeman testified yesterday telling the court about the threats that giuliani's lies created and how they ruined her life spawning death threats from his supporters saying, quote, i took it as though they were going to cut me up and put me into trash bags and take it out to the street. joey jackson, lee carter, and david sanger are back with us. every time i hear ruby freeman or shaye moss speak, i am reminded of that initial testimony and those moments and the way this literally ruined their lives. how much impact, joey, is this having in this moment? >> so think about what you just said, erica, right? you're a juror, right? you're a juror out there because you're someone who's evaluating what you're hearing. that's what jurors do, not a juror in the sense that you're on the panel, but you're having an emotional reaction and a connection with the impact that this had. going back, what is defamation? false statements that are injurious to your reputation. statements have consequences. we've heard not only what we heard about trump saying these things about ruby freeman, ruby freeman, what she did, which were not true. but we heard the venom from the public with respect to we're going to hang you, we're going to do all these things to you. what am i saying? we're at the damage phase. the jury has to assess, how has this damaged you, how has your life changed, what should the consequences be. and our system of justice converts that to money. not only are you allowed to consider the actual damages, i had to move away from my home, what it did to my child, et cetera, my life's not the same, but what about the emotional damages and stresses and what about the jury wanting to punish, that's what punitive damages are. when you hear that and then you hear the president buttoning this up saying things that are not true, that's a big bully pulpit that affects a lot of people. that's damages 101. i would expect -- unless this defense is amazing on giuliani's portion -- that there's going to be a verdict for a lot of zeros. >>. i'm going to go out on a limb and say there's not an amazing defense you can give to some degree, maybe if you were his lawyer, joey. david, what's so striking about hearing that sound, again, it's sound we've all heard a million times in the wake of the call with brad raffensperger, donald trump is the front runner for the republican nomination. donald trump is leading in general election polls across the country. donald trump played a critical central role in the to some degree destruction of two womens' lives who were just there to help count votes. how is that possible? >> a couple of things strike me listening to this. the first is that he was so into the details that he was repeating her name, you know. a good number of times in the course of this. second, that as this argument played out, it was clear that whatever rudy giuliani was doing was basically echoing the boss and trying to make sure he was in the boss's good graces, but we're listening to that and thinking not about whether rudy giuliani is going to get -- have to do a huge payment here if he has the money, we're thinking ahead to the georgia case if it comes to trial because the impact of that is you're hearing the president from the white house making this case, and that's the really interesting element to this. in the one case that's come out there where he could not pardon himself, one where he could not order the justice department to take it apart. now, if he gets elected, it's very possible that that case against him gets suspended while he is -- while he is president. >> it's remarkable too, as you look at all that, when we look at, right, the widespread support that the former president still has. the number of people still on board with these election lies, that the election was stolen no matter how many times that sound may be played from these two women, it's not necessarily hitting people who need to hear it, and we find ourselves back in the same place over and over again. >> we absolutely do. it is kind of astounding when you look at the most recent iowa poll, 75% of republicans say they think trump has the best chance of beating joe biden. the seven most important states that have donald trump way ahead of joe biden in the states that are going to matter the most. the question really becomes does this matter. i think one of the problems is there's so many different cases against him that it's almost too much. it's like -- i feel like there should be the feng shuai of cases against him so they become more focussed and if we just focus on georgia, if we just focused on what happened there, there might be more of an impact. because there are so many charges people are willing to dismiss them. and the people hear what they want to hear. they only want to listen and tune in to what they want to hear to reconfirm what they already believe. republicans by and large, whether we like it or not believe that there's an unfairness that's been treated. there's a different standard that's been applied to donald trump than anyone else. 78% believe that, 64% of them to want see him fight back. they don't believe this is all on donald trump, and it is really -- no matter how many times you play the audio, no matter how many times it happens, the thing is not changing. when we look at his polling th numbers, he continues to go up and up and up. >> are you better off than you were three years ago message, which every person running against an incumbent wants to use, and even democrats when you look at the polling, they're not supporting trump, but they don't feel like they were better off four years ago. the weaponization, the are you better off i would assume is probably the message that overtakes more broadly where he's at right now. >> that's right. when you look at independent voters who's he's really trying to reach, about two-thirds of them are saying they're worse off today than they were before. you look at the primary issue people are looking at, they're saying the economy is one of the most important issues. most say donald trump was better on the economy. the one caveat, everybody's underestimating the importance of abortion. we were just talking about that, and seven in ten independent women say that's the primary thing that's going to drive them to the polls. n i think it's completely underestimated by the republican party and it's not factored in at this point. >> lee, david, joey, thank you all. this morning, cnn is going inside gaza as national security adviser jake sullivan heads to israel, we visit the field hospitals where civilians are being treated and face a growing humanitarian crisis. stay with us. i'm a little anxious, i'm a little excited. i'm gonna be emotional, she's gonna be emotional, but it's gonna be so worth it. i love that i can give back to one of our customers. i hope you enjoy these amazing gifts. oh my goodness. oh, you guys. i know you like wrestling, so we got you some vip tickets. you have made an impact. so have you. for you guys to be out here doing something like this, it restores a lot of faith in humanity. happening riteght now, russn president vladimir putin holding his end of the year marathon news conference, c. >> and also this morning, new shelling in the ukrainian city of kherson killed a 63-year-old woman, according to local officials, homes and apartment buildings just destroyed. polit live. >> it is a marathon. he's going on almost three hours now, erica. we can certainly call it a marathon. you're absolutely right, the war in ukraine left, right, and center in this press conference. we see vladimir putin very confident, one of the things that he's been saying is that he believes the russians have the initiative on the battlefield. he claims they're pushing the ukrainians back, even though we know russians have suffered so many devastating losses oafver e past couple of weeks. his message to ukrainians this morning is give up or else. i want to listen in to some of what vladimir putin had to say. >> translator: either we will agree on demilitarization, agree on certain parameters and by the way, during the negotiations in istanbul, we agreed on them, but then they threw these agreements into the oven. but we had agreed on them. or there are other possibilities. either to reach an agreement or to resolve it by using force. this is what we will strive for. >> to solve it by using force, obviously very clear message from vladimir putin, also spoke about the issues for the ukraine funding in congress and the u.s. as well saying he believes that as he put it, the freebies for ukraine are quickly running out, guys. >> fred, i believe putin was also asked about wrongfully detained american journalist eva evanger, what did he say? >> he was asked about that, he says there are talks going on between the united states and russia. first of all, he does say there's a process going on and he was arrested and obviously trying to justify all that, but he does say right now there are talks going on between russia and the united states about the matter. he of course says he can't go into details, but he did say -- and i think this is important -- he says i hope we will find a solution, but i repeat, the u.s. side should also make a decision that will agree with the russian side as well. of course the u.s. has been saying they've been making significant offers to the russians to try to get evan gershkovich back. the talks are ongoing, but certainly it also seems that the russians have clear things in mind they want from the u.s. for things to move forward, guys. >> i'm sure there's many hours ahead, please keep us posted. thank you. "cnn this morning" continues right now. the house votes to authorize an impeachment inquiry into president biden. >> they want to dilute the stain of trump's two legitimate impeachments. >> bring people in for an interview where you can get those facts. >> i have been the target of the unrelenting trump attack machine. >> the next economic boom will begin the instant joe biden is gone. >> really about the primary election. >> we do have a government that has lied to us systematically over the last several years. >> it's all platitudes and cliches and spreading of conspiracy theories. >> donald trump's federal election interference case. >> the judge ordering a pause. >> the court of pappeals is considering issues that could render the entire thing moot. >> president biden meeting with the families of eight americans still held hostage by hamas. >> it's the results that count, the reality of global opinion, it also matters. >> absolute horrors in gaza. it was chilling. it was harrowing, and a very sobering experience. good thursday morning, everyone. i'm phil mattingly, with erica hill, poppy is off today. today is day one of house republicans having voted to formalize an impeachment inquiry into president biden. it's a step they say they think will strengthen their oversight powers as they investigate biden and his family's

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