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"aquamanan: the e lost kingdomos too. anand you're a about to meet a e bunch ofof them. sosome of ththeir inspiriring s mighght even makake you ugugly . and d that's o okay. just feel itit.. feelel all thehe goodness. because this is "cnn heroes." ooh. ♪ >> announcer: from the american museum of natural history in new york city, this is the 17th annual "cnn heroes: an all-star tribute." honoring everyday people changing the world. please welcome your hosts, anderson cooper and laura coates. [ cheers and applause ] >> and thank you and welcome to the 17th annual "cnn heroes: an all-star tribute." we are coming to you live from the milstein hall of ocean life at the american museum of natural history in new york. and we want to welcome our viewers watching around the world. and i want to say a very special welcome to cnn's laura coates. we are so glad you're here. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] wow! i'm glad to be here. i had a prom under a whale once and i was alone, so i'm glad i'm here with you now. >> wow, that's quite a story. >> it is. we'll talk later. >> all right. >> it's an honor to be here, everyone. i have so admired heroes for so many years. this year's honorees are absolutely incredible. they care for veterans, repair our oceans, assist the needy, bring confidence to our schools and our kids in forgotten neighborhoods. and they do so much more. they have found ingenious ways to do their bit of good where they are. and tonight is truly all about the people who poke holes in the darkness so that the light gets in and reminds us all that there is hope and that change is always possible. in other words, you've had quite the gig you have not told me about all this time. >> it's a great gig. 17 years. cnn has given each of our top 10 heroes a global platform to share their work and $10,000. now, later tonight one of the honorees will be named the 2023 cnn hero of the year. they'll receive an additional $100,000 and more. now, tonight not only are we honoring our top 10 heroes but we're going to be presenting our first cnn heroes legacy award for a lifetime of service. we'll reveal that recipient later in the show. and as always, we are just very grateful to have all the artists who have donated their time to honor our heroes. >> yes. absolutely. [ cheers and applause ] you know, this year given the state of the world, you can imagine where we are right now, most of us have probably searched for a small quiet place to maybe do a little bit of ugly crying. maybe in our cars, our empty stairwells, wolf blitzer's office. it's a therapy place. on my couch right now. normally it's me. but that's fine. he really knows how to listen. whatever room he's in is situational. >> i did not know he provided that service. >> he does. the d.c. crowd. >> tonight if you cry it will likely be because of the joy our heroes create with their work. so let's get started. >> ooh. i want to say this line. sorry, anderson. let's meet our first hero. >> in the united states 61% of underresourced children have no books in the home and only 17% of black fourth-graders are proficient in reading. >> i have a fourth-grader at home. this is amazing to think about. to share how our hero is changing these numbers for black boys in particular, please welcome the star of the brand new film "american fiction," jeffrey wright. [ applause ] >> thank you. reading is freedom. it unlocks the world's possibilities and a child's potential. alan irby's mother instilled this value in her son. she was an elementary school teacher and on weekends she'd call alvin to the kitchen table for reading lessons. he didn't like that much. but because of her care he read well. in high school he was bored in his regular english class, doing spelling tests and reading short stories, so he asked to join the advanced class. and there he fell in love with language reading classics. he also noticed that in his new classroom the students were all white. while in his regular class they were black and brown. this upset him and pushed him toward his life's work. he followed in his mother's footsteps and became a teacher. and in 2013 he launched barbershop books to encourage black boys to fall in love with reading as he did. to date he's put more than 50,000 books in 250 barbershops, reaching more than 10,000 boys. they're getting their cuts, they're shaping their fades. they're bonding with mentors. they're seeing the possibilities in the world. and they're doing it in the heart of their community, the barbershop.. ♪ > barbershohops are a cultur center f for black communititie. evevery montnth no matter whwho are you'u've got to o go get a . i wawas s teaching f first grad the e bronx anand i was getting haircucut and one of my studene cameme into the babarbershop. hehe is gettining g antsy and h looking g bored. he s should be p practicing g h readining. but i i didn't havave a book. barbershshop books inspipires b boys and o other v vulnerable e chilildren to reread for fun. >> what's s up, maman? how are yoyou doing? >> we inststall a a chchild-fri readining space inin the barber. we litererally a ask litittle b boys, , what do you u like to r? and ththen we buy y the e boboo. anand then thohose are the book that we diststribute to our nanational netetwork of barbere. >> i i just wantnt to like s sh sosome tips anand strategigies t eveven talk to t them abouout b. >> many blacack boysys are raisy single mothers. so t there's this opopportunity support barberers in bececoming blacack male r reading rolole m. >> what t you rereading? >> i'm'm readiding " "diary of" >> a wimimpy k kid. i i used to reread thahat book e time w when i was s younger.r. >> they'rere central t to the w. > how do yoyou say thatat wo? right. it r rhymes. >> they y have p positive e bla oldeder men around them m that' giviving them directctions, , encocouraging ththem to readad. ththat will empower them. >> the k kids, they y love i it. they'r're readading with thehei parentnts. and ththat's greatat to see asa. > these booooks i w would sa power.r. the powewer of funneness. >> you wanant to count thehe gr beans? >> y yeah. one.e. >> yepep. > twowo.. >> i i'm just excicited thatat to creatate e a sasafe s space to do o something g that is rea life-changing. that's what i really believe reading is. >> it unlocks potential. [ cheers and applause ] >> please join me in honoring cnn hero alan irby. [ cheers and applause ] >> yo. sit down. many black boys don't identify as readers, but low performance or resistance to reading are natural responses to wack books. at barbershop books we see firsthand the transformative power of engaging reading experiences. children can't read more and get worse at reading. so one key to solving america's current reading crisis is simple. curate content that create conditions that inspire kids to read for fun. please join us in helping the babies read. thank you all so much. [ cheers and applause ] >> i love that. for asylum-seeking families lifgs in shelters at the u.s.-mexico border the process for entry can take a day, can take a month. it can take years. during this time most kids living there cannot go to school. >> here to tell us how our next hero decided to help the more than 21,000 kids who are caught in this limbo you describe is a very proud supporter of unicef and one of the stars of "the hunger games: the ballad of songbirds and snakes," rachel zegler. [ applause ] >> 22 years ago a 10-year-old girl saw in school in cali, colombia. estefania rebellon was suddenly pulled from class and told to meet her father in the principal's office. because he was a lawyer, colombian rebels had threatened him. so the family went into hiding and two weeks later they fled. estefania, scared and uncertain, landed in miami, florida with one toy and the clothes on her back. like all asylum seekers her family didn't choose this new life. they were forced to flee for their safety. but thanks to good teachers and her hard-working parents she earned a college degree and began an acting career in los angeles. in 2018 during a surge in the border crisis in mexico she volunteered at a camp and met asylum-seeking children who struggled even more than she had. with $1,000 in savings she opened a school at that camp and launched the yes we can world foundation. in just five years she's opened more schools, transformed three buses into mobile classrooms and provides free supplies and meals to kids all year long to kids age 3 to 15. she is an incredible citizen, saying to countless kids, you matter, you are loved, and you you are safe to learn. >> when we arrived at the border, people were everywhere. >> i just kekept feelingng like weight o of this cririsis s was shshoulders. i couldn't't sleep. and i thought why don't we turn a bus into a mobile classroom and then we can take it to all the different shelters. we l literally just googleled o youtube how to convert a bus into a mobile clasassroom. all of the placement of things, all the colors, all the furnrniture is a all very y intentionanal to be abable to b the best space that we can for the kids. many have expeperienced teterri tragedies,s, rape, m murder, harassmentnt, kidnappiping, domc violencece. schools are the way to be able to help them heal and also help them prepapare for what ththeire is goingng to be like. i want to prevent as much heartache for the kids that i experienced. my family's case is the case of many refugees and migrants. it was never a choice to leave our home. when we arrived in the united states, i became a very quiet child. i starteted findining g my way h beining involveded in the scsch. anytime e i get a chchance i sh my immmmigration stotory.. therere's alalways that t switc hahappens in t their eyeyes. being a a migrant isis not someg ththey need toto be ashamemed o. this is s a moment in your life. thisis is not yoyour entire e l. this is a crisis that's not goining to stop p anytime soon. i i want ourur e efforts to o b someththing permananent that we be proud to look back and say that we were there when people needed us the most. [ cheers and applause ] >> it is my honor to present cnn hero estefania rebellon. [ cheers and applause ] >> buenas noches. i am a proud latina and a proud american. an asylum grantee who was given an opportunity to live safely and to pursue her dreams in this country. no one leaves their home unless they have to. no one. forced migration around the world continues to terrorize and uproot everyday families like mine. at yes we can world foundation we work with the extraordinary kids caught at the center of this humanitarian crisis at the u.s.-mexico border. our tool for change is education. potential is everywhere, but opportunity isn't. join our mission and help us expand access to education for migrant children at the u.s.-mexico border. tonight they are visible and they are seen around the world. thank you. yes we can! [ cheers and applause ] >> hey, congratulations, estefania. congratulations. how are you feeling? >> oh, my gosh. this is overwhelming. and i'm just so proud of our team. and i'm just so proud to be a latina and to be here representing tonight migrant children at the u.s.-mexico border are heroes to me, so this is for them. >> and rachel, how does estefania's work inspire you? >> oh, my gosh. i mean, as a latina here in the u.s. seeing someone who is also from colombia who's doing such amazing work for our youth, it's a really inspiring thing and i'm very proud to have presented this to her tonight. >> thank you both for being here. congratulations again. you can find out about all the work for our cnn heroes, go to we'll be right back. >> announcer: coming up -- joe manganiello, amanda seyfried, sterling k. brown, iman velani, danielle brooks and many more of your favorite stars honor our heroes. "cnn heroes: an all-star tribute" is proudly sponsored by servpro, the number one choice in cleanup and restoration. [ cheers and applause ] welcome back to "cnn heroes." throughout the night as you meet the top ten honorees you can donate to any of them by going to and clicking on the donate button. or you can scan the qr code on your screen right now. there are so many ways to give, and we're so grateful that gofundme is working with the heroes. no one makes me ugly cry better than these heroes do. they're an inspiration to us all. oh, and one thing. laura, don't forget to hold anderson's hand backstage. he needs that. have a wonderful night, everyone. [ applause ] >> all right. sometimes it is nice to have somebody hold your hand. a thing of mine. our next hero certainly understands that need for connection. >> he's found a way to use yoga and meditation to help the 1.7 million people suffering from a traumatic brain injury. it's a silent epidemic for those who are injured and of course their caregivers. to tell us about his work is the host of "deal or no deal island" and a member of the board at umpc children's hospital of pittsburgh, joe manganiello. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. every day we are reminded that life can change in an instant. for adam pearce that moment came on new year's eve in 2009 when a friend called and said that his brother kevin, a world-class and olympic-bound snowboarder had hit his head on a halfpipe. adam raced across the country, quit his job, and became kevin's full-time caregiver, helping him learn how to walk, talk and reconnect his brain and body to the life that he loved. about two years into kevin's difficult recovery they took a yoga class and something shifted in that class for kevin and they decided to figure out why and how to help others. in 2014 adam co-founded the love your brain foundation, which offers free training courses and classes in yoga, retreats for patients and their caregivers, and contributes to new research about the brain. to date they have supported more than 34,000 patients and their caregivers. that's comfort and connection for those who know what it's like to receive that terrifying call and to those who struggle to find a way forward where they can begin to believe that this new life will be okay. >> seeing kevivin with 30 tubesn his body, it was just devastating. >> did you have a great day today? >> great day. >> great day. >> what i remember most is adam being there. he moved to denver and he did every single day of therapy with me. >> breathe in and liftft youours upup toward the sky. >> we found yogaga p probably a two years afafter his acacciden. he'd c come out of yoga class a be l like that's's the o old ke. >> threadiding through. > we had so manany people co to u us saying t there's no sup, what didid you do?o? we k knew we needed d to do sosomething. retreatsts are creating g the coconditions for peoeople to fe acceptpted exact l liv as s the. > i knew i neneeded to be ar other r people who understooood because e nobody elslse does. >> i think people fefeel isosol after braiain injury becausese don't feelel ablble. when you don't feeeel ablele, , generally y retreaeat t back in. > it's hard. i lost my -- >> there's's a deep connecectio formrmed because there i is so common understananding of ththe chchallenges t that go alongng braiain injury.. i hohope people wawalk away frfe retreat fefeeling thatat they ya sensnse of controlol in their healaling. oftentimeses o our medicalal sy has us thinknking that someoeon elsese can f fix us. ththere is so o much more e tha can n do for ourseselves.. everery single persoson on this planet's's going to o be faced a challengnge. it d doesn't matter whatat that chchallenge isis.. it's's how you deal with it. i am totally and completelely 1% hahappy with w where i'm a at t. >> whahat this has t taught me ththat trarauma and adversity ce a popowerful p pathway for deee learning and growth. [ applause ] >> please join me in honoring cnn hero adam pearce. [ cheers and applause ] >> this is for you. >> in my experience transformation most often occurs in situations filled with great challenge or great love. at love your brain we have both. when we explore our joys and grief together, we can forge pathways to greater understanding and resilience. for anyone navigating the uncertainties of brain injury i want you to know that you are not defined by your injury but by the compassion and courage with which you face it. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> tonight not only are we honoring our top ten heroes but we're also celebrating two young people who can show us you can make a difference at any age. we call them young wonders. >> to shape our first young wonders, i know that's you as well, anderson cooper, but our first young wonders -- >> don't mock me. >> i'm not mocking you. it's sincere. our first young wonder is a remarkable story, is a student organizer for the brockin foundation whose mission is to promote awareness of the holocaust, genocide and antisemitism through education and a star of bradley cooper's "maestro" and hit max series "just like that," alexa swinton. [ applause ] >> in 2019 a young boy traveled to the city of galilee in the northern part of israel. steven hoffen volunteered for an organization led by arab and jewish women to promote sustainable agriculture, women's empowerment and kushlt'll understanding. what struck steven was how they were doing this. growing fresh produce in towers on rooftops and in kitchens. he saw up close how hydroponic farming worked to bring healthy food to those who needed it and could be a way to battle climate change. he returned home to new york city and eventually started his organization, growing peace. in just two years he has placed 14 systems in the bronx which helps formerly incarcerated women and low income families, seven towers in washington heights to help low-income seniors and seniors living with a disability, and built a massive system at the food bank in tel aviv. his work reminds us that no matter our age when we see something new and take it in big things like cooperation, community and change are possible. ♪ >> what struck me most about hydrouponics was that it seemed some high-h-tech. lilike somethihing out of a mov. insteaead of growing food from e ground we're growing crops out of these tall l shiny towers by passing nutrient-rich water through their roots. hydroponic farming saves more water.r. it also uses less space, making it easier toto g grow in food deserts s and ururban n areaeas. the nameme of my organizatation growing peacace. we installll the hydroponinic systemems to alleveviate food ininse insesecurity. every weekek i visit s some of sites to monitor the s systems d see how w the crops are growowi. >> 1,53333. >> it brings m me joy to expose other younung kids to hyhydropo. >> youou just wantnt to cut it t atat the r root of each leaf he. you're d doing a great job. >> we e can n basically grow anythihing that grows in thehe ground. leafy greeeens, chererry tomato and ststrawberrieses. the producuce that w we harvese to various commumunities in nen including g elderly people. i hopepe to spreadad the messas thatat as climatate changege w we neeeed to swiwitch to m more sustainanable methodods of food prododuction. >> thank y you. >> with h these systems in plac cocommunities s won't be lackin healalthy food. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. enjoy. >> when i see the smile on somebody's face, it makes me feel like i really made a difference. [ applause ] >> wow. >> well done. >> i know. >> great job. [ cheers and applause ] such a sweetheart. and don't forget to tell us what you think about steven's work and all of our top ten honorees by tagging cnnheroes. great job. >> we'll be right back. >> announcer: up next on "cnn heroes," "the color purple's" danielle brooks honors an incredible hero for kids with incarcerated parents. don't go away. "cnn heroes" will be right back. "cnnnn heroes: an all-ststar tributute" is proudly spononsory novartis. welcome back to "cnn heroes." in the u.s. there are nearly 3 million children who have an incarcerated parent. >> here to tell us how our next hero is helping those kids in the washington, d.c. area go on to college is the co-founder of black women on broadway and the star of the new film "the color purple," hence all the purple, danielle brooks. [ cheers and applause ] >> too many kids of incarcerated parents think i'm alone, i'm ashamed, people think i'm trouble too. yasmine arrington brooks had those thoughts. her father has been in and out of prison most of her life. when her mother passed away when she was 13, yasmine went to live with her grandmother, who created a home filled with love and the love of learning. and in a social change program for teens she was asked what pisses you off? yasmine answered incarceration. not just because of her life experience. but she and her grandmother had been researching college scholarships and learned that nothing existed for students with incarcerated parents in their region. yasmine pitched the idea for scholarships. it provides college tuition money, offers mentoring programs, book grants, emergency funds to cover unexpected bills and provides each student with a new laptop. since 2014 more than $450,000 has helped nearly 100 students. thanks to this superstar kids are learning that they aren't alone, that they are seen, loved and supported by a community that is so very proud of them. >> having a parent that's absent from the home and particularly when you know that they're incarcerated, a a lot of queuess go through your mind. it's very humiliating. it is demoralizing. you just miss a lot. parents oftentimes miss graduations, birthdays. not havingng my fafather in mym, i wawas still l very i insecure lot of ways.s. i nenever talkeded about it t i school bececause it becocomes a thing g where sosomeone can sterereotype you. and so m most of thehe time wew very silent about it.. >> tianana. hi! >> the m main objectivive of ou scholalarship progogram is to h direr didirectly addddress the f fina gap and d challengeses that t m our r scholars f face. >> gettingng ready for graradua. >> yeaeah. i'm so excited! >> we all are e connected becau of the liveded and shared experienence of haviving an incarcrcerated pararent. so we e all sort of bond off of ththat. itit's d definitely a lifelinen. >> my dadad hahas been incarcer basically y since e i wawas bor. my dad i is s an intellelectual heart. he likes t to talk abobout the ththings that t i'm leararning. the scscholarship p was definita gagame c changer foror me. it changeded my enentire outloo college. it's defefinitely mumuch m more just like the scscholarship p t i'i'm getttting but alalso the k and the support. i'm starting law school in the fall. >> hello there. >> my mentor is a a lawyer. she e has been my careerer supp my emotionalal support, mymy li supppport. >> y you have dodone i it. i'm reallyly so proud ofof you. i i really am.m. >> h hey, mick. >> i know i've got my number one hype woman in miss yasmine. >> i'm excited for you, mickck. i'm m so excxcited for y you. >> i i accept my dadad for who is. our r relationshship is cocompl. >> schololar schcchips isis my makingng sure young peoplele lie can see e the lighght at t the the tutunnel. > you're glglowing, youou're growowing. i'm m loving it. >> w when you hahave a communit supporort around y you a and t e other pepeople rootiting for yoo undederstand whahat you're g go ththrough and where you've come from, it just really changes your whole life. [ applause ] >> girl, you are the light. please join me in honoring cnn hero and number one hype woman yasmine arrington brooks! [ cheers and applause ] >> our parents are not defined by their worst moment, and we are not defined by the collateral damage of the pr industrial complex. knock down those bare years. open up those doors. you are worthy of all of the beautiful things that life has to offer. scholarchips scholars and aluminum n alumni, thank you for being you and making our community so strong and transformative and healing. friends, please. please join us to expand our impact for millions of children of incarcerated parents everywhere to make their dream of a college education a reality. thank you. [ applause ] >> oh, my goodness. how excited. i am so excited for you. you are just loving light, my friend. >> thank you. it's a reflection. this is a lot of black girl magic right here. i'm loving this. >> love it. >> well, you are the most magical. what does this mean to you, to be recognized in this way for what is your passion, what is your calling? tell me. >> it just feels like a dream. i just keep saying pinch me, pinch me. i'm so eternally grateful. this is a major, major breakthrough. anyone who's a founder, especially of a grassroots non-profit organization, knows how difficult it is to raise funds and capital and get the word out and build capacity and sustainability. so this right here is the beginning of so much more. and it's so needed. >> well, you heard her, danielle. go ahead and pinch her. there you go. all right. if you want more information of course go to love you, sis. >> i love you. >> announcer: coming up, iman velani honors a hero. amanda seyfried, brooke shields and sterling k. brown. and later martin sheen presents a very special award. "cnn h heroes: an n all-star tributute" is prproudly spononsy humamana. a momore human w way to healalt. the power goes out, and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book. who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up. plus, now through december 31st, eligible xfinity rewards members can get 25% off a storm ready wifi device. [ cheers and applause ] our organization sends volunteer medical teams to disaster areas, humanitarian crisis and refugee crisis around ththe woworld. becacause of donationsns that t received from being a cnn hero we've been able to buy medication, supplies and equipment around the world, in kenya, the earthquake in turkey, the fire in maui. that is not something that we would have been able to do prior to having the exposure and getting the donations. it literally changed the face of our organization. the amount of people that we are able to help. [ cheers and applause ] >> unbelievable. every day our heroes like teresa work hard to help as many people as possible. and with the right support including yours they can do just that. >> this year the elevate prize foundation is helping amplify the impact of our cnn heroes even m more. let't's take a l look. >> t the world needs heroes now. we're at a tipping point. we just have to awaken that spark. >> four yearars ago entrepreneu joe deutsch founded the elevata prize e foundationon with an ultitimate goal.l. >> if we make good famous, we can take good fufurther. >> w with that in mind this yey the founundation brorought our heroes together in miaiami for crititical non-p-profit and leadership trainining. >> howow many peopople havave al board? >> we'e've just bebeen learnrni much aboutut how to o expand ou rereach and hehelp morore peopl. >> we've learned about social media, f financial planning. it's all been extremely helpful. >> they've givenen m me opopportunitieies to thihink in differerent way and hopefully b more productivive. >> training ththat arrived righ on time. >> everything they say should not be done is what t my acaccountant w was doing. i just hadad to get rid of my y accountatant. >> t the heroes alalso partitic in the foundation's annual summit for global change makers and donors. >> we can use visibility to inspire people to drive change in their communities and to ignite the next generation of socialal entrepreneneurs to geg involveded. >> i s started t the organaniza withth my mom in her garage.e. and now w i'm talking to huge decision m makers. >> the e elevate prize foundati, cnn, what they want for us is for us to be able to grow our impact and to do more. [ applause ] >> in its second year of collaboration with cnn heroes global non-profit the elevate prize foundation is com mipted to magnifying the work of changemakers, creating a network for good and inspiring action on an international scale. here's their founder, joe deitch, and ceo carolina garcia jayaram. [ applause ] >> real change requires people with passion, purpose, and persistence. we are here to celebrate ten such individuals. ten people doing the extraordinary. >> our mission at the elevate prize foundation is simple. to create a global fan base for good and inspire action. tonight these heroes are getting the recognition they deserve. their stories remind us that we each have the power to change the world. we just need to take that first step. >> by donating to cnn heroes you can join us in taking that step. the elevate prize foundation will match any donation dollar for dollar up to $50,000 for each of these heroes. so please, if you're able go to, click tonight and contribute to your favorites. thank you to "cnn heroes" for introducing us to these remarkable people and for helping to grow this global movement for good. [ cheers and applause ] >> so please go to, support our heroes and their work like our next one. he grew up in ghana in west africa where 32 million people are served by only four main hospitals. those who live in rural communities often have to choose between working to feed their family or traveling long distances to receive basic but often life-saving preventative care. >> and to share how he found a way to bring health care to them is one of the stars of the marvels and a champion of the aga khan development network, iman vellani. [ applause ] >> a grandmother's love is big, profound and everlasting. osei boateng felt it deeply with his. but her high blood pressure went untreated for too long and she died from a stroke. let's talk about the power of an aunt's love. the fun, the spoiling, the care. osei lost his aunt from complications caused by untreated diabetes. in that aching swirl of preventable pain he vowed to find a way to bring health care to rural areas. after immigrating to the united states with his family he got a full scholarship to study biology at cornell university. when they returned to the beloved ghana in 2017 he launched ok be hope foundation to bring health care to his people. he turned a van into a mobile clinic complete with lab, medications, a physician, nurse and has trained a legion of local health care advocates. so far thousands of people have received life-saving and life-changing care. one man, one idea, and one more example of what the power of love c can do. >> we've desesigned the e van la clclinic. when we e are traveleling especy longng distanceses there's a lo pothololes. there e have been n a lot of ti where our car got ststuck k in mud. >> this is our dailyly e experi. >> we've been to communities where they haven't seen a doctor bebefore. literarally. theyey haven't b been to the hospitalal before. 9090 to o 95%, everyryone whwho ththrough has s one issue e or ananother. we have e a a lab tech. and dedependent onon t the p pe condition,n, it often needs additional labs. we have sosome pointnt of f car we do o in the van. we have e medications s also. it's a onene-stop shopop for pe. we know ththat we had limiteted resosources, so o we identntifi people w who would b be e passi abouout health c care. and then we e trained them on various hehealth disiseases, rag from malalaria to diabetetes. we give e each of them a blood pressure machine so they can go house to house and provide care for people in their community. up to date, we've served about 4,000 people. so, imagine if you had two or three vans. going into these communities and really providing them with health care, seeing how the moms, the fathers, t that grandmothehers, the chchildren, words cannot describe the e feeling thatat you get provivid care f for someoeone who otherw wouldn't be alive if the mobile health van wasn't there. >> please join me in honoring cnn hero ossei boateng. >> too many of us know how it feels when you lose your loved one to a preventable disease. too many of us know how it feels when you see care but never find it. and too many know how it feels when you're going through a mental health challenge but have no support. thousands of individuals live in rural and underserved communities face this daily. and this is what we are working so hard to address because every life deserves the best possible care. this award is a testament that health care should not be a luxury but a fundamental human right. with your help, we can save more lives. thank you. still to come on "cnn heroes" a performance by ll black. and soon we'll find ouout the 23 cnn heroro of the yeyear. ♪ we are back with cnn heroes, and we want to remind you that the elevate is -- that elevate is matching your donations to all our top ten cnn heroes, up to $50,000 each. so, go to, click to donate. you can do it now and support our incredible honorees. >> in the united states there are more than 33,000 veterans that sleep in the streets, even in military cities like fayetteville, where my mother is from -- hi mommy -- and the va medical facility, our veterans, they are struggling. >> here to tell us how our next hero helped support them. vital research and type one diabetes, documentary about her life, "pretty baby," brooke shields. >> sometimes life beats us down. some big event comes along and it just knocks you to the ground. that happened to stacey buckner in 2008. she was an outdoor-loving camper one moment and the next having a stroke in her shower. after being hooked up to machines for months, they discharged her in a wheelchair, with a traumatic brain injury. they declared her unable to work. coming from a military family, which instilled a sense of true service for her, stacey fought back the suicidal despair, and she worked with a local agency to get a job at the va medical center. on her way to and from this truly life-saving work, stacey saw homeless veterans behind the strip mall. one day she handed a woman a hygiene packet, and the woman tossed it back to her and said, i'm homeless, where am i supposed to shower? stacey knew where, her jeep. because of her love of camping, it had a shower hookup. and that's when stacey started off-road outreach. and off-road outreach provides do dozens of homeless veterans each week with showers, fresh produce, clothing, and connects them to critical services. life hit stacey hard. but she's up. she's showing her city how to give back, and she is literally showerining it with her loveve. >> a lotot of ththese veveterany are deepep in the wowoods. i have severalal veteterans tha i've actuaually been looking f that gotot displplaced. it's not t that they d don't wao be found. they don't't w want t to be e i public e eye. >> h hey, , what's up, baby? how you doining? >> gaiaining trustst is reallyl rereally i important.. >> we dididn't have the halflf sizezes, so wewe got thehe next sisize. >> i it takekes boots onon the to g get back there, find them, and meet their needs.. coming o out of f the hospitita a trauaumatic braiain injury, i a a stutter. no onene wanted toto hire me.. you wonder, why y are you ststi here? but i justst t thought, yoyou k god d did not put me here to be liliving that t same life i waw living b before. evenentually, i did fifind a communitity reresource foror ad with disisabilities.s. they tooook a chanance on n me. i saw a gap in services for r homemeless veteterans, and i ju thouought, you know, i i can do something g about that.. >> let me knknow when you'rere y and d i'll startrt the showewer? >> we e provide clothing, fofoo. ththere's a fufull kitchenen in back.. we also dodo laundry.. >> your pants are almost d done spinning, , baby. >> f for veterans,s, we do wrar araround s services. >> i like this estabablishment. >> this s is my brick k and mor. >> i it's just filling a b basi human n need. > these are ready to o hang dry.y. they're cleaean. smell.l. >> feel l like a womanan. >> yeaeah! frfranky, you ready to shohower baby?? it'll bebe warming u up for yoy. >> s sometimes i i really dodo susurprise me e with whoho i i . > o oh, my y god,d, youou s . >> l look at me. i lookok r really rorough aroun edges, right?? i'i'm all tateted up, , and i m throrow out a curse word eveverw and then, but i meanan just stacey.. >> hey, , what's up, b brother? >> beieing c called disasabled,e to sayay that i have special talelents. >> y you've beenen burning t th up in n that walker,r, i k know much.. you haveve my y number. my name's stacey.. >> it's imimportant toto show veveterans thahat there arare organizatitions out there that want to be your family, that want to help you get through life's trials and tribulations, and really provide support to you. [ applause ] >> it is my true honor to present cnn hero stacey buckner. [ cheers and applause ] >> i want to dedicate this to all of our active duty service members and veterans. thank you. you all are the real heroes in this. these men and women, who once stood on the front lines to protect our freedom, they now face a different battle on the home front. it is now our duty to serve them. through our acts of service, we can embody the very ideals that make our nation strong, unity, compassion, and the belief that, as americans, we are all in this together. and to my mom and dad, thank you for being the pillars of strength and believing in me. and i am truly blessed to have you by my side. thank you, guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> that one got me, as all the other ones did as well. but according to the department of housing and urban development, on any given night, there are more than 580,000 people who are unhoused. for so many of us, and these americans, their only companion is their beloved pet. >> to share how our next hero works to care for these pets and their parents is also a pet parent. this is her dog, finn. she's the proud supporter of war child usa and best friend's society. please welcome the actress, amanda siefried. >> in 1979, the blockbuster movie, "the black stallion," wowed kids all across the country, kids like a 7-year-old kwan stewart, who grew up to become a veterinarian because of that film. for years, dr. stewart worked in private practice. but when he became a vet at a large county shelter, he saw something different. day after day, people dropped off their pets because they couldn't feed or care for them. he saw the euthanasia rate soar and his own sense of worth and spirit plummet. he was on the brink of walking away from his childhood dream, when he decided to start helping the unhoused with their pets. he cofounded project street vet, which offers free pet care, vaccines, medications, and food. it started in fresno and moved to los angeles' skid row and has expanded to six cities across the country, including new york city. this idea came to dr. stewart after he stopped to grab something at a 7-eleven. he noticed a man outside with his belongings, and right by his side, he had a dog, a dog in need of care. dr. stewart didn't judge, like so many of us do. he approached the man and his dog with compassion and grace and did the thing that he was put on this earth to do, help. >> i saw an unhoused gentleman with his dog, and this dog looked like a a burn victitim. flfleas can jujust destrtroy th. i had seen this guy before and ignored him. i said, i'll be back tomorrow with something i think will help. and the dog was just transformed. with tears in his eyes, he looked up and said, thank you for not ignoring me. >> hold it right thehere. i'm m going to c check her for lumps. >> that was the moment. that's when i said, i'm going to do more of this. i'm going to get back to saving animals. and i haven't stopped since. we're going to go right to the heart of skid row. it doesn't matter what your situation is or whwhat youour background or past is, i see a pet in need, and i see a person who cares for them dearly who just needs some help. >> how you doing, man? my name is kwane stewart. i'm a veterinarian. if it's okay with you, i'd like to take a look. i can treat about 80% of the cases i see out of a really small bag. >> we're going to take care of the infection and give her an allergy shot. come here, we're going to make you feel better. >> i treat anybody i come across. they see me with my stethoscope and my bag -- >> you look good. >> this little dog was days away from dying, and then they started sharing stories about their dog and the history. >> because of dr. kwane, he's alive and thriving. >> this door of trust opens. >> he makes me feel good, and he loves me. and i know he loves me. >> the people i've met are some of the most remarkable pet parents i've ever met. i've seen people give up their last meal for their pets. >> this is your partner obviously, huh? >> this is my best friend. >> i admire them when i see how committed they are, the relationship and the bond they share. >> that's it, buddy. you're a good boy. >> the motto we've developed over the years is, no judgment, just hope. a gesture of kindness can change someone's life. >> i come through here and i just look for pets. >> now we're reaching so many more pets. i don't know if there's anything better in my career that's happened to me. [ applause ] >> please join me in honoring cnn hero dr. kwane stewart . [ applause ] >> thank you. trying to soak this in like they told me. there are so many people that have helped me reach this point. i want you to know i'm thinking of all of you right now. when i'm asked why i do this work, i simply say, because it's necessary and because i can. i wish i could be out of work tomorrow, but sadly our homeless issue is only getting worse. so, as long as there's a need and as long as i have breath in me, i will continue to care for these pets and their special owners. and we'd love to welcome you in to the street vet family. we live and work by our motto every day, no judgment, just help. thank you. [ applause ] >> congratulations. >> thank you, thank you. >> so, you're in six cities now. how many more would you like to try to be working in? >> well, wow. i guess the dream would be to move into every large urban center, and we would cover a good portion of our homeless population. >> and how do people find you? how do people get your services? >> well, i usually find them. that's how the service works. i started this 12 years ago by packing a bag of medical supplies and walking and searching and finding them. >> congratulations. it's really incredible. is this -- what would more resources do for you? >> well, we could expand more cities and i could treat more pets. my veterinarians, myself, we all volunteer our time. we use the resources to buy medications, to treat animals, give them hospital care for anesthetics, procedures. we can stretch a dollar. >> if you want to support dr. stewart's work and all of our he heroes go to we'll be right back. next on "cnn heroes," you won't want to miss this moment. we will present the first ever cnn heroes legacy award the two very special people. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm not supposed to cry? all right. i won't cry, cnn. fine, i'm going to cry. we're back now with cnn heroes. and what an incredible update from the 2016 cnn hero of the year. now, tonight, as you mentioned at the top of the show, not only are we honoring our top ten heroes and our young wonders -- that's you too -- but we are introducing something brand-new. it's a lifetime commitment to service and an unwavering dedication to making a difference and solving problems. >> we call this honor the cnn heroes legacy award. to present our very first is a proud supporter of habitat for humanitarian, multiple emmy and award winning actor, martin sheen. >> thank you. on january 20, 1981, after the pomp and pageantry of celebrating our nation's tradition of a peaceful transition of power, a husband and wife returned to their rural community of plains, georgia. jimmy and rosalynn carter were filled with mixed emotions. sadness that they could no longer serve the american people in the white house, while at the same time overjoyed that the 52 american hostages who had spent well over a year in horrific captivity in iran had been returned home to the loving arms of their families. jimmy and rosalynn sat in their home, the same home where they'd managed a peanut farm, planned their governor and presidential campaigns, raised four children, grandchildren, great grandchildren. now they decided how they would plan their future as a former president and first lady. instead of fading away, or cashing in, they committed fully to a life of service. they did so because, do unto others and to whom much is given are more than the tenets of their faith. they are the foundation of their character, the fuel that keeps their life in service running strong for decades. and tonight we celebrate it all and how it all began in the most humble of ways on the fall day here in new york city. >> in september of 1984, jimmy and rosalynn spent a week with hundreds of volunteers at habitat for humanitarian to rebuild an apartment building in new york city. together, they picked up hammers and nails and raised the hopes of 19 families, when they handed them the keys to their new homes. since that day, acroross the country anand in 14 others, wit more than 100,000 volunteer builders, the carter work project has built more than 4,500 homes. >> we work on human rights, and i think a basic human right for any human being, no matter where on earth, is to have a decent place to live to raise a foamil. >> in 1989, they sent election observers for the first time to panama and a protected democracy and push for freedom. eradicating eventable diseases, they said, let's do this. they felt a connection between those small village in the developing world and their small hometown of plains, georgia, understanding that we are all linked. and they pushed to end stigmas, fighting for mental health care and equal coverage, setting goals for dignity for all of us. >> one is to speak out and get people talking about mental illness so that everybody in our country can realize that it's just an illness like any other illness. >> they focused on the needs of 53 million family caregivers, building them a center of their own. the carters did this work for others, giving back as much as they could for more than half a century. [ cheers and applause ] >> on president carter's 99th birthday, i presented this poem -- honored him and his first lady. we are called to lift up this nation and all its people to that place where the heart is without fear and the head is held high, where thoughts are free w free, where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls, from the depths of truth and tireless driving stretches its arms towards perfection, with a clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sands of dead habit. where the mind is led forward to ever widening thought and action into that heaven of freedom, dear father. let our country awake. amen. [ applause ] at this time, i am deeply honored to present the first ever cnn heroes legacy award to former president jimmy carter and the late first lady rosalynn. joining us to accept this award on their behalf is their granddaughter, dr. sarah carter. [ applause ] >> on behalf of my grandfather and my late grandmother, thank you for this very special recognition. when my grandparents left the white house, or were involuntarily retired, as my grandfather likes to put it, they dedicated their lives to empowering people to improve their own situations, whether in plains, georgia, or in the tiniest village at the end of the road in ghana, they trusted people to make the best decisions for themselves and to work hard for their own benefit. my grandparents always reminded us that the people the carter center aimed to help were just as intelligent and dedicated to their families as everyone else. my grandparents had the ability to envision the world as it should be, with astonishing moral clarity, and the audacity and determination to pursue that vision over decades. they touched so many people's lives along the way. i'm honored to join you this evening to accept this award on their behalf. thank you. still to come, young wonder, and later, sterling k. brown from "american fiction," and a special performance by aloe black. cnn heroes, an all star tributu, is proudly sponsnsored by novartis.. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? did we peak your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. ♪ just want to remind everybody, you can support all our top ten heroes tonight by going to and click on donate. >> to share how our next young wonder is on her way to bring joy to hospitalized children and teens who are fighting cancer and other illnesses in the washington, d.c. area is a proud supporter of palestine children's relief fund and one of the stars of "the buccaneers," josie toda. >> it happens every day, a father asks his daughter to fix his phone. emily loves her dad, did that magic kids know how to do and made his phone work again. but in that process, she saw a message that her father had cancer. sometimes he couldn't work at the family's takeout restaurant. emily didn't know what to do with her pain and buried herself in books. it was the only thing that fixed her anxiety and despair. she realized she could bring this love of reading to sick kids. so, two years ago, she started for love and butter cup, named after her favorite flower, and has delivered thousands of books. though they may not cure cancer, sharing them fills emily, her dad, her family, and those kids with much-needed joy.. >> i just love books because they just, like, transport you to a whole new world. when my dad was diagnosed witht cancer, , it was heartbreakingn esespecially because he's my absolute besest frfriend. i i enjoy reading so much. it's a way just to transportrt into a newer reality that might be a little calmer. i started thinking, there are little kids out there whwho are going through the sameme or r similalar babattle as hihim, an just broroke my heart.t. i i just had t to do something. i read books to kidsds i in hospitalal. momost people e just -- >> okay. we have one "harryry pototter." > it comes directly to my parents shop. it's a always s a mess thehere all ththe books laying arounund. it does s drive them a a littlt crazazy. pick i it up, pack it.t. i want i it out t of here. >> wondederful. thank yoyou so much. >> so far i'veve donated 20,000 books. i don't knknow how it't's posss. still freaks me ouout. 20,000.. >> h hello. > it's the e best whehen i s their r reacactions. and thatat is reallyly the reas why i dodo whahat i do. > do you lilike reaeading?? >> i was surpriseded too. >> i hope it gives thehem m thee of hapappiness so that they can be -- literatuture t that takesm awayay from everythingng that's going on.. >> unicocorns and ststuff, andns likeke, yeah, this i is perfrfe. i feel like e the bobook d driv giving purpose. >> i reaealized d smaller ththi matterer more thanan the b bigg things we often pay attention to. sometimes i feel like they're years wiser than me. i learn so much from them. [ applause ] >> emily is incredible. you can feel it in her spirit. if you want to learn more about emily's work and all of our top ten heroes, please go to >> thank you, thank you. >> in the 1920s, highland park, michigan, was a bustling city. it was home to big car manufacturing plants, but when they closed, jobs moved away, homes were abandoned, crime and despair took hold. and the city struggled to pay its bills so much so that in 2011, even the street lights were repossessed. >> i can't wrap my mind about that at all. to tell us about our next hero, award winning actor and producer and one of the stars of "american fiction," sterling k. brown. >> on september 23, 2007, the sun was out, sky was blue, and the kids on rhode island avenue were bear foot playing. mama shu was working. her sons were outside getting ready to cross the street. they held hands, started to walk, and suddenly little jakobi was hit by a car. he was hit so hard that he landed yards away. the ambulance took too long, so they wrapped him in a blanket and took him to the hospital, and he passed away that night. the next morning, mama shu woke up thinking, okay, i'm alive. i actually just lived through this. she decided to turn her grief into glory and began to transform the place that had taken her son's life. six months later, she bought an abandoned house for $3,000 and restored it. soon after, she purchased more and more. and in 2016, she launched avlon village. and from one single lot, she created a block with beautiful places, where children are safe to play and learn and where neighbors can thrive together. avlon, it's a powerful word with historic meaning for healing and rebirth. and it's come alive in highland park because when wewe can turn pain intnto purpose,e, we fight whatat we deservrve. >> as s a cicitizen, i wanted d live t the in a beautitiful cit. i feltlt that thatat is what w deserve. after my son, jakobi, got killed, i needed to just basically change pain ininto power. it s started offff with h maybe, four l lots. and d now we have 45. we kept bubuying the lanand bec it w was so manyny things s ins my head ththat i wanteted toto actually b build for the p peop. the hardwawaomeworork house isi childrenen can come afteter sch. >> my soulul is yours. >> the children can make music, computers,s, 3-d printnters. a a library isis inside of t th. and d it is meanant to look lik hohome. >> t that's threree of t them. i needed t three. >> it't's s important t for r o children t to o have what some ththe other chchildren have ini other r neighborhohoods. > girl, i k know. look at ththis. >> thohose are beautifulul.. >> the mararket space,e, it's a place women entrepreneurs can provide their servrvices, sell their wears. unfortunately the lights were repossessed back in 2011. we were actually the very first relit block in highland park. we gotot fivive solar ststreet with wifi capapabilities on n t land that wewe o owned.. beauauty is s healing. it really y is. folks s hated toto comome overe. nonow ththey're, like, bringing theieir childrenen ovever and s. people t think thahat t we jusu dodo it. and yes, y you can. start whwhere you'rere at. you can change y your enviviron. after jakokobi got killeled, itt helplped me to heal.l. the grief isis enenergy toto mo forwrward. sometimes i just sit and i just smile. but then i say, you know what? i'm not done yet. [ cheers and applause ] >> it is my honor to present cnn hero, mama shu. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. some people choose a beautiful place. i chose to make a place beautiful. everyone deserves to live the in a clean, safe, and stable community. avalon village will continue to transform block to beauty, one block at a time. thank you, cnn, thank you to my heroes, and thank you to my darling boys, who reside in the heavens now. i miss you so, so much. i feel you every day, and i know you got me. peace and love to my beloved highland park, michigan. peace and love. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, my goodness. me and sterling are so inspired by you. i cannot tell you. you're not done yet. so, what is next? >> expansion, expansion. i want to get my kids a playground. add a playground, tennis court, a little small laundry mat. i've got so much to do. i'm so excited. everything. everything and the kitchen sink. >> the future is coming, as you said. congratulations. so proud. to learn more, go to >> next -- honors a hero rebuilding coral reefs and edie falco honors a hero who helped an indigenous community in montana. cnn heroes, an all star tribute, is proudly sponsorored by humem. [ cheers and applause ] and we are back with cnn heroes live, the perfect place for our next hero. with rising ocean temperatures, acidification, algae, sewage, farm runoff, many predict our coral reefs may become extinct by 2050. in the florida keys, 95% are already gone. >> here to tell us how he has found a way to restore them, nicolai coaster waldo. >> 27 years ago, a good man chased money at a top financial firm in los angeles. and every morning, mike goldberg did that well. but he knew in his heart that he belonged someplace else, underwater. so, he quit his job and eventually settled his family in the florida keys, opening up a dive shop. and back then, during the dives, they'd see the car-sized brain corals, fish, life, colors, quarter-mile each direction. but year after year, he saw the coral destroyed. and often, while underwater, he'd cry of the devastation. and instead of letting it continue, he built a community to fight it. he cofounded i care, which grows resilient coral in nursery, uses recreational divers to transplant it, and informs them about the reefs. in the last three years, they've educated 2,000 divers and planted more than 15,000 pieces of coral. the news about the reefs is devastating. but now, each morning, under florida's blue sky and warm waters, mike chases hope. >> i love being underwater. the minute you go diving, the fish are right in your face. multiple species of coral, multiple species of fish, invertebrates, all living happily together. it's kind of buzzy. i can tell you what a dying and struggling reef looks like easily because it's what i see most of the time now. once you lose the coral, there's nothing there. it's a literal underwater desert. we'v've lost so o much coral. it truly i is a dedevastating number. what i saw here was so sad that i wasn't sure e how to solve th proboblem. but t then i said, y you know w? i'm gogoing toto try somethihin. >> w welcome to mote's's nururs. this is s a a species ofof b br coral.l. they look like little brains whenever they get bigger.. >> i'm not a scientist. what i c can do is telell l the of divers that are out there, let's band together. >> are we ready? >> our goal is to make our reef self-sustaining, and that requires putting down resilient coral. we put them close together on a dead coral head, and they fuse. what i believed would work was and is the recreational dive community coming down and helping us rebuild the reef. >> it's just amazing. i'm obsessed. they look beautiful. >> i'm happy that i get to be part of something that i know is a solution. i see things every time i go in the water that give me hope. >> 100%. >> this coral is growing. they look beautiful. those are some happy corals. >> it is my honor to present cnn hero mike goldberg . >> thank you. every living thing on our planet is supported by the ocean, or in other words, the ocean is what breathes live into our planet. over half of earth's oxygen is produced by our oceans, and the coral reefs are that life blood. if we lose the reefs, the chain reaction will be devastating. i'm calling on everyone to take an active role restoring this most precious ecosystem, the one that connects each and every one of us. i do see hope. we are a community rebuilding something that will stand strong for generations to come. join us. thank you. >> so, the fort built map reservation in montana is 40 miles from the canadian border. when the 5,000 members of the -- tr tribes, when they need access to critical medical care like chemotherapy, it's a struggle like no other. many people there live below the poverty line. they don't own a car. traveling hours in the winter with snow drifts is near impossible. >> we want to share our next hero -- the animal haven shelter on center street. and multiemmy award winner eddie falco. >> montana has got big skies, coast guard perfect mountains, and the buffalo thereundunderin across the plains. even as an informed health care administrator, she spent six precious months navigating the federal state and native medical paperwork maze to meet with the proper specialists. she had four rounds of chemo and 60 treatments of radiation. she travelled three hours each way because that health care didn't exist on her reservation. and when she was finished with her treatment, this single mother of two, social worker, and licensed therapist cracked open her laptop and started the day eagle hope project. she provides tribe members who are sick with free transportation, gas cards, and hotel costs. the work evolved to include a food pantry with local produce and organic buffalo and cow meat, and mental health services to combat high suicide rates. yes, montana is a beautiful place, but it offers spiritual hehearing becacause of thehe t eaeagle-like w wisdom and d gra. >> prior to mymy diagngnosis wi cancer, i i thought mymy life w based on m my prprofessionalal and mymy educacation. and it wasasn't untitil afafteri suddenly r realized that nonone ththat matterered. >> hi.i. >> h hi. >> in our communitity, we have lot of people ththat won't a asr hehelp, and d they will justst sisilence and sadly y suffffer. >> okay.y. we're onon our way. all seset for bibillings. >> the neeeed is huge e for transportatation. >> we leave e on s sunday, spene night, and go do my infusionon. the round trip is, likike, 400 mileles. >> thahank you. see you. >> how manany kids do yoyou u h? >> 12. >> she h has 12 grgrandchildrer. > we have generations of families living inin one housesd unit. > hi. >> if wewe could e eat h health would d reduce ourur risk of ca. we have e done distribututions fresh eggs, fresh fruiuits and vegetablbles.. in o our lananguage, t the e et our buffalalo. our anceststors prayed t that o buffalalo would sustain usus. and d that's e exactly what's happenening today y with ourur non-n-profit worork. with thehe seven b buffalo thahe harvrvested, we wiwill gain n a 5,000 poununds o of lean meat. the need is so great for so many thinings. manyny times i w wanted d to g . it's the barriers,s, the hurdld. >> o our c community shohould b prououd because e you're lifift a lot of spirits. >> and then i get that sign that this is what i'm supposed to be doing. that's what drives me every day. >> please join me in honoring cnn hero and fellow breast cancer survivor tescha hawley. >> i stand before you as an indigenous warrior woman, with both feet on mother earth, strong, hopeful, and resilient. to the mother recently diagnosed with breast cancer, to the addict, to the indigenous youth suffering silently, and to the families trying to feed their children, my message to you is remain hopeful and maintain your strength through spirituality. i ask everyone to pass no judgment, as we do not know what the person next to us is dealing with. keep our families in prayer and your donation will help heal one warrior at a time. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wow. all right. now, do not go away because coming up is something you've all been waiting for. we're going to announce our 2023 cnn hero of the year. >> definitely don't want to miss that. >> also what we have next, a powerful performance by aloe black. stick around. we'll be right back. >> announcer: "cnn heroes: an all star tribute" is proudly sponsored by servepro. [upbeat music] ♪♪ ♪♪ new pork carnitas. only at el pollo loco. (♪♪) (♪♪) the new festive family meal. starting at $24. now celebrating at el pollo loco. welcome back to "cnn heroes." we are measuroments away from announcing your choice. >> please welcome us -- performing his incredible anthem, "my way," aloe blacc. ♪ i've been sad, i've been lost ♪ ♪ i've been down and out and lonely ♪ ♪ i've been suffering at a job in a world that tries to own me ♪ ♪ but when i wake up in the morning there's an image of a better place ♪ ♪ because the harder that we giend then the sweeter is the glory ♪ ♪ people say i'm foolish ♪ ♪ people say i'm blinded by faith ♪ ♪ but if i run out of air if i crash i don't care ♪ ♪ i'm gonna do it my way ♪ ♪ i can make it through this ♪ ♪ you can throw the world in my face ♪ ♪ but the fear gives me life and i swear till i die ♪ ♪ i'm gonna do it my way ♪ ♪ gonna do it my way ♪ ♪ gonna do it my way ♪ ♪ so put me down and criticize me with your lies and with your parody ♪ ♪ in the darkness i don't hide 'cause i got pride that gives me clarity ♪ ♪ i still wake up every morning with the vigsz of a better lifefe ♪ ♪ you seeee, ththe optionon of is just not written in my story ♪ ♪ people say i'm foolish ♪ ♪ people say i'm blinded by faith ♪ ♪ but if i run out of air if i crash i don't care ♪ ♪ i'm gonna do it my way ♪ ♪ i can make it through this ♪ ♪ you can throw the world in my face ♪ ♪ but the fear gives me life and i swear till i die ♪ ♪ i'm gonna do it my way ♪ ♪ hey, i'm gonna do it my way ♪ ♪ hey, i'm gonna do it my way ♪ ♪ every time they build a wall around me ♪ ♪ i will tear it down and say gotta live my dreams ♪ ♪ gotta live my dreams ♪ ♪ even when the floods rush round to drown me ♪ ♪ i just hold my breath and pray let me live my dreams ♪ ♪ every single one of my ♪ ♪ i ain't quitting none of my dreams ♪ ♪ people say i'm foolish ♪ ♪ people say i'm blinded by faith ♪ ♪ but if i run out of air if i crash i don't care ♪ ♪ i'm gonna do it my way ♪ ♪ i can make it through this ♪ ♪ you can throw the world in my face ♪ ♪ but the fear gives me life and i swear till i die ♪ ♪ i'm gonna do it my way ♪ ♪ let me fly through the air if i crash i don't care ♪ ♪ i'm gonna do it my way ♪ ♪ 'cause the fear gives me life and i wear till i die ♪ ♪ i'm gonna do it my way ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. thank you so much, aloe blacc, everyone. i am so excited to say this is the moment we've all been waiting for. it is time for us to reveal the 2023 cnn hero of the year. it's right here, so let's bring back our top ten honorees back onstage. [ applause ] >> since we announced the top ten heroes, we gave you the opportunity to vote for the hero who inspires you. the hero who received the most votes will be awarded an additional $100,000 to continue their life-changing work. this year thanks to our collaboration with the elevated prize foundation, whose mission is to make good famous and ignite a global movement for change, the cnn hero of the year will also receive an unrestricted grant of $300,000. all 10 honorees will receive critical nonprofit training and ongoing support. >> and now the 2023 cnn hero of the year is -- dr. kwane stewart. [ cheers and applause ] >> congratulations. >> congratulations. >> i didn't prepare for this part, so this is sort of off the cuff. thank you. i've wanted to be a veterinarian my whole life. i, you know -- since i was a child. you know, my dad told me to keep it together. i don't know if that's going to happen, old man. he's here tonight too. [ cheers and applause ] if i, as a child, could dream of doing something that was impactful, then i think i found it, or it found me. and i'm so lucky to be doing what i'm doing. and i have so many people to be grateful for. there's so many people that have helped get me here. my parents, who instilled good values. my brother who helped me start the charity. ian, thank you. our volunteer veterinarians and technicians. my family, my better half, who's here tonight. my wonderful kids. to name my technician who's home crying right now, thank you. it's been a wonderful journey, and as i get older, i start thinking about those big questions in life. why are we here? what defines us? why are we human? and i think the answer, at least for me, the answer is in the question. what does it mean to be human? and i believe it's humanity. it's looking out for each other, believing in each other, helping one another. and all of these people embody that. [ applause ] this part certainly wasn't planned, but the $100,000, i want to celebrate with all of you. it splits evenly ten ways pretty nicely, so it is my contribution to all of us. i want to say i'm honored to know you and to be a part of this fraternity. [ applause ] i'm here in part because -- i'm here in part because i've been willing to share and give throughout my life. there's no reason to stop doing that tonight. i have one last quick thought. i was in the streets one day, and an unhoused man and his pet, after i delivered care, we got to talking. and he said sort of nonchalant, he hadn't eaten in almost two days. and i was due for lunch myself. i returned with a sandwich for myself and for him. he tore off -- i

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,21000 ,Snakes ,Songbirds ,Rachel Zegler ,Father ,Estefania Rebellon ,Lawyer ,Rebels ,Colombia ,Girl Saw ,Principal S Office ,Cali ,22 ,Family ,Asylum Seekers ,Back ,Clothes ,Estefania ,Hiding ,Toy ,Florida ,Miami ,Parents ,Crisis ,Border ,Camp ,Safety ,Thanks ,Acting Career ,Los Angeles ,Teachers ,College Degree ,Surge ,Mexico ,2018 ,Classrooms ,Yes We Can World Foundation ,Savings ,Buses ,Asylum Seeking ,1000 ,Five ,000 ,Citizen ,Supplies ,Meals ,15 ,3 ,Everywhere ,Weight O ,Cririsis S ,People Ththat Won T ,Bus ,I Couldn T Sleep ,Shshoulders ,Things ,Colors ,Placement ,Mobile Clasassroom ,Space ,Abable To B ,Tragedies ,Rape ,Furnrniture ,M Murder ,Harassmentnt ,Expeperienced Teterri ,Domc Violencece ,Kidnappiping ,My Way ,What Ththeire ,Heartache ,Goingng ,Case ,Choice ,Findining G My Way ,Migrants ,Refugees ,Switc Hahappens In T ,Someg Ththey ,Being Aa ,Therere ,Migrant Isis ,Scsch ,Alalways ,Beining Involveded ,Chchance I Sh ,My Immmmigration Stotory ,Eyeyes ,Toto ,Thisis ,Ourur E ,Efforts ,Stop P ,Entire E L This ,Ashamemed O This Is Sa ,Someththing Permananent ,Asylum Grantee ,Latina ,Opportunity ,Noches ,Buenas ,Proud American ,Country ,Immigration ,No One ,Education ,Center ,Tool ,World Foundation ,Mission ,Opportunity Isn T ,Congratulations ,Gosh ,Tonight Migrant Children ,Rachel ,Thing ,Someone ,Youth ,Cnnheroes Com ,Danielle Brooks ,Coming Up ,Amanda Seyfried ,Joe Manganiello ,Iman Velani ,Number One ,Servpro ,Restoration ,Donate Button ,Qr Code ,Ten ,Cry ,Inspiration ,Screen ,Gofundme ,Hand ,Need ,Connection ,Brain Injury ,Yoga ,Meditation ,Somebody Hold ,Epidemic ,1 7 Million ,Caregivers ,Course ,Host ,Member ,Umpc Children S Hospital Of Pittsburgh ,Deal Or No Island ,Adam Pearce ,Instant ,Job ,Friend ,Brother Kevin ,Hit ,Halfpipe ,Head ,Snowboarder ,2009 ,Something ,Brain ,Body ,Caregiver ,Yoga Class ,Recovery ,Patients ,Others ,Brain Foundation ,Classes ,Training Courses ,Retreats ,2014 ,Research ,Comfort ,34000 ,Kevivin ,Tubesn ,Denver ,Yoga Class A ,Therapy ,Sky ,Acacciden ,Liftft ,Youours Upup ,Didid ,Sosomething ,Saying ,Sup ,That S ,Retreatsts ,Threadiding ,We K ,The O Old Ke ,Who Understooood ,Coconditions ,Braiain Injury Becausese ,Liv ,Nobody ,Fe Acceptpted ,Peoeople ,Fefeel Isosol ,Retreaeat T Back ,There S A Deep Connecectio Formrmed ,Don T Feelel Ablble ,Feeeel Ablele ,Healaling ,Understananding ,Ththe Chchallenges T ,Controlol ,Oftentimeses O ,Thinknking ,Retreat Fefeeling Thatat ,Go Alongng Braiain Injury ,Ya Sensnse ,Someoeon Elsese ,Medicalal Sy ,Away Frfe ,Ththere ,Single ,Doesn T ,Challengnge ,It D ,Everery ,Tha ,Planet S ,Chchallenge Isis ,Matter Whatat ,Ourseselves ,Learning ,Hahappy ,Growth ,Popowerful P Pathway ,At T Whahat ,Me Ththat Trarauma ,Deee ,Adversity Ce ,1 ,Situations ,Experience ,Transformation ,Love ,Anyone ,Grief ,Challenge ,Resilience ,Pathways ,Joys ,Compassion ,Injury ,Courage ,Uncertainties ,Difference ,Wonders ,Age ,Wonder ,Don T Mock Me ,Student Organizer ,Star ,Awareness ,Brockin Foundation Whose Mission ,Genocide ,Holocaust ,Antisemitism ,Maestro ,Series ,Bradley Cooper ,Hit Max ,City ,Boy ,Part ,Just Like That ,Alexa Swinton ,Galilee ,Israel ,2019 ,Produce ,Women ,Towers ,Steven ,Kitchens ,Agriculture ,Empowerment ,Organization Led ,Rooftops ,Hydroponic Farming ,Steven Hoffen ,Kushlt ,Jewish ,Arab ,Organization ,Food ,Systems ,Peace ,Climate Change ,14 ,It ,Seniors ,System ,Disability ,Food Bank ,Washington Heights ,Tel Aviv ,Seven ,Cooperation ,Hydrouponics ,Crops ,Water ,Mov ,Lilike Somethihing Out ,Insteaead ,Passing Nutrient ,Water R It ,Food Deserts ,Roots ,Nameme ,My Organizatation ,Ururban N Areaeas ,Weekek ,Systems D ,Sites ,Alleveviate Food ,Hydroponinic Systemems ,Growing Peacace ,Ininse Insesecurity ,Root ,Younung ,Leaf ,Youou ,Me Joy ,Hyhydropo ,It T Atat ,153333 ,Anythihing ,We E ,Commumunities ,Producuce ,Nen Including G ,Ststrawberrieses ,Thehe Ground ,We Harvese ,Chererry Tomato ,Leafy Greeeens ,Won T ,Thank Y ,Climatate Changege W ,Messas Thatat ,Lackin Healalthy Food ,Food Prododuction ,Plac Cocommunities ,We Neeeed ,Sustainanable Methodods ,Face ,Somebody ,Smile ,Sweetheart ,Tagging Cnnheroes ,The Color Purple S ,Cnnnn Heroes ,All Ststar Tributute ,Don T Go Away ,Spononsory Novartis ,Parent ,Area ,College ,Co Founder ,The Star ,Go On ,Black Women On Broadway ,Washington D C ,3 Million ,The Color Purple ,Purple ,Yasmine Arrington Brooks ,Thoughts ,Trouble ,Grandmother ,Program ,Prison ,13 ,Teens ,Life Experience ,College Scholarships ,Incarceration ,Idea ,Emergency Funds ,Scholarships ,Book Grants ,Nothing ,Region ,College Tuition Money ,Bills ,Laptop ,Student ,100 ,450000 ,Superstar ,Loved ,Lot ,Mind ,Queuess ,Aa ,Demoralizing ,Becocomes A Thing G ,Graduations ,Birthdays ,Ways S I Nenever Talkeded ,Sosomeone ,It Ti School Bececause ,My Fafather ,Mym ,Ou Scholalarship Progogram ,Tianana ,M Main Objectivive ,He ,Experienence ,Challengeses ,Yeaeah ,Tm Our R Scholars F ,Fina ,Gettingng ,The Liveded ,Didirectly Addddress ,Graradua ,Haviving ,Dad ,Lifelinen ,Sort ,Bond Off ,Intellelectual Heart ,Dadad Hahas ,Itit S D ,Incarcrcerated Pararent ,Ei Wawas Bor ,Support ,Talk Abobout The Ththings ,It Changeded ,Scscholarship P ,Defefinitely Mumuch M ,My Enentire Outloo College ,Scscholarship Pt I M Getttting But Alalso The K ,Leararning ,Gagame C Changer Foror ,She E ,Law School ,Reallyly ,Mentor ,Careerer ,Mymy Li Supppport ,Supp My Emotionalal Support ,M H Hey ,Y You ,Ofof You Ii ,Woman ,Cocompl ,Relationshship ,Mick ,Mickck ,My Dadad ,Youou S ,Te Other ,E Growowing ,Communit Supporort Around Y You A ,Yoo Undederstand Whahat ,Pepeople Rootiting ,Lighght At T The Tutunnel ,Schololar Schcchips ,Isis My Makingng ,Glglowing ,Peoplele Lie ,You Re G Go Ththrough ,Girl ,Arrington Brooks ,Collateral Damage ,Pr Industrial Complex ,Doors ,Scholarchips Scholars And Aluminum N ,Dream ,Healing ,Impact ,Friends ,Alumni ,Millions ,Reality ,College Education ,Goodness ,Reflection ,Passion ,Calling ,Love It ,Lot Of Black Girl Magic ,Joe Deitch ,Major ,Breakthrough ,Word ,Capacity ,Funds ,Sustainability ,Isis ,Beginning ,Iman Velani Honors A Hero ,Information ,A Very Special Award ,Brooke Shields ,Martin Sheen ,Healalt ,Cnn H Heroes An N All Star Tributute ,Momore Human W ,Spononsy Humamana ,Prproudly ,Wifi ,Homework ,Battery Back Up ,Plus ,Problem ,Power Outages ,Data ,Xfinity Rewards Members ,December 31st ,25 ,4 ,31 ,Storm ,Disaster Areas ,Teams ,Refugee ,Medication ,Donationsns ,Earthquake ,Becacause ,Turkey ,Equipment ,Fire ,Ththe Woworld ,Maui ,Kenya ,Donations ,Amount ,Exposure ,T The Heroes Alalso Partitic In Foundation ,Tipping Point ,Spark ,Let T S Take Al Look ,Four ,Founundation Brorought Our Heroes Together In Miaiami ,Fufurther ,Elevata Prize E Foundationon ,Joe Deutsch ,Ultitimate Goal L ,Famous ,Yey ,Social Media ,Hehelp Morore Peopl ,Trainining ,Leadership ,Ou Rereach ,Bebeen Learnrni ,Crititical Non P Profit ,Peopople Havave Al Board ,Howow ,Everything ,What T My Acaccountant W ,Training Ththat ,More Productivive ,Me Opopportunitieies ,Thihink ,Communities ,Makers ,Global Change ,Visibility ,Donors ,Summit ,My Y Accountatant ,Organaniza Withth ,Mom ,Socialal Entrepreneneurs ,The Next Generation ,Geg Involveded ,Garage E ,The E Elevate Prize Foundati ,Cnn Heroes Global Non Profit The Elevate Prize Foundation Is Com Mipted ,Action ,Collaboration ,Network For Good ,Changemakers ,Scale ,Carolina Garcia Jayaram ,Individuals ,Purpose ,Persistence ,Fan Base ,Recognition ,Stories ,Inspire ,Step ,Dollar ,Donation Dollar ,Favorites ,Movement ,Hospitals ,Ghana ,West Africa ,32 Million ,Didn T ,Preventative Care ,Distances ,Champion ,Marvels ,Everlasting ,Aga Khan Development Network ,Iman Vellani ,Care ,Osei Boateng ,Stroke ,High Blood Pressure ,Power ,Complications ,Talk ,Aunt ,Spoiling ,Let ,Spain ,Diabetes ,Areas ,Scholarship ,Swirl ,Immigrating ,Biology ,Cornell University ,Medications ,Be Hope Foundation ,Nurse ,Lab ,Health Care Advocates ,Legion ,Physician ,Van Into A Mobile Clinic ,2017 ,Oman ,Thousands ,Life Changing Care ,C ,Life Saving ,The Power Of Love ,Example ,There E ,Longng Distanceses ,Traveleling ,Ti ,Van La Clclinic ,Lo Pothololes ,Car ,Ststuck K In Mud ,Dailyly E Experi ,Theyey Haven T B ,Haven T ,Doctor Bebefore ,Hospitalal Before ,Literarally ,Dedependent Onon T ,Ananother ,Labs ,Lab Tech ,Sosome Pointnt ,The P Pe Condition ,Everyryone Whwho Ththrough Has ,Eaa ,95 ,9090 ,Van ,We Identntifi People W ,Limiteted Resosources ,Tape ,Onene Stop Shopop ,House ,Health C Care ,Blood Pressure Machine ,Passi Abouout ,Diabetetes ,Hehealth Disiseases ,Malalaria ,Rag ,Vans ,4000 ,Feeling Thatat ,Care F ,Otherw Wouldn T ,Fathers ,Someoeone ,Grandmothehers ,Moms ,Chchildren ,Mobile Health Van Wasn T ,Ossei Boateng ,Many ,Disease ,Mental Health Challenge ,Award ,Testament ,Daily ,Luxury ,Fundamental Human Right ,Help ,Lives ,Ll Black ,Cnn Heroro ,Ouout ,Yeyear ,23 ,Is ,Streets ,Sleep ,33000 ,Cities ,Fayetteville ,Mommy ,Va Medical Facility ,Baby ,Documentary ,Event ,Down ,Cnn Hero Stacey Buckner ,Shower ,Ground ,Machines ,Wheelchair ,2008 ,Despair ,Military Family ,Sense ,Traumatic Brain Injury ,Way ,Stacey Saw Homeless Veterans ,Agency ,Va Medical Center ,Hygiene Packet ,Camping ,Jeep ,One Day ,Strip Mall ,Homeless Veterans ,Outreach ,Showers ,Dozens ,Shower Hookup ,Off Road ,Life Hit Stacey Hard ,Services ,Fofoo ,Loveve ,Severalal Veteterans Tha ,Wowoods ,Lotot ,Ththese Veveterany ,Deepep ,Gotot Displplaced ,Don T Wao ,Wewe ,Want T ,To G ,They Don T W ,H Hey ,Reallyl Rereally ,What S Up ,Gaiaining Trustst ,Boots Onon ,Ei Public E Eye ,Halflf Sizezes ,Thehe Next Sisize ,Needs ,Hire Me ,Yoyou K God D ,Coming O Out Of F ,Hospitita ,Trauaumatic Braiain Injury ,No Onene ,Iaa Stutter ,Communitity ,Evenentually ,Liliving ,Homemeless Veteterans ,Ju Thouought ,Chanance On N ,Disisabilities S ,Reresource Foror ,Waw Living B ,Fifind ,You Rere Y ,Laundry ,Pants ,Showewer ,Fufull Kitchenen ,Araround S Services ,F ,Hang Dry Y ,Brick K ,Estabablishment ,Ab Basi Human N Need ,Mor ,Smell L ,Spinning ,Cleaean ,Me E ,Yoy ,Womanan ,Frfranky ,My Y God ,Whoho Ii ,Rorough Aroun Edges ,Disasabled ,B Brother ,Tateted Up ,Beieing C ,Im Throrow Out A Curse Word Eveverw ,Hi ,Special Talelents ,Y Number ,My Name S Stacey ,Ik ,Arare Organizatitions ,Burning T Th Up In N ,Veveterans Thahat ,Walker ,Trials And Tribulations ,Imimportant ,Cnn Heroes Legacy Award ,Members ,Duty ,Men And Women ,Battle On The Home Front ,Ideals ,Nation ,Belief ,Facts ,Americans ,Unity ,Mom And Dad ,Guys ,Strength ,By My Side ,Pillars ,Ones ,Department Of Housing And Urban Development ,Pets ,Pet ,Pet Parent ,Unhoused ,Companion ,Night ,580000 ,Dog ,Best Friend ,Amanda Siefried ,War Child ,Society ,Finn ,Blockbuster Movie ,The Black Stallion ,1979 ,7 ,Kwan Stewart ,Veterinarian ,County Shelter ,Vet ,Practice ,Walking ,Childhood ,Spirit Plummet ,Euthanasia Rate Soar ,Brink ,He Cofounded Project Street Vet ,Pet Care ,Vaccines ,Skid Row ,Fresno ,Six ,Side ,Belongings ,7 Eleven ,Eleven ,Judge ,Stewart Didn T ,Edo ,Earth ,Grace ,Gentleman ,Guy ,I Ll Be Back ,Aa Burn Victitim ,Jujust ,Flfleas ,Destrtroy Th ,Right Thehere ,Tears ,Eyes ,Lumps ,Person ,It Doesn T ,Animals ,Situation ,Background ,Whwhat Youour ,Kwane Stewart ,Bag ,Look ,Cases ,80 ,Allergy Shot ,Infection ,Anybody ,Stethoscope ,Dying ,History ,Door ,Trust Opens ,Huh ,Meal ,Judgment ,Motto ,Bond ,Relationship ,Kindness ,Gesture ,Buddy ,Career ,Anything ,Cnn Hero Dr ,Point ,Breath ,Homeless Issue ,The Street Vet Family ,Owners ,Homeless Population ,Portion ,Works ,12 ,Resources ,Veterinarians ,Hospital Care ,Procedures ,Anesthetics ,Stewart S ,Cnn Heroes Legacy ,Update , Cry ,2016 ,Commitment ,Top ,Habitat ,Problems ,Solving ,Dedication ,Factor ,Emmy ,1981 ,January 20 1981 ,20 ,Plains ,Jimmy Carter ,Rosalynn Carter ,Tradition ,Transition ,Wife ,Pomp ,Husband ,Pageantry ,Georgia ,Hostages ,Sadness ,Emotions ,Captivity ,White House ,Iran ,52 ,Grandchildren ,Arms ,Campaigns ,Governor ,Peanut Farm ,President ,First Lady ,Cashing ,Faith ,Foundation ,Fuel ,Character ,Tenets ,Humble ,1984 ,September Of 1984 ,Hopes ,Volunteers ,Apartment Building ,Keys ,Hundreds ,Hammers ,Nails ,19 ,Homes ,Volunteer Builders ,Wit ,Human Rights ,Carter Work Project ,Acroross ,4500 ,Election Observers ,Human ,Human Being ,Foamil ,1989 ,Time ,Eventable Diseases ,Protected Democracy And Push For Freedom ,Village ,Mental Health Care ,World ,Hometown ,Fighting ,Stigmas ,Everybody ,Illness ,Setting Goals ,Dignity ,Coverage ,Family Caregivers ,Carters ,53 Million ,99 ,Fear ,Thigh ,Birthday ,Poem ,Driving ,Walls ,Truth ,Depths ,Fragments ,Thought ,Reason ,Stream ,Perfection ,Habit ,Desert Sands ,Heaven Of Freedom ,Behalf ,Cnn Heroes Legacy Award To ,Granddaughter ,Grandfather ,Grandparents ,The End Of Road ,Benefit ,Carter Center ,Decisions ,Everyone Else ,Ability ,Astonishing Moral Clarity ,Vision ,Determination ,Audacity ,Aloe Black ,Young Wonder ,Star Tributu ,Sponsnsored ,Cancer ,Donate ,Illnesses ,Buccaneers ,Palestine Children S Relief Fund ,Josie Toda ,Emily Didn T ,Phone ,Daughter ,Message ,Phone Work ,Magic Kids ,Process ,Takeout Restaurant ,Sick Kids ,Anxiety ,Butter Cup ,Flower ,Thinking ,Little ,Calmer ,Frfriend Ii ,Besest ,Broroke My Heart T Ii ,Similalar Babattle ,Sameme ,Hihim ,Littlt Crazazy ,People E ,Mess Thehere ,Ththe Books Laying Arounund ,Momost ,Harryry Pototter ,It ,Wondederful ,Thank Yoyou ,20000 ,Whahat ,Don T Knknow ,Freaks ,R Reacactions ,It T S Posss ,Best Whehen ,H Hello ,Literatuture T ,Thee ,Everythingng ,Takesm Awayay ,Surpriseded ,Hapappiness ,Bobook D ,Perfrfe ,More Thanan The B ,Attention ,Driv Giving Purpose ,Ththi Matterer ,Ststuff ,Andns Likeke ,Unicocorns ,Spirit ,Highland Park ,Car Manufacturing Plants ,Jobs ,Michigan ,1920 ,Hold ,Crime ,Street Lights ,2011 ,Producer ,Blue ,The Sun ,September 23 2007 ,2007 ,Mama Shu ,Sons ,Bear Foot Playing ,Rhode Island Avenue ,Walk ,Hands ,Ambulance ,The Street ,Little Jakobi ,I M Alive ,Hospital ,Blanket ,Glory ,3000 ,Block ,Places ,Avlon Village ,Neighbors ,Meaning ,Rebirth ,Avlon ,In A Beautitiful Cit ,Whatat We Deservrve ,Sa Cicitizen ,It S ,Jakobi ,Got ,P Peop ,Lanand Bec It W ,B Build ,Lots ,Wins ,Bubuying ,45 ,House Isi Childrenen ,Music ,Soulul ,Hardwawaomeworork ,Afteter Sch ,Aa Library Isis Inside Of T Th ,Computers ,Threree Of T ,It T S Important For Ro Children To O Have ,Ththe ,T That ,3 D Printnters ,Lik Hohome ,Chchildren Have Ini ,Entrepreneurs ,Ththis ,Ik Know ,Servrvices ,Mararket Space ,Thohose Are Beautifulul ,R Neighborhohoods ,Flights ,Their ,Solar Ststreet ,Relit Block ,We Gotot Fivive ,Capapabilities On Nt Land ,Folks ,Beauauty Is S Healing ,Theieir Childrenen Ovever And S People T ,Nonow Ththey ,Wewe O ,Think Thahat ,We Jusu Dodo ,Comome Overe ,You ,Enviviron ,Me To Heal L ,Start Whwhere You Rere ,Itt Helplped ,Jakokobi ,Isis Enenergy ,Got Killeled ,Mo Forwrward ,Beauty ,Avalon Village ,Safe ,Clean ,Heavens ,Who Reside ,Sterling ,Playground ,Expansion ,Tennis Court ,Laundry Mat ,I M So Excited ,Kitchen Sink ,Hero Rebuilding Coral Reefs ,Montana ,Next ,Edie Falco ,All Star Tribute ,Sponsorored ,Humem ,Cnn Heroes Live ,Acidification ,Coral Reefs ,95 ,Temperatures ,Florida Keys ,Rising Ocean ,2050 ,Nicolai ,Coaster Waldo ,Mike Goldberg ,Money ,Firm ,27 ,Someplace Else ,Dive Shop ,Brain Corals ,Dives ,Fish ,Coral ,Direction ,Divers ,Nursery ,Devastation ,Reefs ,News ,Pieces ,15000 ,2000 ,Morning ,Waters ,Blue Sky ,Mike Chases Hope ,All Living Happily Together ,Diving ,Invertebrates ,Kind ,Reef Looks ,Buzzy ,We V ,Number ,Desert ,Th Proboblem ,Brains ,Try Somethihin ,Species ,Ofof B ,Scientist ,Ic ,Br Coral L ,Gogoing ,To Mote S Nururs ,Reef ,Goal ,Band ,Dive Community ,Solution ,Corals ,Ocean ,Planet ,Living Thing ,Chain Reaction ,Half ,Life Blood ,Oxygen ,Community Rebuilding Something ,One Of Us ,Role ,Ecosystem ,Generations ,Map Reservation ,Canadian Border ,The Fort ,5000 ,40 ,Tr Tribes ,No Other ,Poverty Line ,Chemotherapy ,Struggle ,Snow Drifts ,Eddie Falco ,And Multiemmy Award ,Animal Haven Shelter On Center Street ,Mountains ,Buffalo Thereundunderin ,Coast Guard ,Big Skies ,Health Care Administrator ,Estate ,Across The Plains ,Specialists ,Reservation ,Chemo ,Rounds ,Treatments ,Maze ,Paperwork ,Radiation ,60 ,Tribe Members ,Social Worker ,Therapist ,Project ,Treatment ,Eagle Hope ,Mental Health Services ,Transportation ,Hotel Costs ,Food Pantry ,Cow Meat ,Buffalo ,Gas Cards ,Thehe T Eaeagle Like W ,Suicide ,Gra ,Hehearing Becacause ,Rates ,Mymy Diagngnosis ,Nonone Ththat Matterered ,Mymy Educacation ,Thought Mymy Life W Based On M My Prprofessionalal ,Wasasn T Untitil Afafteri ,Okay Y ,Y Suffffer ,Asr Hehelp ,Hi I H ,Justst Sisilence ,All Seset For Bibillings ,Transportatation ,Spene Night ,Neeeed ,My Infusionon ,On S Sunday ,Thahank You ,Likike ,400 Mileles ,Yoyou Uh ,400 ,Health ,She H ,Eat H ,Inin One Housesd Unit ,Grgrandchildrer ,Risk ,T The E Et Our Buffalalo ,Ourur ,O Our Lananguage ,Ca ,Vegetablbles ,Distribututions Fresh Eggs ,Happenening Today Y ,Thehe Seven B ,O Buffalalo ,Ourur Non N ,Buffalo Thahe Harvrvested ,Usus ,Profit Worork ,We Wiwill Gain ,Anceststors ,Wanted D To G ,Poununds O ,Thinings ,Manyny Times ,Lean Meat ,Barriers ,Hurdld ,Sign ,Community Shohould B Prououd ,Spirits ,Tescha Hawley ,Breast Cancer Survivor ,Breast Cancer ,Resilient ,Feet ,Addict ,Hopeful ,Warrior Woman ,Mother Earth ,Youth Suffering Silently ,Spirituality ,Prayer ,Donation ,Warrior ,Don T ,Servepro ,Pork Carnitas ,El Pollo Loco ,Family Meal ,24 ,Anthem ,Lonely ,Image ,Sweeter ,Hair ,The Darkness I Don T ,Lies ,Cause ,Parody ,Pride ,Ththe Optionon Of ,Vigsz ,Lifefe You Seeee ,Clarity ,Dreams ,Floods ,Gotta ,Dreams Gotta ,Ain T ,None ,Votes ,Unrestricted Grant ,Prize ,Ignite A Global Movement For Change ,300000 ,Nonprofit Training ,Cuff ,Old Man ,Who ,Technician ,Brother ,Volunteer Veterinarians ,Technicians ,Values ,Charity ,Ian ,My Better Half ,Questions ,Journey ,Each Other ,Answer ,Humanity ,Question ,Another ,All Of You ,Wasn T Planned ,All Of Us ,Contribution ,Fraternity ,He Hadn T ,Sandwich ,Nonchalant ,Lunch ,Talking ,

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