Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240702

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plan to save them now that talks have broken down? plus a cold calculation israel defense forces say they are killing two civilians for every terrorist calling it a positive ratio. and the final four, gop reveals who made the debate stage tomorrow in alabama and who got left out. good morning to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm kasie hunt oig. it is 5:00 a.m. in washington, noon in gaza where israel has intensified their airstrikes in the south while expanding ground operations with battalions of tanks rolling across the region, that part of the region for the first time. u.n. officials are warning of an apocalyptic situation. nearly 1.9 million palestinians displaced, tens of thousands of them fleeing to the rafah crossing in the last two days. hamas run health ministry says that nearly 16,000 civilians have been killed since october 7. the idf says deaths of two civilians for every hamas mill tab -- militant is, quote, tremendously positive. and multiple u.s. officials say that hostage negotiations are unlikely to resume anytime soon. the white house reports one american woman and seven men remain unaccounted for. >> there are still intensive discussions among us, israel, qatar and egypt about how to best get traction on a strategy that will get all the hostages out. but of course for the united states, priority is to get the american hostages out. >> made melissa bell is joining us from paris. with the talks broken down, what is the next play for the hostages? >> reporter: i think that it is important to remember that even while the formal talks break done, there are still efforts going on behind the scenes in and around the talks that involve of course qatar, the united states and egypt, israel. and hamas. to try to figure out what can be done between israel and hamas to release the -- to secure the release of the remaining hostages. of course their fate very much in the balance, you mentioned the resumption of the fighting. furious bombardment of the entire gaza strip. 137 hostages remain in the hands of hamas. and of course for the united states, they are focused very much on that one american woman, seven american men. for now unaccounted for since the october 7 attacks. now, what we understand has been happening is that the aim is to get some kind of traction as you heard a moment ago so that the talks can resume around how to get the specifics of anyone further out. the trouble is of course given that breakdowns given the fighting, how difficult that is going to be to get everyone around that table. for the time being we're also hearing from the united states that they have very little hope that there could be anything like the similar deal we saw struck by the russians, other nations, thailand of course as well, who thinkde managed to speak directly to hamas, a feeling that there is no sense that hamas will want to do any favors to the united states. so furious negotiations still going on to try to get everyone back around the table in order that some kind of hope, some kind of solution can be found for these hostages. but for the time being, i think that very dim prospects and a great deal of gloom around what hope there might be that the situation will be unblocked. fundamentally this remains a blockage that is around the idf says hamas' inability to speak about what it had negotiated, which is the idea of the women hostages being released. the israeli position is that they will go no further with their discussions until hamas releases all of the women hostages, but the question at the heart of that of what it is that they will have to say about their time in captivity. >> yeah, and potentially very difficult things that we'll deciding into later in the hour. maelissa bell, thank you very much. here in washington, two house democrats planning to introduce a resolution con dende -- contedemning the use of sexual abuse and rape. >> rape is horrific, sexual assault is horrific. i think that it happens in war situations, terrorist organizations like hamas are using these as tools. however i think that we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> i spoke with debbie dingell about this and here is what she told me. >> i'll talk to her. i have a call into her. i think that -- i'm going to just speak for myself on this subject. and i'm raw on this subject. because of the hate that i have had directed at me for speaking the truth. i will speak the truth and i don't care who it is. rape is an abilities of violence and it becomes too often a tool in any abiliti act of war. and we must stand up for women everywhere. >> cnn's annie grayer is joining me now. annie, you've been covering this on capitol hill. what do we know about how this resolution is unfolding? congr congressman dingle ell said shey get republicans to sign on to it as well. >> yes, the goal is to get it in this week. but two congresswoman are involved in shaping this resolution. the other is congresswoman lois frankel who was a part of the progressive caucus but i'm told recently left the group because of frustrations over how the progressive caucus, the divisions over the war in israel and hamas. and so they are leading this charge and hoping to introduce the resolution at some point this week but i'm told that this was not in direct response to jayapal and not response to any lawmakers' comments. >> yeah, she said this is in the works for a while but obviously the comments from jayapal have thrust it into the public. just to bring people behind the scenes, with congresswoman frankel deciding to leave the progress ive caucus over this, t may seem semantic, but it underscores the divisions and emotions around this issue. i was struck by -- congresswoman dingell has been emotional about these things that happened and what was happened to her when people saying that what you are saying is not true. how are you reporting out the emotions and what is your sense from all the conversations that you are having of how this is playing out behind the scenes? >> xwleeemotions are at an all- high. since october 7, congress has been trying to come together around something to try to -- around the war. but reality is that there are so many different opinions even on the democratic side of thousand speak about the war and what side people are on, that it has been really hard to find a ton of unity on the subject and at times has gotten really tense between members. one issue with congresswoman jayapal's comments i'm told is that she is going on television and having interviews, speaking for herself, but she also stand for the chair of the progressive caucus which a broad group representing over 100 members. and some lawmakers tell me that they are frustrated that jayapal is out there speaking her opinion when it doesn't represent the entire conference and the conference hasn't taken an official position on the war. and jayapal's office is defending the congresswoman's comments and said that she always only speaks for herself and not the entire caucus. bithese are just some of the dynamics at play here. >> a really tricky situation although the reality is condemning rape, which is not a complicated one. annie grayer, thank you for being with us. appreciate your reporting. and still ahead here, a former u.s. ambassador now being accused of being a couban spy. and plus a house explodes in arlington, virginia. why police were there serving a warrant. and later four republican candidates will take the stage for the next presidential debate. who qualified and who didn't. with israel expanding their military operations in gaza, there continue to be questions about what is being done to protect the civilian population. an idf spokesperson was asked buyer by erin burnett to confirm a report that two civilians with your killed for every hamas fighter. >> i can confirm the report and i can say if that is true and i think that our numbers will be corroborated, if you compare that ratio to any other conflict in urban terrain between military and terrorist organization using civilians as human shields and embedded in the civilian population, you will find that that ratio is tremendously positive and perhaps unique. >> bianca nobilo oiis live for in london. wonderful to have you. i think that it is stark to hear human lives talked about in this mathematical way. what more do we know about what he had to say and how it is being received across the globe as -- obviously 5:00 here, 10:00 where you are in london -- this morning as officials have woken up to this. >> for any nonmilitary person, it is indeed stark, difficult to stomach. and probably a fairly repugnant concept to hear civilian life spoken about in any form of calculus or the idea that it can be justified to kill a civilian in order to achieve military objective. but of course that is the reality of war. to put this statement into the broader context to help the viewers understand what is being said here, in world war i and ii was around 60%. idf says around 33% of the fatalities are currently civilians. the lowest estimates were around that same ratio, but most likely they were much higher than that. and so they are framing it, even though it sounds so stark, as to try to underscore that they are actually doing a fairly good job in the contexts. and report cites that most more than wars have a civilian casualty rate of around 90%. solt idf is trying to communicate even though they have been widely criticized and our reporting has shown much evidence of it, of the civilian collateral damage, huge scale, they are trying to say actually within the context of modern war, we're doing a good job. and just to provide a little bit more information, so we heard from the israeli defense minister that thousands of terrorists have been killed. the afp reported that they pults the number of 5,000 hamas militants being killed to their sources. arnt the idf says that number is more or less right. but a very difficult conversation to have and also fundamentally we must point out that this rests on the premise that it is even possible to get really anything approaching an accurate picture of numbers in an active conflict and we know that that is just notoriously difficult prospects not to mention the propaganda value of any actor wanting to inflate the casualties that their side are receiving and deflate those that they are inflicting. >> it is fascinating information and context on that. and of course we know that the conflict is a kinetic one with much devastating loss of life and also an information war and we're seeing pieces of that play out here. bianca nobilo, thank you very much for sticking around with us. still ahead here, the stunning new research suggesting that stock traders might have known the october 7 attacks were coming. and more rain and snow out west, our weatherman derekek va dadam will joioin us up nextxt. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. we have quick hits across america. new research shows bets against israeli companies spiked before the hamas attack. it suggests that some traders might have known that it was coming and profited off of it. and an explosion leveled a virginia home where police were executing a warrant. officials say a suspect inside the house discharged a flare gun as officers tried to speak with him. moments later the house exploded. republicans on the house oversight committee released payments made by hunter biden to his father but neglected to include documents that say that he was repaying him for a pickup truck. james compaer say that he continues to lie. and more snow in the higher elevations, and there is back to back atmospheric rivers expected tomorrow. and here to explain the science behind that, derek van dam or weatherman. what is going on? >> i think best that our viewers think of it as a literal river in the sky, the ability for this to transport water vapor from the tropical regions of the planet to the mid latitudes where you and i live is incredible. and we're talking about a tremendous amount of water vapor. so much so that it is that the ability to transports giveequivt of 25 times of water that flows through the mississippi river. so atmospheric river produce significant rainfall and mountain snow. that is when the freezing level is far enough in altitude where we can get so much snow. but this time it is a little different because you can trace back the origin of this atmospheric river back to hawaii and that moisture means that it is pulling in this kind of tropical influence moisture, it will be a warmer atmospheric river event and we believe that it will be a rain event. so the know earlier in the week will melt, that will add to the flooding concerns because we have a legvel five of five. so a significant entsvent for oregon and washington. again, heavy rain on top of snow pack means quick melting and that allows for rivers to rise rather quickly. so the potential of flooding across that part of the country. >> and we'll keep an eye on that. thank you, derek, very much. appreciate it. see you tomorrow. and up next, israel ramps up incursion into gaza. is there any hope of getting the remaining hostages out. and on capitol hill, what republicans are demanding in exchange for aid to israel and ukraine. that is next. good morning. thanks for being up early with us. i'm kasie hunt. it is just before 5:30 on the east coast. and israel intensifying its military operations in gaza this morning with expanded ground operations including tanks rolling across the region. and more airstrikes in the south. tens of thousands of palestinians have fled to the rafah crossing in the last 48 hours. and the u.n. says the number of civilian casualties is rapidly increasing. correspond to hamas run health ministry, nearly 16,000 people are dead. mean while hostage negotiations remain stalled and u.s. officials say that they are unlikely to resume anytime soon. still eight americans unaccounted for. let's bring in kim dozier. always wonderful to have you. i want to show everyone what state department spokesman matthew miller said yesterday about why he thinks that -- and apparently why the u.s. government thinks -- hamas is refusing to release the remaining female hostages. of course negotiations contributed to the truce's collapse. watch. >> the fact that it seems one of reasons that they don't want to turn women over that they have been holding hostage and the reason the pause fell apart, they don't want the women to be able to talk about what happened to them during their time in custody. >> that is a very dark reality. what is underneath what he is saying here? >> israeli police force have collected more than 1500 accounts, be they physical evidence or eyewitness testimony, of hamas terrorists on women. mostly rape. just as a trigger warning to survivors out there, israeli government also showed some reporters that 47 minutes of edited video that included hamas militants filming themselves with gopro cameras committing various atrocities. and what we were shown was a lot of executions but also shown bodies that were in a state such that i later asked an idf official if they had video of militants committing every sort of atrocity including sexual violence that intelligence analysts had to watch and collate. and he said yes, they have. so that is driving i believe a lot of the ferocity of the israeli military resitary response and silence that is slowly begun to be broken within israel and now beyond about this violence that has been perpetrated and people are not willing to talk about it too much publicly yet. and the idf official i spoke to yesterday said that, yes, like u.s. officials, they believe that hamas doesn't want the women who have been abused the worst to come out yet to be released to tell their stories. >> so just to put a finer point on what you are saying, these cameras that the terrorists took with them in on october 7, they film ed themselves raping israei women possibly repeatedly. >> that is my understanding, that is one of the things that those hundreds hours of videos likely show. >> is the concern about the hostages that are inside gaza that they don't want to talk about what happened to them on october 7 or what they are continuing to experience a they are being held hostage in gaza? >> it could be both. there is also the chance that some of these people, some of the women, are being held by groups other than hamas who have raised much -- who have made greater demands of what israel has to do before they would release them. such as releasing thousands of palestinian prisoners now held in israeli jails. that is part of what has driven israel to return to fighting. and they are considering various plans to try to get to where they think the hostages are being held because they think that especially with the men, men of military age, soldiers who are being held, that none of the militant groups will release them until the fighting is done or release them until they are forced to. >> all right. kim dozier, thank you for being with us this morning. a tough topic but really important. really appreciate it. foreign policy is top of mind on capitol hill this week where volodymyr zelenskyy will address senators in a closed door briefing and plead for more aid as the white house issues its starkest warning yet about funding for ukraine. >> we're running out of money. and we are nearly out of time. a vote against supplemental funding for ukraine will hurt ukraine and help russia, it will hurt democracy and then dictators. >> republicans even some who have long advocated for more ukraine aid are now vowing to vote no on any supplemental funding for ukraine and israel if changes are not made to the u.s. border policy. for more, let's break in mika salner. frankly, they are running out of time. ek ukr especially ukraine is running out of time on this package before the end of the year. and it sounds like the border talks have basically collapsed at this point. what is the path forward here? >> yeah, there is a lot of frustration happening right now i think on both sides of the chambers. senate democrats are saying that they are being held hostage by r7s and we'rrepublicans and we' seeing a split. so i think that it is contingent on what the senate does in terms of aid but we're seeing some support dwindling. and we'll have more exclusive reporting on members like, you know, who are seeing that this is a lot more important and that the time is urgent to get the aid done later this morning in punch bowl news as well. >> and you just put that news letter out which we'll look at. and while i have you, i want to talk about a corollary to what i was talking about with kim dozier which is this very, very difficult issue of the rain of israeli women on the october 7 attacks and the possible continued sexual sauassaults of women being held captive. i spoke with debbie dingell about this and she revealed that she's been on the receiving end of harassment from people in the wake of her saying that this happened and asserting this to be true. take a look at what she told me yesterday. >> i will speak up against rape everywhere and anywhere. and as women, we must do so. it is an act of violence against a woman. >> you clearly -- this has been an emotional -- >> i've been dealing with it for search weeks. i've been doxxed on it three times. >> i was not aware that that had happened to her. i did know that she was an outspoken advocate of this. you can speak to the emotion around this issue on capitol hill? >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, we're seeing deep divisions especially in the democratic party when it dos to supporting israel in this critical moment. i think that we might see more members start talking about this, we're seeing lawmakers start posting pictures of v vandalism at their offices and attacks that they have gotten. and so this is a heightened time of emotion on capitol hill in the wake of this war. and i think that it is also urging lawmakers that aid is also critical to get to israel and in multiple global conflicts. so we're seeing a lot of tension and i think that this was proven also maybe just a few weeks ago when rashida tlaib was censored for his comments that many lawmakers deemed at anti-semitic about palestinian. >> all right. mika solener, thank you for being with us. and coming up next, call it addition through subtraction? why tomorrow's gop debate will be different lab the last one. and plus a former u.s. ambassador accused of acting as a secret agent of cuba, that is ahead. nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. welcome back. and then there were four. four 2kcandidates have qualifie for the gop debate on wednesday. donald trump of course continues to boycott the debate. that leaves chris christie, ron desantis, vivek ramaswamy and nikki haley to face off. tough news for doug burgum who after failing to qualify for the stage yet again decided it was time to calling it quits. let's bring in the senior national political reporter at the boston globe. this is potentially another big moment for nikki haley. i think that that has been the story line out of the debates which still remain a race for second place. >> absolutely. nikki haley has parlayed strong debate performances one after the other really and she's been able to do something that no other nontrump candidate really has, which is grow her tup over the course of this race. and grow her position in the polls. so she will want to use the debate to cement her status as the alternative to trump. she's gotten some big end endorsements in recent weeks, some that could come from power from donors. but she will be the one -- she will be the target for other candidates to try to knock down. governor ron desantis of florida, he has struggled this -- he has struggled to make the case that he is the best alternative to trump. so this could be seen as his last chance to try to reassert himself before iowa, which is a state that he has put all of his really focused his campaign on by visiting all the 99 counties. >> and that is in less than six weeks. and so as these republicans head to the debate stage, the reality is that donald trump remains the overwhelming frontrunner. and one thing that has continued to emerge, if you listen to his speeches, there are increasingly dark and potentially honestly violent undertones there including one that played out on saturday over the weekend in his speech where he called to his supporters to guard the election. so i want to show you what he had to say. take a look. >> so the most important part of what is coming up is to guard the vote. and you should go into detroit and you should go into philadelphia and you should go into some of these places, atlanta, and you should go into some of these places and we got to watch those votes when they come in. >> just to be clear, to watch those votes, a lot of these supporters, there were instances in michigan where people showed unarmed with guns. there are definitelycheney, for this is the warning that she had about trump becoming president again. watch. >> a vote for donald trump may mean the last election that you ever get to vote in. >> so that is a very strong way of putting it. jess, what is your reporting and sense? you've covered these races before. i mean, it is very clear that this election should trump become the republican nominee will be an unprecedented one. >> absolutely. every time he has run for president, and this is the third time, former president trump has tried to stoke doubt in election results. and he's done that by, you know, raising questions about voting practices and counting practices with absolutely no evidence whatsoever in big -- largely democratic and oftentimes majority minority cities. and so he is already doing this much as he did in 2020. and as he did in 2016. in tw2020, we saw him try to overturn an election that he lost. he faces federal charges for actions he took to do that. which he denies. and something we're seeing this time around is he's starting to go on offense, starting to accuse biden of being undemocratic again without evidence. and we saw him doing this on saturday in iowa. he had allies with signs saying biden attacks democracy. and to me what that says is that the trump campaign recognizes that if he is accused of all of these accusations about his impacts on democracy, it could land with voters. and they are trying to get ahead of them. although i think that voters have seen what i think he's done in the past and it may be a tough case for trump to make. >> i think part of why this go guard the vote stood out to me, i was at the capitol complex on january 6 when he called the supporters in, it was elealmost like people didn't listen or if they saw the signals they did not take action. so important that we don't lose sight of that. jess, thank you for being on with us this morning. former u.s. ambassador to bolivia is being charged as a foreign agent of cuba. he served in bolivia from 2000 to 2002. and court documents show that he completely referred to the u.s. as the enemy and praised fidel castro while he was in meetings with an undercover fbi employee. let's bring in ken gray, former fbi special agent. ken, good morning. thank you for being here. how remarkable is this case? >> this is a very remarkable case. it shows that the cuban intelligence service is one of the best at this game. this is not the first time that they have managed to put somebody inside the u.s. government. but this is the longest mole in the u.s. government. and as understand, a remarkable case. >> and why did it take so long for all this to come out? >> so this is a case that we didn't know when he became a target, when he became someone that was suspected of being involved with the cuban government, a spy for the cuban government, but it took a year for this case to develop to the point that it resulted in his arrest. he was identified back in november of last year as a person that the fbi should be concentrating on. undercover agent was used to contact him, set up a series of meetings. and then finally he was brought in by the diplomatic security service, dss, to interview him and after he lied to them, he was then arrested for these espionage charges. i say espionage. he was actually charged with being an agent for the foreign government, conspiracy to be an agent for the foreign government and also false use of a passport. >> what kind of damage would he have been able to do from the positions that held as someone who clearly was as some point -- or allegedly at some point was an agent for cuba? >> he was in one of the highest levels of the state department. he acted as a member of the national security council. and he was also an area expert for the southern command. so he had access to political. he had access to kdip loi matt tick and military information. this guy did a lot of damage or could potentially do a lot of damage to the u.s. government. so remarkable use of a spy against the u.s. government and a person ideologically aligned against the united states government and who knows for how long. 40 years at this game, but he may have started everyone earlier than that, he may have been directed to go to harvard, yale. he went to taft school. he went to georgetown. so he was groomed to become the kind of guy that could get these type of jobs. >> really fascinating. ken gray, thanks very much for being with us. >> thank you. boston woman on vacation in the bahamas attacked and killed by a shark. we'll have those tragic details ahead on "cnn this morning." and up next here, expelled congressman george santos has a new gig on cameo. how a senator used it to pull a prank, up next. so just a handful of days after getting kicked out of congress, george santos has a new gig. he is recording messages on cameo where you pay celebrities to record videos for you. but that is not the best part. john confedefetterman used it t bob menendez. >> hey bobby, look, i don't think that i need to tell you, but these people that want to make you get in troubling and want to kick you out and make you run away, you make 'em put up or shut up. you stand your ground, sir. and don't get bogged down by all the haters. stay strong. merry christmas. >> fetterman later revealed bobby's real i had tiidentity a he said i wish i knew the bobby in question. lol. and let's go to sports now where things are slightly more sane. bengals win against the jaguars and bad news got worse for jacksonville as their star quarterback suffered an ankle injury. this is a rough season. >> yeah, not a good season for quarterback. certainly a rough night for the jaguars and now all the fans care about is the health of trevor lawrence. lawyrence gets his ankle steppe on by his offensive lineman. he tried to get up, but he went back down, slammed his helmet in frustration. lawrence helped back to the locker room and adam schefter is reporting it is a veinestrainede and he will go under more testing. and jake browning coming up big in his second start. he completed 32 of the 37 passes for 354 yards and a touchdown. he also ran for a score. bengals win the game in overtime, 34-31 for their first road win on monday night football since 1990. >> feels good. definitely had to earn it. needed over time to get it done. but thought we played a complete game on offense. defense came up with the stops fwheeded. played well. and like you said, been a long time since i won a game. so feels good. >> and to the nba where we had the first ever in-season tournament quarter finals. the fancy blue court. and payersescers win it 122-112 they head to las vegas where they will face winner of tonight's game. and pelicans overcoming an early deficit to knock out the kings. pelicans never trailed in the second half and they won 127-117. and they advance to lakers or suns thursday night. tonight it is on our sister station tnt. and finally three quarterbacks and wide receiver are in contention for the heisman trophy. you have daniels and bo nix, pen nix jr. and also marvin harrison jr. are the finalists. another year where there is not a big heated debate. jayden daniels the heavy favorite to bring home the >> indeed. indeed we will. i won't hold you to continue my complaints about college football playoff. we'll leave that for another day. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. "cnn this morning" starts right now. ♪ this is a

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People , It , Caucus , Public , Progress Ive , Issue , Emotions , Saying , Conversations , Behind The Scenes , Xwleeemotions , Reality , Something , Congress , Thigh , Times , Members , Side , Unity , Ton , Opinions , Congresswoman Jayapal , Chair , Interviews , Television , 100 , Jayapal , Opinion , Conference , Hasn T , Office , Reporting , Dynamics , Bithese , Spy , Ambassador , Police , Warrant , A House , Virginia , Being A Couban , Arlington , Debate , Candidates , Stage , Didn T , Operations , Questions , Population , Idf Spokesperson , Report , Erin Burnett , Fighter , Conflict , Numbers , Terrain , Organization , Human Shields , Human Lives , In London , Bianca Nobilo Oiis , Way , Globe , 10 , Person , Concept , Form , Context , Statement , Civilian , Calculus , Military Objective , World War I , 60 , Framing It , Fatalities , Estimates , 33 , Job , Contexts , Civilian Casualty Rate , Wars , Evidence , Collateral Damage , Scale , 90 , Militants , Terrorists , Number , Information , Afp , Thousands , Defense Minister , 5000 , Conversation , Sources , Arnt , Premise , Casualties , Picture , Propaganda Value , Factor , Information War , Pieces , Loss , Snow , Research , Rain , Stock Traders , Bianca Nobilo , West , Weatherman Derekek , Will Joioin , Va Dadam , Up Nextxt , Power , Thing , Wifi , Homework , Book , Battery Back Up , Problem , Data , Power Outages , Xfinity , Xfinity 10g Network , 4 , Hits , Attack , Companies , Traders , Bets , Virginia Home , Suspect , Flare Gun , Explosion , Hunter Biden , Officers , Father , House Oversight Committee Released Payments Made By , Documents , Pickup Truck , James Compaer , Rivers , Weatherman , Elevations , Science , Derek Van Dam , Water Vapor , River , Ability , Regions , Planet , Sky , Mid Latitudes , Water , Atmospheric River , Amount , Mississippi River , 25 , Rainfall , Level , Altitude , Origin , Mountain Snow , Hawaii , Moisture , Event , Rain Event , Flooding Concerns , Five , Snow Pack , Entsvent , Top , Heavy Rain , Oregon , Derek , Country , Flooding , Potential , Eye , Aid , Ukraine , Republicans , Exchange , Up Incursion , Thanks , Kasie Hunt , East Coast , 30 , Correspond , 48 , Americans , Eight , Government , Matthew Miller , State Department Spokesman , Women , Hostage , Watch , Reasons , Collapse , Pause , Truce , Reason , Fact , Custody , Eyewitness Testimony , Police Force , Accounts , 1500 , Video , Trigger Warning , Survivors , Reporters , 47 , Lot , Bodies , Cameras , Estate , Atrocities , Executions , Gopro , Official , Sexual Violence , Collate , Atrocity , Analysts , Driving , Silence , Ferocity , Military Resitary , Worst , Doesn T , Stories , They Film Ed , Understanding , Videos , Raping Israei , Concern , Show , Some , Much , Groups , Chance , Demands , Jails , Palestinian Prisoners , Plans , Military Age , None , Topic , Starkest Warning , Foreign Policy , Senators , Briefing , Mind , Closed Door , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Democracy , Vote , Funding , Money , Russia , Changes , Break , Dictators , More , U S Border Policy , Mika Salner , Package , Ek Ukr , Frustration , Path , Border , Sides , Chambers , Senate , Terms , Seeing A Split , Exclusive Reporting , Support Dwindling , Punch Bowl News , News Letter , Captive , Sauassaults , Wake , Look , Receiving End , Harassment , Anywhere , Everywhere , Emotional , Advocate , Three , Emotion , Democratic Party , Posting Pictures Of V Vandalism , Offices , Conflicts , Tension , Rashida Tlaib , Mika Solener , Agent , Cuba , Acting , The Last One , It Addition , Subtraction , Lab , Sports , Footwork , Oman , Nice , Games , Nothing , Cheers , Woho , Pitch , Field , Donald Trump , Have Qualifie , 2 , Ron Desantis , Nikki Haley , Chris Christie , News , Vivek Ramaswamy , Doug Burgum , Debates , Story Line , Boston Globe , Race , Really , Place , Candidate , Tup , Nontrump , Polls , Trump , Alternative , Status , Donors , Endorsements , Target , The One , Florida , Case , Iowa , Campaign , Counties , Six , 99 , Speeches , Frontrunner , Supporters , Undertones , Weekend , Speech , Election , Places , Take A Look , Philadelphia , Detroit , Instances , Votes , Guns , Michigan , Atlanta , President , Definitelycheney , Jess , Races , Nominee , Election Results , Voting Practices , Counting Practices , Doubt , Cities , Minority , Big , 2020 , 2016 , Charges , Actions , Tw2020 , Offense , Sagain , Signs , Allies , Accusations , Voters , Impacts , 6 , January 6 , Action , Sight , Bolivia , 2000 , Meetings , Court , Enemy , Fidel Castro , 2002 , Ken Gray , Undercover Fbi , Employee , Game , Somebody , Best , Service , Intelligence , United States Government , Mole , Someone , Undercover Agent , Arrest , Series , Diplomatic Security Service , Dss , Espionage Charges , Conspiracy , Espionage , Passport , Damage , Levels , Positions , State Department , Member , Access , Area Expert , Southern Command , National Security Council , Kdip Loi Matt Tick , Guy , 40 , Type , Jobs , Georgetown , Harvard , Yale , Taft School , Shark , Bahamas , Details , Boston , Cameo , George Santos , Gig , Senator , Prank , Handful , Messages , Celebrities , Bob Menendez , Put Up Or Shut , I Don T , John Confedefetterman , Bobby , Fetterman , Ground , Haters , Sir , Bobby S Real , Merry Christmas , Tiidentity , Let S Go , Bobby In Question , Bengals , Season , Jaguars , Star Quarterback , Bad News , Ankle Injury , Jacksonville , Lawyrence , Health , Quarterback , Trevor Lawrence , Ankle , Offensive Lineman , Steppe , Fans , Adam Schefter , Veinestrainede , Helmet , Locker Room , Jake Browning , Testing , Touchdown , Score , Coming Up Big In His Second Start , 37 , 32 , 354 , Road Win , Monday Night Football , 34 , 1990 , 31 , Nba , Defense , Fwheeded , Las Vegas , Finals , Blue Court , Tournament , Payersescers , 122 , 112 , Pelicans , Deficit , Winner , Kings , Quarterbacks , Half , Suns , Sister Station Tnt , Lakers , 127 , 117 , Contention , Wide Receiver , Finalists , Pen Nix Jr , Bo Nix , Marvin Harrison Jr , Heisman Trophy , Jayden Daniels , This Morning , Complaints , College Football Playoff , Don T Go ,

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