israel is expanding its military operations against hamas including in the south many palestinian men -- >> second term including price cuts to prescription drugs. plus it means style charm or attractiveness. it was made viral by generation z on social media. oxford is unveiling it is the word of the year for 2023. can you guess what it is? we are following the stories and many more all coming in right here on cnn news central. right now in gaza is really troops are operating in southern gaza for the first time. this new front is where hundreds of thousands of palestinian civilians fled after evacuating from the north. that is why a top un official in the region put it bluntly today we have said it repeatedly we are saying it again no place is safe in gaza. the head of the red cross visiting gaza today pleading for humanitarian relief and for the icrc to be allowed to visit the 137 hostages still held by hamas. those visits could be more crucial than ever now as hostage negotiations have collapsed. moments ago the white house slammed hamas for ending the talks. jeremy diamond is in israel. jeremy get us up to speed on israel's latest operations. >> reporter: these are really expanding its ground operations into southern gaza over the last several days. we have watched as israeli military has been pushing deeper into southern gaza after focusing its ground operations of the last month merrily in the northern part of the gaza strip. at least one tank was spotted less than five kilometers away from central -- one of the main cities in southern gaza. the israeli military said operations in northern gaza are nearly completed and the defense minister saying that those operations will lead to the breaking of the entire area of gaza city and the north of the gaza strip. but there is no question in speaking with israeli officials the focus in the coming weeks will be in southern gaza. in part because israeli leaders believe many of hamas's leaders have led to the southern part of the gaza strip. and as they are doing that they are coming under intense pressure from the united states in particular to ensure that their operations in southern gaza looks very different from what we saw in northern gaza where there were heavy heavy civilian casualties as the israeli military pummeled the northern part of the gaza strip and drove tanks and infantry troops into densely populated urban areas. we've seen israeli military has been ordering civilians in southern gaza to evacuate from key areas of the southern part of the gaza strip dropping leaflets near -- is the same key city in southern gaza. also dropping leaflets with the qr code dividing up gaza into hundreds of districts a map that is really officials say will help with evacuation of key areas. there are major challenges to the effectiveness of those orders. especially as more than 80% of gaza's civilian population is already internally displaced. israeli officials in many cases the directing gazans to move towards a -- where we have already seen in recent days there have been israeli airstrikes in those areas and un officials warning that shelters they are are already overcrowded. >> talk to us about hostage negotiations jeremy. have the u.s. blaming hamas for them falling apart. how exactly did this and and from the israeli perspective what are the prospects for getting them back going? >> reporter: while it appears these talks have stalled if not broken down entirely for the time being. primarily it appears over this question of email hostages still being held by hamas in gaza. israel has made very clear that they will not move forward with the broader question of negotiating over men as well as israeli soldiers until all of those women hostages are released from hamas captivity in gaza. hamas for its part appears to be indicating it believes those younger is really women are considered soldiers because they are of the age to be called up as reservists. israeli officials of course reject that concept entirely. so for now it appears we are nowhere close to a resumption of that pause and fighting to allow for the release of any hostages or for that much needed rest it for civilians in gaza from bombardment. >> thank you so much. now to the white house which is where mj lee is. what did we hear from the administration? >> reporter: rihanna for weeks we have seen members of the administration talking about the need for israel to be more surgical and more deliberate as it continues on with its military operations. and they've made clear what they do not want to see is a repeat of what we saw in northern gaza the kind of massive air campaign that caused such widespread casualties and destruction. jake sullivan at the national security advisor to the president was just at the white house briefing room and he said he could not offer any kind of comprehensive assessment as to how israel has been conducting its military operations since the fighting resumed on friday. but i pressed him on that little bit. take a listen. >> can you offer any kind of initial assessment based on what you've seen since friday? >> the fax i have seen the past few days is that israel has identified a very specific area has asked people to leave that area. israel has actually coordinated the commencement of military operations on the ground in the south with that kind of notification. now what i can't judge is how many of the people in that area as of right now have received that communication. because i'm not on the ground so i don't know that. what we have indicated to the israelis is that they need to use every means of tool they have available to be sure when they actually move in and force into an area in the south that they do so with some confidence that people have actually gotten safe passage out of that area. >> reporter: something else that i did ask jake sullivan about is whether even the fact these hostage talks appear to have entirely stalled, whether the white house could contemplate making some kind of side deal just to secure the release of the dual american citizens that are still being held back in gaza. he basically said all of the conversations are still ongoing and intensive and would not rule anything out. he made clear the conversations he has been having with the families has been incredibly challenging. >> i can only imagine. live at the white house. thank you. let's dig deeper on all of this with edelstein a member of israel's -- the chairman of the foreign affairs and defense committee. thank you for sharing part of your day with us. so formal negotiations to free the estimated 137 hostages still in gaza have hit a dead end. multiple senior u.s. officials tell cnn the talks do not appear likely to resume anytime soon. what needs to happen to restart these negotiations to get the hostages out? >> well i think that we just witnessed a couple weeks ago that military operation military pressure -- hamas closer is they have to negotiate the release of the hostages. the unfortunately they broke their promises made to egypt to the united states. as far as the previous judgment release of the hostages. we have no choice. we have to resume -- authorization. i hope -- hamas will understand -- they will have two dart renegotiating. they broke their promises corresponded already mentioned on the release of women and children. and this is exactly what we are trying to reach right now.>> israel's top domestic security official said that israel has to eliminate hamas leaders all around the world even if it takes years and even if it means going into lebanon turkey and cutter. cutter helped negotiate the release of hostages. are you on the same page with him? how do you avoid drawing those nations into a broader conflict with israel? >> i sincerely hope there will be no broader conflict because everyone understands that hamas is a very dangerous -- in the area. compared only to isis. what they did october 7th -- decapitating babies young women. does not want to go into these graphic descriptions. makes us all to come to one conclusion. as long as hamas is sitting in gaza. as long as -- is alive there will be no quiet and peace in the area. that is why with the head of our security service said is i think shared by 90% of the israelis. we have to get rid of all those who committed the atrocities and we can't -- bring the -- at least some initial start of normal life in gaza. that under rule of hamas but under some normal government. >> i think that might be the consensus in israel. it is hard to say that is the consensus in the region especially if you're sending officers or officials into lebanon or turkey. two eradicate hamas officials they are. it might lead to collateral damage. you are not concerned that can spark a broader war? >> no one is sending right now -- anywhere. right now dealing with the danger on our southern border. i don't have once again to repeat what our peaceful communities on the southern border went through on october 7th. the message we get from these people is quite clear. we will combat we will -- every culture in our normal life. on one condition. that there will be no -- to hamas. as long as -- they are a threat. we all have to understand that. right now we are concentrating on the military operation in the long run. they have to understand -->> when it comes to the intelligence failures on october 7th the new york times published a portions of his intelligence report that detailed jericho wall. that showed hamas had these plans more than a year before october 7th that it was within is really intelligence people were aware of these plans. were you aware of this report before october 7th? why don't you think it was taken more seriously? >> it is a very fair question that you are asking. as you can imagine i work very closely in my position with the israeli defense forces and the secret service. this is a question that is being asked by everyone. there was a terrible mistake -- whatever you call it. it will all be thoroughly investigated after we finish the military operations. right now everyone -- the head of our secret service -- we are all dedicated to one goal. and this is the return of the hostages and the elimination of hamas. this is what we are dealing with right now. we don't have time actually to start right now with the -- investigation of the mistakes. once again one thing we made sure that we right now don't repeat the same mistakes. in terms of who is to blame and who exactly knew what this is something that will leave for later. >> you did not specify when you learned of the report. i am curious before we go what do you think accountability looks like specifically for prime minister netanyahu. do you think he should resign? >> everyone their responsibility. political leadership. military leadership. myself a share of the committee. everyone does. as i said there will be a special committee to investigate all of that this independent committee will decide who bears which part of the responsibility. who knew what. who had known what. the things that are surfacing right now are troubling. on the other hand we do have to say that -- defense forces they managed to overcome -- by this terrible -- the operating in gaza right now trying to do this trying to reach the goals security cabinet. this is something that they get full support from from the israeli public. >> we have to leave the conversation there. we appreciate your time and perspective. >> thank you for having me. still to come we have no reporting on how the biden campaign is hoping to use new healthcare proposals to win a second term. accusations of academic meddling against harvard university. a researcher saying she was put out of a job in order to protect a relationship between the university and facebook founder and make a donor mark zuckerberg. the seminoles sidelined. florida state winning every game this season going undefeated but getting shut out of the college football playoffs. why? we will discuss when we come back. >> we are also going to fight to give much better healthcare than what you have right now. this is a newer subject but obamacare is a disaster. i say we are going to do something about it. >> obamacare we are going to replace and supersede with a better plan. >> there you have former president trump in florida governor ron desantis vowing that if elected they would repeal and replace the affordable care act. the biden campaign now seizing on those threats preparing to unveil a series of healthcare measures that biden would aim to pass any second term. kevin is live at the white house. kevin what more do we know about these healthcare announcements and the political plans coming from the biden camp? >> these are ideas that have been under discussion for a while. they are gaining new momentum with this bowel from president trump and others to repeal obama care should he regain the white house. certainly president biden was actually surprised to hear his predecessor make those remarks just given the attempts during his own administration that went nowhere to repeal obama care and replace it with something else. that surprise also feel that relatively popular plan that went into effect during the obama administration. now some of the things president biden could be discussing in the coming weeks and months include a plan to expand these drug cut price reductions including on insulin that are currently in place for medicare recipients. the president also discussing expanding federal premium subsidies talking about a workaround potentially to extend this medicaid expansion that some states have passed but other states have not. even talk about repealing or revising the public option essentially government run healthcare the president biden had campaigned on in 2020. certainly the president and his team very aware this is a highly potent political issue. and preparing to go make an affirmative case for a second term using this healthcare argument in the coming weeks. >> kevin thank you. for that report. let's expand the discussion with scott jennings he previously worked for former president bush and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. deputy chief of staff for former congressman adam kissinger. press advisor to john bainer. she is the founder of blue stack strategies. thank you for being with us. scott or see you on the campaign trail the subject of the threat that trump poses to democracy. it has been brought up by chris christie. it doesn't appear to be a winning issue on the right. is that why trump's rivals are not calling him out on it? >> well depending democracy mean something very different to trump's voters than it does to joe biden's voters. if you look at the polling it pops the term pops for both republican and democrats. if you're somebody who loves donald trump you think democracy was damaged by biden winning. if you voted for biden you think donald trump tried to steal the election. i think you will hear both parties talk about it. what it means to both sides is something very different. i think the democrats have had success with it. with independent voters we saw that manifest itself in november of 2022. >> let's talk about this these healthcare comments. because we are hearing them now over the weekend from trump and also from desantis. do you think this is a good move or is this for? >> it is an easy win as far as a talking point goals. it is easy to say let's repeal obama care. it gives real leadership to come forward with a real plan. and ideas. and explain to the voters how you would improve upon our healthcare system by making it more transparent affordable and accessible. while it is easy to say those things and trump and desantis are going to use it as a rally cry to campaign off of i hope voters are actually going to follow up and wonder how they would actually make our healthcare system better. >> what is the strategy when you're talking about repealing and replacing something that is popular with three out of five americans? >> again explaining how it benefits them. we are a nation that really families are looking at their bottom dollar and what they are spending money on. they want to know how a policy or how a plan is going to impact them personally. and so i think talking to them about those issues and really zeroing in for that is going to make the most impact of voters. for the trump -- they only hear one thing. the more moderate and independent voters are going to want to hear a concrete plan. >> scott you know well the way the last effort to repeal and replace obamacare went in the senate. basically up in flames. it backfired on donald trump if you look at the 2018 election. why are republicans bringing this up again? >> well it is one thing to say i'm going to replace or repeal all of obamacare. i think the better thing to talk about here would be the thing that people often are most often bring up is a problem with healthcare and that is affordability. premiums are up. it is true deductibles are up. it is also true if you're someone who plays for their healthcare either a monthly premium through your employer often times it feels like your insurance costs have gone up at your coverage has gotten worse. i think instead of repealing obamacare. the real conversation if i were advising a candidate is how am i going to bring down costs and make it feel like your insurance is actually insurance and not something that has just gotten more expensive but worse in quality? depends on who you ask. if you get healthcare for free you probably think it is great. if you're somebody who has been paying for it or you own a small business and pay for for your employees you probably don't think the private insurance market has done well. >> that sounds like a thought out argument from scott. not what we have heard from donald trump. the question i was getting two more specifically is why is donald trump ringing it up at this time when it hasn't yielded success before? >> i think he is bringing it up because he still believes republicans want to repeal obama care. he probably feels like it was a failure it did not happen on his watch. it may be a knee-jerk reaction. also to something he read. he may have read an op-ed talking about obamacare and he went out and did not think it through and just brought it up. he often does that. i would not expect he has a fully thought out strategy or plan here. it is something that crossed his desk and he said it out loud. this is par for the course for the way donald trump manages political communications. if you want to have a healthcare debate in this election there is a way to do it. you've got to get laser focused on affordability and have a plan to say here is how i'm going to make it more affordable than the other guy. >> we've been hearing from liz cheney. she has been warning about 2024. about former president trump of course but also about the rule specifically mike johnson could play considering his role last time you worked for a house speaker. do you share any of these concerns and how do you see her criticism? >> i understand her concerns. i think when we are looking at 2024 there is the real threat to our democracy. as far as i think either candidate either candidate if they won people are saying of the two options we have which i hope is not the two options. biden versus child. it will be in their 80s. why are they running? either candidate. why are they running? for the other guy doesn't win was mac does not enough reasons to be the president of the united states. so i think her concern i would say she focused on her experience with trump and through her front row seat during the january 6 committee. how he has already tried that the power of the presidency. somebody who doesn't seem to understand how the constitution works. and somebody else who doesn't seem to understand halftime where he is. i'm not saying that to be mean. i'm saying that is a genuine concern as a voter. someone who is looking like at this is a concern from both sides of our democracy and both sides of where our constitution stands. i think people need to be more thoughtful about it. those who are because they are lamenting biden are just going to go to trump that is not good enough. that is lazy to me. we really need to be more focused on could we get a better option up here before next year. >> scott what you think about her concerns about speaker johnson? >> obviously he was a proponent of a piece of donald trump's argument to invalidate the 2020 election. he concocted help concoct a legal theory about the lawsuit that was filed. it was ultimately not held up by the courts. i tend to think the american people are going to make a fairly clear decision in 2020. i don't know what that decision is going to be. but my supposition they will make a clear decision. this is these elections have been close for a long time. but i ultimately have a lot of faith in the people. i have faith and our constitutional order. i also have faith in the institutions. that may sound crazy in this day and age. no matter what you did in the past once you are the speaker of the house or the vice president of the united states we saw with mike pence or when you hold a title that is constitutionally recognized you have responsibility to do something on a certain day. i guess i'm going to view the glass as half-full. all these people have integrity. and i don't believe our constitutional order will be hijacked by anybody no matter who wins in 2024. >> you have some faith or some waiting and seeing. we will see. we have time ahead. tank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. up next a disinformation expert accused of harbert of caving to pressure from facebook. how shshe said thehe s school's tieses with markrk zuckerbererg dodown herer reseaearch. >> (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) accusations a big-money influence of a top ivy league university. joe donovan is a disinformation scholar is she is accusing her bosses at the harvard kennedy school of forcing her out and forgetting pressure from facebook. disclosure sent to harvard last week and made public today dominance at the university began restricting her work after a half-billion dollar donation from a group founded by mark zuckerberg and his wife. cnn business writer is covering the story. what can you tell us about what donovan is claiming that happened and whether her claim has merit? >> donovan is claiming that harvard kennedy school shut down her research and forced her out as you said in order to protect its relationship with mark zuckerberg. she said those restrictions begin after that $500 million investment from zuckerberg philanthropy arm which was made to support a new artificial intelligence research center at harvard. she also claims pressure from the school started after she became involved in an effort to archive the so-called facebook papers this trope of internal facebook documents that were leaked by whistleblower in late 2021. donovan research project was officially shut down by the school earlier this year. she has since moved on to a new role at boston university. but this disclosure is raising questions about academic freedom at harvard and in a crucial online disinformation space. especially as we head into the 2024 election season. donovan's disclosure asked for an investigation into harvard kennedy school's activities. i will say harbert is strongly pushing back on these accusations. a statement for the kennedy school in a statement from the kennedy school a spokesperson said donovan's allegations of unfair treatment and donor interference are false. the narrative is full of inaccuracies and baseless insinuations particularly the suggestion harvard kennedy school allowed facebook to dictate its approach to research. harvard set the research project was shut down because donovan was not a faculty member and they also asked meta for, comments. the company declined to comment. >> thank you so much for that reporting. we are following new developments in the middle east. u.s. forces striking multiple iranian targets in the region. is guiding fears of a wider war. we have details straight ahead. >> new strikes on iranian backed militants are from israel's borders stoking fears the united states is on the brink of a wider war in the middle east. the u.s. hitting multiple pro- iranian targets in the region in northern iraq and u.s. drone strike killed at least five militants. official saying it was a preemptive strike to stop an imminent attack. and then when you look here this is the red sea right here. the u.s. shot down three drones launched by yemen's iran's militants responded to missile attacks against commercial ships. i ran back to the proxy groups actually have now watch 76 attacks on u.s. and coalition forces in iraq and syria since october 17th. 76 attacks. let's discuss this was military analyst cedric layton. colonel i'm going to go back here to the region so we can see this. 76 attacks is a lot. this for tat seems to be escalating despite multiple warnings from the u.s. how concerned are you for the potential here of a miscalculation hitting into a broader conflict? >> is a huge concern. when these attacks have occurred you look at -- you look at which is really over here. all of these types of attacks really are challenging u.s. security postures. plus you look at everything happening in the way it red sea. you have all these different places plus of course we happen in syria. every one of these attacks is a signal from iran that they are not only watching with the u.s. is doing but it is also a signal they are prepared to act against the u.s. should they feel the need to do so. >> the u.s. has searched his assets. is got to carrier strike groups in the region. that doesn't seem to have worked fully as a deterrent. we still see what they are doing here. what can the u.s. do to get them to knock it off? >> where they deployed these carrier strike groups. one of them is right here in the eastern mediterranean. the other one is right about here. at the entrance to the persian gulf and maybe beyond that. so that is one thing is the proximity of these groups. thus they also have aircraft in places like the uae to wait and even in jordan. so these aircrafts can be used to move forward. they can also pre-position troops in other areas. there are several options the u.s. has. they can use any of these strike forces to actually engage if these forces the iranian proxies and even iranian forces themselves should direct that. >> let's talk about the objective. why are these rebels yes they are attacking the u.s. -- but attacking three commercial ships what is the goal here? >> when it comes to the -- it is unclear as to whether or not they actually attacked. but the -- responded to protect the ships. what they are trying to do is they are trying to limit commerce throughout the red sea. about 12% of all global commerce goes through this area right here just the suez canal. the red sea is a line through which all the ships pass. 12% of global commerce a lot of it is controlled by european interest. some of it is controlled by is really interest. every time they think there is an israeli related ship comes here they want to stop it from moving. when they do that they think the they are hurting israel's economy. >> let's talk about the ground war. that the idf is waging against hamas. now there is this movement toward southern gaza and actually as we look the idf has dropped leaflets. you have idf tanks that were geo-located in the area. tell us about some of the issues this is going to raise when it comes to mobilizing people and keeping people safe. >> this is an interesting thing. at the beginning of the conflict after the seventh of october everything was basically all is really the attacks were centered in north gaza and in the north central part of gaza which is really where gaza city is. so all of this basically about 50% of all buildings have been completely destroyed in this area. probably more than that by now. so now what is happening is released and moving south. along the routes through here. before this happened before they move south they told all the civilians in this area to move down south as well. but along with the civilians hamas fighters have been interspersed with in these areas. at least that is what the idf things. it is pretty likely that is in fact the case. and now we have the israeli forces moving down here. coupled with airpower what they are trying to do is trying to go into all of these areas and eliminate as many of the hamas fighters as possible. but that is also going to impact the civilians. >> it is a very skin scary situation. they feel like they have nowhere to go to be safe. great to have you take us through this. thank you. undefeated conference champion did not make the college football playoffs. why some are calling it shocking illogical and even unfathomable. next. the reality is you 13 people on this committee, the duty i tested unfortunately, what they are telling us in real time is this. they believe in alabama, arguably with the greatest college football coach to ever do it, nick saban inside of a powerful conference. he deserves to be prime time, i think the committee is looking for money, i think they are looking for ratings, the reason why they did not pick florida state was because their top quarterback i believe is injured . they thought that would not be a good, competitive matchup. this is where we find ourselves asking the question, is this really amateur sports, it is not. people getting more money because the players now bring in more money, they are treating players like professionals, this would never happen because there is a system in place. if you lose, you do not go ahead. the better record wins, the need to rejuvenate obviously. >> it seems like minor league football, always great to see you. thanks so much. still more news to come on cnn, we will be back in a few moments with the oxford dictionary word of the year, a term made viral on social media, we will be back. first time i connected with kim, she told me that her husband had passed. and that he took care of all of the internet connected devices in the home. i told her, “i'm here to take care of you.” connecting with kim... made me reconnect with my mom. it's very important to keep loved ones close. we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility. i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you. we have a new word of the year, the newcomer beat out eight other words, one of which was swifty, now the oxford university press has found rizz , what is rizz? >> if you have to ask, you will never know even though we know, you drip rizz. >> i do not know what it is. >> it's a shortened word of the form of charisma, it's defined as a person's style and their ability to be charming or their attractiveness, their game essentially and ability to persuade people and harm them, the word pete when tom holland was asked about his rizz, he replied i have no rizz whatsoever. you mentioned swifty, gay teen -- situationship, rizz. >> i obviously need to get out more, it's a generational thing. i'm thrown off by the words young people use, it makes me feel older than i am. >> it makes me feel as old as i am if you are younger than me. >> the lead with jake tapper starts right now, how was rizz does he have? >> off the charts.

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,Turkey ,War ,Border ,No One ,Collateral Damage ,Anywhere ,Danger ,Communities ,Message ,Southern Border ,Threat ,Condition ,Culture ,Military Operation ,Intelligence Failures ,The New York Times ,Long Run ,Plans ,Report ,Intelligence ,Jericho Wall ,Portions ,Don T ,Mistake ,Position ,Israeli Defense Forces ,Secret Service ,Goal ,Thing ,Mistakes ,Investigation ,Return ,Elimination ,Terms ,Responsibility ,Prime Minister ,Leadership ,Share ,Military Leadership ,Accountability Looks ,Committee ,What ,Things ,Defense Forces ,Hand ,Operating ,Support ,Public ,Terrible ,Goals Security Cabinet ,Joe Biden ,Conversation ,Reporting ,Term ,Campaign ,Order ,Accusations ,University ,Researcher ,Facebook ,Mark Zuckerberg ,Founder ,Relationship ,Healthcare Proposals ,Meddling ,Job ,Harvard University ,Game ,Playoffs ,Season ,College Football ,Seminoles ,Talking About Obamacare ,Plan ,Run Healthcare ,Subject ,Disaster ,Ron Desantis ,President Trump ,Threats ,Florida ,Ideas ,Kevin ,Series ,Healthcare Announcements ,Biden Camp ,Trump ,Discussion ,Momentum ,Others ,Bowel ,Remarks ,Effect ,Obama ,Predecessor ,Surprise ,Attempts ,Something Else ,Drug Cut Price Reductions ,Insulin ,Recipients ,Medicare ,Option ,Expansion ,States ,Medicaid ,Workaround ,Subsidies ,Case ,Issue ,Team ,Healthcare Argument ,2020 ,Mitch Mcconnell ,The ,President Bush ,Deputy Chief Of Staff ,Scott Jennings ,Senate ,Democracy ,Press Advisor ,Adam Kissinger ,Blue Stack Strategies ,John Bainer ,Doesn T ,Rivals ,Chris Christie ,Donald Trump ,Voters ,Somebody ,Democrats ,Pops ,Polling ,Republican ,Sides ,Saw ,Election ,Parties ,Success ,Biden Winning ,Talk ,Healthcare Comments ,Weekend ,Move ,Win ,2022 ,November Of 2022 ,Talking Point Goals ,Healthcare System ,Strategy ,Nation ,Rally Cry ,Three ,Money ,Issues ,In ,Policy ,Bottom Dollar ,Way ,Impact ,Republicans ,Effort ,Flames ,2018 ,Affordability ,Premiums ,Problem ,Deductibles ,Insurance ,Someone ,Costs ,Premium ,Times ,Healthcare ,Employer ,Repealing Obamacare ,Coverage ,Candidate ,Quality ,Market ,Employees ,Small Business ,Thought ,Pay ,Argument ,Hasn T ,Failure ,Watch ,Knee Jerk Reaction ,Op Ed ,Communications ,Laser ,Guy ,Desk ,Par ,Hearing ,Healthcare Debate ,Liz Cheney ,Role ,Mike Johnson ,House Speaker ,2024 ,Concerns ,Criticism ,Options ,Child ,Reasons ,Guy Doesn T Win ,Biden Versus ,Mac ,Concern ,Experience ,Front Row Seat ,January 6 ,6 ,Somebody Else ,Halftime ,Presidency ,Power ,Constitution Works ,Voter ,Constitution Stands ,Enough ,Proponent ,Lawsuit ,Piece ,Help ,Theory ,Decision ,Elections ,Courts ,Supposition ,Lot ,Faith ,Matter ,House ,Title ,Speaker ,Institutions ,Mike Pence ,Glass ,Integrity ,Anybody ,Waiting ,Seeing ,Thehe S School ,Caving ,Dodown Herer Reseaearch ,Disinformation Expert Accused Of Harbert ,Markrk Zuckerbererg ,Cup ,Tieses ,Shshe ,Car Engine Revs ,Engine ,Loose Gravel Clanking ,Tires Squeal ,Texting Clicks ,Influence ,Ivy League University ,Disinformation Scholar ,Harvard Kennedy School ,Joe Donovan ,Disclosure ,Bosses ,Business Writer ,Group ,Donation ,Claim ,Dominance ,Wife ,Work ,Story ,Research ,Merit ,Restrictions ,500 Million ,00 Million ,School ,Investment ,Artificial Intelligence Research Center ,Zuckerberg Philanthropy Arm ,The School ,Trope ,Whistleblower ,Papers ,Documents ,Boston University ,Donovan Research Project ,2021 ,Questions ,Freedom ,Disinformation Space ,Statement ,Activities ,Comments ,Interference ,Donor ,Faculty Member ,Narrative ,Insinuations ,Treatment ,Allegations ,Suggestion ,Inaccuracies ,Approach ,Meta For ,Harvard Set The Research Project ,Kennedy School A Spokesperson ,Developments ,Middle East ,Company ,Iranian ,Targets ,Fears ,Details ,Militants ,Strikes ,Brink ,Borders Stoking ,Strike ,Drone Strike ,Attack ,Multiple ,Northern Iraq ,Ships ,Groups ,Red Sea ,Missile Attacks ,Drones ,Yemen ,76 ,Attacks ,Forces ,Cedric Layton ,Coalition ,Syria ,17 ,October 17th ,Warnings ,Miscalculation Hitting ,Colonel ,Tat ,Potential ,Types ,Signal ,Places ,Everything ,Doing ,Security Postures ,Carrier Strike Groups ,Assets ,Deterrent ,Eastern Mediterranean ,Proximity ,Aircrafts ,Aircraft ,Entrance ,Uae ,Persian Gulf ,Jordan ,Proxies ,Has ,Objective ,Rebels ,Commerce ,12 ,Line ,European Interest ,Suez Canal ,Some ,Ship ,Ground War ,Economy ,Movement ,Seventh ,October Everything ,Buildings ,50 ,Fighters ,Happening ,Routes ,Least ,Airpower ,Undefeated Conference ,Situation ,Skin ,Next ,Reality ,13 ,Nick Saban Inside ,In Real Time ,Duty ,Coach ,Alabama ,Conference ,Reason ,Ratings ,Sports ,Quarterback ,Matchup ,Good ,Players ,System ,Professionals ,Wins ,Record ,Thanks ,Minor League Football ,Word Of The Year ,News ,Care ,Kim ,Husband ,Internet ,Home ,Devices ,Family ,Memories ,Mom ,Joy ,Loved Ones ,Team Usa Training Facility ,Words ,Oxford University Press ,Swifty ,Newcomer Beat ,Eight ,Drip Rizz ,Rizz ,Ability ,Person ,Charisma ,Form ,Tom Holland ,Situationship ,Gay Teen ,More ,Jake Tapper ,Lead ,Charts ,

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