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will be here to honor his wife. poppy, phil. >> certainly quite a day ahead. and we will have eva, thank you very much, full live coverage of that, it begins at noon eastern right here on cnn. thank you so much for starting your day with us. we'll see you back here tomorrow. cnn news central is now. we are standing by this morning for ten more hostages to be released by hamas. now, the fifth day of the fragile truce between israel and hamas. one day more than the original agreement to get hostages out, and only one day now -- and only one day more before now fighting could resume. and with these two additional days more hostages will be released and more aid will get into gaza. 51 israeli citizens and 18 foreign nationals have been released by hamas since the pause began friday. just yesterday, among the hostages released was a mother and her 3-year-old twin daughters. you see pictures of them there. they're coming home without their father. he is still being held captive by hamas in gaza. >> gorgeous picture there of that family. the emotional reunions are overshadowed by the harsh reality of life after captivity. in this case, tragic. 17-year-old noam and his sister, 13-year-old alma, survived 50 days as hostages without knowing their mother had been murdered in the october 7th attack. they learned the tragic news after they were freed. israel believes there are still 173 hostages being held in gaza right now, and this morning, a major diplomatic push by the head of the cia bill burns, pushing for the troops to continue beyond the pause that we are in right now, and expand it just to get out more women and children. let's get straight to kaitlan collins in tel aviv. first off, what do we know about the ten people who may be coming out now? has there been a list and do the families know at this point or have you heard any of that information? >> reporter: yeah, we have heard some of that. there is a list that israel got overnight. they did what they have been doing every day during this temporary truce, which is they start calling the families of not just the people who are on that list, but also the families who are not, to let them know that it is in fact their loved ones who will not be coming home. obviously a devastating round of phone calls, as a lart of hostage families are sitting and waiting by the phone. i spoke to one woman's cousin and she should be eliable under the deal for women and children to be released but they call a call saying she would not be on the list today. they know what to expect. it will be around ten people being released. we're still waiting to see what their names are, what their ages are. we know there are many more women and children who are being held, so this is day five of this temporary truce. another release of hostages that was not necessarily guaranteed. it was only once they got that two-day extension that we did learn more hostages would indeed be coming out today. and one thing we have learned is that the youngest hostage, which is a 10-month-old baby who turned ten months old while in captivity in gaza, is not on that list today. neither are his parents or his 4-year-old brother. of course, that is kafir, he's become one of the most searing images you have seen, just this young baby who was kidnapped on october 7th. complicating that is the fact we believe his family is separated, at least from the father. we believe based on hostage videos that his family has seen, and we also believe they're not even being held by hamas. the irdf believes they're being held by another terrorist fwrup in gaza. it shows you how complicated this is, how difficult figuring out who is going to be on the list each day, which israel doesn't learn until the night before, truly looks like. we know we're on day five of this release. we know we're getting day six tomorrow, based on what this extension agreement is right now. the question is, what happens after that? and we're hearing this morning that the cia director bill burns is in doha, meeting with top officials there, top egyptian officials, and the head of mossad as well. they're talking about what is the future of this agreement. what i'm told by an israeli official is he is there pushing for an expanded deal. that's a deal that would not just include women and children, as this deal does right now, but also men. we know there are a lot of elderly men still being held, a lot of young men who were kidnapped from that music festival, and also idf soldiers, both men and women. he's there pushing for that. whether or not hamas is open to that remains to be seen. it would mean more days of this temporary truce, but it is all still an open question of what's going to come next, because israel has made quite clear they are intent on resuming that military campaign in gaza, not just the one ongoing now, but also potentially moving to the south. they have been pretty open about telegraphing that. we're waiting to see what is the outcome of those negotiations that the cia director is involved in right now. as we wait to learn more about that, we're also learning more about hostages and the death of a hostage who is actually being held in gaza, for that i want to bring in oren liebermann. we just got this confirmation from the idf. what are they telling us about what happened to this hostage and what we know about him? >> reporter: we don't know much at this point about the circumstances of the death, but the idf says ravid katz who is 51 years old died, they confirmed his death inside gaza in captivity. he was taken from the kibbutz in the terror attack on october 7th. and we don't understand or we don't know at this point exactly when he died, but the idf announcement marks the death of the third hostage in captivity, that's after 19-year-old corporal noah and 65-year-old grandmother. it's also known ravid was not taken on his own. his sister and her children were released at the beginning of the hostage exchange. they came out on friday. so just learning now the horrible news that one member of their family died while in gaza. as for what else is happening woorx we have just heard from the idf there has been an exchange of fire that threatens the cease-fire agreement here. i'll read you the statement. over the last hour, three explosive devices were detonated adjacent to idf troops in two different locations violating the framework of the operational pause. they also say in one of those locations they came under fire and returned fire. that's significant because it is clearly the largest violation of the pause in the fighting that we have seen thus far. now, we have got no indication that this threatens the overall agreement. we have a list of the hostages to be released tonight. so far at least it appears that process is continuing but this is definitely worth keeping an eye on to see if it rattles what has proven to be a fragile deal in more than one instance. >> reporter: yeah, and we also know there's not a direct line of communication between israel and hamas. they're going through the qataris, so that only complicates when there is fire exchanged in gaza right now. we'll continue to monitor that, see if it does threaten this temporary extension that we're seeing playing out. you're also learning more about what these families are learning about their loved ones as they're coming home, whaument t what they are gone through in gaza for the last 51 days. what are you hearing from these hostages? >> reporter: so far, we have only heard little bits here and there about the experiences. and i think it's safe to say what we're hearing is frankly horrible. it seems some hostages were held below ground. some were held above ground and moved around repeatedly during 50 or so days of captivity. meanwhile, from what we heard from doctors who treated many of these freed hostages as well as from the families of the hostages themselves, they barely got enough food, subsisting mostly on pita bread and sometimes some rice or other carbohydrates, clearly not enough. doctors have said some of the freed hostages lost a tremendous amount of weight. that threatened the life of one of the elderly hostages who is in critical condition. and doctors are monitoring her to get her to rofr so the nutrition was a big question. of course, it's also a major issue of simply being in captivity. what that was like, having to be quiet, not being able to communicate with family members, not having any idea what else had happened. not understanding the scope or scale of the horror on october 7th. we have heard from the families of hostages who came out who had to tell a newly freed hostage, you have lost members of your family who were killed in the terror attack of october 7th. it is all in all a horrific picture of what they have endured over the course of the past seven weeks. and part of the challenge of the mental health process that they are just now beginning. >> reporter: yeah, i can't imagine how lengthy that process is going to be for so many of them. oren liebermann, thank you for that report. and oren mentioned what we're hearing, tidbits from hostages, and psychiatrists telling their family members not to press them for more information, instead to let them talk about it when they're ready to talk about it. one of those situations is thomas hand, who of course, initially believed his 9-year-old daughter emily had been killed on october 7th. something he said he was grateful for, thinking about the conditions that hostages were likely living through in gaza. he later found out that she was in fact alive and that she was being held as a hostage. and a remarkable journey, the two were reunited this week. she was released in this group of hostages, and he's talking about their reunion, in an interview with clarissa ward. >> she should be here in a couple minutes. i don't believe it. and all of a sudden, the door opened up and she just ran. it was beautiful. just like -- just like i imagined it, running together. i squeezed, probably squeezed too hard. certainly when she stepped back a little, i could see her face was chiselled like mine. before she left, it was, you know, chubby, girly, young kid face. yeah, she's lost a lot of body weight. and the color, i have never seen her so white. the most shocking, disturbing part of meeting was she was just whispering. couldn't hear her. i had to put my ear on her lips like this close and say, what did you say? i thought you were kidnapped. >> she said i thought you were kidnapped? >> she thought i was in captivity. they thought they had kidnapped me. she didn't know what the hell happened apart from the morning. so she's presumed everyone is kidnapped. or killed or slaughtered. she had no idea. >> kate, obviously, just hearing that interview talking in depth with clarissa about what it was like to be reunited with her. also, it just underscores what a long road she has ahead, what this 9-year-old girl, barely 9 years old, she turned 9 while in captivity, what she has been through and also how to process that. and he himself as a dad was saying, you know, he's a bit lost on how to navigate this, how to handle this. he's been speaking with a psychiatrist about what is the best path forward, and of course, emily is just one of many children who were held for more than 50 days, and more children that are still being held, and as we're hearing, the youngest on that list not expected to be released even today in that list of hostages that we are expecting to see here in the next few moments to be released. >> absolutely. and you're hitting on an important point to remind everyone, of what thomas hand is recounting is what happened, what his 9-year-old, barely 9-year-old daughter survived. i think my daughter is probably about one month older than emily. she's 9 as well, and it just -- imagining my daughter, anyone's daughter going through and recounting anything like this is just gut, heart, soul crushing. but at least she's back in the arms of her family. we'll get right back to you. thank you for bringing that. much more of clarissa ward's report on her conversation with thomas hand will be coming as well. this morning with the release of hostages we know israel believes that 173 hostages remain in gaza, after being kidnapped during the october 7th hamas terror attack. one of these hostages is orin, he was terrorized along with his family by hamas for hours before he was kidnapped. his wife, their two young daughters, forced to watch as he was taken away. now, seven weeks ago. joining us is henri's wife. good to see you again. since we last spoke, you received word on sunday that confirmation that henri is alive. tell us more about what you have learned. >> we just know that he's alive until this point, to the point that we got the message. you know, three days passed, so now we don't know where he is, and we don't know what his condition is. and we are in the same situation. you know, we got that message, and it was great to hear, gives a lot of power. but you know, we are three days after, and we are in the beginning again. we don't know what his condition, we don't know if he's alive or not now. and this day is really, really difficult. there is a lot of emotions in this day. we are very happy to see the others, the children, the mothers come back to israel. in one hand, but on the second hand, omri is still there, and a lot of people, a lot of fathers are over there. a lot of children, a lot of mothers. and a lot of fathers are over there. and we don't know when he's going to come back. we don't know what is going to happen. and i saw now what emily's father say, what she thought about it, emily. and i think to myself, omri did not -- don't know what happened with us. we don't know we are alive. he don't know that me and his daughters are okay. physically. and it's hard to think about it, what he is going through right now in his head. >> absolutely. i hadn't even appreciated that. he has likely no idea, he was taken away, and you and the girls were left there. your daughter screaming for him. he has no idea. >> yeah. he has no idea. and this is really -- it's hard to think. i'm not thinking about that a lot, but now, when i saw emily's father say about it, it's always something that's in my head now, that really, you don't know what's happened. we don't know what happened to him. we don't know where he is, what he eats. i don't know if they give them, you know, something to put, because omri was taken with his boxer, you know, shorts. and the winter is come, so i don't know what he's wearing. and he doesn't know either what happened to us. and it's really difficult. >> it is a rolling nightmare. you have one moment of hope and encouragement when you heard on sunday he was alive, but you're right. days now have passed. and the nightmare continues for you and your girls. we know, we have been hearing now as more women and children have been released, that now the conversation, we know officials are now trying to expand the conversation to push the agreement further to release hostages beyond women and children. elderly men, and maybe possibly also that would then, you know, if you want to horribly have to putthem in categories, then maybe omri and others israeli men would be in a category after that. what would you want those who are negotiating these hostage releases to know about omri? because women and children were seen as the quote/unquote easiest to get out. and omri is definitely not seen as it's going to be more difficult to see omri released. >> yeah. it's a horrible situation. i want to say that omri is first of all, before he's a man, he's first of all a father. this is his identity. he waited a lot of years to be a father, before two years we had dorani, so first of all, he's a father. he's a therapist. and this is what he's doing when he is here, and he heals persons. i hope that is something that helps him over there and to the other persons he's with. and we need him here. you know, there is hostages over there in gaza, and i want to say that it's really hard for me to say, but me and my two daughters, we are still hostages. you know, not physically. we have better conditions, of course, but we are mentally hostages also. rani is continuing to ache for him every day, every morning. she asks if he is going to come back today, and every night, she understands he's not going to come back. >> i wanted to ask you about that. because you were missing a husband. but your two sweet daughters, they're 2 years old, you and i have been speaking for weeks now. alma is now 8 months old. they're missing their father. how are the girls doing? i mean, what are you noticing as the weeks stretch on? especially with rani as she obviously knows more. >> you know, we always say about rani, and rani can't speak, and rani speak a lot and told everyone that daddy got lost and we told her that yes, daddy got lost. a lot of people searching for him. she asked about the picture that she saw with omri. it's really hard, also, because she don't really understand why her father is all around in a picture in a t-shirt. so we are saying to her that not everyone knows how omri looks, so this is why this picture, because a lot of people are searching for him. and rani really wants to show omri that the new house that we have, the new room. it's not really a house. it's a little room that we have. and the new kitten she's got, but she can speak. alma, she's 8 months old already. we passed two months, it's a lot in the children. omri don't see her the first time she speak, the first time she eat. now she stand. and alma, i don't know what she's thinking. i don't know what she knows. i try to tell her that daddy will miss her, and daddy love her, and to show her a picture with him. but we really don't know what she saw, what she knows. >> it's a quarter of her life, essentially, that her father has now been taken away from her. thank you for coming on again. we will continue to show that picture, to make sure that alma and rani's daddy, everyone knows his face so everyone can search for him as well. thank you so much. >> thank you. i want to add one sentence. please continue to be with us. please continue to support us. please let us scream our story until the last hostages come back home. come back to israel, please. thank you very much. >> thank you. we'll be in touch. that was touching, katd kate. the thing i got was emotional hostages, these families who are waiting are also hostages as well. from their emotions and their mental state. just ahead, join us for this, chuck schumer is warning that aid to israel and ukraine could be in jeopardy if he says republicans don't budge on including border security in the package. we'll ask democratic senator jeff merkley where things stand now. that's ahead. new this morning, israeli defense officials traveled to washington and met with some senate democrats on capitol hill to talk about the war in hamas. the meeting was led by senior military staff. they discussed steps to reduce civilian casualties and potential conditions for aid. the meeting comes as that aid as well as emergency funding for ukraine and israel is still stuck in senate limbo, with democrats and republicans blaming one another. senate majority leader chuck schumer warned that republicans' demands over border security could sink the aid package altogether. listen. >> the worst thing we can do is to make something as bipartisan as ukraine aid conditional on partisan issues that have little chance of becoming law. sadly, that's what may well be happening right now. because the biggest hold-up to the national security supplement is an insistence by some republicans, just some, on partisan border policy as a condition for ukraine aid. >> still schumer plans to bring a national security package to the senate floor, as early as next week. joining me is democratic senator from oregon, jeff merkley. he is also a member of the senate foreign relations committee. thank you so much for joining us this morning. it's been a busy time as people are watching to see what happens with the cr. i do want to ask you about what is happening with the passage or the non-passage of funding that would fund our government but also give funding to ukraine and to israel. you have a couple things, border security has been thrown in there by the republicans. the speaker of the house is also insisting on cutting the irs budget to give aid to israel and ukraine. what's going to happen here? how close are you? are there any steps that have gone further to try to pass a budget? >> well, this emergency supplemental really has focused on security. you have aid to ukraine, aid to israel. you have discussion over border policy, which the point and the challenge that senator schumer is referring to. you have international humanitarian aid and assistance in the indo-pacific. so it's a fairly substantial package. altogether. there is such a sense that this support for ukraine has to get passed. we know it's going to be in partnership with some of these other elements. but the biggest obstacle to it is insistence on policy changes, which we haven't even seen the list, just new ideas, i understand we introduced last night on what thoughts the republicans have over those policies. a lot of support for more security on the southern border. but trying to do far-right policy will doom this package. >> will there be any extra funding for the border if you they can get that in, and say yes to ukraine, yes to israel, to funding those both, would you stand by that? >> so there is in the proposal from the president some $14 billion for security on the border. there's a lot of sense that there's things that both sides agree on. for example, the waiting time for asylum hearings is way too long. it's often years. it should be six months, not years. that means adding a lot more asylum courts. there's a lot of support for family case management, because we know that 99% of folks show up for their hearings as long as they have a case manager. we need a lot more case managers. we know there's a lot more support for the actual numbers of individuals providing security on the border and so there's a lot of places that we can connect together, but if it's far right immigration policy, such as no one ilever be allowed to enter the u.s. under asylum or things of this nature, that's just simply not going to pass. >> all right, i want to turn to israel now. as you know, there's a cease-fire, although we're getting new information that there has been a violation, both sides blaming each other. we don't know where the hostage situation stands at this hour. so far, it is still in place, expecting ten more people to be taken out of gaza and given back to their families in israel. you were the second senator to ask for a cease-fire, i think over a week ago, saying and i'm quoting you here, israel is making a massive mistake by waging a war that generates a shocking level of civilian carnage rather than a targeted campaign against hamas, those were your words. now there's this temporary cease-fire in exchange for hostage. does this satisfy your demand for a cease-fire, or do you want something that's more permanent and lasting? >> well, i think the hope of many of us that this will evolve into a permanent cease-fire, but it does provide a significant break for israel to rethink its strategy. the generals last night heard from many of us, basically pointing out that this level of carnage, of dropping these 2,000-pound bombs on residential buildings, we know that hamas leadership is not in those buildings. hamas fighters are in the tunnels. so who was killed in the collapsing buildings? it was women and children, noncombatants. we now have some 50% of the buildings in northern gaza have been flattened. we have also some 80% of the families displaced. it's hard to envision that type of level of rubble and destruction. and all of this is separate from a conversation or it's tied to a conversation, how do we break this cycle of hate and violence? and that means there has to be two states for two peoples. a palestinian state as well as an israeli state. and that conversation brings us into issues like ending the settlements and the checkpoints, the expansion, the de facto takeover of the west bank. insuring the right of return in gaza. that northern gaza is not going to be permanently depopulated with everyone crammed in a small space in the south. there's big issues, humanitarian issues, also tied to a future of peace and security that need to be discussed with america as a key ally of israel in partnership, holding some very difficult conversations over the future. >> yeah, the conversations that have gone on for decades now over a two-state solution have been extremely difficult. and no one has been able to get there just yet. so plenty to do. senator jeff merkley, thank you so much for coming on today. appreciate your time. >> thank you, sara. and this just in to cnn, hunter biden is willinstifbefor something of a catch, only if he can testify in public. let's go to caitlin polans, she has this reporting for us. this is coming from hunter biden's legal team. what does this mean? >> let the negotiations begin. there was a subpoena earlier this month from the house oversight committee led by republican james comer. to hunter biden as well as to many other people where the house republicans are wanting to pry into the business transactions around the biden family, specifically the president's son, hunter biden, who has many business transactions, and also foreign business connections. they have wanted to build steam in an impeachment inquiry of the sitting president, joe biden. they haven't gotten very much off the ground with that as far as facts and evidence goes. and there's even republicans in the caucus that are doubting it, but that subpoena for hunter biden is on the table. and congress has a lot of authority to call hunter biden in to testify before them whenever they have an inquiry like this. so hunter biden's lawyers are responding now and saying yes, he is willing to come and testify before your committee, but he's not going to do it behind closed doors. he will do it publicly if you want. we're willing to do it on december 15th -- i'm sorry, december 13th, the date on that subpoena, but we're going to have to see if that's exactly what happens here, if there's additional negotiations about when this testimony would take place, if it would be in a different plan than publicly, as hunter biden's team wants it to be done. kate. >> great reporting as always, thank you very much. coming up still for us, flying in the aid. the u.s. military is preparing to send plane loads full of humanitarian supplies to egypt for gaza. the first of three planes set to arrive today. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? 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>> kaitlan, we know that the three planeloads will land in north sinai in egypt today and this is not soon enough. this not part of the pause of fighting or the current arrangement of the trucks coming in, and this is the u.s. stressing that, and more than 1 1 1.7 million people are displaced and they don't have ra health care system to speak of, so any aid is helpful, and this is why the food and the medical supplies and the winter weather gear is coming. when the rainy season comes, that means people get displaced, and that is when people's homes turn into rubble, but they have nothing but the clothes on their back, and this new three planeloads of aid following by president biden's statement. and i will read a little bit to you. the united states as the largest fund-raiser of aid for the palestinian people, we will increase our aid moving into gaza and we will continue our efforts to build the future of peace and dignity for the palestinian people. the u.s. officials here say that aid is not enough. and whatever amount of aid is not enough, and the next phase is bringing the commercial goods back into gaza, and people can have a sense of the market, and normalcy, and that is still not something that has been unlocked here. they are discussing with the israeli officials how it can be unlocked next, kaitlan. >> yeah, that is aid that is obviously needed. we know that the u.s. officials are going to continue to have that aid going into gaza even if israel resumes the military opposition. la larry madowo in cairo,o, thank you. wewe will haveve morore ofof oul coveragege here on t the ground tel l aviv. although much of the focus has been on the war in gaza and rightfully so, cnn has obtained never before seen footage from the fighting in ukraine. cnn's anna koran has this report. >> reporter: incoming explosions in the pre-dawn light, and outgoing fire as one of the ukraine assault units of the 47th brigade is trying to take the sense. we need drones, we need drones as he says filming on the go pro, the bastards are shooting at us, he says. the former filmmaker tells me about last month's mission about what is one of the hottest spots on the eastern front. >> translator: my goal is to know what this is like along the russian front, and to record it so people know what a cruel war this is. >> reporter: one of the troops has been hit, and they remove his body armor to reveal a bullet hole, and now they tend to him, but they have bigger problems. duck, yells one of them, incom incoming, he says is. i see it, another shouts. minute later, another shoulder is hit, and this time, it is shrapnel who hits his legs. while on the radio, oleg is hit, but he doesn't realize it for a few minutes. there's a small hole, i see the blood, says the female paramedic. patched up, oleg is composed until they suddenly hear the rumble of tanks. they try to bury themselves in the rumble of the earth as they hear the tank. the female paramedic says that they are so close. 40 tons of tanks so clear. then it shows the tanks firing on the treeline, and positioned are three ukrainian troops spread out over a kilometer, and oleg's crew were in the middle, and they were the only once to be spared. >> translator: we failed to hold our position and had to retreat. we had injuries, and we survived. but the other two did not. >> reporter: this is the first time he has failed a mission as a commander in the almost two years that hs that he has been . the 47-year-old tells me he wants world the know the truth of the front l

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