Transcripts For CNNW The 20240702

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i'm anderson cooper in tel aviv. only the whole story, i'm as we've seen this weekend, israel's war against hamas anderson cooper in tel aviv. hamas entered a new phase, what that means for the 200 people held hostage in gaza is unclear. most of those hostages were taken on october 7th from israeli communities or kibbutz seen close to the gaza border. in a kibbutz, -- were either killed or captured. >> around 6:30, they recorded this video showing in the distance rockets firing from gaza. a red alert was called immediately. the couple sent this video to a group chat at 6:42 am. they haven't been heard from since. hadas kalderon: i could hear the red colors, it means that we have to go to the safe room, to the shelter. i'm all alone in my own house. my children with the father in the other house. anderson cooper: hadas kalderon's youngest kids, sahar and erez, were with their father offer in his house nearby. hadas' 19-year-old son rotem was in his own house. and hadas' mother, carmela dan, was in her home with her 13-year-old granddaughter noya who's autistic. gaia kalderon: our grandma was her best friend that's why she was with her. anderson cooper: that's hadas' oldest daughter gaia who lives in tel aviv. gaia kalderon: time when everything is happening, i talk to my mom, my dad, my sister, my grandma. anderson cooper: by 6:49 am, hamas gunmen were at their front gate. a security camera shows bullets hitting an empty guardhouse. itai anghel: by the yellow main gate you have a butz in which someone usually guards the entrarance. no one i is there. and you see shots over there, and then you see the holes in the glass. and everything is shattered. anderson cooper: seconds later, gunmen enter the kibbutz. others from gaza, besides hamas gunmen, also appeared, men and some young people wanting to be part of the attack or just witness it up close. hadas kalderon was in her safe room exchanging messages with her family and neighbors. hadas kalderon: even one girl she told me i have a picture that my mom is on the floor with blood and the terrorist is with a gun just behind her. anderson cooper: that's yocheved lifshitz. hadas kalderon: yes, you know that. her daughter she called me, she asked me, do you know about that? is it a fake picture? is it true? anderson cooper: it was true. 74-year-old yocheved lifshitz, adored by generations of kids she helped raise on the kibbutz, was among the first to be murdered. this is yocheved lifshitz's home. it's completely torched. we know that gunmen broke in and killed her here. they murdered her. they gained access to her facebook account and they posted a live image of her lying on the ground in a pool of blood surrounded by armed men. they wanted her friends and family to see. groups of gunmen went house to house, block by block, capturing some, killing others. itai anghel: one of the terrorists is hiding, then apparently he heard somethining, an engigine of a , an israeaeli car approachining the gatete. so he stands up, immediately approaching the gate, and fires and fires. speaker 1: [non-english speech] hadas kalderon: our kibbutz had a pogrom. they kill and they went house by house, house by house. anderson cooper: many residents had made it to their safe rooms, but the fortified shelters were built to protect from rockets not terrorists on the ground. you can tell gunmen tried to pry this door open. this handle is nearly been pulled off from tugging it. it looks like they tried to pry open the door as well. you can fit your hand through here. they could just maybe look in, but they couldn't actually break through this door. the family in this house survived and their safe room, though at least one of them was wounded. there's blood all over the bed and sheets. like many, hadas kalderon safe room didn't lock from the inside. for hours she held the door handle to stop gunmen from getting in. hadas kalderon: i'm in the safe room but i'm holding my door. i'm all alone and i have to survive. i hold it with my leg, after a while i have pain i take a metal that my son used to make some sport. i took the metal-- anderson cooper: a pull up bar. hadas kalderon: yeah. i put it in the door. i didn't think i'm going to survive that. i send a message to my family. anderson cooper: hadas' 12-year-old son texted her at 8:15 am. "mom, be silent," he wrote. "i really love you." minutes later, hadas wrote in her family group chat, "you are my life. hope that will go through this and survive. love you so much." her 16-year-old daughter sahar wrote back, "mom, take care of yourself. love you." offer, the father of her kids, texted hadas to say he'd escaped the safe room through the window with their kids and they were hiding in the bushes. she responded, "are you crazy? go back to the shelter quickly." hadas kalderon: then my battery is gone. i don't have a phone, light is gone, i'm in the dark. no water, no food, no nothing. just me and god and the terrorists. eight hours, from 6:30 in the morning till 3:00 o'clock afternoon. anderson cooper: her daughter gaia in tel aviv, cut off from her family, started to scroll through social media where hamas was now posting horrific images. gaia kalderon: it was so hard but i knew i had to do it. so i was trying to find something, and then i saw erez. speaker 2: [non-english speech] gaia kalderon: that was so hard to watch. but then i told myself, ok, he's ok. he's alive. anderson cooper: gaia and her family want people to know what happened to erez. this video shows him being dragged away by gunmen, one of whom appears to have blood on his hand. we geolocated where the video was shot. this is the last known location of erez kalderon. he was kidnapped by hamas gunmen. and he was videotaped as they were dragging him away in this direction. this is the fence to the kibbutz, and gaza is only about a mile and a half away. hadas kalderon: oh, it is sad. i miss him so much. that's what i can tell you. [non-english speech] erez is small. he's 12 years old. he never been so far-- for so many days so far from me even in normal condition. erez is very, very funny guy. he make everybody laugh around him. we always sit together and we laugh. he's small but he have a huge humor. and he loved to ride horses. he loved to ride bike, mountain bike. he loved to play football, ping pong. anderson cooper: erez's dad, offer, has not appeared in any videos, nor has his sister sahar. hadas and gaia believe they being held hostage in gaza. hadas kalderon: she loved to draw. gaia kalderon: i can show you something we did. that's her. anderson cooper: that's hers. gaia kalderon: it's just the beginning. hadas kalderon: you know, i can hear them all the time in my ear even. mom, mom, save me, save me. come to pick me. i miss you. i miss you. (children singing) anderson cooper: the bodies of hadas' mother carmela dan and carmela's granddaughter noya were identified about a week ago. they were among the more than two dozen residents of nir oz known to have been murdered during the attack. hadas kalderon: you want to tell him about your grandma? gaia kalderon: the best grandma in the world. i used to sit with her for hours and just talk to her about my problems. anderson cooper: she was good to talk to. gaia kalderon: yes. she always wanted to know about everything that's going on. anderson cooper: carmela dan was 80 years old. her granddaughter noya was 13. ahead, more on the hostages taken from nir oz. anat shoshany: i recognized her immediately. reporter 1: the whole story with anderson cooper is appointment viewing on sunday nights. one whole story, one whole hour. anderson cooper: what are your biggest fears? subject 1: the breaking of my brain is the concern. interviewer 1: do you think you could have picked up a gun? you're a dancer. reporter 1: the world's best journalists dig deeper-- reporter 2: i'm about to do something that i haven't done before. reporter 1: --into the stories they can't ignore. reporter 3: do you ever ask why police took so long? reporter 1: go in depth every sunday night. the whole story with anderson cooper, sundays at 8:00 on cnn. itai anghel: i was the first journalist to step inside nir oz, and i came and started documenting two days after the atrocities took place. anderson cooper: itai anghel is a war correspondent and documentary filmmaker for israel's channel 12. itai anghel: the first impression is the smell because you smell death. imagine ththat you see nylon bagsgs with body parts. imagine that you see tiny little b bags of bababies. and then there is s the sound, which is absolutely silent. nothing but birds. birds and the chimes. anderson cooper: more than a week later when we were able to get to nir oz and take these images, there was still that strange sickening silence,e, those bird, some flies, a breeze blowing through broken windows. the residents were gone. only their cats remained. no family, no home was untouched by terror. the gunman who came to this kibbutz had hours to roam the grounds freely. they killed men, women, and children in their homes, out on the street, in their cars. and they spent a lot of time rifling through people's possessions, seeing what they could take, looting whatever they wanted. people's possessions were still strewn about. it appears someone tried to hotwire this car. nearly every home had been defiled. this is what was left of adina and david moshe's home. torched by gunmen, you can still see plates in the dishwasher. anat shoshany: my grandmother, she always told me that this is the best place to live. anderson cooper: adina's granddaughter, anat, says the couple had lived in nir oz for more than 50 years. anat shoshany: i grew up in this house. i spent there every joyful family moment, and it's all burned down. anderson cooper: anat recorded this video when she went back to her grandparents' house. she knew what to expect but still it was overwhelming. anat shoshany: [crying] but i still have my grandmother's bracelet. she gave it to me, yeah. she gave it to me like one month ago before everything happened. anderson cooper: her grandparents hid in their safe room when the gunman came. adina messaged everyone they were ok. "we are perfectly all right," adina wrote. "there are still noises of light guns shooting outside. other than that, locked in the shelter till further instructions." anat shoshany: my grandmother was a very, very strong. she didn't want us to be panicked. later on-- anderson cooper: worried about you in that moment. anat shoshany: yeah, she's this kind of woman. she always take care of us. later on we found her phone inside the shelter. anderson cooper: anat says david moshe was shot through the door of their safe room, three bullet holes are visible. his dried blood is all over the floor. this is where he died, crouching, holding on to the door handle. at 9:44 am, adina sent her last message. she wrote that her husband was gravely wounded and gunmen were still trying to enter the shelter. the door handle david held on to is still on the floor. gunmen took adina through the e safe room window. by midday, this video appeared online. anat shoshany: we recognized her immediately. anderson cooper: that's adina between two gunmen on a motorbike in gaza. gaia kalderon: did you see adina? she with the red shirt, and they took her. when i was young, she used to call me and give me candies always. she was like come, come, come, come, i will give you some candies. and she was so sweet. noam peri: adina was one of the people who when we were in the elementary school, she was the one that was taking care of us. and still as a grown up when i would come to visit the kibbutz, she always give me a hug and ask how am i and shshe's happy to see my kids grow. anderson cooper: david moshe was buried in nir oz a week and a half after the attack. mourners: [non-english speech] anderson cooper: he'd been married to adina for 53 years. anat shoshany: we promised him to fight for my grandmother, but i will not live on angry way. anderson cooper: you don't want to live with hate in your heart. anat shoshany: no. this is not our way. david moshe: (singing) anderson cooper: at his funeral, anat played this video from a celebration in nir oz earlier this year. that's david singing. then one by one, other members of the kibbutz join in. (singing) anat shoshany: this is what the song means. the time will fix all that breaks. you're allowed to be afraid and you're allowed to be sad. but tomorrow we can rebuild and recover. (singing) anderson cooper: when we return, two more hostages of more than 200 still being held are on their way home. hostages are set free. sharone lifshitz: my mom is back. anderson cooper: and survivors demand answers. subject 2: [non-english speech] itai anghel: they were betrayed by the state. anderson cooper: it is 3:00 am here in israel, the early hours of freedom for an american mother and daughter held hostage for nearly two weeks by hamas. judith and natalie raanan were the first hostages to be released from captivity. the two americans were visiting judith's mother, natalie's grandmother, at a kibbutz called nahel oz about 18 miles north of nir oz when they were kidnapped. how are judith and natalie doing? ayelet sella: judith and natalie they are doing ok. they're taking their time to heal and to process what they've been through, what the entire family and the entire nation has been through. anderson cooper: while judith and natalie made it out, their cousin ayelet believes nine more of their family members are still being held hostage. ayelet sella: we have a three-year-old and an eight-year-old brother and sister yahel and naveh, and we have noam who is 12. so three children in our family. we haven't been given a sign of life or any indication as to how they're doing. this is truly heartbreaking. it's very hard to sleep at night. reporter 4: [non-english speech] anderson cooper: a few days later, two elderly women were also released, 79-year-old nurit cooper and 85-year-old yocheved lifshitz. both were from nir oz. yocheved's daughter, sharone, was by her mother's side at the hospital in tel aviv where she described her harrowing journey to reporters. yocheved lifshitz: [non-english speech] interpreter: i went through hell. they went on a rampage in our kibbutz. i was kikidnapped. as i was lying on the side on the motorbike, legs here, body there, the shabaab hit me with sticks. they didn't break my ribs but it was very painful and mamade it hard for me to o breathe. anderson cooper: yocheved have it said she was taken into an underground tunnel. sharone lifshitz: there they walked for a few kilometers on the wet ground. there are a huge network of tunnels underneath. it looks like a spider web. when she first arrived, they told them that they are muslims. and they're not going to hurt them. anderson cooper: how is your mother doing? sharone lifshitz: my mom is looking ok, a bit thinner. it seemed that she did get a basic medical care. the nurses said she's very sharp and very communicative. and she wants to tell everybody what she knows. i think your body, your mind, everything goes into quite a different state, isn't it? so it seems to me that she somehow had that spirit that carried her through. anderson cooper: sharone's mother was criticized in israel because when she was released, she shook the hand of a hamas gunmen. what did you think of that when you saw that? sharone lifshitz: it's very typical my mom. she loves the human. so-- anderson cooper: even though these were people holding her hostage, she's the kind of person who sees them as a human being. sharone lifshitz: yes, she acknowledged them as a human being. horrific as everything is, she kind of couldn't stop herself. anderson cooper: sharone's father, 83-year-old oded lifshitz, is still missing. they believe he's being held hostage. sharone lifshitz: my father and mother got separated early on. my father, it seems, was injured and we don't know more about him. so we're still in the dark. you know, my mom is back and that's a ray of light, an amazing, beautiful bright ray of light. but there's a lot of darkness. you've been to the kibbutz, you've seen what we are facing. people are going for funerals every day. i'm sitting here talking to you, not just to rejoice about my mom's return-- wonderful as it is-- but to remind everyone that we are still in the situation. that there's over 200 people missing, and that we want them back. anderson cooper: sharone grew up in nir oz and knows many of the families who've lost loved ones. were you shocked by the scale, the brutality? sharone lifshitz: horrified. it was beyond anything we ever imagined. and the army did not come for seven, eight hours. this is exactly what israel was built for, isn't it? to protect the jewish people. it totally failed in that this time. anderson cooper: israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has yet to publicly accept any responsibility for his government's failures on october 7, but several high ranking members of thehe military anad intelligigence serviceces hav. yocheved lifshshitz: [non-engnglish speech]h] interprereter: the lacack of awarareness by idfdf and shin t did great damage to us. itai anghel: these people in your eyes are what we call the salt of the earth. and they were betrayed by the state. the people of the kibbutz smuggled me inside. the army prevented people from coming, filming, anand documentnting it. susubject 3: [non-english speec] subject 4: [non-english speech] anderson cooper: when hadas kalderon was hiding alone in her safe room, she messaged her children that help was on the way. "this will end very soon, and idf will help. don't worry. we are stronger than them." now she too feels betrayed. hadas kalderon: eight hours we've been alone, alone, alone. nobody helps us. anderson cooper: no army. hadas kalderon: nobody helps us. we've been alone. anderson cooper: the government's abandoned you now. hadas kalderon: yes, they are. where are they? where are they? they said the war in hamas and to kill hamas is more important. you can't make war on expense of children and babies and old sick people. anderson cooper: how do you get through each day? hadas kalderon: when i start to think about, i'm crushed. if i crushed, how can i save them? [crying] anderson cooper: sharone knows hadas' family well, including her niece noya who was killed. sharone lifshitz: to lose noya and to lose all these kids, that will break my parents' heart. anderson cooper: your mom and dad would have wanted the children to be released first? sharone lifshitz: yeah, my father taught noya the piano, and my mom will make her cookies. she was one of her kibbutz grandchildren. anderson cooper: there's nobody in this kibbutz, in this community who is not intimately connected with somebody else who's taken? sharone lifshitz: there's no one. we are devastated. how do we come out of this trauma? i don't know. how do we make something that is worth living for? anderson cooper: do you have that answer? sharone lifshitz: i just think, be kind. i really do believe that we should all participate in the little acts of kindness that makes the difference. anderson cooper: even now? sharone lifshitz: what's the alternative? what's the alternative? the bloodshed now, i don't enjoy any death, not for anyone. it just makes me so sad that in our world we are creating so many stories of trauma and destruction. anderson cooper: coming up, a mother from nir oz kidnapped while clutching her two children. reporter 1: the whole story with anderson cooper is appointment viewing on sunday nights. one whole story, one whole hour. anderson cooper: what are your biggest fears? subject 1: the breaking of my brain is the concern. reporter 5: do you think you could have picked up a gun? you're a dancer. reporter 1: the world's best journalists dig deeper-- reporter 2: i'm about to do something that i haven't done before. reporter 1: --into the stories they can't ignore. reporter 3: do you ever ask why police took so long? reporter 1: go in depth every sunday night. the whole story with anderson cooper, sundays at 8:00 on cnn. yifat zeiler: we are in a nightmare. anderson cooper: i first began to focus on what happened at nir oz when i saw a woman named yifat zeiler on cnn two days after the attack. yifat zeiler: we need everyone's help. anderson cooper: she was speaking about her cousin shiri bibas and shiri's two children, a four-year-old boy named ariel and a nine-month-old boy kfir who was kidnapping from nir oz was recorded and posted online. yifat zeiler: we need everyone to help us, please. anderson cooper: shiri's children were so young, and her cousin's pain was so raw. the day after this interview aired, i met with yifat in tel aviv. what do you want people to know about your cousin? yifat zeiler: she's a peaceful girl. she's woman. she's amazing. she's beloved by everyone. she's an incredible mother. anderson cooper: shiri's parents margit and yossi silberman were also missing, as was her husband yerden. yifat zeiler: he was texting his family while the terrorists entered their home. anderson cooper: yerden told his sister, "it feels like the end. i'm scared to death. they're with automatic weapons." his sister is telling him to be quiet. he's telling her, we're trying. they lost contact around 10:00 am. and not long after, this video was posted online. gun men: [non-english speech] anderson cooper: that's shiri and her kids being taken hostage. yifat zeiler: i see my cousin outside her house in the kibbutz where she lives, holding her two babies covered in a blanket. i can see the horror in her face. anderson cooper: yifat wants the world to pay attention to what happened to her family. in that video you see shiri's two little children. they were silent in it. they're not crying. how did they look to you? yifat zeiler: i think they might have been in a state of shock. she was trying to remain calm for them. anderson cooper: if they knew she was terrified then they would be terrified. yifat zeiler: of course, we are all parents. we know that our children can tell everything about us, if we are sad, if we're afraid. and she's really brave. i can only imagine. anderson cooper: as horrible as it was for yifat to see this video, it did give her some hope. yifat zeiler: it's the only proof of life we have. other families don't have that. i can see her there, i can see they're alive. i know she was taken alive. it gives me something to hold on to. anderson cooper: yifat i did find these images of shiri's husband yerden with blood on his head and hands, apparently in captivity. but she doesn't know what happened to him. yifat zeiler: we're a small family, and half of them are kidnapped. anderson cooper: half of your family is kidnapped. yifat zeiler: yeah. anderson cooper: nearly two weeks later, yifat learned her aunt and uncle, shiri's parents, were dead. she still waiting for word on the rest of her family. yifat zeiler: we need a sign of life. i have a seven months old myself, and when i hold him i think about her and i think about kfir, her son, i think about ariel. i want to know that they are being fed, if their diaper was changed, if he's still got his formula, his bottle, something to eat. this is the only thing that i can do. this is the only thing that helps me be sane right now, is sitting here with you and talking to reporters and showing their faces and telling their story. i want my family back. i want my family back. [crying] i'm trying to be strong and stoic and speak clearly, but i'm devas-- i'm devastated. i'm devastated. i don't know what else to do. we need institutions from the world. we need someone to take care of those captive people, civilians. every hour every day it's getting worse. i want my family. by any chance watching this, i want them to know that we love them and we're doing everything we can to get them. we want this to end in the best way possible. [jonny cash, "sunshine"] you make me happy when skies are gray. anderson cooper: two weeks ago, yifat made this video, hoping to keep attention on her family and the plight of all the hostages. [jonny cash, "sunshine"] please don't take my sunshine away, please don't take my sunshine away. five days after the hamas attack, i went to the site of the supernova music festival where more than 260 people were slaughtered and an unknown number of others were taken hostage. while i was there, a soldier showed me some videos of the attack on his phone. in one of them, a badly wounded young man was being taken hostage. jesus. subject 5: his hand has been blown off. anderson cooper: days later, i was interviewing two american israelis, rachel goldberg and jon polin on cnn about their son hersh who they believed was taken hostage from the music festival. rachel goldberg: i saw two texts pop up at 8:11 in the morning. the first one said, i love you. and the second one said, i'm sorry. jon polin: our son, by all accounts of the witnesses, had his left arm blown off at some point during the attack. he had fashioned for himself some sort of bandage tourniquet. anderson cooper: when john said that and i saw these pictures of hersh, i realized he was the wounded man i'd seen, and i had the video which his parents knew nothing about. it had never been released publicly. i didn't want to shock john and rachel on live television. thank you, both. is it all right if i give you a call after this? jon polin: sure. anderson cooper: so after the interview was done, i called them immediately and then sent them the video. they now want you to see what happened to their son. they want the world to know there are seriously wounded people who were taken by hamas who need medical attention. we blurred out parts of the video, but we want to warn you, it's disturbing. gun men: [non-english speech] jon polin: it's a crazy sequence of events that we talk to you through a computer screen and then get a phone call from you saying i have a video of your son. anderson cooper: i didn't want to say on live television. rachel goldberg: which we so appreciated. jon polin: of course. rachel goldberg: the way everything has unfolded, the gentleness that you used because at the end of the day, you're a journalist and journalists want a story. and that could have been dealt with in many other ways that were not kind and gentle. anderson cooper: they also say the video has given them hope their son is alive. jon polin: seeing that video in general gave us a dose of optimism. and as horrible as it is as a parent to see your kid under gunpoint being pushed with one arm-- he's a lefty and his left arm was blown off, pulling himself with his one weak hand onto the truck with that kind of composure gave me a real dose of strength that he's handling a horrible situation and he's doing it with composure. anderson cooper: jon andnd rachl often vivisit their r son's ro, which is a also ththeir bomb s shelter. this i is hersh's s room? rarachel goldbdberg: ththis is hersrsh's room.. andersonon cooper: y you can fefeel him herere close. his globe, his books and mementos, it's allll just as h he left t. rachchel did makake his s bed, howevever, shshe wants itit ready for when h he returns.s. rarachel goldbdberg: we hahaa poporch that's's facing soso, anand i went o out friday y nigd i was s like screaeaming to h. and i'i'm hoping---- just because frfriday nightht we bls our chilildren tradiditionall. in jewewish homes s you bless your c children onon friday ni, so i was s screaming.. itit's a tradiditional blblessing frorom the biblb. and soso i was scrcreaming te blessingng to him wiwith my hands upup. i usualllly put my h hands on his head w when he's h home. andederson coopeper: what does thehe blessing g say? rachel g goldberg: i it says, y god d bless you u and keep y . mamay god-- mamay god's face shihine upon yoyou anand be gracicious to youo. may god'd's countenanance be l lifted up t toward youu and give y you peace.. andederson coopeper: what d do you wantnt peoplele to know a about hers? rachelel goldberg:g: he's just a supuper curiousus kid. and this wanderlust that he developed when he was six or seven years old has been his life obsession. always asking for maps and globes and atlases. for his babar mitzvahh he gotot six globes. that w was what he wanteted. and he reaeally-- thesese lat few years s he saved e every py to go on this trip that he has a ticket for on december 27 toto india, anand then alall points e east. andederson coopeper: how areru abable to get t through eaeach? rachchel goldbererg: we haveve y to go belilieving thatat somehoe got treatment and he's there. and he's in pain and he's suffering but he's alive and he's there. and there are also the moments in this universe that we now live where you say maybe he died on the truck, maybe he bled out in that truck, maybe he died yesterday, maybe he died five minutes ago. and there are those moments where you think, how are these thoughts even-- i don't understand these thoughts, but they're real thoughts. we're trying to balance on the head of the pen and just get everything done with the hope that he'll come home to us alive and he'll go on that trip with one hand. i personally feel like we have to keep running to the end of the earth to save him. anderson cooper: shortly after i interviewed them, rachel and jon appeared at the united nations in new york, along with other families, to demand world leaders do more to get the hostages home. rachel goldberg: my name is rachel. and i am the mother of hersh goldberg polin. i live in a different universe than all of you. you are right there, we seem like we live in the same place but i, like all of the mothers and all of the fathers and wives and husbands and children and brothers and sisters and loved ones of the stolen, we all actually live on a different planet. this planet of beyond pain, our planet of no sleep, our planet of despair, our planet of tears. anderson cooper: tonight rachel and jon and thousands of other family members are still waiting, waiting for a call or a knock on the door, a voice on the phone from their loved one saying, i'm alive, i'm ok, i'm coming home. we leave you tonight with the faces and names of some of the more than 220 people currently believed to be held hostage in gaza. [music playing]

Related Keywords

My Story , Voice , Tools , Canvas , Stage , Passion , Future , Contra Costa College , Contracosta Edu At Co , Anderson Cooper , Story , Music Playing Ege , People , Hostages , Hamas , Hostage , Tel Aviv , Gaza , War , Phase , Most , Israel , 200 , Kibbutz , Communities , October 7th , Gaza Border , 7 , Video Showing , 6 , 30 , Video , Rockets , Couple , Group Chat , Red Alert , 42 , Hadas Kalderon , Children , Safe Room , House , Shelter , Father , Haven T , Colors , Carmela Dan , Kids , Erez , Offer , Sahar , Son Rotem , Hadas , 19 , Everything , Grandma , Gaia Kalderon , Granddaughter , Oldest Daughter Gaia , Noya , Best Friend , Happening , Autistic , 13 , Gun Men , Be Silent , Gate , Sister , Dad , Guardhouse , Security Camera , Bullets , 49 , Someone , Itai Anghel , Holes , Shots , Entrarance , Butz , No One , Glass , One , Attack , Men , Others , Part , Blood , Family , Gun , Picture , Floor , Terrorist , Girl , Messages , Neighbors , Yocheved Lifshitz , Daughter , Home , First , Generations , 74 , Ground , Image , Account , Lying , Pool , Facebook , Hiding , Terrorists , Some , Groups , House To , Block By , Friends , Fires , A , Somethining , Engigine , Israeaeli , Car Approachining The Gatete , Speech , Speaker , Pogrom , 1 , It , Residents , Rooms , Handle , Shelters , Door Open , Tugging , Door , Hand , Door Handle , Many , Gunmen , Bed , Sheets , Safe Room Didn T Lock From The Inside , Spain , Son , Metal , Leg , Sport , Message , Pull Up Bar , 15 , 12 , 8 , Life , Hope , Family Group Chat , 16 , Mom , Window , Bushes , Take Care Of Yourself , Nothing , Phone , Mamay God , I M In The Dark , Flight , Battery , Water , Food , Images , Social Media , Daughter Gaia , Cut Off , Eight , 00 , 3 , Something , 2 , Gaia , Erez Kalderon , Location , Half , Fence , Direction , Everybody , Guy , Condition , Mountain Bike , Ping Pong , Horses , Humor , Videos , Save Me , Beginning , Ear , I Miss You , Nir Oz , Bodies , Children Singing , Two , World , Problems , Yes , 80 , Anat Shoshany , Reporter , Subject , Appointment Viewing , Concern , Journalists Dig Deeper , Brain , Dancer , Fears , Interviewer , The World , Stories , Depth , Sunday Night , Sundays , On Cnn , Journalist , Place , Smell , Impression , Atrocities , Channel 12 , Death , The Sound , Body Parts , Bags , Ththat , Nylon Bagsgs , Bababies , Little B , Birds , Chimes , Windows , Silence , Bird , Flies , Breeze , Cats , Terror , Gunman , Women , Homes , Grounds , Lot , Cars , The Street , Possessions , Looting , Car , David Moshe , Adina , Plates , Dishwasher , Defiled , 50 , Grandparents , Bracelet , Everyone , Adina Messaged , Grandmother , Instructions , Guns , Noises , Care , Kind , Woman , Us , Bullet Holes , Three , Husband , Holding On , Crouching , 9 , 44 , Safe Room Window , Midday , Motorbike , Red Shirt , Noam Peri , Candies , Elementary School , Income , Shshe , Hug , Mourners , Way , 53 , Heart , Funeral , Hate , Members , Celebration , That S David Singing , Kibbutz Join , Breaks , Means , Sad , Song , Sharone Lifshitz , Survivors , Estate , Freedom , American , Captivity , Nahel Oz , Judith , Natalie Raanan , Americans , 18 , Natalie Doing , Ayelet Sella , Family Members , Nation , Cousin Ayelet , Nine , Sign , Indication , We Haven T , Naveh , Brother And Sister Yahel , 4 , Sharone Grew Up , Side , Nurit Cooper , Hospital , Both , 79 , 85 , Reporters , Journey , Interpreter , Rampage , Shell , Kikidnapped , Body , Shabaab , O Breathe , Legs , Sticks , Ribs , Mamade , Tunnel , Network , Tunnels Underneath , Mother , Spider Web , Muslims , Nurses , Spirit , Isn T , Mind , Human , Human Being , Oded Lifshitz , Couldn T , Person , 83 , Ray Of Light , In The Dark , Amazing , Beautiful Bright Ray Of Light , Lot Of Darkness , Situation , Funerals , Return , Families , Loved Ones , Army , Scale , Brutality , Anything , Seven , Benjamin Netanyahu , Jewish , Government , Yocheved Lifshshitz , Non Engnglish Speech , Responsibility , Failures , Military Anad Intelligigence , Interprereter , Shin T , Thehe , Serviceces Hav , Idfdf , The Lacack Of Awarareness , October 7 , Damage , Eyes , Salt Of The Earth , Filming , Non English Speec , Coming , Anand Documentnting , Susubject 3 , Help , Nobody , Idf , Don T Worry , Babies , Expense , Crushed , Sharone Knows Hadas , Niece , Parents , Kibbutz Grandchildren , Piano , Cookies , Community , Somebody Else , Trauma , Worth , I Don T Know , Facts , Kindness , Answer , Difference , Alternative , Bloodshed , Anyone , Destruction , Coming Up , 5 , Yifat Zeiler , Yifat Zeiler On Cnn , Nightmare , Shiri , Boy , Shiri Bibas , Ariel , Kidnapping , Four , Interview , Yifat , Cousin , She S A Peaceful Girl , Husband Yerden , Yossi Silberman , The End , Automatic Weapons , Contact , 10 , Face , Horror , Blanket , Attention , Silent , Course , State Of Shock , Proof , Head , Hands , Uncle , Rest , Word , Aunt , Kfir , Thing , Bottle , Diaper , Fed , Formula , Faces , Stoic , Institutions , Devastated , Devas , Civilians , Chance , Sunshine , Plight , Skies , Jonny Cash , Don T , Site , Supernova Music Festival , Five , Soldier , Number , 260 , Jon Polin , Jesus , Rachel Goldberg , Oman , American Israelis , Son Hersh , I Love You , Texts , Music Festival , 11 , Arm , Point , Accounts , Witnesses , Sort , Pictures Of Hersh , John , Bandage Tourniquet , Call , Rachel On Live Television , Computer Screen , Sequence , Events , Phone Call , Television , Gentleness , Journalists , Ways , Dose , Parent , Kid , General , Lefty , Optimism , Gunpoint , Truck , Composure , Ro , Strength , Jon Andnd Rachl , Dr , Left T Rachchel , The , Globe , S Room , Room , Bomb S Shelter , Andersonon Cooper , Returns S Rarachel Goldbdberg , Him , Mementos , Books , Ththis Is Hersrsh , Herere , Howevever , Anand , We Hahaa Poporch That S , Itit , Facing Soso , Screaeaming To H , Nigd , Screaming , C , Frfriday Nightht , Chilildren Tradiditionall , Hi , We Bls , Jewewish , Onon Friday Ni , The Biblb , Tradiditional Blblessing Frorom , God D , Goldberg , Andederson Coopeper , Soso , Shihine , He S H Home , Keep Y , My H , Rachel G , Scrcreaming Te Blessingng , Wiwith , Hands Upup , Yoyou Anand Be Gracicious , Youo , Thehe Blessing G , Rachelel Goldberg , Wanderlust , Hers , Wantnt Peoplele , G , Supuper Curiousus Kid , Up T Toward Youu , May God D S Countenanance , Y You Peace , Babar Mitzvahh , Globes , Maps , Atlases , Life Obsession , He Gotot Six Globes , Wanteted , Six , Trip , He Reaeally , He Saved E , Ticket , Areru Abable , India , Thesese , Alall Points E East , Toto , Eaeach , 27 , December 27 , Rachchel Goldbererg , Universe , Suffering , We Haveve Y To Go Belilieving , Thatat Somehoe Got Treatment , Thoughts , Pen , Earth , My Name Is Rachel , World Leaders , Hersh Goldberg Polin , United Nations , New York , Wall , All Of You , Mothers , Fathers , Husbands , Wives , Stolen , Brothers And Sisters , Planet , Beyond Pain , Tonight Rachel And Jon , Tears , Sleep , Despair , Thousands , Knock , Saying , Coming Home , Music Playing , Names , 220 ,

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