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hi everyone. thanks so much for joining me. i'm jessica dean in for fredicka whitfield. the focus of israel's war in gaza has become al shifa hospital, israel long says that hamas uses that hospital to cover up what it says is an extensive terror network underground. israel believes it's building its case with the exposure of what it says is a tunnel shaft on the hospital's grounds. cnn's oren liebermann entered gaza with the israeli defense forces saturday night to see the tunnel shaft and what lies beneath. cnn reported from gaza under idf supervision. submitting footage to the israeli military for its review. >> reporter: we go in under cover of darkness. it's lights out. we switch into an armored personnel carrier for the final stretch. through a night vision screen you can see the magnitude of the destruction on the seats of gaza city. we offload at al shifa hospital. we have to keep our lights off most of the time or risk exposing our position. cnn reported from gaza under israel defense forces escort at all times. as a condition for journalist, media out let's must submit footage filmed to israeli military sensors for review. >> here is the entrance. you can see what looks like a ladder accessing to it. as i step over, it's difficult to see how far down it goes. it looks like there's almost a shaft or a staircase, and then the shaft disappears then down into the darkness. >> we move around the opening for a better look at the shaft itself. it's clear from here this is meant to go deep underground. >> reporter: which direction does the tunnel go? >> we assume the tunnel goes out and has another corridor to this way. >> towards the hospital? >> towards the hospital. >> connects to the hospital from outside which implies the way hamas is working, hamas is going out somewhere, shooting at our forces and going back inside to a safe place. >> reporter: we weren't allowed to enter the shaft. israeli military spent special gear down to see where this lids. inside the video shows a spiral staircase and as the camera orients itself, it moves forward into the tunnel which makes a sharp left turn, and then another path with an arched concrete top, a metal door they haven't yet opened because they feel it's booby-trapped. >> admirable daniel hagari says some of the hostages taken on october 7th were taken through the hospital. he said noah was found 50 meters from the hospital. >> we have evidence they were holding hostages in ran tis si, but also at al shifa. >> this is not proof of headquarters underneath the hospital, but israel continues to try to build its case that hamas uses the sanctuary of the hospital for cover which hamas and hospital officials have denied. the idf's ability to continue its operation in gaza and the credibility of israel are at stake here as the number killed in the fighting surpasses 3,000. the idf says one of its missions is to destroy hamas. but israel has to show the terror organizations is using civilian buildings as cover to justify the ongoing war. >> let's bring in cnn's oren liebermann who we just saw in that piece. the idf is releasing this video after this mounting pressure from the international community to prove claims after the hospital. it's coming after a u.s. official with knowledge of american intelligence told cnn that hamas does have a command center under al shifa hospital. do you think we're likely to see more video like this coming out from the idf? >> reporter: i think it's safe to say absolutely yes. they began with a little bit of evidence when they moved into shifa hospital. that was ammunition, vests and other weaponry found inside the hospital. cnn was able to confirm some of that had been moved around. there were serious questions about that. then they exposed the tunnel shaft itself. we got a chance during a six-hour visit to gaza to see the opening of the shaft and the video showing what's inside there. it is clear that this is arguably the most compelling evidence yet that the idf presented that there is a tunnel network below the al shifa complex. we've known for years, more than a decade that there are tunnelling crisscrossing under gaza. but is it under al shifa? does the one tunnel we see video of prove the existence of a network? no. but again, it is the most compelling evidence we have seen and the idf has promised there is more to come. they have not really gone into tunnels, not this one and not others because of the dangers of doing so. that's very much where hamas has a serious advantage. that's one of the challenges the idf is trying to figure out. how do you map what's under there and see what's under there. if your goal is to prove it's a command center, how do you do that? that's something the idf is trying to grapple with as the international pressure mounts to prove that, yes, there is a command center or a significant hamas structure underneath gaza's medical steph. >> oren, the idf is briefing right now. we know there are images of hostages taken to al shifa. what more do you know about that? >> rear admiral daniel hagari is putting out information on three. noah mars annie, he said according to and independent investigation, they know marciano was brought into gaza alive and her captor was killed in the fighting, although she was only injured. they then say they have intelligence that she was taken to shifa hospital and murdered by hamas there. we had been previously told she had been murdered by hamas. what we don't know is how or whom carried out the independent pathological investigation or what that intelligence is. but the idf says they now have this intelligence. her booed difficult was brought out of gaza only several days ago. the idf says they also have video showing a nepally hostage and thai hostage were taken through the hospital as well. they were working in israel at the time, as many do, as migrant farmworkers and some were taken as hostages. we're learning more about how shifa hospital was used in the days after the october 7th attack. >> sounds like more to come on that. oren liebermann, thanks for that reporting. any moment now president biden will depart from wilmington ton, delaware, en route to norfolk, virginia, where we'll meet with service members and their families ahead of the holiday. priscilla, is the president or the white house saying anything about these new videos that oren just showed us? ? >> reporter: the president didn't answer any questions as he was boarding air force one. the white house, when i asked about this, did point to comments made by deputy national security adviser jon finer this morning. he said u.s. intelligence, not only israeli intelligence, has suggested that hamas was opinion raefting in the al shifa hospital in what he called an unconscionable way. that doesn't mean, finer said, that israel should conduct air strikes on the hospital or launch any type of assault, but it does underscore the challenges that israel faces and how complicated this conflict is on the ground. now, there have been ongoing conversations between israel and the u.s., and there are moments in which president biden raises concerns with the prime minister, prime minister benjamin netanyahu when there are incidents that result in the death of innocent civilians. all of that, still, the president saying in an op-ed just yesterday in "the washington post" that he is rejecting calls for a cease-fire. that has been the position for the administration, instead pushing for humanitarian pauses to get more aid into gaza as well as for the release of hostages. the president made two other important points in that op-ed. he said, one, there will be -- could be visa bans on extremists that are attacking civilians in the west bank. that has been an area of concern for the white house. but he also called again for a two-state solution. that is an idea that he has long endorsed and it is one that he called for again in this robust op-ed where he goes on to say, quote, a two-state solution, two people living side-by-side with equal measures of freedom, opportunity and dignity is where the road to peace must lead. he says reaching it will take commitment from israelis and palestinians as well as from the united states, our allies and partners. the president also went on to say israel needs to respect humanitarian law and protect innocent civilians. what's clear today both from the president's op-ed yesterday as well as national security officials today is this is a very complicated conflict and requires the intelligence-gathering to try to understand where hamas is operating and why these strikes just become all the more difficult. >> priscilla, you mentioned jon finer from the nsa was talking earlier this morning, he also talked about the potential of getting back and getting these hostages released. what more do we know about where that stands right now? >> reporter: notably he said they are at the closest point they have been since these negotiations began weeks ago. take a listen. >> what i can say about this at this time is we think we are closer than we have been perhaps at any point since these negotiations began weeks ago, that there are areas of difference and disagreement that have been narrowed, if not closed out entirely, but that the mantra that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed here certainly applies here in such a sensitive negotiation, and there is no deal currently in place. >> reporter: important to note there that he says there is no deal. clearly there have been inroads in the hours and days. he also didn't dive into any details. he noted they don't have a clear sense of how many hostages we're talking about here. no clear numbers. but it is a priority for this administration and something they are still working around the clock on, but notable that he said they are the closest they've been so far. >> notable, no doubt about that. also made prominent place in president biden's op-ed talking about what they're trying to do, getting the hostages back. >> priscilla alvarez, thanks so much. i want to bring in kim dozier and cnn military analyst, james "spider" marks and former cia operative bob beyer. general, i want to talk first with you. let's go back to this new idf video that oren liebermann was just showing us. israel says it shows this hamas tunnel at the al shifa hospital. what do you make of that and what you're seeing as you're watching that? >> we shouldn't be surprised that there's been the discovery of this tunnel access. the fact that it is on the al shifa hospital grounds is the most significant. there's additional work to do to see where it's connected and where it leads. clearly it's part of the larger labyrinth of tunnels that exists. i think it's really important that at this stage of the military operation this becomes an incredibly precise and very slow methodical operation on the part of the idf. the pressure, however, is from the international community to show evidence. so there will be this clamoring of immediate identification of what type of access that hamas has had to these tunnels. what have they been using with these tunnels. i think in many cases that's simply additional information. the fact of the matter is, they've got this kunl complex and they use this thing quite aggressively in order to facilitate their movement so they can pop up, conduct operations, get back down in these tunnels to some level of sanctuary. i think the idf understands the pressure from the international community. they've got to respond, but we have to be able to understand that this is an operation that's going to take some time. >> it's going to take a minute. bob, i want to ask you in terms of what you think about this video squaring with what the u.s. intelligence knows about the hamas terrorist infrastructure in gaza and just a reminder to everyone we have reporting that american intelligence does indicate they have a command center there under the hospital. how do you think this video falls in with that? >> well, we need to see what's behind that door. people are talking about a command center. so far the israelis have not shown proof of that. that would be communications, water, fuel, generators and the rest. we just haven't seen that. as far as american intelligence goes, the best we can do, we don't have assets in gaza or in hamas, that's very clear, so we can listen to intercepts, people on cell phones. we can use drone feeds to see what's happening. it's very much a question of interpretation. i would not call it a smoking gun. i totally agree with general marks that we have to wait to see how this plays out. we need forensic evidence. in the meantime, israel is in a race about public opinion because it's not going well for them. and the reason is it does not have precise intelligence about where hamas is. they're down in tunnels, moving around. the israelis don't have maps of these funnels. they're mined. we're talking months, if not years, before we precisebly figure out who did 7 october. it's not at all clear. it's a closed organization. very hard to get into. >> kim, we're listening to bob talking about, this talking about the international pressure on the idf and israel to back up the claim that hamas is using al shifa hospital as a command center, that's why it can justify its actions it's taken there. of course, this conflict is playing out in the age of immediate news when people can have this at their fingertips quickly. how important is it for the idf to continue to provide this sort of evidence, and even evidence beyond what they've shown so far? >> well, as both the panelists on with me know, it takes a while to exploit intelligence that you're gathering. in order to build this case, one of the pieces of evidence that the israelis have just released or claimed to say represents two hostages taken within the shifa hospital grounds. i know cnn hasn't yet been able to geolocate that video, but that meant they got inside the hospital, examined hundreds, thousands of hours of footage since october 7th to find the frames that would make the case. what they're also doing is going into these tunnelses with robot drones and other means that keeps soldiers out of harm's way, and they're also examining all of the go-pro video evidence that either got uploaded by the hamas terrorists themselves or taken off the bodies of the hamas that they were able to capture. all of that is being analyzed to get the names of the operatives and figure out who to track down n. some cases israeli military officials tell me they know where they are, but they're so embedded in the operation including southern gaza, that that's why it has to go so slowly. >> bob, back to you. i want to touch on the hostages for a second before you go. the white house, as we heard priscilla report, saying today we may be closer than ever to releasing this deal to releasing hostages held by hamas. what do you make of them talking about this publicly? they've been very careful not to say too much, and we've had some false starts here. obviously this was a deal that could fall apart in a second. do you think we will potentially see something soon? >> i think we will. when you hear so much about this at this point, i think hamas is ready to look for good news in terms of international opinion, and they'll release, for instance, children, elderly and women and the rest of it, but i don't think they're ever going to give up the soldiers until there's really, truly some sort of truce agreement. i'd like to say one thing. don't forget vis-a-vis the hospitals that hamas owns gaza strip. you don't go into these hospitals, you don't leave them without somehow getting the permission of hamas. they're everywhere. this is what the problem for the israelis are. they've got so many targets to hit. they can use algorithms, use drones. but at the end of the day it's a popular insurgency. >> so embedded. general spider marks ufld we lost. kim dozier, bob baer, thank you to all of you. we appreciate it. still to come, the major media companies taking a stand against anti-semitism and new images in the person of interest from the massive fire that shut down part of interstate 10 in los angeles. we'll talk about that next. we have new details on the i-10 freeway in the heart of los angeles damaged in a massive fire last weekend. cal fire releasing new images of a person of interest captured on video near the time and location of that fire. this morning governor knew some saying officials received helpful information after the image was released. let's bring in cnn's mike vel layer i don't for more. what's the latest you're hearing? >> reporter: i think the best way to answer that question is to tell you we are hearing joy, not just in the city of angels but throughout southern california. earlier today the governor and mayor of los angeles confirmed there was the potential when this happened about a week ago that this stretch of vital highway, interstate 10 through the heart of los angeles, there was a potential it would have possibly been closed not just for a few days or a few weeks, but for the possibility of it being shut down through memorial day into next year, six months from now. there's elation that the headline here is this is reopening at some point tonight. in terms of, jessica, why this matters, why this is a big story for people outside of los angeles, this will, authorities say, make the thk drive so much easier for people coming into california over the thanksgiving holiday and throughout the week because of the chain reaction of this freeway, what it did to the civic fabric, and also the human dimension coming integrator focus of not just a couple, but hundreds of carpenters, engineers, electricians, pile drivers working on overdrive to make this hapt. we heard from the president of the united states and the governor talking about all those things. here is what they said. >> you know, we can give the fancy speeches all day long, but we're able to stand here and do this because they did this work on the ground. in many cases working as many as 14 hours a day. >> eight days to get this thing open and operational, and that means, if you're doing the math, that this thing opens tonight. it will be fully operational tomorrow. >> reporter: so where do we go from here? this is not joust crime against concrete. there's a criminal investigation that is still happening to try to find the person who intentionally set this fire. so on that front authorities released two images yesterday. you know, they're hard to see. they are surveillance pictures. but there are some entering characteristics. authorities say the man believed to be responsible here in his 30s, around six foot, has a knee brace on his right knee, a possible burn on his left leg. you hear authorities all through out the city asking families to say, all right, you got a son, do you have a brother who wears a knee brace on his right knee who has an onyx burn on his left leg? start asking questions. this doesn't impact just a few people. there were 600 businesses damaged because of this, but certainly an encouraging chapter as we all move forward, jessica. >> a lot of southern californians very happy, especially with thanksgiving coming up. mike valerio in las vegas, thanks for that update. coming up, major media brands are suspending advertising on elon musk's platform x, how w they're tataka ststand againsnst anti-sememiti. ththat's next.t. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. a growing number of prominent brands are suspending their advertising on x, formerly known as twitter, after elon musk publicly embraced an anti-semitic conspiracy theory commonly used by white supremacy. some ads appeared alongside pro nat san jose content on the site. as cnn's oliver darcy reports, elon musk isn't the only one spreading these theories. >> anti anti-semitic rhetoric is facing a home in right wing media. a handful of influenced talk show hosts have been predding their message, the disgraceful notion that a spike in anti-semitism is merely jewish people getting a taste or their own medicine, a reprehensible conspiracy theory. take elon musk, one of the world's richest men who supported a host of right wing conspiracy theories. writing this week, you have said the actual truth. it's not just limited to musk. tucker carlson, candice owens and charley kirk have also peddled this idea. >> it's true that some of the largest financiers of left wing anti-white causes have been jewish americans. >> kirk has also floated the conspiracy theory that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu knew about the october 7th terror attack and chose to do nothing. >> i'm not going far enough to say that netanyahu knew, but i think the question needs to be asked, was there a stand-down order? was there a stand-down order? six hours? i don't believe it. >> carlson and owens criticized harvard donors for supporting anti-white racism. >> if the biggest donors at harvard we're going to shut it down now, where were you in the last ten years? >> people that are asking the question is where were you as we have endured all of this. >> you were paying for it, actually. you were calling my children immoral for their skin color. you paid for that. so why shouldn't i be mad at you? i don't understand. >> some conservatives have pushed back. ben shapiro, co-founder of the daily wire ripped her early commentary as disgraceful during a recent speech. >> her behavior is disgraceful. -- absolutely disgraceful. i think her -- has been ridiculous. >> reporter: owens appeared to fire back suggesting shapiro opted for wealth over virtue quoting a bible verse saying you cannot serve both god and money. cnn reached out for comment without a reply. jonathan greenblatt, the head of the adl spoke out against the commentary, responding to musk, greenblatt said, at a time when anti-semitism is exploding in america and surging around the world, it is indisputably dangerous to use one's influence to validate and promote anti-semitic theories. oliver darcy, cnn, new york. joining me is ashley gold, a technology policy reporter for axios. thanks for making time. i want to ask you first what are some of these companies saying as they're explaining decisions to suspend their advertising h here? unfortunately we can't hear ashley. let's take a quick break. we'll see if we can get her back. we'll be right back. welcome back. joining me is ashley gold, a technology reporter for axios. glad to have you back. we lost you a little bit before the break. we're talking about big companies that have suspended advertising on this platform known as x, used to be twitter, after elon musk has embraced this anti-semitic conspiracy theory supported by white supremacists. i wanted to ask you what these companies are now saying as they're explaining their decision to suspend advertising here. >> the companies are explaining they have zero tolerance for discrimination and anti-semitism. they don't want their brand anywhere near it. they're going to suspend their ads until they can be sure their ads won't appear alongside such content on x. it's basically this message of we have no tolerance for this and we won't risk having our brand be associated with this until maybe this stops. >> are these boycotts likely to have an impact on x's bottom line? >> absolutely, they will have an impact on x's bottom line. x very largely relies on revenue from advertising to stay afloat. they are trying to do subscription products and other add-ons that users play for monthly to buoy that. so far they haven't had a lot of up take on those projects so, yes, i think this will hurt. >> x's ceo said on friday there is no place for anti-semitism anywhere in the world. how does she square that with elon musk? he did write it in black and white, you're speaking truth and really going along with these anti-semitic conspiracy theories. >> she's in a precarious position. she's sort of left to clean up his mess every time this sort of thing happens. it's impossible to square. she says the right things, puts out a nice message that sounds good. ultimately the buck stops with elon. there's only so much impact it has. >> i'm curious because obviously he's taken over, no longer twitter. it's x. now he has condoned anti-semitic conspiracy theories. this used to be a place where a lot of people would go, businesses as you're speaking about, journalists, that sort of thing. what does this mean for the company moving forward if he's behaving like this? >> this is part of the slow degradation of x formerly known as twitter that we've seen since muscle came along as owner. the quality of the content has gotten worse. more hateful content is surfacing. you see more tweets of people you don't even follow. it's been the slow burn of the experience for users getting worse and worse and less relevant. i think that's going to continue to pan out. >> earlier today on cnn we had congressman jamie raskin on. he's the ranking member on house oversight. he called musk's actions dangerous. he said congress would be taking action. we'll listen to that first. >> we'll be taking action with colleagues this week to write to him, to ask him to renounce those comments and to clean up his act. >> ashley, what heard what the plan is. what other roles do you see congress playing here beyond that? >> so congress can write letters, like congressman raskin said. they can call in musk and other executives for a hearing where they publicly lambast them for their inaction on anti-semitism. but ultimately, if they want things to change, they have to pass laws. for social media in congress it's proven very difficult to actually pass laws, despite how much rhetoric we hear about how the tech companies need to change their behavior. the first amendment also makes things difficult when you try to sort of regulate content on the internet. so i'm not expecting a lot more, honestly, than some letters, some hearings. this is the cycle of how things happen. >> this is certainly an issue that has vexed congress. ashley gold, thanks so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. hundreds of congregations have broken from the united methodist church due to a divide over lgbtq issues. the north georgia methodist conference accepted disaffiliation of 261 out of the 70 churches. it comes after the chuch strange thenned bans on partnered lgbtq clear gee and same-sex marriage in 2019. as of early august of 2023 more than 6,000 congregations of just under 30,000 in the u.s. have been approved for disaffiliation since 2019. cnn's rafael romo is joining us from atlanta. tell us more about this deep divide within the methodist church? >> reporter: hi, jessica. this deep divide has been going on for years. it's not exclusive to the united methodist church. several other protestant denominations have gone through similar splits for the same reasons. what happened this weekend was the north georgia conference of the united methodist church met on saturday to vote on whether to accept the decision of hundreds of its churches to leave the denomination. in the end, jessica, the conference voted in favor of allowing 261 churches to leave the denomination. among the main points of contention are the role of lgbtq clear gee and same-sex marriage. the official plans to break ap way started in 2019 after the national united methodist church made a decision to allow those congregations to leave by december 31st of this year. the 261 congregations who want to leave represent more than a third of the nearly 700 churches under the north georgia conference of the umc. after the vote, both the leadership and lay members of the denomination expressed deep sadness. let's take a listen. >> i realize how this time is for so many, including myself. i hate that those who are leaving us i will not have the opportunity to meet or to be with. may god's peace be with you. >> the ones that it hurt the most are those caught in the crosshairs. people that are workers in the church, not necessarily trying to win an argument. these folks, they feel like they lost their identity. they lost their identity with the united mental health dift church and it feels hopeless. >> reporter: in a statement the united methodist church said the following. in december approximately 440 north georgia conference churches will continue the work of fulfilling the mission of the united methodist church in our communities and beyond. the affiliation of the 261 congregations will go into effect, jessica, at the end of this month and additional 193 congregations who used to belong to the umc split from the denomination back in may. back to you. >> rafael romo, thanks so much. former president donald trump is in texas campaigning near the u.s.-mexico border as he escalates anti-immigration rhetetoric. wewe have e a team t there and talk to them. that's next. how's the chicken? the prawns are delicious. oh, i have a shellfish allergy. one prawn. very good. did i say chicken wrong? tired of people not listening to what you want? it's truffle season! ah that's okay... never enough truffles. how much are they? it's a lot. oh okay - i'm good, that - it's like a priceless piece of art. enjoy. or when they sell you what they want? yeah. the more we understand you, the better we can help you. that's what u.s. bank is for. huge relief. yeah... ♪ former president trump is in texas where he is giving a speech near the southern border. his visit comes as he is escalating his anti-immigrant rhe rhetoric. kristen holmes is covering this for us. what can you tell us about his campaign stop there near the border? >> reporter: yeah, well, this stop came with the endorsement of governor abbott. this wasn't on his schedule originally. and this is a boon for the former president. abbott and florida governor ron desantis are seen as close, the two have communicated, both involved in ships my graigrantso the blue states part of their efforts to raise awareness toism grace. so this is a win for former president trump in that sense. however, this also comes as we have learned so much more about trump's proposal for a 2025 agenda particularly when it comes to immigration. as you noted, his rhetoric has been ramped up anti-immigrant and we've also learned what he plans do if he wins another term in office and that includes mass deportations and detentions. his plan would essentially call for building detention chasms for migrants who are rounded up around the country to be held at until they are deported. this is an extreme escalation from madwhat we saw in 2016, bu something he is clearly doubled do yo down on. today he talked about how biden created a situation where we have one of the most insecure borders in the world. they think that this will help him within in the general election against joe biden and so we'll have to see how it plays out. but again, today a win for donald trump with this endorsement and coming at a time where we're just really starting to piece together with what it will look like if he wins another term. >> that's right. and very, very important information as we piece all that together. kristen holmes, thanks so much. still ahead, as rs skrchlt cases spike in the u.s., thousands of vaccines will be expedited for release.e. we contitinue after r the break. vaccccines will l be expeditite release. we continunue after ththe break. amid a sharp rise in reported economic incidents, a jewish world war ii hero is using his story to educate young people and combat anti-semitism. one of the first americans to uncover the atrocities of a concentration camp and now nearly 80 years later, he says he believes anti-semitism is as bad as it has ever been. gary tuchman has his story. >> reporter: hilbert is three months away from his 100th birthday. just before his 21st birthday, the army private first class, jewish soldsoldier, was deploye fight the nazis. >> when battle. bulge broke out, they rushed our infantry as fast as they could get them over there. >> reporter: battle of the bulge was ending as he and his late twin brother arrived and occupied france. the two gunners ended up in combat and headed to germany. >> we couldn't be more than 3 yards away from our howitzer because we could get fire missions morning, noon and night. >> reporter: and they investigated a horrible odor. and after about 15 minutes, they saw an open train box car. what did you see in the box car? >> nothing but deceased bodies. we had a little camera, so we decided let's go ahead and take a picture of that box car, which we did. >> reporter: and the brothers knew nothing about nazi death or concentration camps. but hill bert and howard were among the first american soldiers on the scene. they were the liberators of the a

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Everyone , Thanks , Jessica Dean , Hi , Fredicka Whitfield , Hamas , Israel , Al Shifa Hospital , War , Tunnelling Crisscrossing Under Gaza , Focus , Case , Tunnel Shaft , Cnn , Oren Liebermann , Terror Network , Grounds , Exposure , Israeli Defense Forces , Saturday Night , Idf Supervision , Reporter , Review , Footage , Military , Armored Personnel Carrier , Under Cover Of Darkness , Lights Out , Stretch , Magnitude , Flights , Seats , Destruction , Night Vision Screen , Risk , Position , Times , Journalist , Condition , Media Out , Gaza Under , Ladder , Entrance , Sensors , Shaft , Opening , Staircase , Look , Deep Underground , The Darkness , Tunnel , Hamas Is Working , Corridor , Tunnel Go , Place , Israeli Military , Forces , Somewhere , Outside , Video , Camera , Left , Spiral Staircase , Lids , Gear , Path , Turn , Hostages , Daniel Hagari , Haven T , Concrete Top , Booby Trapped , October 7th , 7 , 50 , Evidence , Ran Tis Si , Operation , Cover , Sanctuary , Officials , Ability , Headquarters , Fighting , Number , Emissions , Stake , Credibility , 3000 , One , Pressure , Piece , Terror Organizations , Buildings , Saw , Command Center , Intelligence , Community , U S , Official , Knowledge , Claims , Ammunition , Bit , Safe , Vests , Questions , Video Showing , Some , Visit , Weaponry , Chance , Six , Tunnel Network , Al Shifa Complex , Network , Existence , Tunnels , Dangers , Something , Goal , Advantage , Images , Briefing , Underneath Gaza , Structure , Steph , Information , Rear Admiral , Noah Mars Annie , Three , Investigation , Marciano , Captor , There , Injured , Hostage , Hospital , Edo , Migrant Farmworkers , Thai , Nepally , Attack , Sounds , Joe Biden , Families , Service Members , Wilmington Ton , Reporting , En Route To Norfolk , Delaware , Virginia , Priscilla Alvarez , Didn T , White House , Holiday , Videos , Anything , Air Force One , Comments , Point , Jon Finer , Deputy National Security Adviser , Opinion Raefting , Type , Underscore , Air Strikes , Assault , Doesn T Mean , Conflict , Ground , Conversations , Wall , Death , Benjamin Netanyahu , Incidents , Op Ed , Civilians , Washington Post , Concerns , Result , President , Administration , Points , Cease Fire , Calls , Aid , Release , Pauses , Two , Idea , Concern , Extremists , Visa Bans , Area , Two State Solution , West Bank , People , Opportunity , Freedom , Side By , Dignity , Measures , Quote , Israelis , Commitment , Partners , Peace , Road , Allies , Law , Palestinians , Both , Strikes , National Security Officials , Op Ed Yesterday , Potential , Nsa , Listen , Negotiations , Nothing , Areas , Disagreement , Mantra , Difference , Deal , Everything , Negotiation , Inroads , Sense , Details , Priority , Numbers , Didn T Dive , Notable , No Doubt , Kim Dozier , Military Analyst , James Spider Marks , Operative , Let S Go , General , Bob Beyer , Hamas Tunnel , Cia , Fact , We Shouldn T , Discovery , Al Shifa Hospital Grounds , Tunnel Access , Work , Labyrinth , Part , Significant , Military Operation , Stage , Clamoring , Cases , What , Identification , Access , Thing , Order , Conduct Operations , Matter , Movement , Level , Kunl , Terms , Terrorist Infrastructure In Gaza , Video Squaring , Reminder , Communications , Generators , Door , Proof , Water , Fuel , Rest , Intercepts , Best , Assets , Question , Marks , Interpretation , Drone , Smoking Gun , Cell Phones , Plays Out , Opinion , Reason , Race , Israelis Don T , Funnels , Maps , Figure , We Precisebly , 7 October , Talking , Organization , Actions , Claim , Course , Age , Sort , News , Fingertips , Panelists , Pieces , Cnn Hasn T , Shifa Hospital Grounds , Hundreds , Tunnelses , Thousands , Frames , Robot Drones , Soldiers , Means , Video Evidence , Terrorists , Harm S Way , The Go , Operatives , Names , Bodies , Second , Back To You , Priscilla Report , Operation Including Southern Gaza , Starts , It , Children , Women , Instance , Hospitals , The Hospitals , Gaza Strip , Truce Agreement , Don T Forget Vis A , Everywhere , Drones , Permission , Targets , Algorithms , Problem , General Spider , All Of You , Insurgency , Marks Ufld , We Lost , Bob Baer , Anti Semitism , Fire , Los Angeles , Media Companies , Stand , Interstate 10 , Person Of Interest , 10 , Heart , Freeway , Governor , Location , Cal Fire , More , Image , Way , Latest , Mike Vel Layer , Mayor , Southern California , Hearing Joy , Possibility , Memorial Day , Highway , Story , Relation , Headline , Matters , Will , Thk , Terms Of , Authorities Say , Chain Reaction , Human Dimension , Fabric , Overdrive , Electricians , Couple , Engineers , Pile Drivers , Carpenters , Integrator Focus , Hapt , Things , Speeches , Math , Eight , 14 , Person , Concrete , Authorities , Crime , Where Do We Go From Here , Knee Brace , Oman , Foot , Surveillance Pictures , Characteristics , 30 , Brother , Knee , Leg , Burn , City , Son , Businesses , Impact , Onyx Burn , Doesn T , Chapter , 600 , Lot , Media Brands , Move , Update , Coming Up , Southern Californians , Las Vegas , Mike Valerio , Elon Musk , Ththat , Advertising , Platform X , Againsnst Anti Sememiti , Tataka Ststand , Next T , Most , Comcast Business , Small Business Bonus , Savvy , Efficient , Company , Internet , Business Internet , Prepaid Card , Anyone Else , Business Today , Yep , 000 , 1000 , Possibilities , Growing Number , On X , Conspiracy Theory , Twitter , Brands , Content , Ads , Oliver Darcy Reports , Site , White Supremacy , Pro , San Jose , Nat , Rhetoric , Theories , Media , Isn T The Only One , Home , Handful , Talk Show , Predding , Message , Medicine , Spike , Taste , Notion , Musk , World , Conspiracy Theories , Men , Host , Truth , Wing , Candice Owens , Tucker Carlson , Americans , Jewish , Left Wing , Causes , Financiers , Charley Kirk , Terror Attack , Netanyahu , Donors , Racism , Harvard , Ten , Ben Shapiro , Conservatives , Skin Color , Speech , Commentary , Behavior , Daily , Virtue , Verse , Wealth , Jonathan Greenblatt , God , Comment , Money , Reply , Adl , Gold , Exploding , Influence , Oliver Darcy , New York , Companies , Decisions , Technology Policy Reporter For Axios , Break , Ashley , Back , Sex , Technology Reporter , Platform , Axios , Decision , Brand , Discrimination , Zero Tolerance , Zero , Bottom Line , Stops , Won T , Tolerance , Boycotts , Subscription Products , Revenue , Users , Add Ons , Projects , Ceo , It In Black And White , Anywhere , Mess , Dover , Buck , Elon , Mean , Journalists , Muscle , Quality , Owner , Degradation Of X , Surfacing , Experience , Tweets , Pan Out , Congress , Congressman Raskin , Action , Ranking Member , First , House Oversight , Plan , Roles , Colleagues , Executives , Letters , Hearing , Inaction , Laws , Tech Companies , Social Media , Issue , Hearings , Cycle , Amendment , Congregations , United Methodist Church , Divide , Issues , Churches , Disaffiliation , North Georgia , Chuch , Lgbtq Clear Gee , Strange Thenned , 70 , 261 , Same Sex Marriage , 2023 , August Of 2023 , 6000 , 2019 , 30000 , Rafael Romo , Atlanta , Denomination , Conference , Protestant Denominations , Splits , Reasons , Whether , In The End , Contention , Lgbtq , Gee , Favor , Role , Plans , Ap , 31 , December 31st , Members , Third , Sadness , Leadership , Vote , Umc , 700 , Many , Ones , Church , Peace Be With You , Workers , Crosshairs , Argument , Identity , Statement , United Mental Health Dift Church , Folks , Communities , Mission , Following , Beyond , Affiliation , 440 , Effect , May , Umc Split , 193 , Donald Trump , Texas , Campaigning , Anti Immigration Rhetetoric , Wewe Have Ea Team T , U S Mexico Border , Chicken , Prawn , Prawns , Chicken Wrong , Shellfish Allergy , Truffles , Season , Art , Bank , Relief , Trump , Border , Endorsement , Abbott , Stop , Campaign , Wasn T , Schedule , Holmes , Blue States , Boon , Graigrantso , Ships , Florida , Ron Desantis , Win , Efforts , Proposal , Awareness Toism , 2025 , Term , Office , Detentions , Agenda , Immigration , Deportations , Migrants , Escalation , Country , Detention Chasms , We Saw , Bu , Madwhat , 2016 , Situation , Borders , Election , Do Yo Down On , Vaccines , Kristen Holmes , Release E We Contitinue , Skrchlt , Ththe Break , Vaccccines Will L Be Expeditite Release , Hero , Rise , World War Ii , Gary Tuchman , Concentration Camp , Atrocities , 80 , 100th Birthday , Birthday , Army , Jewish Soldsoldier , Deploye Fight The Nazis , First Class , Hilbert , 100 , 21 , Infantry , Battle , Fast , Bulge , Battle Of The Bulge , Gunners , We Couldn T , Combat , Howitzer , France , Germany , 3 , Odor , Train Box Car , Noon And Night , 15 , Picture , Car , Box Car , The Box , Concentration Camps , Brothers , Scene , Liberators , Howard , Hill Bert , A ,

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