>> as i formrmer fbi agent and chairmrman of the hohouse intelligenence committttee i i ovoversight ofof all o of ouours intelligenence a agencies. mymy name is m mike rorodgers. i i had accessss t to classifif informrmation gaththered by ouo opereratives, pepeople who risk evererything f for the uniniteds and our r familieses. you don'n't know t their f face their nanames. you u don't knowow the r real l from the people whwho live theh fear and t the pressurure until. >> you wouould looook at me and a nice ladady y probably v very personon, very outgoining, an o wowoman who hahas a retitired ld goeses to church. but my life wawas nonot normal.. it w was a a lie. everyoyone thoughtht i was j ju momom. they n never knew w what i wasa actutually doioing.. becacause i i lied t to eveveryt who i was. fofor almost 3 32 years. but i dididn't do itit for the thrillll of it. i did it becausese i i h had to. >> octctober 19th,h, 1972, i be a wiwidow. afteter that, i madede it t to . i thought t about t it and i h spokoken f foreign lananguages, had d had ovoverseas, had a mas degree so i i decided to apppplr cicia. it was not that easy though. they wanted to make me into a secretary but i said no,o, i wanted to be a a case officer. i wantnted to do covovert operatioions. and eventuallyly, i became a ci officer r during thehe cold war. >> people e today don'n't rerea hohow serious s the cold w war really w was. i dodon't think k it's an exaggeraration that t our susur was atat stake. they w were antietethical l to e vavalues we heheld as a coununt. we were a a democracacy. ththey were tototalitariananism. we were fafaith. ththey were athiesm.m. so i it was a battlele. >> letet us bebe awarere thahat they prereach the suprememacy ye ststate declclare its op nip te ovover individidual man ---- al pepeoples on thehe eararth they the focucus of evil in the mode world. >> ronalald d reagan c called te evevil empire and d i don't tht that w was t too farfetchehed. a nucleaear threat w was real. inin our relatationship wiwith sosoviet unionon, we felt very ststrongly thahat we couldld hae over the edgdge. we almost t did. >> when itit comeses to nunucle or the t threat ofof i it, w why mamatters s is knowiwing what't yoyour adversaryry's game plpla. >> with h our policycy makakers operating g in the blilind if ththey're basing their dececisi on theheir feaears, their notiof ththe soviet u union that t wer valid, t that could d have been really dangerorous. so thehey neededed intelligegen the soviviet union a and we wert gegetting itit at t that time. because ouour r soviet operatit wewere obstrucucted by k kgb surveillanance. theyey were alwaways there. so our j job was t to get huhum sources under cocover on t the grouound in moscscow. so we e were lookingng allll ar the woworld for soviviet bararr crews whwho were vulnerarable tr approaoaches and brandisishment. who we thought we e could turn. we foundnd o one i in n bogotat. >> we became awarere of him through h a telelephone e tap pa hahad onon the soviet embassssy. >> he was doining things i in ba showowing ththat he mighght be vuvulnerable. >> he womaninize, he likiked paparties, he was fafast and lo with m money. > allll of f those ththings and clearlrly he was n not a a communisist. he was not a true believer. >> so we a arranged for a meeti with himim in the e turkish bab the hiltonon h hotel. >> we starteted talking g to hi. he wanted d a better life. hehe wanted toto do somemething he couould realllly bebelieve i. ideolologically hehe was cleara our r side. he did not like commmmunism. he believeved that thehe americ system w was superioior. alall ththose thinings kind of together. we realilized we couould make al with him and we did. and d that was a a fororeign m officicial from ththe soviet un. ththe first isissue thatat camee needed a a code nameme for him. certainly couldn't refer to him in the cable traffic as ogorodny. it would not be secure. right from the beginning he game trigon. we knew that he was scheduleded to rotate back to moscow in n a very s short time. that wasas going to be our p pa. ththat's wherere he was s going hahave the access that w was go toto make a lot t of d differen. but the big issue was s can we handle h him after h he returns home? > m moscow was coconsidered most difficult place in the world toto operatete. we had nevever d done e it b be. how cacan wewe opeperate i in m under ththe noses of the kgb without getting caughtht. in terms of risk, , it was lifi anand death. by 1974,4, we are recruited trigon, a foreign miministry official for the soviet union and he was schededuled to retur to m moscow we'v've got t him recruiteted but the issue is ca we handldle him m after he r re hope. >> moscow was considerered the most dififficult plalace i in t world to go out t and cocollect intelligenence from m agents on strereet. >> i in momoscow, yoyou've got ununderstand t the kgb was all powewerful. >> i spent almlmost 40 years in ththe kgkgb. mymy m most impoportant t job w wawatch my ownwn citizizens. i mean, disdents. people who were for some reason or another unhappy.. thatat was my job. and d moscow wasas a capapital country.y. the heheadquartersrs of the secy anand intetelligence. we had total control at t that time. >> the kgb ran that city. they h had virtutually unlimite resoururces. the numbmber of people that the threw atat us in terms of susurveillancece and tecechnica cocoverage wasas unbelelievable. >> thehe kgb kept anan eye o on foreigneners whoho came to moso plus the sovoviets who had contntacts with the forereign organinizations. total surveillllance of everyon. they were everywhere. they control every institututio. they had people in evevery housg block. > at the titime of the coldl ththe kgkgb b was really t the powerful orgrganization n in t world.d. >> so o once trigon went into o moscow he e was in a cooliling peririod. he's's being alelert to any indicacations he w was under suspicicion. we w wanted to d do that befefo ran the ririsk of actuallyly operatating with h him in momos he were capturured. it wasas a queuestion ofof surv. > welell, a all thehe traitoe soviviet system wowould be j ju sentenenced to death.. you wiwill not live anymore. >> it t was dadangerous for our peopople too b but we neededed intelligigence and t trigon was chance to show thahat t we coul operatate succesessfully in mos. to do that, wewe h had t to eva surveillanance and thehe o one that we hahad was to use a a wo. because e we knew that t the russiaians the notot usese wome dangerouous operatioions themse. >> there were no women in my titime in the sosoviet intelell or counterinintelligencece. they w were techninical persono provoviding documements, making copieses. picking g up lunch foror you. women wewere thougught to nonot reliliable s so ththey would pi only m men. no women. >> we thouought let't's s use t mamale chauvininism agaiainst t. let't's fifind the r right woma. someonone who is b bright and didisciplined d and d tough and can n learn tradade craft and b burieded deeplply insiside the embassy inin moscow w under dee cover anand ththat was marty.. >> i in 197575, i was traineded the hot susummer of washington d.c.c. and i tooook russssian langnguage. i lelearned how to spopot susurveillancece on the street. i i took covert pictctureses. >> shehe was a a naturalal. she hahad a realal apt attitudu clanandestine trtrade crafaft. >> during mymy trainining, i re abouout trigigon. in the filile i remember readin ththat tririgon belilieved he c change hisis system frfrom witi. i think k deep down in my y hea really belieieved that i could that too. because atat that timeme, the mn cia werere the case officers. theyey were the peopople in the field bubut i knew i c could do well as anyoyone elslse. >> s she was thehe first woman we had assssigned behihind t th curtrtain. marty was the breaeak througugh. > thehen n it becamame showo i becameme the pererson i hahad traiained myseself to be when i arrived i in moscow in novembmber 5th, 191975, as t th luftansa a airplane e landnded,s coldld a and the snow was pilel onon the side e of t the runway when thehey openeded the door i onon my heavy cocoat and i i l out at thehe front of the aiair and i thouought you have comommd yourseself to two years hehere working g by youourself doining secret w work onon the s streete heart ofof mososcow. in t the h heart of the world o communisism. ohoh, what havave i done?? >> i is ukukraine goining g to war? 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(♪♪) (♪♪) the new festive family meal. starting at $24. now celebrating at el pollo loco. >> in 197575 i was assssigned t moscow t to wowork with a covev agent cacalled trigogon. bubut first t i hahad to estaba myselflf as a a low lelevel l admiministrativeve person wiwite embassy. i wewent to my housese. ty bouought a cacar. i didid whatevever it t was thag wowomen n in moscow w would dod thatat was the r role i wantede sesell to o my c colleagues in embabassy as welell as to anany watching m me combroutut side oe embassssy. becacause i i knew that ththe k could be a anyone therere. > kgb surveillalance lookede ordidinary russians.s. they hadad a good d mix of y yo old, welell dressesed, bum like peoplele. they m made a poinint ofof m mi ththe profile e to make e it h geget t a fifix on thehem. >> w while the kgbgb couldld be anyoyone, yoyou knowow, thatat matttter of mama'am nanation. kgb provovide these e people w all ththe necessarary equipmene camouf camouflagege. no proroblem. > the kgbgb owneded the city. and d they folollowed eveveryon eveverywhere. so i d didn't wantnt to be anyo anyoyone nototiced. so t that no one suspecteded th wawas eventutually g going to w with trigogon. but i alsoso was jufufrs t tryi be w who i w was.. you u have to prpresent a peper ththat you canan sustain and i party mamarty. i dranank beer a and enjoyoyed social s scene in moscow. that's w what t filled the kgb camerara. i was s selling thatat r role t. and that t took mamaybe three o fofour mononths. > mararty w was comomfortabl moscow s so we r realized that was the e time t to bebegin opo. let's s see if they will ignore her. if t they will undererestimate . if they wiwill n not as yoyou al her.r. was s we -- surveil her.r. wewe neeeeded sosomebody to geg as we e call i it. >> going black in momoscow meae that you get o out withoutut susurveillancece f following yo. soso to veverify that i wawas w survrveillance f following m me worere my sr 0100 radio o recei of the siningle radidio o frequ the kgb b surveillanance teams to commumunicate betetween themselveses. i i had a wirereless ear piece.. and d i would lilisten as i i d away frorom the embassssy. and whenen i was with a a man n coululd hear on my sr 100 as th kgkgb repoported to o one anano locacation of this manan b but went outut by y myself i would absolutelyly nothing.. they werere not t following g m. the main form ofof communicacat in moscow w was a dedead drop,p precasased hiding g place where agent cacan put downwn a cononc packagage, mark a signal and th the otother comes s and pipickse package and d marks a signal to inindicate thehe p package wasa recovevered. the e choice to use it avoidedee risksk of f having two people togethther at any point bubut t ststill have t to be d done ext discscreetly and cararefully. it's life and d dedeath. pepeople get k kill canneded on sides. >> in ordeder r to m make deada you haveve to o show u up p at n plplace at a certatain timime. knowining g that tririgon would have a a s schedule ofof delive the only thing we e could determrmine to do o was drop a concealeled message inside a a cigarerette lilighter through h fly y window o of his cacar. in the lighthter there w was a schedule o of drops and lolocat whwhere he wouould find his nex drops. putting a a drop into an agent' car is morore dangerouous becau that car has a an identitity attachched to itit.. you u can look at the license e and lookok it up and sayay trig owns that t car. trigon's c car was pararked in t of an n apartment buildingng an therere were alwlways peoplele the street. and it wasas so vevery s scary. like walkiking on lighted stage. -- t the ligighted stage. you u knew everyrybody was w wa you. >> i was next to a a cia cov agent's s car and there wewere always p people out on the stre. it was so veryry scacary becaus that c car hasas an n identity attatached to it. you can n look at the e license and lolook i it upup a and say owns that t car. but t i leleaned up p against t and i justst tucucked it in tha littlele front windodow. when i p put the lighthter in t car, i heard the lighthter fallo the flfloor r and i knew h he w find it. we knenew thatat t trigon ththe bebegin n to communinicate regu with us. >> therere were an a awful lot pepeople that did not belilievet women bebelonged in n this busi. but t marty was ththe perfecect chchoice. she wawas a tough, disiscipline superb c case offificer. her trtrade craft was impeccaba. shshe was the e right persrson right titime. >> before trtrigon retururned te sosoviet unionon, he asked whet wewe would providede him leteth pills s for him m to havave ando commmmit suicidede in the eventt he wasas arresteted. because he knew w he would f fa long a and brutal ininterrogati and hehe did not w want to h ha do thahat. >> we wewere takaken aback by t. we dididn't wantnt t to be part potential suicidide soso we e p off. he b became veryry insnsistent. >> i d don't thinknk we had d a chchoice. we dididn't want t to lolose hi. we had to o proceed becacause t was a veryry valaluable operati. >> the f first packakage we dev to p provide to o trigon wasas may y 1st.t. >> w we have a varietyty of coconcealment devices s which c lookok like a piecece ofof bric dead bird or dog -- somemething ththat can lieie thehere witith attractiting attentition.. i wowould put ththat packagege o a a lamp pole.e. trigonon would havave a a sketc that arerea and knowow the numu the lalamp pole was. then i wouould leave the area a he wouldld come anand d pick th. anand insidede wouould be ththe materials.s. the e package contaiained a bla fountain p pen which h had the reservoioir of p pussen in the barrelel. -- poioison in the b barrel. and d then a seconond black k fn pen n where e he hadad his mini camerara. the sisite was along a road tha ran through a park. i got to wherere i was to plpla hihis papackage and i sasaw no i put t the packagage down and walkeded them m to the embmbass. an hour r later, t trigon camem come pick upup the packagege. i was relieveded that t we had ththrough h on t that t promise. nonow w trigon hadad the l pill the pen anand the e camera in i he couldld start to communicica with us regulalarly. trigon wororked inin c classifi areaeas in the minisistry ofof n affairirs where he saw all the telegramams sent frorom every yt embassssy around t the wororld could phototograph t the dococu riright there in hisis offffice his s miniature cacamera. >> it wawas s indescribabable w firsrst got t our packckages fr trigon. he was producicing intntelligen thatat went t right toto t the presesident's dedesk. that went t right to t the secry of statate henry kisseninier.. theyey recovereded what they we gegetting fromom trigon. it was right o on tatarget f fo most s serious concernrns abouo soviet union. >> o only from a p position of ststrength canan we e negotiate babalanced agrgreement to limit growthth of nucleaear arms. anand d minimize thehe t threat nuclclear confnfrontation.n. >> a at the timeme the sovoviet and the u.s. werere lockcked in dreaeadful conflflict overer nu weapons. >> we wewere tryining g to engn ararms controlol talalks. we werere fighghting for ourur cocountry's secucurity. > even n with treataties, pe still had a a button to push if ththings got to that p point. so what's inin your adversary'y mind w was highlhly importrtant when you're gagaining the intetelligence f from m covert about ththat adversaryry then ye got the e advantagage. and he could read what the ambassador from the soviet union in washington d.c. was saying about his meetinings with amerin officials.s. >> whahat are theieir negotitia posititions, arms cocontrol, ho much can we trusust themem?? is h he repoporting acaccuratel to mososcow or notot?? trigigon ansnswered all those quesestions for r us. and ouour businessss g got beten that.. we really struck gold with trigonon in moscow. trigon and i never m met. bubut i remembmber o once e i w put dodown a p package in the w and i lookoked up p and a longn away like e across two strtreet there wawas a man ststanding th. and d i thoughght that's trigog wawaiting fofor ththe e deliver package.e. he's as curious as i was. i knewew i couldld n not leave package e there on thehe ground wiwithout watctching it so i s downwn in a bush andnd i d drew legs u up close e under me a an waiteded for him to come into t woods. asas h he walked dowown n the p was about four f feet t away fr me. my heaeart stoppeded when i sas asas i was afraid he w would se sitting g there in t the busushe did nonot see me. he walked to the packakage.. he picicked it u up anand d lef papackage in t the same plplace me. and that n night i w was as s co him m as i would ever r be. >> w we were rununning, trigigoa littttle o over two years. it was u unbelievablbly prododu. until abouout the spriring of 7. >> in apriril, i i went to picka dead d drop asas i i alwlways de same p place n near ththe lamp . nonothing g seemed differentnt ththat drop soso i i put t the downwn for trigon.n. and then, wewell, i had beenen instructcted after an hour or s to go back a and c check t to m susure he'd pipicked it up.. the package e i puput t down. wawas still there. itit was devevastating.. you know. then we e had toto sayay w what happenened. whwhy wasn't he there? yoyou u know? is he e sick or r is s somethin hahappened to him. >> who k knows. there arare a lot of innnnocent reasonons why he m might havaved the dead drop.p. but we werere veryry worrieded trigon was gone. >> trigon n was exextremely wew placed s sitting thehere in tht sosoviet foreieign m ministry i americican sectition with acces the commununications. to see the qualility of the intetelligence t that he wasas o provovide to us.s. it was m mind boggling. it was a a very y effefective, efficienent operatioion. untitil he misissed a dead dror. whateverer it was ththat happen it r really was s kind o of suspiciousus. we werere hoping a against hopot ththe opereration wawas still v. we werere not reready to give e trigon.. this w was a very y valuable opereration. we did not want t to lose it by seseeing g ghosts or seeing pros thatat did not reaeally y exist. so we had to go forwarard. >> he alalways had a schchedule seseveral dropops many monthths the roadad. so he hahad the e next schededu drop. . >> this s next d drop p we w we itit knowing t that there e cou problelems. but t we r really had toto proc. > it was julyly 15th, i i le apartment about 7:00 o o'clock ththat nigight. i wawas to arrive atat thehe dep sisite at 10:00 o'clock.k. the e dead drop locacation was supppposed to o be on n the bri ovover moscow w river on a a ra bridge ovever moscow. before i went --ty drove for go and a hahalf h hours around d m. i was wewearing the sr 100 to me sure t that i i had nono one fog me. about 9:00 o o'clock i p parkedi walklked throughgh the park. i ststopped. i sat t on p park k bencnches. i lookoked a around. i saw no s surveillancnce. i wawalked u up p to t the rail bridge w where the sitite was locacated. and d i saw acroross the street three men.n. theyey turned and walked i into path that t headed intnto the cemetery.. i ththought, w well, thehey y m jujust casualsls out for a walk. so i c continued to the e brine. i wawalked up the 47, , 48 s st the top of the bridge.e. i turned and walalked on t the pedestrianan walkway to ththe cr of thehe tower. whwhere i totook the packakage my pursese and s slid it into a narrow window to my right. and i listened and looked to see whether anyone was around. and i i saw w no onene. i returneded bacack througugh h tower r and backck down the sta. i i was s about the e fourth fr bottom whehen those e three e m apappeared a again walking acro the street at quitite a pace.. ththe middlemaman saying fan ou she doesn'n't rurun. ththe two fellllows grababbed m the arms. i had not t been grabbeded liket sincnce i was 4 years old. > were you scarared? >> no. >> reaeally? >> i w was angryry. i kicked.. yelllled. i i grabbed d my p purse. and asas i did, i drdrove e the hand into where the sr 1 100 wa hohooked o on eveventually theh ththe very well crow undone and the srsr 10000 wasas out. by thihis time, a vavan had com frfrom undererneath the railror bridge witith all thesese peopl pilingng out of ththe van. one of t them was a phphotograp withth a big camera and a big flash. theyey then n put meme into the and we droveve away. we drove to the biananca prisos. not t a plplace anany y cicia o wants s to be goining into the door. >> the kgbgb buiuilding g was nonotorious inin some ways beca therere was s a jail foror wher tortured people,e, you know, sometimemes s killed thehem. >> i i walalked into the interrogogation room. it wasas a large t table with t microphohones sittining up in t middlele of the tablble. they p put thehe d dead drop d the middlele of ththe table e o piece e of pravda nenewspaper. theyey then bebegan the inteterrogation.n. the chieief inteterrogator wasa very a angry mididdle aged man.. he w was the onlnly one e that appeared a as we got furthther thisis that knewew anything abo trigon o or the arrest.. and i totold them m i knew noth about it. afafter about t an houour thene opopened the d dead drdrop whih there inin the m middle e of th table.e. and stararted tataking the itett ofof the dead d drop.. one e of the itemsms was a b bl pen. i i knew that black pen had a camera in it. but the chief interrogogator la the pen aside up on the corner of the papaper. and he s said no one touch this. i sasat therere and d remembere gave trigon n a black k fountain which hahad the reservrvoir of poison i in the barrel.. the e l pill for him to use.e. anand it bececame very clelear he thoughtht this pen had ththe poison i in it therere as well. i'm thinkiking this is not good. somemething awfuful has s happe trigonon. 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(♪♪) (♪♪) the new festive family meal. starting at $24. now celebrating at el pollo loco. the safety sigignal l i alw had was s to show upup a at a c plplace atat a cerertain time ai didndn't show upup thehen, theh trououble. ththat night of f course i didn show up p because i had d been ararrested. and d i i spent that night bein interrogogated but for t trigon safetyty, i told them ababsolut nothining. nothining that c could i incrim him. and d then a after a long time sasaid becausese i was an amere working inin the e embassy, , y leave.e. persrsona nongraras at thahat t out of the countryry they woulu nenever r let me back.k. i would nenever go.. > when i i walked into the u.s.s.s.r. desk onon t that t s morning,g, everybobody was cryi. anand i learnened that marty ha been a ambushed. i knknew i instantly as s every else did whahat that meaeant. >> the kgb a already knenew in advance e when and w where thatd drop wasas to o take place. ththe only wayay they coululd ht upup thahat ambubush is if theh prior knowledge.e. that m meant that ththey hadad trtrigon's commumunications s cd meant t they had trigon. >> the souource rereported to u june 20th h the kgb wentnt into trigonon's apartmement and they arresteded h him. and hehe said d i will provivid with a full wrwritten repoport t whatat i have done, , a confess. hehe said d get me a a pad of p. ththey handed hihim the papeper his s pen.n. he began t to writite and d the bit downwn on the barrrrel of t pen n which h had d the rereser poison i in the barrrrel. and he expxpired right befefore their eyes. i cannot imaginene t the strtref that man to commit that suicide there. with everybody watching him. >> that was devastating. it was like a death in the familyly. everybody y was s crying. i i was crying. i i was cryingng. i rereally c can't e explain t hohow profofound t that moral obligationon is that we feel to our r agents to do everyththing our r power to p protect t that peperson. the kgb b found d out about tri and whwhat was probably the wow possible w way.. we belieieve that trtrigon wasa betrayed b by someone e who was workining for the cia. that's's heartbreaeaking.. >> y you knonow, when n i was s arrested, i i didn't knonow howy found d out about t trigon.. and d i haveve to tetell you ev thouough intelellectually i knk that it was nonot sosomething i dodone, i i will nevever be rer because i was charged with prototecting hisis safetety. thatat's what i committeted mys to doioing. >> legacy of a trigon cacase is veryry clelear. we madade history.y. inin that operatation. by f for the f first t time e ha wellll placed agent in moscow itselflf. wewe had notot donone that befo. trigonon was the begininning oft tuturned out to be a golden n af inintelligencece in momoscow. and secondlyly we made hisistor usining a a woman for this danas operatioion. itit was a w whole new era at t cia a after r marty y peterson.. sterereo types a and barrierers broken d down. the cia begagan a much widerer effective use of womenen in the cicia. i ofteten ththink of her as a pioneer.r. she was s a superb c case e off. a a role model for all o of us follllowed men a and women.. i ththink we werere all morere susuccessful i in our crafaft t lookining at what t marty hahad under r difficult cicircumstanc. and shshe did it so professiononally. shshe did it s so o successfulu. i think ththat's goingng to be mamarty's lelegacy.. >> i i am prououd of whahat t wd in mososcow. and dedespite beining ararreste despite the notoriety because of the trigon operation, i contininued to worork very succccessfully for 32 years as covert cia

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Way ,Nobody ,Because ,Projections ,Overerarching Feelining ,Ken Gau In Discourse ,World ,Of Pololitics ,Conversasations Withth People W ,Anand Ththat ,Matter ,Opinions ,It ,People ,Life ,Jew ,Consumume Everydayay L ,Id Don T Thinknk ,Violence ,Agent ,Intelligenence Committttee ,Chairmrman ,Hohouse ,Fbi ,Dr ,Ovoversight ,Accessss T ,Agencies ,Don N T ,Ouours Intelligenence ,Risk Evererything F ,Ouo Opereratives ,Pepeople ,Mymy Name ,Familieses ,M Mike Rorodgers Ii ,Classifif Informrmation Gaththered ,Uniniteds ,Whwho Live Theh Fear And T ,Nanames ,You U Don T Knowow ,Pressurure ,Wouould Looook ,Who ,Ladady ,Very Personon ,O Wowoman ,My Life Wawas Nonot Normal ,Ld Goeses To Church ,Hahas A Retitired ,Very Outgoining ,It W ,Aa Lie ,Becacause Ii Lied T To Eveveryt ,Everyoyone Thoughtht ,Ju Momom ,Actutually Doioing ,Thrillll ,Do Itit ,Becausese Iih ,Trigog Wawaiting Fofor ,3 ,32 ,It T To ,Wiwidow ,H ,Octctober 19th ,Afteter ,1972 ,19 ,Ronalald D ,Ih Spokoken F ,Mas Degree ,Apppplr Cicia ,Ovoverseas ,Foreign Lananguages ,O ,Officer ,Covovert Operatioions ,Case ,Secretary ,The Cold W War Really ,People E ,Ci Officer ,Don N T Rerea Hohow ,Eventuallyly ,Cold War ,Coununt ,Our Susur ,Exaggeraration ,Antietethical L ,We Heheld ,Atat Stake ,They W ,Tototalitariananism ,Athiesm M ,Fafaith ,Aa Democracacy ,Ththey Hadad Trtrigon ,Ye Ststate Declclare ,Battlele ,Bebe Awarere Thahat ,Al Pepeoples ,Nip Te Ovover Individidual Man ,Letet ,Suprememacy ,Di Don T Tht That W ,Reagan C ,Evil ,Te Evevil Empire ,Thehe Eararth ,Focucus ,Too Farfetchehed ,Nucleaear Threat W ,We Couldld Hae ,Wiwith Sosoviet Unionon ,Nonotorious Inin ,Ststrongly Thahat ,Edgdge ,Relatationship ,Mamatters S ,Nunucle ,Few ,Threat ,Game Plpla ,What T Yoyour Adversaryry ,Itit Comeses ,Notiof Ththe ,Soviet U Union ,Blilind ,P Ththey ,Thehey Neededed Intelligegen ,Policycy Makakers Operating G ,Dececisi ,Dangerorous ,Wer Valid ,Theheir Feaears ,At T ,Gegetting Itit ,Soviviet Union A ,Operatit Wewere Obstrucucted By K ,Kgb Surveillanance ,Soviet ,Ouour ,Theyey ,Alwaways ,We E ,Job ,Sources ,Moscscow ,Crews Whwho ,Cocover On T The Grouound ,Vulnerarable Tr Approaoaches ,Brandisishment ,Soviviet Bararr ,Lookingng Allll Ar ,The Woworld ,Telelephone E ,One I In N Bogotat ,We Foundnd ,Pa ,Awarere ,One ,He Mighght Be Vuvulnerable ,Showowing Ththat ,Things ,Lo With M Money ,Soviet Embassssy ,He Womaninize ,Hahad Onon ,He Likiked Paparties ,Fafast ,Ththings ,Believer ,Not Aa Communisist ,Clearlrly ,Meeti ,Allll ,Toto ,Side ,We Starteted Talking G ,Do Somemething ,Bebelieve I Ideolologically Hehe ,Cleara Our ,Da Better Life ,He Couould Realllly ,Hi ,Turkish Bab ,Himim ,Hiltonon H Hotel ,D ,Fororeign M Officicial ,Thehe Americ System W ,Commmmunism ,Alall Ththose Thinings ,Superioior ,Isissue Thatat Camee ,Couldn T ,Cable Traffic ,Ththe Soviet Un ,Ogorodny ,Code Nameme ,Somemething Ththat ,Wasas ,Going Hahave The Access That W ,Game Trigon ,P Pa ,Wherere ,Scheduleded ,Home ,Issue ,Lot T Of D Differen ,Place ,M Moscow ,Kgb ,Terms ,It B ,Nevever D ,Opeperate I In M ,Risk ,Toto Operatete ,Cacan Wewe ,Noses ,Getting Caughtht ,Lifi ,Anand Death ,T Trigon ,Miministry ,19744 ,Official ,Got T ,Moscow ,Hope ,Schededuled ,I In T World To Go Out ,Considerered ,Him Recruiteted ,Dififficult Plalace ,Momoscow ,Yoyou ,Ununderstand T The Kgb ,Cocollect Intelligenence ,On Strereet ,Powewerful ,40 ,Mymy M ,Reason ,Another ,Job W Wawatch ,Ththe Kgkgb ,Impoportant ,My Ownwn Citizizens ,Disdents ,Control ,Heheadquartersrs ,Anand Intetelligence ,Capapital Country Y ,D Moscow Wasas ,The City ,Secy ,Susurveillancece ,Anan Eye O ,They H ,Numbmber ,Thehe Kgb ,Atat Us ,On Foreigneners Whoho ,Tecechnica Cocoverage Wasas Unbelelievable ,Virtutually Unlimite Resoururces ,The Sovoviets ,Surveillllance ,Everywhere ,Everyon ,Moso Plus ,Forereign Organinizations ,Institututio ,Titime ,Powerful Orgrganization N In T World D So O ,Coldl Ththe Kgkgb B ,Evevery Housg Block ,Seconond Black K Fn Pen N Where E He Hadad ,O Moscow ,He S ,Cooliling Peririod ,Thehe Traitoe Soviviet System Wowould ,Indicacations He W ,We W ,Momos ,It Wasas ,Actuallyly Operatating ,Queuestion Ofof Surv ,Suspicicion ,Welell ,Befefo Ran The Ririsk ,Capturured ,Death ,It T ,We Neededed Intelligigence ,Peopople Too B ,Ju Sentenenced ,The ,Wewe H ,Thahat T ,Aa ,O One ,Eva Surveillanance ,Mos ,We Coul Operatate Succesessfully ,Women ,Sosoviet Intelell ,Techninical Persono ,Operatioions Themse ,Counterinintelligencece ,Wome Dangerouous ,Russiaians ,Notot Usese ,Woma ,Men ,Lunch ,Pi ,Women Wewere Thougught ,We Thouought ,Making Copieses ,Nonot Reliliable ,Provoviding Documements ,Someonone ,Tough ,Inin Moscow W ,Didisciplined D And ,The Embassy ,Deeplply Insiside ,Agaiainst T Let S Fifind ,Mamale Chauvininism ,Tradade Craft And B Burieded ,Cover ,Hot Susummer ,Spopot Susurveillancece ,Traineded ,Washington ,Russssian Langnguage ,Dcc ,197575 ,She Hahad ,Street Ii ,Clanandestine Trtrade Crafaft ,Mymy Trainining ,Realal ,Shehe ,Covert Pictctureses ,Aa Naturalal ,Apt Attitudu ,Readin Ththat ,Deep Down In My Y Hea ,Abouout Trigigon ,Tririgon Belilieved ,Filile ,He C Change Hisis System Frfrom Witi ,Ic ,Peopople ,Case Officers ,Bubut ,Timeme ,Mn Cia Werere ,Anyoyone Elslse ,Assssigned Behihind T ,Woman ,T Marty ,Breaeak Througugh ,Th Curtrtain ,Becamame Showo ,Thehen N ,I Hahad ,Traiained Myseself ,Pererson ,Side E Of T ,Snow ,Runway ,Coldld ,Pilel Onon ,Novembmber 5th ,T Th Luftansa A Airplane E Landnded ,5 ,191975 ,Hehere Working G ,Thehey Openeded ,Iil Out At Thehe Front ,My Heavy Cocoat ,Aiair ,Comommd Yourseself ,Two ,Youourself Doining Secret W ,Work Onon ,Ofof Mososcow ,Streete Heart ,In T The H Heart Of World O Communisism ,Ohoh ,War ,Ukukraine Goining G ,Music ,Pork Carnitas ,El Pollo Loco ,Power ,Thing ,Wifi ,Homework ,Book ,Battery Back Up ,Problem ,Power Outages ,Data ,Xfinity ,Xfinity 10g Network ,10 ,4 ,Family Meal ,24 ,Assssigned T Moscow To Wowork ,Cacalled Trigogon ,Ti Hahad ,Person Wiwite Embassy ,Covev ,To Estaba Myselflf ,Admiministrativeve ,Whatevever It T ,Thag Wowomen N In Moscow W ,Dod Thatat ,Role ,Ty Bouought A Cacar ,I Wantede Sesell ,My Housese ,Anyone ,Oe Embassssy ,Ththe K ,C Colleagues ,Therere ,Me Combroutut ,Alwlways Peoplele ,M Mi Ththe Profile E ,Poinint Ofof ,Mix ,Surveillalance ,Lookede Ordidinary Russians S ,Y Yo Old ,Bum ,Welell Dressesed ,People W ,Yoyou Knowow ,Fifix On Thehem ,Kgbgb Couldld Be Anyoyone ,Kgb Provovide ,Thatat Matttter ,Mama Am Nanation ,Eveveryon Eveverywhere ,Camouf Camouflagege ,Necessarary Equipmene ,No Proroblem ,Kgbgb Owneded ,Didn T Wantnt ,Jufufrs T Tryi Be W ,Trigogon ,Wawas Eventutually G ,No One ,Anyo Anyoyone Nototiced ,Suspecteded ,Beer A ,Peper Ththat ,Enjoyoyed Social S Scene In Moscow ,Mamarty ,Who Iw ,You Canan ,Prpresent ,Kgb Camerara ,Selling Thatat ,What T ,Role T ,Fofour Mononths ,Three ,Comomfortabl Moscow S ,Mararty W ,Yoyou Al Her R Was S ,Wiwill N ,Undererestimate ,Bebegin Opo ,Neeeeded Sosomebody To Geg ,Susurveillancece F ,Her R Wewe ,Following Yo ,Withoutut ,Momoscow Meae ,I Wawas W ,Suicidide Soso ,Kgb B Surveillanance ,Me Worere My Sr ,Veverify ,Radio O Recei ,Siningle ,Radidio O Frequ ,0100 ,Aa Man N Coululd ,Di Will Provivid ,Ear Piece ,Whenen ,Themselveses Ii ,Commumunicate Betetween ,Would Lilisten ,Away Frorom ,Iid ,Manan B ,Kgkgb Repoported ,Anano Locacation ,100 ,Nothing ,Absolutelyly ,Following G M The Main ,Dedead Drop ,Ofof Communicacat In Moscow W ,Ith ,Put T The Downwn For Trigon N ,Hiding G ,Cononc Packagage ,Agent Cacan ,Otother Comes S ,Pipickse ,Mark A Signal ,P Precasased ,Marks A ,Inindicate Thehe ,Point Bubut T Ststill Have To Be D ,Choice ,Avoidedee Risksk ,Package Wasa Recovevered ,Ext Discscreetly ,Pepeople Get K ,D Dedeath ,Kill Canneded On Sides ,Cararefully ,Knowining G ,Deada ,Up P At N Plplace ,You Haveve To O Show ,Ordeder ,Certatain Timime ,Aas Schedule Ofof Delive ,Drops ,Inside Aa ,Schedule O ,Lighthter There W ,Lolocat Whwhere ,His Cacar ,Concealeled ,Cigarerette Lilighter ,Car ,Aa Drop ,License E ,Morore Dangerouous Becau ,This ,To Itit ,He Wouould ,Identitity Attachched ,Nex ,It Up ,The Street ,Sayay Trig ,T Car ,C Car Was Pararked In T Of An N Apartment Buildingng Therere ,Stage ,Everyrybody ,Walkiking ,Wa You ,Scary ,Ligighted Stage ,Cia ,Attatached ,Say ,Stre ,Scacary Becaus That C Car Hasas An N ,License ,There Wewere ,Upup ,Lighthter In T Car ,Lip ,Ti Leleaned Up P ,Front Windodow ,Tha Littlele ,Tucucked ,Ways Beca Therere ,Lot ,U S ,He ,Trigon Ththe Bebegin N ,We Knenew Thatat ,Communinicate Regu ,Lighthter Fallo ,Flfloor ,Belilievet Women Bebelonged In N This Busi ,Shshe ,Disiscipline Superb C ,Case Offificer ,Trtrade Craft ,Persrson Right Titime ,Perfecect Chchoice ,Impeccaba ,Leteth Pills S ,Whet Wewe ,Sosoviet Unionon ,Trtrigon Retururned ,Fa ,He Wasas Arresteted ,Commmmit Suicidede ,Eventt ,Havave ,Brutal Ininterrogati ,We Ep Off ,We Wewere Takaken Aback By T Dididn Wantnt ,Do Thahat ,He B ,Veryry Insnsistent ,Becacause T ,We Dididn T Want ,Veryry Valaluable Operati ,Packakage We Dev To P ,Da Chchoice ,Lolose Hi ,Coconcealment ,Witith Attractiting Attentition ,Trigon Wasas May Y 1st T W ,Which ,Dog ,Ofof Bric ,1 ,Arerea ,Lamp Pole E Trigonon ,Lieie Thehere ,Numu The Lalamp Pole ,Havave Aa Sketc ,Packagege Oaa ,Pen ,Area A ,Ththe Materials S The E ,Anand D ,Bla Fountain P ,Reservoioir ,Pick Th ,Package Contaiained ,Anand Insidede Wouould ,P Pussen ,Road ,Mini Camerara ,Barrelel ,B Barrel ,Sisite ,Tha Ran Through A Park ,Poioison ,Walkeded Them M ,Packagage ,Packagege ,Plpla Hihis Papackage ,T Trigon Camem Come Pick Upup ,Embmbass ,Trigon Hadad ,Ththrough H On T ,Nonow W ,Pill ,T Promise ,Anand The E ,Trigon Wororked ,Classifi Areaeas ,Inin C ,Communicica ,Regulalarly ,Minisistry Ofof N Affairirs ,Phototograph T ,His S Miniature Cacamera ,Embassssy Around T The Wororld ,Dococu Riright ,Telegramams ,Frorom ,Hisis Offffice ,It Wawas ,Indescribabable W ,Intntelligen Thatat ,Packckages Fr Trigon ,Secry ,Toto T The Presesident S Dedesk ,Most ,Gegetting Fromom Trigon ,Tatarget F ,Serious ,Position ,Fo ,Concernrns Abouo ,Theyey Recovereded ,Ststrength Canan ,Ap ,Statate ,Henry Kisseninier ,Babalanced Agrgreement ,Thehe T ,Growthth ,Nucleaear Arms ,Nuclclear Confnfrontation ,Werere Lockcked ,We Wewere Tryining G ,Ourur Cocountry ,Dreaeadful Conflflict Overer ,Engn Ararms ,Nu Weapons ,Controlol Talalks ,We Werere Fighghting ,Even N ,P Point ,Aa Button ,Adversary Y ,Secucurity ,Treataties ,Tape ,Mind W ,Ththat Adversaryry ,Highlhly Importrtant ,E Advantagage ,Meetinings ,Ambassador ,Amerin Officials S Whahat ,Arms Cocontrol ,Negotitia Posititions ,Washington D C ,Repoporting Acaccuratel ,Is H ,Ouour Businessss G ,Quesestions ,Gold ,Notot ,Got Beten ,Trigigon Ansnswered ,Trigonon In Moscow ,Package ,Bubut I Remembmber O ,Up P ,Longn ,Eiw ,Ththe E ,Package E He ,Man Ststanding Th ,Di Thoughght That ,Couldld N ,Package E ,Ground Wiwithout Watctching ,He Walked Dowown N The P ,Asas H ,Waiteded ,Legs ,Bush Andnd Id ,T Woods ,Four ,Heaeart Stoppeded ,He W ,Plplace ,Sas Asas ,Lef Papackage ,Sitting G There In T ,Busushe ,Nonot ,Him ,Co ,Night Iw ,Trigigoa Littttle O Over ,Rununning ,Ii ,Picka Dead D ,Unbelievablbly Prododu ,Abouout The Spriring Of 7 ,Apriril ,7 ,Differentnt Ththat ,Alwlways De Same P Place N ,Nonothing G ,Wewell ,Drop Asas ,Ththe Lamp ,Beenen Instructcted ,Ei Puput T Down ,C Check T ,Sayay W ,Whwhy Wasn T ,M Susure ,Pipicked ,What Happenened ,Devevastating ,Worrieded Trigon ,He M ,Somethin Hahappened ,Werere Veryry ,Havaved ,Drop P ,Innnnocent Reasonons ,Who K ,Trigon N ,Sitting Thehere ,Tht Sosoviet Foreieign M Ministry I Americican Sectition ,Exextremely Wew ,Us S It ,Intetelligence T ,Commununications ,Acces ,Qualility ,Efficienent Operatioion ,He Wasas O Provovide ,Mind Boggling ,Y Effefective ,Of Suspiciousus ,Hopot Ththe ,Opereration Wawas ,Whateverer ,Still V We Werere ,Untitil ,Dead Dror ,He Misissed ,This W ,Give E Trigon ,Valuable Opereration ,Pros ,Ghosts ,Seseeing ,Reaeally Y Exist ,Forwarard ,He Alalways ,Seseveral Dropops ,Monthths ,Roadad ,Schchedule ,We Itit Knowing T ,There E ,Apartment ,Cou Problelems ,Toto Proc ,Ii Le ,Julyly 15th ,00 ,15 ,O Clock K The E ,Bri Ovover Moscow W ,Supppposed To O Be On N ,Dead Drop Locacation ,Dep Sisite ,Ththat Nigight ,River On Aa Ra ,M I ,Hahalf H ,Bridge Ovever Moscow ,Ty Drove For Go ,Protect T ,Fog ,Nono One ,Parkedi ,Walklked Throughgh The Park ,On P Park K Bencnches ,9 ,Up P To T The Rail Bridge W ,S Surveillancnce ,Locacated ,Saw Acroross ,Sitite ,Walk ,Path ,Ym Jujust Casualsls Out ,E Brine ,W Well ,Intnto The Cemetery ,Bridge E ,Walalked On T The Pedestrianan Walkway ,Thehe Tower ,Ththe Cr ,48 ,47 ,Saw W ,Right ,Window ,Packakage My Pursese ,No Onene ,Bacack Througugh H ,Backck ,Tower R ,Em Apappeared A Again Walking Acro ,Sta Ii ,Quitite A Pace ,Fellllows Grababbed M ,Ththe Middlemaman ,Fan Ou She Doesn N T Rurun ,Grabbeded Liket Sincnce ,I Drdrove E ,Asas ,P Purse ,Iw ,Scarared ,Reaeally ,Angryry ,Yelllled Ii ,On Eveventually Theh Ththe ,100 Wa Hohooked O ,Srsr 10000 Wasas Out ,Thihis Time ,Railror Bridge Witith ,Vavan ,Com Frfrom Undererneath ,10000 ,1 100 ,Phphotograp Withth ,Ththe Van ,Thesese ,Peopl Pilingng ,Big Flash ,Cicia O ,Theyey Then N Put Meme ,Biananca Prisos ,Goining ,Kgbgb Buiuilding G ,Door ,Jail Foror Wher ,Sometimemes S ,T Table ,Killed Thehem Ii Walalked ,Interrogogation Room ,Table Eo Piece E ,Dead Drop D ,Thehe D ,P Put ,Tablble ,T Middlele ,Middlele ,Pravda Nenewspaper ,Microphohones Sittining ,Onlnly One E ,Oman ,Inteterrogation ,Chieief Inteterrogator Wasa ,Angry Mididdle ,Furthther Thisis ,Abo Trigon O Or The Arrest ,Noth ,Mi ,Knewew ,Afafter About T ,The D ,The Dead D Drop ,Itett Ofof ,Th Table E ,Stararted Tataking ,Houour Thene Opopened ,Itemsms ,Bl Pen Ii ,Corner ,Papaper ,Chief Interrogogator La ,Sasat Therere ,Barrel ,Use E Anand It ,Poison ,Trigon Na Black K Fountain Which Hahad ,El Pill ,Remembere ,Reservrvoir ,Happe Trigonon ,Somemething Awfuful ,Businesses ,Internet ,Order ,Opportunity ,Prepaid Card ,Comcast Business ,Small Business Bonus ,Savvy ,Efficient ,1000 ,000 ,Business Internet ,Network ,Anyone Else ,Company ,Possibilities ,Business Today ,Yep ,Didndn T Show Upup Thehen ,Upup A ,Safety Sigignal Li Alw ,Ac Plplace Atat ,Theh Trououble ,Course ,Ththat Night ,Ararrested ,Night Bein Interrogogated ,Trigon Safetyty ,Ababsolut Nothining ,Dii ,Becausese ,Amere Working Inin The E Embassy ,Y Leave E Persrsona Nongraras ,Desk Onon T ,Countryry ,At Thahat T Out ,Everybobody ,Cryi ,Marty Ha ,Woulu Nenever ,Nenever Go ,Me Back K ,Usssr ,Thatd Drop Wasas ,Else ,Meaeant ,Theh ,Knowledge E That M ,Souource Rereported To U June 20th H ,Commumunications S Cd ,Upup Thahat Ambubush ,Arresteded H ,Wentnt Into Trigonon ,June 20th ,20 ,Ipad ,Wrwritten Repoport ,His S Pen ,A Confess ,Hihim The Papeper ,Bit Downwn ,Barrrrel Of T Pen N Which H ,Barrrrel ,Writite ,Imaginene T ,Suicide ,Eyes ,Strtref ,Everybody ,Familyly ,Everybody Y ,Crying Ii ,Hohow Profofound T ,Agents ,Rereally C ,Cryingng ,Moral Obligationon ,Someone E ,Kgb B ,Trtrigon Wasa ,Tri ,Whwhat ,Peperson ,Betrayed B ,That S ,Ni ,You Knonow ,Heartbreaeaking ,Ii Didn T Knonow Howy ,Thouough Intelellectually ,Nonot Sosomething ,To Tetell You ,Di Haveve ,Ii Will Nevever ,I Dodone ,To Doioing ,Prototecting Hisis Safetety ,Legacy ,We Madade History Y ,Operatation ,Inin ,Trigon Cacase ,Veryry Clelear ,Golden N ,Begininning Oft Tuturned Out ,Secondlyly ,Af Inintelligencece ,Moscow Itselflf ,Befo ,Notot Donone ,Hisistor Usining ,Barrierers Broken D ,Danas Operatioion ,At T Cia ,Marty Y Peterson ,Sterereo ,Case E ,Ofteten Ththink ,Womenen ,Use ,Cicia ,Pioneer R She ,Begagan ,O Successfulu ,Men A And Women ,Role Model ,Marty Hahad ,Morere Susuccessful ,Crafaft T Lookining ,Difficult Cicircumstanc ,Professiononally ,Follllowed ,Whahat T Wd In Mososcow ,Goingng ,Dedespite ,Beining Ararreste ,Lelegacy Ii Am Prououd ,Notoriety ,Trigon Operation ,

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