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situation unfolding in gaza as the intense fighting continues around gaza's biggest hospital. i speak to palestine's rest crescent society about the situation on the ground. plus -- >> pro-palestinian rallies, growing around the world, including a march outside of president biden's home in delaware. we look at the global demonstrations. u.s. women's soccer giant megan rapinoe put took her final bow. look at her swansong. live from cnn center, this is cnn newsroom . it's 5:00 a.m. here in atlanta. in gaza, another medical facility in gaza city is now out of service. that's according to a statement from the palestine red crescent . a seven hour corridor opened about three hours ago for people to evacuate to the south, especially from another health care institution . the route will stay open until 4:00 p.m. local time, about four hours from now. gaza's largest hospital has been caught four days in the middle of fierce fighting between israeli troops of hamas. there were some 20,000 people sheltered in and around the hospital. the situation is desperate. the hamas control health ministry said three newborn babies have died since friday night, after nearby shelley knocked out a generator supplying oxygen to the neonatal unit. gaza health official tells cnn the other infants were handcarried two operating rooms which still had oxygen. like other hospitals across the hospital, it's nearly out of food, water, messages and, fuel, and electricity. the staff, often working by flashlight. here is what the prime minister had to say saturday. >> [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> translator: is israeli harming forces have completed the encircling of the gaza strip. they are working inside the city, the outskirts of the hospital. akil 2000 terrace, including senior commanders who among those who lived this terrible massacre saturday, then 7th of october. >> authorities in egypt said they will open in the coming hours that people with passports can leave if they are on a preapproved list. there's a joint declaration accusing israel of committing war crimes and massacres in gaza. this is a result of the joint arab islamic extraordinary summit in riyadh saturday. the meeting ended with calls for an immediate cease-fire and rejection of israel's description of the war as self- defense. islamic lemurs are damning international criminal court investigate what it calls crimes against humanity in gaza. cnn correspondence a covering all the angles. more on the summit. let's begin with paul hancock, who has covered the middle east extensively as our correspondent. a dire situation, becoming worse by the hour. the biggest worry is for the youngest, most vulnerable like premature babies, and is there a plan to save them? what more are we learning? >> reporter: it's been described as a catastrophic situation that is simply getting worse. at this point, what we have heard from inside the hospital, the largest hospital in gaza from the senior health official, is that they did have to transport by hand with out certain incubators, 36 of newborn babies that were in the neo-nader department, overnight, and they have taken them into the oxygen, still being used in the operating theaters. the reason they had to be moved is the generator was taken else, as you mentioned, and three newborn babies were killed, and they were unable to breathe. now we had been hearing from health officials that they had been manually rest parading for these babies, so doctors effectively pumping air into their lungs to the latest we have heard from these 36, about these 36 babies as they are in an operating theater. we have heard from the israeli defense force saturday, the israelis said they would help to evacuate them. the hospital had asked for their cooperation, that they would give that , looking for clarification on exactly what that would look like because, as we hear from those within the hospital, we understand there is fighting in the vicinity. the israeli military, saying they are fighting hamas operatives in the vicinity but not firing towards the hospital itself. now, we also did here there is an evacuation corridor, a seven hour window in place from the north to the south of the gaza strip along salina dean street today at part of that evacuation corridor we'll be from the hospital as well. we do know there are 400 patients, some 20,000 internally displaced, taking refuge in the compound itself, but we did speak to a representative from the red cross earlier, and she did point out even having an evacuation corridor does not make this process simple. >> how can you safely move across the war zone premature babies, people on life support? we have seen these horrendous images of people walking on wheelchairs, wounded people, try to cross into southern gaza looking for safety, but it is hard, as we mentioned, how this can take place without further loss of human life . >> other hospitals in northern gaza are completely overwhelmed, and we understand the second largest hospital in gaza is now out of service. palestine red crescent society, saying the cessation of services is due to the depletion of available fuel and power outage, that the medical staff made every effort to continue to treat the wounded, but they simply are unable to now because of the dire humanitarian conditions. no word what will happen to the patients within that hospital, and of course, many thousand likely to be sheltering close to the hospitals as they have been in gaza as well, and there were more developments to update you on, kim. we heard from the u.n. development program , undp, saying one of their facilities had come under shelling, and they are deeply distressed by reports that there have been casualties, saying that certain, there's been a significant numbers of deaths and injuries at this facility. it's disability the u.n. had left back in 13 october, the officials of the u.n. had to evacuate, but many have gone there thinking it would be a safer area, kim? >> paula hancocks in seoul, thank you so much. so, turning to the summit of arab and islamic leaders, we heard strong words of condemnation emerging from that meeting. what else came from it? >> strongly worded resolution, and here's the thing. we have heard the reiteration of the cease-fire, the talks happening behind the scenes. they are very integral in trying to find a solution to this. arab and muslim leaders, meeting in saudi arabia for this emergency discussion in terms of what's happening in gaza, and it's interesting kit it's a list of demands and condemnation, calling israel's actions in gaza a war crime, calling it barbaric and inhumane, massacre. they are condemning the occupation, but in the lead up to the summit, there was a lot of expectation and hope you would see multilateral reaction, tangible risk wants to the situation, and there has been, but a disappointment in terms of the action plan because, while they are condemning and reiterating a lot of their demands, very little is actually put on paper in terms of real action that could be taken by the leadership. they have the power to freeze israel diplomatically, economically, and politically as well. we have been hearing talk about potential sanctions on oil and gas, but that did not come forth. they are calling on the u.n. security council to intervene. there is no consequence, and of course, asking the icc to investigate war crimes, which the icc has already stipulated they plan to do so, but, mohammed bin salman, he talked about the humanitarians situation, the dire situation paula was describing, talk about how that is weighing on the region and how everyone is taking note in terms of which countries are supplying arms to israel, and which countries are staying silent. i want you to take a listed what he had to say. >> [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> translator: we are witnessing a humanitarian catastrophe that demonstrates the failure of the security council and the international community to put an end to the flagrant israeli violations of international laws and norms of international humanitarian law. it confirms the double standards and selectivity in its application of these laws. >> so you're hearing strong words in terms of the way international law is being implemented in this case, and this is where the conversation is headed. we had a lot of diplomatic discussions happening over the past few weeks, particularly in cairo. hamas leadership was in town the same data and as we know, as these diplomatic discussions occur behind the scenes, anything that happens in gaza has the power to derail what we see on the diplomatic front. >> are rights, appreciate it. eleni gioskos in cairo, thanks so much. we mentioned the israeli military said al-shifa isn't under siege despite what sapa reporting. they said the idf will help anyone who wants to leave safely. here is their spokesperson. >> we are in contact with local authorities in gaza with the manager and others, assisting them and informing them where they can go in order to evacuate from the area, and we're also trying to coordinate the safe removal and transport of the remaining patients that are still inside the hospital. i want to emphasize we have not struck the hospital, and we are not surrounding it applying any pressure on it. we have troops in the vicinity, but we have not been engaging with the hospital or any parts of it. >> i want to bring in the spokesperson for the palestine red crescent society. thanks so much for being here with us. we just heard from the idf saying about al-shifa hospital they are not striking or surrounding the hospital . does that tally with what your people are telling you? >> basically, our people are located at hospital. this has been the seventh day of the week that the hospital has been isolated from the surrounding area because of the continuous bombardment that is taking place, as well as the complete closure of all the roads that lead to the hospital. no one can go out of it or come in the hospital. unfortunately, it has not been getting in, which has resulted in a dire situation inside the hospital, just half an hour ago, we have announced that the hospital is now out of service due to completely running out of fuel and the complete cut of the electricity. our teams are now trying their bets to continue providing urgent health care service to those who are needed inside the hospital, even with the traditional ways until we can find a way to evacuate our patients safely because, as we mentioned, bombardments have been taking place day and night. yesterday, tanks were surrounding the hospital from all areas. they have opened fired at al- quds hospital, which has resulted in a number of injuries. the situation is dangerous. we are extremely worried about the safety of our staff and patients, along with displaced people taking shelter inside the hospital. now, efforts at coordinations have been made in order to find ways to evacuate our patients, our staff safely out by the hospital, particularly because, as i said, it has already run out of service. you're if the people have to evacuate, the question is where do they go? where is safe right now? >> basically, there is no safe place in gaza. we have announced this repeatedly. unfortunately, we have run out of solutions, and now we have come to an end, unfortunately, sadly. basically, we are coordinating efforts to see where we canr patients, taking into consideration now in gaza, only one hospital is operating and receiving patients, which is also in a desire situation, so no way they will be able to receive our patients and keep it open. north of gaza, there's only two hospitals still operating, so we will try to find ways, if that's possible, to ensure the protection and opening of the humanitarian corridor is to allow the evacuation of our patients and staff, to be receiving treatment at any of the hospitals there. unfortunately, we feel so sad because we have called on the international community. we have appealed to the international community, and all the humanitarian agencies, calling for aid for the gaza strip. unfortunately, all these efforts have been unsuccessful. we have been left alone at the hospital at risk of losing the lives of our patients, losing the lives of our staff under continuous israeli bombardments taking place day and knife under complete isolation. we have lost connection at al- quds hospital because is really bombardments have resulted in complete destruction of the communication . the only way to get information is cut. >> it's clearly a fraught situation there for your staff, who are just trying to provide servic e despite the hospitals not functioning. i understand as well that you're running out of ambulances as well. i want to touch on something you mentioned before we go, the idea of a cease-fire, at least a pause. the two sides are negotiating over a substantial pause in the fighting in exchange for a number of hostages. what difference would such a pause make for the work of the doctors and first responders? >> basically, up to this moment, regarding even a humanitarian four hours cease- fire to allow the entry of eight , we have not noticed any difference because, as we said, al-quds hospital has been under intense environments even those hours, and staff were stuck inside the hospital. no one can go out or go inside the house the hospital. the situation in gaza is so dangerous. we only have seven ambulances left out of 18 ambulances which are running out in gaza city and basically, i was just notified there are only five. five ambulances out of 18 ambulances are still writing running in gaza city in the north. those that are run by the palestine red crescent. there our teams are reporting they have seen many people who were killed, many people injured in certain areas inside gaza, but because of israeli terrace, they are existing inside the city and denying access of our emergency medical staff and ambulances. any ambulance that tried to reach those wounded people or killed people, they will be a target. that's why it is catastrophic. there are tens of people, dozens of people now on the ground, no emergency, no ambulances can reach out to them. we call on the international community to continue advocating to ensure they deliver a two gaza city in the north so those hospitals that are still operating can continue providing their lifesaving services and also allow even left over a ambulances that are still operating, allow those ambulances to continue operating in save the lives of civilians. >> a desperate situation for so many people have to leave it there, but we appreciate hearing from you, nebal fasakh. thanks so much. if you want to help humanitarian health efforts in gaza and israel, you can find a list of embedded organizations on still to come, pro- palestinian protesters gather outside u.s. president biden's home in delaware, echoing calls from around the world for a cease-fire after a cocounterprotetests was ththe s agaiainst pro-papalestinian n rallies.s. ststay with usus. cease-fire now, cease-fire now x ! >> saturday, a group of protesters gathered near president biden's delaware home, calling for a cease-fire. one participant said it was the largest pro-palestinian protest in delaware's history. we have more. >> reporter: a sizable protest occurred outside president biden's home here in delaware on saturday . pro-palestinian protesters, hundreds of them, marching in support of a cease- fire . president biden did not necessarily see them at close range, but he did hear protests over the past few weeks, including earlier this week in illinois when pro-palestinian protesters lined the streets near an event he was speaking at kid he's also been interrupted twice by people calling for a cease-fire, so certainly reflective of the growing anger among a certain portion of the american population at his handling of this conflict, and you see that playing out on the world stage as well. just saturday, the french president, emmanuel macron, calling for a cease-fire in israel, saying israel's bombing of civilians in gaza isn't justified in saying he hoped other leaders, including the united states, joined him in calling for a cease-fire. we've also seen divides within the american democratic party just last week the 24 democrats and two independents, so a majority of the democratic caucus in the senate, writing a letter to president biden asking for more details about the $14 billion request for emergency military assistance and asking for guarantees that israel mitigate its killing of civilians in gaza, so certainly, this is all applying pressure on president biden, as he confronts this conflict. of course, he has been standing shoulder to shoulder with israel, certainly very supportive of its right to defend itself and what he calls a responsibility to go after hamas, but you have seen some caution creeping into his remarks and remark some other top american officials, including the secretary of state antony blinken, who just said this week far too many palestinians have died a much more needs to be done to protect civilian life. what we have seen president biden doing is pressing the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, in what the u.s. cost humanitarian pauses, and they have seen the results to that effect. just last week, israel sang it with in act four hour pauses every day to allow aid to go into gaza and to allow civilians who want to, typically. president biden, though, did reveal some discord with his israeli counterpart when he was asked about those pauses, saying he wished netanyahu had agreed to them earlier. kevin liptak, cnn, traveling with the president in wilmington, delaware. >> week after we, we are seeing demonstrations in support of palestinians in cities around the world . protesters stormed a major train station in barcelona. police officers used shields and batons against the demonstrators. in brussels, more than 20,000 people marched the belgian capital, calling for a cease- fire, and paris demonstrators took to the streets, demanding the french got stopped israel's dominance in gaza. in berlin, thousands of protesters marched peacefully in the good german capital, and london saw its biggest pro- palestinian demonstrations so far on saturday. counterprotesters also turned out, police say they arrested dozens of people. cnn's clare sebastian was there. >> reporter: organized in in one voice, tens of thousands of people took to london's streets , demanding cease-fire in the israel/hamas war. >> cease-fire now. cease-fire now. cease-fire now. >> reporter: this marches beginning in central london, with the final destination, the united states embassy in south london, and that's the key anger we're hearing, mostly directed toward governments, and particularly the united states in support of israel. the conflict now in its second month has seen gaza under unrelenting is israeli bombardment in the weeks since hamas launched its october 7 attack on israel. >> in one month, this is not just one. >> reporter: at people marched in solidarity with palestinians, others were marking a historic second war. ♪ >> reporter: the date commemorating the de facto end of world war war. it was as cross over some branded as insensitive. prime minister rishi sunak tried to initially stop the pro- palestinian rally from going ahead. >> this is supposed to be about the end of the war, and this is what people are here for, to see an end to the war in gaza. >> reporter: a heavy police presence had been promised in london saturday , and they did face challenges. far right protesters disrupted a two-minute silence observed for armistice day before clashing with police in central london. police say they detained dozens of those counterprotesters followings couples. for the pro-palestinian protest gathering outside the u.s. embassy at the end of their march, emotions were starting to show. >> just want to say i am jewish, and i fully support this march, everything that is going on today. we all stand up for the palestinians. >> reporter: despite a controversy in the lead up to this event, it has remained very organized, pretty peaceful, the scale reflects what we're seeing, this growing public mood that despite the horrific attacks of october 7, the response may have gone too far. a march against anti- semitism is expected today in paris. hours after thousands marched there saturday, calling for cease-fire, this comes as french president emmanuel macron is calling on people to stand up against what he calls the resurgence of unbridled anti-semitism. in the letter published in the french newspaper, macron wrote more than 1000 anti-sematech acts were committed in the country in one month, saying members of the jewish community are experiencing legitimate anguish to the french president also this week called for a cease-fire, saying it's the only solution to end the conflict between israel and hamas, end quote. still much more to come on cnn newsroom. the families of [ speaking in a non-english language ] and hostages rallied in tel aviv saturday . that, and talking to another expert about next steps possible. . has s bliss thatat is s rer ststrikes acroross the bororder how isisrael is respsponding. that's's ahead. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. welcome to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada, and all around the world. want to give you an update on the latest in gaza apartheid red crescent announced a short time ago another medical facility, the al-quds hospital in gaza city, has run out of fuel and can no longer function. aid group said doctors and staff are doing their best to take care patients, but there's little for them to do. a safe quarter to evacuate to the south is open near another embattled hospital, al-shifa. the idf has offered to help evacuate patients and newborns. a corridor south remain open until 4:00 local time. hamas is believed to be holding more than 230 hostages. on saturday, large crowds gathered in tel aviv to demand the government do more to get them released. we have a senior associate fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace. he joins us now from cairo. thank you so much for being with us. to start on the hostages, we see negotiations for hospitals work before, but the challenge here is so great because of the number of hostages involved and because it's coming in the context of an l out war. how optimistic are you about the deal? >> so, there have been suggestions of a deal to release all the hostages, or at least most of the hostages, several times over the last couple of weeks. it's indicated they managed to get quite far in negotiations at this point, and you've seen reports within the israeli press that hinted at much of the same, but everything we have seen over the past couple of weeks indicates because of the continuing bombardment, the lack of cease-fire, the lack of any pause in frankly the pummeling of gaza by israeli forces has made that incredibly difficult logistically speaking, of course, it's impossible because there's no way you can gather hostages in one place where the entirety of the area you are in is being pounded from above. just making negotiations incredibly difficult. the israeli war cabinet allegedly rejected proposals of this nature and seemed to focus instead on essentially punishing the population in gaza before they move forward on any hostages, and that is why you see a growing protest within israel itself of thousands upon thousands of people demanding that the hostages be brought home and directing their anger at the israeli government because they see them as responsible for fulfilling that. >> you talk about how complicated these are, these negotiations are. a deal has to involve so many parties, and questions are being asked how much communication and control hamas' political wing in dohar would have in the military wing hiding underground in gaza right now. >> here is an aspect to it, but i think the lines of communication are there. i think what's, frankly, the most crucial aspect is as long as there's continued bombardment , a bombardment of gaza by israeli forces, then it becomes very difficult to imagine the ability of there to be constructive negotiations and mediation of this nature. again, this has been something that's been brought up many times within the context of the israeli press and elsewhere, but knitting yahoo and his government have made it very clear that their focus is really to pummel gaza into submission, particularly the north, and of course, there are other associated factors here in terms of forcing a displacement of, you know, most palestinians from the north if not all of them down to the sout h. on is really television, the indicated 1.7 out of 2.2 million palestinians cannot go to their homes because they are either displaced or their homes have been destroyed or damaged. 1.7 out of 2.2. that's the vast majority of the palestinian population in gaza, most of whom, by the way, our young people are children, so it's against that backdrop we then have this conversation around hostages, and one of the deals that were suggested about hostages was, quote unquote, all for all, were palestinian prisoners in israeli jails, many of them who are minors or imprisoned for nonviolent offenses, that they would be released in exchange for the hostages, and so far, this has not been accepted, and i think this is another reason why you have these growing protest within israel against the government, because they recognize there are options that are simply not being taken. >> on the subject of diplomacy and negotiations in the wake of this arab and islamic leader summit, cnn has reported diplomatically, the u.s. is that serious risk of losing support of the arab world over its support of israel. we heard more of that during the summit. many of them, holding the u.s. accountable for what we are seeing now. it's something you've written about come how this may affect the u.s.' standing beyond the middle east and arab world, but the whole global south. >> i think that's very true, and i don't think it should be ununderstated. the fact of the matter is that you have diplomatic cables going out from u.s. embassies, going baback to d.c., expressin great concern at the standing of the u.s. across the arab world, and i think you see much of the same across, quotote unquote, the global south, in brussels among many european governments, where they recognize it would be very difficult, as european countries, as the west, to engage with countries in the global south and the arab world on issues that demand the common recognition of international law because, frankly, they don't take it seriously. when we talk about occupation of ukraine by russian forces, they turn around and say, okay, maybe, but why aren't you talking about the israeli occupation, when we talk about international law being violated in ukraine, but they turn around and say you are defending or excusing israeli actions in gaza. it's a very difficult argument to push against because the fact of the matter is, is the overwhelming of member states of the united nations have voted consistently over the past month in one direction, and the united states and a few western allies have voted in another direction, alongside israel, so yes. i think credibility is a greater problem here. it's particularly bad in terms of effect for european countries because we have far more to lose in that regard, so our neighbors, but the level of distrust, the level of antipathy, i think this is a once in a generation sort of moment. the last time something like this happened was the iraq war in 2003, and we're still suffering the ramifications of that. today in many ways is much worse because it's an age of social media, and we're seeing horrible scenes unfold on our phones, screens, on different social media platforms, and i don't think people will ever forget. forget we'll have to leave it there. we appreciate your insights, h.a. hellyer in cairo. thanks so much. >> thank you. israel's defense ministry is sending a strong warning to lebanon after an intense day of crossfire, say, quote, what we're doing in gaza can also be done in beirut. >> reporter: the low intensity war between hezbollah and israel along the border is heating up with each side striking deeper into the others' territory and using heavier weapons. has been a leader speaking on the occasion of the group's martyrs day, said his militants have begun using attack drones for the first time against israeli positions and have fired also for thehe first time inin iranian designed mimissile short range ballistic missile with an explosive payload of 500 kilograms or more than half a time. saturday was perhaps the most intense date of cross-border fire, with more than 30 individual incidents. lebanon's official news agency reported an is really drone struck a vehicle near the town 40 kilometers or 25 miles north of the border, the deepest such strike since the 2006 war between israel and hezbollah, referring to dozens of recent attacks by pro-iranian militias on u.s. forces in syria and iraq. he said if the americans want to stop those attacks, if the u.s. does not want this to become a regional war, it must stop the war on gaza. commenting on the situation along the border, saturday afternoon is really defense minister issued an ominous warning, what we're doing in gaza, he said, we'll also do in beirut. i'm ben wedeman, cnn, reporting from southern lebanon. still l to come, repubublic speakeker of the housese h has plan to o keep t the governmene rurunning. why his owown party might t sho it dowown. wiwill why thahat isis happenin ststay with usus. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. the number of house republicans say they still don't know how speaker mike johnson will proceed when it comes to avoiding the government shutdown, and that any decision he makes has a possible impact on leaving his conference going forward. this comes as the speaker laid out his plans to keep the government running after stopgap funding runs out friday. cnn's andy gray reports there is no guarantee you get approve by his own party. >> reporter: mike johnson unveiled his plan on saturday for how he wants to keep the government open past november 17 funding deadline . his plan brings government funding into two parts, find some of the government until january 19, and the rest until february 2. it would keep funding at its current levels, and there would not be additional funding for wars in israel or ukraine . members of the right flank wanted johnson to take this two- step approach to government funding, but wanted johnson to add spending cuts to his plan, which we do not see so far. so, we're going to have to see how this plays out this week when it's expected to get a vote on the house floor, and the other unknown here is how the white house and the senate, controlled by democrats, is going to react to this plan. cnn, washington. still to come on cnn newsroom, the u.s. soccer giant, megan rapinoe, took her fifinal battlele on the pitch. next, withth a look at why here swansosong was shohort-livived. > stay with h us. sucker icon megan rapinoe's a shock early exit in an injury in her final professional match, ending her quest for one final national women's soccer league title. with me is our sports reporter. not how anybody would want to script that. predicted two-time world cup champ, rapinoe, her teammates, fans, were looking to a perfect story ende d career. a couple minutes in, rapinoe, you would see her slip, noncontact injury. she said it felt someone kick her, and she felt a pop. she said she's pretty sure she tore her achilles. she got a standing ovation as she walked off the sealed, saying this was the worst possible outcome, and that she has done, but she is still involved with again. spain's world cup winner, esther gonzales, heading and the eventual game-winner. they get their first ever nws title after finishing last place last season. another u.s. soccer star, allie krieger, goes out on a high as well . this was the final game of her storied career as well. 76ers player kelly oubre is expected to miss significant playing time after being hit by a vehicle well walking in his home in downtown philadelphia saturday. the 27-year-old was taken to this hospital and released a few hours later. philadelphia police say there's an active investigation into the incident. let's talk college football . penn state hosting third- ranked michigan, who said that head coach harbaugh, suspended by the big ten conference on friday amid signs stealing accusations. under investigation by the ncaa. offensive coordinator sharon moore, hoping to keep their championship hopes alive, and the wolverines came through. at 24 i-15 win, 227 rushing yards, michigan improving. they talked about the previous 24 hours filled with emotions. >> thank the lord. i love you, man. i love you. this is for you, for this university, the president, and we got the best players, the best university in the country love you, guys. peace. [ bleep ]! finally, new york football giants new starting quarterback lives with his mom and dad. yes, tommy devito , only a 12 minute commute each day from his childhood home to the practice facility where he plays for his hometown team. the 25-year-old said he does not have to worry about laundry, what's for dinner, and mom still makes his bed, kim. his teammates said this is genius. saves money, mom helps out and makes sure he's on time, no distractions. that is smart. >> i mean, it's cute. not something i would necessarily brag about. if my son is watching, i'm not making your bed when you are that age. he is 9 now. let alone, although maybe if you starting for the giants, i'll make an exception. thanks so much. well, before we go, the beatles are back on the top uk charts, even though two of its members are no longer a life. ♪ if we must start again, well, we will know for sure. ♪ ♪ >> the fat or's new song debuted at number one. that comes after a 54 years after their last number one hit in 1969. the song mixes john denman's vocal to create a richer older track with an older george harrison guitar track. it's the fastest selling single in uk so far this year. that wraps this hour of cnn newsroom. for viewers in north america, cnn this morning is next. for the rest of the world , it's marketplace. ♪ if we must start again, well, we will know for sure i love you. ♪ ♪ the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. ♪

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Child , Arab World , Home , Son , Resources , Tools , Internet , Internet Essentials Program , Hidden Genius Project , Skills , Fellas , People , Generation , Kevin Liptak , Cross Into Southern Gaza , Situation , Hospital , Fighting , Ground , Palestine , Rest Crescent Society , Biden S , Delaware , Rallies , Including A March Outside , Megan Rapinoe , Cnn , Demonstrations , Newsroom , Swansong , Bow , U S Women Soccer Giant , Cnn Center , Facility , Atlanta , 5 , 00 , Servic E , Corridor , South , Palestine Red Crescent , Statement , Health Care Institution , Three , Seven , Al Shifa Hospital , Israeli , Hamas , Troops , Route , Middle , Control Health Ministry , Four , 4 , 20000 , Babies , Oxygen , Generator , Unit , Gaza Health Official , Shelley , Infants , Staff , Hospitals , Fuel , Benjamin Netanyahu , Electricity , Operating Rooms , Messages , Food , Water , Flashlight , Two , Commanders , Authorities , Translator , Language , City , Massacre , Forces , Terrace , Encircling , Outskirts , Akil 2000 , Gaza Strip , Egypt , 7th Of October , 2000 , 7 , War Crimes , Arab Islamic Extraordinary Summit In Riyadh Saturday , Result , Preapproved List , Massacres , Declaration , Passports , Cease Fire , Meeting , War , Calls , Correspondence , Self Defense , Crimes , Humanity , Description , Lemurs , International Criminal Court , Rejection , Angles , Islamic , Plan , Summit , Paul Hancock , Youngest , Correspondent , Worry , Middle East , Reporter , Point , Reason , Health Official , Hand , Operating Theaters , Incubators , Neo Nader Department , 36 , Doctors , Health Officials , Hearing , Lungs , Israelis , Operating Theater , Cooperation , Israeli Defense Force , Military , Vicinity , Operatives , Clarification , Place , Evacuation Corridor , North , Window , Part , Salina Dean Street Today , Patients , Refuge , Itself , 400 , Representative , Red Cross , Life Support , War Zone , Wheelchairs , Images , Safety , Human Life , Loss , Northern Gaza , Cessation , Services , Effort , Power Outage , Conditions , Wounded , Depletion , Course , Kim , Word , Developments , Reports , Undp , Numbers , Facilities , Shelling , Deaths , Casualties , The U N Development Program , One , Area , Many , Injuries , Officials , Back , Disability , U N , 13 October , 13 , Leaders , In Seoul , Paula Hancocks , Thing , It , Scenes , Condemnation , Words , Talks , Resolution , Reiteration , What Else , Terms , Solution , Emergency Discussion , Arab , Kit , Saudi Arabia , Muslim , Lead , Occupation , List , Demands , Actions , War Crime , Risk , Lot , Action Plan , Disappointment , Expectation , Reaction , Power , Leadership , Action , Paper , Consequence , U N Security Council , Sanctions , Oil And Gas , Icc , Mohammed Bin Salman , Countries , Everyone , Paula , Note , Region , Arms , Community , Catastrophe , Failure , Law , Laws , Norms , Violations , Standards , Selectivity , Application , Conversation , Case , Town , Discussions , Data , Cairo , Anything , In Cairo , Rights , Front , Eleni Gioskos , Anyone , Sapa Reporting , Isn T Under Siege , Others , Spokesperson , Order , Removal , Contact , Manager , Pressure , Parts , U S , Thanks , Tally , Bombardment , No One , Roads , Closure , Cut , Way , Ways , Teams , Bombardments , Health Care Service , Bets , Al Quds Hospital , Number , Areas , Tanks , Efforts , Shelter , Coordinations , Question , Safe , End , Solutions , Desire Situation , Consideration , Operating , Protection , Opening , Aid , Evacuation , Agencies , Treatment , Lives , Connection , Isolation , Knife , Israeli Bombardments , Communication , Information , Destruction , Ambulances , Something , Hostages , Pause , Exchange , Difference , Responders , Negotiating , Sides , Idea , Pause Make , Work , Environments , Eight , Entry , House , 18 , Five , Running , Emergency , Access , Ambulance , Dozens , Target , Tens , Civilians , Nebal Fasakh , Health Efforts , Protesters , Organizations , Cnn Com Impact , Rallies S Ststay , With Usus , Cocounterprotetests , Agaiainst Pro Papalestinian , Ththe , Group , Delaware On Saturday , Participant , Delaware Home , President , Protest , Support , History , Hundreds , Event , Streets , Danger , Population , Protests , Handling , Portion , Kid , Illinois , Conflict , Emmanuel Macron , French , Bombing , Playing Out On The World Stage , Gaza Isn T , Senate , Calling , Majority , Caucus , Independents , Divides , Democratic Party , 24 , Letter , Guarantees , Killing , Details , Emergency Military Assistance , 14 Billion , 4 Billion , Right , Shoulder , Antony Blinken , Secretary Of State , Responsibility , Remarks , Caution Creeping , Palestinians , Life , Pauses , More , Needs , Biden Doing , Effect , Results , Counterpart , Netanyahu , Discord , Cities , Wilmington , Demonstrators , Capital , Train Station , Police Officers , Batons , Brussels , Paris , Barcelona , Police , Central London , Thousands , Counterprotesters Followings Couples , Dominance , Saw , German , Berlin , Hamas War , Voice , Tens Of Thousands , Clare Sebastian , Governments , Final Destination , South London , United States Embassy , Attack , October 7 , Second War , World War , Solidarity , De Facto , Rally , Rishi Sunak , Presence , Challenges , Silence , Emotions , Everything , Controversy , March , Embassy , The End , Jewish , Protest Gathering , Attacks , Scale , Response , Mood , March Against Anti Semitism , Country , Members , Jewish Community , Newspaper , Resurgence , Anti Semitism , Anguish , Facts , 1000 , Cnn Newsroom , Expert , Families , Has , Respsponding , How Isisrael , That S , End Quote , Tel Aviv , Bliss Thatat , Rer Ststrikes Acroross , Wifi , Homework , Problem , Book , Power Outages , Battery Back Up , Xfinity , Xfinity 10g Network , 10 , All Around The World , Gaza Apartheid Red Crescent , Latest , Update , Canada , Care Patients , Aid Group , Function , Crowds , Corridor South , Little , Safe Quarter , Newborns , Help , Al Shifa , 230 , Government , Senior Associate Fellow , Carnegie Endowment For International Peace , Negotiations , Times , Deal , Challenge , Context , Most , Because , Suggestions , Press , Same , Black , Pummeling , Nature , War Cabinet , Logistically Speaking , Proposals , Entirety , Wing , Parties , Questions , Dohar , Aspect , Hiding , Lines , Continued Bombardment , Mediation , Elsewhere , Ability , Knitting , Yahoo , Focus , Factors , Displacement , Pummel Gaza Into Submission , Television , Sout H On , Homes , 2 , 2 Million , 1 7 , Wall , Backdrop , Deals , Children , Whom , Jails , Prisoners , Quote Unquote , Offenses , Minors , Wake , Diplomacy , Subject , Leader Summit , Options , Global South , Fact , Matter , Standing , Accountable , Cables , Ununderstated , Quotote Unquote , Baback To D C , Embassies , Expressin , West , European , Issues , Recognition , Say , Excusing , Ukraine , Russian Forces , Aren T You Talking , Israeli Occupation , Member States , Argument , Overwhelming , Allies , One Direction , Level , Credibility , Neighbors , Direction , Regard , Distrust , Once , Antipathy , Iraq War , Ramifications , 2003 , Warning , Age , Social Media , Insights , Screens , Phones , Social Media Platforms , Defense Ministry , Hellyer In Cairo , H A , Crossfire , Quote , Southern Lebanon , Beirut , Border , Cheating , Side , Hezbollah , First Time , Leader , Militants , Territory , Weapons , Attack Drones , Payload , Missile , Occasion , Positions , Martyrs Day , Mimissile , Thehe , Inin Iranian , 500 , Vehicle , Fire , Incidents , News Agency , 30 , 40 , 25 , Strike , Pro Iranian Militias , Syria , 2006 , Defense Minister , Americans , Stop The War On Gaza , Iraq , Ben Wedeman , Repubublic Speakeker , Owown Party , Still L , Isis Happenin Ststay , O Keep T , Housese H , Usus , Governmene Rurunning , It Dowown , Wiwill , Thahat , Mike Johnson , Conference , Plans , Decision , Impact , Government Shutdown , Don T , Andy Gray , Party , Stopgap Funding , Guarantee , Government Funding , Some , 17 , January 19 , November 17 , 19 , Funding , Wanted Johnson , Rest , Levels , Approach , Wars , Add Spending Cuts , February 2 , Vote , White House , House Floor , U S Soccer Giant , Washington , Pitch , Stay , Fifinal Battlele , Here Swansosong , Livived , Shohort , Withth A Look , Next , Sports Reporter , Injury , Quest , Match , Shock , Exit , National Women S Soccer League Title , Sucker Icon , World Cup , Teammates , Anybody , Fans , Story Ende D Career , Noncontact Injury , Pop , Someone , Achilles , Outcome , Standing Ovation , U S Soccer Star , Winner , Game Winner , Game , Season , Ever Nws Title , Spain , Esther Gonzales , Allie Krieger , 76ers Player Kelly Oubre , Career , Hit , 76 , Investigation , Sharon Moore , Harbaugh , Incident , Penn State , Accusations , Signs , Big Ten Conference , Let S Talk , Downtown Philadelphia , College Football , Michigan , Ncaa , Ten , 27 , Championship , Wolverines , Win , 15 , 227 , University , Players , Lord , I Love You , Guys , Quarterback , Peace , Bleep , New York Football Giants , Mom And Dad , Tommy Devito , Yes , Hometown Team , Childhood , Practice , 12 , Mom , Bed , Genius , Distractions , Saves Money , Dinner , Laundry , Giants , Exception , 9 , Charts , Uk , The Beatles , Song , Fat , Number One , Sure , 54 , Track , Vocal , Single , Number One Hit , Guitar Track , John Denman , George Harrison , 1969 , Viewers , Marketplace , North America ,

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