"outfront" next, israeli troops inside gaza city tonight. the defense men stir saying hamas fighters are coming out of underground tunnels. the first americans have been allowed to leave gaza, which includes the american pediatrician barbara zincd and her husband. we'll tell you what happened inside that courtroom with the sketch artist. digging into the new house speaker's past. his work with the group that promoted conversion therapy and a long record of anti-gay comments. let's go "outfront." and good evening. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, we begin with the breaking news inside gaza city. the israeli defense minister tonight saying that there is intense fighting inside gaza city, one of the most densely populated cities in the world. gaza city, of course, is the biggest city in the gaza strip. the defense minister of israel yoav gallant says they have described hamas fighters as coming out from underground tunnels, from underground buildings, from underground buildings, hospitals and schools. they're saying they're basically coming out of those tunnels and engaging in street fighting. of course, a battle in gaza city, bloodily and deadly. israel already announcing today that it is burying the dead from one of the deadliest days on the israeli side. a total of 15 soldiers were killed there on tuesday, according to israeli defense forces. this all comes in the context of the loss of life in gaza itself, and worldwide outrage is hitting a boiling point after israel admitted its airstrikes caused a second explosion in just 24 hours in the jabalia refugee camp. these are before and after pictures. you can see the densely populated area decimated. the director of the new york high office of the high commissioner for human rights resigning over the u.n.'s response to the situation in gaza which he described as a, quote, textbook case of genocide. we have a special report on that refugee camp. an idf spokesman jonathan conrickus is also here to respond. but amidst the losses and the incredible suffering, a glimmer of hope for some today, some innocent civilians finally being allowed to leave the 25-mile-long gaza strip. an egyptian official telling cnn that 361 foreign nationals have now left gaza, entering egypt through that rafah border crossing. that includes the american pediatrician barbara zind. where she had been sleeping in a car with other people, witnessed violence and fights over scarce food, and witnessed a toilet shared by 800 people. we've been speaking to her over these past weeks, and her husband. we are told she is now in cairo. in a moment i'm going to be speaking with her husband who will be with us. but despite this welcomed news for 361 people, the context here is that more than 2 million are still stuck in gaza, and 240 of them are hostages still being held captive by hamas from the october 7th terror attack. earlier i spoke to rotem cooper, his parents, his mother and father both kidnapped back on october 7th after 17 days in captivity, his 79-year-old mother is free. he told me more about what she experienced while being held captive. >> the hard thing about it is being deep in the ground with -- you don't know pretty much night from day, power outages can be quite humid. >> to imagine that, not knowing night from day, and that those 240 people are still suffering from that tonight. so many developments this hour. nic robertson is "outfront" live along the israel/gaza border. i know you've been hearing a lot of explosions, seeing flashes where you are. so, what is the latest that you are hearing and learning about the fighting inside gaza? >> reporter: yeah. we're hearing some distant tank fire as well as those occasional explosions. we're about 6, 6 1/2 miles from the center of gaza city, the commander of the ground forces in there, the steel division, says that the troops are at the gates of gaza city. the defense minister described the combat there as fierce urban combat, and he's been talking about the antitank weapons that the hamas fighters are using, these antitank weapons are designed to pierce the armor, the protective armor that's on the tanks and these infantry-fighting vehicles that the troops are in, and i think witness to that point, the idf announcing 15 deaths over the past 24 hours for troops in gaza. there are others who have been injured in that receiving blast injuries as well. but i think, perhaps, the strongest language that gives us a sense of the fight that's coming, of the motivation that's required for the troops in there, from the commander of the idf forces, the general telling the troops that they are in the middle of a battle, that this will be a long war, that they will fight to the end, that they're doing this for the country, for the good of the nation, but also saying very clearly that you are now in enemy territory, you are backed up by strong, accurate weapons, but you're in enemy territory. i think that sets the scene of where the forces are at, at the moment. it's very clear as they get deeper inside those urban environments that hamas is familiar with those environments, and they have armor-piercing weapons and plans of how to use them against the idf. so this is a very tough moment for where the fight goes from here, erin. >> all right, nic, thank you very much. just six miles from where that fighting is going on. and we know those israeli troops are in there, now they're there, not coming in and coming out. they're there overnight. and in gaza tonight, a second idf strike on the jabalia camp, the idf saying it was a targeted strike from hamas. of course, though, many innocent civilians also appear to have been killed. nada bashir is "outfront" in jerusalem. i want to warn you that some of the images in her report are graphic. >> reporter: chaos and horror at gaza's jabalia refugee camp. wounded children rushed to nearby ambulances. the latest casualties of israel's relentless aerial bombardment. this densely populated neighborhood gripped by panic and sheer disbelief. a second israeli airstrike in less than 24 hours. i lost my whole family, this person says, holding a list of those killed just today. [ speaking in a global language ] my sister's house was struck with her children inside. my brother's house, too, with all of his children. there is no one left except for me and my younger brother. they were innocent. what did they do to deserve this? israel's defense force says it was targeting a hamas command and control complex in jabalia. hamas fighters said to be among those killed. but jabalia is home to more than 100,000 civilians, according to the u.n. and while the full extent of the civilian death toll remains unclear at this stage, gaza's civil defense authority has described this latest disaster as a massacre. with more casualties and more fatalities added to the list of hundreds said to have been killed or wounded in tuesday's airstrike. the situation is beyond belief, many have been killed, bodies have been left burned and charred by the airstrike, this doctor says. there isn't a hospital in the world that could cope with this kind of situation. we're having to treat patients on the floor and in corridors. the scale of the destruction at jabalia is difficult to grasp. many residents are still buried beneath the blackened rubble. rescue workers and civilians dig side by side, desperate to find survivors. this house had 15 people in it. but we still haven't been able to find any of them, this person says. we have no equipment, we are digging alone. >> reporter: and, look, erin, we've seen these airstrikes continuing to bombard parts of northern gaza. this is an area where the idf has warned civilians and residents to evacuate southwards, warning that those airstrikes will intensify. over the course of the last three weeks now, those airstrikes are continuing across the gaza strip, not just in the north but in central and southern gaza, two in so-called safe zones and u.n. schools. for many inside gaza right now, the fear for them is that there is simply nowhere safe for them to turn. >> nada, thank you very much. i want to go "outfront" now to the israeli defense forces spokesman lieutenant general jonathan conricus. colonel, i appreciate your time again, obviously in these early hours of the morning for you. you heard that man there, you know, asking the question about his family who are dead. what did they do to deserve this? what is your reaction, colonel, to these accusations that you hear that the strikes on the jabalia refugee camp are hitting civilians and amount to a massacre by the idf? >> hi, erin. sad images, really, at the human level when i watch it and i detach myself from the reality that we are facing, i see sad events and i see people suffering, and that is not something that we intend to. what i could say to that man without even a drop of cynicism is you should've evacuated, you and your family, you shouldn't have been there. that doesn't mean that we wanted to kill anybody, it just means that when we warned palestinians two weeks ago to evacuate that specific area because there was going to be major combat operations, they should've heeded the warning and they should have left. the sad reality that is unfolding now is that the civilians in gaza are paying the price for the atrocities of hamas. we are fighting a battle here to defend ourselves. we cannot allow a situation for hamas to continue to exist after the atrocities of october 7th, and in order for us to be able to safeguard ourselves, we have to eradicate hamas wherever they are, even if they're hiding in tunnels underneath populated areas. >> colonel conricus, to the point about wanting them to leave, these are 100,000 people in a refugee camp. by definition, they lack resources. where were people like that supposed to go? was it even reasonable to tell them to go? they don't have anything to begin with. >> no, no, that is unfortunately not accurate at all. i'd like to explain why. if you look at the footage that you're showing, you don't see tents. this isn't some makeshift refugee camp. these are permanent dwellings of palestinians living in a palestinian-controlled area under palestinian rule. these aren't refugees no more than my grandparents are refugees who came from poland and morocco in 1948. this is the time scope that we are talking about. these aren't refugees, and it's not a refugee camp any more than half of the population in modern israel are refugees or the expulsion from arab countries in 1948. so -- >> colonel, i understand your point about permanence. i'm sure king abdullah would say the same about refugee camps of syria and egypt and jordan. but, while i understand the point you're making about the permanency of the residents, they are poor. they can't leave -- >> erin, yes, they could, they could. they made a decision. the fact that they made the wrong decision does not make them a target. that is not what i'm saying. i am saying that we warned ahead. everybody in jabalia knows the same guy who was holding the page listing the unfortunate death in his family, i feel for him. but he knows that hamas is there. he knows that the place is full of what they call resistance. all of them know it. and they know that there will be fighting there. and they know that the safest place for them to be is not there. it's in the south. >> so let me ask you a question about, though, how you know what you're striking. because i know you put out a statement today, the idf did, at least, colonel, regarding the second strike in 24 hours in jabalia camp. and a quote it is that based on precise intelligence, idf fighter jets struck hamas command and control complex in jabalia. colonel, of course, we all know israeli intelligence failed in the leadup to the hamas terror attack on october 7th. how do you know that israeli intelligence is right now? >> erin, i think you asked the same question three weeks ago, and i think i will provide the same answer that i'm saying now. we are basing our military operations of intelligence. we continue to monitor their communications. we continue to listen and see what they're doing. we issue information, not claims, but we issue names, faces, and positions of dead hamas commanders and key operatives. we do that because we do still have excellent intelligence, very granular intelligence of what they are doing of their whereabouts. granted, i cannot argue with what you said the first part. yes, we failed on october 7th, clearly. and that needs to be investigated. but definitely that does not imply that our intelligence is wrong on the contrary. we continue working based on that intelligence, and we generate more intelligence. our ground troops are there in friction with the enemy. every encounter when we meet the enemy, we defeat them, even if we have casualties and then we generate more and more targeting intelligence. >> all right. well, colonel conricus, thank you very much. i appreciate your time tonight. >> thank you. all right. and, next, an exclusive dispatch from our journalist ibrahim dahman in gaza where he visits a shelter where 20,000 people are crammed together and they're hungry and afraid. plus, former president trump's eldest son takes the witness stand in trump's new york fraud case. what did he say under oath about his father's business empire? new cnn k-file reporting on house speaker mike johnson's past and his controversial ties to a group that claimed it could turn gay people straight. >> it's time for an honest conversation about homosexuality.y. there isis freedom t to change you wawant to. tonight, for the first time, a few people allowed to leave gaza. americans among them. the rafah border crossing between egypt and gaza, let some people through. 361 to be precise, according to egyptian officials. and right now a small group of american citizens along with a few hundred foreign nationals and dozens of badly injured palestinians have been able finally to leave and they are now in cairo. finally allowed to escape after more than three weeks under siege. among them, american dr. barbara zind. you're looking at images of zind finally leaving there after being trapped there for 26 days. we've been following her story. she was there to help children and ended up in the middle of a war, surviving increasingly desperate conditions, at one point at the end living in a car sleeping with as many as six other people. food and water incredibly short supply. one toilet shared by 800 people. you can imagine the lines, the agony, the disease. her husband shared updates with "outfront" throughout her entire ordeal. and tonight she is now beginning finally to begin her way home to colorado and to see you, paul. paul preston is with me. paul, thank goodness. i mean, you had become increasingly anguished about her situation. i know that you're hoping to obviously have a chance to speak with her very soon. where is she, and how is she? >> um, i've just been hearing second-hand about her. she's, i think, going to be arriving in cairo fairly soon. is going to stay there for a night and come on back to colorado. i've heard that she's feeling okay, but, again, i haven't talked to her directly. >> right. and i imagine, there's okay and then there's the -- just dealing with what she's seen and experienced. and i know her deep care for those she has left behind. do you have any information as to what it was like as she left, paul? >> well, she was put on a list. my sister-in-law who's palestinian red on the rafah facebook page that my wife in ramona were 15th and 16th on the ngo list to be evacuated. so they got up early and then went to the border. they said it was -- well, indirectly, again, they said it was fairly orderly. people were calling out people's names and they would come up. there was some fighting. i'm not sure what the fighting was about. she said she saw, quote, only two fist fights. but once she got to the palestinian border crossing, she was there for, like, five hours, four or five hours in passport control. and that's when i was starting to get discouraged because she texted me that. i'm, like, what's going to happen now. but i think what's going on just conjecture is that they were removing the injured and moving the ambulances through. and, so, once we started to go through the system, then she took a shuttle to the egyptian part of the border, and then she got into a car arranged by pcrf. i think it was, like, six people in this car. but they did arrange a police escort for her to get across the sinai. >> you know, the last time we spoke, she had to flee that same crossing because of fights over food. i know at one point she had gotten close in the hopes and then you had described these people literally fighting outside a u.n. compound for food. what are the conditions, as you understand it, now? i know you're describing as she was leaving only two fist fights. but, what were the conditions as she was leaving that she was living under and others around her living under? >> well, she's, like before, very fortunate. she was living in a clinic attached to a school and was now sleeping inside, which was different than what was going on before. they actually had a stove that had gas so they could have some hot food. before they used campfire when they were in the compound. she didn't mention how it was outside. i think she was, you know, saying that it was so bad she kind of got used to it. it was just bad, like, all the time. the one good thing about where she was is the bombing was not as close. and, so, that made her feel more secure. >> well, paul, thank you very much. i'm so glad to speak with you finally with this being the reason why, and thank you so much. and i hope she's getting some rest. we will be speaking to you soon. thanks. >> and we appreciate you, erin, for keeping these people in the public eye with these stories. thank you. >> all right. well, thank you. it's the least we can do. well, dr. zind is one of the lucky few able to leave gaza tonight. because, of course, there are countless gazans well over a million, 2 million, who can't. those include our cnn colleague ibrahim dahman. and along with his wife and their two young boys. he's been "outfront" eyes and ears on the ground in gaza since the war began. tonight he reports from a u.n. refugee camp near khan yunis where he says there are right now, as we are talking, 20,000 people, no mattresses. [ speaking in a global language ] [ speaking in a global language ] all right. 20,000 people, ib says, living off of canned food, sleeping on the ground, as we're speaking now. that's our ibrahim dahman continuing to bravely report tonight on that grim reality as he endures it with his wife and young boys. and, next, prosecutors in trump's fraud trial questioning donald trump jr. under oath. trump's legal team, though, opting not to cross-examine the president's son. how come? and, democratic congressman ro khanna taking on the republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy for saying that he'd love nothing more than for the idf to put hamas leaders heads on a statak. why y did d khanna want this de? he'll l tell you. hehe's "outfroront." here in ths and all of our stuff where we want to go. but, our cars can't take us e with unpaid tolls. vehicles with overdue, unpaid tolls may not be able to renew their registration until outstanding balances are paid. payment assistance is available. visit bayareafastrak.org/ase so go pay your unpaid tolls y and keep your wheels on the ! new tonight, donald trump jr. under oath. the former president's oldest son testifying for about 90 minutes today in the trump org fraud trial, denying any involvement or preparation in his father's statements, including after his father became president, and he was appointed trustee of a revocable trust. donald jr. saying he left all of that to the accountants. he is the first of three trump children scheduled to testify. he'll be back on the stand tomorrow. former president trump himself is still scheduled to take the stand on monday. erik larson is "outfront" now, the bianna golodryga news legal reporter who was in the courtroom. and ryan goodman our "outfront" legal analyst. we've been talking to you throughout this trial, eric. you've been inside throughout. you were inside for all of it today. we've got a courtroom sketch of him on the stand because you saw from your own eyes we just get these sketches but there he is. awarding to "the washington post," quote, he left the room for the afternoon break, don jr. paused to hover over the court room sketch artist's work. sounds like father like son. can you tell me about that and what the mood was like when he was on that stand? >> he was actually started out pretty jovial. he cracked a joke at the beginning when the judge for a few minutes had some photographers and videographers come in to take some shots. and he cracked a joke about how, oh, i should've put on my makeup this morning. everyone kind of laughed. he also cracked a few jokes on the witness stand at one point while he was speaking really quickly, the judge asked him to slow down for the court reporter. and he joked about how he had moved to florida but he still talks like a new yorker, that sort of thing. so he was pretty laid back especially compared to the demeanor of his father when he's been in court and speaking to reporters outside the courtroom and lashing out -- >> very angry. >> right. so there was none of that from donald trump jr. he did seem prepared. he answered the questions real quickly for the first hour or so, it was a lot of background about his work at the trump organization, all of the projects that he's worked on. toward the end, he was asked more pointed questions about his role in these allegedly inflated documents at the center of the case. he got a little more animated at that point in denying any involvement in those documents. >> and, again, we should make the point here that this trial is not about guilt or innocence. that's been determined by the judge. all parties had agreed to that. this is about damages and what liability the former president trump org may have. even if don jr. is telling the truth and he doesn't know anything about what the accountants did, whether people inflated, despite obviously his role at the time at the trump org, that could still be a problem for him, right? >> it could be a problem for him in multiple ways. it's helpful to him in some respect because it means that he wasn't necessarily involved in fraudulently misrepresenting the business records or something like that because he didn't know what was going on. >> ann >> at least that's what he says. >> but, on the other hand, it suggests he's not practicing due diligence. that's in the attorney general's documents submitted to the court that he should've known and he's signing the certification saying it is according to accounting standards, and he is saying i don't even know what those standards are. that's one of the problem. the other thing is the judge might make a credibility determination and that's important in terms of if the judge's final orders will be appealed and if he'd be overturned. if he makes some of these based on factual determinations that he doesn't find some of the witnesses credible, that is very difficult to overturn because he's in the jung in that courtroom making that determination. only he can really decide that. >> so where do you think -- he's going to be back tomorrow, this almost had been delayed by a day. so, he's going to finish tomorrow. where do you think he's the most vulnerable if the state continues questioned? >> there are several parts of the complaint that specify donald trump jr.'s role in these statements of financial condition in terms of using them to give to banks like deutsche bank and verifying their accuracy as he was handing them over under the terms of their loans for hundreds and millions of dollars. and, on top of that, there is at least one example of don jr. and some of the others at trump org being alerted to the fact that one of the main assets, trump's three-story penthouse at trump tower, the size of it and value was exaggerated by about three times to over $300 million, and "forbes" magazine looked into it in 2015 or so and told them about it, and they sort of just said, eh, oh well, and apparently just went ahead and submitted it to deutsche bank anyway. >> which, by the way, there's overstating and there's sort of -- there's poetic license in real estate. $300 million for a penthouse, that's not in that realm. >> it's an order of magnitude. so they're in deep trouble. >> thank you both very much. i appreciate it. and, next, new reporting tonight from cnn's k-file on house speaker mike johnson's past. his work with the group that vowed to turn gay people straight, and his long history of anti-gay comments. you'll hear the tape. and is trump now the king of gaffes? >> we did with obama, we won an election that everyone said couldn't be won. >> he says obama. but, remember, it was hillary clinton that he beat. tonight, dangerous. that's how former republican congresswoman liz cheney describes mike johnson. it comes as cnn's k-file has uncovered details about a long-debunked theory that gay people could be made straight. here is some of what he's said in the past. >> it's time for an honest conversation about homosexuality. there is freedom to change if you want to. >> cnn k-file is "outfront." that's pretty unambiguous. but what else did you find? >> yeah. so, for years, johnson worked with this group called exodus international on an antigay event aimed at teens. exodus was a leader in what was called the ex gay movement where they claim that you could essentially change somebody's sexuality through counseling, through prayer. they basically treated being gay as a mental illness. now, johnson and this group when he was an attorney at this socially conservative organization called the alliance defense fund, collaborated on this event called the day of truth. this was actually in response to a pro-gay event called the day of silence. it was to raise awareness about bullying for gay teens and then they launched this event the next day in 2005 that was about basically they'd pass out cards, they would tell people that you could change your sexual behavior, they pointed teens to their website. and this had links to exodus' ministries. and we actually have some audio of johnson talking about that event. let's take a listen to it. >> our race, the color of our eyes, these are things we are born with, we cannot change. but the -- is a type of behavior. it's something you do, it's not something that you are. >> and i think we should note, too, that exodus actually shut down in 2013. their founder issued a long apology apologizing for the hurt and pain that this sort of thing has caused. and we actually spoke to a former executive when we were working on this story. and he said that this sort of thing was very damaging for gay teens. >> so, what else did you find on johnson's record on gay rights? >> homosexuality was a very -- it was a topic he talked about a lot when that lawrence v. texas ruling came down in 2003, which threw out state sodomy laws. johnson actually wrote to say that he thought those laws should've stayed in place, that he called homosexuality, we reported last week, inherently unnatural. he called it a dangerous lifestyle. he was very against same-sex marriage and he actually said it was going to bring down democracy. and then he said people would be marrying their pets, like, goldfish, cats, things like that. and he even shared this sort of odd pseudo scientific or historical theory that the roman empire fell because of homosexuality. and we have a clip of that as well. >> many historians, these who are objective would look back and recognize and give some credit to the fall of rome to not only the deprivation of the society and the loss of morals, but also to the ram fant homosexual behavior that was condoned by the society. >> so we did reach out to johnson's office. we asked about those clips. we asked, does he still believe this stuff, does he believe in conversion therapy. we didn't get a response from them. >> all right, andrew, thank you very much. i appreciate it, the k-file. now i want to go to democratic congressman ro khanna of california. you heard all of that. you heard those clips. this is now the house speaker. this is the person who is the speaker of the house. does this surprise you that someone who clearly has advocated these views is now the speaker? >> it doesn't surprise me. they're obviously very extreme. they're wrong. they don't recognize the dignity of every american. and it's not what americans believe. but, look, there is an extreme wing of the republican party that is determining who the speaker is. and, unfortunately, speaker johnson is beholden to them. >> the house just voted to kill representative marjorie taylor greene's censure of rashida tlaib, who has taken a position on israel. she reports a recent pro-palestinian protest at the capitol. she was clear about that. you wondered how many republicans would stand up to her right to free speech, as you see it. 23 of them did. 186 voted to censor. nonetheless, 23 of them did stand up for her. are you surprised about that? >> i applaud their courage in standing up for the first amendment. look, i absolutely condemned what hamas did and have stood up for israel's right to defend itself and voted that way. but, in a democracy, we should allow people to have different views. and rashida tlaib has a grandmother who is in palestine. she has lived experience. she should be able to speak out for her views. and if they're wrong or if she has misstatements, correct her. but don't suppress her first amendment speech. >> you were in new hampshire today debating republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. and at one point, you gave him an opportunity to retract a recent statement he made. his statement said that he would, quote, love nothing more -- that's what he said -- love nothing more than if the idf put hamas leaders' heads on stakes. you gave him a chance to retract this. i want to play the exchange. >> i heard you say you want the hamas leaders on stakes and at the gaza border. >> if israel wants to do that, they should be able to do that. >> we have a difference just in terms of leadership. if we were to put hamas leaders on stakes, if israel were to do it, we would tell them absolutely not -- because already christopher wray is saying there are heightened threats to jewish-american, muslim-americans here. >> israel is an ally. you let an ally defend themselves as they deem fit. >> so he stands by it, heads on stakes, if you're an ally, you let an ally defend themselves as they deem fit. why was it important to you to have this debate and conversation? >> well, what i was trying to say there is look at president obama when he got osama bin laden, he deposed of the remains in the sea. when you have this kind of inflammatory rhetoric, especially for someone who is running for president and in the top five, it puts all of us at risk. it heightens the terrorist threats that christopher wray is talking about to u.s. troops, to jewish-americans, to muslim-americans. and i was hoping to engage him in a civil conversation to show substantive differences, and hopefully to persuade people that we need more rationality and prudence in foreign policy. >> you've been very pro-israel. you don't support a ceasefire. you've had people demonstrating in front of your office saying that you should. rashida tlaib do support that, you don't. your political director resigned over your stance on this. you've held firm. why do you have a ceasefire is wrong? >> i'm where bernie sanders is. i'm where many -- jamie raskin is. and that is in a humanitarian pause, that we need to have israel's right to defend itself, israel should be able to go after the hamas perpetrators who have committed this heinous act. any country would want to do that. but we need to value palestinian lives. we can't have bombing that is going after civilians, innocent children and women. now, it's hard because hamas often has those civilians in military sites. but, at the same time, we need extraordinary care. and right now i'm saying let's have a humanitarian pause with food, water, electricity, which i'd say is the majority progressive position. >> i appreciate your time, congressman khanna, thank you very much. >> thank you. and, next, trump's made a campaign out of making fun of biden's gaffes. but is he starting to stumble a bit too much, too? like saying he beat obama or that biden could lead the united states into world war ii? and new york making an example tonight of a student who's accused of threatening to bring an assault rifle t to cams toto shoot jewisish people. tonight, turning the tables on trump, the ron desantis campaign hammering trump for a string of gaffes he's made on the campaign trail recently, launching what it's called a trump accident tracker. today the campaign mocking trump's teleprompter readability, calling his performance, sad, to use a trump word. put the politics aside because the attacks from desantis come, as trump has been trying to make an issue out of joe biden's age and fitness for office relentlessly. now you've got to look at his record too. kristen holmes is "out front." >> reporter: it's a new feature of donald trump's stump speech. >> where am i? >> reporter: the former president delivering an exaggerated impersonation of joe biden, mocking the democrat's age and fitness for office. >> he doesn't even know what the hell -- he can't get off the stage. he can't put two sentences together, and he's in charge of nuclear warfare. oh, my. >> reporter: it's trump's own verbal stumbles, such as predicting a future war that ended nearly 80 years ago -- >> we would be in world war ii very quickly. >> reporter: -- claiming he defeated barack obama in an election. >> we did with obama. we won an election that everyone said couldn't be won. >> reporter: and mistakenly referring to hungarian prime minister has the leader of turkey. >> viktor orban. anyone ever heefr him? he's probably one of the strongest leaders anywhere in the world. he's the leader of turkey. but viktor orban, and he's the head of hungary, and he runs it tough. >> reporter: that are giving his rivals, democrats and republicans alike, an opening to turn the tables. >> and what donald trump does now, he is wedded to the teleprompter. he can't get off that teleprompter. this is a different donald trump than 2015 and '16. lost the zip on his fastball, has a sense of entitlement. >> reporter: florida governor ron desantis campaign launched what it's calling a trump accident tracker, to highlight the former president's verbal slips on the campaign trail. nikki haley meanwhile jabbed at the former president's lack of moral clarity on foreign policy. >> with all due respect, i don't get confused. >> reporter: president joe biden's re-election campaign is also seeking to draw attention to trump's missteps, clipping the moments and promoting them on social media. >> a very big hello to a place where we've done very well, sioux falls. thank you very much, sioux falls. so, sioux city, let me ask you -- >> reporter: at 80, biden is america's oldest sitting president and would be 86 at the end of his second term. trump is about three and a half years younger than biden. >> he's not too old, he's incompetent. >> reporter: and erin, despite this relatively small age gap between these two men, the way voters view them is wide. nbc news found that 59% of voters had major concerns that biden did not have the necessary physical or mental health that was needed to serve another presidential term. that compared to only 34% who felt that way about trump. erin? >> kristen, thank you very much. and next, a warning from new york's governor after a student was arrested for allegedly threatening to shoot up a kosher dining hall. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. here s and all of our stuff where we want to go. but, our cars can't take us e with unpaid tolls. vehicles with overdue, unpaid tolls may not be able to renew their registration until outstanding balances are paid. payment assistance is available. visit bayareafastrak.org/ase so go pay your unpaid tolls y and keep your wheels on the ! tonight, you cannot get away with this. that's a quote, the direct words of the new york governor kathy hochul, after a 21-year-old cornell student was arrested for making anti-semitic threats against jewish students online. >> i want to make an example. if you do this, you will be caught and you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. >> patrick dai appeared in court today. the department of justice alleges he threatened to shoot up a kosher dining hall. he used several user names to create the threats. he could face up to five years in prison if he is convicted. in the meantime, his parents have spoken out telling "the new york post" he struggles with depression. they say he doesn't have a history of violence. the attorney general merrick garland today referenced dai's arrest. he was hosting a forum on hate crimes. of course there has been a surge in hate crimes, noting a significant uptick in threats against jewish, muslim, and arab americans americans. "ac 360" with anderson cooper "ac 360" with anderson cooper begins right now. -- captions by vitac -- www.vitac.com