israel says it's taken out a senior hamas leader. but the strike devastating a gaza refugee camp. one doctor says hundreds have been killed or injured. plus, escaping gaza in just hours. a crucial border crossing is set to open for some of those in danger, as we're learning there are some 400 american citizens stuck in the gaza strip. i'll talk to a member of the international committee of the red cross in gaza. and the u.s. putting iran on notice right now, warning, if the attacks on american troops don't stop, the u.s. will respond. let's go "outfront." good evening. welcome to a special edition of "outfront." i'm wolf blitzer in for erin burnett. and, tonight, live from here in tel aviv, there's breaking news. israel claiming to have hit 300 targets in gaza over the past 24 hours alone. one of those targets, a refugee camp just north of gaza city where israel says a very senior hamas commander was located. explosions rocked the refugee camp just hours ago, flattening apartment buildings and leaving behind a giant crater. cnn capturing a massive dark cloud rising over northern gaza around the same time as the strike. though cnn cannot fully confirm that the video shows the airstrike carried out at the jabalya refugee camp. he was waiting in line to buy bread when several missiles were fired from an f-16. and i'm quoting now. there were seven to eight huge homes in the ground full of killed people. body parts all over the place. it felt like the end of the world. the doctor of the hospital in a hamas-controlled area says he seen hundreds of dead bodies and injured patients. but an idf official telling me tonight that the number of civilian casualties has been greatly inflated. all this comes as israeli troops are pushing deeper and deeper into the gaza strip, claiming it's now killed some 50 hamas fighters. as well as taking out firing positions, terror tunnels and a large stock of weapons. also tonight we're learning that the secretary of state antony blinken will return here to israel this week, his third trip since the attack by hamas. we have a lot to cover tonight. nada bashir is live in jerusalem. jeremy diamond is along the israel/gaza border. nada, what are you learning about this strike on the jabalya camp? >> reporter: well, look, wolf, we've been seeing devastating airstrikes like tonight's airstrike for over three weeks now with a devastating civilian toll. but the images, the videos that we have seen emerging from the jabalya refugee camp have been horrifying, to say the least. and, of course, there is still question over the full extent over the civilian death toll and the casualties we've heard from doctors on the ground who say that there are hundreds amongst those killed and injured in this latest airstrike. but, of course, as we know, there are still people believed to be buried beneath the rubble of what once were their homes. people still digging, searching hopeful that there may be survivors. but as we have seen for more than three weeks, devastation like this always comes with a horrifying death toll. take a look at the scene. horrifying scenes of utter despair. where is she, this man pleads. but everything here is gone. part of the jabalya refugee camp, among the largest and most densely populated in gaza, now turned to rubble. the latest target of israel's relentless air campaign. the idf has claimed responsibility for the airstrike. the target, they say, a senior hamas commander, killed in the blast. >> we were focused, again, on a target, a senior commander. >> reporter: but this attack, this massacre as doctors in gaza are describing it, has hit civilians hardest. emergency response teams work desperately in the hope of finding more survivors. but outside gaza's overwhelmed indonesian hospital hospital, corpses line the street. the number of those killed and injured, according to the hospital's director, already in the hundreds. >> translator: they were just in their homes, children, women, the elderly. we have no idea what to do. the injured are everywhere. >> reporter: inside the hospital, mothers with their children, wounded and traumatized. but outside, survivors continue to dig through the debris of what once were their homes. desperate to find loved ones buried beneath with all fearing the very worst. some of the videos which have emerged from the aftermath of the airstrike on jabalya are simply too graphic to show. doctors tell cnn that bodies were found charred and dismembered. this nightmare comes after residents in northern gaza were warned by israel to evacuate southwards. but many simply cannot leave. and while israel denies carrying out collective punishment against the palestinian people, but scenes like this reflected across the gaza strip, show that it is civilians that are paying the price. look, wolf, there has been fierce criticism of this latest airstrike. as we know, the refugee camp is densely populated. it is amongst the largest refugee camps in the gaza strip. and what we have seen for over three weeks now is the civilian areas in the gaza strip, which has been under a blockade since 2007 coming under these relentless air bombardments by the idf. we've heard those evacuation orders for civilians in the north to evacuate southward. but we are still seeing airstrikes being targeted in the southern areas. for many in gaza that we've been speaking to, they tell us there was simply nowhere safe for them to turn. wolf? >> nada bashir live in jerusalem, thank you very much. right now i want to go to cnn's jeremy diamond. he's in ashkelon, that's not very far from gaza. jeremy, what is the latest where you are and what else are you learning there? >> reporter: well, wolf, even as the images emerge from the refugee camp of wounded and deceased women and children, the idf is standing by this strike that it carried out on the jabalya refugee camp, insisting that it struck a military target and that it was a military target of very high value. they say that's the case because they say that in this strike, they were able to kill ib rim biari, the commander of hamas' central battalion. he was not only responsible for the october 7th terrorist attacks but also because he was in command. forces of hamas fighters in northern gaza, who have been confronting israeli forces in that expanded ground operation that was launched five days ago. what we're also learning is that biari appears to have been in those underground tunnels beneath these residential buildings alongside other hamas fighters and that when israel struck that site with some kind of munition that was able to penetrate the ground, the idf says that the the other buildings around it collapsed because of the underground tunnel system, and effectively putting the blame on hamas for embedding itself in civilian populations as you look at the civilian death toll here. now, israel claims that it takes extraordinary precautions as it relates to civilian casualties. but we have watched, wolf, over the last several weeks as the death toll of civilians when you look at children in particular, according to the hamas-controlled palestinian adstry of health, more than 3,000 children have been killed in this conflict over these last three weeks. today we were actually in sderot overlooking the gaza strip. and we saw what appears to have been that israeli airstrike that was carried out on the jabalya refugee camp. you can see this enormous plume of smoke that emerged from the direction of the refugee camp. and we saw this at the very same time as that airstrike appears to have taken place at approximately the same time. of course, we cannot fully confirm that this was the strike. but you can see that the sizeable crater in the images from the ground and in this very sizeable cloud of smoke emerging around the same time. wolf? >> jeremy diamond live in ashkelon, thank you very much. joining me now lieutenant general jonathan conricus, the israel defense forces international spokesperson. lieutenant colonel, thanks once again for joining us. israel said it took out a top hamas commander in that strike on the jabalya refugee camp earlier today. hamas strongly denied that that official was even at the camp. are you absolutely certain, lieutenant colonel, he was there and you got him? >> if hamas said so, then of course we should believe it, shouldn't we? they're only a terrorist organization that has the longest track record of lying, killing, murdering, abducting and mutilating bodies in. all seriousness, yes, ibrahim was killed and dozens of other hamas combatants. they were running military operations against our forces in a tunnel complex underneath the jabalya area. they were in a very big tunnel. we struck that tunnel after we understood that biari and the other terrorists were there. i can confirm that he is dead. just as we have issued names, faces and titles of more than 50 hamas operatives that we have been able to eliminate over the last few weeks, his name is now on that list. i want to say we do not target the civilian population. we target hamas operatives and the fact that there may be civilians affected by the fighting is because hamas embeds itself under the civilian population and uses them as their human shields. >> so, as you point out, the idf keeps on saying today that it killed approximately 50 hamas terrorists and hit 300 targets in gaza over the past 24 hours or so. how many more hamas members does the idf want to get, and how many targets do you have left to hit before you end this military operation? >> that's a good question, but it's difficult to say because what we are trying to achieve here is the overall effect. the effect here and the military aim is to dismantle hamas, to get to its leadership, and to make sure that there are no military resources and capabilities in the gaza strip that will be used, again, in order to target israelis as we saw in the atrocities of october the 7th. at this stage, i cannot say how many operatives that would mean and how many seniors we will have to kill and how many tunnels, et cetera. what i can say is that our troops are now on the ground going and searching and engaging with the enemy on the ground in their strongholds, and jabalia was a hamas stronghold. that is why our troops are there. that is why we struck it. and we will continue to do so. we are committed, focused on defeating hamas and making sure that never again will a terrorist organization in gaza have the ability to strike israeli civilians. >> as you probably know, hamas just said tonight that none of the hostages that the group is holding in gaza have been rescued, despite the idf saying yesterday it did in fact rescue an israeli soldier named ori megidish. hamas suggested that megidish could've been held prisoner by another group. do you know if that's accurate? >> anything that hamas says is first considered a lie, and it's only proven true if someone else verifies it. that's how we regard anything coming out of hamas' mouth, especially when it comes to the psychological warfare efforts that they are conducting using those poor israeli hostages that they are holding. we are talking about more than -- not more than, but 240 israelis that are currently in gaza, held by hamas and under the responsibility of hamas. and, frankly, i don't think it matters so much who held them and what and where she was held. the important thing is that she is now home, reunited with her family, and we are very committed to getting each and every of those israelis, 240 that are being held illegally in direct violation of humanitarian law and the law of armed conflict, they are holding civilians and military personnel illegally. and, of course, we are going to get them out whatever the efforts need to be taken. >> hamas also said today, lieutenant colonel, that it will free some of these foreign national hostages they are holding in the coming days. what can you tell us about that? >> well, i can say that there are 240 israeli hostages held in gaza, probably underground. and i know that hamas is also holding other people in the gaza strap and preventing them from exiting. many dual nationals and images. hundreds and perhaps even thousands of them. and they are holding them and preventing them from exiting as well. so, it's no surprise that hamas, they have this practice of holding people against their will above and below ground. we have tried to coordinate the safe evacuation of images twice. twice it has been thwarted by hamas. they don't want images to leave. frankly, each and every press statement issued by hamas, every movie of hostages that they release and each and every piece of information, it's lies and more lies and nothing but lies. they've said in the past that if we wouldn't stop bombing, this was two and a half weeks ago, if we wouldn't stop bombing them, they would execute hostages and show videos of it. and then they're saying, oh, actually hostages have been killed by israeli bombardments and now they're saying different things. it is less important what they say. what matters is what is done. what is done is that we have saved one of them, rescued one of them, and we are committed to getting all of them out by whatever means necessary. >> lieutenant general jonathan conricus, thanks once again for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. "outfront" next, our breaking news continues. the u.s. revealing tonight that there are approximately 400 americans, american citizens stuck in gaza, as a critical border crossing is now set to open. some of those desperately trying to get out of the gaza strip. plus, the battle over protecting israel. the divide deepening between republican leaders over providing israel with crucial funding. and new evidence tonight that trump's grip on the republican party is actually tightening even as his legal troubles c continue to mountnt.. we're back with our breaking news live here in tel aviv. the rafah border crossing in southern gaza now set to open in the next few hours to allow 81 seriously wounded gazans to receive medical treatment in egypt. that's according to an egyptian border official. but, still, no word on when that crossing will open to the thousands who are trying to get out of gaza right now, including some 400 american citizens. according to the u.s. secretary of state, antony blinken. also tonight, israel's prime minister under growing global pressure to increase humanitarian aid into gaza following that strike on hamas targets in the largest refugee camp in gaza. and joining us now, the red cross spokesperson who's been based in gaza since 2019. he's currently in southern gaza for us. thank you very much for joining us. as you know, an idf attack on the largest refugee camp in gaza has caused many casualties. are you hearing anything about this blast, what do you know? >> um, thank you for having me. -- this evening from jabalia refugee camp, which is one of the most densely populated areas in the gaza strip and world are completely tragic. the footage we are receiving is heartbreaking. this is one of the things that we have warned about since the very early hours, that civilians always pay the heaviest toll. and we urge both parties to spare civilian lives. >> the idf also says, hisham, that it struck 300 targets inside gaza over the past inside or so. the devastation clearly is growing. what are conditions like where you are in southern gaza? >> it is really tragic. i can see endless lines of people waiting for long hours waiting for some bread and bottled water. we have tried to -- tunnels -- the gaza strip. and we witnessed tens of thousands of internally displaced families without any access to the basic needs. no water, no food, potentially could link to an environmental -- also creates an extra pressure on the teams working and operating in these hospitals nonstop for many weeks now without any reinforcement. >> so, what do you need most right now, hisham? >> this is exactly what we need. sustainable entry into gaza strip. we appreciate all the efforts that led to the entry of this number of aid trucks or trucks loaded with aid. but this remains an endless ocean of increasing human needs as time passes. each hour, each extra day during these conflicts equals more devastation, more dire need in gaza. and this could only be solved by humanitarian and sustainable and secured entry for humanitarian aid. one of the key challenges is the lack of security on the ground in gaza. we cannot get so far to all the areas of the gaza strip on timely basis. >> even as you work to bring relief to others, i know you are all living through this yourself, with your wife, your young son. i certainly understand your wife is pregnant and can give birth as soon as potentially tonight. first of all, how is your family doing? >> well, thank you for mentioning this. my wife -- we are expecting a baby any time soon. and it has been one of the scariest nights a few nights ago when the communication system was completely cut off across the gaza strip. many families could not call for an ambulance or to be rescued. hospital received news about the casualties -- their neighbors or friends or cabdrivers who delivered them to the hospitals. >> thank you so much for joining us. good luck to you. good luck to your wife, your entire family. let's stay in touch. >> thank you so much. "outfront" next, the new republican speaker of the house is trying to pass an aid package for israel. but the bill is causing a divide among republicans. can it even pass? plus, the u.s. issues a direct threat to iran, direct threat to iran, warning it will respond if the attacks on u.s. forces donon't stop. here in ths and all of our stuff where we want to go. but, our cars can't take us e with unpaid tolls. vehicles with overdue, unpaid tolls may not be able to renew their registration until outstanding balances are paid. payment assistance is available. visit so go pay your unpaid tolls y and keep your wheels on the ! welcome back to a special edition of "outfront" live from tel aviv. tonight, the new house speaker mike johnson announcing he plans to hold a vote thursday on a $14.3 billion funding bill for israel. but that bill already may be a nonstarter for both parties, first, because johnson plans to fund the bill with $14.3 billion in cuts to the internal revenue service, the irs. the bill also leaves out any funding for ukraine's war against russia, something that senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is against and has created a clear split among senate republicans. listen. >> it would be a huge mistake to separate this package. >> so i think the speaker's smart to separate out the israeli aid. >> it's not acceptable to abandon ukraine. >> he is going to not put ukraine aid together with aid for israel, and i completely agree with him. >> reporter: cnn's melanie zanona is "outfront" for us out on capitol hill. melanie, given what we just heard, what's the fate of this bill? >> well, wolf, it's really uncertain at this moment house republicans are supporting the israel-only approach. but democrats are against it, and, meanwhile, senate republicans are really divided, which is just further complicated matters up on capitol hill. in one corner, you have senate minority leader mitch mcconnell and defense hawks like lindsey graham who argue it is in the interest of national security to have a broader package that includes israel, taiwan, ukraine, border security money. but in the other corner, you have senate conservatives who say they don't support any more money flowing to ukraine and are insisting that these two issues be delinked. so, really, it is all mitch mcconnell against members of his own party and put him in line with senate democratic leader chuck schumer. let's listen. >> the house gop package is woefully inadequate, has the hard right high school fingerprints all over it. making aid to israel, who just faced the worst terrorist attack in history contingent on poison pills that help ultra-wealthy tax cheats. >> we'll see if the bill comes out of the house. and if so, what kind of margin it has. my own view, i just expressed, is that we need to treat all four of these areas, all four of them, ukraine, israel, taiwan, and the border. >> reporter: so, the house and senate really on a collision course here. and, meanwhile, there was also a divide in the senate today over the confirmation of jack lew to be the next ambassador to israel. this is a post that has been vacant since july. but there was a new sense of urgency to get this done since the war broke out. but republicans had concerns over jack lew's role in the controversial iran nuclear deal in 2015. lew has served under the obama administration including white house chief of staff and also treasury secretary. but, in the end, this vote was 53-43 with just two republicans voting to support him, lindsey graham and rand paul. wolf? >> just need a simple majority to be confirmed as the u.s. ambassador. melanie zanona, thank you very much for that report. "outfront" now, democratic congressman seth moulton of massachusetts. he sits on the house armed services committee, and served four tours of duty with the u.s. marines in iraq. congressman, thanks so much for joining us. thanks for your support, your involvement in all of this. if the house does vote on the stand-alone funding bill for israel, do you plan to support it or oppose it? >> from what i've seen right now, i can't support it because the speaker is politicizing aid to israel. he's politicizing our relationship. and, fundamentally, politicizing our national security. we all know that ukraine and israel are both fighting for freedom, they're both important to our national security to send a message to terrorists and dictators around the world that you can't mess with us or our allies. and the way that they're trying to separate them, i mean, it's interesting that the two quotes you got, rick scott and rand paul in the senate, supporting separating these out, two isolationists who know nothing about national security, whereas mitt romney and lindsey graham, they're two republicans i don't often agree with, but they certainly understand national security. they understand that ukraine is important to our national security as well. that's why they want to keep this package together. >> the secretary of state antony blinken today tried to make a clear link between what is happening with israel's war against hamas and ukraine's war against russia. listen to this. >> this is all one fight, and we have to respond in a way that recognizes that. if we start to peel off pieces of this package, they'll see that, they'll understand that we are playing whack-a-mole while they cooperate increasingly. >> what duke, congressman, to your fellow lawmakers who don't see this the same way? >> i mean, one of hamas' biggest allies is vladimir putin. he came out and supported hamas. so, we're going to send a message that we don't like hamas in israel, and therefore we're giving aid to israel. and, yet, we're supporting vladimir putin's, you know, essentially victory over ukraine by not providing ukraine the defenses that they need to maintain their freedom. i mean, this doesn't make any sense. and, of course, i sit on the china committee, wolf. one of the things that we understand is so important to deterring and preventing war in the pacific, preventing xi jinping from deciding that he should go ahead and invade taiwan is showing the world that dictators will be stopped. xi jinping is watching ukraine like a hawk. he wants to understand if we're going to give in and let vladimir putin win because if we do, that sends a message to xi jinping that he can go ahead and invade taiwan and potentially start world war three in the pacific. so, again, ukraine and israel, they're both allies, they're both important to our national security. and that's why we need to continue to support them in their fights. >> in a related development, today we learned of even more attacks against u.s. forces in both iraq and syria. a total of at least 27 known attacks since october 17th. 16 in iraq, 11 in syria, according to the pentagon. including areas you know very well from your own service in iraq. this as u.s. officials warned of an elevated risk of a spillover war. how should the u.s. respond to these attacks? >> it's a great question, wolf. because the administration, the u.s. military have a very difficult deterrence challenge on their hands. they need to send a message to countries like iran and the militant groups that they support that they can not get away with attacking u.s. troops. but, at the same time, they need to send that message in a way that does not spark a wider regional war, a war that iran might well like. they know that it would be very challenging to israel to have to fight on multiple fronts. and, so, iran, a state that has declared that israel should not exist might be quite happy to have a regional war. so what the administration is trying to do is both deter these tactical level attacks, these low-level attacks on u.s. military facilities. while, at the same time, making sure that the larger picture, the strategic level deterrence of a regional conflict stays in place. that's a challenge that i think the administration has met well so far. but this is going to get increasingly difficult as the war in gaza deepens. >> yeah, there's enormous concern among top u.s. officials this war could expand to include others in the region. congressman seth moulton, as usual, thanks so much for joining us. >> good to see you, wolf. "outfront" next, we'll have more on iran's flexing its military muscles. washington is warning tehran to back off or face the consequences. a special report is next. plus, a new poll from an early primary state shows nikki haley surging into second place. but how doeses haley f fair aga donald trurump? tonight, iran put on notice. the u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin with a stern warning tonight after iran-backed groups have carried out more than two dozen attacks on u.s. forces in both iraq and syria. >> if this doesn't stop, then we will respond. we maintain the right to respond. we have a capability to do that. and we will respond at a time and place of our choosing. >> a senior defense official telling cnn, and i'm quoting now, iranian fingerprints are all over the attacks. cnn's fred pleitgen is "outfront" with more on the country's growing influence in the region. >> reporter: iranian-backed houthi fighters in yemen with a show of force. while only hitting u.s. and israeli flags in this exercise, the houthis say they've also launched a massive long-distance attack on israel using ballistic and cruise missiles as well as drones. the enemy armed forces affirm that this operation is the third in support of our oppressed brothers in palestine, this spokesman says. >> reporter: israel confirms the attack saying its defense forces managed to thwart it using modern air defense system. but both the u.s. and israel have long accused iran of providing the houthis with long-range weapons. we got a rare chance to film some of iran's drone and missile arsenal at a military fair in tehran in 2019. as the israel/hamas war continues, the iranians are now also flexing their own military muscle. a recent large-scale exercise aiming to show tehran's defense capabilities but one of the commanding generals also making clear the islamic republic's goal is to destroy israel. regarding the message to the zionist regime, he says, in fact, we announce the destruction of this regime and, god along, we will witness it soon. iran's military is not nearly as modern as the u.s. is or israel's. many of its weapons are u.s.-made from before the islamic revolution in 1979, like these vietnam war-era cobra attack helicopters. but iran influences or controls scores of militias around the entire middle east, which tehran says it can mobilize to not only attack israel but u.s. assets throughout the region. in an interview with al jazeera, iran's president threatening escalation. the events we're seeing in gaza are all red lines that are being breached by the zionist entity, he says, the killing of women and children, the killing of more than 3,000 children is not something that any human being can consciously accept. israel maintains it does not target civilians in its campaign against hamas in gaza. and the u.s. has sent two carrier strike groups and additional surface-to-air missile batteries to the region. the biden administration warning iran to back off. >> we will take our national security interests very seriously. we will protect and defend our troops. we'll do it at a time and a manner of our choosing. >> reporter: fred, we know iran and its proxies are a threat for israel. but just how far-reaching is iran's influence over there? >> well, the iranians certainly believe that they can challenge both the u.s. and israel in the and it's not just the houthis and yemen and certainly also hezbollah and lebanon that are extremely close to the iranians. but we've seen a flurry of iranian and pro-iranian shia militias in iraq and in syria as well, especially in syria after the civil war, iran was on the side of bashar al assad. the former senior commander of the revolutionary guard corpse said the u.s. needs to understand that next to every american outpost in the middle east, there is a militia that's loyal to iran that could strike at any time, wolf. >> very disturbing developments indeed. fred pleitgen reporting for us, thank you. "outfront" next, trump's lead in a crucial state growing according to a new poll, now up by more than 30 points. are there any republicans who can stop him? and a warning tonight from the fbi director about the rising anti-semitism and islamaphobia in the united states. we have details, when we come back. tonight, donald trump is tightening his grip on the republican party. a brand-new cnn poll in the critical early voting state of south carolina has trump leading with 53% among republican primary voters. that's a 31-point lead over his closest competitor nikki haley, who is notably the state's former governor. her fellow south carolina native tim scott is trailing in fourth place out front now, a strategist and pollster and ashley allison, the former coalitions director for president biden's 2020 campaign. kristen, let me start with you. looking at these polling numbers in south carolina. is trump the inevitable nominee? >> he's not inevitable, but he is pretty close. he is definitely the favorite, and his lead is very large. at this point, the best thing that he has going for him is that there are so many other people in the race that it's hard for non-trump republicans to consolidate around a single candidate. so as long as both ron desantis and nikki haley stay in the race, that's the best thing that can happen to donald trump. >> ashley, the department of justice, as all of us know, has charged donald trump for interfering in the 2020 presidential election. but look at this. 67% of south carolina republicans say if the charges are true, it isn't relevant to his fitness to be president of the united states. trump has skconsistently had strong showing in gop polling numbers nationally. it seems like there is solid evidence now in this new poll that his legal problems aren't necessarily hurting him. is that right? >> well, that seems to be the case, especially after multiple indictments have come down over the last year. and what we saw when those indictments fell was that his poll numbers went up, his fundraising went up. >> kristen -- go ahead, finish your thought. >> even in south carolina, voters are saying even if he is guilty, it doesn't matter. that seems to be the trend and is really telling on where republican voters are and most likely will help him secure the nomination. >> interesting. kristen, nikki haley has moved into second place. in a recent iowa state poll, support for ron desantis keeps slipping and slipping. and just moments ago, she had this to say about her rise in the polls. listen. >> it's pretty remarkable. we've gone up ten points in the last two months. we continue to try and touch as many hands as we can and answer every question. >> does he have enough momentum, though, to keep gaining ground on trump? >> well, she'll need a really strong performance in this third debate next week. if you believed that the first two debates didn't matter, just take a look at nikki haley's poll numbers. she put the hurt on him and it has shown with her rise and his fall. that doesn't mean even if she has a strong performance in the next debate, she still has a very tough road to go, and a lot of people would need to get out of the race to make space in order for her to go after trump one-on-one. >> that next republican debate coming up in the in miami in the coming days. should democrats be worried about nikki haley? >> i think democrats should be worried about whoever is going to be the republican nominee. no election for sure going to go to one candidate or not. i don't think right now the way it is trending, it doesn't seem like nikki haley potentially has enough time. and based on the poll numbers we just discussed, and there are so many candidates in the republican field still that she could potentially overcome trump and become the nominee. but if she is the nominee, or if donald trump or ron desantis, the biden-harris campaign is going to have to take this election serious, have boots on the ground, talk to voters, meet where they are. they cannot take this election for granted. the poll numbers are too tight, and there is too much at stake for our country. >> good point. ashley allison, thank you very much. krysten anderson, thanks to you as well. "outfront" next, a new warning tonight from the fbi director that threats against the jewish community in the united states are reaching, and i'm quoting now, historic levels. we'll have that when we come back. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. bold. daring. expressive. contra costa college allows me to be whoever and whatever i want to be, providing the stage, the canvas, the tools to use my voice and write my story. find your passion and create your future at contra costa college. start today at the war between israel and hamas is having alarming consequences in the united states. today the fbi director christopher wray said it's becoming more and more dangerous for jewish americans, and that anti-semitism is nearing what he called historic levels. >> the jewish community is uniquely, uniquely targeted by pretty much every terrorist organization across the spectrum. and when you look at a group that makes up 2.4 roughly of the american population, it should be jarring to everyone that that same population accounts for something like 60% of all religious-based hate crimes. >> the adl, the anti-defamation league says anti-semitic incidents are up nearly 400% since october 7th. new york's governor kathy hochul announcing that a person is in custody in connection with anti-semitic threats against jewish students at cornell university in ithaca, new york. that's just one of several incidents on college campuses across the country since the war began, and it's not just anti-semitism that's on the rise. it's also islamophobia. the council on american islamic relations says complaints of incidents targets muslim americans have increased nearly threefold since october 7th. and thanks very much for

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