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later. thank you for joining us. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. "cnn this morning" starts right now. ♪ good morning, everyone. glad you're with us. i'm poppy harlow with phil mattingly in new york. the number of hostages believed to be in gaza has risen, 240. according to the israeli military. this comes as israeli soldiers and tanks push deeper into the gaza strip with prime minister benjamin netanyahu refusing to halt the ground and air assault on hamas. >> just as the united states would not agree to a cease fire after the bombing of pearl harbor or after the terrorist attack of 9/11, israel will not agree cessation with hamas after the horrific attacks on october 7th. calls for a cease fire are calls for israel to surrender to hamas. >> hamas has released a hostage video of these three israeli women being held captive. one of them begs netanyahu to secure their release. netanyahu called the video cruel propaganda. troops have been battling terrorist cells armed with machine guns and anti-tank missiles. this morning, we have seen israeli tanks and bulldozers on the move and even more air strikes pounding gaza. combat forces struck around 300 targets over the last day including hamas' underground compounds and tunnels beneath gaza. >> a lot of developments overnight. let's go to rafael romo live in tel aviv. very strong message there from netanyahu about absolutely no cease fire. this is the international community, including the united states are talking a lot about humanitarian pauses. what can you tell us this morning? >> reporter: yes, poppy, phil, good morning to you. if there were any doubts about what israel's position is regarding the growing pressure from the international community, pushing for a cease fire, these doubts were put to rest last night by benjamin netanyahu in a televised address, the israeli prime minister said that calls for a cease fire are calls for israel to surrender to hamas, to surrender to terrorists, surrender to barbarism. that will not happen. netanyahu drew parallels to pearl harbor and september 11th attacks implying that just as the u.s. went after its attackers, israel also has the right to go after the terrorists who attacked his country on october 7th. this is a time for war, he said. and netanyahu also addressed criticism that israel is inflicting punishment on the palestinian people by pursuing hamas. the militant islamic organization is the one preventing civilians from moving to a safe zone, he said. poppy, phil? >> rafael, cnn is choosing not to air the hostage video released by hamas, prime minister netanyahu called propaganda. what do we know about these three women? >> reporter: yeah. what we know is that hamas has released a video of the three women. it's a short video showing the women who are believed to be hostages. in the video, one of the three video addresses prime minister netanyahu said you promised to release us all. would apply she's aware of on going hostage negotiations. but because the women are in captivity, they could have been forced to appear in the video and by releasing this video, hamas is probably trying to put netanyahu in an even tighter spot because he already faces pressure from the families of the hostages to stop the war and focus on their release. so we have to take a look at everything the way it happened and by the way, the family is also saying that they do not believe hamas in an interview with our very own jake tapper, someone speaking from the family, says they have no message for hamas but they want to tell the hostages to stay strong because the families are doing everything they can to bring them home safely. poppy, phil, rafael romo, thank you. the i drk f says it is, quote, actively -- it has actively rescued an israeli soldier. in a special operation, this is a big deal. because this is the first time that a hostage has been successfully extricated and not released as part of a release. there is ori meidish. watch the moment she was reunited with her family. look at that. the idf says private megidish is well mentally and physically after the reunion. with us now is cedric leighton. it's extraordinary story. she was one of the people guarding on the lookout watching videos, et cetera, right there on the border between israel and gaza when she was taken. the fact that we know that israel used special forces on the ground, that they have this intelligence to get her out, does that mean she's the first of what may be many more rescued this way? >> well, one can certainly hope, poppy. good morning to you. but, yes, when it comes to private ori megidish she was actively rescued in a special operation. what that means the israelis went in deliberately looking for her. they had the intelligence they needed to prosecute this target as we would say in the military. she was in northern gaza based on what we know. this was a joint operation between the israeli defense forces and isa or israeli security agency. otherwise known as shin bet, the domestic intelligence agency for israel. >> colonel lleyton, this begins as the ground invasion begun. u.s. special operators have been with them in the course of the last several weeks in a supervisory. are you surprised it took this long for the first special operations effort or do you belief the ground incursion was critical to that? >> i'm not surprised it took that long, phil. i think the key thing to realize here with this is that it takes a long time to get the intel right. so they needed to know where she was. she may have been moved between the 7th of october when the hamas attacks occurred and she was captured to the time that she was reunited with her family. and taken, of course, by the idf and the isa. so, this is one of those areas where it becomes really critical to prepare that battle space and go in and actually find these people exactly where they are at that moment in time. and that's one of the most difficult tactical intelligence tasks that the israeli forces have at this point. but it could mean that they can do this again. but now that this has happened, they also have to realize that hamas may do other things to keep the hostages away from the idf or the israeli security agency. >> but on the other side of that, they're also going to have a lot more information from her about what it was like, how she was held, what can help them get more of the hostages out. what about the ground incursion? now we have seen it for several days. the idf going, then coming out. there's also major questions about an israeli tank shooting on what looks like a passenger vehicle there in gaza. the israeli forces are saying, look, hamas uses these passenger vehicles, et cetera. >> right. so poppy, one of the key things here, let's go to the tank shooting incident. so this occurred right here at this junction which is on the road between northern gaza and southern gaza, which is, of course, the evacuation route. so here is the video. you see the car making a turn and then all of a sudden there's a blast from the tank that has actually fired at the vehicle. one of the key problems that soldiers have in a situation like this is they don't know who is in that car. and when you see this kind of a situation, a soldier has about a second or less to make a decision as to whether or not they're going to shoot at a vehicle that is perhaps not following orders or they just don't know what it's doing. if the vehicle were approaching at a high rate of speed, it would make it less questionable. in this case, the car is moving very slowly, so there are a lot of questions as to whether or not it posed a threat to the soldiers that were dealing with this at that moment in time at that junction. >> thank you as always. >> you bet. house republicans plan for aid to israel is facing sharp pushback from democrats and even some republicans. the details of the new $14.3 billion proposal ahead. also, we have an update for you on our cnn colleague who fled northern gaza with his family. he says he is teaching his children how to survive in case he and his wife die. more on their dire situation in gaza is next. >> gaza is now hell on earth. seven humanity from hell today means for the united nations to save palestinians in gaza. 2.3 million palestinians in gaza face death everyday and every night. save them. save them. look at them as human beings. you cannot look only at one side and ignore this tragic humanity completely. >> you were just listening to the palestinian foreign minister asking to establish a durable humanitarian truce. he insisted the council must hold its responsibilities to end the bloodshed. israel is rejecting calls for a cease fire as its troops advance deeper into gaza. israel is urging people living in northern gaza to evacuate. seems like things aren't much better in the south. our colleague is in southern gaza with his family where he's teaching his young children how to survive in case something happens to him and his wife. [speaking in a global language] >> our thanks to ibry him. he continues to keep a realtime diary and the pieces are extraordinarily striking, extraordinarily important and as a father i can't fathom what they're going through. >> and that last line, where he tells us his wife is three months pregnant saying this joy brings some light into the darkness. it is their reality. we promise to keep you updated day to day on how ibrahim and his family are. just two days after expanding its strike against general motor, it appears united autoworkers union has come to a tentative deal with america's largest automaker. hear what workers want at the bargaining table. after an anti-semitic mob stormed the airport. how the u.s. is responding. nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. ♪ welcome back. so there's a deal, the six-week strike against the big three automakers looks like it is finally coming to an end. united autoworkers union reaching a tentative deal with general motors giving workers their biggest pay raise in decades. days after similar agreements with ford and stellantis and now the deal must be approved and ratified by a majority of the union's members. that will takeyurkevich. good morning. >> good morning. general motors tentative agreement, some of the wages they have been looking for. 25% wage increase over 4.5 years. a return to cost of living adjustments, which they gave up in 2009. that's now back in the deal. and you're also looking at an immediate raise of 11%. so when you put that all together, you're talking about 30% in wage increases over the life of this contract. you're also seeing more contributions to 401(k)s, a signing bonus. in the general motors deal in particular, they're adding two plants to this agreement. >> that was so interesting to me. >> yeah. so these folks were not included in this original contract, but they're adding now general motors adding two additional plants to this contract, raising everyone's wages. and also adding a bigger sort of robust set of members to this contract. >> these strikers for six weeks took big pay cuts. they got paid a bit out of the fund, but not full pay. when will they get back pay and raises? >> once the contracts are ratified, all up to the rank and file members that you see right there they are the ones that have to vote. they'll get the back pay for this contract. in the meantime, they have been getting 500 dollars a week in strike pay for a lot of those folks that hasn't been enough. but we know a lot of the workers at ford and stellantis already back on the job. in a couple days we'll see general motors folks get back into the plant and get back to work. >> there are some things the union didn't get, right? they were pushing for a four-day workweek, 32-hour workweek. they didn't get that, right? and they were asking for 40% pay raises across the board. >> they were asking for 40%. that was their top number. obviously this is a negotiation, so they came down to 30. if you account for everything. they also didn't get a return to traditional pensions. that is something that they wanted to see. instead, retirees are getting additional pay increases. >> okay. >> and there will be additional contributions to 401(k)s. that's why you may have some of the senior employees a little bit upset that they still didn't get those pensions. some of the newer employees who maybe were looking for that, that's not in the deal, but the 401(k) contributions, according to the younger folks that i spoke to, are what a lot of us have. and they seem to be pretty happy with that. >> a little more time to earn on that 401(k) than the older ones. but this is a huge deal they came to. >> huge, historic record breaking both the union and automakers saying that. >> great reporting throughout all of this. we appreciate it. phil. we here at "cnn this morning" would like to extend our warmest wishes to those who observed monday's holiday, the sports equinox. all five major men's sports leagues all playing on the same day. it is the greatest day. and yesterday was the only time this year that will happen. by far the biggest game of the day, game three of the world series between the texas rangers and arizona diamondbacks. the fall classic back in phoenix for the first time since 2001. very painful experience for yankees fans. but didn't go the way they hoped. cory seager on fire all post season, delivering the biggest blow of the night, a two-run missile in the third inning all texas would need, five pitchers combined for nine strikeouts giving up just one run. the rangers a perfect 9-0. first team with nine road playoff wins. >> i'm so glad you finally learned to celebrate the sports equinox. >> i'm learning. >> in our household a tradition. >> just like you guys. you're teaching. i'm learning. house republicans revealing the details of its $14 billion aid package for israel. why their plan faces an uphill battle in its own conference let alone the senate. ♪ ♪ so in his calls for more aid to israel, president biden has repeatedly urged congress not to forget about america's kb commitments to ukraine. >> can't let petty partisan angry politics get in our way of our responsibilities as a great nation. we cannot and will not let terrorists like hamas and tyrants like putin win. i refuse to let that happen. >> in a rare case of unity in washington, leadership in both parties in the senate appear to be on the same page. >> this is a moment for swift and decisive action, to prevent further loss of life and to impose real consequences on the tyrants who terrorized the people of ukraine and of israel. right now, the senate has a chance to produce supplemental assistance that will help us do exactly that. >> we need to work with our colleagues in the house to ensure all forms, all these forms of aid make it to the president's desk. we must not succumb to the false isolation the hard right pr prof professes. the only thing that will achieve is to make america less safe. >> even the new speaker of the house, mike johnson, seems to be on board with funding for both israel and ukraine. although he does think they should be passed as separate bills. >> we can't allow vladimir putin to prevail in ukraine because i don't believe it would stop there and would probably encourage and empower china to perhaps make a move on tie juan. we have these concerns. we're not going to abandon them. >> but here is where the reality sets in. under the new speaker, mike johnson the house has released its proposal for an israel funding bill, does not have ukraine funding, no path or bill for ukraine funding. that israel funding bill already facing an uphill battle in the house. it would absolutely be dead in the democrat-led senate includes $14 billion in aid to israel but offsets that money by cutting the exact same amount from the irs. no money, of course, is allocated for ukraine. now despite republican hand wringing, it would add to the deficits the tune of $30 billion, according to the nonpartisan committee for responsible budget. the reason is, well, math. when you cut funding to the agency in charge of collecting revenue, you tend to bring in less revenue. joining us now, josh barrow, and kayla gardener. kayla, very proud of myself for the math that i was doing. but this is clearly a negotiating strategy by house republicans, but i'm wondering what the end game here is at this point? >> i think for johnson, he really knows that he has to please the most conservative members of his caucus if he wants to keep his position. we know the ability to vote a speaker out is still on the table. so he wants to signal he is prioritizing a spending cuts. it's been a huge priority of the caucus after democrats were in control of the house for the first two years. so he's wanting to deliver that. as you mentioned this bill is very unlikely to pass. as soon as it hits the senate or if it even gets there very unlikely to actually get over the finish line. >> that's a big deal. i mean, he has said, johnson, he wants to change the rules to make it harder to get removed, but he hasn't. the rules are the rules and has to walk the same tight rope that mccarthy had to walk. does this even pass the chamber? >> i assume israel aid will pass at some point. it's not clear this will pass the chamber. they're hoping some number of democrats will feel so strongly they have to vote for whatever israel aid package is put on the floor that they will vote for this even though it has this irs cut because they know that won't become law eventually. it's not clear that is true. you have some republicans on the right of the conference who are broadly opposed to foreign aid and don't want to do a foreign aid package for israel. it's not clear you have majority to pass this in the house. but in terms of pleasing the hard right members of his caucus, this has been a pattern with republican majorities in the house of representatives for ten years. where you have this -- pass some conservative wish list bill and supposed to be the moral victory for people on the right of the caucus. sooner or later you have to pass something that can pass the senate and signed by a democratic president. right fringe of the republican caucus quite happy. mike johnson wants to deliver for those people, he won't be able to. one has to pass politically and they have to pass a bill to continue government spending. >> i was just going to say. this is his first test but he has to keep the government open. >> you could roll those things all together. might be one package that passes enter toward the end of november that includes funding to keep the government open and supplemental funding for israel and ukraine and maybe other priorities. at some point, johnson has to bring something to the floor that is going to upset people like chip roy on the right end of his caucus. and that's when we'll see whether he can retain the speakership in a way that mccarthy couldn't. >> kayla, to that point, this is the hurdle for this republican conference. this was always kevin mccarthy's conference, he can do step one of the theater you know the process. but mccarthy could never get to step two, three and four which is reach an outcome. do you think johnson has the space to reach an outcome. >> i think he's trying to signal boost the priorities that the conservative members of his caucus and something that's frustrating for the white house they felt that their supplemental funding request was something they could pass. they included border security measures, funding to increase security at the border and felt that that was going to get republican support here. >> specific funding for taiwan as well. >> that's also that has wide bipartisan support. they felt that was something they could get over the finish line. johnson did not want to take that up immediately. he wanted to show he is willing to hold a hard line and willing to go to bat with the white house. >> i'm glad you brought up border funding. biden's proposal for 100 billion was taiwan, ukraine, israel, border funding, humanitarian aid. what if there were coupling together of the border funding with this israel package, would that be more palatable to those on the far right? >> it would have to be more than just border funding. this is where the action is in the senate. the division in the republican senate caucus, should we do this broad aid package or do we also need policy changes at the border. the view that a lot of conservative republicans in the senate have is that more money for border spending without policy changes just more money to implement the biden policy on immigration they don't like. >> that's something that senator langeford said this weekend. important distinction. >> yes. and frankly i think the biden administration should want certain policy changes at the border. certain things the administration is already trying to do that are continuity with trump administration policy, trying to reduce the number of people entering the country illegally, coming to the border and making asylum claims that are often ultimately going to be rejected but after years of process. there are things they're doing that are legally dubious and were also legally dubious that they could legalize if they were going to do some border policy changes. but the biden administration doesn't like to talk what its border policy is and they would be admitting the extent to which they have continuity or trying to have continuity with trump era policies. that feels like it should be an area of possible bipartisan agreement because it implicitly is, but the two sides in congress clearly are not there at all on reaching that deal and immigration policy is complicated, trying to paper that within a matter of weeks when you need to do the supplemental would be challenging. i don't think that's going to be in the final agreement, although probably should be. >> josh, thank you. kayla, great to have you. well, the trial seeking to disqualify donald trump from the 2024 ballot is now under way in colorado. take aways from the opening arguments, that's ahead. and the mother of 23 seani luke remains were just found after hamas's atattack on ththe music festivival in soututhern isisrael joinsns us. stayay with us.. this morning, israel confirming they have found the remains of 23-year-old shani-louk. she was at the novo music festival in southern israel where so many young people gathered to celebrate music and peace when hamas attacked. she was also one of the first victims that we saw. we have seen so many beautiful pictures of her. her body was seen, though n a hamas propaganda video shortly after the attack. and we are going to show you that video because her mother wants the world to see how brutally hamas treated her daughter. before we play it, i want to warn you, it is graphic. so here you see shani appearing to be unconscious in the back of a truck, being driven into gaza by hamas militants. we are blurring the images of her body. shani's mother, ricarda louk is with us this morning. thank you very much for being here to share a bit about your daughter as we all remember her and honor her life. you, as every mother would, have been holding on to hope, any hope you had that, she had survived. but you got the news that she did not. what do you want the world to know about her? >> maybe just try to remember her as she was, as a beautiful, lovely person. she liked to travel and music and dancing and she was traveling and had many friends all over the world. and she just enjoyed laughing and experiencing life. so it was just cut too short. >> you can see in -- >> but yeah. >> you can see in the pictures of her really how full of life she is. she loved music. i mean, the fact that was a festival also to celebrate peace and look what happened is just striking. and an artist as well. is that right? >> yeah. she's very arttistic. she always painted. she designs clothes. she's a true artist doing tattoos for others. and, yeah. it just came from a celebration to a nightmare. yeah, it was such a contrast. >> such a contrast. your husband said this to israel's channel 13, i was so struck by when you guys got the news. he said i'm happy because i know where she is. she isn't lying in some tunnel under gaza. every minute we are firing at them and all the earth is shaking. and there is dust. and it's impossible to breathe. do you share -- >> yeah. >> some of that relief? i know it's a weird question to ask, right? you lost your daughter, but at the same time, to have this clarity. >> yeah. you know, after three weeks that you have no idea where your daughter is, what they're doing to her, what is happening, what is -- you don't know if she's alive or not or injured, nothing. there's just like you're in a vacuum for three weeks, just hoping to get some signs or life. suddenly you get the worst news, but in one hand it's really okay, now it's final. now we can stop looking for her. which is some finality to go on. on the other hand, we always had hopes. we were optimistic that she will come back. we will say, okay, probably she's injured. probably she experienced the worst nightmares there have been. she will have a trauma from the war zone she's been in. we were willing to take everything just come back. but, at least we know what happened and i think the worst outcome would have been that all the hostages would have been released and maybe she wouldn't be one of them. and then we would wonder all our life where she is? what happened? and nobody maybe could give us an answer. i think that's the worst scenario that could happen. >> you are sitting now and sharing stories of your memories of her. can you leave us with one of your favorite memories of your daughter? >> she was very -- also as a small kid, she was very stubborn. like she knew everything, what she wants. she was very decisive. and she was very funny. and she was playing with her brothers and sisters and was making funny movies. and editing and creating really funny movies, which we really loved to see also when they grow up. and she was very creative. and very funny. that's what we always remember about her. >> clearly she brought a lot of joy into this worldry arda. may her memory be a blessing. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. thank you. well, the war between israel and hamas creating tension on some college campuses around the country and a man in nevada was just charged with making anti-semitic threats against senator jackie rosen. more, next. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. ♪ just a few hours historic but long-shot trial resumes in colorado that could give former president trump kicked off the ballot based on the 14th amendment. trump's lawyers clashing with the challengers yesterday, accusing them of trying to derail trump's campaign and bashing their case as, quote, anti-democratic. the challengers argued this is a necessary step to ensure a, quote, fair 2024 election by keeping ineligible candidate off the ballot. >> trump incited a violent mob to attack our capitol, to stop the peaceful transfer of power under our constitution. and we are here because trump claims after all that he has the right to be president again. but our constitution, our shared charter of our nation, says he cannot do so. >> frankly, president trump didn't engage. he didn't carry a pitch fork to the capitol grounds, he didn't lead a charge. he gave a speech in which he asked people to peacefully and patriotically go to the capitol to protest. >> at the heart of this argument is section 3 of the 14th amendment that disqualifies anyone who engages in, quote, insurrection or rebellion. and the group challenges trump's eligibility is using his own words against him. they have been playing clips in their opening statements yesterday in court from his speech on election night on 2020 when he falsely claimed victory and also playing video from january 6th, the day of the insurrection where he urged his supporters to, quote, fight like hell at the capitol. with us now, former republican congressman adam kinzinger, has a brand new book out "renegade:defending democracy and liberty in our divided country" it is out today. >> thank you. >> congrats on the book. >> it's my first and maybe only one. >> it's a challenge. >> sure is. >> this case the trial in colorado just started. but i thought it was interesting in opening statements yesterday that they have been repeatedly citing findings from your committee the january 6th committee, that you chaired. and in your book, you ask, is unity possible without accountability? is this the venue for that accountability? because the counterargument to it is you're disenfranchising voters by keeping them off the ballot. >> yeah. so my view is basically i think they're legally justified in pursuing this. i don't think it's the best thing for the country to heal through. because you can imagine if donald trump is removed from the ballot, you're making a decision not by, you know, the election of people or the lack of election, you're making the ballot basically by a court. and you're making decision by a court. i think that will be very devisive in the long-term. >> by unelected judge. it's not a jury trial. >> i can't imagine a point most people in the country a judge found him ineligible, therefore we're okay with this. it will be very di visive. donald trump has to be defeated a the ballot because that's the best way for this country to heal. >> that argument -- this is not quibbling with the argument you're making, but i feel has been pervasive for six or seven years. we can't impeach, we can't impeach again, we can't bring charges against him. people talking about the country healing, we're not even close to figuring out what the wound is, if you want to use the analogy or the metaphor there. so, how does this actually move forward? >> yeah, i fully agree with you. i think donald trump should have been impeached obviously because of what he did. too many people in congress and i talk about this, made an excuse about not voting. oh, he's out of office. therefore it's not appropriate for me to vote to impeach. no, you're scared to vote to impeach. that's what it is. that was something prescribed. this argument in court, again, i'm actually supportive of the argument. i think it's correct. but it's taking kind of a nuanced approach and saying he disqualified himself because of his word here and everything else. i just think the best answer is to defeat him at the ballot. but we do have to get -- i agree with you, we have to get past this point of saying, oh, we can't do this. we can't do that. because donald trump tried to commit a coup in this country. let's be very clear. if he is not prosecuted and if he is not found guilty, what we have said is, it's okay to attempt a coup, as long as you failed. but if you succeed, well, you're in charge so you can drop the charges any way. >> one of the striking parts of your book is how reflective you are on what you think is part of your role some of the rise of extr extremism. i feel some responsibility for january 6th and the rise of congresswoman marjorie taylor greene and her ilk. if only because i was a participant in it and witness to the gop's gradual dissent into a dysfunctional and destructive force in our politics. that is rare to hear members of congress, even former be that reflective and take on some blame, is that what you're doing? >> yeah, i think you have to. i think, look, if i'm going to tell my story and i tell my story for one reason which is i think it tells the broader story of the party. that's why there's an interest in where the country has gone. you have to be self reflective and say, i got this stuff wrong, too. i'm not the only guy that has come out of congress, man, i didn't get anything wrong. if i said that, don't trust what i'm saying. i watch as the gop began this dissent, as it flirted with the use of fire and fear and anger and division to fund raise. and i didn't speak out like i should have. in some cases i even used those forces myself. it was now when i have the ability to kind of look back at the beginning to today and say, i should have seen these signs. i should have seen these signs. now i'm off that train and we have to fix it because it's pretty bad. >> you hit something really caught me in your book, talking about fame as a lawmaker and watching the dissent in the 1, 13 years i covered congress and how social media and cable news tv hits, chasing tv hits just totally changed the face of the chamber. >> yeah. >> itself. is there any way back from that? >> you've just got to elect better people. fame is a drug. >> you can raise money through that. >> yeah, totally. >> biggest disincentive. >> exactly. when i would go on tv as a member of congress and say something outrageous, you get texts after you're on tv and it feels good. everybody saw you. you go out, i saw ontv. that becomes a drug. the more of you get, the more of that you need and want. what we have to do, d.c. is not going to fix the problem. people have to demand better. quit electing people that are performative. quit electing people just trying to be cool on television and elect people that can come out and say here is what i accomplished. here is what i want to accomplish. people outside my district don't know my name, that's okay. >> also to that point, i want to see who you dedicated the book to, i know it's small. sofia and christian, your kids, i hope i make you proud. >> they're great. thank you. i appreciate it. >> appreciate it adam kinzinger. "cnn this morning" continues now. a clear and firm message from israel, no cease fire in gaza. >> troops getting deeper, planes bringing in air strikes, artillery fire like that going in. >> the ground operation serves the goal of getting more hostages released. >> three people, peaceful people, are being forced to be pawns in the game of war. >> we're not going to fall into the mind games of hamas. >> civil order is breaking down in gaza. >> grave violations of epic proportions are taking place. >> israel needs to do everything it can to minimize the number of civilian deaths. >> we know there's a lot more that needs to be done. we're working very hard at this. >> chilling anti-semitic scenes are unfolding around the world. >> we must be loud. we must be proud. the jewish community must remain and continue the be jewish. ♪ good morning, everyone. i'm phil mattingly with poppy harlow in new york. new this morning, the number of

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Candidate , President , Charter , Claims , Argument , Speech , Heart , Section , Pitch Fork , Capitol Grounds , Frankly , 3 , Challenges Trump , Court , Statements , Insurrection , Eligibility , Group , Election Night , Words , Anyone , Rebellion , Clips , 2020 , Adam Kinzinger , Supporters , Brand New , January 6th , Congrats , Democracy , Challenge , Renegade , Liberty , Accountability , January 6th Committee , Findings , Voters , Counterargument , Black , Making Decision , Country A Judge , Jury Trial , Judge , Di Visive , Heal , Making , Metaphor , Charges , Wound , Analogy , Voting , Excuse , Office , Word , Approach , Everything Else , Coup , Parts , Dissent , Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene , Rise , Participant , Responsibility , Extr Extremism , Role , Ilk , Witness , Force , Blame , Interest , Guy , The Party , Stuff Wrong , Fire , Cases , Anything , Fear , Danger , Use , Don T Trust , Train , Fame , Tv Hits , Face , Social Media , Lawmaker , Drug , Tv , Member , Biggest Disincentive , Texts , Everybody Saw , D C , Ontv , Television , Performative , District Don T Know , My Name , Kids , Sofia , Christian , Ground Operation , Goal , Epic Proportions , Mind Games , Violations , Order , Pawns , Place , Deaths , Scenes , Jewish Community , Jewish ,

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