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hello and a warm welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm bianca nobilo live from london. it is tuesday, october 31. 8:00 a.m. here in london and 10:00 a.m. in gaza where people are waking up to a barrage of new explosions. combat forces struck some 300 targets which include hamas military compounds inside underground tunnels. new images show heavy smoke hanging over the gaza horizon. israel defense forces say they have killed numerous terrorists. and the prime minister insists there will be no ceasefire. >> this is a time for war. a war for our common future. today we draw a line between the forces of civilization and forces of barbarism. it is a time for everyone to decide where they stand. israel will stand against the forces of barbarism until victory. >> meanwhile an israeli strike has hit gaza's top cancer hospital according to its director and a doctor at another hospital says a separate strike killed at least 13 people overnight in central gaza including children. clare sebastian has been following all of this. what more can you tell us about this ground incursion? we understand that they are entering from multiple points in the north but strikes are continuing to the south where idf have told civilians to evacuate too. >> we know from the idf that they are focused on the north of gaza, that is why they have leaflets and phone calls for people to evacuate to the south. they say most of the operations of the hamas will in the north. and they say they have killed five key operatives, and they are keen to emphasize that their key goal of eradicating hamas is bearing fruit. and we're hearing about rescue of an israeli soldier that they say they can continue do the ground offensive while still trying to get the hostages out. but of course as you say, they are striking not just in the north. we're hearing of a house hit just south of the line where israel told civilians to evacuate beyond 13 people killed, among them children, a journalist at the hospital says he saw a total of 44 bodies. so significant civilian suffering. and israel presenting this as very targeted, surgical, slow, meticulous, rooting out the hamas and targeting them. >> thank you for that update. unicef says the lack of clean water in gaza is on the verge of becoming a catastrophe. she says more than 2 million people are in dire need of clean water in the enclave and without it, they will suffer from dehydration and water born illness. melissa bell shows us the gravity of the situation. >> reporter: in gaza, the fight for survival grows more desperate by the hour. civil order is breaking down with u.n. aid warehouses swarmed, many of these people are displaced and in desperate search of the basics. the water shortage so bad that some are now turning to the sea for the supplies they so desperately need. >> services are not set up for this. the shelter which -- we call it shelter now is supposed to be a school. and so in a classroom that is supposed to have 20, 30 kids attending school every day, you have more than 100 -- 70 to 100 people sleeping, eating, drinking there. and those are the people that we know. those are the people that we used to talk all the time. >> reporter: all eyes are now on the rafah crossing, the last life line in and out of gaza. before the war, some 400 trucks a day went into the enclave according to the world food program. a flow now reduced to a trickle with fewer than 200 getting through rafah since the war began. a crossing that is now as crucial as it is uncertain. >> translator: we will keep going until the end. until they get all their humanitarian needs. god be with them. we are their egyptian brothers. our hands are in their hands. we've been there for 15 days already and we'll stay for as long as it takes. >> reporter: at the near by airport that aid from all over the world arrives before being loaded on to trucks on their way to rafah. the convoys also go through inspection by israeli officials before aid can be delivered to those who so desperately need it. >> translator: since we got here 20 days ago, we only got two coupons worth of aid, each only sufficient for a small child. >> reporter: a stranglehold that aid agencies warn is unlikely to be fixed without a ceasefire. >> definitely dehydration, definitely starvation, definitely going to be a health crisis. malnutrition is going to be an issue. you are talking about people who are reducing food to avoid going to the toilet. >> reporter: meaning that for now for those inside gaza, there is little hope that more aid will get in and even less that they will get out. melissa bell, cnn, cairo. joining me now is senior spokesperson for the world food program for the middle east. and she is joining me from cairo. thank you very much for being on the program. let's begin with the status of communications. i know in recent days the world food program has expressed how dibt difficult it is to communicate with your staff and other humanitarian groups and bakeries on the ground. has there been any improvement? >> we're concerned about the safety of the staff, human january workers and the people we serve because of the in-sufin communication blackout. it is coming back slowly, but not at the capacity that was there before. not a blackout, but very, very minimal at this point. and barely enough for us to be in touch with our teams on the ground, with our partners, with the bakeries, with the shops that we are operating. so it is a very difficult situation at the moment when it comes to communications. >> i imagine you're looking at things hour by hour. so what are the key challenges and priorities for the next day or two? >> i think the situation for more than 2 million people trapped in gaza at the moment is really catastrophic, more than 1.4 million people are now displaced and the city is running out of water, food, medical supplies and most importantly also fuel. so, you know, the world food program is creating the secretary-general's appeal for humanitarian cease fire and protection of infrastructure. without the ceasefire, we can't operate the way we need to do get to everyone. and fuel is in short supply and that is bringing gaza into a stand still. just to give you an example, bakeries, we used to distribute bread to around 200 people every morning in the last few days. now because of the shortage of fuel, we only have one bakery out of 23 still operating and we just delivered yesterday bread for 27 people. that is really a fraction of the needs of 2 million people in the gaza strip. and also the supplies that are coming through the crossing point, they aare trickling in slowly, but if we are to have a serious and real difference on the grounds, we need much more assistance and aid to be getting in. we only had 12 trucks come in in the last ten days. and for us to be able to deliver food to the 1 million people that we want to assist, we need 40 trucks to be passing every day. so it is a very difficult environment for the humanitarian agencies as well as world food program. and if we are serious about saving lives, meeting the needs of these people, we need access and humanitarian ceasefire and we have to be able to get supplies in quickly. >> let's talk about the ability of your staff in gaza to move around. how much of gaza are your staff traveling to? obviously you mentioned the dangers that they face because of constant israeli bombardment and also presumably efforts are curtailed by the lack of fuel. how much of the gaza strip are you able to access? >> i think in the last few days it has become very limited, this movement, and again because of the damaged infrastructure, the fuel shortages, the bombardments and simply the fuel. and we're running out of supplies. that is the reality that the supplies that we have inside gaza are becoming extremely limited. so it is not that -- now it is looking more like a hand to mouth operation. so just getting supplies, trying to get them as soon as possible. and operating environment is not allowing for reaching the 1 million people that we need to get to. since the beginning of the conflict, we reach 637 people. but okay, that is cumulative over the last few days. and not on a daily basis. >> what reasoning is being provided to you for the very few trucks being allowed through the rafah crossing resulting in these just devastating reductions in essential supplies and food and to gaza? >> the opening of the border crossing point of course is a glimpse of hope and allowing a small number of trucks. i think the big problem is the process which is that, you know, they arrive in rafah, they travel around 100 kilometers back and forth to get checked and scanned and then back to rafah and then they move in. so a number of things. it is the process, the lack of fuel, all of this making it very difficult. and i think the supplies need to be scaled and more than one entry point is indispensable. >> thank you so much for joining us and getting your message across. very grateful. >> thank you for having me. on monday, the idf announced the rescue of hamas hostage during ground operations in gaza. the israeli soldier was abducted during the october 7 attacks and now she is being reunited with her family. nic robertson has more for you. >> reporter: the moment they feared might never come, private ori megidish hugs her grandmother, reunited with her family, rescued by the idf after more than three weeks held hostage by hamas. a moment of hope too for families of other hostages. >> in some way they are listening to us right now. please, please stay strong. >> reporter: but even as meg ori megidish met her family, hostages seen here before their capture, the hamas video cnn decided not to air shows the women under apparent duress, blaming the prime minister for not calling a ceasefire to help get them released. netanyahu unrelenting in refusing hamas oh, p' pressure. >> just as the united states would not have a ceasefire after pearl harbor or 9/11, israel will not agree to a ceasefire. >> reporter: and forces reinforcing the message extending their incursion deeply into the populated neighborhoods. ground troops correspond to the idf calling in airstrikes on hamas strongholds. and warning civilians their neighborhood is now a battlefield and to evacuate south. this civilian looking vehicle didn't manage to escape taking a direct hit from a tank. the idf say impossible to know if it contains civilians or terrorists. the mounting civilian death toll and deteriorating humanitarian conditions fueling international pressure on israel to call a ceasefire. netanyahu insisting his is a just war. >> it means making a moral distinction between the deliberate murder of the innocent and unintentional casualties that accompany every legitimate war. >> reporter: as night falling, more and more of gaza's residents on the move, many in makeshift camps, all just hoping that they will see the sunrise. nic robertson, cnn, israel. german israeli woman kidnapped has been declared dead. a source says forensic examiners found a bone fragment infrom th base of the skull and they say it belonged to shawnee luke. she attended the music festival when hamas kidnapped. hamas tortured, and paraded her around gaza. an american teen kidnapped by hamas is apparently back in the united states. the counsul general of israel in the midwest said the 17-year-old is now home in chicago. hamas took her and her mother hostage while they were visiting relatives in a southern israeli farming community. the group released the two hostages two weeks later. we've not yet heard details about the mother. still to come, a cnn journalist trying to keep his family safe in gaza shows us what it has been like on the ground as israeli forces ramp up their fight against hamas. and an al gentjazeera correspondent says they got a warning to evacuate. things are not much better in the south of gaza. we've been following our cnn colleague in southern gaza with his family. he says they see airstrikes every night and now he is teaching his young children how to survive in case something happens to him and his wife. [ speaking in a non-english language ] just days after the family of the al jazeera bureau chief was killed, there were details about a phone call they received from the israel defense forces telling them to evacuate immediately. here is part of that call. >> the message or the phone call that we received was from a private number. he literally said -- he gave my husband's full name and told him that this is the israeli army. we are sending you to evacuate south because in the coming hours, it is going to be very dangerous in the area where you are. my husband told him that we know that there are incursions or israeli tanks and other tanks in the street, the main street tying gaza to the south. and he said i can't answer you on which route you would take, but main street could, could, be relatively safer. you should find out which one yourself. but you need to move now. so my husband asked him -- [ strikes ] >> if you are able to, tell us what you are hearing now. >> these are bombardments just around our neighborhood. you can hear how loud they are. our building is literally shaking now. monday the palestinian authority foreign minister pleaded with the u.n. security council to intervene on behalf of the people trapped within gaza. he called for help to establish a lasting humanitarian truce in the region insisting the security council uphold its responsibilities to end the bloodshed. >> every five minutes palestinian child is killed. how many more days will you wait to say enough. how many more days will you wait to say enough. paralyzed not acting, not carrying out your duty to maintain international peace and security and to stop that war. we're following a developing story in japan. police tell cnn that two people have been injured in a suspected shooting at a hospital near tokyo. the suspect fleded the scene an barricaded himself inside a post office. a witness then heard what sounded like m more gunfnfire accordrding to reports. the mayor is warning residents to stay away from the area and of course we'll keep an eye on this story as it develops. still to come for you, cnn travels to east jerusalem where the streets are quiet and palestinian men fear even the slightest wrong move could land them in jail. plus israel issues its highest travel alert for parts of russia after an anti-semitic mob stormed an airport. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? it is with comcast business. powering all your devices with gig-speed wifi. and you get fast downloads and uploads. pick it up! pick it up! oh we got this! because it's powered by the next generation 10g network. more speed for your business? it's not just possible. it's happening. get started for $59.99 a month for 12 months. plus, ask how to get an $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. comcast business, powering possibilities. welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm bianca nobilo. israel defense forces say they have struck, quote, approximately 300 targets over the past day including military compounds inside underground tunnels belonging to hamas. israeli troops are advancing further into gaza according to cnn analysis and israeli military officials say that they have sent more ground forces in to the enclave. meanwhile israel is warning people in northern gaza with increasing urgency to evacuate. benjamin netanyahu insists he is not imposing collective punishment on palestinian civilians because the main u.n. agency says that the entire population there is being dehumanized by the war. on the ancient but now almost empty streets of east jerusalem, there is fear in palestinian neighborhoods. young men tell us that they are worried israeli police are arrest them for the slightest infraction. merchants say they are struggling for customers. erin burnett went to see how residents are coping. >> reporter: the call to prayer over jerusalem, echoing over what a normally packed street, now nearly empty. this man says he comes to his shop only for a change of scenery because no one is buying anything he says. palestinians telling us that they are afraid of israeli police, essentially living under curfew. [ speaking in a non-english language ] they have crossed all the red lines. they use force and arrest people for silly things like a photo on your phone. >> reporter: and young men are afraid. we went to talk to them and they were afraid to speak on camera. mohammed said god make you happy. a way of saying i'm sorry i can't speak because if i do, i'll go to jail. and one showed us why they believe this. this is a tiktok video that has gone viral among young palestinian men. he says israel is planning a new law to revoke citizenship or national i.d. for anyone who supports terrorism. and it is true. israeli cabinet officials are proposing such a law. and to these young men, it means that they can be arrested for anything. they tell us that they will go to jail if they have a koran verse on their home screen or if they post a picture of a dead palestinian. we looked up the current israeli law. it reads in part anyone who commits an act of identifying with a terror organization clueing through praise, support or affinity, waving a flag or showing or playing or promoting a slogan or anthem, judgment is three years imprisonment. since the war began, israel has already arrested many hundreds of young palestinian men giving the simple explanation that they areaffiliated with hamas. one young man told us that he was recently released from 1 months in prison after he says he was arrested at a protest near a mosque. one group says they have been beaten by police along this wall. but they were hospitable to us. some gave us water and refused to take money even though they say there is no business, no money, no livelihood for them now. >> translator: the situation is scary. everyone is afraid. young people, they have passion. they are not happy with the situation. they say this is our country. what are they going to do to us? this is ours. erin burnett there in east jerusalem. and last hour i spoke with former director of israel's national security service shin bet and he shared his thoughts on how to end the conflict and prospects for a two state solution. >> what is missing today is a public debate and at least on the israeli side is the day after. i think that we have to understand that the whole context of this war we can achieve our goals only if we can bring to our understanding the concept of a better future. better future for all of us is to revise the process which would create reality of two states. why it is so important, because once we speak about it, once we declare this is the goal of this war, the goal of this war, we do not have war against the palestinian people and we have a war with hamas. and in order to destroy hamas, we have to understand that hamas is not only terror organization, it is, but it is not only a terror organization. hamas is an ideology that created an organization that led this horror that we faced on 7th of october. but we cannot destroy the ideology. and as long as we shall not destroy the ideology, only way to destroy the ideology, this radical ideology that became a type of an isis ideology is by presenting another side ideolog. and only ideology that the palestinians will support and they will shift their support from hamas is a political horizon. political horizon of two states. palestinians are a people. pentagon says u.s. forces in syria and iraq have been attacked almost two dozen times in the past two weeks. this map shows where the attacks have taken place. the pentagon blames iran backed militias in the region hanand retaliated several times. but military strategists are facing decisions how to respond without setting off a wider war in the region. israel has issued its highest travel warning for southern russia after a mob stormed an airport. officials cited the ongoing otherwise war and other possible violence against israelis and jews as the reasoning. fred pleitgen has more. >> reporter: the moment an angry mob charged on to the tarmac toward as plane from tel aviv looking for israelis. some say i don't know the language, this man assures. do you want to fool us? take his passport, a man answers. rumored swirled in this region that this jet was carrying refugees from israel setting off the rampage. there are no more passengers they say as the crowd surrounds the aircraft. everyone immediately go back on to the plane, the crew of a different aircraft orders its passengers as the protestors charge those disembarking. some were carrying palestinian flags leading to a total shutdown of the airport. the melee continued outside as w well. i have a sick kid here, we only have sick kids, let us go the man in this bus says. and this woman screams we were traveling to bring our kids to get medical treatment, let us go wlark do , what do you want from us. russian security forces used choppers to bring in reinforcements firing into the air to try to push the protestors back a. authorities say more than 20 were injured and more than 60 detained. the crowd throwing rocks at riot police even after they were driven out of the airport. vladimir putin held a meeting with his security staff but the kremlin blames, quote, external interference for inciting the crowd. while it is not clear whether any israelis were harmed, condemnation from israel's president in an interview with german publication built. >> it was like a -- thank god it was prevented, but it was live and everybody was worried about it. >> reporter: fred pleitgen, cnn, berlin. the conflict is also creating tensions on some u.s. college campuses. cornell's university president zelenskyy says police are investigating a series of anti-semitic threats made against the school's jewish community. the online post surfaced sunday and included threats to shoot you sish student and encourage others to harm them. cornell police announced that they will increase patrols and provide additional security is for jewish students and organizations. coming up, a man who escaped the horrors of the holocaust as a child shares how he survived the terror of hamas. c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. as a child, he fled poland just before the nazi invasion. escaping horrors of the holocaust. and now over eight decades later, a 92-year-old man is once again sharing his story of survival. this time from hamas' attack on israel. jake tapper reports. >> reporter: during october 7 terrorist attack, this 92-year-old kept close to his phone. >> my phone which told me when all these people were crying for help were they were and they can't get to my suburb. >> reporter: his kibbutz used a group messaging system to call in desperate warnings. >> people were saying that arabs were wandering around and what is going on, send the army, send the army. no army. and they were hysterical pnd people were very frightened. even though they were in a safe room. they were holding on to the handle to keep it from hoping. >> reporter: and he was alone in his home safe room in the oldest section of the kibbutz protected by a gift from his son. >> my son who is an engineer and he already thought he can't lock those safe rooms from the inside. you can close them. but you can't lock them. they didn't think of that one. he made up a wooden bar just a wooden thing with a bit of iron on it which you can put on top of a handle so you cannot open it from the outside. so that is what i stuck on. >> reporter: and he remained locked in the small concrete room for ten hours. >> how scared were you when you were inside the safe room? >> reporter: i was worried. scared. my parents left poland because of the r rabid a anti-semititis. >> r reporter: a and when he w his patrents pulled the family out of poland and they escaped. during the war he and his family stayed safe reading of hitler's horrors. and eventually he joined a zionist youth movement where he met his future wife and in 1955, they moved to israel where they built a family. and that was a left wing kibbutz? >> that was one of the very in need of people. >> reporter: and they marked the anniversary of their community this year on the eve of the october 7 attack. >> the kibbutz had a birthday party. celebrate the establishment 77 years. friday night, at harms started. shelling, shelling, what they call red alert. >> did you ever think that i escaped the holocaust but now i'll get killed by hamas? did that cross your mind? >> eventually because i don't believe anyplace is safe really. >> reporter: still leaving his land is noot an option he says. not again. this is where he built a life, this is the land where his children and grandchildren live. >> will you go back? >> yeah. >> you will go back? >> of course. >> of course. >> when they took down the two towers, americas and everybody, there are no substitute towers, but you go back to your home in my opinion. my modest opinion. you don't let terrorists break you down. there was a revolt in '43. they wanted to show something. would not wrote a poem turned in to the song of the jewish parliaments. and the first line says "never say you are going on the last road, we are here." ♪ we are not going to give in. i'll die with my boots on i hope. i hope. >> that was jake tapper reporting. we'll bebe right bacack. star soccer player has flown home to deal with a situation. the star's parents had been kidnapped at gunpoint. his mother rescued but his father remains missing. don riddell has the details. >> reporter: just an awful situation for lewis diaz and his family and difficult for his teammates at liverpool too. colombia national media says that his parents were kidnapped by armed men on motorcycles at a gas station. the director general of colombia's national police force says they are offering a reward of more than $48,000 for information leading to the rescue of diaz father. and 130 police officers are out there looking for him. you can only imagine the anguish that diaz must be feeling right now. liverpool say he has returned to colombia and he will be away indefinitely. his teammate honored diaz by lifting up his number 7 jersey after scofscoring on sunday and team dedicated their win to him adding that it was really difficult for the players to everyone think about the match yesterday. >> how can you make a football game really important on a day like this? it is really difficult. i never struggled with that in my life. was always my safe place, sometimes my hiding as a player, a coach, you are allowed during these 90 odd minutes to focus just on that. and it was impossible. absolutely impossible to do that. so it was clear we have to give the game extra sense. and it was fighting for luis and the boys put on a show that i was not prepared for. it was touching and wonderful. >> just last year cnn spoke with d diaz's father about his humble beginnings. it is unclear when diaz will rejoin the team. of course the only focus in the meantime is finding his dad and getting him safely home. meanwhile football's world governing body just announced that the former spanish football association president luis rubiales has been banned from all football related activities for three years. i'm sure you remember that scandalous kiss that marked the triumph of the world cup. and after intense criticism, rubiales resigned as president of the football federation last month. the team's manager was also fired. fifa disciplinary committee found rubiales acted in breach of article 13 of their disciplinary code. fifa says the ban covers all football related activities at national and international level. but that it is subject to a possible appeal before the fifa appeal committee. back to you. >> don riddell there for us. stars of france have broken their silence over the death of matthew perry. in a joint statement, they write we are also utter will i devastated by the loss of matthew. we were more than just cast mates, we are a family and there is so much to say but right now we're going to take a moment to grieve and process this unfathomable loss. perry starred as chandler bing on the sitcom for to years and he died saturday at his home in l.a. cause of death has not yet been determined. matthew perry was 54. that does it here on "cnn newsroom." i'm bianca nobilo. "early start" is next and i'll see you tomorrow. c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. right now, rescued from hamas. female israeli soldier kidnapped october 7 saved in a special idf operation. plus the stunningly specific warning about the maine gunman more than a month before h

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People , Hit Gaza , Viewers , Hello , United States , All Around The World , Bianca Nobilo , London , 00 , 8 , Tuesday October 31 , 10 , 31 , Hamas , Combat Forces , Explosions , Targets , Barrage , Images , Underground Tunnels , Gaza Horizon , Smoke Hanging , 300 , The War , Ceasefire , Terrorists , Prime Minister , Our Common Future , Israel Defense Forces , Forces , Israel , Everyone , Barbarism , Line , Civilization , Children , Strike , Hospital , Director , Victory , Doctor , Top Cancer Hospital , 13 , Wall , South , Civilians , Strikes , Points , Ground Incursion , Idf Have , Clare Sebastian , North , Operations , Phone Calls , Leaflets , Goal , Will , Operatives , Bearing Fruit , Five , Soldier , Course , Rescue , Ground Offensive , Hostages Out , Journalist , Hit , Total , Bodies , House , 44 , Suffering , Surgical , Update , Meticulous , It , Water , Dehydration , Enclave , Black , Need , Catastrophe , Verge , Unicef , 2 Million , Reporter , Situation , Survival , Order , Fight , Illness , Aid Warehouses , Melissa Bell , Gravity , U N , Some , Many , Water Shortage , Search , Sea , The Basics , The School , Which , Classroom , Kids , Shelter , Services , 20 , 30 , Eating , 100 , 70 , Rafah Crossing , Life Line , Eyes , 400 , Crossing , World Food Program , Trickle , Flow , 200 , Hands , Translator , Needs , Brothers , The End , God , 15 , Airport , Way , Convoys , All Over The World , Aid , Officials , Inspection , Coupons Worth , Two , Child , Stranglehold , Aid Agencies , Food , Starvation , Inside Gaza , Malnutrition , Issue , Health Crisis , Toilet , Tell Cnn , Hope , Spokesperson , Cairo , Communications , Status , Program , Middle East , Staff , Ground , Bakeries , Groups , Safety , Improvement , Human January Workers , Capacity , Blackout , Communication Blackout , In Sufin , Point , Shops , Teams , Partners , Priorities , Challenges , City , 1 4 Million , Supplies , Appeal , Infrastructure , Protection , Secretary General , Cease Fire , Fuel , Supply , Stand , Example , Bread , Bakery , Shortage , One , 23 , Gaza Strip , Fraction , 27 , Trucks , Grounds , Difference , Assistance , Ten , 12 , Environment , 1 Million , 40 , Lives , Agencies , Ability , Talk , Let , Dangers , Bombardment , Movement , Efforts , Reality , Bombardments , Fuel Shortages , Hand To Mouth Operation , Conflict , Operating Environment , Beginning , 637 , Reasoning , Basis , Number , Essential Supplies , Glimpse , Opening , Problem , Reductions , Border Crossing Point , Process , Things , Entry Point , Message , Hostage , Ground Operations , On Monday , Family , Attacks , Nic Robertson , Ori Megidish , 7 , October 7 , Hostages , Families , Grandmother , Three , Listening , Meg Ori Megidish , Video , Duress , Capture , Netanyahu Unrelenting , Women , Hamas Oh , Pearl Harbor , 9 11 , Neighborhoods , Incursion , Ground Troops , Warning , Airstrikes , Neighborhood , Didn T , Calling , Battlefield , Strongholds , Tank , Death Toll , Netanyahu , Conditions , 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Russia , Business , Network , Level , Speed , Comcast Business , Downloads , Devices , Uploads , 10g Network , The Next Generation , Wifi , Card , Internet Bundle , Powering Possibilities , 800 , 9 99 , 59 99 , Cnn Newsroom , Quote , Tunnels , Troops , Compounds , Analysis , Ground Forces , Benjamin Netanyahu , Northern Gaza , Urgency , Agency , Fear , Punishment , Population , Police , Infraction , Erin Burnett , Customers , Merchants , Oman , Street , Scenery , Shop , Change , Prayer , Coping , Palestinians , Anything , Force , Lines , Curfew , Arrest , Phone , Photo , Camera , Palestinian , Mohammed , Anyone , Law , Terrorism , Citizenship , I D , Cabinet , Home Screen , Picture , Terror Organization Clueing , Fact , Koran Verse , Support , Imprisonment , Showing , Judgment , Hundreds , Flag , Slogan , Anthem , Praise , Affinity , Explanation , 1 , Protest , Mosque , Money , Livelihood , Passion , Country , National Security Service , Shin Bet , Debate , Thoughts , Side , Prospects , State Solution , Context , Goals , Concept , States , Terror Organization , Isis Ideology , Organization , Horror , 7th Of October , Type , Side Ideolog , Times , Horizon , Iraq , Pentagon , Syria , Militias , Place , Map , Hanand , Iran , Travel Warning , Setting , Decisions , Strategists , Israelis , Violence , Fred Pleitgen , Mob Stormed An Airport , Jews , Plane , Tarmac , Tel Aviv , Passport , Say , Aircraft , Crowd , Passengers , Jet , Rampage , Refugees , Protestors , Crew , Disembarking , Melee , Flags , Shutdown , Treatment , Bus , Kid , Sick Kids , Go Wlark , Hair , Security Forces , Choppers , Reinforcements , Authorities , 60 , Vladimir Putin , Crowd Throwing Rocks , Riot Police , Security Staff , Blames , Meeting , Kremlin , President , Interference , Interview , Condemnation , Publication , Everybody , College Campuses , Tensions , Berlin , Threats , Jewish Community , Post , Student , Series , University , Cornell , Zelenskyy , Horrors , Holocaust , Others , Organizations , Patrols , Students , Coming Up , Terror , Game , Bit , Home , Internet , Neighbors , Touchdown , Touchdown Baby , Go , Go , C Mon Baby , 5g , 5 , Don T , Salad , Xfinity 10g Network , Noise Cancelling Earmuffs , T Mobile , Verizon , Poland , Invasion , Nazi , Attack , Jake Tapper , 92 , Eight , Terrorist Attack , Kibbutz , Warnings , Group Messaging System , Suburb , Arabs , Safe Room , Army , Pnd , Handle , Section , Son , Rooms , Engineer , Gift , The Inside , Thing , Bar , Room , Top , Outside , Parents , Scared , His Patrents , He W , Dr , Rabid A Anti Semititis , Zionist Youth Movement , Reading , Hitler , 1955 , Community , Birthday Party , Anniversary , Eve , Establishment , Friday Night , 77 , Mind , Shelling , Red Alert , Land , Life , Option , Grandchildren , Two Towers , Americas , Opinion , Substitute Towers , Revolt , 43 , Road , Poem , Parliaments , Song , Boots , Reporting , Bacack , Star Soccer Player , Father , Gunpoint , Don Riddell , The Star , Lewis Diaz , Gas Station , Difficult , Teammates , Director General , Motorcycles , Colombia National Media , Liverpool , Police Force , Police Officers , Information , Reward , Colombia , 130 , 8000 , 48000 , Honored Diaz , Teammate , Anguish , Jersey , Team , Football Game , Players , Match , Win , Scofscoring On Sunday , In My Life , Player , Safe Place , Hiding , Coach , 90 , Fighting , Show , Boys , Luis , Sense , D Diaz , Dad , Focus , Humble Beginnings , Luis Rubiales , Football , Activities , World , Body , Spanish Football Association , Fifa Disciplinary Committee Found Rubiales , Kiss , Manager , Triumph , Criticism , Football Federation , World Cup , Breach , Article , Code , Ban , Stars , Death , Subject , Matthew Perry , Silence , Fifa Appeal Committee , France , Statement , Loss , Mates , Perry , L A Cause Of Death , Sitcom , Chandler Bing , Early Start , 54 , Gunman , Special Idf Operation , Maine ,

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