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Hello and welcome to all of you watching in the United States and around the world. Im anna coren live from hong kong with our ongoing college of israel at war. Its 5 00 p. M. Here in hong kong, noon in embattled gaza where were now hearing that another small convoy of trucks with food and medicine is preparing to cross from egypt into gaza. 20 trucks were allowed to cross early saturday and egypts red crescent says another 17 trucks are ready to go today. Meanwhile, a Ground Invasion by Israeli Forces could come at any time. On saturday the Israeli Military announced its bombardment of hamas targets in gaza will become more relentless than ever. Hundreds of Armored Vehicles along with thousands of israeli troops are now poised at the gaza border, waiting for orders. On saturday the idf, again, dropped leaflets over Northern Gaza warning civilians to evacuate south or risk being considered a partner of hamas. The Israeli Military says it carried out an air strike early today on a mosque in the west bank in order to stop a, quote, imminent terrorist attack. The white house says President Biden has been kept informed on all of the latest developments. On saturday a reporter asked if he was trying to get israel to hold back on its offensive. Take a listen. Are you encouraging the israelis to delay invasion . Im talking to israel. In light of increased agitation by iran and its troksees the u. S. Defense secretary announced that the u. S. Will bring in more advanced Missile Defense systems to the region and put additional troops on notice for possible deployment. Cnns scott mclean is following all of these developments for us from london. Scott, lets start with this news were wearing about aid trucks at the rafah border crossing. What more do you know . Reporter so the latest that we have from the border is that there are no movements at the moment of any trucks actually crossing the border, but as you said, the information that we have is from the egyptian red crescent which says that 17 trucks carrying food and other types of aid are on The Border On Stand By to cross when and if they get the red light. We have seen for days and days now aid piling up in egypt, ready to cross into gaza, but the forces that be that control that border have only let a limited amount actually in. So there is a lot more than just those 17 trucks which could in Theory Go Into Gaza if they were given the green light. We saw 20 trucks entering yesterday but the palestinians say that, look, that is a drop in the bucket compared to what they need. They say that normally 500 trucks cross the border every single day to supply the essentials to the more than 2 Million People who actually live in this enclave of the palestinian territories. We have seen according to the u. N. Some 60 of Health Care Facilities in gaza have shut because either theres been bombing nearby or because they simply dont have fuel to run their generators and of the 20 trucks that we saw enter yesterday, anna, they had food, water, medicine, but they did not carry any fuel. So whatever those Hospital Facilities have right now, at least for the time being, thats all theyre going to get. Scott, we know that the u. S. Is increasing its force posture, if you like, in the middle east. Is it preparing for involvement or is this supposed to act as a deterrent to iran and hezbollah . Reporter yeah, so the u. S. Has been saying all the time you know, from the outset here that what they have done thus far is meant to act as a deterrent. They dont want to get involved more than they already have. They have already moved two Aircraft Carriers to the eastern mediterranean, they say that they shot down incoming fire coming from yemen. They say according to u. S. Sources from Iranbacked Houthi rebels in yemen, they have also seen Drone Targeting of u. S. Bases in syria and iraq, in one case there were minor injuries, and now theyre ramping up their presence or at least their defenses in that area, according to the Defense Secretary lloyd austin. He says theres going to be more patriot batteries put in locations across the middle east to protect u. S. Forces and hes also deploying something called the thad system, terminal High Altitude defense battery, this is according to the manufacturer designed to intercept targets outside and inside of the atmosphere, which is what makes it unique. You can see there each system costs 800 million and according to the manufacturer, the u. S. Army only actually has seven of those. So these are a precious commodity and as you mentioned earlier, anna, lloyd austin also saying that he is, quote, placing an additional number of forces on prepared to deploy orders as part of a prudent Contingency Planning to increase their readiness and ability to quickly respond as required. That really has the potential to expand into a much larger conflict. Scott, israel is warning gazans to evacuate south even though the idf is actually hitting targets in the south. It has dropped flyers telling gazans they will be considered a partner for the terrorist organization. Where are these people supposed to go, especially those, you know, in hospital, being treated in hospital . Reporter its pretty remarkable, anna, because, as you said, the idf has been telling people since the outset this have conflict really to move south of wadi gaza. Basically the top onethird or so of the gaza people are supposed to leave, this is where the majority of the population actually lives. The difficulty, though, is that we have been seeing even today strikes that are outside of that area. So even if people do manage to go south to other areas, they are far from safe. A central part of gaza has seen virtually a daily strikes on Apartment Complexes and other sites on a pretty much daily basis. We saw leaflets being dropped on thursday telling people to move south, we saw them again yesterday, but the ones dropped yesterday had different language on them, which stands out and i will read it to you, it says, urgent warning, to the residents of the gaza strip your presence north of wadi gaza puts your life in danger. Everyone who chose not to evacuate from the north of the strip to the south of wadi gaza might be considered as a partner for the terrorist organization. So the idf yesterday confirmed that they did, in fact, drop those leaflets, but sort of walked back some of that language saying that there was no intention to consider those who have not evacuated from the affected area of fighting as a member of a terrorist group, stressing that it does not target civilians intentionally. It says that the translation of these leaflets which has spread online was imprecise, it said, though it didnt elaborate on what was imprecise exactly. The translation that i just read you, by the way, thats cnns translation, thats not anybody elses. The Idf Spokesperson was asked yesterday what israel would do in the event of this Ground Operation to try to prevent civilian casualties and, you know, he repeated what israel has been saying all along, that hamas uses civilians as Human Shields and then he said this, listen. What we will be doing is first and foremost trying to distinguish between who is a combatant and who isnt and we will target the combatants, the hamas terrorists. We have tried to evacuate the civilians and we still try to evacuate them from the northern part of gaza because that is where most of the combat will be and we continue to warn civilians in various locations to stay clear of hamas so that they dont endanger themselves. Reporter and despite these leaflets being dropped by israelis we know there are still civilians in the northern part of gaza, many of them, thousands of them according to sources on the ground are actually sheltering at some of the hospitals that remain open, figuring that those are still among the safest places to be at this point. Scott mclean in london, we really appreciate the update. Thanks so much. Well, Aid Organizations are calling for unrestricted access to gaza, saying in a joint statement from the u. N. That time is running out to help the thousands in need of medical assistance. Cnns Salma Abdelaziz shows us the dangers that come with this growing humanitarian crisis. A warning, her report includes some disturbing video. Reporter hospitals in gaza are crumbling, everything is running out, from Surgical Equipment to medicine. And the tiniest lives are left hanging in the balance. We need power, we need access to clean water, this doctor says. Without basic services, this will be a humanitarian catastrophe. Already seven hospitals and 21 primary Health Care Facilities here are out of service according to palestinian officials because of shortages. After intense diplomatic efforts, prayers of relief at the rafah border crossing, as a trickle of aid was allowed in from egypt, but the 20truck convoy is only a drop in the ocean of need here, equivalent to just 3 of what entered this enclave daily prior to the conflict. More than 200 additional trucks of assistance remain stalled on the egyptian side according to the u. N. And every hour costs lives. And so far no civilians can leave the enclave. 10yearold palestinianamerican aiden is among those trapped. We have no place to go, all the streets are bombed. Theyre literally gone. Power was supposed to go out. How . Its all closed. Reporter even if people are allowed out, it will be a limited number. Most likely only those with foreign passports. Sealing some 2 million others, half of them children, into this hellscape. But some refuse to go, even if they could, fearing Israel Intends to bomb and besiege them out of their homes, never to return. Even as mahmoud buries his children, he says he will keep fighting just to exist here. We will still be patient, as long as we are alive on this earth we will be patient, he says. We will never leave this land. After the October 7th Terror Attacks when hamas killed more than 1,400 people in israel in a brutal surprise incursion, israel vowed to wipe out hamas. But with hundreds of air strikes pounding the densely populated enclave a day, innocent blood is being spilled. Innocent children were struck down while they were sleeping, this woman shouts. What did they do . Did they carry weapons . These are innocent children who know nothing. Tell us, when will this end . There are calls for a ceasefire to get civilians out of the war zone and allow more aid into gaza, but the pleas fall on deaf ears so far. Israel is preparing for the next phase of its operations, a Potential Ground Incursion that can only bring more suffering. Salma abdelaziz, cnn, london. Aid organizations are also warning that a shortage of basic supplies is pushing gaza to the edge of catastrophe. Earlier i spoke with a spokesperson can palestine res crescent society. She described how desperate the situation is in the besieged enclave. The situation in gaza is just heartbreaking and overwhelming it cant even be described. 2 million palestinians now are stuck either in their homes or in schools or even at hospitals where they take shelter without having food, water and even without electricity. All of those Palestinian Civilians are in urgent need for every basic humanitarian need, which is only food and water, and this is literally what is happening. People now are spending days without having a piece of bread. As for the hospitals, unfortunately hospitals are overwhelmed, they are working at full capacity. They start running out of medicine and medical supplies as well as fuel, which is needed to have electricity because they are completely relying on Backup Generators to have electricity. On top of that up to the moment seven hospitals went out of service, either due to the bombardment or because they run out of supplies, as well as 24 medical centers went out of service. We have around 24 hospitals now under the threat of being bombed at any second due to the israeli evacuation orders. One of them is our hospital. We have received threatens to evacuate the hospital immediately because its going to be bombarded. If youd like to help humanitarian relief efforts for gaza and israel, head to cnn. Com impact. Youll find a list of vetted organizations answering the call on the ground. Thats cnn. Com impact. Were taking a short break. When we return we will show you how some israelis are honoring their loved ones held hostage in gaza and demanding their government do more to bring them home. And how Ukrainian Special force right side now using unconventional methods to rattle moscow. All the countries, where are you . You must understand, its crazy. We are in hell. We are in hell. And we want our lovers back home now. Incredibly distressed mother of an israeli hostage pours out her anguish at a demonstration in tel aviv on saturday night. She was one of several Family Members of hostages who joined the rally, along with Hundreds Of Other israelis. They called on the government to bring all the hostages home immediately and waved signs calling for a ceasefire. Israels military now says 212 people are currently being held in gaza two weeks after the deadly hamas attack on israel. On friday night many of those same families, including the woman you just saw, were at another ceremony in tel aviv where a Shabbat Dinner Table was laid with 200 empty place settings, each one representing a hostage. The parents of 21yearold omar who was taken from the nova Music Festival on october 7th spoke with our Kaitlan Collins about their son and the last time they spoke with him. From a phone call to another phone call, it sound much more panic, much more hysteric and even if one of the phone calls he say that theyre running away. They came with a lot of friends but they start to run so he lost some of his friends and while he was running he say that they are shooting all over and he say that he even sees some dying people and i love you. I love you. You must have been so panicked to hear your 21yearold son telling you its not just rockets, theres gunfire and people are running and being killed. Yes. Yes. It was like we could understand from his voice that this is something that we cannot understand even what is experience over there. He told me he was panicked, he was afraid. He said that they got into the car and they are trying to escape from there. My daughter told him send us a live location. He sent the live location and then the phone was stopped. And then we started to see that the point is moving like not in the right way. Not coming home. Not coming home at all, its moving to the board and my daughter started to cry and she told us, listen, its not the way, its not the way. I called him to say, omar, its not the way, and he didnt answer. The phone was ringing and he didnt answer and then we saw that hes getting into he was behind the border. He was behind the border. And then in the evening we got the video that was published by the hamas that omer is he is a hostage over there. We saw omer in the back of pickup. He was handcuffed in a truck . Yes, with his friend. They were alive. There was no blood or something on his clothes. And that was the only the oenly thing that we got for him and its been almost two weeks, tomorrow will have been two weeks. I mean, what have these two weeks been like for both of you . We are not sleeping. We are not eating. All of the things that we are doing now, its to shout All Over The World our pain that no mother in All Over The World needs to feel like mother and father needs to feel like we are feeling now. Imagine that your son is going to a party and the next day people murderers kidnapped him and you dont know if hes eating, sleeping, if they are beating him. The basic thing of a mother is to protect. To protect her son and i cannot protect my son now and its driving me crazy. Im talking not only for myself, im talking for a lot of families, you must understand that people were in the safe place at their home. They were sitting, eating breakfast, some of them were sleeping, and then these terrorists came into their house and murdered and took them from their house, from the place that its the most safe place, and they took them, babies, children, teenage, mothers, fathers, grandmothers. And hes 21, but hes your baby. I mean, whats he like . Whats his personality . What is he you were saying he kisses you three times on the cheeks all the time. Yeah, he is a nice guy. He is a party guy. Hes by himself, he is a deejay and he likes very much all this kind of festival, Music Festivals. So thats omer. Very, very happy guy. Very happy guy. Funny. Funny. So cute. We call him sunshine because like the sunshine, everybody wants to be next to him. Next to him. Reporter the last time omers family saw him was at Shabbat Dinner two weeks ago. He was there like he always is, is always the life of the party as they talked b big personality, and that night was the night that he went to the nova Music Festival. The next time his parents heard from him was in a series of panicked phone calls the next day when they realized the festival he was at was being attacked by hamas. The ceremony tonight in this huge table that you see is for all the families whose loved ones are being held hostage tonight, whose loved ones wont be at Shabbat Dinner tonight and omers family are hoping that he will be back at their Shabbat Dinner very soon. Can you show me the video that you were showing me a moment ago . Yes. Amazing. Reporter and that was a picture of your family. Yes. Reporter how many times hay . Oh, my god. I saw t you know, at the beginning when dana posted it, i saw t i dont know, maybe 100 times and each time im crying and i get very emotional, even now when i see it i get very emotional and also the song say you are going to get out from this. Dont be afraid from fear. Yes, you are going to get out from it. Reporter if you could talk to him right now what would you say to him . Come back. Enough. Enough. You did enough troubles. Come back. Reporter what about you, mom . That i love him. That i miss him. That i want every day when he is going he is coming to me, he is hugging me, telling me, mom, i love you, hes kissing me three times and hes going. So i want him back. I want to hug him. I want to hug him, to smell him. Thats what i want very much, to hug him and smell him. Reporter it must have been a relief to hear what the idf said today, that they do believe most of the hostages are still alive. You know, for us its it gives maybe some light, but until we dont see them i want to Say Something about that. My son has asthma, he Cannot Breathe well, and i also every day when im waking up and i dont have i Cannot Breathe, im taking my. Reporter inhaler. Yes, inhaler, and im thinking about omer, that hes there and he dont have his inhaler. Whatever you call it. And its the minimum thing that mandatory thing that they need to do, first of all. Its unbelievable. Welcome back. Lets get back to our continuing coverage of the war in israel. Egypts red crescent says another small convoy of trucks with food and medicine is preparing to cross from egypt into gaza. 20 trucks were allowed to cross early saturday and egypts red crescent says another 17 trucks are ready to go today. Meanwhile, the Israel Defense forces say they are increasing and intensifying air strikes in gaza, a clear sign that its paving the way for a Ground Incursion of gaza. No timeline has been announced, but israeli officials indicate it will be soon. On saturday the idf, again, dropped leaflets over Northern Gaza warning civilians to evacuate south or risk being considered a partner of hamas. While the war rages on in israel, so does russias invasion of ukraine. Ukrainian Officials Say russian missiles killed at least six people on saturday in the kharkiv region, another 16 were injured. According to the regional prosecutors office, Russian Forces fired two missiles at a building belonging to a Logistics Company with employees inside. Search and rescue operations are under way and the victims are still being identified here you can see firefighters putting out flames at food depose in donetsk, four people died after shell hit the city. Russian officials are speaking out about the israelhamas war. Sergey lavrov, russias foreign minister, a warning that the situation in gaza could lead to a regional crisis. Translator as for the gaza strip, the risk of this crisis escalating into a regional conflict is quite serious. I have already mentioned that the United States vetoed a resolution that called for a stop to any hostilities and to begin to resolve humanitarian issues. Therefore, the United States has apparently showed that it is not ready to call for a truce, a ceasefire, and if this is so, then they will probably believe the conflict may grow. For more lets bring in jill dougherty, an adjunct professor at georgetown university, a cnn contributor and of course former cnn Moscow Bureau chief. Jill, great to have you with us. You believe that israel and ukraine wars are linked. Explain to us how. Well, there are a lot of, i think, complex interconnections, kind of crosscurrents, but i would say if you look at the Immediate Reaction that Vladimir Putin had to the attack back on the 7th of october, he blamed the United States. That was the primary thing. He did not go into details like was this terrorism. He did not mention hamas specifically, instead he said the United States is to blame. Why . Because the United States is monopolizing as he put it the middle east Peace Process in general, excluding prufgs from be russia from being part of that and then putin would argue american diplomacy failed so its essentially americas fault. You can see the same kind of logic, if you want to call it, or messaging in whats happening in ukraine. Putin also would say that the United States, the west, are behind whats happening in ukraine. And there are many other connections. You know, i will just mention one, that youre hearing kind of the same messaging about the developing world, the global south. This is something that back in the old soviet days, the soviet union took the side of revolutionary movements and you could say hamas, hezbollah, et cetera, russia has better relations with them even to this day. So russia has now picked that up as a revived message, lets say, and says, developing world, we are on your side. We are on the side against the elites in the west, et cetera. So, i mean, there are many more crosscurrents we could talk about, in fact, iran definitely look at iran, better relationship between russia and iran and, guess what, iran is supplying drones to be used in ukraine. So many connections. I want to ask you about that because how does, you know, moscows relationship with israel, how is it affected by, you know, his stance, putins stance, considering, as you say, russias ties to iran that is supplying drones to moscow for its war in ukraine . Its kind of a another complex situation because actually russia has over the years, most recently, improved relations with israel, but at the same time when you look at Vladimir Putins comments about the air strikes by the israelis on gaza, he actually made a connection between that and the leningrad blockade. Remember leningrad is where he was born in the soviet union, nowen st. Petersburg and he actually made that connection. The nazi blockade of leningrad. So i think what hes, again, trying to do is not really directly take sides here, blame it on the United States, and say we should have, you know, a peace or some kind of ceasefire. But its complicated for them, too, i think. Jill, you would have to assume that putin is going to capitalize on this moment while the u. S. And world is distracted on events in the middle east. Do you believe that he will up the ante in ukraine and increase attacks . You know, upping the ante in ukraine is more difficult because he has to have the firepower behind it. Now, they have been making the russians have been making some more incursions, but i dont think you can say that he can turn the tide at all right now. Ukraine big picture seems to be kind of stuck in this stasis at least for the while. And you could argue, and some people actually do, that maybe that works for putin because, you know, ukraine kind of is there but now there is a danger that its being forgotten because of what is happening in the middle east and that works for putin because he can kind of make similar arguments about, you know, air strikes and in a way justify the air strikes that he is making in ukraine. So i think what you also have to look at really quickly is the situation in the United States with political chaos in the congress. There is no question biden is asking for 61. 4 billion more for ukraine and it cant get through because the United States doesnt have a speaker right now, and that is another complication. It certainly is a mess. Jill dougherty, we appreciate the context. Great to see you. Thank you. Well, meanwhile, Ukrainian Special force right side Launching Raids on russiaoccupied crimea. Theyre using unconventional methods in hopes of Throwing Moscow off its guard and in order to boost morale during ukraines slowed counteroffensive. Fred pleitgen shows us how. Reporter a brazen attack from the sea, Ukrainian Forces using jet skis to land in russiaoccupied crimea. The Fighter Speaking goes by The Call Sign musician. He tells me the operation was successful, but tough. While we were landing the sea was stormy, he says, the waves were up to 2 meters high, plus russian war ships were patrolling, the raptors. The ukrainians say they also managed to destroy Russian Military gear before racing off across the black sea, using larger boats to carry fuel for the jet skis on the long journey back to ukraine ukrainianheld territory. Musician said these missions are essential. It helps our forces in the trenches he says, we distract the en into hes attention towards us and they are forced to relocate their personnel and vehicles to the crimean sea side. Ukraine has started a Major Campaign against Russian Military targets in and around crimea, hitting the hq of moscows black sea fleet, damaging a submarine and russian landing ship as well as hitting an air base. The ukrainians use drones and Cruise Missiles for some of the attacks but rely on a network of undercover partisan groups Inside Crimea for information and targeting. One of the groups agreed to answer our questions, but only in writing for security reasons. We constantly monitor all Military Facilities on the territory of the Crimean Autonomous region with the help of our agents and residents of crimea who constantly inform us. One of the key targets ukraine has hit several times, the kerch bridge. The attacks have led to severe disruptions. Russian leader Vladimir Putin vowing revenge. There will definitely be a response from russia, he said, the Ministry Of Defense is preparing proposals. For the ukrainians, missions like these are also psychologically important, one of the planners of the jet ski raid tells me. We are fighting a trench war on the front lines and the armed forces success is not so ob obvious, he says, and Special Operations of this kind in the rear or in the sea they inspire and give energy to keep fighting. And the fighters in that unit say their next infiltrations are already in the works but they wont say where, when or how. Fred flight again, cnn, kyiv. Us House Republicans will attempt to choose a speaker once again this week but its unclear if any candidate can get the votes needed to secure the gavel. That story and more after the break. Youre probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. But what if we told you its possible that comcast Business Mobile can save you up to 75 a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers . Have we piqued your interest . You can get two unlimited lines for just 30 each a month. There are no Term Contracts or line activation fees. And you can bring your own device. Oh, and all on the most reliable 5g Mobile Network nationwide. Wireless that works for you. Its not just possible. U. S. House republicans who want to be the next House Speaker have a little more than six hours to declare themselves. The deadline for filing is sunday at noon eastern time. There will be a Leadership Forum monday where candidates will make their case to the party, followed by closed door caucus vote on tuesday. Majority whip tom emma is the latest of several republicans to declare an interest, but its unclear whether anyone can get the 217 votes needed to secure the gavel. On friday Kevin Mccarthy slammed the block of conservatives who ousted him nearly three weeks ago. The crazy eights led by gaetz, the amount of damage they have done to this party and to this country is insurmountable. We are in a very bad position as a party, one that has won the majority, one that america has trusted us with, that a simple eight people have put us in this place. Polls open just about two hours from now in argentinas president ial election. Ballots will being shipped around the country which is suffering from inflation and more than 130 . The latest polling shows a tight threeway race thats likely to head to a runoff in november. Some voters say they wont make up their mind until they get to the ballot box the libertarian outsider is seen as the front runner, he is pledged to take a metaphorical chain saw to the status quo. The sports world is . Mourning this morning, mourning the loss of Manchester United sir bobby charleston. The team called him one of the greatest and most beloved players in the history of the club. He scored 249 depose in 17 seasons with the team and also helped england win the world cup in 1966. The team wrote sir bobby was a hero to millions not just in manchester or the United Kingdom but wherever football is played around the world. Bobby charleston was 86 years old. Many israeliamericans say they feel helpless watching from the u. S. As the war against hamas rages on. What some are doing to help their fellow countrymen, next on cnn. In spain thousands demonstrated in barcelona and madrid to show their support for palestinians amid the israelhamas war, with protesters marching and shouting in spanish gaza is bleeding out and the world is watching. And in due niece i cant demonstrators waved palestinian flags, they shouted that the world needs to, quote, wake up, stand up, speak up and stop the genocide. Police in london say more than 100,000 people marched through the city not prime ministers residence, they waved the palestinian flag and shouted free palestine. The u. S. Has been seeing rallies in support of the Palestinian People as israel stages more air strikes and prepares for a Ground Incursion. In new york about 1,000 demonstrators gathered in brooklyn on saturday, they caused they called, i should say, for a ceasefire in gaza. The message was the same in washington, d. C. Where the National March for gaza took place saturday. The american muslims for palestine and the u. S. Council of muslim organizations hosted the events. Many israeliamericans are working to collect humanitarian supplies. Camila bernal has more on what people in the u. S. Are doing to help both israel and gaza. Reporter theyre focused on raising as much money as possible, collecting as many supplies as possible, but also focused on Mental Health resources and fighting misinformation. A lot of these israeliamericans began to watch and see what was going on in israel and say they were shocked, they were heartbroken and also felt helpless in a way. Many of them that were maybe idf members were able to travel back to israel, but others say that its just better to stay here and do everything they can to help from the u. S. I talked to the organization Bulletproof Israel and they said in the beginning they were in need of tactical gear, bulletproof vests, anything that they could collect to help the military, but they now say theyre also very focused on medical supplies, the basics. Theyve been able to shift from l. A. , from new york, from miami and they will continue to do so over the next couple of days. They say they want to send as much help as possible. Here is the ceo of Bulletproof Israel. For me it wouldnt make sense to go back, but knowing so many people in israel and knowing what theyre going through, what my goal is is just to do everything that i can to help them out. Everything. Everything. It doesnt mean theres no limit to what i would do. It doesnt matter. Theyre there and theyre fighting for us and theyre trying to get my family out. Reporter and leon told me two members of family have been kidnapped which is part of the reason why hes doing everything he can to help from the u. S. Now, we also reached out to organizations helping palestinians in gaza, and what theyve told us is that it is impossible for them to send supplies, so instead they are extremely focused on trying to raise as much money as possible, but, again, its americans who feel like they need to do something from the u. S. To then send that help. Camila bernal, cnn, los angeles. If youd like to help humanitarian relief efforts for gaza and israel, head to cnn. Com impact. You will find a list of vetted organizations answering the call on the ground. Thats cnn. Com impact. Before we go, the premier league, one of those impacted by the israelhamas conflict, a Moment Of Silence was observed at both the chelsea Verse Arsenal and Manchester City verse brighten marches. Players, officials will wear black arm bands for the next round of matches. That wraps up this hour of cnn newsroom. Im anna coren in hong kong. Thank you for your company. Next more ongoing coverage of israel at war

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