Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

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Urgent needs that need to be met. First, of course, potentially more aid for israel. Phil. Poppy. Lauren fox, thank you. And cnn this morning continues right now. This is cnn Breaking News. It is the top of the hour. We continue to follow all of the Breaking News out of israel and gaza. Im poppy harlow with Phil Mattingly in new york. 8 00 a. M. Here on the east coast. 3 00 p. M. In tel aviv where defense secretary lloyd austin is on the ground. You heard him speaking as this war between israel and hamas intensifies with up to 150 hostages, including americans, believed held in gaza. We will continue to coordinate closely with israel to help secure the release of the innocent men, women, and children in the clutches of hamas. Including american citizens. Now, this is no time for neutrality or for false equivalence or for excuses for the inexcusable. There is never any justification for terrorism. This Morning Hamas is claiming that israels bombardment of gaza killed 13 hostages but the Israeli Military can not confirm that nor can the white house. Meanwhile, israel is warning more than 1 Million People need to evacuate immediately in gaza as Hundreds Of Thousands of israeli troops mass near the border. Thousands of leaflets were dropped over gaza city. Nic robertson joins us from sderot israel. You saw one of the largest plumes of smoke blasts you have seen in gaza city. Tell us about it. Reporter yeah, this is smoke you see behind me, rising out of the northern end of the gaza strip, just slightly to the north of gaza city itself. An area of deep concentration of people. Now, the Israeli Defense force say that last night there was very heavy shelling in the Northern Area of gaza. We were standing here through the night. We could hear it through the night, very heavy Missile Strikes and artillery strikes. Indeed, the Israel Defense forces say in the past six days they have targeted gaza and specifically hamas infrastructure, Military Command post, Military Command with 6,000 missiles. That, according to the idfs own figures, is already more than they launched in launched on gaza in the war in 2014 that lasted 50 days. So that gives you a sense of scale of the amount offard nantz thats being dropped. Huge plume of smoke right now. We dont know where thats coming from. The announcement this morning by the Israeli Defense force, that palestinians should move south of the gaza strip, move out of gaza city, initially appeared they were given a 24hour deadline. The u. N. Interpreted that way. They say that is impossible to do, it will create a humanitarian disaster on the ground. Indeed do, one u. N. Agency says more than 400,000 palestinians are displaced from their he has homes at the moment. The idf has clarified and says there is no 24hour deadline on that, but it is a very clear instruction for Palestinian Civilians to move south in the gaza strip. Hamas is telling them not to do that because they dont trust the israelis or their motives behind this. It is for the palestinians there, who are caught up at the end end of these missiles, a very, very testing and difficult time. One doctor cnn talked to said we literally live second by second. It is an impossible situation. He said Everyone Wants it to end immediately. Nic robertson for us, thank you. Now to erin burnett in israel. You are right near the egypt gaza border. This is a crucial position to be in, especially since that rafah crossing in the south is closed. Erin, what are you seeing, what are you hearing . Reporter yes. All right. So, poppy, right now we are along that border, gaza, egypt, Israel Border three miles from gaza, ten miles from the egyptian border in rafah, the only crossing between egypt and gaza which of course is closed right now. As you can see, these are tanks, we have seen an entire convoy of them. Okay. All right. Okay. Okay. All right. Poppy and we are going to pass it back to you. We have some idf troops coming over. I will send it back to you. Thank you. We will get back to you when we can. I think, phil, just shows how all of this is happening in real time as our reporters are trying to get to the most crucial places in this war to tell the story of exactly what is happening. And i think to take a step back, if we can, given its been very difficult just how fluid and fastmoving this story has been, the horrors that transpired six is days ago. Following the teams on the ground throughout our 24hour coverage, you realize how quickly they are moving to different places, what they are seeing, how quickly military personnel equipment, everything is happening as we are watching whats happening in gaza now that there has been an evacuation order. We have reporters and teams that have so much experience there. I think even they at this point have acknowledged that this is such a dynamic situation for them to follow. Absolutely. We will get back to erin as soon as we can. As we wait for her report from the south there, lets go to priscilla alvarez. She joins us from the white house. As we understand it, President Biden sat down for an interview with 60 minutes and part of the discussion about hostages, particularly americans believed potentially to be held. What can i tell us . Reporter thats right. Poppy. We learned that President Biden is expected to speak with the families of americans who are believed to be held hostage by hamas and his reasoning for that is to make clear to them that he, quote, deeply cares. Take a listen. Why do you feel so strongly about speaking to these families personally on zoom . Because i think they have to know that the president of the United States of america cares deeply about whats happened to them. Deeply. We have to communicate to the world, this is critical. This is not even human behavior. Its pure barre barism. We are going to get them home if we can find them. Reporter now, a source tells me this is call expected to happen later today. What we know from the white house is that there are 14 americans unaccounted for and they have characterized those held hostage as a handful. Very small number. And this is something that the white house and Administration Officials are working around the clock to wrap their arms around. You heard from National Security Spokesman John Kirby who said that they still dont have many details about the conditions of the hostages, where they may be held, and they are working hour by hour on this. But for now what we know is that today the president is expected to talk to some of those families and express his sympathies as well as what they may know so far. Poppy, phil. Certainly working around the clock. Thank you very much. And now to a cnn investigation that analyzes two years of hamas Propaganda Training Videos and it identified six Training Camps that the militant Terrorist Group and affiliates used to train for the attack over the weekend. Clarissa ward led this reporting. She joins us now. It is stunning what people are about to see. Walk us through it, clarissa. Reporter well, poppy, obviously, with all of this talk of an imminent ground offensive, the questions of the failures of Israeli Intelligence are front and center. And our own open source investigator paul murphy spent days pouring through years worth of Satellite Imagery, social media videos, trying to put together a picture of how hamas was able to train for last saturdays brutal attacks for years right under israels nose. Take a look. Propaganda videos put out by hamas reveal killing details about the years of preparations that went into saturdays bloody attacks right under israels nose. Analyzing metadata from the videos, a cnn investigation can reveal the presence of at least six training sites inside gaza. One just 720 meters from the most heavily fortified and patrolled part of israels border. In that camp, hamas recreated an israeli compound with elements of the nearby Border Crossing, including an insignia of the battalion. They practiced taking prisoners and zip tying their hands at the camp. Satellite imagery indicates the camp was constructed within the last year and a half. At two other locations in the southern part of gaza hamas trained for their Adaushs Paraglider assault, Rehearsing Takeoffs and landings. At all six sites, two years of Satellite Imagery reviewed by cnn shows no indication of offensive Israeli Military action. The imagery instead shows that in the last two years some camps even expanded into surrounding farmland and that there was activity in the last several months at the camps. The stunning revelations raise questions as it to how hamas was able to sttrain so openly, so close to the border, for so long, and why israeli officials were unable to pick up on and prevent the october 7th attack. So, of course, we have reached out to the Israeli Military to get some kind of response and we did get a comment. They said, we cannot provide answers to your questions since they relate to the complex analysis of intelligence. At the same time that we are fighti war. This topic together with numerous other issues will be investigated by the idf, the Israel Defense forces, at the end of the war. I think thats an attitude that you see broadly reflected here, poppy. There is a lot of anger among people you talk to. There are a lot of questions and people do want answers, but there is also a kind of acceptance that the priority right now is dealing with the more immediate and pressing concerns, particularly that hostage situation. Coming back full circle, these Intelligence Failures raise real questions about some of the challenges that israel might face if it does launch a ground incursion. 17 years hamas has held the gaza strip. So this would be a very challenging fight for israelis and a lot of people asking whether mistakes that have been made before or questions that are now being asked could contribute to that. Poppy, phil. Clarissa, just so everyone understands, those videos we saw throughout your report, those were publicly available on Different Social Media platforms . Is that right . Reporter thats right. These are hamas propaganda videos. I think whats interesting, is its not like they just released all of these videos after these attacks. Some of these videos were actually put out in the open space before the attacks happened. So anybody can watch these. And i should add, you know, paul murphy was the one who went through them laboriously, but israeli media have also been talking a lot about this issue. They have also been combing through these videos and they are quite shocked by what they have found, particularly that one camp, less than a colombia from the eras Border Crossing with a replica of the battalion insignia. There are questions here to be answered. Tied to this but stepping back a little bit, you have been in country, six days since a horrific attack. Is this issue is a peripheral issue . We have seen resolve, resiliency, pressing forward. How are people feeling right now . Reporter i think that when you talk to people, you know, i think everybody in israel right now and, obviously, i cant speak for the entire country, the vast majority of people i have spoken to agree that the most important issue right now dealing with the threat of hamas and dealing with the horrifying tragedy of these more than 100 hostages who are still being held. So that is the most pressing issue on everybodys minds. At the same time, you will often have conversations here with people where they are openly angry about what happened, where they feel there have been real failings on behalf of Israeli Intelligence, also on behalf of the Israeli Military. But there does seem to be some sort of consensus that that is a topic for broader conversation at a later date, that it merits deep investigation, those investigations are going to take weeks, if not months, and that the focus and the priority right now should be on dealing with these more pressing and immediate concerns. Of course, as i just mentioned before, the two do feed into each other, particularly when youre talking about a possible ground incursion. Absolutely. They definitely do. Clarissa, thank you for that. It is stunning and important to see for you and thanks to paul murphy, our colleague, as well, for that reporting. So heighten Security Concerns not just in the region, but around the globe as protesters take to the streets around the world. In the United States, major cities taking precautions. More on that ahead. Live pictures from baghdad. Cities around the Globe On High alert. These new pictures where Hundreds Of Thousands are gathering in a huge propalestinian protest. Joining us now bianna and john miller and Law Enforcement trainer aaron cohen. Guys, thanks for joining the table. I want to get into the kind of Law Enforcement elements of this in a minute. But we were talking about during the break, its really important to discuss, which is people are scared right now. People are furious. I am not talking about people in the region. I am talking about people here. You know, you had a tweet last night i think that caught my eye and i think kind of captured this to some degree about schools closing. Schools closing in new york. Can you explain to people who feel like this is something happening far away from us, why is this havinsuch a dramatic ef on american jew . Its not about me. I understand. I am not trying to make it its a situation you have to separate your day job from who you are as a person and the humanity and the lack of compassion a lot of people are feeling in terms of what this means for jew around the world, what we are seeing in israel for years, people have been conflating, there is israel, they are jews and israel is home to jewish people, right. When they see what happened, and we are not a week following the massacre, its hard to talk to kids about it, everyone getting letters from schools how to addre address. In 2023 in new york city when you get alerts maybe you should think about keeping your kids home and maybe shouldnt go to synagogue, its really troublesome. And i havent raised it with my kids. They are at school. But i think its an important reminder to not only check on our humanity, but also check on your jewish friends and neighbors. Its been a tough week for everyone. Thats right. From the Law Enforcement perspective, we have seen the preparations this morning on that. Also this not something that happened just now. The Antisemitic Task forces, the from the federal, state, local level, this has been accelerating to match an accelerating threat and rhetoric the last several years. Where are things right now . Well, new york is kind of unique in that regard in that we literally live on high alert as normal in the post9 11 world. The city went through a terrible mass murder, it went through a trauma, an Intelligence Failure. We have seen all of that. So we put more resources in new york city into the counterterrorism and intelligence venue of the Police Department than any other city probably on planet. That said, fear is fear. People are nervous. They are watching social media. Frankly, to be candid, they are reacting to rumors and speculation. But we also have to remind ourselves, fear is the oxygen that makes the flames of terrorism survive. This is what they are counting on. So it comes down to this personal question for people, which is do i actually have information that i should be worried about at a time when everybody is saying there is no specific credible threat, knowing that there is always some risk in the world, and am i going to give in to fear . When you inject, you know, the spector of children in that, it gets even more complicated emotionally for parents. But what officials are saying is, go about your business. Be vigilant. We are doing all we can. You are a part of that. Could i turn the topic to could i add to that . Sure. And this man has build Counter Terrorist programs for new york and los angeles, and i agree that the fear feeds the flame and its fine to go about your business. I am also a reserve deputy. I live in los angeles. Ill say this. Why feed the bear . And what i mean by that is, you go about your day and do your business. Regarding the synagogues, the jewish schools, there is real action thats happening right now. And lapd, lasd, Law Enforcement around the country, we dont know what actionable intelligence they have on potential sleeper cells. I am not trying to spark the flame. The question is, do you have security at your school . Are they trained . Are they armed . This man knows the average Response Time for lapd for beverly hills, for santa monica Police Department. I dont know new york as well. I know they get around pretty quickly. Are they trained in active shooter response and security . Is there a little bit of Predictive Behavioral Profiling training sprinkled in there . Look at the Intelligence Failure of the mossad, one of the finest institutions in the world, and then ask ourselves if israel didnt get it right, what should we be doing . We need to be layered up to some capacity. People are yelling and screaming lets get together and cause chaos. Thats why i come up with. I am with john on psychological tactics being used bsh whoever is more scared is losing. Thats how that works. The point yeah. The point he is making . All right. I agree with all of that. And part of the story that we had on earlier in the show is the Community Security alliance, which, you know, organizations like the uja and adl have literally gone out and Trained Personnel at synagogues, at jewish schools, at symbolic locations, have trained teachers, have trained staff. There are layers of protection. And so many of them have security. But the watch word today, literally today, was limit your access. Lock all your doors and run one entrance and commitment know your visitors. Positive i. D. Check your packages and delivery. They have kind of stepped up to the idea of, you know, we woke up five days ago in a world that has been adjusted and we have to adjust towards it. These are protests called by hamas. This is not, you know, in solidarity with palestinians. There are so many people, so many jewish people, doesnt matter your background, who want freedom and dignity for palestinians. These protests today, what we are seeing around the world is incited by hamas. And that is what is so frustrating. We are not seeing more outrage in terms of differentiating the two. Hamas should not be representing the plight of the palestinian people. Thank you. Thank you, guys. We appreciate it. Overnight, israel issued a new warning to citizens of gaza and called for evacuationes in one of gazas most populated cities. In statement sent to citizens, the idf called for residents to evacte south for your own safety and safety of your families and distance yourself from the Hamas Terrorists who are using you as Human Shields the u. N. Said the evacuations are supposed to take place in the next 24 hours. Gaza city is home to more than 1 Million People. The u. N. Secretary general calling the order, quote, impossible and warning of devastating humanitarian consequences. Joining us now from jordan is tamara. She is the director of Strategic Communications for the United Nations relief and palestine refugees. In the near east, the agency moved its operations and staff to southern gaza. To that point, where do things stand right now given how fast moving this has been over the last 12 hours . Good morning. Things are pretty chaotic and extremely worrying right now in gaza. As you rightly said, my colleagues, my international colleagues, moved from their headquarters in the northern part of gaza to the southern part of gaza after we received the warning that our installations would no longer be safe. Along that, 1. 4 Million People in gaza. These are ordinary palestinians who live in the gaza strip with their families, including pregnant women, children, children with disabilities, all of them on the run because they are looking for safety. So the situation right now is very chaotic and we are extremely worried as these people are on the move while the air bombing, the airstrikes continue. Are you coordinating evacuations out of the schools that you and your colleagues have run in Northern Gaza . Right now we are not able to coordinate any evacuation, but t able to continue assisting people who are in these shelters. I am glad you asked the question because we are talking about almost 220,000 people in schools and other buildings that belong to the u. N. , that belong to we were supposed to provide these people with food, clean water and other essentials that they need because they have been displaced from their homes. However, by no longer being able to assist them, we do not know what will become of them. Many of them are moving to the south. In the south, we do have 12 schools where people can seek shelter. However, these schools are not even ready to receive them. So we are looking at that really, really disastrous humanitarian situation in the hours and days to come. Can you explain why you are not able to help with their evacuation and why you are not able to get that aid in specifically . Because, first of all, the gaza strip is completely sealed. So whenever good, clean water or other supplies we have are very limited. And we are still not able to get more supplies in. Last night around midnight my colleagues received a warning from the Israeli Defense forces to evacuate our own compound because of the airstrikes that were being planned. My colleagues left the compoe t our building in the south. We could not take with us almost a quarter Million People in our schools. Everybody received the same warning. The u. N. Agency for Palestinian Refugees, we feel very responsible for the people who are sheltering in our schools, but we also feel completely at loss as to what kind of advice we can give them given the ongoing bombing and airstrikes. We dont know how to help them move safely. Therefore, our call right now h diplomat i can levels is to allow us to keep a humanitarian space where were able to operate safely and help those in need. My colleagues in our new location, the south of gaza, just told me now about nine months old pregnant woman who managed to get into the compound with my colleagues, we dont know how to deliver her. We have one medic with us, but that person has never delivered babies before. So the situation is very, very dire. We absolutely need to be able to assist these people and, therefore, we need to be able to move more safely. And without being bombed or targeted, to be able to deliver food, clean drinking water, fuel, and other kinds of assistance, including psychological assistance to those people in gaza who are traumatized by the severity of the bombings these last two days. Thank you for being with us. Also our deepest condolences. I know that you have lost, i believe, a dozen of your colleagues. Yes. In this effort. Thank you. Thank you. In israel families are starting to bare ethose killed in saturday ace attack. We will speak to a rabbi who is helping identify and prepare the bodies for burials. Thats next. Is it possible my network could take my business to the next level . It is with comcast business. Powering all your devices with gigspeed wifi. And you get fast downloads and uploads. Pick it up pick it up oh we got this because its powered by The Next Generation 10g network. More speed for your business . Its not just possible. Its happening. Get started for 59. 99 a month for 12 months. Plus, ask how to get an 800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. Comcast business, powering possibilities. The power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. Home of the xfinity 10g network. Names of the 25 americans killed in saturdays hamas attacks. A 27yearold dual citizen, a captain in the Israel Defense forces k9 unit. Dan yet you a tend the Music Festival where her boyfriend and she were killed. And an israeli soldier. 1,300 israelis have been killed in hamas attack thus far. Now families are starting to bury the loved ones. Joining us now is a rabbi, a Reservist Working with Israel Defense services in central israel. Your perspective on all of this is so unique because as a rabbi, you are working to comfort those and bury those while also stepping up to serve your country. What is your perspective now six days after the attack . So thank you so much for the opportunity to speak and share what im going through on daily basis. Basically, my role in the army is to as quickly as possible identify those who are murdered, brutally murdered, raped, killed in the most heinous ways possible and we try to do so as fast as possible. We know that there are hundreds of families in israel who dont know if their son, daughter, brother, sister, father, mother was murdered, was taken captive, who knows what is happening to them by the hamas or if they are just shellshocked and hidden under some shelf somewhere. So we know that every minute thats wasted is a minute that a family is not getting closer. And the soldiers on the front line, too. So israel is really fighting on two fronts. There is the front of defending ourselves, making sure that the terrorists do not invade and murder us like has been throughout our history, unfortunately, so many times, so many thousands of people have tried to annihilate the jewish people. The second front is to give closure to these families as quickly as possible and really do that in the most respectful and dignified way. As i understand, you have had to do the unthinkable, Holding Babies who were killed in this terror attack. How do you even begin to try to comfort their families while also telling them what has happened to their children . So, thank god i am not in charge of informing the families. There are different units that do different things. I try to identify as quickly as possible. I can tell you that these hands have held a baby that was murdered. And having children at home, its the most heartwrenching thing that you can imagine. Tell people who dont know what jewish law dictates in terms of how those have been who have been killed are buried because that is very significant as well. So in the eyes of jewish law and jewish custom, we have the utmost respect for the living, but showing the respect for the living is also by showing respect for those who are deceased and killed, and specifically those murdered just for being jews. There is a special place in heaven according to jewish tradition for people murdered for fact that they were jews. Some people were not religious, didnt, you know, believe in god, but they were killed just for one reason, and thats because they were that. We take that utmost responsibility. We know that these people are holy and there is a lot of laws that dictate that show us how to respect them. We dont drop a body, god forbid. We lower it slowly. It there is a drop of blood, we clean it. We ask forgiveness. At the end of dealing with the bodies, we apologize if we did something inappropriately. We are doing this for you, you know, to give you and your family, you know, the comfort and closure as quickly as possible. Rabbi, thank you for being with us to thshare your experiee and all the comfort you are giving everyone. If i could share one last thing. Tonight is friday night, which is the sabbath. And in Ju Ddaism We Light Two candles. Some have a custom to light a candle for every child thats important. I have four children, thank god. We light four other candles to show that every child that is born adds light to the home. Today there are other 1,000 families in israel who that candle has been extinguished. What i ask you and your viewers and all those who identify with being good over evil and love over hate is to the next time you see your children, to appreciate that, to give them a hug, to give them a kiss, realize that they are really a light and know that our brothers, we feel very connected to the American People and very supported by you and to just know that, unfortunately, we dont have that. A lot of families dont have that. Everyone should appreciate, you know, what they do. We will do that. It is the least we can do, rabbi. Thank you for saying that. Thank you so much. Well, as the war between israel and hamas intensifies, there are protests around the middle east. These are live pictures of a protest in yemen. We will continue our live coverage. Stay with us. This morning israel is warning more than 1 million citizens to evacuate Northern Gaza and move south. Joining us now republican senator from florida, marco rubio, the vicechair on the Senate Intelligence committee. Senator, to start, the scale of the evacuation that would be necessary here thats being called for is extraordinarily complex. Are you concerned about the kind of burgeoning humanitarian crisis that may develop . Well, i think if that does develop, it will be hamas fault. This is the playbook they have run repeatedly. They attack israel, kill a bunch of jews and retreat to gaza, hide behind Human Shields deliberately. They have been messaging for days when they had their tv network and Radio Stations telling people not to leave their homes. They hide behind civilians. Then the attacks come in response and unfortunately people die and then they run to the global press and say look what horrible things israel is doing and everyone pressures israel to stop, hamas stops, they come back and Kill More Jews again. Thats the pattern that repeats it several. For days israel from the beginning has been messaging that and they take extraordinary steps to try to avoid it, but when your killers are literally using human beings as shields and behind behind them, they are in tunnels in the system of tunnel was their bunkers, their own fuel supply, their own food supply, and they leave the civilians to die. These guys dont value life. They dont value any life. They certainly dont value the lives of their own people. They want to be the government of their own country, which you could only imagine. So, look, this is a very difficult situation. I dont know what other option israel has. How can they coexist with an organization that doesnt just butcher babies, but has an express and explicit purpose of existing is to drive all jews out of the region and create a new country that stretches from the mediterranean to the jordan with no jews and run by a Fundamentalist Islamic government like hamas. You are a leading Foreign Policy voice inside your party in the senate along with being the vicechair of the Senate Intelligence committee. To that point, and i know this is several steps ahead, what happens then if hamas is uprooted, if its decapitated, defeated in the frame of isis. Thats a power vacuum there, thats a governance vacuum. What fills it in that region . First of all, hamas is not always governed over gaza. They allegedly won an election in 2006 and since then have not had another do you have faith in Palestinian Authority to come in given how they operated in the west bank . Thats the complexity of this situation, right. Thats when people talk about a twostate solution. In order to have that, you have to have somebody, some trusted party on the other side that you can work with. You cant have a twostate solution or negotiation with any entity that exists for express purpose of your destruction. Now, i have my own problems with the Palestinian Authority and the things that they have done, but at least in their organizing principles they acknowledge that there is a role to play for a jewish state. I dont know how much they mean that. There is, obviously, some nuances involved in there. But hamas, hamas exists for the express purpose of destroying israel and eliminating the jury state. The hamas argument, to palestinians, is trust us instead of the Palestinian Authority. We are even harbor than they are. We will coo Kill More Jews, run them out of here and create the Palestinian State that stretches all of what we know today to be israel. Not just the west bank and not just gaza. In some respects, these attacks and the ones from 2021 are as much a domestic play as they are an antiisraeli play. They are trying to position themselves as the most prominent palestinian faction in the area. And they believe that kidnapping innocent civilians and murdering babies positions them to be in that role. I get the complexity of it. I am not going to pretend that they have in their pocket some master plan that fixes all of of this. It is deeply complex situation that stretches back, frankly, thousands of years. That said, the one thing thats pretty clear, you cant coexist with an entity that has armaments and the willingness to use them to slaughter your people. You cant. Underscoring the complexity that you are talking about is kind of the moment we are in around the world but also regionally. We have been showing pictures of these kind of day of protests that have been called for by a former hamas leader. There is an accelerant in a situation and a geopolitical situation right now that is to be candid seems very, very dicey. What is your view of how this is going to play out broad roily in the regional . I dont think anyone can tell you exactly how its going to play out. It is one thing to say i am in favor of palestinian cause or i think palestinians are in charge, should have their own country. Its one thing to say that. I think its a bit naive at this point. Its something you a position. It is another to say i am going to take to the streets at the beck and call, the specific instruction of the group that butchered a bunch of babies. Those are two very different things. Its disturbing to see internationally, disturbing to see americans and people in the United States of america in the streets marching in response to a call from the organization that just carried out these atrocities. I think thats disturbing to see that play out. As far as the region, the jordanians are serve nervous about their own streets. The egyptians are nervous. Thats why they dont wouldnt to allow Palestinian Refugees into egypt. I think multiple countries in the region are nervous about the views of their own population, which is why i see i think you see some put out statements even as they, from a back doorway, cooperating with israel on many things, put out statements because they have their streets to manage. Thats a concern. The other, obviously, is we have to keep a close eye as israel moves into gaza and tries to eradicate hamas does that force or trigger a response from hezbollah and iran and other elements aligned with them. Thats the part that gets i dont think anybody should sugarcoat this. This is a very dangerous, very volatile, very unpredictable situation. There is something israel has to do. They have to get rid of this group. We should mitigate against these other things happening becoming a multifront conflict. I also think we need to acknowledge this is very uncertain terrain and very dangerous and everyone is nervous about it, including every here is a live look at capitol hill where there is still no speaker of the house. Republicans are scrambling after Steve Scalise dropped out of the race. So where do they go from here . Thats next. If you look at where our conference is, there is more work to be done. More upheaval. After being nominated, Steve Scalise has dropped out of the race for speaker. David, its great to have you. Youve got a lot of perspective on dc over the years. When this happened and we were in dc, we kept talking about what if there is a crisis . Then there is a crisis on the international stage. How can they not coalesce in a moment like this . How do you explain it . I dont have an explanation. I think its another embarrassment for the republican party. A very serious lawmaker from texas from the Homeland Security Committee Said the world is burning. The world is on fire. We cant seem to come to agreement on a leader. Its a real problem. At the end of the week with all the chaos among republicans but much graver circumstances around the world, i have my eye on democrats. How long are democrats going to stand by in the world of Identity Politics and not be part of any solution . Well see. I think there are more cards to be played before democrats jump. I think people who dont follow this day in and day out like we do, theyre wondering Whether Washington has ability to do their job, to pass bills, pass legislation, make sure the government is funded let alone play a role on The World Stage which is what america is still expected to do. Do you think people even notice . I am not trying to be flip about it. But there has been so much of this over the last decade plus which you know as well as anybody and yet this is as absurd and to your point embarrassing, quoting republicans when i say that, as we have seen it. I wonder if people have totally tuned out. I do think there is a lot of tuning out. I think people think politics dont really matter, but they certainly are looking at events around the world and our country and understanding what the stakes are. Whether it is the ferment on College Campuses and the antisemitic left thats playing out in the wake of this hamas atrocity and active terror against israel this week. Its relevant to peoples lives when you have kids, when there are security alerts, when the government is closing down and it might affect whether you can go to work, whether you will get paid, whether you will get fund amount al services. I think people are paying a lot of attention to the consequences of politics that dont work, when government doesnt work, when there is a fear of your Freedom Being abridged, of institutional break down. Those things start to creep in. This is not just a debate about higher taxes or other events that can seem more benign over past decades. This is front and center stuff. Phil has been asking the crucial question all morning and the past couple days, he just asked senator rubio, we asked bennett, former israeli prime minister, so whats next . Gosh that has to be at the forefront of israelis minds, administrations mind. Its the crucial question, yes. I think there is a lot of ugliness to play out. I think from the Point Of View of the biden administration, if you think about how the president has reacted this week with, i think, refreshing moral clarity about what this was, a Terrorist Attack against israel, i think one of the reasons he has done that and is so forward in support for israel is to have influence over some of the questions about whats next. Do you worry about two front war in role of hezbollah in the north . American government governments going back to government bush, President Biden and his administration would support that as well. You have to have real palestinian leadership. Hamas is not leadership. Hamas is terrorism. Hamas just wants to destroy israel. There is no negotiation with hamas. Palestinian authority has at least potential senator rubio was eluding to to be a real partner, as problematic as thats been. I think thats what you look for down the road. I think intermediate step is the extent to which President Biden and his team have the ability to have any influence over what is about to transpire in gaza over the days and weeks to come, which i am sure is going to be just a continuation of the horror and ugliness of what we have seen, because it is a war. I think israeli leadership has made clear what theyre prepared to do now. David greg which, we appreciate your time and insight as always. Thank you. Thank you. Cnn is following all the developments. We pick up right after this break. Have a good weekend

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