A warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the United States and all around the world. Im bianca nobilo. And im max foster. Just ahead on cnn newsroom the office of Speaker Of The House is hearby declared vacant. A day weve never seen. I will not run for speaker again. Mr. Trump, will you be testifying . Yes, i will. Gag order from judge engoron after trump attacked the judges clerk. A Passenger Bus plunges from a bridge. Two of the victims were children. Live from london, this is cnn newsroom with max foster and bianca nobilo. It is wednesday, october 4, 9 00 a. M. In london, 4 00 a. M. In washington where the gears of government have essentially ground to a halt after the unprecedented ousting of u. S. Republican House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy. Tuesdays extraordinary vote pushed by hardline conservatives ma ma makes mccarthy the first voted out in u. S. History. The Republican Party has now 34 plunged deeper into extraordinary. It is extraordinary. I was watching it last night and it is staggering even by british parliamentary standards. A low standard youre starting off with. Lawmakers will now need to elect a new speaker but there is no clear alternative who would have the support needed to win the gavel. Mccarthy says he will not try for the speakership again. He was removed from the number three job among growing infighting within his party. These eight republicans revolted against him over his decision to work with democrats to fund the government and avoid a hit. I think today was a political decision by the democrats. And i think the things that they have done in the past hurt the institution. They just started removing people from committee. They just started doing other things. And my fear is that the institution fell today. Because you cant do the job if eight people you have 96 of your entire conference, but eight people can partner with the whole other side. How do you govern . And for them to make a motion on me because i made a decision for the country, that they agreed with, but they choose to do the other. That becomes a problem. With the house now likely out of session for the rest of the week, republicans are expected to gather next tuesday to consider possible candidates to replace mccarthy. Names already being tossed around as manu raju reports from washington. Reporter republicans struggling to figure out their way forward after todays Historic Vote Kicking out Kevin Mccarthy for the First Time Ever a sitting Speaker Of The House ejected from his seat by his own colleagues. This vote coming after eight republicans sided with all democrats to kick him out. Kevin mccarthy could only afford to lose four republicans. So he was unable to convince some of those members on the hard right in particular who were unhappy about some of his deal making. Really only two deals in particular, one to raise the National Debt limit to avoid a debt default, he had to get a deal with the white house and Senate Democrats to get that through. And the other one, to avoid a government shutdown, one that he cut over the weekend and allowed democrats to help push that through to avoid a potentially disastrous government shutdown. And just to keep the government open for another 45 days, that was enough to lead matt gaetz to lead the charge to seek Kevin Mccarthys ouster. He got the support of seven other republican colleagues enough to kick out mccarthy. In a startling move that really caught many of his own colleagues by surprise announcing that he would not be a candidate for speaker again. Kevin mccarthy said that he would step aside. He told me that he could potentially name get behind a successor, but he wouldnt disclose who because he didnt know who would run. This is as tension is growing among those mccarthy allies going after some of those critics who pushed out Kevin Mccarthy, questioning whether they are true conservatives. I think kevin recognizes that nobody can meet their demands and the conference will figure out how we deal with, you know, eight people that candidly are not interested in governing. Republicans that claim to be, quote, conservatives just voted with every single democrat in the house of representatives. That would be the equivalent of every republican voting for nancy pelosi. That is what they did. Mr. Jordan, how disappointed are you with what happened here . I thought it was unfair to kevin. Kevin i think has done a fine job. And he and i came in together. Hes a good man. And he didnt deserve this in my judgment. Will you run for speaker . That is a decision for the conference. Are you open to it . Reporter that last comment could be significant. Jim jordan who is House Judiciary Committee chairman pointedly declined to say whether he would rule out running for speaker. He had typically in the past ruled out running for speaker. This is the first time that he in fact is not ruling out the possibility of running for speaker. Saying that it is a conference decision. So well see what he ultimately decides. But he could have a race. Chairman of the republican study committee, Largest Group of conservatives, is open to the idea of running. He is floating his name according to sources weve spoken to. And well see what tom emer, the republican whip, decides to do. Or if he gets behind steve scalise, current number two, whether he decides to run for speaker. So a lot of questions in this tumultuous moment for the gop. Can they get their agenda going and avoid a government shutdown, all huge questions after Kevin Mccarthy becomes first speaker to meet his fate on the floor of the house. Manu raju, cnn, capitol hill. Some democrats say Kevin Mccarthy brought this upon himself. Here is how Eric Swalwell described the situation. It is the right decision because he has brought chaos to the country and this is the first time in nine months where ive seen him put the country in front of his own job. But just stepping back and thinking about what do my constituents think of this, they think it is tragic and they look at the failures that maga gop has put upon us and they see this bucket of crabs that keeps trying to pull the rest of the country down into the chaos that they crave. And although republicans are the Majority Party in the house, they are working as an opposition party, they are opposed within themselves and they are opposed to just getting things done. Meanwhile some republicans who are vulnerable in next years election say they are worried that the Leadership Crisis in their party will hurt their chances at the polls. Ultimately holding the majority in the house. Ron brownstein says that mccarthys ouster shows many hardline conservatives will not tolerate a republican leader who makes bipartisan deals with the democrats. The lesson here is that there is a portion of the republican conference that feels that it has to be seen always taking every confrontation to the max. And that any form of collaboration or compromise with democrats really is capitulation. And you know, this decapitation of the house leadership is going to loom over whoever replaces mccarthy and how they approach this next government shutdown. Because it is pretty ironic that Kevin Mccarthy is taken down on the grounds that he was insufficiently committed to confronting and combatting democrats. And if you look at his record, there are a lot of things that you can accuse Kevin Mccarthy of, but the idea that he was some sort of rampant deal maker with the two big exceptions is pretty farfetched. Without a speaker absolutely nothing will get done in the u. S. House. Republicans have gone on recess until next week as they scramble to find a path forward. Sources say they will return tuesday for a Conference Meeting before a potential vote later next week on Elect Goigoing next week on elect goigo a new speaker. And they will vote as many times as it takes for a candidate to secure 218 votes. Donald trump says he will be back in court today for day three of his civil trial. And Accountant Bender will be back on the stand. On tuesday the former president answered this question from reporters mr. Trump, will you be testifying . Yes, i will. At the appropriate time, i will be. Trump is on the witness list for both sides in the case. After 45 minute delay in tuesdays afternoon session, the judge reprimanded trump for attacking his clerk in a social media post. Despite the rebuke it makes uncertain whether trump will stop making such public comments. Brynn gingras reports from new york. Reporter gag order issued by this judge against the defendants in this case all because of a truth social post by the former president. It was a picture of the judges clerk with Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer and in that post basically claiming without evidence that she is schumers girlfriend. This clearly crossed the line for the judge when court resumed in the afternoon, he discussed the matter saying that there was disparaging and untrue and personally identifiable picture that was posted of a member of his staff. He ordered that it be deleted. But he said that it was already sent to millions of people. And he said this, quote, personal attacks of any member of my court staff are unacceptable and inappropriate and i will not tolerate them. And after that, he said that none of the defendants could speak publicly about anyone on his staff. So remember, this is the same judge who will be calling all the shots determining damages in this trial and the president clearly going too far on this one. A gag order now issued against him on just day two of the civil trial. Brynn gingras, cnn, new york. Tennessee state lawmaker who was expelled from the legislature is accusing the states House Speaker of stopping his right to speech saying he was blocked to express views on Critical Issues that violate the first amendment. The democrat was removed from his seat in april after he and two others called for gun reform. He was reappointed shortly after that and won back the seat in a special election but jones is now asking the Court To Prevent Sexton from curbing his speech and reinstate his Committee Appointments and declare his removal unconstitutional. Police in baltimore say five people have been shot on the campus of morgan state university. In a News Conference Officials Say four of the victims were student, all five are expected to survive. Shelterinplace order has been lifted even though they are searching for the shooter. It reminds us all again that we are dealing with not just here in baltimore, not just at morgan state university, but across this country of the United States, an epidemic when it comes to guns and gun violence. And it is time for us to get serious about that not just at the local level where weve recovered over 2100 guns, but at the national level. We have to stop saying not one more. We need action now. In northern italy, at least 21 people have been killed because of a Passenger Bus careened off the bus near venice. Two of the victims were children. Italian Authorities Say 18 others were injured when the bus broke through the wall of an overpass before falling to the ground and catching fire. Now they are working to determine what caused the crash. Ben wedeman is following these developments and he joins us live from rome. Ben, this is such a tragic incident. Ive been looking at the italian media this morning. People describing the scene as a apoca apocalyptic. What more can you tell us about how the victims are doing, those that have been moved to hospital and also any preliminary investigation into what may have caused this . Reporter we understand that among the victims, there are children and the victims were sort of sent to a variety of hospitals in the area. But this happened just before 8 00 p. M. Yesterday evening when this bus which was an electric bus crashed through the guardrail and fell 15 meters down to Railroad Tracks below. Now, the investigation is only just beginning. The prosecutor for the city of venice has gbegun an investigation. They are looking now at the cctv footage of that bridge where the accident took place. Now, there are a variety of hypotheses they are looking at, one is that perhaps the driver who was a 40yearold italian citizen with six or seven years of experience may have been ill. Now, it has also been pointed out that when the bus crashed to the ground, it burst into flame. There is some speculation that perhaps the large electric battery may have had something to do with the fact that so many people were killed by the flames themselves. Now, among the victims, we understand that there are ukrainians, french, better man, croatian, spanish citizens, but not all of the victims have been identified so far. Ben wedeman, thank you so much for bringing us the latest update. Still ahead, u. S. President Biden Lining Up European support for ukraine as funding from the u. S. Congress remains in limbo. And plus natos top leader says ammunition is at the top of the barrel and he wants to fix the problem. And the uaw on strike now for three weeks. Details on what it is costing the economy. Pentagon says it has enough money to continue supporting ukraine for the time being but that could run out. And the white house is trying to ease allies fears after funding was not included in the last minute deal to avoid a government shutdown. Alex fmarquardt reports. Reporter the white house is now expressing confidence that most members of congress will continue to support ukraine. The white house announced earlier on tuesday that President Biden had held a call with various allies to coordinate ongoing aid for ukraine. Those on the call included the Prime Minister of canada, the head of nato as well as some in the european leadership. And the white houses john kirby told reporters that we cannot under any circumstances allow americas support for ukraine to be interrupted. More of what h. The president rea affirmed support for as long as it takes. They discussed providing ammunition and Weapons Systems that it needs. To continue strengthening air defenses as they prepare for more attacks on Critical Infrastructure now certainly but also certainly in the winter months ahead. Reporter this is as the Biden Administration is escalating its efforts to pressure ukraine to crackdown on corruption. According to multiple u. S. Officials who spoke with cnn, there have been several notices to kyiv in the past few weeks indicating that certain kinds of u. S. Economic aid will be linked to ukraines progress in reforming its institutions. The Department Even issued a diplomatic note to ukraine in the late summer which said that the u. S. Expects ukraine to continue pursuing various anticorruption and financial transparency efforts in order to keep receiving direct budget support. That is different however than military aid. In response, ukraines embassy here in washington, d. C. Told cnn that ukraine has moved ambitiously they said to pass reforms and, quote, we have conducted these reforms initiated by ukraine with the help and support from the u. S. , eu and other friends. The embassy added that ukraine delivers on this front. Alex marquardt, cnn, the state department. Natos top Military Official is warning that western allies are running out of ammunition to give to ukraine. The admiral says that the bottom of the barrel is now visible and the Industry Needs to step up production. Uk Armed Services minister echoed the warning during the same Panel Discussion at the annual warsaw security conference. He said western allies cant stop giving just because stockpiles are growing thin, although practically he acknowledges the issue. They cant give if they dont have it. The European Union is stepping up with a large aid package. Nada bashir is joining us. Yesterday we talked about all the extra money that the European Union is promising while it is in doubt in america, but now were literally talking about not enough equipment being around to send to ukraine. Absolutely. And in the midst of the conversation, were seeing the eu trying to put forward this image that they are stepping up to that challenge, that they will be backing ukraine for the long road. And this is set to be a lengthy counteroffensive and these concerns about Weapons Shortages amongst nato allies in terms of supplies being offered to ukraine is a huge issue. We know Ukraine Armed forces is heavily reliant on that funding particularly when it comes to ammunition on the western nato allies. We heard yesterday from eu lawmakers adopting now a multiyear Funding Package for ukraine set to take place over four years worth up to 52 billion. So this is a significant package and it is crucially a long term commitment to supporting ukraine which is the message that we have seen being put across by european leaders. They tend to stick by ukraine for the long run. Of course we saw that call yesterday between President Biden and his g7 and nato partners, he once again reiterated that he in his view will stick by ukraine, that washington will not turn its back on kyiv. But of course with the questions around the u. S. Budget and questions around the additional funding that is being protected in the new u. S. Budget, there is concern amongst ukrainian officials and of course amongst ukrainian soldiers who are dependent on this ammunition and weapons and nato now issuing that warning that they are seeing the bottom of the barrel, that production of this ammunition really needs to be stepped up at a much faster pace. And of course we know that the counteroffensive has been going slower than many would have anticipated or hoped. And of course we are nearing the more difficult winter months which could pose a significant challenge to the armed forces along the frontlines. But as far as the European Union is concerned, the eu leaders, they intend to stick by ukraine and what were seeing is a boost in funding and also a boost in the indications that they are hopeful that ukraine will move towards gaining Emu Membership N the future. And i had quite informative and anecdotal evidence of this the other day, i was at the National Shooting range in the uk doing some shooting and they have very small pellets for that and they were out of stock because they said that those materials are being diverted elsewhere and they didnt have any that could be purchased. So even filtering down to small scale arms in sport. Nato says that it is actively addressing an apparent cyberattack. A Hacking Group claims to have stolen planning and Research Documents and posted them on line, topics include highway sonic weapon, threats from drones and Testing Procedures for radioactive waste. Alliance says there has been no impact on Nato Missions or military deployments. The group claiming responsibility is known for a series of hacks on u. S. Government websites. Just ahead President Bidens son heads to court on gun charges. Why it didnt create the massive outcry that republicans in Congress Might have been hoping for. And a look at early favorites to replace Kevin Mccarthy after he was ousted in historic fashion. From chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. Unlike chrome, the Duckduckgo Browser has privacy builtin. It comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesnâ– t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. And theres no catch. Its free. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you around. Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. Goli, taste your goals. By Downloading Duckduckgo welcome back to cnn newsroom. Im bianca nobilo. And im max foster. Lets bring you uptodate with the top stories. Former President Trump said he will be back in court day for his civil trial. His former accountant will be back on the stand. And behind the scenes meetings are taking place as jockeying is under way for who will become the next u. S. House speaker after Kcevin Mccarthy was ouste tuesday. Mccarthy says he has no plans to run again. This has brought congress to a standstill and plunged the Republican Party further into disarray. Eight republicans revolted against Kevin Mccarthy over his decision to work with democrats to avoid a shutdown. He is now the first House Speaker to be voted out of the job in u. S. History. 2 of the days is the shortest in more than 140 years. And among the candidates to replace him is jim jordan. And also hekevin hern. Brian todd us shows us some of the other likely contenders. Reporter with all the intrigue, there is no clear frontrunner for the job of Speaker Of The House. But four people do tend to emerge or rise above the others in the consideration of who will be the next Speaker Of The House. Congressman patrick mchenry, steve scalise, tom emmer, and tom cole. Lets tick through their credentials for the job of House Speaker. Patrick mchenry has just been named as interim speaker, but that is not the only reason that he is considered a top candidate. He currently serves as House Financial Services committee chairman, an important position in the house because it deals with issues Like International finance, banking and housing. His profile and influence grew earlier this year when Kevin Mccarthy tapped him to negotiate with the white house to raise the debt ceiling. He is one of two top candidates for the speakership who actually voted to certify joe bidens win in the 2020ed from shal election. Lets talk about steve scalise. Currently number two leader in the house, House Majority leader. Former republican whip and his credentials as kind of a vote getter, a vote counter in that job also speak to his credentials for the speakership. He survived a Mass Shooting at the congressional Baseball Practice in 2017. He was also recently diagnosed with multiple mile yeloma. Because of that cancer diagnosis, a lot of questions have emerged whether he has the physical stamina to become House Speaker especially if there is going to be another possible Shutdown Showdown next month. Is he going to have the capability to handle all of that physically. He says he does, he feels good and that his long term prognosis is very good. Congressman tom emmer from minnesota currently House Majority whip, very important position that is the number three position overall in the house. He is a key ally of Kevin Mccarthys. Also seen though as very close to congressman matt gaetz. He led the National Republican Congressional Committee in 2020, 2022 election cycles. He was able to win election for Majority Whip despite the fact that in those two cycles the republicans did not do as well as many thought they would. He is also one of those who voted to certify joe bidens win in the 2020 president ial election. And then you have congressman tom cole from oklahoma. Currently House Rules Committee chairman. Another influential position. He is considered the elder statesman in gop circles, often helps settle internal battles, but even he couldnt settle this one. He might be considered more of a caretaker for the job of speaker because he is 74 years old. Those are just four of the top candidates who are emerging as maybe the leaders to become House Speaker. But others could also emerge in the days ahead. U. S. President bidens son hunter has pleaded not guilty to three federal gun charges. The latest step in what is likely to be a protracted legal battle for him. And paula reid has the details on that. Reporter hunter biden entered federal court in wilmington, first time the child of a sitting president has been arraigned on criminal charges. He listened intently as the judge read the charges filed against him including alledgedly lying on an atf form and to a gun dealer when he purchased a firearm. He is also charged with possessing a gun while allegedly using drugs. I went one time for 13 days without sleeping and Smoking Crack and drinking vodka exclusively throughout that entire time. Reporter while he has acknowledged his struggle with addiction and today he entered a plea of not guilty. Hunter owned an unloaded gun for 11 days. There will never have been a charge brought like this in the United States. Reporter under a previous plea deal, hunter was supposed to avoid the gun charges but that deal fell apart. David weiss is still weighing the charges. Abbe lowell accused the Justice Department of bending to political whims. These charges are the result of political pressure from President Trump and his maga allies. While republicans accuse weiss of going easy on hunter biden, something the Attorney General has repeatedly deny heed. We do not have one rule for republicans an another rule for democrats. You are not participating in those decisions. No, mr. Ww weiss is making e decisions. The white house is not attempting to influence those decisions . Absolutely not. Reporter today d. C. Attorney Matthew Graves testified on capitol hill about alleged political interference in the investigation. For years hunter biden has been the target of republican attacks, but as he appeared in the wilmington courtroom here in delaware, several republicans were providing distractions, Counter Programming if you will. Former President Trump chose to appear in a new york courtroom for the second day of the civil trial. And then there was the urgent battle over the House Speakership choosing to deposit trab distraction from this critical moment that many republicans had long hoped for. Paula reid, cnn, wilmington, delaware. The cost of the strike against the big three u. S. Automakers has more than doubled from the first week to the second week. According to and an analysis from anderson economic group, the strike cost 1. 6 billion in the economic losses in the first week. Week two losses of wages and supplies to dealers was up to almost 4 billion. More than 18,000 are now on the picket lines after 138 plants were added to the plants already on strike. World bank downgraded its 2024 Growth Forecast for china by 0. 4 Percentage Points due to weak Housing Market and high levels of debt. But other sectors of the chinese economy appear to be in much better shape. Marc stewart explains. Reporter china the worlds second largest economy is in a slump. Prices are dropping, Real Estate Market is in a cash crunch, youth Unemployment Rate is so bad the government stopped publishing it. And some local governments are so broke medical benefits for seniors have been cut leading to protests. Tough times across the country. Yet this is the chinese economy government officials are eager to show the world. Bustling factory floor, a Free Trade Zone and an Industrial Park dotted with international companies. Among the sites we saw on a state sponsored trip to northeastern china, where access inside the heart of what many call chinas rust belt are you able to have success despite all the economic challenges facing china right now . Translator chinas economy as a whole is improving. We are confident that we can make a corresponding contribution to the general trend of development. Reporter that confidence seems like a contrast to reality. Officially chinas economy is improving based on gdp, but the rebound isnt as fast as many investors had hoped. Especially in a postcovid world. The Chinese Government is certainly looking to Foreign Investment to help jumpstart its economy, but it is also focusing on factories like this one. An effort to make sure it still churns out enough products for Export Keeping china as the worlds factory. At the same time upgrading Key Industries especially tech to become self rely yants or even leaping ahead of the u. S. And other rivals. Needed solutions as China Remains one of the biggest drivers of global growth. China will impact everyone else in the world. You will have effect in demand, in prices, so on. Reporter china saw so much growth in the past, economists say eventually it would hit a wall. Now it is hoping that some of the industries we saw here on this trip will help the nation climb over it. Marc stewart, cnn, china. The Biden Administration is cracking down on China Based Companies for allegedly making and selling fentanyl. It kills tens of thousands of americans each year. The u. S. Announced multiple indictments in florida, issued sanctions against 28 individuals and entities in china and canada. Syphilis is on the rise in the u. S. And the goto antibiotic is in short supply. Cases went up about 74 between 2017 and 2021. It can pass to a baby during pregnancy, and that is up more than 200 . Public Health Groups want the white house to work with pfizer to ensure adequate supply of penicillin, a long acting form made available to people. Hang on to your covid19 Vaccination Card because getting a new one could be tricky. U. S. Centers for Disease Control and prevention is no longer issuing the cards. Major u. S. Pharmacies are not requiring them for updated shots. The cdc says patients who might need the card should reach out to their state Health Department or their doctor. A crowded mall in bangkok, a gunman opens fire. What were learned about the teen suspected of carrying out the attack. And heavily armed gangs crushing poverty and widespread mistrust. Coming up, well look at the challenges facing a Multinational Force trying to Restore Order in haiti. In bangkok, Authorities Say a 14yearold boy shot and killed at least two people and wounded five others at a busy mall. Officials say the suspect has Mental Health issues and used a modified gun to fire live rounds. Paula hancocks has more on this story. Reporter the bangkok Shopping Mall where the shooting took place was very business is i at the team. Were hearing this from the police chief who has given a briefing just outside the mall in central bangkok. And he said that it was raining outside and a lot of people were inside when gunfire was heard. We have seen images of many of those people rushing for the exits to get away from the gunfire. Now, the details we have from the police chief is that 14yearold boy has been arr arrested, he was taken to the Police Station for interrogation with juvenile experts. There are certain things that he cant disclose because he is just 14. He has Mental Health issues. He had been treated at a hospital. And also pointing out that he had stopped taking his medicine. And these deese tails from the National Police chief. And he pointed out that the suspect said he likes playing video games. What he hadnt told us is how this individual was able to get hold of a gun. Gun ownership is fairly high in thailand. Certainly when you compare it to other countries in asia. But there are checks and balances. You have to be at least 20 years old. There are background checks that are routinely done. So the question has to be how did a 14yearold with mental issues manage to get hold of a gun. One other thing that the National Police chief did say was that he wanted to commend the police and also those in the mall for their quick action saying that this situation could have been a lot worse given the fact that the suspect had more ammunition when he was apprehended. Paula hancocks, cnn, seoul. In the gang ravaged nation of haiti, people are feeling cautious hope after an Armed National Security Force was is trying to Restore Order. Reporter rampant gang warfare, rising hunger and political instability push haiti to the brink of collapse. The International Community is at long last sending reinforcements to haitis outgunned police force. The result of the voting is as follows 13 votes in favor. Two abstentions. No votes against. Reporter following months of increasing violence, on monday United Nations Securities Council voted to authorize a Multinational Security support, or mss force, to try to halt the gangs assault on haiti that has displaced more than 200,000 people. The resolution makes clear the mss mission will operate in strict compliance with International Law and include dedicated expertise and antigang operations, Community Oriented policing, children and womens protection, and preventing and responding to sexual and gasoliender based violence. Reporter kenyan forces are expected to lead the force with the mission authorized to last for 12 months. The u. S. State department has promised over 100 million in aid for the effort. But foreign interventions and u. S. Peace keeping missions to haiti have a troubled past. In 2010, u. N. Peacekeepers working in haiti accidentally sp cholera. And a report found that u. N. Piece keepers Fathered Hundreds Of Children with haitian women and then abandoned them. The u. N. Secretarygeneral told cnn it was up to the peacekeepers home country to provide for their children. It has been very tough to make things move. There is a lot of reluctance. And my appeal to Member States is to really make sure that those that have children recognize them and do the best they can to assume their responsibility as fathers. Reporter in the aftermath of natural disasters, the assassination in 2021 of the haitian president and now out of control gang warfare, haitis barely functional government forced to plead for the return of a u. N. Led armed force. Do he eme p deploying the fo essential to create a Security Environment conducive to the normal functioning of institutions but it is not enough. Socioeconomic Development Must also be taken into account to once and for all address extreme poverty which is the source of all of our problems. Reporter any interNational Police force that arrives in haiti will likely find well armed gangs prepared to fight back. Widespread Official Corruption and a local population that is skeptical of their mission. Help may finally be arriving for haiti, but it remains unclear if it has come in time. Patrick oppmann, cnn. Still to come, people in the European Union may soon have access to adfree versions of instagram and facebook, but it will have a price tag. Details ahead. Translator for me it is like a dream to spend three more years at the club of my life. Im very happy and i hope that the best can happen here. That was the Football Phenom after he signed a new deal with barcelona, that comes with a buyout clause worth more than 1 billion. The Emerging Spanish star is now tied to barta until 2026. And he is the youngest goal score i for the spanish Mens National team. And also youngest to appear in the champions league. Major League Baseball playoffs are under way with the diamondbacks taking game one against the brewers. Arizona hit back to back home runs in the third inning en route to a 63 victory. The phillies beat the Miami Marlins in the other National League matchup. In the American League, Royce Lewis Hit Two home runs for the twins in a 31 win over the through jays. And Texas Rangers shut out the Tampa Bay Rays in the other American League game. Now to the stories in the spotlight. Turns out taylor swift fans are so enchanted with the news that her tour will hit theaters that they are sending it to the top of the Box Office Charts even before its release. Welcome to the eras tour. This has been the most extraordinary experience. It really is Champagne Problems for the singer who set a record single day advanced ticket sales in the u. S. , 26 million in tickets sold on the first day that they were available. Theater chain cinemark says demand is ten times higher than any other film they have released. I mean, she is literally phenomenal. An economic juggernaut. Instagram and facebook users in the European Union may soon be able to opt out of targeted ads if they pay for a monthly prescription. The move comes amid tightened eu regulations that require Big Tech Companies to ask users for their consent around advertising. Meta aims to charge around 14 if you want to by pass targeted ads on instagram. 17 for both. Would you pay . No. And dont set the alarm for your kr cellphones because it will be going off at 2 20 for even. The federal government is conducting a nationwide test of its Emergency Alert system. Cellphone users will also get a text message explaining what is happening. No need to panic, it is only a test. When we had it earlier this year was this year in the uk in they all went off at different times and a lot of people didnt get them at all. Which is why they do tests. Thanks for joining us. Im maxes for iter. Max foster. And im bianca nobilo. Early start is up next for you

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