Separate the cases of Sidney Powell and ken i. Neth cheseboro. Also tonight, Breaking News. A new court filing reveals that the Special Counsel investigating hunter biden intends to indict the president s son on at least one gun charge within a matter of weeks. A Pennsylvania Prison just released video showing a killers brazen escape climbing up a wall. Were tracking the week long manhunt for a dangerous murderer. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. We begin with an early and important new ruling by the judge presiding over the Georgia Election subversion case, playing out on live television, offering clues about critical decisions ahead, including when donald trump might stand trial. We have a team of legal and political experts ready to break it down for us. First, lets go to cnns Senior Legal Affairs correspondent paula reed. Tell our viewers all that we learned from this very important and historic hearing today. Wolf, this was the first hearing before judge scott mcphee. He will oversee this trial or trials, as it may be. And prosecutors reveal that they intend to call around 150 witnesses, and expect that at trial or trials could take around four months. But wolf, its Cheer Tclear Tha the judge has questions about how prosecutors can try 19 defendants all at once. So based on whats been presented today, im not finding the severance from mr. Cheseboro or powell to achieve a fair trial for either defendant in this case. Reporter Superior Court judge scott mcafee, in Court Wednesday giving the glimpse of how he plans to handle the case in georgia, all in front of cameras allowed in the courtroom. Ruling wednesday that defendants Kenneth Cheseboro and Sidney Powell, who both filed for a speedy trial, cannot be separated and will stand trial in weeks. Were disappointed. We filed a motion and it was denied. But we respect the courts ruling. Reporter now the issue before the court is whether its realistic that all 19 defendants, including former president donald trump, be tried together. To say that all 19 defendants should be tried together, including ones that dont want to avail themselves of the speedy trial demand, is really just nonsensical. Reporter District Attorney fani willis said from the beginning she wants to do just that. Do i intend to try the 19 defendants in this indictment together . Yes. Reporter but the judge expressing skepticism in Court Wednesday about that plan, and whether they can put on a massive trial for all the defendants as soon as october 23rd. The date now on the calendar for powell and chesebro. We say theres no severance, arent we going to have 17 Defense Attorneys get up here and file motions for a continue wans saying theyre not ready . Reporter this as some defendants, like trumps former white house Chief Of Staff mark meadows, are trying to get their cases moved to Federal Court. I think we have had some counsel indicating theyre on trial in other cases in Federal Court. Reporter and just a few moments ago, the District Attorney, fani willis, began advocating for protections for any potential jurors who serve on this case. Saying that their identities should be protected, arguing that the effect on jurors ability to decide the issues before them without influence would undoubtedly be placed in jeopardy, placing them in physical danger and materially affecting all of the defendants constitutional right to a fair and impartial jury. This comes after the members of the grand jury that headed up this indictment, they have faced threats online. Infeed they have. Paula, stay with us. As more experts join our conversation, including former top officials in georgia. Sam owens, youre the former Georgia Attorney general. Powell and chesebro will stand trial together, but we dont know about the other 17 codefendants. Could all of them still stand trial together . No, sir. Youve got the Mark Meadows Motion for removal that were waiting for a decision from judge jones. Whoever wins or loses will then go to the 11th circuit. You have at least four other defendants that similarly have filed or will file motions to remove to Federal Court, too. None of those matters would be available for trial by the end of this year. Interesting. You used to work as an assistant Fulton County District Attorney. Fulton county prosecutors said the april will take at least four months and include 150 witnesses. The judge even said the trial could last eight months. Were you surprised by that . No, not at all. I think that if you look at the course of a normal trial in Jury Selection, you have to account for that. But something to this magnitude, when you look at the current trial here in atlanta, Jury Selection alone [ audio issues ] so its going to be difficult to qualify a jury, 12 nonbiased, able bodied individuals who can sit and give a verdict on this trial. So i think that is something that you have to take into account, as well as the pending motions as we stated before. So i think its very optimistic. I think its very reasonable for fani willis to think that four months that can be accomplished. I think even eight months is optimistic. Interesting. Jeff duncan, this is the first televised hearing in a case involving the former president donald trump. What is your takeaway from what we saw today . Yeah, today was a small microcosm of what it will look like over the next 12 plus months for donald trump and for the country, to watch these facts and details be put on display. I do think it was somewhat amusing, maybe comical in some light, that chesebro and Sidney Powells attorneys were silently trying to distance themselves from each other, saying the other party is more culpable than we are, and they didnt want to be together. I cant imagine a worst person to have to sit by and protect my freedom than Sidney Powell, just based on how she reacted during the 2020 fallout. Its interesting, gloria, this was an extraordinary, fascinating look at the american criminal Justice System in action on live tv. It involved a former u. S. President. I think we have never seen anything like this before, have we . No, we havent. And were in store for more. What we are going to see at some point is the scope of this conspiracy thats been alleged. If youre going to have 150 witnesses called, i think what just struck me is the fact that this is a very complex case, and that somewhat she is trying to do, fani willis, is spin a narrative for the American People about a conspiracy to overturn a fair election. And my question is, how effective, just lets say all of them were on trial together, how effective can you be if these defendants are fighting each other and saying well, i didnt really i didnt really know her. She was a she was somebody who spun these crazy stories. Chesebro really wasnt involved. I think a lot of these defendants are going to turn on each other. So fani willis, no matter how many defendants she has, will have a hard time spinning a narrative that is kind of easy to digest and understand, and even agree with for the American People. Its interesting, paula, that three more defendants in the Georgia Election subversion case are now seeking to separate their cases, as well. What is the significance do you think of that . Its clear why prosecutors want to pursue a rico case. They can bring evidence from other states, there are steeper penalties. It allows them to tell a more comprehensive story at trial. But its clear to see why some lawyers and defendants would not want to be part of a 19defendant rico case. Theyre going to argue that their client or clients dont need to sit there through all this other evidence of these various conspiracies that have been joined in this massive case. But they will have to make an argument that is more compelling that attorneys put forward today. Because the judge was not persuaded but signaled he expected other people will try to sever, as well. Sam, you mentioned the meadows case earlier. What is your prediction for the ruling there, will it move from a state court to a Federal Court . So my educated opinion is it will not be successful. But having said that, you will still have an appeal to the 11th circuit. Its hard for me to imagine that being on a phone call with the president when he asked to find votes is consistent with the position of a Chief Of Staff for the president of the United States. Thats an important point, as well. Jeff, how realistic is it for the Fulton County District Attorneys office to try this case multiple times . Well, im certainly not a lawyer. But it seems like a hercules task. What might simplify this case for fani willis, youll see more and more of these indicted individuals start to really want to cooperate. Nobody cares about impressing donald trump anymore. Not a Single Person under indictment cares anything about Donald Trumps future. So i think you will start to see the case get simplified over time. It will take one email, one voice mail, one text message, something simple will be the tipping point. And i have a Front Row Seat for the sloppiness of this entire coordinated effort to overturn the election. Everybody stand by. Theres also a significant new development in another criminal case against donald trump. A new filing revealing a maralago worker is now cooperating with the Special Counsels classified documents investigation. Plus, how a convicted Murderer Crab walked his way up a wall and escaped from prison. The new video and update on the manhunt just ahead. Tourists photographing ththousands of miles of remote coral reefs. That can be analyzed by ai in real time. So researchers can identify which areas are at risk. And help life underwater flourish. ella fashion moves fast. Setting trends is our business. We need to scale with customer demand. In real time. jen so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. marquis with a custom private 5g network. ella with verizon business, we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. marquis so our customers get what they want, when they want it. jen its not just a network. 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Like me. laughing woo my cholesterol is borderline. So i take garlique to help maintain healthy cholesterol safely and naturally. And its odor free. Im taking charge of my cholesterol with garlique. Tonight, the first public confirmation that the Special Counsel jack smith has won the cooperation of a key witness in his prosecution of donald trump. A new court filing revealing a maralago i. T. Worker has now struck a deal with federal prosecutors in the Trump Classified documents investigation, and has now agreed to testify. Lets go back to paula reed. Paula, what more can you tell us about this agreement to flip on trump . Its pretty significant. Reporter the Special Counsel has secured this key cooperating witness. He oversees Surveillance Footage as part of his work as an i. T. Professional at maralago. And we know Surveillance Footage is at the heart of this case. Allegations that there were attempts to destroy or to conceal the Surveillance Footage at key points in the course of this investigation. Now, we warned that mr. Thaaver that he was going to testify in the case and cooperate after being threatened with prosecution. Thats notable, because trumps codefendant, walt nata, faced the same threat but did not flip. So the fact that prosecutors have secured him is a significant victory for him. One thing that could complicate this is walt nauta and taveres was represented by the same attorney, stan woodward. Before he nipped, mr. Taveres changed attorneys and thats when this deal was offered and made. But this could complicate a potential trial. This is something that right now the judge wants to hear briefings from both sides whether this is a conflict of interest, because possibly, sam woodward could have to cross examine his own client at some point. How significant do you think it is, this Cooperation Agreement between this maralago i. T. Worker and the Special Counsel jack smith . Wolf, its significant. Its a break for the prosecution. Prosecutors always want to have cooperators from inside a conspiracy, and the allegation and the superseding indictment is that mr. Taveres was told by one of the defendants that the boss, allegedly donald trump, wanted this Security Footage deleted. This was at a very active time after the government was seeking records in during the pendency of this case. But this comes with complications. Do you think it could spur some of other trumps codefendants to flip to cooperate with the prosecution, to cooperate in exchange for either a reduced sentence or no criminal charges at all . Wolf, having represented criminal defendants for more than 30 years, i have been amazed that mr. Nauta and mr. Oliviera, who face potentially years and years in jail, havent yet cooperated. It appears they have remained loyal to donald trump. But yes, this could be the first domino that topples others. The deals probably will not be as good for them as mr. Taveres, who reportedly is not going to have to face any kind of a sanction. Hes just a cooperator. Jeff duncan, donald trump was asked during an interview today about whether he would testify in his own defense. I want you to listen to what he actually said. Listen to this. If you have to go to trial, will you testify in our own defense . Oh yes, absolutely. Youll take the stand . That i look forward to. Ill note that trump also said he wanted to testify in the mueller investigation, as a lot of us remember, but never did. What is your reaction to this . Well, he may have to testify, because he might be the only person to testify on his own behalf by the time this is over with. Put yourself in the shoes of this entry level i. T. Worker that just followed orders of his boss, maybe his boss boss as its been described, and hes faced with telling the truth or going to jail for an extended period of time. Think about what this says in these other cases, that in their world, they felt like they were falling in line with the protocols took their Job Description toward. You will see this replicated over and over again. And it really shows to the political weight of these legal processes that are playing out and how they continue to swallow up donald trump. I mean, hes only by my math, hes averaging less than one Campaign Event a week right now. And theres no way to win a presidency in that type of campaign activity. Were doing pretrial motions right now. Paula, in a new filing, jack smith is now accusing trump of making daily statements that threaten to prejudice the jury pool in the election subversion case. How significant is this . This was a reference and just one line of an entire proceeding that is under seal. We dont know the full context of what they were talking about here, but we do know that even that portion of a line speaks to a larger issue, which is where the january 6th case is going to be held, and where are they going to find a jury . We know the former president is going to argue that he cannot get a fair trial here in washington, d. C. Because the jury pool is tainted against him. So we know that that is going to be an argument that they intend to make going forward, and here you can see prosecutors trying to get ahead of that and reminding the court that look, if there is any prejudice, part of it comes from statements that you constantly make. So i think thats the primary thing we can glean. Its unclear if he will get more information about that larger dispute happening under seal. That will be up to a judge. Guys, thank you very much. Coming up, Breaking News on the investigation of hunter biden. An indictment now appears likely before the end of the month. And a Pennsylvania Prison offers video and a detailed explanation of a murderers escape, up a wall, across a roof and through barbed wire. Stay with us. you inspired the lexus es to be, well. More you. So thank you. We hope you like your work. think hairrays stuck in one dimension . Think again. Flex any style. With hairspray that flexes with you. New tresemme hairspray. There are some things that go better. Together. Burger and fries. Soup and salad. Like your Workplace Benefits and retirement savings. With voya, considering all your financial choices together can help you make smarter decisions. Voya. Well planned. Well invested. Well protected. Being middle class right now, its tough making ends meet for sure. Republicans in congress say if we just cut taxes even more for the biggest corporations the money will eventually someday trickle trickle down to you. Right. Joe biden would rather just stop those corporations from charging so damn much. 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Justice Correspondent Evan Perez is working the story and with he mere in the situation room. How soon could hunter biden be charged . By the end of the month. The Special Counsel david weiss is saying under the Speedy Trial Act, that the requirements are for the government to have to return an indictment by friday, September 29th at the earliest. Now, the statute of limitations for this alleged crime is just, within a couple weeks after that, in october. So they do have to move quickly. This is a felony, and what hunter biden is accused of is lying on the form when he bought the firearm. Theres a form you fill out. One of the things that you say you are not addicted to drugs. Of course, we know that from Hunter Bidens own statements, from a book that he wrote, from interviews hes given, that he was struggling with drug abuse at the time he bought this firearm. We just got a response from Hunter Bidens attorney, and he says that they believe that the Diversion Agreement, this is an agreement they made with prosecutors under which this charge would go away, they believe that this remains valid and prevents any additional charges from being filed against mr. Biden. They say that hes been abiding by the conditions of the release under that agreement over the last several weeks, including regular visits with the probation office. So they dont believe that there can be any additional charges. What we dont know what else the prosecutor, david weiss, is looking to do with regard to hunter biden. How much legal jeopardy do you think hunter biden is facing beyond this one expected indictment . Well, we know that he was being investigated for tax crimes. This is partly of what was being resolved under that Plea Agreement that collapsed spectacularly in court just a few weeks ago. So we dont know whether those charges are still pending, whether they will be brought in the district of columbia and or the Southern District of california or the Central District of california, which is where those alleged crimes took place. That is still a possibility, and of course, the other thing that happens when you appoint a Special Counsel is you dont know where else the investigation could go. Again, there could be other things that he decides he could investigate, including foreign lobbying allegations. Interesting indeed. Evan, thank you very much for that report. Lets get more on all of this. Joining us now are my guests. Shan, hunter biden reached this deal to avoid prosecution, but now we see whats going on. What is your assessment of how serious this is . Well, its serious for him, but it reflects the breakdown of communications between the defense and the prosecution here. The Speedy Trial Act is being put forth as the reason why theyre indicting. Thats something which they could have gone to the biden team and asked for them to go before the judge to extend that. So this indicates theyre not really talking anymore. I think the statement has some traction, which is theyre the lawyer for hunter biden . Exactly. His defense Team Looks Like they will argue you cant retract the Diversion Agreement. He hasnt done anything to violate it. And an interesting footnote, you recall one of the judges concern that caused some of the breakdown in the Plea Agreement is whether the judge was agreeing that you could draft the Diversion Agreement into the tax charges or something that the judge had no sayso. That suggests the agreement continues to live. Do you think that this potential upcoming indictment of hunter biden will tamp down efforts to go after hunter biden . No, absolutely not. Republicans, if there is an indictment on the gun charge, republicans will applaud that and say finally. But dont forget, they have their own investigations going on, on his financial dealings with, you know, china, with ukraine and whether or not his father was involved. Theyre going to go full steam ahead. Theyre very committed to it. They will say good on this, and move on. Theres more. What kind of complications do you think the prosecutors could face right now moving forward . Well, the first one is going to be the legal fight over whether they can move forward, despite the fact that they had this Diversion Agreement. The second problem is going to be that this has been a case which has gone on for five years. They should have resolved it by now. The fact that its falling apart and now they have to go to trial, its hard to reconstruct all of this in the sense of getting ready for trial if you were ready to resolve it. They have to reinvent the wheel at this point. Do you think, gloria, some House Republicans want to move with an impeachment procedure against the president of the United States. Do you think this indictment of the president s son will slow things down . No, no. I think they are going to continue with some republicans, not all republicans by the way in the house. But some republicans in the house are very serious about this Impeachment Proceeding. They want to convince mccarthy that you have to do it. He seems to be bepdzi bending t will, to a certain degree. I think theyre going to continue to stir the pot on this. And dont forget, the Impeachment Proceeding involves afghanistan, for example. It doesnt necessarily involve hunter biden. So theyre going to grab onto whatever they can. And they will continue to do that. I dont think this is the end at all for hunter biden in terms of congress and i dont think its the end for joe biden, either in terms of his relationship with his son and republicans in congress. You say afghanistan, you mean the sloppy withdrawal of u. S. Troops. Exactly. Thank you very much both very much. Just ahead, newly released video shows the moment a very dangerous killer climbed up the wall as he made a brazen escape from prison. Well go to pennsylvania for a live report. Thats coming up. Eagle Screeches energetic music plays there he is its right there oh, hes strtraight ahead. Hes straight ahead. Straight ahead. Go go go. Cover more ground in the kia sportage turbohybrid. Kia. Movement that inspires. Let me be direct. Youre watching football wrong what do you call a guy in face paint at cant get the game . A clown no, no. Just give me a second. Amateurs. Ohhh sorry, everybody. Directv sports central gives you access to every game. So you never have to compromise on gameday. Eh. Was that necessary . I was just illustrating a point. Access nfl sunday ticket on us, get a 400 reward card. Okay. 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Pennsylvania officials released dramatic video showing the moment a dangerous convicted murderer made his escape from prison. Brian todd is on the ground in pennsylvania covering this story for us. Brian, whats the latest . Reporter wolf, we have new details tonight on that extraordinary video, on the sequence of Danelo Cavalcantes escape, and on this widening and intensifying manhunt. This is the moment convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante escaped from Chester County prison in pennsylvania, prompting a manhunt now in its seventh day. From the exercise area, he crab walked up the wall and dropped down the other say. He escapes from the prison crab walking up the wall, running across the roof, and scaled a fence. Reporter a tower guard did not see the escape and has been put on administrative leave. It took an hour until the prison was locked down and alarm sounded. Further more, authorities admit in may another convict escaped. Additional razor wire has been installed. The search area, again, growing today after another sighting reported last night. Unlike mondays sighting, this one in creek bed by a resident was not caught on camera. Any traces of him left anywhere . Yes, there have been foot prints and there have been other indicators to us that hes passed through a certain area. We have had a number of Dog Scent Trails that we have followed for quite some time. Reporter hundreds of officers, plus dogs and drones and helicopters continue to search. At roadblocks and checkpoints, cnn observed Police Searching vehicles, opening trunks and checking back seats. He will make that mistake, or there will be a piece of other type of evidence that points us to him. Reporter two school districts, again, closed today. Reverse 911 calls warning residents in the area. If you see this individual, do not approach him. Locking everything, locking the cars at night. Ive been check out all the woods. He is a violent individual. If given the opportunity, i believe he would use as much violence as he needed to or could to avoid capture. Reporter Danelo Cavalcante escaped prison last thursday, just over a week after he was sentenced to life without parole, for the 2021 murder of his former girlfriend. Authorities say she discovered he was wanted on Murder Charges in brazil. Her sister tells cnn he had become suspicious and jealous. Translator there were threats like, if you ever cheat on me, ill do the worst to you, these types of things. Reporter now that he escaped, she is scared. Translator i havent slept for many days since then. I nap and i wake up afraid. Reporter while Law Enforcement officials are concerned that this manhunt could come to a violent end, giving Danelo Cavalcantes violent history, Lieutenant Colonel George Bifens of the Pennsylvania State police said they have no indication he has a weapon, but they are concerned he could attain one. Hes been seen near several homes. Brian todd, thank you very much. For more on this story, im joined by Charles Ramsey and by criminalologist and attorney casey jordan. Chief ramsey, what do you make of how easily Danelo Cavalcante crab walked up the wall to escape from that prison . Well, i mean, obviously it never should have happened. You have to challenge the design of the desoin of the prison. This is the second time a prisoner had done something similar to that. The first guy was observed and captured quickly. This individual, obviously, is still on the loose. So there is a lot of questions that have to be answered on this one, and im sure some head also roll eventually. But right now, the focus has to be on capturing this individual as soon as as quickly as possible. Hes a very dangerous individual. He is on the loose. He is desperate. And, you know, a person could be in harms way if they come across it. Casey, what could authorities glean from this video . Its very dramatic video, and what does it say about the suspects overall profile . Hes a very intelligent man. You have to remember that hes wanted in brazil for murder. He was convicted of the murder of his girlfriend within 15 minutes. He did not want to go to prison for the rest of his life. And from the moment he walked in that facility, he was, for lack of a better phrase, casing the joint. He had probably been down that hallway a number of times, he determined that he could survive pushing through the razor water. Again, hes only five feet tall, 120 pounds. Hes a tiny guy. He may have heard about the escape that happened the same way a month or two ago. So his brain was working the moment he walked in, he planned to get out. Now he is out. Hes evaded capture six times. So dont underestimate how clever and conniving he is, and how determined and desperate. I think if they close in on him, he wont go down without a fight. They have to consider that he could take a hostage, that he may have knives or weapons, he may have stolen from some of these burglaries he is suspected in. He is incredibly dangerous. But i think hell screw up and theyll get him soon. We shall see. Chief ramsey, youre the police chief here in New York City and philadelphia. This manhunt, authorities have expanded the search area. How troubling is this . Well, these things are difficult. I mean, you had very difficult terrain, a variety of different terrain to forest to cornfields and so forth. Its a very large area. So its been very, very difficult for them to be able to narrow in on this individual. But the good news is that apparently hes not that far from the prison. And so theyre just going to continue to tighten the perimeter. Theyre using dogs, helicopters that im sure have the capability of detecting body heat. Theyre doing everything they possibly can to catch this individual. But he is desperate, and hes already broken into a couple of houses apparently. Not hard to get your hands on a knife in the very least. Hopefully hes not able to get a cell phone, where he could call a friend, and maybe thats why theyre searching. So theres still a lot that has to be done and the longer this goes, the more difficult it becomes. Casey, we all just heard the sister of Danelo Cavalcantes victim describe how hes been living in here since his escape. What does that tell you about how dangerous he is . Well, again, he killed his girlfriend, stabbing her 34 times, because she threatened to call authorities on him and turn him in when she found out he was wanted in brazil for a totally different murder. The overkill in that, the rampage, shows that he will not hesitate to use violence to get away with things. Hes truly fearless. So i think the people who know him do have reason to be afraid, especially if he might come to them seeking revenge or looking for shelter. He killed his girlfriend in front of her two children, which is really awful, obviously. Charles ralmsey, casey jordan, thank you very much. Just ahead, a deadly Russian Missile trike in ukraine, as Secretary Of State Antony Tone Blinken makes a surprise visit. sfx Stone Wheel Crafting the biggest ideas spire new ones. 30 yea ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. It still does. What can you do with spy . Businesses need 5g solutions today. Thats why they choose tmobile for business. Mlb partners with tmobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. Aaa relies on tmobiles network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. And were helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business. Dude, whatre you doing . Im protecting my car. Thats too much work. Weathertech is so much easier. 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Leslie we saw doubledigit gains in math, in english, and reading scores. David its an innovation thats transforming our public schools. Narrator californias Community Schools reimagining public education. U. S. Secretary of state blinken makes an unannounced visit to ukraine while a deadly Russian Military strike kills at least 17 people. Melissa bell is covering the story for us from kyiv. Melissa, whats the latest . Wolf, this was one of the worst attacks on civilians in months and it came of course even as Secretary Blinken was here to announce a fresh aid package. It is A Billion Dollars that hes announced to help with the counteroffensive. Much of that military spending, some for humanitarian aid but much made up of Pentagon Stockpiles aimed at breaching those russian defenses the ukrainians have been having such trouble with, and if a reminder were needed why he was coming here, the russians more than delivered. Not just strikes here on moscow overnight ahad had of his arrival, but during his visit, that atatack, one of the worst weve seen min months. The moment a Peaceful Margaret W Market was flattened. Footage posted by the ukrainian president even as he prepared to meet with washingtons top diplomat. The Russian Missile killed at least 17 people including a child. In an Industrial Town just 19 miles from bakhmut. We know that area very well. We understand that they delivered a deliberate strike. One of the deadliest attacks in months came just hours after the kremlin warned the United States was intent on keeping the war going until the last ukrainian. They are essentially going to keep ukraine in a state of war and wage and continue this war until the last ukrainian without sparing any money for it. Moscows reaction as Secretary Of State blinken arrived in kyiv. His third visit to the city since the war began. We are determine d in the United States to continue to walk side by side with kyiv. The aim of blinkens trip are, To Align Washington and kyivs message ahead of the General Assembly in new york next week, but also to announce fresh support that will include depl depleted uranium munitions. Progress has accelerated past few weeks. This new assistance will help sustain it and build further momentum. The boots on the ground meanwhile turning their focus to expanding their recent gains in the south after breaching russian defenses in the zaporizhzhia village. A Tactical Retreat Claims Moscow to withdraw to nearby hills for a height advantage. In the east, the situation is more dilt for ukrainian forces. A commander saying theyre not abandoning its plans and is stubbornly planning to take readvantage. A warning president zelenskyy is likely to take to new york as he calls on those to stand not only firm, but ever firmer. One other takeaway, wolf, from this visit from Secretary Blinken, hes announced money seized from oligarchs will help military veterans here in ukraine. Those who enabled this war should be the one to pay for it. Thank you very much and well be right back. At 87 years old, we still see the world with the wonder of new eyes, helping you discover untapped possibilities and relentlessly working with you to make them real. Old school grit. New world ideas. Morgan stanley. We all know that words have power. They set things in motion and make us happy or sad. But theres one word that stands out, because when people say it, lives are changed. Its not a big word. Its itsy bitsy. Its only three little letters. But when you say it, the life of a kid like me can be changed. So what is this special word . It may surprise you. Its yes, yes, yes, yes to becoming a monthly supporter of Shriners Hospitals For Children. 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If operators are busy, call again or go to loveshriners. Org to say yes right away. ella fashion moves fast. Setting trends is our business. We need to scale with customer demand. In real time. jen so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. marquis with a custom private 5g network. ella with verizon business, we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. marquis so our customers get what they want, when they want it. jen its not just a network. Its enterprise intelligence. vo learn more. Its your vision, its your verizon. Mitch mcconnell met with michigan gop colleagues today for the First Time Since suffering another freezing episode. Manu raju is up on capitol hill. Take us inside this private meeting and what senator mcconnell is now saying publicly. Yeah, he provided more details privately but not a lot publicly. Talking for about five minutes to his republican colleagues about those health episodes saying that it was only those two times hes ever frozen like that as he did before the cameras and he indicated hes still suffering some effects from the concussion in march. He also pointed repeatedly to a letter released yesterday from brian monahan, the capitol hill physician, ruling out some major issues such as a stroke, Seizure Disorder or parkinsons disease. Thats what he pointed to again and again when asked about it today. Because i asked him directly about what the precise reason was for his freezing episode. Something the letter did not address but he still indicated the letter should resolve all lingering questions. What have doctors said is the precise medical reason for those two freeze ups . What dr. Monahans report addressed was concerns people might have if some things that happened to me, they didnt. Really, i have nothing to add to that. I think you pretty well covered the subject. Im going to finish my term as leader and my senate term. So that last comment, one that prompted a lot of questions within the capitol as well. How long Will Mcconnell Stay in he mediade clear he plans to st in his current seat until it expires at the end of 2026 and stay as republican leader until the end of 2024. But what will he do in 2025 . Thats still an open question. Thank you very much. And to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room. Erin Burnett Outfront starts right now. Outfront next, denied. A major defeat for two trump codefendants in georgia. This as a former trump employee officially flips and is now working with the feds. And a convicted killer who stabbed a woman 38 times in front of her Young Children caught on video escapi

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