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Im max foster. Bianca is off today. But just ahead someone who engaged in that kind of bullying, a process that is fundamental to our system and to our self government, shouldnt be anywhere near the oval office. Sadly the president was surrounded by a group of crack pot lawyers that kept telling him what his itching ears wanted to hear. I strongly disagree with fitchs decision and i believe that it is entirely unwarranted. Hate has no place in our community. Even though nothing will bring my dad back, i feel like a weight has been lifted and i can breathe a sigh of relief. Live from london, this is cnn newsroom with maxes s fos and bianca nobilo. It is 4 00 a. M. In washington where later today donald trump is set to appear in a federal courthouse not far from the u. S. Skap where capitol where he will be arraigned on criminal charges in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. His appearance is scheduled for 4 00 p. M. After a four count indictment. Security has been ramped up in the Nations Capital and around the courthouse with Law Enforcent now monitoring for any possible threats or protests. This marks trumps third indictment and arraignment in just a matter of months. First for allegedly falsifying business records, the send reoig related to classified documents and now he is expected to plead guilty on charges to conspiracy to defraud the United States. The frontrunner in the president ial field now facing a whopping 78 criminal charges in three separate cases. So what can trump expect when he shows up in court . Paula reid has the details from washington. Reporter former President Trump is expected do here to washington to appear in person for this hearing which is expected to be both an initial appearance and also an arraignment. It is unclear if well see him arrive because this federal courthouse is designed to deal with people with Security Details and it would be very easy for him to pull into the Underground Ga Undergarage and we wont see him at all. And of course inside there are no cameras but he is effectively under arrest and it is expected that hell be processed like any other defendant but we dont expect a mug shot because those are used to identify the defendant if they go on the lam. But this wont be in front of the judge who will oversee his trial, this will be in front of a magistrate judge. It is expected that he will hear the charges filed against him, have the opportunity to enter the plea and it should be over pretty quickly. This is the third time this year alone, so he should know what it on expect. Paula reid, cnn, washington. Some of trumps republican rivals in the 2024 race are reacting to the indictment including mike pence who had more tough words for his former boss. Sadly the president was surrounded by a group of crack pot lawyers that kept telling him what his itching ears wanted to hear. And while i made my case to him of what i understood my oath of the constitution to require, the president ultimately, you know, continued to demand that i choose him over the constitution. But some republican hopefuls like ron desantis are lining up to defend trump against what they call the weaponization of government. When im president , we will bring accountability, well end weaponization and that regards to new leadership at the fbi, doj. D. C. Jury would indict a ham sandwich and convict a ham sandwich if it was a republican ham sandwich. Another key republican speaking out against trump is h his former attorney general bill barr. He says the claim that his lies are protected by the First Amendment is not a valid defense and he believes the Special Counsel has more evidence to prove that trump knew the election wasnt stolen. At first i wasnt sure, but ive come to believe that he knew well that he had lost the ele election. What i think is important, the government has assumed the burden of proving that. The government in their indictment takes the position that he had actual knowledge that he had lost the election and the election wasnt stolen through fraud. And they will have to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt. Which is a high bar. It is a high bar. That leads me to believe that were only seeing the tip of the iceberg on this. You think jack smith has more . Oh, yes, i would believe that he has a lot more. Fitch ratings is following up on its u. S. Credit down grade with more bad news. It also lowered its ratings for fannie mae and freddie mac. Fitch downgraded the u. S. To its second highest level despite the deal to raise the debt ceiling in june citing a Negativout Look F next three years and growing debt burden. Janet yellen blasted the decision. Fitchs decision is puzzling in light of the economic strength we see in the United States. I strongly disagree with fitchs decision and i believe that it is entirelyunwarranted. It is based on out dated data and fails to reflect improvements across a range of indicators including those related to governance that weve seen the past 2 1 2 years. U. S. Credit downgrade by fitch sent stocks tumbling. The Technology Sector led the decline with poor showings from amazon, microsoft, apple, tesla. The dow lost nearly 4 for the day, nasdaq dropped more than 2 , its worst performance since february and the s p 500 lost nearly 1. 5 . The new trading day is getting under way in the u. S. In just over five hours from now. But this is what were looking at ahead of the closings the futures are all down. Meanwhile european markets are up and running, and they are down as well which also adds to the bad sentiment going into the wall street opening. Asia setting the tone with most down. As land bakes under blistering temperatures, oceans are heating to Unpress Departmented levels. A new report from Climate Central says four out of five people across the world experienced unusually high temperatures last month filed by human caused climate crisis. 81 of the population experienced at least one day in july with unusually hot temperatures. 870 cities globally had at least 25 days with unusually hot temperatures and at least 2 billion people, one quarter of the global population, felt a very Strong Influence of Climate Change every day last month. Southwestern u. S. Is about to see a spec in temperatures again. The region had a brief reprieve from the heat. Right now more than 50 Million People are under heat alerts. Well get the details from chad myers. Another day of excessive heat across the central and southern plains. The heat index added in some spots, but the Air Temperature itself will be 10 to 15 degrees above normal, above the summer normal, 106 for dallas for the afternoon. It will feel warmer than that in the sun and with the humidity if you are outside of course. The cool air still in the Central Plains where it has been for the past couple of days, but the heat will build back into the southwest 50 or more record highs expected over the next few days in many locations here across the south even for dallas, 106 the next three, that is about ten degrees above where you should be. Add in the heat, it will feel more than that. With the humidity, it will be 108. Real central part here of the high heat indexes will be around louisiana, parts of arkansas, mississippi as well with the heat index there right around 115. The heat will be coming back for the southwest, weve had a couple days off. Still hot, but not as hot as it was. Temperatures will start to ramp back up because the rainfall that weve seen over the past couple of days, the monsoon rain out there, will be going away, the sun will be back and temperatures are going to be running at 115 again for phoenix for days on end. Something else that is happening, the rain is running away from the southwest but running into the southeast with something we call ridge riders. Storms that come over the top of the ridge here in the Central Plains, the ridge is the heat down here, but the rainfall coming in around and over the top of that ridge could cause some flooding for sure. One shower after another training especially around st. Louis, all of missouri, right through nashville, and there will be big storms all the way even into atlanta and south you have of there as they try to get all the way to the gulf coast. Russia says it is fending off more ukrainian attacks. Ukraine hasnt confirmed it, but they have warned that russia is getting used to its own full fledge war. That is next. Plus frances fifth and final evacuation flight has left niger where efforts to resolve the countrys political conflict have proven difficult. Well have live updates on the crisis. And later, a six figure surprise for some of taylor swifts road crew members. Russias Defense Ministry says it shot down six drones blaming ukraine which hasnt said a word, though a few days ago really ukraines president ial adviser warned that warned russia that its War Mondaygering would soon com home. In the city of kherson, ukrainian Officials Say several people were wounded by a russian attack on thursday. The victims were tlley passengers who were hit by one round of shelling. Emergency workers who stopped to help them were then struck by another round would you believe. Nada is here. There is a shifting dynamic, isnt there. And were beginning to see the uptick of these attacks within russian territory which is something that the ukrainian authorities have hinted towards though never officially claimed any of these attacks. But as you said, those six dronesdrone drones supposedly shut down and no damage reported as a result of what they described as a foiled Terrorist Attack by the ukrainian government. Although of course ukraine has not claimed this as they typically wouldnt do. But ukraines own air defenses have been put to the test overnight by another round of russian drones targeting ukrainian territory. 22 drones shot down overnight in the early hours of this morning including 15 attack drones. All of those targets according to the ukrainian authorities destroyed, though unclear if any damage was caused. But this follows a round of attacks by russian drones. Just over in night wednesday, we saw 37 drones targeting odesa. And some caused damage to Port Infrastructure which is a huge concern as we continue to see the crisis surround the global Food Security situation and ukraine export of grain from black sea ports. But were also seeing attacks continue in other parts of ukraine. Weve seen shelling overnight in kherson. Early hours of this morning several people were injured as a result of the initial Artillery Attack in the city of kherson. And near a cathedral there. At least three people injured and what is troubling is that we saw the initial attack near a cathedral as Emergency Responders were working to tackle a fire caused by that attack. And yet another strike on the area injuring at least four Emergency Responders. So troubling developments there as the bitter fighting continues. British overseeing niger temporarily reducing its staff after military caused for Street Demonstrations later today and the u. S. Ordered all nonessential personnel and their families out of niger but keeping its embassy open. This is as the deadline set to end the military takeover and reinat res reinstate the ousted president draws closer. But they are not giving up on diplomacy. France has air lifted more than 1,000 europeans on five flights out of nigers capital and says that the Evacuation Effort has now ended. Foreign secretary says first british nationals have also been evacuated. Jim bittermann is in paris for more on those evacuations, but first lets go to larry madowo in nairobi. There can be very little hope for this diplomatic route s surely. Reporter and yet many still believe that there is a path to diplomacy here and a way to return president bazoum back to power. So they have still not declared it a coup, they believe that there is still a way for echo of sanctions, diplomacy and mediation that they are running to succeed here. And it does look like military is digging their heels down. They just met in mali and they say the military ruler there backed by the wagner group Helping Them Flight Islamic ib s insur against city in his ken and they will be deepening the Security Cooperation when some Companies Plan to attack niger. They also went over to would you key would you key in a fast so and said that they will be working on ways to undertake security. I said that they will be working on ways to undertake security. And they say that they will be defending the country. So battle lines are drawn here. And the u. S. Has about 1100 troops in niger who have been Training Nigerien troops. And i spoke to someone who believes there is still hope here. Military presence alone will never be enough, about you withdrawing it, you know, just because in response to this activity is now long term interests. So approach alongside diplomacy and other activity i think is the appropriate route. Reporter u. S. State Department Says that it would not be surprising if the wagner group were to exploit the situation to their own financial benefit and expand their influence on the african continent. Prigozhin say he and his private contractors can handle this situation quickly. So a big Question Mark when you see this decision. Okay, larry, thank you. Jim bittermann is in paris. And a successful evacuation of the french as far as were aware. Reporter pretty much so. This fact more than 1,000 people evacuated, different nationalities in about 36 hours, which was what the french were hoping for. And without any incidents that we know about. A lot of those people that were evacuated came out with kind of mixed emotions as did the Communication Specialist for an ngo in niger. Translator i dont criticize at all. My ge nigerians are a people of kindness. But you can feel the rise of sentiment. In the end it is not too bad that were here. Reporter in fact the americans and british and now the french are trying to keep their embassies open in niger despite the kind of protests that we saw last sunday, those protests outside the French Embassy turned quite violent and prompted the evacuations that weve seen in the recent days. So in fact people want to rely on finding a diplomatic solution to this, but it is more and more distant i think as time goes on and the french warned the coup leaders today that in fact they had the responsibility under the vienna conventions to maintain security around the embassy and embassy personnel. So well see if that is maintained because of the celebrations today of independence in niger. And there has been a call from the coup leaders to demonstrate. So well see if the demonstrators respect the security arrangements. Jim, thank you. Now, donald trump huddling with his Advisors Ahead of todays arounraignment. And plus the government behind the deadliest attack on jews has been sentenced. And Pittsburgh Community looks to find peace five years after their lives were forever changed. And china proposes new daily screen time limits for minors. Well break down the possible new rules. How do i do it all . With a little help. And to support my familys immune health, i choose airborne. It has an unbeatable amoununt of vitamin c, plus a unique blend of immune focused iningredients to turn up our immunene support. Airborne goli, taste your goals. Welcome back. If you are just joining us, let me bring you uptodate on our top stories. In the coming hours former President Trump will head to a federal courthouse in washington for his First Court Appearance on criminal charges related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. This will not this third arraignment in just a matter of months. All this after jack smiths investigation that details his false claims and prolific lies of fraud following the 2020 election. Attorneys for the former president say their defense will center on trumps right to free speech and the fact that he was taking the advice of his legal team. Kristen holmes reports from new jersey. Reporter former President Trump spent the day wednesday at his Bedminster Golf Club meeting with political advisers and plotting what his arraignment on thursday would look like. As of now we still arent sure whether he will appear via zoom or in person, but he is expected to appear in person. Campaign advisers tell me this is because he wants to create a media narrative. What weve seen is he and his Campaign Going back and forth continually hitting this as corruption in the department of justice, talking about how this is political. And when i talked to some of the political adviser rng, they bel they have grounds to stand on particularly as we get closer to the beginning of primary season and the fact that Donald Trumps poll numbers continue to rise. They specifically point to a poll in the New York Times in which they show a head to head with ron desantis who is arguably trumps Chief Opponent and him leading with a huge margin that is donald trump of course, and that gives them reason to continue the debate calling this political. Whether or not this works in court is yet to be seen, but the big question for these advisers, how can they make sure that this works with voters in the field. And again the former president seeks his third president ial bid. Kristen holmes, cnn, bridgewater, new jersey. The gunman who carried out the attack on jews was sentenced to death by a federal jury on wednesday. Families of the victims say it ends a painful chapter after he killed 11 worshippers. I feel like a weight has been lifted and i can breathe a sigh of relief. Purpose of the Death Penalty is not so much punishing as cutting off the person from society. Eliminating the evil, taking away the risk, the potential for infection and the possibility of further harm to the citizens. Danny freeman has more from pittsburgh. Reporter after more than nine weeks of trial, over 100 witnesses and nearly five years since the shooting, a jury of five men and seven women unanimously voted to sentence Robert Bowers to death. The jury deliberated for ten hours. Today was the hardest day. And i think it was the hardest day for the jury too. It was a hard day for the judge. Im sure everyone here as we move on and see justice the Justice System work and just thankful for the jurors doing what they did. Reporter and survivors hugged each other in the courtroom, the judge presiding over the case choked up as he thanked the jury. Bowers only briefly looked up at the jurors. Returning a sentence of death is not a decision that comes easy, but we must hold accountable those who wish to commit such terrible acts of antisemitism, hate and violence. Reporter the verdict included a stunning rebuke of the Court Arguments to spare his life. Jurors were not convinced that bowers suffered from schizophrenia or was motivated by delusions and not a single juror believed that he committed the offenses under emotional disturbance. His defense team not commenting on the verdict. In contrast, the jurors unanimously agreed with federal prosecutors. The killing of 11 jewish wore Shirps Worshippers was premed dated and he had no remorse. When people espouse bigoted views and pick up weaponsdated he had no remorse. When people espouse bigoted views and pick up weapons and use them to kill or try to kill people because of their faith, our office and our partners in Law Enforcement will hold them accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Each and every time. Reporter formal sentencing is expected to happen thursday morning and during that proceedings, were also expecting to hear more impact statements from some of the victims who were impacted most by this shooting. Danny freeman, cnn, pittsburgh, pennsylvania. Right now Israel Supreme Court is hearing the first in a series of appeals against new laws passed by Prime Minister netanyahus government. A panel of three judges is hearing a challenge to a law which makes it more difficult to their the Prime Minister incapacitated or unfit for office. Elliott gotkine is with us now. Youve been reporting a lot about these different bills going through. What is the significance of this one . Reporter todays hearing has its roots in Prime Ministers legal trouble. When those legal troubles began, there were petitions to the Supreme Court here in jerusalem saying that look, hes on trial for corruption, he shouldnt be able to be Prime Minister or to run for office. The Supreme Court disagreed and say that he can be Prime Minister so long as there is no conflict of interest. And it unveiled its controversial overhaul plan, plans that pushed hundreds of thousands on to the streets for more than six months and led to concerns about the israeli economy and israeli democracy, et cetera. So it unveiled this judicial overhaul plan. The attorney general says hang on, netanyahu, you are on trial for corruption, you cant be involved in these plans because this could have an impact on your trial. So the government amends an existing basic law, one of these laws that are closest israel has to a constitution, to say that actually it is much, much harder to remove a Prime Minister there office in the event of a conflict of interest. Therefore after that, there were petitions to the Strupreme Cour which brings us to today. Petition saying that netanyahu passed the law solely for his own benefit and so it is abuse of power. If the three justices strike down this amended basic law, that would be the first time they ever struck down a basic law and it could indicate that when all 15 Supreme Court judges meet in september to hear the first of those judicial overhaul bills, the socalled reasonableness bill, it may have fewer concerns or fewer qualms about striking that basic law down because it had already done so once before for another basic law. And that i think more or less is why todays hearing is important and the result matters. Elliott, thank you. Family of a u. S. Soldier who crossed in to north korea last month says he is not the type to just disappear. Travis king was immediately taken into custody when he ran across the border during a tour of the demilitarized zone. Laura coat spoke with the family and they say lack of information from the u. S. Officials is frustrating. Calling the d. C. Office, congressmen, senators, we get no answers. What do you want the president to be doing, are they doing anything as far as you are presently right now aware to help find your brother, your loved one, your nephew, your grandson, do you know if they are doing anything right now to try to bring him home . No. No. We wish that they would come to our house to talk to us and let us know something. King was facing disciplinary action and scheduled to return from south korea to the u. S. The day before the incident. The United Nations command says north korea has responded regarding king and not releasing information about what was in it. Chinese officials want to limit the amount of time children spend on their phones. A new report was released wednesday. The country has become more concerned about socalled Internet Addiction as well as Health Issues stemming from prolonged use of smart phones. Anna coren is joining me from hong kong. A lot of parents Around The World might see this as a good idea. Reporter i was going to say, Internet Addiction is not just a chinese problem, it is a global problem. But china doubling down proposing these new restrictions on the amount of time that they can spend on the internet and mobile devices. Regulators say it wants mobile devices to introduce a minor mode that would cut off the use. And it also includes a limit on how much time those kids under the age of 18 would be allowed to go li each day. For those under the age of 8, it 40 minutes a day. The between 8 and 16, an hour a day. For those over the age of 16, 16 to 18, it is two hours a day. Once it is reached, that limit, the mobile devices will shut will be shut down. Pplications there will be a number of educational products such as, online classes, apps for ysical and mental development, you know, parents can also choose whether or not they want an app exempt or whether they can opt out of certain time limits. We spoke to one mother of two children in china this morning, and this is what she said. She is in full support. She said i think it is good. On one hand it can protect their eye vision as many young kids cannot stop themselves while watching something they like. It helps automatically cut it off. On the other hand, it is easier for us parents to control our kids screen time. Without parents approval, they only have 40 minutes. Most importantly the content under the teenage mode is more positive and healthy. Now, parents in china might be happy, but Internet Companies and their investors certainly were not. Shares in chinese tech firms fell yesterday after the news. Ten cent holdings which operates wechat closed down 3 . And since trading resumed today, all those stocks have bounced, but one lawyer based in shanghai said that these new rules will be an absolute headache for Internet Companies, there will be a lot of effort and costs involved to properly implement the new regulatory requirements. We understand that the draft proposal is open for public discussion until the beginning of september, but at the end of the day, this is china. Now, it is important to remember that minor mode is nothing new. Chinese authorities have grown increasingly concerned about Internet Addiction. In 2021, time limits for online gamers under the age of 18 were barred from playing video games on weekdays and restrict play to just three hours on weekends. My children would not be happy about that. And then since 2019, platforms such as the chinese version of tiktok have often teenage modes to restrict users access to content and duration of use. But there might be some parents outside of china thinking this might not be a bad idea. And they can override it apparently. Anna coren, thank you so much. A Typhoon Heading west to the pacific after battering southern japan. At least two people were killed and dozens more killed in oki okinawa. High winds knocked out power to more than 200,000 households. Right now it is on a direct path towards china. But meteorologists expect it will turn before major damage is done there. But alerts remain. Chinese state media says it could take floodwaters to recede after a different typhoon hit last week. Rainfall is putting Flood Management Infrastructure to the test. Officials huawarn of language slides in some places where more than a years worth of rain fell in a matter of days. At least nine people are dead after a police raid turned into a gunfight in brazil. They shot a group while targeting anning aed meeting of crime groups in rio on wednesday. Brazilian Authorities Say officers opened fire only after being fired upon first. Translator after advancing through the terrain and reaching the area where the meeting was actually taking place, we were met by many gunshots and intense armed confrontation ensued. The operation comes after a Police Crackdown on suspected Organized Crime in sao paulo this left 16 people dead in recent days. Police were criticized for reportedly using Excessive Force which the States Government denies. Up next, security is tight around a Washington Federal Courthouse ahead of Donald Trumps arraignment in the coming hours, well look at how Law Enforcement is preparing there. Plus madonna is back in The Public Eye after her Hospital Stay appearing at a beyonce concert in new york with her daughters. To attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. They work continuously, so you dont have to. Zevo. Peoplefriendly. Bugdeadly. Ah, these billlls are crazy. 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Were just hours away from Donald Trumps arraignment on criminal charges related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. And Law Enforcement is prepared. Brian todd reports on the Security Plans now in praise. Reporter the Nations Capital now in an enhanced Security Posture ahead of former President Trumps arraignment on thursday. D. C. Police saying that they are working closely with our federal Law Enforcement partners to monitor the situation and plan accordingly. The u. S. District courthouse at least temporarily being turned into a fortress. They are going to have a surge of manpower around this building. Reporter cnn is told multiple agencies are combining forceses to secure the appearance including the Secret Service, d. C. Metropolitan police, u. S. Marshals, capitol police. And Law Enforcement has been looking closely at Online Platforms where threats could come from. Find out what is going on social media, what are they hearing in the street, will they have protestors show up. They will be checking with Bus Companies to see whether or not buses have been represented to come rented to come into d. C. Hotel reservations. Reporter cnn is told that Law Enforcement has been patrolling the area outside the courthouse this week along with Bomb Sniffing Dogs and have established a Security Perimeter around the building. Trumps previous two indictments in manhattan and miami have seen more of a carnival atmosphere, but since the events have often drawn a mix of supporters and critics, thursday could still be a potentially volatile situation. You have to keep the groups apart or you could have chaos. Reporter this is a city well versed in the highly charged atmosphere that donald trump can create after the 2020 election, there were clashes and even violence between partisan groups at two stop the steal rallies in washington and the january 6 riot at the capitol took place just a few blocks from the d. C. Courthouse where trump will appear. What is the biggest lesson that Law Enforcement learned from january 6 . To do more than just send an email out. Old fashioned pick up the phone and talk to a body and let them know how operationally relevant it is the information that you have. Reporter and there is the question of trumps safety. One former secret Service Agent says he will likely not be brought in through a sidewalk entrance. When takeit is very public e, you prefer covered arrivals. Less exposure to the public on the sidewalk. Reporter so far sources tell cnn there is nothing to indicate an active threat to this u. S. District courthouse where trump will be arraigned. The Secret Service pledging the highest level of safety and security for the former president while minimizing disruptions to the normal court process. Brian todd, cnn, washington. Nancy pelosi is speaking out about the latest indictment. In an interview on wednesday, she credited trumps impeachment after the january 6 strinsurrecn for paving the way for criminal charges and had harsh words for those who continue to embrace trumps lies about the 2020 election and trumps constant attacks on the media. He was undermining the rule of law and also undermining a pillar of our democracy. Part of the First Amendment to the constitution, freedom of the press. So if he can diminish the role of the press and lying to the people to know what the facts are and he can diminish the rule of law in our country, were on a path that is not a good one for our democracy. Gentjamaica had a gutsy dra against brazil Pl Highlighghts when we return. Kills 99. 9 of virususes and bacteria in the air. We return. Lysol can. , im ben, and ive lost 60 pounds on golo. I currently suff from nerve damage which kept me bedridden for six months. I was very overweight and depressed. I was skeptical when i first ordered golo, but the condition i was in, i was willing to take the chance, and the chance turned out to be my lotto ticket. Golo gave me back my life, and thats why im here. announcer change your life at golo. Com. Thats golo. Com. [announcer] do you have an Invention Idea but dont know what to do next . Call invent help today. They can help you get started with your idea. Call now 8007100020. It was a day of high drama in the fifa world cup. Jamaica sent brazil crashing out of the tournament with a stunning nilnil draw. And fans can expect yet more action in the final group games in about an hour as colombia take on morromorocco. Lionel messi scored two goals and propelled miami to victory wednesday night. Robert taylor found unmarked messi in the penalty area. Messi and miami advance to the round of 16 encompassing every team from Major League Soccer and mexicos league mx. Stories in the spotlight, an israeli Actress Gadot may be picking up the last soso of tru yet again. How can a with himoman fight this . She will be developing a third film in the franchise together with james gunn. In an interview with comic book. Com, she says portraying wonder woman is dear to her heart. The exact plans for the movie havent yet been revealed. The world of dc films will undergo a rebirth of sorts in 2025. So expect new wonder woman movie sometime after that. Madonna apparently recovered enough from her recent health scare to take three of her daughters to beyonces concert in new york last weekend. Photos show the two pop royals and their daughters meeting back stage. Madonna posted afterwards that the girls were enthralled by the show. Madonna was acknowledged during the concert with the words queen mother madonna flashing on the jumbo screens. And now dua lipa is wrapped up in another lawsuit. She and her record label are being sued over copyright infringement. A musician who played on the track said their work was only supposed to be use the in the original recording but there was no written contract between the parties. The lawsuit claims their work was being used in several rem remixes. Shake it off shake it off it was music to the ears of taylor swifts road crew for sure, the singers that handed out 100,000 bonuses to each of the Truck Drivers with who worked on her u. S. Tour. The Trucking Company ceo says the drivers had no idea what was coming when they went to what looked like a routine meeting on monday. That is when swift surprised them with the six Figure Checks which their boss described as lifechanging. Other crew members who worked on her u. S. Tour which is ending next week also received bonuses. Thanks for joining me here. Im max foster. Early start is next. He snores like an angry rhino. Youve never heard an angry rhino. Baby i hear one every night. Every night. Okay. Ill work on that. Save up to 500 on the new sleep number® smart bed. Plus, free Home Delivery when you add an adjustable base. Shop now only at sleep number®. Subways now slicing their meats fresh. Thats why subways proffered by this champ. And this future champ. And if we proffer it, we know youll proffer it too. Hes cocky for a nineteen year old. Welcome to our viewer s in the United States and Around The World. Im omar jimenez. Today another day, another arraignment for donald trump. The former president set to appear in person in a washington, d. C. Federal courtroom today to face a judge in his third criminal

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