Time, came To Washington And Executed Preplanned Attack strategies on the day of the insurrection. This guilty plea were learning about from a notice in a Court Filing Gray Den Young is a 54yearold man from florida, one of a pair of siblings who prosecutors say traveled to a Virginia Hotel in early january to attend these trump rallies. Hes facing six crimes including conspiracy and aiding and abetting the obstruction of the congressional proceedings. These could be reduced with a plea deal. Thats quite often the case, that certain charges are dropped, given these people are deciding to cooperate with the Justice Department of justice. Thats happening today at 2 00. This is, again, a Significant Development because were watching these conspiracy cases unfold. What were watching for now is how his case will affect the other people charged in the oath keepers case. Now that hes cooperating with the department of justice, it has implications possibly for the other people charged as part of that major conspiracy case. Whitney wild, this Geltz To Organization and planning here which is federal prosecutors allegations. We had you on yesterday showing some of the video as they were discussing how theyd attempt to enter the capital. Explain the importance of that and prosecutors plans going forward. What theyre trying to do here is, i think theyll end up using information this person can supply to shore up the cases against other people. Especially when were having a nationwide conversation about what happened, so many people saying it wasnt planned, wasnt that bad, theres going to be someone today who will possibly admit that it was planned, that it was a conspiracy. We dont yet know to what charges hes going to plead guilty or what prosecutors are going to drop. Thats the significance here, someone involved saying exactly what prosecutors say happened did happen, and theyre pleading guilty to the major charges. Thats the implication. Thats what is really significant when were having this National Conversation about what really happened. No question. It contradicts this theory that this was spontaneous. Youve heard from some republican lawmakers that it was like tourists in the capitol which we know it was not. Whitney, thank you. News on the ongoing pandemic. Dr. Anthony fauci is issuing a warning about the Delta Variant first identified in india. He says that variant does pose a major risk in this country in the progress already made against covid19. The Delta Variant is the greatest threat in the u. S. In our attempt to eliminate covid19. Good news, vaccines are effective against the Delta Variant. There is a danger, a real danger that if there is a persistence of a recalcitrance to getting vaccinated, you can see localized surges. Just take a look at how rapidly this variant is spreading, in may, 1 in five cases, now one in five. The data shows its spreading more quickly in areas with lower Vaccination Rates. Colorado showing the second highest prevalence of the Delta Variant in the country. Cdc reports one of at least three states that has reported at least 300 cases of the variant as of early june. Dr. Anthony fauci said the best way to protect children who cant yet get vaccinated, of course emergency approved for kids 12 and up, is for those who are eligible, to make sure they get the vaccine, to protect your children and others children. Cnn medical correspondent dr. Sanjay gupta joining us. This country is doing well in terms of Vaccination Rates. How serious a threat does the Delta Variant pose to that rec recovery. How important is the question . I think its important to ask. I think its clear well see some slight resurgences overall in terms of this particular variant causing those up ticks in cases. Weve seen that in other parts of the world. As you point out, the vaccines are very protective. Question one is does this become the sort of covid strain looking ten years from now, five years from now . Is this it . We know its going to tinker and eventually land on the strain. Is this it . If it is, the vaccines are very protective. As the virus spreads more and more, if not, more mutations can occur. We may get more mutations and more strains. So that becomes a potential risk to everyone. Going into the late summer, early fall, well probably see some bumpups because of this particular virus. Is the Vaccination Rate in this country high enough to prevent a big surge . Ive gotten so used to not painting this country with one brush anymore, poppy. It totally depends. Let me show you quickly the Vaccination Protection which is the good news in all this. They pooled this data from pfizer and astrazeneca. Youre talking about vaccines distributed around the world. You get good protection against both the alpha which is the uk variant and the delta, the one were talking about. By the way, youve got to get two shots. We know one shot gives you far less protection. Poppy, to your point, if you look at a more granular level at communities we looked in florida, for example, communities where theres lower Vaccination Rates versus a similar community where theres higher Vaccination Rates, you see delta becoming a larger percentage of the overall infections. Thats not preordained. Delta it wasnt going to turn out this way, but delta seems to attack or be more prevalent in unvaccinated communities whereas, for example, gamma, the brazil variant seems to be more common in vaccinated communities but not spreading as much. A much smaller percentage. Well see, but thats sort of where we are. Dr. Sanjay gupta, thank you very much. Lets hope more people get vaccinated quickly because this thing is clearly spreading way, way too much. Best way to protect yourself and others, its in the data. Hours from now President Biden will announce his plan to Curb Gun Violence and a rise in crime as the nation really reels, many cities in the country reeling from this. In the u. S. , there have been 296 mass shootings, 16 mass murders, events in which four or more people have been killed in this year. Lets get to john harwood for more details on what well hear from biden today which, aside from executive orders, will include yet another call on congress to act, right . Reporter thats right. One of the things joe biden has learned in his long career, the federal government in washington may have limited comprehension for why crime is going up and limited ability to do much about it. The one thing the federal government cannot do and the president and the white house cannot do is ignore the situation. Joe biden is going to take some actions today, call on congress to take some more actions and speak out about it at the white house this afternoon. So things like some regulatory steps to try to crack down on gun dealers who are not following current background check laws, asking congress to strengthen background check laws, something they have failed to do earlier this year and for the last several years, emphasize some communitybased anti gun violence interventions that can be funded through money that the state and local governments have, using some of the American Rescue plan money to hire more Police Officers, urging congress to approve his nominee, david chip plan to the atf. All of these are ways for the president to say i recognize what is happening, its unclear exactly why its happening post pandemic. The Homicide Rate is moving somewhat independently from what were seeing in statistics for other crimes. Nevertheless, joe biden is going to speak out on it. We need to remember that one of the things that lifted joe biden to his nomination to become the democratic nominee for president , he took a what more moderate approach than others. The senate within the Democratic Party agrees with that, not defend the police agenda, more a moderate agenda that joe biden will emphasize again today. Not clear exactly what effect these steps will have. Joe biden is trying to tell the american people, im on it. Well wait for those remarks in a few hours. John harwood, thanks a lot for the reporting from the white house. Still to come this hour, democrats are strategizing their next move after Senate Republicans knock down even debating an elections reform bill. One republican Secretary Of State says that bipartisan compromise should be on the table. How he and others made this work in his state, the state of kentucky coming up. Plus, republicans do well in rural areas across the country, but when it comes to big cities, do they stand a chance now . The newly elected republican player of the 12th largest city in american, ft. Worth, texas, will be with us. A break between the former president and ivanka trump and Jared Kushner. Well have the details. Pain . Yeah. Here. Aspercreme with maxstrength lidocaine. Works fast and lasts. Keep it. Youre gonna need it. Kick pain in the aspercreme the light. It comes from within. It drives you. And it guides you. To shine your brightest. As you charge ahead. Illuminating the way forward. A light maker. Recognizing that the impact you make, comes from the energy you create. Introducing the allelectric lyriq. Lighting the way. Psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen, painful. Tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. Some patients even felt less fatigued. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Tremfya®. Emerge tremfyant™. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. Introducing the new Bud Light Seltzer retro summer pack. Right now Many Democrats are demanding action after Senate Republicans blocked debated on a sweeping election reform bill. Democrats were hoping to use that legislation to Battle Restrictive Voting Laws enacted by several gopled states after t the last election claiming fraud while there wasnt fraud. Kentucky, a red state is making it easier. By the way, theyre doing it in a bipartisan way. Joining me now to talk about this is the republican Secretary Of State. Secretary, thanks for talking with me this morning. Youve seen nationally in many states where you have gop majorities where the push is supporting. This is a bipartisan effort by democrats and republicans, republicans in kentucky. Why are republicans in kentucky expanding access to voting while in other states doing the opposite . Well, i think just because we got two things right here. Number one, our bill, which is, by the way, the biggest Election Reform Measure weve had in 130 years. Our bill was put together by election administrateders, not by a think tank, a caucus or a bunch of staffers for legislators. Me, democrats and republicans around the state, local officials, state officials. Number two, we got everybody around the table at the same time. The democratic governor played a role. Obviously i played a role. This was a bipartisan package from the getgo. This is the right way to make election policy, not have a Party Line Vote in washington or state legislatures, because then youll have the public think youre up to something. The best way to do this is get everybody to the table. It really is. The san ktity and security of elections has become a partisan issue i wonder because there is evidence that republican vote ers as much as democratic voters do. As a republican lawmaker, are you considering other states might be shooting themselves in the foot by enacting some of what they have put in place . I do think that. Theres one thing democrats and republicans all agree on, they all want to vote. Voting is pretty popular among voters. This should be decided at the state level. I think the local culture of a state should factor in in what that state system looks like. Here in kk most democrats want to vote in person and most republicans want to vote in person. For us, the best way to expand voting was to expand the number of days of voting. This should be decided based on the culture of the state. You have republican states that vote by mail, democratic states that dont. Listen to your own voters. I hear you. I know your opinion on the National Voting legislation which was blocked in the senate yesterday. You spoke about compromise in kentucky. There is been compromise. For instance, joe manchin put his backing behind a compromise that would actually enact many of the things that republicans are looking for, for instance, the ability to purge rolls of out dated information, but also have voter id. Though you oppose what went before the senate yesterday, do you from your perspective see the possibility for compromise on what joe manchin is proposing . I think theres a long way to go. The last major federal election law we had was hava. It was a bipartisan product. You had a Democratic Senate and republican house, and it was great. I would rather see the approach where theres bare minimums versus congress telling us how to run our states elections. Some of the same people in congress, a year ago today when we had our election, were saying they wed have a debacle in kentucky. We had a great election, highest turnout ever. I believe in local Decision Making to the extent its possible. You can certainly have a floor by congress about certain minimum standards. I wondered you know the allegation that youve heard from many republicans and frankly from the former president that the 2020 election was marred by widespread Election Fraud, et cetera. In kentucky did you see any widespread Election Fraud in 2020 . Absolutely not. In fact, ive maintained weve had a more secure election than weve had prior to 2020 when we had our old outdated rules from the 19th century. The biggest thing kentucky showed is you can have access and security at the same time. Its a false choice. People are polarized, making partisan arguments about security and access. You can have both at the same time. Weve made voting easier and more secure in kentucky. To your credit, youre talking about this honestly, working across the aisle, dealing with this based on data, right, as opposed to outrageous allegations. What do you think needs to be done because, frankly, the security of that election has been legitimacy has been attacked. We see in the public polling where a good portion of the country thinks the election was illegitimate. How do you respond to that . In 2004 when george bush republicans stole the election. The losing side tends to think they didnt get a fair shake. You know this one is different, right . The candidate in 2004, they conceded. They invited the new president into the white house, have not continued a public campaign. It is different and more expansive this time. I dont disagree with that. I think the starting point should be to depoliticize the manner in which People Choose to vote. Theres nothing republican about voighting in person or by democrats voting by absentee ballots. Its kind of ridiculous. How people vote shouldnt be a partisan issue. I hear you. Listen, my mom is from the great state of kentucky. Always good to have a voice, Secretary Of State michael adams, thank you. Thanks a lot. Big question on capitol hill is will a deal be reached on infrastructure . You and i have asked that question a lot in recent weeks and months. There will be yet another meeting on it soon. White house officials set to headal with House Speaker nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. Manu, what are you learning . There is a push to get the bipartisan deal, but its not there pat the moment. They are still struggling between the white house and a Bipartisan Group of senators to find out how to pay for this 1. 2 trillion plan. Theres disagreements on how to use already enacted covid relief money as well as if there should be with taxes, for republicans thats off the table. The white house has been pushing concerns about republicans, about how it will play out. Now there are growing concerns from the left including liberals like senator Elizabeth Warren who says the talks are going on too long and they should instead go on their own, a democraticonly approach. She said she couldnt get behind any baron deal coming together and its time to go it alone. What concerns you about the bipartisan talks right now . How much time theyre chewing up and how much delay they keep putting into the process when they recognize thats not the whole infrastructure package. It is a subset, and right off the top before the negotiations even began, the people involved acknowledged it was not going to solve the problems that we face on infrastructure. You can support that . Absolutely. We cannot have a subset of what needs to be done in america. Reporter so this is the challenge for Democratic Leaders because theyre going to lose some support from people on the left like Elizabeth Warren, but they can see if they get enough republican support if they do go that route. The concern is in the democraticled house. A narrow majority there getting that bill through. The democratic liberals want to move for washed on this democraticonly approach, through the budget reconciliation process. They want commitments from moderates they will go that route as well. They dont have those commitments yet. A lot of issues before they can get this on joe bidens desk. Manu raju, thank you for that reporting. We have Breaking News from the Supreme Court just in. Cnns Jessica Schneider joins us from washington, a Freedom Of Speech case closely watched. Where did the court decide here . Reporter this is a Hot Button Case that focuses on these free speech issues in the age of social media. It was about a cheerleader from pennsylvania who issued a profanity latent snapchat message, kicked off the Cheerleading Team for one minute. The Supreme Court saying the School District violated her rights by kicking her off the team. Saying its offcampus speech and couldnt be regulated by the school here. This is an 81 decision. It was Justice Thomas dissenting here. Again, were seeing several, most of these justices coming together to issue this ruling. This is affirming the Lower Court Ruling that says her rights were violated when the school punished her because of her off campus speech. What this decision also lays out, it says there may be some offcampus speech that schools can, in fact, regulate. The Supreme Court saying things like bullying, harassment. Those are offcampus Speech Topics that School Districts might be able to step in and punish or regulate. In this case the School District went too far according to the Supreme Court. This was a snapchat message. It was supposed to disappear. Someone actually had captured it and showed it to Someone Affiliating with the Cheerleading Team. Thats how this then High School Sophomore got in trouble here. The Supreme Court really indicated their belief that the School District had gone too far here. Several of the justices spoke out saying that the punishment here really just didnt fit the crime. In particular, Justice Kavanaugh was particularly outspoken in Oral Argument, which is interesting because he coaches girls basketball, so he knows how Student Athletes can get. He says its a case of an athlete blowing off steam. Justice breyer was outspoken saying, are you kidding me here . Are we going to punish students every time they swear off campus . He said, if that were the case, millions would be punished for swearing off campus. This is interesting as well because this comes at a time when social media is so prevalent, and anything that these students do on social media no matter where they are in the world, it can instantaneously be reflected back on campus. Thats sort of the line that the justices had to tow here, even if something is said off campus via social media, it can impact what happens on campus. Thats why theyre laying out this broad scope saying schools can sometimes regulate, whether its bullying or harassing language. But in this case, this was really just, in the words of Justice Kavanaugh a cheerleader blowing off some steam and the School District, therefore, cant punish her and they violated her Free Speech Rights. Jessica, thank you for laying it all out for us. Lets get some more analysis on it. Jeffrey toobin is with us. Breyer with the majority opinion. Youre surprised . I am surprised. These cases began with a famous case in 1965 out of des moines, iowa, where a student wore an armband to protest the vietnam war and she was disciplined, and the Supreme Court said students have Free Speech Rights except when its disruptive. All of the subsequent cases have been about whether the speech is disruptive. There have been a long series of interesting cases that the court has dealt with with Free Speech Rights of students, and in recent years, the students have lost most of the time. But this time in a really almost unanimous opinion, 81, the student won. I have to say, the snapchat itself is like poetry. It is so i will paraphrase it because we cant say it exactly. It is f school, f softball, f cheer, f everything. I believe the student is speaking for every High School Student whoever went to high school ever. This sentiment is so universal in the frustration expressed in such a colorful way. That i think breyer at Oral Argument, kavanaugh at Oral Argument said, look, this is how High School Students talk and communicate, largely through social media, and were not going to discipline them unless there is some victim involved like bullying. I think, frankly, this is a great opinion. It shows that an 82yearold justice like Stephen Breyer can understand how the modern world work. Good for this student who took her case all the way to the Supreme Court. Shes not identified, only b. L. In the case. Jeffrey, i know you pushed back on me when i brought this back the other day. I do want to ask you a question. This is an 81 decision, a couple days ago 90 decision. 72 on the aca but bigger than the prior margins. All the talk was about a straight 63 split, six solid conservatives, always going to go that way, three liberals always going to go this way. Youve seen, have you not, or am i wrong, some unexpected overlap or coming meeting of the minds on some of these decisions . I will grant you some un unexpected overlap. Thats as far as ill go. The ncaa case was unanimous. This case was close to unanimous. Wait until we get to the hotbutton social issues. We still have a very big Voting Rights act case outstanding out of arizona, a case that gets more relevant every day that its outstanding because of whats going on in congress about the Voting Rights act, whats going on in the states with the Voting Rights act. Lets talk about the kumbaya moments in the Skourlupreme Cou when they start unifying on these Divvy Sive Social and political issues. I think its good hen the Supreme Court speaks in a closetounanimous voice as it has recently. But lets hold off on making any big judgments about the court changing. I will hold off on making the unexpected overlap comment. You know how much i love you, toobin. Im going to give sciutto points. Well see what happens with arizona. I hear you. Before we go, can we ask you about breyer writing all these big opinions and all the talk about where hes going to go next term. Apparently he understands snapchat as you pointed out. What does it tell you that, again, breyer wrote the majority here . It tells you that the Chief Justice assigned him those opinions. Thats how opinion writing works in the Supreme Court, and the question we will ask is he doing this as a gesture to let him have a Big Swan Song in his last year . Or is he assigning those opinions because he wants to show justice breyer, look, youre still a valued member of this court, stay with us a few years longer. Both of those are possibilities. I dont know which one is right. Ultimately, it will be up to him. Jeffrey toobin, thanks very much. The news keeps coming. Well be right back. And you need it here. And here. And here. Which is why the scientific expertise that helps Operating Rooms stay clean is now helping the places you go every day too. 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Ensure fair congressional districts. And protect our freedom to vote. Because the real power is you. And its time for the people to win. Welcome back to that same old place that you laughed about well, the names have all changed since you hung around welcome back, america. It sure is good to see you. Delicia this is where all our recycling is sorted 1. 2 Million Pounds every day, helping to make San Francisco the greenest big city in america. But thats not all youll find here. There are hundreds of goodpaying jobs, with most new workers hired from bayviewhunters point. We dont just work at recology, we own it, creating opportunity and a better planet. Now, thats making a difference. The Supreme Court just handed down a decision. Cnns Jessica Schneider joins us from washington. What was the decision and the vote . Were seeing this come down in the more Traditional Party line fashion, if you will, 63. The conservatives joining together to issue this opinion, really going against Union Organizers in california in favor of agricultural growers. The justices here saying a California Law that allowed Union Organizers on to agricultural properties. There was a law that theyre allowed for three hours per day, up to 120 days per year for Union Organizing activity. The conservative justices joining together saying this amounts to an unconstitutional government taking of property. In order for this California Law to continue to allow these Union Organizers unfettered access to these agricultural employees on this agricultural property, california either cant enforce this law anymore or they have to properly compensate the agricultural growers for the time theyre spending on the land here. So really this going down among Traditional Party lines. Were seeing the six conservative justices, written by Chief Justice job roberts, and the three liberals here are dissenting. This is really a big Property Rights issue. This is a big issue for the agricultural growers. Interesting the Trump Administration had taken the side of the growers. But when the Biden Administration took effect in january, we saw the administration saying they were siding with the unions here. In the end, the unions leading out in this 63 decision from the conservative court. Jeffrey toobin, no sooner had we ediscussed unexpected overla, a major loss for unions here. Sciutto, i promise i didnt set this up with chief Justice Roberts just to make the point i was making, that there are still deep political divisions on this court. When you look at issues like labor unions, like Personal Injury Lawsuits, this is a court that overwhelmingly decides with defendants in Personal Injury Lawsuits for employers rather than employees, and this case was just an example of that. All right. There you go. Its coming at us one by one. Stirl cases to come from the Supreme Court. Stay tuned later this week. Jeffrey and jessica, thanks very much. Later today President Biden will announce his plan to help Curb Gun Violence as the nation and many cities reel from a stunning rise in Violent Crime over the next year. Our next guest is one of 28 democratic mayors from across the country who recently sent a letter to President Biden calling on him to take action on gun violence. Kansas city saw a record 182 Homicide Victims in 2020, 620 nonfatal shootings. To put that in perspective, last year one in every thousand kansas City Residents was shot. Thats an unreal statistic. The mayor of kansas city, missouri, Quinton Lucas joins us now. We just pointed out what you and your residents are living every day which is part of the driver and what sparked this letter to President Biden. What do you want to see him say and do after the remarks today . There are a few things. First we want Sustainable Solutions to gun violence. Last year during the Trump Administration we had Operation Legend where federal agents were sent to cities. We still saw homicide records. It wasnt that we dont see the need for help or federal Law Enforcement. We want it targeted and prevention issues and intervention, finding jobs and opportunities for those coming out of prison, and importantly and once and for all making sure were addressing a lot of those people who were in crisis each and every day. So many of our crimes relate to those mentally ill, making sure we invest in those areas is going to be key in addition to supporting Law Enforcement and paying for things that have all been in existence to fight crime. To your point, when my team was out with nypd officers on patrol. You talk to the cops and they dont say theres any Silver Bullet to this, its a Multilayer Problem with multiple solutions. I want to ask you about one piece, though, because this is a highly charged political issue here. Can you do Crime Prevention and crime response without addressing the surge in guns, what looking at access to guns . No, no. And i know theres this big political and legal issue. Importantly we have guns that are flooding into our major cities. In kansas city we get them from states all around us. Chicago has the same problem, every major city in america. Id ask the atf, ask this administration, when youre looking at federal enforcement, make sure youre looking at illegal dealers, the ghost gun problem, the trafficking. The guns arent made in our major cities by and large, but theyre here and getting in the hands of teenagers and 13yearolds and others. Weve had this surge in gun violence really crescendoing for years getting to the point now. Something that does need to be addressed, where the feds could make a huge step starting today with better enforcement through atf. Mayor, the kansas city board of Police Commissioners ais suig the city, supporting a cut by 20 , about 42 million in the annual budget. Why take this money away when youre seeing such a spike in Violent Crime and shootings . In some ways were not taking the money away from the police department. We were just trying to make sure its spent on things that Kansas Cityians and americans like. I hear you, but their pushback is your list aligns with a lot of what they were planning to do. Right. What i would say is actually we want to make sure theyre spending in areas that were actually shown to prevent crime, community policing, Neighborhood Policing. Investing for those in Mental Health crisis, working on reentry programs. Buying a bunch of tanks, allah ferguson, does not help. I plan to have an increased police budget, a new more diverse recruiting class. Were going to make sure that spending is in areas that shows an ability to prevent crime, rather than throwing money at the problem year after year which weve done my entire life. Weve had almost 5,000 people murdered in kansas city since the mid 1980s, a tragic number for a city of 500,000. Were looking to break this status quo. Were the only city in the country without control of our police department. Thats what were trying to do long term, not take money from those fighting crime. Our Police Officers need help on the streets, they like the Mental Health support, they like making sure were investing in Neighborhood Policing programs. Thats what the white house can help us do. I havent heard a single one ask for a tank. Kansas city mayor, Quinton Lucas, we wish you luck. Youve got a lot on your plate. Coming up, they were often seen as two of former president trumps closest allies. Ivanka trump and Jared Kushner distancing themselves from him. New details ahead. If a computer can replace a truck driver or a cashier, ultimately wont a computer code itself . Do we actually see a society that moves back to emphasizing, prioritizing and putting great value on the arts . As we start to manage our technology usage, we could see somewhat of a renaissance era in society that moves back to prioritizing music and ballet and fine arts. The creativity of thinking out of the box, how you can take basic things in the world and create something thats highly productive. When i think about my children, i think about creativity. Im less focused on technical skills, than i am in terms of making sure that the mind remains open. I am katy huberty. We are morgan stanley. I dont hydrate like everyone else. Because im not everyone else. They drink what theyre told to drink. I drink what helps me rehydrate and recover pedialyte® sport. Because it works. And so do i. A lot of people think they know their credit, but did you know you have more than 28 fico® scores . And yet we pretend that one score from a free app is what lenders actually look at . Its not. So let me ask, do you really know your credit . Do you know how to improve it . How to protect it . Dont worry. Thats why theres extracredit. Dont settle for a free credit app. Get the most comprehensive Credit Solution ever created. Extra credit at credit. Com. New this morning, evidence of a rift within the trump family. Cnn has learned that the two people very close to the president during his time in office, his daughter ivanka trump and soninlaw Jared Kushner have been distancing themselves from trump among his constant claims of what he calls a stolen election but was not. Kate bennett, what did you hear . Basically the continued on going arguments and quite frequently ranting of the Election Results and the surrounding of himself with Fringe Elements has really caused a fair amount of distance between Jared Kushner and ivanka trump who, as we know, were ubiquitous presence, involved in policy messaging. For now, the couple rarely sees the president , occasionally speaking on the phone. They are no longer involved in any element of his political future, of his planning of his rallies, the statements he puts out, the endorsements hes been making of other republican candidates running for office. This is a real separation between what we saw for four, five years with Jared Kushner and ivanka trump and drmd and what were seeing now. It created a void where other people are. Dropping your child off at nursery school, you dont have to stay long each day. Each day you can stay a shorter amount of time. Thats how it felt, backing away from this donald trump apparatus that was happening, and now to barely even having a presence in his orbit. Kate, quickly, are either of them willing to say so publicly, that the election was legitimate . Not so far, jim. Thats not something that either of them have come out and said. They have withdrawn almost completely from social media, ivanka trump at least. Jared kushner signed a sevenfigure book deal. Perhaps well hear something then. This is a couple that has stepped away from the limelight and clearly stepped away from their fatherinlaw and father. Kate bennett, thanks very much. Thank you, kate. Romance novelist Jackie Collins is one of the most successful arthurs of all times, but her bestselling story may be the one she never had a chance to tell before her own death. Now the new ceo film lady boss shows her building a hollywood empire. Here is a preview. Jackies knowledge helped create the ethos of the 80s, that kind of became who she was. The most highly paid author in the united kingdom. Girl, woman, she. Its another word for a chicken. A lady. Sounds like cant wait to see it. Joining us now is laura lieser, Jackie Collins Business Manager and friend. I hope i pronounced your name correctly. Did i . Yes. You were so close to her, both working with her but also on a very personal level. She was pretty private herself. You knew the Jackie Collins that almost no one else did. What was she like in private . In private she was probably just as much fun as everybody saw. She was private in a sense that she didnt divulge much of her personal life, but she was so, so much fun and so bright and very much into her family. Her family was number one to her. She was just a delight. Jackie collins considered herself a feminist. There are critics who challenged that. Tell us your view. Definitely a feminist. She was ahead of her time. She was so pro womens rights. You can tell in her books. Even though she wrote very sexy, very fun, very hollywood stories, but the underlying message was for women to be strong and to sort of being who way tant to be and to have people write. We cannot wait to see it. Thank you so much for joining us this morning with a little bit of that insight and many more answers to come in the film. Thank you, laura. Be sure to watch lady boss the Jackie Collins story sunday at 9 00 eastern. Thank you very much for joining us. Well see you tomorrow. Im poppy harlow. Im jim sciutto. At this hour with kate bolduan will start right after a quick break. At this hour were beginning with two breaking stories. An alleged member of the oath keepers will be pleading guilty today in the dead think capitol insurrection. Also following Breaking News out of the Supreme Court, a Free Speech Ruling just handed down. Lets get to both. Lets begin first with cnns whitney wild on the insurrection investigation. Whitney, what are you learning about what is going to happen today . This is a Significant Development. A man named Grayden Young who is accused around this far right extremist group. The allegation is they pre land this attack and carried it out on the day of january 6th. Gray denchtsn young is accused of being within this stack, a group of people who snaked through the crowd in this paramilitary gear and ended up making their way into the capitol. Hes one of a pair of siblings that prosecu

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